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Anatoly Karpov vs Garry Kasparov (1985) "The Brisbane Bombshell"

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Anatoly Karpov vs Garry Kasparov

"The Brisbane Bombshell" (game of the day Nov-05-08)
Karpov - Kasparov World Championship Match (1985) Sicilian Defense: Paulsen Variation. Gary Gambit (B44) 0-1



To move: white



Last move: 1.

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 e6 3. d4 cd4 4. Nd4 Nc6 5. Nb5 d6 6. c4 Nf6

7. N1c3 a6 8. Na3 d5 9. cd5 ed5 10. ed5 Nb4 11. Be2 Bc5
12. O-O O-O 13. Bf3 Bf5 14. Bg5 Re8 15. Qd2 b5 16. Rad1
Nd3 17. Nab1 h6 18. Bh4 b4 19. Na4 Bd6 20. Bg3 Rc8 21. b3
g5 22. Bd6 Qd6 23. g3 Nd7 24. Bg2 Qf6 25. a3 a5 26. ab4 ab4
27. Qa2 Bg6 28. d6 g4 29. Qd2 Kg7 30. f3 Qd6 31. fg4 Qd4
32. Kh1 Nf6 33. Rf4 Ne4 34. Qd3 Nf2 35. Rf2 Bd3 36. Rfd2
Qe3 37. Rd3 Rc1 38. Nb2 Qf2 39. Nd2 Rd1 40. Nd1 Re1
Given 71 times; par: 58 [what's this?]

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Anatoly Karpov vs Garry Kasparov (1985) "The Brisbane Bombshell"

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Aug-19-12 Snehalshekatkar: Great Kasparov! Greater Kasparov!!
Greatest Kasparov!!!
Aug-28-12 Llawdogg: The Brisbane Bombshell really is a cool short story.
And touching as well.
Oct-13-12 ex0duz:
Kasparov himself annotates the game for 30 minutes! Just
watching him gloat how Karpov has no moves and he can play
moves like Kg7 and wait for Karpov to just self destruct is

Kasparov on
Kasparov: Part I

This is probably his favourite game(or equal with the one vs

Topalov.. but to do it vs Karpov in a WC match must have been
an AWESOME feeling). He talks about that knight on d3 like it
was his wife, he wanted it there for life and Karpov himself
would even give up his queen in the end for that beauty! True
love prevails though!
Jan-26-13 nopassion4jazz: Times and times again I've watched this
game, and I'm still amazed how kaspy stretched the time by
rushing the marcozy bind... The conservant's formula has to be
the toughest ways to make an opening considering that the
opponents wouldn't have much options for his move, am I right?
Feb-14-13 kingscrusher: Hi all
I have specifically covered the g5 move in this video for those
Mar-07-13 Tigranny: <kingscrusher> Thanks for your videos on this
game. Is this your favorite ever?
Mar-07-13 RookFile: One of the best games ever in world championship
play. It was thrilling to watch this on the PBS channel as Shelby
Lyman and friends covered it.
Mar-07-13 HeMateMe: How does the pun "Brisbane Bombshell" link to this
Mar-28-13 Shelter417: <HeMateMe>
This brilliant short story by Tim Krabb:
Nov-23-13 znsprdx: < Shelter417: Mar-28-13 pg 10 This >brilliant< short
story by Tim Krabb: >
a pity there is (are) no game score(s)or FEN position (s) or am I
too much of a patzer?

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Anatoly Karpov vs Garry Kasparov (1985) "The Brisbane Bombshell"

Dec-11-13 tzar: This excellent game only confirms that the edge between
the two K' in their WC matches came from Kasparov's better
home preparation. I don't intend to diminish the quality of this
great game, and for sure home preparation is a big asset in a
player strength. According to Kasparov himself this game was
due to one of the most extensive preparations of his career,
lasting for months.
In his own words, he had the full concept of the game in his
head. Meanwhile poor little Karpov had to respond over the
On the other hand, when Karpov won games in these WC due to
home preparation (few), Kasparov immediately diminish the
importance of those victories by saying it was just a home
preparation (in others he even said that Karpov had stolen his
preparation -lets remember the Vladimirov episode in 86-).
Jan-26-14 PJs Studio: Kasparov - the most dangerous player ever. My
favorite game of his.
Mar-03-14 chrisfalter: @HeHateMe - The gambit 8...d5!? was first played
in Brisbane. See for
Mar-03-14 offramp: I consider this game dans sa totalit as dross.
But 8....d5! is superb. I have seen that supposed Be3 refutation
and I'm not certain. Who wouldn't like to play it on ICC?
Mar-17-14 LIFE Master AJ:
Mar-17-14 LIFE Master AJ: This is game # 89 in the Soltis book, "The 100
Jun-11-14 cplyakap: 37...Rc1!! is immortal.
Jul-02-15 Bobby Spassky: One of the greatest games and nobody has
commented on it in ten years! Seirawan has a video of this
game on youtube.
Jul-02-15 ughaibu: Fifteen minus fourteen is usually held to equal one.
Jul-03-15 Bobby Spassky: My mistake. I was on an earlier comment

Jul-03-15 Joshka: I think his Gambit was refuted shortly after this match.

Jul-03-15 perfidious: <Joshka> Do not believe Karpov vs Van der Wiel,

1986 is still considered an outright refutation, but it marked the
end of 8....d5 in top-level play, at any rate.
Jul-04-15 Joshka: <perfidious> Yes it seems like Karpov had the upper
hand, but could not take the full point somehow.......doesn't
seem to be played anymore at the top level like you
many games one plays over where one player is a pawn up, but
still nothing doing, sometimes it's not enough to win...maybe
some computer input is needed!;-)
Aug-24-15 SpiritedReposte: For me this game is up there with the
greatest games ever.
In that youtube video linked by <ex0duz> Kasparov notes that

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04/01/2016 12:33 a.m.

Anatoly Karpov vs Garry Kasparov (1985) "The Brisbane Bombshell"

<23. ...Nd7> prevents Whites natural move <24. Nb2> because

of <24. ...Qf6! 25. Nxd3 Bxd3 26. Qxd3 Ne5!> and the queen is
trapped in the middle of the board!
Very nice sideline in this amazing game.
Aug-24-15 RookFile: Kasparov learned from Alekhine, and certainly
Alekhine would have been proud to have played such a splendid
and deep game.
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