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Besides, Nida and Taber (1969:12) say that "translating consists of

reproducing in the receptor language and secondly in the term of the style the closest

natural equivalent of the source language message, first in the term of meaning".

By knowing the grammar, we do the application in the real situation. Since

he functions of grammar to make meaning clearly and we will understand the

materials we learn about. The teacher must, first explain the grammar items and

make sure that the students can understand them. As the basic element of the

language, the students are required to master the grammar needed. Based on the

background above, the researcher choose the title of the thesis: Analysis of

Grammar Difficulties in Translating English into Indonesian.

1.2 Problem of the Research

The problems of this research are :

1. Do the first year students of SAM N I Peusangan Siblah Krueng face difficulty

to translate English into Indonesia?

2. Are the first year students of SM4N 1 Peusangan Siblah Krueng able to

translate English into Indonesia?

1.3 Purpose of the Research

The purpose of this research can be drawn as follows:

1. To know whether first year students of SMA N 1 Peusangan Siblah

Krueng do some mistakes in translating English grammar into Indonesia.

2. To know whether the first year students of SMA N 1 Peusangan Siblah

Krueng are able to translate English into Indonesian

1.4 The Significance of Research

Theoretically, this study is to provide practical benefit of analysis of

grammar difficulties and help the students to overcome the problems in

translating English grammar into Indonesian. Moreover, it can enrich the

teacher to apply the technique in teaching translation. It can also be

contributed to the school in improving the quality of its inputs.

Practically, by analyzing the grammar difficulties, the teacher can

motivate the students in learning grammar and translation more creatively

and effectively. Finally, for other researcher, the result of this study is

expected to be used as the reference in conducting the further research,

particularly those related to grammar and translation.

1.5 The Scope of the Research

The grammar difficulties in translating English into Indonesia such as:

Present continuous tense, simple sentence, infinitive, noun phrase, gerund, using how

many and there, article, question tag, causative, linking verb, adverb of

degree, comparison of adverb, conditional it, passive voice, question words

and auxiliary.



4.1 Analysis of Data Collection

From the data gathered, a calculation was made to find whether there

are any significant different difficulties between English and Indonesian

grammar. Knowing the students' difficulties in translation, it is needed to

calculate the percentage of the students, response to the questions. The percentage

can be shown as following tables:

Table 4.1
Students' Answer of Present Continuous Tense
Alternative Answer Frequency Percentage
1. a. Correct 20 60
7. b. Error 10 30
c. No option 3 10
33 100

The table 4.1 showed us that there are more students not difficult in

translation about present continuous tense in the classroom. To make the students

actively in translation, the teacher has to give more exercises about variety

of tenses. The students' activity in doing exercises is very slow. It causes by lack

of vocabulary and contextual sentence.


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