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For Healty Bowel Function

Timely removal of fecal matter
helps prevent the colon from
absorbing toxic waste back into the
bloodstream. But, the lifestyle and
environment most Americans know
includes fiber-poor foods, sedentary
living, stress, chemicals and other
factors that place a heavy burden
on the bodys elimination system.
Toxic bowel tissue cannot perform to
capacity, and after years of abuse,
it often breaks down.
LBS II contains nutrients that encourage the
production of digestive enzymes and bile, which
influence proper bowel function. It also contains herbs
that support the action of bowel muscles, promoting
regular elimination. Combined with a high-fiber diet
and exercise, LBS II offers terrific help to bowel health.

Supports normal bowel function.

Helps clear the bowels of toxic waste.
Works gently.
Encourages better digestion.

Licorice root gently supports peristalsis and general

Capsicum fruit supports elimination and circulation.
It acts as a synergist for the entire formulation.
Ginger root supports digestion and helps allay nausea.
It is gentle and soothing to the entire digestive tract.
Barberry bark is both cleansing and nourishing and is
especially beneficial to the liver.
Turkey rhubarb root is known for its support of bowel
health. It helps the body stay in balance. It was
originally imported from Europe.
Couch grass herb provides gentle support to the
intestines as well as the urinary system.
Red Clover tops is a well-known blood purifier.

Take 24 capsules/tablets daily with a meal.


Nutritional: Nutritional: Anti-Gas Formula,

Gallbladder Formula, Bowel Detox, Tiao-He Cleanse,
Para-Cleanse w/Paw Paw, CLT-X, Intestinal Soothe &
Homeopathic: Detoxification, Parasites.
Essential Oils: Grapefruit, Rosemary.


LBS II offers a balanced formulation for gentle,

soothing results. This unique formula helps the body
restore normal bowel habits without adverse effects.

Cascara sagrada bark, called Sacred Bark by Spanish

settlers in western America, influences the peristaltic
muscles of bowel tissue and encourages the normal flow
of bile and secretions of the stomach, pancreas and liver.
Buckthorn bark is a powerful herb renowned for its
ability to loosen the bowels. It comes from a tree that is
related to Cascara sagrada.

LBS II (100 capsules)Stock No. 990-1

LBS II (100 Vegitabs)Stock No. 993-5
LBS II (270 Vegitabs)Stock No. 998-6
LBS II Trial Pack (20)Stock No. 2497-0
Contact your local NSP Herb Specialist:

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Para una funcin intestinal saludable
La remocin de materia fecal a
tiempo ayuda a prevenir la absorcin
de toxinas por el colon llevndolas de
regreso al torrente sanguneo. La
mala alimentacin baja en fibras, la
vida sedentaria, el estrs, los txicos
qumicos y otros factores ponen una
carga pesada al sistema de
eliminacin del cuerpo. El tejido
intestinal intoxicado no puede actuar
segn su capacidad y despus de
algunos aos de abuso a menudo lo daa.
LBS II contiene nutrientes que apoyan la
produccin de enzimas digestivas y bilis, que ayudan a
la funcin intestinal apropiada. Adems contiene
hierbas que apoyan la accin de los msculos
intestinales, promoviendo la regularidad. Al ser
combinado con una alimentacin alta en fibras y el
ejercicio, LBS II ofrece una ayuda extraordinaria para
la salud intestinal.

Apoya la funcin normal de los intestinos.

Ayuda a limpiar los desperdicios txicos de los
Es suave.
Promociona una mejor digestin.

Corteza de palo de ban (Buckthorn). Hierba poderosa

con capacidad para aflojar el contenido intestinal. Proviene
de un rbol de la familia de la cscara sagrada.
Raz de regaliz (licorice). Apoya suavemente la peristalsis y
mejora la digestin general.
Cpsicum. Apoya la eliminacin y la circulacin. Acta en
sinergia con toda la frmula.
Raz de jengibre (ginger). Apoya la digestin y amengua
las nuseas. Es suave y calma todo el tracto digestivo.
Corteza de agracejo (barberry). Es limpiadora y nutritiva,
especialmente benfica para el hgado.
Raz de ruibarbo turco (Turkey rhubarb). Conocida por
su apoyo a la salud intestinal. Ayuda al equilibrio corporal.
Grama nortea (Couch grass). Otorga un apoyo suave para
los intestinos y el sistema urinario.
Trbol rojo (red clover). Purificador sanguneo reconocido.

Tome 2 4 cpsulas/tabletas diarias con una comida.


Nutritivos: Anti-Gas Formula, Gallbladder Formula, Bowel

Detox, Tiao-He Cleanse, Para-Cleanse w/Paw Paw, CLT-X,
Intestinal Soothe & Build.
Homeopticos: Detoxification, Parasites.
Aceites esenciales: Grapefruit, Rosemary.


LBS II ofrece una frmula equilibrada suave y calmante

que ayuda al cuerpo a restaurar la regularidad sin efectos

LBS II (100 cpsulas)No. de stock 990-1

LBS II (100 Vegitabs)No. de stock 993-5


Corteza de cscara sagrada. Ayuda a producir la

peristalsis en el tejido muscular intestinal y mejora el flujo
normal de la bilis y las secreciones estomacales, del
pncreas y del hgado.

Estas afirmaciones no han sido evaluadas por la FDA. Este producto no est dirigido
para el diagnstico, tratamiento, cura o prevencin de ninguna enfermedad.

LBS II (270 Vegitabs)No. de stock 998-6

LBS II Trial Pack (20)No. de stock 2497-0
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