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Raport Anual | Annual Report 2013


De ce o Fundaie?
Why a Foundation?
Hai la Olimpiad!
Lets go to the Olympiad!
Nou ne pas
We care
Planuri de viitor
Future plans

De ce o fundaie?

Why a foundation?

Pe 24 octombrie 2012 am nfiinat Fundaia

On October 24th 2012, we have started the

eMAG pentru c am realizat ct este

eMAG Foundation because we realized how

de important s fii activ i implicat cu

important it is to be active and responsibly

responsabilitate n societatea n care trieti.

involved in the society you live in. We need

S i urmreti dezvoltarea, s i apreciezi vrfurile,

to pay close attention to its development,

s i aduci aportul pentru a corecta neajunsurile.

appreciate its peaks and lend a hand to correct

Plecm de la ipoteza c societatea funcioneaz

the flaws. Society works as one single organism

ca un organism i c binele individual depinde de

and the wellbeing of the individual is determined

sntatea structurii din care face parte. i pentru

by the wellbeing of the structure it is part of.

c am neles c baza pe care trebuie construit

We understood that consistent education is the

o societate sntoas este educaia consistent,

cornerstone of a healthy society, so we chose

am ales s sprijinim i s vorbim mai nti despre

first and foremost to support the educational

performanele remarcabile din acest domeniu.

peaks. The Romanian teams constantly achieve

some of the best results


Romnia se clasific n mod constant printre

worldwide at the international mathematics,

physics and informatics olympiads which
means that there is a potential waiting to be used.
We have set out to encourage young people to
perform. We want to be there for them, whether
they already have exceptional results and only
need support and recognition, or they are just
beginning to look for a way to achieve their

primele ri din lume la olimpiadele internaionale de

matematic, informatic i fizic, ceea ce nseamn
c aici exist un potenial care trebuie folosit. Ne-am
propus s ncurajm tinerii s fac performan.
Fie c este vorba de cei care deja au rezultate
excepionale i au nevoie de sprijin i recunoatere,
fie c se afl la nceput de drum, n cutarea


echilibrului i a unei metode prin care s-i cultive


Our mission at the eMAG Foundation is to

support performance in education, in all of its

Misiunea Fundaiei eMAG este de a susine


performana n educaie, sub toate aspectele

For this purpose, we ran two programs in 2013:

Lets go to the Olympiad! meant for
students and teachers who either achieve, or
are preparing to achieve extraordinary results
in mathematics, informatics and physics;
We care meant to facilitate access to
education when the road to knowlegde gets

ei, iar n anul 2013 am derulat dou programe:

Hai la Olimpiad! dedicat elevilor, studenilor
i profesorilor care fac (sau se pregtesc
pentru) performan n domeniile matematicii,
informaticii i fizicii;
Nou ne Pas pentru a facilita accesul la
educaie acolo unde drumul spre coal sau


cunoatere este mai dificil.

In the following pages you will find what the eMAG
Foundation has been doing in 2013 and what
our future plans are. The simple fact that you are
reading this report means that you share our
interest. We would like to congratulate you and
thank you for your support. We can only achieve
extraordinary things together!

n paginile ce urmeaz vei afla despre activitatea

Fundaiei eMAG din 2013 i planurile pe care le
avem pentru anul 2014 i urmtorii. Simplul fapt
c citii raportul acesta nseamn c mprtii
interesul nostru. V felicitm i v mulumim pentru
sprijin. mpreun facem performan!

Tudor Vlad,
Preedinte Fundaia eMAG
President of the eMAG Foundation

Hai la Olimpiad! este primul

nostru program, demarat n
octombrie 2012. Misiunea sa este
de a susine pregtirea tuturor
copiilor care doresc s lucreze
la un nivel superior n domeniile

Lets go to the Olympiad! is our

first program. We have started
it in October 2012. Its mission is
to help all children who want to
learn mathematics, informatics or
physics on a higher level.

matematicii, informaticii i fizicii.

Pe 6 august 2013, am organizat gala
ntlnire cu Olimpicii, cu scopul de a
recompensa rezultatele excepionale
ale elevilor i profesorilor pregtitori
la olimpiadele internaionale de
matematic, informatic i fizic.
Am avut ca laureai 30 de persoane
elevii excepionali i profesorii care
i-au pregtit. Au fost invitai s asiste
la festivitate 200 de elevi premiai la
olimpiadele naionale i internaionale,
alturi de profesorii lor i figuri
importante din mediul de afaceri

foto Mircea Strueanu

On August 6th 2013, we organized

the Meet the Olympic Champions
Gala, in order to reward the
exceptional results of the participants
in the international mathematics,
physics and informatics olympiads.
We have rewarded 30 of the most
successful students and teachers.
200 other award-winning students
and teachers have been invited in
the audience, alongside important
representatives of the Romanian
business stage.

Am sprijinit desfurarea olimpiadelor We have supported the national

naionale, cu intenia de a le
olympiads, in an effort to transform
them into events which really
transforma n evenimente ct mai
appeal to the students. In 2013, 600
apreciate de ctre elevi. n 2013, 600
students have benefited from better
de elevi s-au bucurat de condiii
accomodation during the


de cazare mai bune, festiviti de premiere pe

competitions, award ceremonies to their taste and

gustul lor i petreceri memorabile la final de competiie.

memorable after-competition parties.

La olimpiadele naionale are loc i selecia loturilor

The selection of the national teams also takes

naionale, care intr apoi n antrenament intensiv

place during the national olympiads. The selected

pentru Olimpiadele Internaionale. Am contribuit

teams then go into intensive training for the

la finanarea sesiunilor de pregtire i selecie

International Olympiads. Weve helped finance

ale loturilor naionale, precum i deplasrile la

the training sessions and selection of the

concursurile internaionale, acolo unde a fost nevoie.

national teams, and we have provided them with

funding for travelling to international contests, as

n toamna anului 2013, am extins programul i


ctre ceilali copii talentai, prin implementarea unor

centre gratuite de pregtire pentru elevii din
Bucureti care i doresc s nvee suplimentar la

In fall 2013, we have also turned our attention

matematic, informatic i fizic. n prezent, peste

to the other talented children. We have started

500 de elevi i studeni au ocazia de a nva gratuit

free study centers for Bucharest students who

mai mult matematic, fizic i informatic de la unii

want to learn more maths, informatics or physics.

dintre cei mai buni profesori din Bucureti.

Currently, over 500 children benefit from free extra

mathematics, informatics and physics classes,


held by some of the best teachers and professors

Pentru c societatea romneasc are nevoie

in Bucharest.

s afle care sunt valorile ei reale, iar aceste valori

trebuie ncurajate i susinute.

Because the Romanian society needs to find out
its true values, which in turn need support and

Pentru c ne dorim s ncurajm i s ducem mai

departe tradiia performanei.

Because we want to encourage the tradition of

performance and take it a step further.

Pentru c n Romnia, la polul opus celor care

nu trec examenul de bacalaureat, exist copii care
ctig n fiecare an cele mai importante premii la

Because, aside from students who fail ther final

exams, Romania also boasts those who win the
most important prizes at international science

competiiile internaionale de tiine.

Ianuarie, Februarie / January, February

Am susinut echipa Universitii Bucureti n pregtirea la
standarde internaionale pentru finala concursului internaional de
programare pentru studeni ACM ICPC, prin participarea la tabra
de pregtire din Petrozavodsk.
Am oferit premii profesorilor care i-au pregtit pe elevii premiani
la olimpiadele internaionale de matematic, fizic i informatic
din 2012.
We have supported the training of the University of Bucharest
team at international standards for the finals of the ACM ICPC
international student programming contest by financing their
participation at the Petrozavodsk camp.
We have rewarded the professors who prepared the awardwinning students for the 2012 International Mathematics,
Physics and Informatics Olympiads.

Mai / May
Ne-am implicat n premierea elevilor ctigtori la Concursul
Cangurul matematician.
Am demarat centre-pilot de pregtire pentru Olimpiada de
tiine, dedicate elevilor de gimnaziu din Bucureti.
We awarded some of the prize-winning students at the
Mathematician Kangaroo contest.
We have started pilot study centres for middle school
students preparing for the Science Olympiad.

Am organizat ntr-o nou prezentare a doua ediie a Galei
ntlnire cu olimpicii, pentru a-i premia pe olimpicii internaionali
i profesorii lor.
We have organized the second edition of the Meet the
Olympic Champions Gala, in a new version, in order to reward
students who won international awards and their theachers.


Martie / March

Aprilie / April

Am susinut concursul internaional Master of Science 2013,

organizat de Colegiul Naional Tudor Vianu. La aceast competiie
particip echipele celor mai bune ri dintre cele calificate la
olimpiadele internaionale de matematic i fizic.

Am fost partener principal pentru organizarea

olimpiadelor naionale de matematic, fizic i informatic
i a taberelor de pregtire a loturilor naionale.
Am susinut Campionatul Naional de Robotic Cupa
Chindiei, la Trgovite.

We have supported the international contest Master of Science

2013, organized by the Tudor Vianu National Highschool.
This annual maths and physics competition invites the best
teams in the world, who have occupied the top positions at the
International Olympiads.

We have been a main partner for organizing the national

maths, physics and informatics olympiads and the training
camps for the national teams.
We have supported the National Robotics
Championship Chindia Cup, in Targoviste.

Iunie / June

Iulie / July

Am sprijinit organizarea finalei concursului de programare Algoritmiada,

singura competiie din ar deschis tuturor categoriilor de vrst.
Am finanat parial transportul echipei Universitii Bucureti la concursul
internaional de programare ACM ICPC din Sankt Petersburg.

Am organizat o ntlnire ntre

membrii loturilor olimpice la
matematic, informatic i fizic
i reprezentani ai presei, nainte
de plecarea elevilor la olimpiadele

We have helped organize the finals of the Algoritmiada programming

contest, the only one of its kind to accept all age categories.
We have financed part of the transportation of the University of
Bucharest team to the world finals of the ACM ICPC programming
contest, in Saint Petersburg.

/ October
Am lansat
centrul gratuit de
pregtire pentru
performan la
We have
launched the
free physics
study center.

foto Mircea Strueanu

We have organized a meeting

between national teams leaving
for the international olympiads
and press.

Noiembrie / November

Decembrie / December

ncep cursurile pentru centrele de

pregtire la matematic.
Am susinut ediia 2013 a
Concursului Naional de Matematic
Laureniu Panaitopol.

Am dotat unul dintre laboratoarele

de informatic ale Colegiului Naional
Tudor Vianu cu 25 de computere noi, n
vederea susinerii activitii centrului de
pregtire la informatic.

Classes start at the mathematics

study center.
We have supported the 2013
edition of the Laurentiu Panaitopol
National Mathematics contest.

We have provided 25 state-of-theart computers for one of Tudor Vianu

Highschools informatics laboratories,
in order to better support the
upcoming informatics study center.


olimpic internaional la fizic, medaliat cu argint

la Olimpiada Internaional de Fizic 2013
national physics olympic team member, won
the silver medal at the International Physics
Olympiad in 2013

Denis Turcu este unul dintre cei 15 olimpici

internaionali pe care Fundaia eMAG i-a susinut
i i-a premiat n 2013 pentru performanele
excepionale, mpreun cu profesorii lor pregtitori.
Pe lng olimpiada internaional de fizic,
Denis s-a mai calificat n 2013 la olimpiadele
internaionale de astrofizic i astronomie.
A obinut medalia de argint la concursul Romanian
Master of Physics 2013, precum i prima meniune
i premiul special la olimpiada naional de fizic.

Denis Turcu is one of the 15 international olympic

team members that have been supported and
awarded by the eMAG Foundation in 2013 for
their exceptional performances, alongside the
teachers who have prepared them. Aside from
the International Physics Olympiad, Denis also
qualified for the 2013 Astrophysics and Astronomy
Olympiads. He was awarded a silver medal at the
Romanian Master of Physics 2013 contest, as well
as the first honorable mention and special prize at
the national physics olympiad.

n gimnaziu, a nceput s fac performan la

matematic. La un moment dat, i-a dat seama c
i dorea ceva diferit i a avut norocul s ntlneasc
un profesor de fizic apt s-i trezeasc interesul.
Rezultatele au nceput s apar dup o perioad
scurt de pregtire.

In middle school, he started getting very good

results in mathematics. At one point, he realized
that he wanted something else and he was lucky
enough to meet a physics teacher who was able to
awaken his interest. Results followed shortly.

Denis i dorete o carier n cercetare i s devin

profesor la o universitate de prestigiu. La doar 19
ani, are deja la activ doi ani de cursuri predate
elevilor mai mici dect el, dintre care unul
a obinut medalia de argint la Olimpiada
Internaional de Astronomie.

Denis is planning to pursue a career in research

and to become a professor at a prestigious
university. He has good reason to believe he
will succeed. At only 19 years of age, he has
already been teaching younger students for
two years. In 2013, one of them has won the
silver medal at the International Astronomy

Poi ncepe s faci performan foarte uor, ne-a

scris Denis, ns pentru a continua este nevoie
de mult curiozitate i pasiune, de sprijinul celor
apropiai dar i necunoscui, de ncredere n sine i
un gram de noroc i, cel mai important, de un corp
sntos n care s poi excela.
De curnd, Denis a aflat c a fost admis la
universitile Stanford i Harvard. Dup ce a
comparat contiincios cele dou variante, a decis
ca n toamna lui 2014, dup terminarea liceului, s
se ndrepte spre Harvard.

Its really easy to start being very good at

something, Denis wrote to us, but in order
to keep going you need a lot of curiosity and
passion, support from those close to you and from
strangers, self-confidence, a little bit of luck and,
most importantly, a healthy body which allows you
to excel.
Denis has recently learned that he was accepted
at both Stanford and Harvard universities. After
giving the matter proper thought, he decided that,
come fall 2014, he will leave for Harvard.

Programul Nou ne Pas este dedicat celor care intenioneaz s investeasc

n propria educaie dar nu au resursele necesare.
Misiunea programului este de a completa veriga lips ntre persoanele
care au nevoie de educaie i ceea ce le este necesar. Un criteriu
important este s identificm n cei care ne cer ajutorul voina de a pune n
practic schimbarea pe care i-o doresc.
We have started the We Care program in order to help those who are willing
to invest in their own education, but lack the resources to do so.
Its mission is to fill in the missing link between those who need
education and the things they need. An important criterion is for us to
identify the will to apply the change they wish for.
Iunie n var, am finanat unul dintre
cele 10 module de educaie nonformal pentru liceeni derulate de
coala de Valori n cadrul programului
Grow. Modulul, denumit otron
ctre succes, are ca obiectiv
orientarea participanilor pentru
alegerea carierei n cunotin de
Iulie Am sprijinit iniiativa
Protoieriei 2 Capital de a organiza un
centru afterschool n incinta Capelei
Sfnta Ecaterina din Bucureti.
Septembrie La propunerea Salvai
Copiii i Realitatea TV, am oferit
rechizite copiilor fotilor angajai
Oltchim (disponibilizai cu cteva
sptmni nainte de nceperea colii).

June Last summer, we have

financed one of 10 non-formal
education modules in the Grow
program, dedicated to highschoolers
and developed by Scoala de Valori.
The module, called Hopscotch
to Success, is meant to help
participants choose their future
carreers wisely.
July We were glad to support the
initiative of Protoieria II of Bucharest
to organize an afterschool center
in the St. Ecaterina Chapel of
September - We have accepted
the proposal from Save the Children
Romania and Realitatea TV and
offered school supplies to the children
of ex-Oltchim employees, who had
gotten fired a few weeks before
the beginning of the school year.
Otherwise, attending school would
have become a serious issue for


Am fost parteneri ai festivalului Strada de Carte

We have partenered with Strada de Carte Festival

organizat de Biblioteca Central Universitar, ntr-un

organized by the Central University Library, in an

efort de a aduce cultura mai aproape de cei tineri.

effort to bring culture closer to young people.

Noiembrie mpreun cu asociaia P.A.V.E.L

November Together with the P.A.V.E.L.

am facilitat achiziionarea unor sisteme de operare

Association, we facilitated the purchase of

pentru PC-uri din salonul de oncologie pediatric

operating systems for computers in the Pediatric

din cadrul Institutului Oncologic Bucureti. Copiii

Oncology Section of the Bucharest Oncology

internai au primit, astfel, o ans de a-i continua

Institute. That way, children under treatment coud


continue their education.

Am contribuit la dotarea Grdiniei din Slon (jud.

We helped endow the kindergarten in Slon

Prahova) cu echipament adecvat pentru educarea

(Prahova County) with the appropriate equipment

celor mici.

for teaching the young ones.

Decembrie Am asigurat pentru 6 luni transportul

December - We have paid for 6 months worth

a 12 elevi dornici s nvee din satul Ciohorani

of transportation to and from highschool for 12

(judeul Iai) ctre liceul din Nisiporeti (judeul

children in the village of Ciohorani, who are living

Neam), aflat la o distan de 10 km de sat. Astfel,

10 km away from their school and were left without

copiii au putut merge la coal n continuare.

a means of transportation since the bus that used

to link the two villages had stopped working.

De Crciun, am rspuns apelului Asociaiei Clan

1387, care ne-a semnalat faptul c n oraul Clan

At Christmas, we have answered a request from

(jud. Hunedoara), exist numeroi copii buni la

the Calan 1387 Association. They have let us know

nvtur, dar care se afl ntr-o situaie financiar

that in the town of Calan (Hunedoara county) there

precar. mpreun cu Asociaia sus-numit, am

are many children who do very well in school,

ntocmit o list de 50 de copii care aveau rezultate

but find themselves in a poor financial situation.

bune la nvtur i proveneau din astfel de familii

Together with local teachers and staff from the

srace, crora le-am oferit drept premiu tichete

association, we managed to come up with a list


of 50 children who did very well in school and

came from such poor families. We awarded these
children with social tickets which helped them
and their families buy things they needed for


Aciunea face parte dintr-un program mai amplu al

Christmas. The action is part of a larger program

Asociaiei Clan 1387 de prevenire a abandonului

developed by the Calan 1387 Association in order

colar prin recompensarea copiilor care nva bine,

to prevent school abandonment by rewarding

n ciuda situaiei materiale sau familiale dificile.

children who do well in school, in spite of their

difficult situation.



Pentru c a-i dori s mergi la coal sau s te

Because wanting to go to school or to get better

perfecionezi n oricare domeniu i la orice nivel este

in any field, at any level, is crucial for our society

esenial pentru bunul mers al lucrurilor.

to move forward.

Pentru c de multe ori distana dintre posibil i

Because, more often than not, the gap between

imposibil este extrem de mic.

the possible and impossible is extremely small.

Pentru c n societatea romneasc actual exist

Because in todays Romanian society, there are

diferene importante ntre orae, coli sau medii de

major differences inbetween schools, cities and

pregtire academice. Iar aceste diferene pot fi de

academic institutions. And it is often quite easy to

multe ori acoperite pentru rectigarea echilibrului.

fill in these gaps in order to regain balance.


(1) Cu cei peste 2800 de euro strni n 2013 prin

intermediul redirecionrii a 2% din impozitul pe venit
am reuit s i premiem pe elevii medaliai cu aur la
Olimpiada Naional de Matematic din 2013. A fost
suficient o semntur ca aceti copii s se poat
bucura de rezultatele eforturilor depuse de ei n anul
colar 2012-2013.
(2) Clienii platformei au opiunea ca, la fiecare
comand, s adauge o donaie cu o sum ncepnd
de la 1 leu, destinat susinerii programelor Fundaiei
(1) The over 2800 euros we raised in 2013 from
people who chose to redirect 2% of their annual
income tax* to us helped award the students
who won gold medals at the 2013 National
Mathematics Olympiad. It only took a signature on
a form to help these children enjoy the results of
their work.
(2) clients have the opportunity to donate
a small amount of cash at their choice with every
purchase on the website. The donations help
support our programs.

*In Romania, taxpayers have the option to redirect

2% of the income tax that would normally go to the
State towards a nonprofit organization.
foto Mircea Strueanu


Sponzorizri primite / Sponsorships received*

*La 1 ianuarie 2013, soldul contului Fundaiei eMAG era de 278.000 de lei.
The eMAG Foundations account balance was 278.000 Lei on January 1, 2013.
Tip / Type
Individuale / Individuals

Valoarea / Value (Romanian Lei)

2% / 2% of income tax 12.567,11

Donaii prin platforma / Donations through website
Alte donaii individuale / Other individual donations 8.830,00
Air BP Sales
Datech Soft




Produse, servicii primite / In kind donations received

Conviv Media
HP Romania

Organizare evenimente / Event organizing

Echipamente, resurse logistice i administrative / Equipment, logistics & administrative resources
Echipamente / Equipment
Service pentru echipamentele Fundaiei eMAG / Service for the Foundations IT equipment
Servicii PR / PR services

Cheltuieli / Expenses
Programe / Programs
Hai la Olimpiad! / Lets go to the Olympiad!


Nou ne pas / We care 126.966,32

Administrative / Administration
Salarii (brut) / Salaries (including taxes) 81.973,00
Marketing i logistic / Marketing and logistics 9193,65
Servicii / Services 65.277,88



foto Mircea Strueanu


2014 aduce att un proiect nou, ct i noi dimensiuni

2014 brings both a new project and new dimensions

pentru programele demarate anterior.

to the programs we have already started.

140 de bti pe minut

140 beats per minute

Ne dorim s ne implicm n educarea publicului i

We also want to start educating the public and

orientarea lui ctre un stil de via activ i echilibrat.

turn their attention towards an active and balanced

n acest scop, demarm n 2014 programul 140

lifestyle. That is why, in 2014, we are starting a

de bti pe minut. Pentru nceput, ne-am propus

new project: 140 beats per minute. We have set

s susinem concursurile importante de triatlon i

out to support the main triathlon and running

alergare din ar, ncurajnd n special nscrierea

competitions held in Romania, with special focus

tinerilor la astfel de competiii. Credem c este

on encouraging young people to participate.

important ca oamenii s nvee s duc o via

We believe it is important that people learn to

echilibrat, n care potenialul intelectual i emoional

lead a balanced life, in which the intellectual and

s fie susinut de un fizic sntos. Nu n ultimul rnd,

emotional potential is supported by a healthy

n cadrul aceluiai program inaugurm o serie de

physique. Not lastly, this same program includes a

campionate interne de alergare dedicate angajailor

series of internal running champioships dedicated

firmelor care sponsorizeaz Fundaia eMAG i

to employees of companies who sponsor the

familiilor acestora.

eMAG Foundation and their families.

Hai la Olimpiad!

Lets go to the Olympiad!

Vom continua susinerea elevilor i a profesorilor

We will keep on supporting Romanian students

romni, fie ei participani la olimpiadele naionale,

and teachers, whether they participate in the

internaionale sau alte concursuri de prestigiu.

national or international Olympiads or other

tim c schimbarea fundamental a viziunii

prestigious contests. We are aware that it takes

societii romneti despre performan nu se

more than an isolated and symbolic gesture to

obine printr-un gest izolat i simbolic, ci prin

fundamentally change the view that Romanian

eforturi concertate i constante.

society has on performance. It takes

concentrated and constant effort.

Ne vom implica din nou n organizarea Olimpiadelor

We will continue to be involved in organizing the

Naionale, n selecia i pregtirea loturilor olimpice

national olympiads, in selecting and preparing the



i premierea celor care au obinut rezultate

national teams and in awarding those who achieve


outstanding results.

Ne dorim s extindem centrele de pregtire

We are planning to extend the study centres in

att n Bucureti, ct i n alte orae din ar. Este

Bucharest as well as to other cities throughout

important s permitem accesul gratuit la pregtire

Romania. We work towards offering free access to



suplimetar oricrui copil care i

extra-curricular information to every

dorete asta i este capabil s in

child who is willing and able to keep

pasul cu nivelul de lucru.

up with the teaching level.

Vom extinde i aria de interes a

We will also extend the interest area

centrelor de pregtire pe care le

of the study centres in Bucharest,

finanm, adugnd n Bucureti

we are financing new centres for

centre de pregtire pentru robotic

robotics and IT&C.

i tehnologia informaiei i
Nou ne pas

We care

Suntem n continuare ateni la

We are continuously keeping an eye

semnalele pe care le primim de la

out for signals from communities

comunitile din ar care au nevoie de

throughout the country in need

ajutor pentru educaia copiilor, dar nu

of help in order to educate their

ne vom opri aici.

children, but we will not stop here.

n 2014, plnuim s extindem aria de

In 2014, we are planning to expand

interes a proiectului ctre educaia

the projects area of action to

medical, sponsoriznd cursuri i

medical education, by sponsoring

concursuri de educaie sanitar n

health education classes in schools

coli i formarea cadrelor medicale cu

and training medical staff with the

ajutorul trainerilor specializai invitai de

help of specialists from abroad.

la instituii prestigioase din strintate.


i mulumim c ai acceptat s redirecionezi 2% din impozitul pe venit care altfel ar fi revenit statului ctre Fundaia eMAG.
i mulumim c, de fiecare dat cnd cumperi de pe, i aduci aminte s bifezi csua Donez! i contribui, astfel, cu orice sum la
susinerea misiunii noastre.
V mulumim c susinei demersurile noastre pentru investiie n educaie i recunoaterea valorilor autentice!
Thank you for accepting to redirect to us 2% of your income tax.
Thank you for remembering to click the donate button every time you are about to check out your electronic shopping cart on
Any amount you contribute will be used to support our mission.
Thank you for supporting our efforts to invest in education and the recognition of authentic values.

Parteneri / Partners:

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