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er-Benz AG




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250$ E : 6 ~\ 1:iY. 2, 496c.c.


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TEL. 452- 1471

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6 -38

TEL. 452-4311



)<\ j\i;)~

it~~ 1ft. Hi:

-JU;:;Wi:lt.1 (SAE HP)

)ii:* r 11..- 7 (SAE mkg)
}ii(:* !14' '.'. lill Jl.i: ~
Ef *1il..l:t
7 7 / 7 "T - :J.. hl.l:W: , ~*/f~1J'
i'l'\':1.'fl*iil ( c - ? - ~~ts)
1< .,7 11 -

82/ 78. 8mm
2, 496 c.c.
170/ 5, 600rpm
24. 0/ 4, 500rpm
6. 300 rpm


9. 5 : 1
5. 5/ 3. 5 e
11. 4 e
12V/ 44 Ah
190 km/h



? o .I ..1

7 / 7-- ~ 1 !.; 3 /
(A T 7 IJ / ?. ::i 7 j,.

:.,- .:i. :;:\



:x.. (;j: 7

-!,,- 7



~~ - ~.:i.v171/7'~- ;i..-

T 7 IJ ./ ?.

Jbi ~9-ir.IG iiE J:t

3. 9 2 : 1
2 lill~ftl'l~ 7-7-.? -1t7" v - ~.
-7 v - ~ 7' v '"/ !,,::I /
r O -Jv/< Iv "/f1

" -

1'l:N~ f

8. e
6. 3 - 10. O km/ t

1 7-.

? 1-J


1, 480 kg
l, 980 kg

;j; 1-11..--< -

(C) {.'?:

11..- :.,- ;...-

"1 I-" o.::. .::.. - " ? T -f ., ? !lii\:':i1ili.IE 7-. 7 1) / 7

? 1 -'\' ~ 1 ::K 7. 35 H 14 7 .:i. - 7' v 7-. ? 1 -'\'

lOOkm/ h 5'E11" a;f :
tt.~ ii i jlj 7~ fil :


iiE 7

1'& iWi iili. f!lt: iiE ~


-, ,.

fa- J


4, 900 mm
1, 440 mm





;i). f:l,J h:l-~

1 / ? / ? . 82 e

( I} "if -

"/ 7 f ~ ~ t..')


7' v ~ 7

340 mm
960 mm
830 mm
840 mm
1, 550 mm
1, 550 mm
1, 455 mm


j,. 7f '/ 1)

( "'

ii J
I v ..1 r (7o/I)





f?'Z l'.flS I 7 ;...- ? 7, ~ -



7 ? /)

1, 810
1, 482
1, 485
0. 61




85/ 88 mm
2, 996 c.c.
195/ 5, 500 rpm
28. 1/ 4, 100 rpm
6, 000 rpm
8. 8 : 1
6. 0/ 4. 0 .t
16. 8 t
12V/ 66 Ah
185 - 200 km/ h

-Ii?;: f.lj tl:l jJ ( S A E H P )
-Ji?ck l- Jv;1 ( SAE mkg)
jit:;k'iiif:@:@J i~~
EE *

;1 7 /' :1 "'r - A illr @: , l'fll:: :;k /-Ii?;:/J'

<t'*P 7J< iJ: ( \:: - 7'


4 :iili 7 Jv ~ /' :1 c -"

~ ~ u' )

jtl}:i1'.iiill. ffit:iili ~

r 7 /' .A ~ ''/ ~ 3 / '

( .A "f 7 IJ /' ?' :;i 7 J.. :;_, 7

fE::+'& T
/, 1 r

1 A

/"' V ~

2, 060 kg



l;/;J J i-t:

.:i. -


)l.. (;l 7 c

340 mm
960 mm
830 mm
840. mm
1, 550 mm
1, 465 mm
1, 455 mm



1 .,

s2 t

( 'J-if-7 7 .e~~t)

I) /'

( "


"J' J.,. 7f 'J


:1 1!L i\1li1111iE .A 7" 1J /' ?"

7. 35 H 14 1- :i. - 7" v .A 7' 1 -t"




1~ Ft!~

2 , 750 mm
4, 900. mm
1, 440 mm


:1 fi'

7' 1 -t" -it 1 :<

8. 0 km/ t
5. 6 - 9. 1 km/ t

MB /~'7 - .A 7 7 1} / ' ?'
W:~~it.&:iiliJ:t 3. 92: 1 (3. 69 ~-i.~!Hf(nJfl~)
2 [ill ~*;g:~ 7"- A 7' -fi'/" v - ~,
7" v - ~ . 7" v ., :;.- ~ - . ::i / ' 1- o - JI,,,~ JI,, 7"f~J"

~ft '7 :..- 7

1 - Jv-"' - 7,
(B) ~'?; fJ:
(C) ~ lt..J


( IJ "J')
f~ if;~ r 7 ;.; :1 .A~ - .A
i..- .,

;t ;1 j7 /')

1, 810
1, 482
1, 485



Number of cyl in ders
Total displacement
Engine output acc. to SAE
Engine output ace to DIN1)
Max. torque acc. to SAE
Max. torque acc. to DIN1)
Oil capacity crankcase max./min.
Capacity of cooling system
Max. speed
Tyres, tubeless
Fuel consumption acc. to DIN 700301)
Tank capacity
incl. reserve
Kerb weight
Permissible total weight
Trailer load with brake3)
Trai ler load without brake3)

Mercedes-Benz 280 S

3.41/3.1 ins.
169.5 cu. ins.
157 gr. HP/5,400 rpm
140 net b.h.p./5,200 rpm
181 ft. lbs./3,800 rpm
165 ft. lbs./3,600 rpm

9.7/6.2 Imp. pis.
18.7 Imp. pts.
14 V/35 A
12 V/55 Ah
approx. 115 mph.
7.35 H 14/185 H 14/6 PR
23. m.p. Imp. gals.
18 Imp. gals.
approx. 1.5 Imp. gals.
3,265 lbs.
4,370 lbs.
2.645 lbs.
1,655 lbs.

Mercedes-Benz 280 SE/SEL

3.41/3.1 ins.
169.5 cu. ins.
180 gr. HP/5,750 rpm
160 net b.h.p./5,500 rpm
193 ft. Jbs./ 4,500 rpm
177 ft. lbs./4,250 rpm
9.7/6.2 Imp. PIS.
19 Imp. pts.
14 V/35 A
12 V/55 Ah
approx. 118 mph.
7.35 H 14/185 H 14/6 PR
23. m.p. Imp. gals.
18 Imp. gals.
approx. 1.5 Imp. gals.
280 SE
280 SEL
3,360 lbs.
3.295 lbs.
4,465 lbs.
4,400 lbs.
2.645 lbs.
2.CM6 lbs.
1,655 lbs.
1,655 lbs.



1-4----B ----~




The output given in net b.h.p./DIN
is effectively available at the clutch
for driving the veh icle,
as any other power consumption
has already been deducted.
Output data given in gr. HP/SAE
include the power used
for operating auxiliary units
not requ ired to operate the engine.
Techn ical data acc. to DIN 70020 and 70030.
Fuel consumption according to DIN 70030.
This value is obtained
at a consistent speed of 110 km/h (68 mph.)
on an even road,
plus 10%.
This method is used by all German automobile
The consumption values quoted
are therefore calculated under the same conditions
and provide a real basis for comparison.
However, they do not correspond to
the actual amount of fuel consumed,
as this varies according to the way of driving,
road and cl imatic conditions etc.
Fuel consumption according to DIN 70030
is therefore only a comparative value
and not the actual amount of fuel consumed.
The weights quoted are maximum weights .
By reason of legal stipulations in various countries
outside the Federal Republic of Germany
other figures will apply.
Dimensions vary acc. to sitting position.
The contents are not binding
and the right is reserved for modifications.


Overall height, unloaded

Overall width
c Overall leng th
D Wheelbase
E Steering wheel - driver's seat backrest')
F Seat height, unloaded, front
G Driver's backrest - rear seat backrest')
H Seat height at rear
J Width at centre of upholstery, front
K Width at shoulder height, front
L Width at centre of upholstery, rear
M Width at shoulder height, rear
Track width, front
Track width. rear
Turning circle diameter
Boot space

56.7 ins.
71.3 ins.
108.3 in s.
13.4 ins.
37.8 ins.
32.5 Ins.
34.1 ins.
57.7 ins.
in s.
57.3 ins.
58.35 Ins.
58.46 ins.
38,4 ft.
approx. 21.5 cu.

?80 (>11
50 7 Inn
71 3 Inn
100.0 lllM
11 ? :> ltlh
13 4 ltl'I
:Jf II Jim
30 4 lllM
:14 I ltlh
Cl I
Iii 1 ltlh

r. t.:I

I11 '

r.u.:i, Inn
f~ .

!ill 411 ht ft
:m II II
1111111 fl~ :I.I

You get more

from perfection.

If you are successful you do not really need to explain why, but
we want you to buy our 280 Sor 280 SE - for a lot of money.

and today culminating almost in tech nical perfection with the

280 SISE.

Therefore we must make it easier for you and harder for us, an d
explain why 9ur 280 SISE models are such an international success.
(In 1969 orders have steadily increased, and delivery dates are unfortunately delayed longer and longer.) This is p erhaps one of th e
r easons: "Anyone in a hurry on our roads does not buy a sports car,
but drives at least a 280 SE which offers comfort as well as high performance", wrote "auto, motor and sport" in No. 11/ 1969.

Think of the safety cell for passengers, the bodywork which with
its 7,000 welding points guarantees hundreds of thousands of rattleree kilometers, the 5 million test kilometers to which our engineers
have subjected these models, the 4 disc brakes with brake power control, the hydropneu1natic compensating spring on the rear axle which
offers maximum comfort, the new safety steering wheel, the new
easy-shift manual gearbox with even better ratios, the new automatic
transmission, the r ecently developed safety headrest, the practical
one-key system and the anatomically correct, upholstered seats which
are made partly by hand and which hold your body in the right position while absorbing the natural moisture.

But there are cars which are faster. Faster than 185/ 190 km/h.
The l\1B 300 SEL 6.3, for examp le, can reach up to 220 km/h. The first
sports car with a Wankel 4-rotor mi<l engin e, gull wing doors and b odywork of synthe tic material so far attains speeds up to 300 km/h. I t is
also from Mercedes-Benz.
But the great majority of experts among drivers of large, powerful cars do not want a touring limousine faster than the 280 SISE.
Do you like drivin g at 190 km/h or faster at all? If you do, you
should think of your saf e.ty, and if you reject that as a man you shoulcl
think of your family and other road users and therefore drive a car
which is still saf c at 190 km/h, or better still a car which is so quie t
and free f ro1n vibrations, which is such a good roadholder and so
stable in b ends that you arrive earlier and more relaxed than "fast er "

Think of more than a hundr.ed other facts and also that you can
choose from 685 different equipment combinations. Have your next
car therefore built entirely according to your own wishes. If you consider all this it no longer matters that the 280 SE can accelerate from
0 to 100 km/h in 10.5 seconds, although not many cars can do that.
But there are also the 230/ 250 6-cylinder models in the MercedesBenz programme. Fast, safe, compact, easily manoeuvrable, rugged
cars. Why then a 280 S or 280 SE when there are such excellent cars
with the threepointed star be'low this?

Driving chara cteristics, comfort and safety in today's cars are

scientific problems. You can investigate, t est, measure and prove what
is bad, better and good, but, as we have said, first of all you must do
some thorough research work.

The Mercedes-Benz 280 S and 280 SE models are even quieter

and offer superb motoring with even more room, more comfort and
greater powe1" in conjunction with almost the same manoevrability.
They are the better, more perfect and more expensive cars. They are
the top models of an international top quality programme. This can
be scientifically proved.

The present 280 SISE models are the climax of a 10 year development period beginning with the 220 SISE, going on to the 250 SISE

Choose between the 280 S and the 280 SE and discover how much
more fun perfection is.


.. .,...


. ... .....

timeless elegance yet functional.
A rubber moulding inserted in the
chromium side strips protects the
paintwork from doors of other cars if they
are opened too far. Another example:
A strong rubber strip in both bumpers
proves its worth in daily use in trafficcongested cities.

The rear passengers of a

Mercedes-Benz 280 SISE still have
enough legroom when both front seats
are pushed right back.

The Mercedes-Benz 280 SISE was

designed from the interior outwards.
This allows 5 people enough room to
travel comfortably, while the exterior
dimensions permit good handling in
In spite of the size of the interior, this
car is easier to manoeuvre than other
considerably smal ler cars.
In addition to the 280 S and 280 SE there
is a third model; the Mercedes-Benz
280 SEL with long wheelbase. The
wheelbase is 1O cm longer.


The position of the driver in relation to

the steering wheel is anatomically
correct. This is a boon on long >urneys.

Oddments tray, i lluminated glove

compartment, pockets on the doors,
large rear window shelf, padded
armrests, armrests between the rear
seats, and hardwearing carpeting these are just a few examples of what
Mercedes-Benz mean by functional
comfort. The Mercedes-Benz 280 SISE
has that " special something" in comfort
and ease which will become
indispensable to the driver.

The filtered, dust and draught-free

continuous air stream can be adjusted
up and down to any position. An extra
3 speed blower increases the supply of
fresh air. The vehicle can be venti lated
even when at a standstill.

This car is fitted with Mercedes-Benz

power steering as standard.

Stale air is continuously extracted

w.i thout draughts.

These are the on ly differences.

The Mercedes-Benz single-joint swing
axle w ith its hydro-pneumatic
compensating spring produces
characteristics which are neither too
hard nor too soft. The swinging action
of the two half axles irons out the
unevenness of the road. The hydropneumatic compensating spring limits
camber variations which might impair
handling properties.

The rear compartment of the long

wheelbase Mercedes-Benz 280 SEL Is
10 cm longer. The rear doors are also
10 cm wider. This makes entering and
leaving even easier.

An anti-roll bar eliminates unpleasant

rolling in bends, which could influence
driving safety. Hydraulic.gas-filled
telescopic shock absorbers (de Carbon

Axles and bodywork are separated by

rubber mountings. Engine and passenger
compartment s are hermetically sealed
off from each other. This makes the
Mercedes-Benz 280 SISE practically
free of vibrations and very quiet.

Heating and ventilation

are combined in an infinitely variable
system which is highly effective.

The heating system warms fresh air to a

pleasant room temperature, even from
- 20 C.

In the Mercedes-Benz 280 SISE the
driver's reactions are not impaired by
incorrectly shaped seats. The seats are
anatomically contoured with firm lateral
support. The seat springing is coordinated t o the vehicle suspension. Both
seat springing and vehicle suspension
are equally effective at all speeds.

The comfort and safety afforded by this

combination of steel suspension and
hydraulics is surpassed only by models
with air suspension.

The front seat backrests are reclinable.

The driver's seat can aiso be adjusted
for height. The passengers in the rear
have ample legroom even vy~en the two
front seats are pushed right back.

This means: longer body and therefore

10 cm more space in the rear of the
car (anywhere else it would be pure
waste). More room in the rear means
larger doors, which make entering and
leaving even easier. Therefore anyone
who often has passengers in the back or
who often sits in the back himself,
who likes to stretch his legs and enjoys
the feeling of having plenty of space,
should get in and see the difference
made by that 10 cm more room at the

There is no difference in the luxury

fittings and the high quality of material
and workmanship in these three models.

Mercedes-Benz make firm seats and

cushions to support the body. The semifluting separated by double seams with
a special filling, a rubberized hair mat
and interlocking steel spring cores
guarantee that the seats are ventilated
and that any moisture is absorbed.

The spherical nozzles of the summer

ventilation system can be turned to
practically any direction, and provide
an additional stream of fresh air.

This axle design on the MercedesBenz 280 SISE guarantees the same
outstanding road holding and optimum
driving comfort at all speeds. Fatiguing
vibrations are eliminated. Even on long
runs. The bumps in the road are ironed
out by the rubber mountings of the
axle supports and are not passed on to
the body.
For the Mercedes-Benz 280 SISE this
axle design is virtually perfect.

Contoured seats with infinitely

adjustable backrests (reclining seats).
The height of the driver's seat can also
be adjusted.
system) guarantee constant road holding
even on bad roads. The non-friction
mechan ism makes the Mercedes-Benz
re-circulating bal l-type steering extremely
light and positive. Movements of the
steering wheel are therefore transferred
directly and precisely to the front
wheels. This gives a direct contact with
the road , making for safe driving, even
on wet and icy surfaces. The steering
damper absorbs bumps in the road
without transmitting them to the steering
Because of its steering the MercedesBenz 280 SISE is easier to manoeuvre
than many smaller cars.
The Mercedes-Benz 280 SISE makes no
concession to short-lived fashion.
It offers something better; a timelessly
elegant shape, incomparable interior
comfort, four large doors which make
entering and leaving very easy, a
spacious luggage compartment which is
no problem to load, and much more.

,",,. ,,
;/, ,



Inside: spacious and comfortable.
Outside: a size which permits good
handling In traffic. The Mercedes-Benz
280 SISE is easy to manoeuvre. There
are some smaller cars which are not as
easy to park as a Mercedes-Benz
280 SISE.

In a single year of testing

Mercedes-Benz drove 80 brand new
passenger cars on to the scrap heap.
This kind of research has been going
on for over 10 years. The aim Is to reduce
the effects of unavoidable accidents to
the minimum. The picture here shows
a crash test at 50 km/h on a stationary
vehicle. Measurements are made of the
deformability of the front and rear
sections, which Indicate the ability to
absorb energy. This intensive research
has earned Mercedes-Benz several
pioneering patents which are all
Incorporated in Mercedes-Benz cars.

You can talk about safety. You can

apply lavish rubber padding, or you can
attack the problem of safety at the roots.
The latter way is difficu lt and expensive,
but more responsible, although the
results of serious safety research cannot
be seen immediately.


In a single year of testing Mercedes-Benz

drove 80 brand new passenger cars on
to the scrap heap in the most varied
ways, in order to track down certain
After many series of tests, for example,
Mercedes-Benz developed an instrument
panel which yields in stages, depending
on the force of impact, thus largely
eliminating serious injuries. Foam
padding alone is the least important part
of the Mercedes-Benz instrument panel
protection. The Mercedes-Benz safety
cell was developed in countless accident
tests in the course of systematic and
scientific safety research.
Mercedes-Benz do not rely on the
reduced rigidity in the front and rear
sections, which can be expected to
absorb energy. The decisive factor is
that the maximum amount of impact
energy is absorbed in distorting the
bodywork, while the passenger compartment remains rig id and undamaged.


passenger cell and progressively yielding

impact absorbing zones at the front and
the rear of the car. This safety design
was rapidly recognized by other
automobile manufacturers as the best yet
developed. It has been imitated for years
all over the world. In this instance the
firm of Daimler-Benz generously
overlooked infringements of patent rights,
in order not to curb the others' safety
efforts. In Unterturkheim they know in
any case that although the crumple
principle is easy to understand, it is
very difficult to put into practice. Even
Mercedes-Benz needed years of
development work before it could give
the kind of perfect crash and crumple
demonstrations already seen on several
occasions in Unterturkheim by the press
c;ind hence by the public. With the expiry
of the patent this safety design will
probably be seen more often in the
advertising campaigns of competitors".
Mercedes-Benz safety is not just a
matter of individual items, nor is it the
few dozen features in every MercedesBenz car, Mercedes-Benz safety is a
system based on scientific research. Its
individual elements are all interdependent. It is a system which is
forever being extended and perfected.
Here are just a few examples:

The parking brake

with extra brake shoes and brake drums.
And much more
Anatomical ly correct driving position
eliminates fatigue and keeps driver's .
reflexes intact, firmly anchored
" breathable" seats are contoured to
provide lateral support, seat springs and
vehicle suspension perfectly tuned.
Steering damper absorbs road jolts,
rubber mountings on the axle supports
absorb unevenness in the road , gas-filled
telescopic shock absorbers guarantee
constant operation.
Today Mercedes-Benz' intensive
research goes beyond the car itself.
The second decisive factor tested is man
and his reactions. Mercedes-Benz sends
its vehicles on to the test track with
everyday drivers at the wheel.
Unexpected hazards are simulated by
experts. All reactions are noted. From
the results of these tests it is possible
to calcu late the average reactions of the
average driver. The experience gained
is then put into practice to produce even
better designs.

Steering without
"Impaling" effect. Steering column
"telescopes" under Impact. Impact
absorber under large padded boss on the
steering wheel. The Impact absorber has
been patented.

. Mercedes-Benz safety door locks

will not suddenly burst open in an
accident (hence prevent passengers
being f lung out}, and do not jam if the
doors have to be opened quickly
after an accident.
The safety steering
has a larged padded boss on the centre
of the steering wheel with an impact
absorber under the padded boss, a
. collapsible steering column and the
steering box located well behind the front
axle.' This avoids the dangerous
"impaling" effect of the steering column
in a crash.

" auto motor und sport" No. 4/1969 wrote

the following :

Straight-line stability
and reliable road holding - a result of
independent suspension and separate
location - are indispensible factors in
d riving safety. An anti-roll bar eliminates
unpleasant rolling in corners and keeps
the inner wheels safely on the road.

Expiry of "crumple" patent

" On January 23rd 1969 a piece of car
safety became legally accessible to all
automobile manufacturers. This was the
expiry date of the Mercedes-Benz patent
on their safety design for car bodies,
which involved a distortion-resistant

The dual circuit servo-assisted

braking system
has brakes which can be subjected to
continuous stress, are effectively cooled,
self-adj usting and ensure uniform braking
without swerving. A warning light
indicates fai lure of a brake circuit:

Diagram showing the distortion

principle: rigid passenger compartment
with energy-absorbing collapsible front
and rear sections.


A car is only truly fast if its

suspension can cope with its engine
performance. Mercedes-Benz passenger
cars are fast and safe, because their
suspension makes high speeds possible
even on wet or bad roads. Even in
border-line cases, when negotiating
sharp bends, for example, the road
performance remains neutral and under
control at all times.





' .

Two-stage, down draught

carburettors supply the engine with the
necessary amount of fuel-air mixture
required. The second stage only comes
Into operation when this Is made
necessary by the engine speed.

Mercedes-Benz do not build racing cars

for fam ily men.
They build cars to rigid design principles,
cars which will cruise at high , aboveaverage speeds - and not on ly in good
weather on dry roads.

Acceleration in the medium speed range

is also important. For example, when it is
necessary to accelerate quickly from
60 km/h to 90 km/h, in order to overtake

B.o th engines are distingu ished by swift

acceleration, are extremely quiet and
are among the most mature and sturdy
engines on the market today.

On these occasions the 6-cylinder

engines of the 280 SISE, with their high
torque and good reserves of power, show
their mettle.

Straight-line stability
The wheels, which are individually
located by the radius rods of the rear
axle and on the triangular wishbones of
the front suspension, do not tend to come
off course even on very bumpy roads,
thus considerably reducing the steering
Cornering stability
Due to their neutral driving behaviour
and perfect steering response the
Mercedes-Benz 280 SISE take corners
smooth ly and make constant corrections
unnecessary. A hydraulic steering
damper absorbs road jolts, which do not
affect the steering wheel. Taken together,
these features make for easy travelling,
even on twisting roads.
Easy-to-read Instruments located
well within the driver's field of vision.
Non-dazzle layout.

The overhead camshaft

produces excellent cylinder fillings and
favourable torque characteristics,
particularly in the lower speed range.
The E;Jngine works with precision and the
minimum amount of noise.

The Mercedes-Benz 280 S 6-cylinder

engine is equipped with two-stage, down
draught carburettors and automatic
choke. Engine output, 157 gr. HP/SAE
(140 b. h. p./DI N). At low and medium
eng ine speeds only the first stages of the
carburettors are used. When the engine
is called upon to deliver a higher output,
the second stage comes into operation
automatically, as a result of the low
pressure in the suction pipe. This means
that in all operating conditions the engine
is provided with the right fuel/air
mixture. The Mercedes-Benz 280 SE has
a 6-cylinder engine with mechanical fuel
injection and a capacity of 180 gr.
HP/SAE (160 b. h. p./DIN).

Reliable road holding and maximum

side-wind stability
Wide track, long wheelbase and low
centre of gravity are combined with
streamlined bodywork and robust
chassis w ith independent suspension in
the 280 SISE. This perfect technical
layout is matched with maximum comfort.
A 500 or 1000 km journey is still a
pleasure in a Mercedes-Benz.

The forged, inductively hardened

is, like the connecting rods, carried in
mu lti-layer steel backed bearings.
A special device
moves every valve a fraction of a turn
with every stroke. This makes burnt spots
between the valve seat and the valve
disc practically impossible.
Two valve springs
for every valve. Th is means improved
damping effect and increased safety.
If one valve spring fails the valve
continues to work with the other spring.

The most interesting thing about this

eng ine is the fuel injection system, with
its 6-plunger injection pump.

The shaft of every outlet valve

is fi lled with natrium. Natrium conducts
heat away from the valve disc. This leads
to a reduction in the temperature of the
reinforced valve seats.

The current injection engines are the

result of decades of development work.
It began with Mercedes-Benz aeroengi nes, was continued in racing cars
and finally culminated in the engines of

Mechanical fuel Injection In the

Mercedes-Benz 280 SE. Each cylinder
automatically receives the correct
amount of fuel at exactly the right time.

the Mercedes-Benz 220 SE and 250 SE.

Today mechanical injection has reached
technical perfection. On August 6th 1969
t he 250,000th vehicle with a fuel injection
engine came .o ff the production line;
a 280SE.
The advantages of this injection system
are smoothness, no faulty pick-up and no
choking or coughing from the engine
under rapid acceleration. The 6 plungers
provide each of the 6 cylinders with
exactly the right amount of fuel at
exactly the right time. In addition to this,
they supply the correct fuel/ air mixture
for all conditions. The automatic starting
and warming-up unit takes into account
accelerator pedal position, engine speed,
air pressure and cooling water

The air oil cooler

cools the engine oil. This is important
because the oil circu lation not only
lubricates but also removes heat from
t he engine bearings.
The visco-drive fan
helps cooling at high engine
temperatures - it only comes into
operation at these times.

Advantages: eng ine warms up more

rapidly, wear is reduced, fan noise level
is lower. Higher engine output, especially
when starting. Noticeable fuel economy.
The visco-drive fan coupling operates
without wear.
Both cars reach their top speed quickly.
You can safely drive them flat out for
long periods, because both engines are
extremely tough. The suspension is able
to cope with all speeds. Here representative for many features - are
some examples:
The Mercedes-Benz single-joint
swing axle with hydraulic compensating
Exact wheel location by means of radius
rods, exceptionally good track-holding
properties and maximum stability in
corners in conjunction with comfortable
but not too soft suspension. While one
wheel follows the bumps in t he road, the
other runs independently st raight ahead.
This is why the Mercedes-Benz singlej oint swing axle is so much better than
any other rigid axle.




' c-r


.. .







Reliability means being able to

drive the car under even the most
extreme conditions. The test programme
therefore calls for runs such as this one.
The splash water had no effect whatever
on the electrical units. The suspension
permits high speeds in bends, even on
wet roads.


The Mercedes-Benz single-joint

swing-axle with hydro-pneumatic
compensating spring. The low pivot point
of the axle and the long half axles make
the suspension neither too hard nor too
soft. The amount of axle movement Is
limited by the hydro-pneumatic
compensating spring. This rear axle
design Is one of the most ideal concepts.

All electrical units

(head lights, starter motors, dashboard
lighting, etc.) are separately earthed,
which is more expensive, but also more

A reliable car is one which functions

perfectly and operates without trouble
over a long period of time.
This means that a car must be subjected
to extensive tests before it comes on to
the market.
The basic design of the Mercedes-Benz
280 SISE is inherited from its
predecessors, the 220 SISE and the
250 SISE.
The chassis of the 280 SISE already
had about five thousand gruelling
kilometres of testing behind it when it
was introduced.
The Mercedes-Benz 280 SISE is reliable.


Seats, seat springs and door locks

have been successfully subjected to
continuous tests, each corresponding to
a journey of 400,000 km.

Inductive crankshaft hardening

means that the Important points receive
particular attention without the surface
structure being affected. Nothing Is left
to chance.


The bodywork Is welded together
In a completely automatic process with
thousands of welding points. Modern
welding machines carry out the job more
accurately and hence more safely than
the most skilled specialist.
4 doors made to fit exactly
The deep thud when closing the doors is
not an acoustic gimmick, but a sign
that the doors fit exactly. Mercedes-Benz
employ experts whose only job is to
check the measurements of the doors.
Safety knob
The door is only shut properly if the
arre ster knob for the door lock can be
pushed down.

Every engine,
every axle and every transmission
Is bench tested.
Random tests are not enough
at Mercedes-Benz.

All parts
supplied by other firms are subjected
to strict tests before being fitted,
although they have already been
inspected by the manufacturers. For
example, a high percentage of every
delivery of rubber sleeves for the j oints
of the rear axles must undergo a 100 hour
test in an oil bath. The batch is only
released for production when it has
passed this test.
Every single rear axle
undergoes 4 different tests after it has
been assembled to see that it is tight.
Every engine, transmission and axle
is subjected to extensive test runs
under varying conditions.
Only after they have withstood these
trials without any adverse effects are
they worthy of being installed in the
Mercedes-Benz 280 SISE.

The lasting value of a MercedesBenz begins with a perfect surface finish.


Lasting Value

That's how paintwork should be,

hard but not brittle, resistant to weather
and chemical influences, but elastic
enough to be unaffected by stones flung
up from the road. Paint consistency
and drying processes must be matched
precisely. One of the most important
units, the drying plant.

Lasting value is a feature of the

Mercedes-Benz 280 SISE, with its
technical perfection, high-class quality
of material and workmanship and its
characteristic styling which will never
Body shape
Fash ion will always attract certain
purchasers. Mercedes-Benz, however,
cannot afford to follow this trend. New
models with the three-pointed star only
come on the market when a genuine
technical improvement has been made.
This is particularly true of the bodywork.
For this reason Mercedes-Benz do not
make cars which are stylish today and
out of date tomorrow. They are modern
but not modish. The only shape wh ich
lasts for years is the "right" one.
It lasts a long time - as long as a
Lasting quality means that the quality of
material and workmanship must be
equally high.
The Paintwork
The Mercedes-Benz 280 SISE has a
particularly hardwearing paint covering
(around 20 kg. per vehicle). After the
appl ication of phosphates and the
passivation, up to five coats are applied.
These are organically co-ordinated.
First comes a primer, then a second
primer, followed by a protective coating,
then the basic coating and finally the top
The permanent undersea!
(around 14 kg per vehicle) for the
underside, the fenders, the sills and the
underside of the front section.
The extra protective wax coating
for the engine compartment and the
whole underside of the vehicle, including
axles, drive shaft, fuel and brake lines.
Hollow parts which become
inaccessible later
are coated with zinc paint before
assembly to prevent interior corrosion.

The vehicle's underfloor and the

wheel arches. In these places the best
paintwork is useless if it is damaged by
tones. Here Mercedes-Benz cars have
ar extra flexible plastic coating applied
ac standard finish.

Important screws are tested one by

one by hand at the end of the production
line. A coloured seal means test passed,

The axle housings and engine block

are coated inside with a special heat and
oi l-resistant paint developed by the
Mercedes-Benz research laboratory.
Sheet metal joints must be
scrupulously clean
All joints, no matter how small, are
sealed on the inside as well as the
outside. This is not only for the sake of
appearance, but to make sure that
corrosive influences have no chance
Mercedes-Benz model continuity
results in high resale prices, maximum
precision and reliability of manufacture.
The manufacturer who only builds a new
series every six years runs the risk of
"teething troubles" only once every six
Uncompromising inspectors
1510 of all personnel engaged in car
production carry out control work. They
have to weed out everything which does
not come up to standard. They really
do do this.
Mercedes-Benz has over 3700 service
stations in 162 countries with
experienced specialists who have
frequent refresher courses given by
experts from the factory. A reassuring
feeling, especially for holiday trips.


Front axle; axle support with double
wishbones. Rear axle; Mercedes-Benz
sing le-joint swing axle.

'>witch on the dashboard, lighting for

ashtray, c igar lighter, heater control,
qlove compartment and luggage
compartment, footwell light.

Fully synchronised 4-speed transmission
with column or floor shift; self-adjusting
diaphragm spring clutch.

Instrument panel padded, yielding on
impact, speedometer, oil pressure gauge,
fuel gauge, water temperature gauge,
indicator light for parking brake,
for functioning of both brake circuits,
for battery, indicators, high beam and
fuel reserve, electric clock, total mileage
counter, daily mileage counter.

On front and rear axles two coil springs,
two double action hydraulic telescopic
shock absorbers front, anti-roll bar,
hydro-pneumatic compensating spring
at rear.

Disc brakes all round, dual circuit power
braking system, parking brake with
additional brake shoes and brake drums.
Indicator lamp for the functioning of both
brake circuits.
Exact, light, reci rculating ball steering,
steering damper, large padded steering
wheel boss, impact absorber under the
padded boss, telescopically collapsible
steering column, steering box located
well behind the front axle.

Basic Equipment

Frame floor unit firmly welded to the
body, rigid, torsion resistant passenger
compartment (safety cell), energyabsorbing front and rear sections,
optimum vision on all sides, panoramic
safety glass windows, four doors, easy to
close, rubber strips on both sides, double
bumpers with broad rubber inserts.
Seating anatomically contoured, firmly
anchored, shaped to give hip support,
seat springing, vehicle suspension and
sitting position carefully tuned, front
seats adjustable forwards or backwards,
plus backrest angle, height of driver's
seat adjustable, reclin ing seat fittings.
Windscreen washer, foot operated with
wiper contact, 2-speed windscreen
wipers, butterfly type, operated by the
combination switch on the steering
Lighting syste m
Parking light, asymmetric low beam
(dimmer), high beam headlights, fog
lamps, side lights, reversiog light,
infinitely variable instrument lighting,
interior light with door contact and hand
switch, reading light at the rear, with


safety locks on all doors with a childproof locking system on the rear doors,
lockable glove compartment, luggage
<ompartment lid lock, steering wheel lock
l'Ombined with ignition lock, starter and
,tnrter non-repeat unit, master key for
Ille doors, ignition lock, glove compartment, boot and filler cap lock, second
key for doors, ignition and filler cap only
(one key system).
Heating and ventilation
Continuous warm or cold air flow, dust
nnd draught-free, with additional blower
lot windscreen, front and rear footwells,
11ir volume and air distribution for warm
ind cold air, infinitely variable up and
clown, blower linked with control lever,
heating separately controlled for right
nnd left sides, infinitely adjustable
fipherical vents for warm and cold air,
on the left and right of the dashboard.
Signalling system
I lead light flasher, self-cancelling
Indicators, operated by the combination
switch on the steering column, 2 high
frequency horns, brake lights, indicator
warning light.
Parcel tray between front seats, pockets
on the front doors, glove compartment,
rear window shelf, rear view mirror,
ndjustable to anti-glare position, padded
sun visors with make-up mirror on
passenger side, grab handles on roof
frame, clothes hooks on rear grab
handles, padded armrests on doors,
armrest between back seats, cif:lar lighter,
asthrays at the front and rear, anchor
points for safety belts front and rear,
carpet in front and rear footwells and on
tunnel, towing lugs front and rear.

The contents are not binding and

the rights is reserved for modifications.


Mercedes-Benz cars are very well

equipped and offer maximum comfort.
If you want to personalize your MercedesBenz to give it an individual atmosphere,
many extras are available.
Mercedes-Benz power steering
Mercedes-Benz power steering makes
driving easier. This becomes obvious
when parking and in narrow bends.
Hydraulic equipment reduces the power
required at the wheel and the number
of turns. In spite of this, the "feel" for the
road is maintained in all situations.

I 'I

With a car telephone you can be more
111dependent. You can be reached at all
t11nes, even when travelling. Important
decisions can be made on the way and
passed on to others. These are just two
of the many advantages. Further details
11bout car telephone systems are availnble from every Mercedes-Benz branch or
Sliding roof
I 11e steel sliding roof is weatherproof,
maintenance tree and electrically
operated. For the sceptics: if the power
foils it can be shut manually from the

Mercedes-Benz automatic
with either steering column or floor shift.
You can drive at speeds dictated by the
traffic flow without having to change
gear or operate the clutch. When
overtaking, you need only to "kick down "
the accelerator into what is called the
forced throttle position, to obtain the
necessary speed. The automatic
transm ission then changes into the
appropriate gear and, after overtaking,
automatically changes back. Gear
changing takes place without interruption
of the power flow. This is one of the
greatest advantages of Mercedes-Benz
automatic transmission.

Safety headrests
rt1e Mercedes-Benz headrests can be
ndjusted in height or backwards and
forwards. They provide a wide or narrow
contact surface according to ad justment.
Apart from increased comfort (muscle' el axing head support) they are also a
nafety precaution for driver and
passengers, since they protect the neck
from injury in collisions.



,. . '


_;.Hit "'
- 4

The Mercedes-Benz air-conditioning unit
looks after your physical comfort. You
can decide on the exact temperature
of the car interior. This is particularly
important when you are driving in
bumper-to-bumper traffic on motorways,
or in the sweltering heat of towns. Open
windows bring no relief. On the
contrary, you are then plagued by dust
and noise from the road. The only
effective help is provided by an airconditioner. The unit is put into operation
by the button on the right. The left-hand
button enables you to regulate the
desired temperature. That is all.
Adjustable louvres control the direction
of the stream of cooled air. The airconditioning works on the refrigerator
Safety belts
No other special equipment had such a
difficult time fighting prejudice. Today
the efficiency of safety belts is
undisputed. From the experience gained
in systematic scientific investigations
concerning safety Mercedes-Benz fit a
three-point safety belt which holds both
the upper and lower parts of the body
firmly in the seat in case of an accident.
Thus passengers are kept from being
flung against parts of the car and are
protected to a high degree against

Electric windows
The switches for the electrically operated
windows are on the central console in
front of the front seats. All 4 side windows
can be operated from here. Naturally,
the rear side windows can also be
operated directly by the rear passengers
with individual switches. These switches
can, however, be cut out by the driver
with a safety switch. This makes
unintentional opening impossible.
Electrically operated windows can be
installed for either the two front windows
or for all 4.
Here are a few more examples
Lim ited slip differential, fully
synchronized 5 speed transmission,
mechanical or automatic aerial,
orthopaedic backrests, set of suitcases,
wh itewal l tyres, 2 tone horn, central
locking system, special paintwork,
including two-tone, and much more.

Further details are contained in our

catalogues "Mercedes-Benz Special
Equipment", and "Mercedes-Benz
Automatic Transmission, Power Steering
and Air-Conditioning".



280SE (SEL)

---;f- 7" / 7.. r. D - ? (mm)
88.5/ 78.8
t6n~~ ( Gem)



(hp/ rpm )
1--JL-? (mkg/ rpm)


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91-\"'~ 1 7..' ( 7

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2 , 778
9. 0: 1
157/ 5 ,400
25.0/3 .800

86.5/ 78.8
2, 778
9. 5: 1
180/ 5, 750
26.7/ 4,500

14V/ 35A
12V / 55A
7.35H-1 4/185H-14/ 6PR

14V/ 35A
12V / 55A
7.35H-14/ 1851+ I 4/ 6PR


~v!7"fi~ 0 ~

1 ,460

1 ,485 (1'500)

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2805/S I I
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B rtl (mm )
.A (mm)
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2. 750
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Eng ine
Number of cylinders
Total displacement

Mercedes-Benz 280 S
3.41 /3.1 ins. 86.5h8.8 mm
169.5 cu. ins. 2778 c. c.

Merced es-Benz 280 SE

3.41/3.1 ins. 86.5n8.8 mm
169.5 cu . ins. 2778 c. c.

280 SE 3.5/ SEL 3.5

3.6272.59 i ns. 92/65,8 mm
213 .5 cu. ins. 3,499 c.c.

ax. torque acc. to

Max. torque acc. to
oil capacity crankcase max./m1n.
Capacity of cooling system
Max. speed
Tyres, tubeless

1 1 I. s./3,800 rpm 25.0 mkp 3800 rpm

165 t. s. , 00 rpm 22.8 mkp 3600 rpm
9.716.2 Imp. pts. 5.5/3.5 litres
18.7 Imp. pis. 10.6 litres
14 V/35 A
12 V/55 Ah
approx. 115 mph. approx. 185 kmph
7.35 H 14n85 H 1476 PR

193 t. bs. , 0 rpm

. m p 3800 rpm
177 ft. bs./4,250 rpm 24.5 mkp/3600 rpm
9.7/6.2 Imp. pis. 5.513.5 litres
19 Imp. pts 10.8 litres
14 V/35 A
12 V/55 Ah
approx. 118 mph approx. 190 kmph
7.35 H 141185 H 14/6 PR

231 t. I s. 4,200 rpm 32.0 m p 4, 0 rpm

211 ft. lbs.14,200 rpm 29.2 mkp/4,000 rpm
13.279.68 Imp. pis. 7.515.5 litres
23.2 Imp. pts. 13.2 litres
14 V/55 A
12 W66 Ah
approx. 131 mph. approx. 210 kmph
7.35 V 14/185 V 14/6 PR

ue consumption acc. to
. m.p. mp. als 12.3 litres per 100 km
. m.p. mp.gas 1 .3 litres per 100 km 21.7 m.p. Imp. gal 13 litres per 110 km- Tank capacity
8 mp. gas. 82 1tres
18 mp.gas.
18 mp. gals. 82 litres
""in="c"'1."'r='=e:::=s7e7rv:.:e,:..<-__ _ _ _ _ _ _______a;.:p;;..p;;..r~o'-'
x-'.1~.""571 .m
":' s=-=---------:.:.ap:...p.:.:r.:.:o.::x:....~1:;.5;,l:...m_p::.:...g:.:.a:;.ls::...=-------------'a::..p:.:.p::.:ro:!:.x.:_;;
. 2. 4 Imp. gals. approx. 11 nt re~s~approx. 7 litres
approx. 7 litres

Technjcal DMa

The output given in net b.h.p./DIN

is effectively available at the clutch
for driving the veh icle,
as any other power consumption
has already been deducted.
Output data given in gr. HP/SAE
include the power used
for operating auxiliary units
not required to operate the engine.

Technical data acc. to DIN 70020 and 70030.

Fuel consumption according to DIN 70 030.
This value is obtained
at a consistent speed of 110 km/h (68 mph.)
on an even road,
plus 100/o.
This method is used by all automobile
manufacturers in the Federal Republic
of Germany.
The consumption values quoted
are therefore calculated under the same
conditions and provide a real basis for
However, they do not correspond to
the actual amount of fuel consumed,
as this varies according to the way of driving,
road and climatic conditions etc.
Fue l consumption according to DIN 70030
is therefore on ly a comparative value
and not the actual amount of fuel consumed.

The we ights quoted are maximum weights,

valid w ithin the Federal Republic of Germany.
In various countries other figures wl ll apply.

Dimensions vary acc. to sitting position.

The contents are not binding
and the right is reserved for modifications.


Overal l height, unloaded

Overall width
Overall length

280 SISE/SE 3.5

56.7 ins.
71.3 ins.
108.3 Ins.
13.4 ins.
37.8 ns.
32.5 ns.
4.1 ins.
57.7 ins.
57.3 ins.
58.35 Ins.
58.46 ins.
38.4 ft.
approx. 21.5 cu. ft.

280 SISE/SE 3.5

1440 mm
1810 mm
4900 mm
2750 mm
340 mm
960 mm
825 mm
865 mm
1550 mm
1465 mm
1550 mm
1455 mm
1482 mm
1485 mm
11,68 m
approx. 0.61 ml

280 SEL 3.5

56.7 ins.
71.3 Ins.
196.9 Ins.
112.2 ins.
13.4 ns.
37.8 ns.
36.4 ins.
34.1 ins
57.7 ms.
57.3 Ins.
58.35 ins.
58.46 ins.
39.8 ft.
approx. 21.5 cu. it.

280 SEL 3.5

1440 mm
1810 mm
5000 mm
2850 mm
4 mm
960 mm
925 mm
865 mm
1550 mm
1465 mm
1550 mm
1455 mm
1842 mm
1485 mm
12,12 m
approx. 0.61 ml


from pe


If you are succoss ru1 you do nol really noocl 10 sl1ow ii, but we stil l
want you to buy a car rrom our 280 range.
Therefore we must make it easier for you and harcl or ror us, and explain why these models are such a great intornalional success. This,
perh aps, is one of th e reasons, quoted from " /\ulo Motor und Sport".
" Anyone in a hurry on our roads does not buy a spo1ls car, but drives a
280 SE, which offers comfort as well as high porro11nAnce".
Both experts and laymen agree lhol Illa ?00 models are the
outcome of a 10 year development periocl. Slnco lllon l11eir success has
not been equalled. The number of drivers wll o ll11cl their ideal car in the
280 range increases from month to monl Il. I 3olwoon 1968 and today the
demand has gone up by 70 /o.
Where does th is success co1r10 r1 n111 '1 1110 rea l reasons are: spaciousness, qu ietness, refinemonl, powo1 n11d snfcty. Easy handling and
reliabil ity. The Mercedes-Bon; ;>no 1no<l ol!i co1nbine all these characteristics, the most th at on e cru1 ox1Hi<.I110111 n car.
Ten years of resoo 1cl1 n11cl clovolnp1nont were invested in these
cars. They had to underuo <:0111111111.t. l oul~i and to prove themselves over
mill ions of kilometres.
They were lhon 0011t.ltl1u1 d qood enough to be introduced to the
You miglll' llnd ltH I 11 1lc nl IHJI loclion boring. You might prefer a
more fashionnbl o 01 11 , 0111i wl 11< I1r.auses more excitement. We wou ld
regret thi s vory 1111 1t.l t, 1)111 rt11.n WC' closign our cars in a way that eliminates exci to111011I.
The roncl n nl l! Hlr 1y r111; 110 longer, and never again will be, promenad es ol vr111lly 111 1111 1111.icks. That is the reason why we ask you not
to conru so c,11 11111 11 it, l 1111111011y nnd perfection with boredom.

If you spend 2 hours in your car every day th is is the equiv:alent of

driving twelve hours a day for two months, every year. Which car would
you like to be yours for these 730 hours per year? Consider th is question seriously. If you decide upon one of the dynamic 280 models, you
wi ll have chosen a car with a future.
Think of the safety ce ll for passengers, the bodywork which, with
its 7,000 welding points, guarantees hundreds of thousands of rattlefree kilometres. Think of the 4 disc brakes, the hydropneumatic compensating spring on the rear axle, the safety steering whee l, the easyshift manual gearbox, the safety headrest (optional extra), the practical
one-key system and the anatomically upholstered seats wh ich give firm
lateral support.
There are 4 variations of the 280. The 280 SE 3.5, 280 SEL 3.5,
280 Sand 280 SE.
New in the range is the 3.5 litre model with the V-8 engine. The
flexible, powerful V-8 engine takes this car from 0 to 100 km/h in 9 sec.
It accelerates from low-engine speeds up to 6000 revolutions in a flash.
(By the way, its top speed is 210 km/h, but this is irrelevant).
This performance is reached with the minimum of noise. The latest
technical features are incorporated in this engine. Electronically-operated fuel injection, transistorised ign ition, reduction in the amount of
harmful substances from the exhaust. This V-8 engine already meets the
requirements of forthcoming exhaust- emission regulations.
The 280 SE 3.5 is recognisable on ly by the small "3.5" sign on the
rear. Fast and powerful engines alone do not make perfect cars. Our
requirements go much further. Safety and comfort are equally essential.
Functional comfort. A suspension system which protects passengers from fatig ui ng vibrations. Which guarantees good road-holding
even in bad conditions. Orthopaedically designed seats. Balanced
springs. A highly effective heating and ventilation system. An overall
conception based on safety.

-.. RH 341

timeless yet functional elegance.
A rubber moulding Inserted In the
chromium side strips protects the
paintwork from doors of other cars If they
are opened too far. Another example:
A strong rubber strip In both bumpers
proves Its worth In dally use In trafficcongested cities.

The rear passengers of a

Mercedes-Benz 280 stlll have
enough legroom when both front seats
are pushed right back.

The 280 models were designed from

the inside outwards. This gives a maximum
of interior space, which means comfort
for the driver and passengers, while the
exterior dimensions still permit good
handling in traffic.

The seat springing is co-ordinated to the

vehicle suspension. Both seat springs and
vehicle suspension are equally effective
at all speeds.

The 280 models are even more

manoeuvrable than some smaller cars.
Two models in the 280 range differ slightly
from the others:

Mercedes-Benz make firm seats and

cushions to support the body. Flutes
in the cushion surface, wool filling and hair
mats guarantee that the seats are ventilated
and that any moisture produced by the
breathing of the body is absorbed.

The 280 SE 3.5 with Its extra-powerful

V-8 engine
Its power and smooth ness are important
for safety and comfort. This car easily
adapts itself to every traffic situation. For
example, when it is necessary to join a
queue of moving cars, which may be
moving at any speed. Calmness and
educated driving behaviour are pleasant
attributes in today's hectic traffic



The 280 SEL 3.5 has a wheelbase

which Is 10 cm longer
These 10 cm are exclusively for the benefit
of the passengers travelling in the rear
of the car. More room in the rear means
larger doors making access easier. Anyone
who often has passengers in the back,
or who often sits in the back himself, will
value this increase in space. This car is
ideal for people who like freedom of

Both cars are fitted with MB Power Steering

as standard equipment. A light touch is
all that is required to manoeuvre them. Into
parking spaces, through narrow bends.
But despite this facility the cars do not lose
their feel of the road , whatever the
situation may be.
Apart from this the 280 models are all the
same. There is no difference in the luxury
fittings and the high quality of material
and workmanship.

The rear compartment of the long

wheelbase Mercedes-Benz 280 SEL 3.5 Is
10 cm longer. The rear doors are also
10 cm wider. This makes entering and
leaving even easier.

In the 280 models the driver's reactions
are kept alert all the time, thanks to the
anatomically correct seating position. The
seats are anatomically contoured with
firm lateral support.


unpleasant roll ing in bends, which could

impair driving safety. Hydraulic gas-filled
telescopic shock absorbers (de Carbon
system) ensure constant contact with the
road, even under bad conditions.
The non-friction mechanism makes the
Mercedes-Benz re-circulating ball-type
steering extremely light and positive.
Movements of the steering wheel are
therefore transferred directly and precisely
to the front wheels. The steering damper

between back seats, and tough carpeting these are just a few examples of what
Mercedes-Benz mean by functional comfort.
You will have to look hard to find another
car with the same qualifications, where
every lever or switch is in exactly the right
place. There can be no confusion when
driving in the dark. Mercedes-Benz do not
believe in a mass of flashy switches,
they would only impair safety.

The position of the driver in relation to the

steering wheel is also anatomically correct.
This is a boon on long journeys. The
front seats can be reclined. The driver's
seat can also be adjusted for height. The
passengers in the rear have ample
leg room, even when the two front seats are
pushed right back.
Heating and ventilation are combined in
an infinitely variable system which is highly
The filtered, dust and draught-free continuous air stream can be adjusted up and
down to any position. A 3-stage fan can
increase the supply of fresh air.
The vehicle can be ventilated even when
it is stationary. The spherical nozzles of the
summer ventilation system provide an
additional stream of fresh air which can
be turned in almost any direction.
The heater is able to warm fresh air to a
pleasant room temperature, even from

- 20 C.
The Mercedes-Benz sing le-joint swing axle
with its hydropneumatic compensating
spring produces characteristics which are
neither too hard nor too soft. The swinging
action of the two half axles irons out the
unevenness of the road. The compensating
spring limits camber variations which
might impair handling characteristics. This
axle design guarantees outstanding roadholding and driving comfort at all speeds.
Fatiguing vibrations are eliminated.
Even on long runs.

These excellent characteristics result

from the combination of steel suspension
and hydraulics. An anti-roll bar eliminates

Contoured seats with Infinitely

adjustable backrests (reclining seats).
The height of the driver's seat can also
be adjusted.

absorbs unevenness in the road, it is not

passed on to the steering wheel.
Mercedes-Benz do not believe in changing
their models every year. They introduce
new models only when genuine technical
improvements can be offered . That is why
they are timelessly elegant in shape, offer
incomparable interior comfort, four
large doors and an illuminated boot, large
enough to take the hol iday luggage of
a whole family.

Only Mercedes-Benz can offer this.

Axles and body are separated by rubber
mountings. Engine and passenger
compartments are hermetically sealed
from each other. This means that the cars
are practically free from vibrations and
are very quiet.
Oddments tray, illuminated glove compartment, pockets on the doors, large rear
window shelf, padded armrests, armrest

Inside: spaci ous and comfortable.

Outside: a size which permits good
handling In traffic. The Mercedes-Benz
280 Is easy to manoeuvre. There
are some smaller cars which are not as
easy to park as a Mercedes-Benz 280.

In a single year of testing

Mercedes-Benz drove 80 brand new
passenger cars on to the scrap heap.
This kind of research has been going
on for over 1O years. The aim Is to reduce
the effects of unavoidable accidents to
the minimum. The picture here shows
a crash test at 50 km/ h on a stationary
vehicle. Measurements are made of the
deformablllty of the front and rear
sections, which Indicate the ablllty to
absorb energy. This Intensive research
has earned Mercedes-Benz several
pioneering patents which are all
Incorporated In Mercedes-Benz cars.

You can talk about safety. You can

apply lavish rubber padding, or you can
attack the problem of safety at the roots.
The latter way is difficult and expensive,
but more responsible, although the
results of serious safety research cannot
be seen immediately.
In a single year of testing Mercedes-Benz
drove 80 brand new passenger cars on
to the scrap heap in the most varied
ways, in order to track down certain
After many series of tests, for example,
Mercedes-Benz developed an instrument
panel which yields in stages, depending
on the force of impact, thus largely
eliminating serious injuries. Foam padding
alope is the least important part of the
Mercedes-Benz instrument panel protection. The Mercedes-Benz safety cell was
developed in countless accident tests in
the course of systematic and scientific
safety research.
Mercedes-Benz do not rely on the
reduced rigidity in the front and rear
sections, which can be expected to absorb
energy. The decisive factor is that the
maximum amount of impact energy is
absorbed in distorting the bodywork, while
the passenger compartment remains rigid
and undamaged.
"auto motor und sport" No. 4/1969 wrote
the following:
Expiry of "crumple" patent
"On January 23rd 1969 a piece of car
safety became legally accessible to all
automobile manufacturers. This was the
expiry date of the Mercedes-Benz patent
on their safety design for car bodies,
which involved a distortion-resistant
passenger cell and progressively yielding
impact absorbing zones at the front and
the rear or the car. This safety design


was rapidly recognized by other

automobile manufacturers as the best yet
developed. It has been imitated for years
all over the world. In this instance the
firm of Daimler-Benz generously
overlooked infringements of patent rights,
in order not to curb the others' safety
efforts. In Unterturkheim they know in any
case that although the crumple principle
is easy to understand, it is very difficult
to put into practice. Even Mercedes-Benz
needed years of development work
before it could give the kind of perfect
.crash and crumple demonstrations already
seen on several occasions in UntertOrkheim
by the press and hence by the public.
With the expiry of the patent this safety
design will probably be seen more often in
the advertising campaigns of competitors".
Mercedes-Benz safety is not just a
matter of individual items, nor is it the
few dozen features in every MercedesBenz car; Mercedes-Benz safety is a
system based on scientific research. Its
individual elements are all interdependent.
It is a system which is forever being
extended and perfected. Here are just a
few examples:

And much more

Anatomically correct driving position
eliminates fatigue and keeps the driver's
reflexes intact, firmly anchored
"breathable" seats are contoured to
provide lateral support, seat springs and
vehicle suspension perfectly tuned.
Steering damper absorbs road jolts,
rubber mountings on the axle supports
absorb unevenness in the road, gas-filled
telescopic shock absorbers guarantee
constant operation.
Today Mercedes-Benz' Intensive
research goes beyond the car Itself.
The second decisive factor tested is man
and his reactions. Mercedes-Benz sends
its vehicles on to the test track with
everyday drivers at the wheel.
Unexpected hazards are simulated by
experts. All reactions are noted. From the
results of these tests it is possible to
calculate the average reactions of the
average driver. The experience gained is
then put into practice to produce even
better designs.

Steering without
"impaling" effect. Steering column
"telescopes" under Impact. Impact
absorber under large padded boss on the
steering wheel. The Impact absorber has
been patented.

Mercedes-Benz safety door locks

will not suddenly burst open in an
accident {hence prevent passengers
being flung out), and do not jam if the
doors have to be opened quickly
after an accident.
The safety steering
has a larged padded boss on the centre
of the steering wheel with an impact
absorber under the padded boss, a
collapsible steering column and the
steering box located well behind the front
axle. This avoids the dangerous
"impaling" effect of the steering column
in a crash.
Straight-line stablllty
and reliable road holding - a result of
independent suspension and separate
location - are indispensible factors in
driving safety. An anti-roll bar eliminates
unpleasant rolling in corners and keeps
the inner wheels safely on the road.
The dual circuit servo-assisted
braking system
has brakes which can be subjected to
continuous stress, are effectively cooled,
self-adjusting and ensure uniform braking
without swerving. A warning light
indicates failure of a brake circuit.
The parking brake
with extra brake shoes and brake drums.



Diagram showing the distortion

principle : rigid passenger compartment
with energy-absorbing collapsible front
and rear sections.






A car Is truly fast only If Its

suspension can cope with Its engine
performance. Mercedes-Benz passenger
cars are fast and safe, because their
suspension makes high speeds possible
even on wet or bad roads. Even in
border-line cases, when negotiating
sharp bends, for example, the road
performance remains neutral and under
control at all times.



'' sets
new andards

Two-stage, down draught

carburettors supply the engine with the
necessary amount of fuel-air mixture
required. The second stage only comes
Into operation when this Is made
necessary by the engine speed.
The 6-cyllnder engines
Mercedes-Benz 280 S and 280 SE models
are fitted with 2.8 litre 6-cyli nder engines.
No other eng ines are as oroved as these.
Smooth running and powerful acceleration.

- wrote Peter Klinkenberg, Motoring Correspondent of the

Frankfurter Rundschau, about the Mercedes-Benz V-8 engine.
He contin ues " The V-8 engine is w ithout doubt the best power
unit currently being bui lt in Germany".
The V-8 eng ine, with its electronic fuel injection and
trans istorised ignition , is the latest product of engineering
science. It is the most up-to-date result of continuous development. An engine which gains its impressiveness from its extraord inary performance, but even more by the methods by wh ich
th is performance is achieved. Through its technical conception.
There is a great deal of research between an idea and the
complete end -product. As far as the 6-cylinder engines were
concerned this is how it happened. Merc edes-Benz designed
the first engines with mechanica l fuel-i njection for aircraft.
They were then used in rac ing cars. They proved themselves
by winn ing the Formula 1 World Championship.

The 6-cylinder engine in the

Mercedes-Benz 280 S
It is equipped with two-stage, down-draught
carburettors and automatic choke.
Engine output: 140 net b.h.p./DIN (157 gr.

The overhead camshaft

produces excellent cylinder fillings and
favourable torque characteristics,
particularly in the lower speed range.
The eng ine works with precisionand the
minimum amount of noise.
The forged, Inductively hardened
is, like the connecting rods, carried in
multi-layer steel-backed bearings.
A special device
moves every valve a fraction of a turn
with every stroke. This makes bu rnt spots
between the valve seat and the valve
disc practically impossible.

At low and med ium speeds only the first

stage of the carburettors is used. When
the engine is called upon to deliver a
higher output, the second stage comes into
operation automatically, as a result of the
low pressure in the suction pipe. This
means that in all operating conditions the
engine is provided with the right fuel/ air

Easy-to-read instrum ents located well

within the driver's fi eld of vision. Nondazzle layout.

The Mercedes-Benz 280 SE is

equipped with a 6-cylinder engine
with mechanical injection and an output of
160 net b.h.p./DIN (180 gr. HP/SAE) . The
advantages of this injection system are
smoothness, no faulty pick-up and no
choking or coughing from the engine,
even under rapi d acceleration. The 6
plungers provide each of the 6 cylinders
with exactly the right amount of fuel at
exactly the right time. In addition to this,
they supply the correct fuel/air mixture .
under all conditions. The automatic starting
and warming-up unit takes into account
accelerator pedal position, engine speed,
air pressure and cooling water temperature.

The shaft of each outlet valve

is filled with natrium. Natrium conducts
heat away from the valve disc. This leads
to a reduction in the temoerature of the
reinforced valve seats.

Fresher Breath
Mercedes-Benz also lead in another
respect. They already fulfi l the forthcoming
exhaust-emission regulations.

The engines in the Mercedes-Benz 220 SE and 250 SE

led to th e development of the 280 SE engine. It was at this
stage that mechanical fue l injection reached perfection. To
date more than 250,000 engines w ith fuel injection have been
built into Mercedes-Benz cars. Mercedes-Benz were for many
years the only manufacturers of fuel-injection engines. Th ey
are now being cop ied by others. Mercedes-Benz bu ild cars to
their principles of reliabil ity and high performance. Speed
alone is not important. Flexibil ity, smooth running and economy are equ ally necessary.

All 280 models have the following

in common :

Two valve springs

for each valve. This means improved
damping effect and increased safety.
If one valve spring fails, the valve
continues to work with the other spring.

The oil c ooler

cools the eng ine oil. This is important
because oil circulation not only lubricates
but dispels heat from the engine bearings.
The visco-drive fan
helps cooli ng at high engine temperatures it only comes into operation at these times.
Advantages : The engine warms up more
rapidly, wear is reduced, fan noise level
is lower. Higher engine output, especially
when starting. The visco-drive fan
coupling operates without wear.

But to be fast, a car needs more

than a powerful eng!ne.
The suspension
The suspension of the 280 models is
matched to the engine performance.
For example

The Mercedes-Benz single-joint

Mechanical fuel lnJectlon In the
swing axle with hydropneumatic
Mercedes-Benz 280 SE. Each cylinder
- compensating spring. Exact wheel location
automatically receives the correct
by means of radius rods. Good straight-line
amount of fuel at exactly the right time.
performance and high cornering stabil ity

280 SE 3.5/280 SEL 3.5:
high-powered engine safe brakes;
twin-circuit power braking system;
disc brakes at the front and rear;
ventilated brake discs at the front
and rims with turbo blades
for additional cooling.

with comfortable, but not oversoft

suspension. While one wheel follows the
bumps in the road , the other runs
independently straight ahead . This is why
the Mercedes-Benz single-joint swing axle
is so much better than any other rigid axle.

Straight-line stability
The wheels, which are individually located
by the radius rods of the rear axle and the
triangular wishbones of the front axle,
do not tend to come off course, even on
very bumpy roads, thus considerably
reducing the driver's steering effort.
Cornering stability
Due to its neutral driving behaviour and
perfect steering response, the 280 models
take corners smoothly and make constant
corrections unnecessary. An anti-roll bar
eliminates unpleasant rolling . The
hydraulic steering damper absorbs road
jolts, so that they do not affect the
steering wheel.
Taken together, these features make tor
easy travelling, even on twisting roads.
Reliable road-holding and maximum
side-wind stability
In the 280 wide track, long wheel-base
and low centre of gravity are ideally
combined with streamlined bodywork and
rugged independent suspension.
This perfect technical layout is matched
with maxi mum comfort. A 500 or 1000 km
journey is stil l a pleasure in a MercedesBenz.

1ne v -ts engine


Into 01

The Mercedes-Benz 280 SE 3.5 has a

V-8 engine as standard equipment. It is
extremely flexible and smooth. It delivers
200 net b.h.p./DIN at 5,800 rpm.
The electronic fuel Injection
The electronic control device meters
instantaneously the correct amount of fuel
according to the absolute pressure in
the intake pipe and the engine speed.
Furthermore, all essential information about
the operating condition of the engine is
also registered and processed. This
includes engine temperature, intake air
temperature and other factors. The
electronic system works invisibly and
imperceptibly. Only the result is felt. The
engine responds immediately in all
situations and accelerates briskly from all
engine speeds. There is no hesitation
upon sudden acceleration. The fuel
consumption is kept low because the
control device releases only the precise
amount of fuel needed for the particular
operating conditions.
The V-arrangement of the engine
saves space. After years of testing
Mercedes-Benz have come to the conclusion that for 8 cylinders or more the
V-arrangement is best, because balancing
is easier and hence the engine is quieter.
On 6-cylinder engines the same result
is obtained by in-line arrangement.

are lilt
No oth



It is eq

At low
stage c
the en!
low pn

with m
160 ne
even u
with ei
they SI
and w
air pre

The transistorised ignition

is another technical innovation. The
ignition contacts work with a very low
power current. This means the minimum
amount of wear and precise ignition
for a very long period of time.

res pee



280 $ 1


safe I:
disc t
and ri
for ad

.. -



- ,,..

Rellablllty means being able to

drive the car under even the most
extreme conditions. The test programme
therefore calls for runs such as this one.
The splash water had no effect whatever
on the electrical units. The suspension
permits high speeds In bends, even on
wet roads.


The Mercedes-Benz single-joint

swing axle with hydropneumatic
compensating spring. The low pivot point
of the axle and the long half axles make
the suspension neither too hard nor too
soft. The amount of axle movement is
limited by the hydropneumatic
compensating spring. This rear axle
design is one of the most ideal concepts.

All electrical units

(headlights, starter motors, dashboard
lighting, etc.) are separately earthed,
which is more expensive, but also more
All parts
supplied by other firms are subjected
to strict tests before being fitted.
although they have already been
inspected by the manufacturers. For
example, a high percentage of every
delivery of rubber sleeves for the joints
of the rear axles must undergo a 100 hour
test in an oil bath. The batch is only
released for production when it has
passed this test.

A reliable car is one which functions

perfectly and operates without trouble
over a long period of time.
This means that a car must be subjected
to extensive tests before it comes on to
the market.
The basic design of the Mercedes-Benz
280 is inherited from its predecessors,
the 220 SISE and the 250 SISE.
The chassis of the 280 already had about
five thousand gruelling kilometres of
testing behind it when it was introduced.
The Mercedes-Benz 280 models are


Seats, seat springs and door locks

have been successfully subjected to
continuous tests, each corresponding to
a journey of 400,000 km.

4 doors made to fit exactly

The deep thud when closing the doors is
not an acoustic gimmick, but a sign
that the doors fit exactly. Mercedes-Benz
employ experts whose only job is to
check the measu rements of the doors.

Every single rear axle

undergoes 4 different tests after it has
been assembled to see that it is tight.
Every engine, transmission and axle
is subjected to extensive test runs
under varying conditions.
Only after they have withstood these
trials without any adverse effects are
they worthy of being installed in the
Mercedes-Benz 280.

Safety knob
The door is only shut properly if the
arrester knob for the door lock can be
pushed down.

Inductive crankshaft hardening

means that the important points receive
particular attention without the surface
structure being affected. Nothing Is left
to chance.


The bodywork Is welded together

in a completely automatic process with
thousands of welding points. Modern
welding machines carry out the job more
accurately and hence more safely than
the most skilled specialist.

Every engine,
every axle and every transmission
is bench-tested.
Random tests are not enough
at Mercedes-Benz.


The lasting value of a Mercedes-Benz

begins with a perfect surface finish.



That's how paintwork should be,

hard but not brittle, resistant to weather
and chemical Influences, but elastic
enough to be unaffected by stones flung
up from the road. Paint consistency
and drying processes must be matched
precisely. One of the most Important
units, the drying plant.

Lasting value is a feature of the

Mercedes-Benz 280 models with its
technical perfection, high-class quality
of material and workmanship and its
characteristic styling which wil l never
Body shape
Fashion will always attract certain
purchasers. Mercedes-Benz, however,
cannot afford to follow this trend. New
models with the three-pointed star only
come on the market when a genuine
technical improvement has been made.

This is particularly true of the bodywork.

For this reason Mercedes-Benz do not
make cars which are stylish today and
out of date tomorrow. They are modern
but not modish. The only shape which
lasts for years is the "right" one.


It lasts a long time - as long as a

Lastinq quality means that the quality of
material and workmanship must be
equally high.
The Paintwork
The Mercedes-Benz 280 has a
particularly hardwearing paint covering
(around 20 kg per vehicle) . After the
application of phosphates and the
passivation, up to five coats are applied.
These are organically co-ordinated.
First comes a primer, then a second
primer, followed by a protective coating,
then the basic coating and finally the top
The permanent undersea!
(around 14 kg per vehicle) for the
underside, the fenders, the sills and the
underside of the front section.
The extra protective wax coating
for the engine compartment and the
whole underside of the vehicle, including
axles, drive shaft, fuel and brake li nes.
Hollow parts which become
inaccessible later
are coated with zinc paint before
assembly to prevent interior corrosion.


The vehicle's underfloor and the

wheel arches. In these places the best
paintwork Is useless If it is damaged by
stones. Here Mercedes-Benz cars have
an extra flexible plastic coating applied
as standard finish.

Important screws are tested one by

one by hand at the end of the production
line. A coloured seal means test passed,

The axle housings and engine block

are coated inside with a special heat and
oil-resistant paint developed by the
Mercedes-Benz research laboratory.
Sheet metal joints must be
scrupulously clean
All joints, no matter how small, are
sealed on the inside as well as the
outside. This is not only for the sake of
appearance, but to make sure that
corrosive influences have no chance
Mercedes-Benz model continuity
results in high resale prices, maximum
precision and reliability of manufacture.
The manufacturer who only builds a new
seri es every six years runs the risk of
"teething troubles" only once every six
Uncompromising inspectors
15 /o of all personnel engaged in car
production carry out control work. They
have to weed out everything which does
not come up to standard. They really
do do this.
Mercedes-Benz has over 3,287 service
stations in 163 countries with
experienced specialists who have
frequent refresher courses given by
experts from the factory. A reassuring
feeling, especially for holiday trips.


Baslic EqulipmenC:


Front axle; axle support with double
wishbones. Rear axle; Mercedes-Benz
single-joint swing axle.
Fully synchronized 4-speed transmission
with column or floor shift; self-adjusting
diaphragm spring clutch.
On front and rear axles two coil springs,
two double action hydraulic telescopic
shock absorbers front, anti-roll bar,
hydro-pneumatic compensating spring
at rear.
Disc brakes all round, dual circuit power
braking system, parking brake with
additional brake shoes and brake drums.
Indicator lamp for the functioning of both
brake circuits.
280 SE 3.5/SEL 3.5:
Ventilated disc brakes in front and rims
with turbo fins for additional cooling
Exact, light recirculating ball steering,
steering damper, large padded steering
wheel boss, impact absorber under the
padded boss, telescopically collapsible
steering column, steering box located
well behind the front axle.
280 SE 3.5/SEL 3.5:
Mercedes-Benz power steering as standard
Frame floor unit firmly welded to the
body, rigid, torsion-resistant passenger
compartment (safety cell), energyabsorbing front and rear sections,
optimum vision on all sides, panoramic
safety glass windows, four doors, easy to
close, rubber strips on both sides, double
bumpers with broad rubber inserts.
Seating anatomically contoured, firmly
anchored, shaped to qive hip support,
seat springing, vehicle suspension and
sitting position carefully tuned, front
seats adjustable forwards or backwards,
plus backrest angle, height of driver's
seat adjustable, recli ning seat fittings.
Safety glass, windscreen washer, foot
operated with wiper contact, 2-speed
windscreen wipers, butterfly type, operated
by the combination switch on the
steering column.
Lighting system
Parking light, asymmetric low beam

(dimmer), high beam headlights, fog

lamps, side lights, reversing light,
infinitely variable instrument lighting,
interior light with door contact and hand
switch, reading light at the rear, with
switch on the dashboard, lighting for
ashtray, cigar lighter, heater control,
glove compartment and luggage
compartment, footwell light.

The contents are not binding and

the right is reserved for modifications.

Instrument panel padded, yielding on
impact, speedometer, oil pressure gauge,
luel gauge, water temperature gauge,
indicator light for parking brake,
for functioning of both brake circuits,
for battery, indicators, high beam and
luel reserve, electric clock, total mileage
counter, daily mileage counter.
Safety locks on all doors with a childproof locking system on the rear doors,
lockable glove compartment, luggage
compartment lid lock, steering wheel lock
combined with ignition lock, starter and
starter non-repeat unit, master key for
the doors, ignition lock, glove compartment, boot and filler cap lock, second
key for doors, ignition and filler cap only
(one key system).
Heating and ventilation
Continuous warm or cold air flow, dust
and draught-free, with additional blower
for windscreen, front and rear footwells,
air volume and air distribution for warm
and cold air infinitely variable up and
down, blower linked with control lever,
heating separately controlled for right
and left sides, infinitely adjustable
spherical vents for warm and cold air,
on the left and right of the dashboard.
Signalling system
Headlight flasher, self-cancelling
indicators, operated by the combination
switch on the steering column, 2 hig hlrequency horns, brake lights, indicator
warning light.
Parcel tray between front seats, pockets
on the front doors, glove compartment,
rear window shelf, rear view mi rror,
ad justable to anti-glare position, padded
sun visors with make-up mirror on
passenger side, grab handles on roof
frame, clothes hooks on rear grab
handles, padded armrests on doors,
armrest between back seats, cigar lighter,
ashtrays at the front and rear, anchor
points for safety belts front and rear,
carpet in front and rear footwells and on
tunnel, towing lugs front and rear.


Mercedes-Benz cars are very well

equipped and offer maximum comfort.
If you want to personalize your MercedesBenz to give it an individual atmosphere,
many extras are available.
Mercedes-Benz power steering
Mercedes-Benz power steering makes
driving easier. This becomes obvious
when parking and in narrow bends.
Hydraulic equipment reduces the power
required at the wheel and the number
of turns. In spite of this, the "feel" for the
road is maintained in all situations.
(Standard on 280 SE 3.5/280 SEL 3.5)

' .,.

With a car telephone you can be more
independent. You can be reached at all
times, even when travelling. Important
decisions can be made on the way and
passed on to others. These are just two
of the many advantages. Further details
about car telephone systems are available from every Mercedes-Benz branch or
Sliding roof
rhe steel sliding roof is weatherproof,
maintenance-free and electrically
operated. For the sceptics: if the power
fails it can be shut manually from the

Mercedes-Benz automatic
with either steering column or floor shift.
You can drive at speeds dictated by the
traffic flow without having to change
gear or operate the clutch. When
overtaking, you need only to "kick down"
the accelerator into what is called the
forced throttle position, to obtain the
necessary speed. The automatic
transmission then changes into the
appropriate gear and, after overtaking,
automatically changes back. Gear
changing takes place without interruption
of the power flow. This is one of the
greatest advantages of Mercedes-Benz
automatic transmission .


Safety headrests
fhe Mercedes-Benz headrests can be
adjusted in height or backwards and
forwards. They provide a wide or narrow
contact surface according to adjustment.
Apart from increased comfort (musclerelaxing head support) they are also a
safety precaution for driver and
passengers, since they protect the neck
from injury in collisions.


N ,.

'": 4 r;

The Mercedes-Benz air-conditioning unit
looks after your physical comfort. You
can decide on the exact temperature
of the car interior. This is particularly
important when you are driving in
bumper-to-bumper traffic on motorways,
or in the sweltering heat of towns. Open
windows bring no relief. On the
contrary, you are then plagued by dust
and noise from the road. The only
effective help is provided by an airconditioner. The unit is put into operation
by the button on the right. The left-hand
button enables you to regulate the
desired temperature. That is all.
Adjustable louvres control the direction
of the stream of cooled air. The aircondition ing works on the refri gerator
Safety belts
No other special equipment had such a
difficult time fi ghting prejudice. Today
the efficiency of safety belts is
undisputed. From the experience gained
in systematic scientific investigations
concerning safety Mercedes-Benz fit a
three-point safety belt which holds both
the upper and lower parts of the body
firmly in the seat in case of an accident.
Thus passengers are kept from being
flung against parts of the car and are
protected to a high degree against

Electric windows
The switches for the electrically-operated
windows are on the central console in
front of the front seats. All 4 side windows
can be operated from here. Naturally,
the rear side windows can also be
operated directly by the rear passengers
with individual switches. These switches
can, however, be cut out by the driver
with a safety switch. This makes
unintentional opening impossible.
Electrically-operated windows can be
installed for either the two front windows
or for all four.
Here are a few more examples
Limited slip differential, fully
synchronized 5-speed transmission,
mechanical or automatic aerial,
orthopaedic backrests, set of suitcases,
whitewall tyres, 2-tone horn, central
locking system, special paintwork,
including two-tone, and much more.

Further details are contained In our

catalogues "Mercedes-Benz Special
Equipment", and "Mercedes-Benz
Automatic Transmission, Power Steering
and Air-Conditioning".





280SE/ 280SEL3.5
V- 8

#.7 / 7-. rc - :? (mm)

88.5 / 78.8

92/ 65.8

~11~~ (Ccm)



~i!i !11.J (hp/ rpm)
1!7': r Ji,:? {mkg/ rpm)

9.0: 1

9.5: 1

157/ 5,400

230/ 6,050

25.0 / 3,800

32.0 / 4,200



f%W:il<.~I (Lt)



.Yz-1'-v- :$1 -

14V/ 35A


i< ..1

12V/ 55A


:?7:..- :? ?- - 7-. ::t1Ji,,~


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{km / h)

:$11-l'-+t 1 ;;( Cr

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~~~~*4ill!1&:ft (km / Lt)

8. 1

ltt.ift :$1 :..- :? ~It (Lt )







tf'J I) /



,. . ,~

7.35V-1 4/ 185V- 14

,... J

1,555 / 1,585


~ ...



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280S SE3.5




~ (mm)





;t- 1 JL-..-{-;:i. (mm)

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iili"Y- I- iii-ff" (mm)
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I- iii-ff" (mm)


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f~:/- 1- ( :/ 3JL- ~-ilii~)

r 7 ., :?

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~ 1l'@tii=Ff! (m)
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J: 1) 92 1.: ,iili "' Lil -c -9 0 ;( Jv k 7 7. . ~ /' ' / 300SEL6 . 3(1) i1~7.'Ji :ifilJj{ ';!: 220km/ h
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280 Y 1J - :At.: ti V- 8 ..:i:. ;...- ;,; ;...-


L t:.. 280SE3. 5 C. 280SEL3. 5 7'.J< eb

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