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Babalon and History

Radio city will fall

> And Baba-Baby-Lon is not Radio City and if it does not fall, if it
> broadcasts endlessly meaninglessly into the electronosphere, will we
> twirl our tuners somewhere else or just keep auditing its jarbled spew?
Yeah, sorta. Radio City is the mechanism through which the
whore of the north (babylon) exerts her control. It will fall.
It derives all of its power from something that just is not willing
or susceptible to be frightened into, 'giving it up' anymore.
Note here that I believe babalon (victory, endurance, 'the
right arm of the shekinah'-in my own terms - these are all
terms which are also used to describe the sephirah Netzach)
is a very different thing from 'babylon'. I am reading the
zohar. In the commentary to the text commentator says this:
'Lilit (I would say instead: babylon) attempts to seduce
Yesod. If she succeeds than she takes the place of shekinah
(whom the zohar, or at least the commentator to the version of
the zohar that I have, identifies with Malkuth pretty much)
and she rules the world.
That is IMHO what has happened in the last 2000 years (at least).
Babylon has seduced Yesod, they have coupled, and now she has
taken the place of the shekinah and *she*, the northern
whore (the bahir says: all evil comes from the north and
originates there) now rules ther world and sits where the
shekinah should be sitting.
Babalon (with the 'a' instead of the 'y') is something which
I see as being much more related to Netzach than anything
else. 'Victory', 'Endurance', etc. - these are all names
by which Netzach is referred to. Look at some of Crowley's
and Parson's stuff and then compare the stuff that is said
to traditional kaballistic stuff about Netzach.
Babalon is a manifestation of Netzach. She will defeat
Babylon, who sits by treachery in a place where she does
not belong.
The shekinah is supposed to be 'the opening to the tent'.
She is by right the opening to the higher sephiroh. Babylon
sits in her place right now. This confuses everything things are not right, the true opening to the tent cannot be
found, the upper is disconnected from the lower and men
see the higher sphere only so far as they can see anything
real through the confusion of the whore, who sits where
the shekinah should sit. They see everything only through an
astral glamor so thick that it could choke them if they are
not careful.
This is a part of what revelations is about - the removal

of the whore from the seat that it is not her right to sit
in. Netzach/babalon aids in that.
What'll happen to Radio City? I dunno. Perhaps it will go off
on its own looking for other planets/whatever to fuck over and
feed off of.
So far as listening to its jumbled spew goes, it seems that many
have chosen to listen and to follow. That's a bit sad IMHO, but
each person is able to make their own choice once they realize
that they are tuned in.

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