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Destiny, Purpose, and Prosperity

Your Destiny has already been established for every man, and that is either Heaven or Hell. Your
Purpose has already been established for every man, and that is righteousness or unrighteousness. Your
Prosperity has already been established for every man, and that is Your soul in the presence of The
Almighty Creator.
Unfortunately, the fallen angels, the evil spirits have already had their Destiny, and Purpose
established as written in Enoch. They have no prosperity, for hell is not prosperous. The illusion of
prosperity is in the deception to mislead man away from The Almighty Creator. This is what the
Talmud, Torah, Bible, and Koran does. Each so called religion may quote Enoch at varying points, but
then go about the business of creating the illusion of prosperity. This is the reason that they do not
teach from Enoch.
The Book Enoch only concerns itself with the Covenant of The Almighty, and within the text, it
does not mention physical prosperity or wealth, only Righteousness and unrighteousness. This
Covenant is the direction set forth by The Almighty for man.
However, man chose to have a King over obeying The Almighty. The Book of Enoch was handed to
Methuselah by Enoch whom passed this Covenant to Noah. Thus, Noah's Ark, was the Ark of the
Covenant. Israel made their own ark. This was re-invented by man through deception. Through this
they also chose to make unto themselves idols, and gods given to them by the fallen angels and evil
spirits, as this is the unrighteous. Just note all the 'blood' sacrifices, even Jesus in text.
The Fallen, now being the religions of the world whom have 'incorporated' with the evil spirits
require a tax, tithe, oaths and/or representations of wealth as prosperity. These things are not of
mention in Enoch, The Holy Scribe. This wealth and prosperity is tide to the colonization of the world
by the fallen, in which slavery, and all manner of idol worship is included. This is without doubt
unrighteous. Modern day clergy are marketing and selling Heaven for profit.
I am certain I could continue to write hundreds of pages concerning Destiny, Purpose, and
Prosperity like the 'reverends', 'pastors', 'preachers', but they seek the wealths of the world and thus they
have their rewards, which are by no means prosperous. What does it profit a man to gain the world
and lose his soul? That quote is said to be attributed to Jesus whom the Church says it follows, and
yet they don't take heed to that which they claim to follow. They have their reward, or prosperity.
The word of The Almighty and anything having to do with righteousness should be FREE. If
destiny and purpose is for sale it has nothing to do with The Almighty. Enoch is enough to get any man
to Heaven. The Almighty did not have 'money' as a precursor to Righteousness. The Kingdom of
Heaven only requires Righteousness and Righteousness resides with The Almighty. If your Destiny
does not end with your being within The Eighth Day which The Almighty has prepared for those who
Love Him, then you are not prosperous. For There Is Only God Almighty, and His Covenant is
Everlasting. Bless The Lord of Spirit Forever and Forever for His Judgment is Righteous.
The fallen angels and evil spirits have given man many covenants, gods, ornaments,
medications, 'make-up', liquors(spirits) and idols causing them to be lost. They even deceived
man by rewriting Enoch. Please continue to read these essays.......FOR FREE ON THIS SITE.

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