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The Use of Verapamil for the Treatment of Acute Myocardial Infarction

Verpamil is a medication that is used for the heart diseases treatment, particularly
acute myocardial infarction that is considered to be a serious pathology that requires clinical
treatment. Verapamil is the calcium channel blocker (CCB) that is designed to facilitate the
state of patients releaving heart muscles and blood vessels. The correct dosage is important
for the positive outcomes of treatment. However, the restrictions must be applied as for the
patients with chronic deaseses, like heart failure, low blood pressure, kidney or liver disease.
As a part of the treatment program, the patients should be informed prior to use verapamil
about its side-effects and about the inaccuracies of overdose that may happen when using this
medication at home. The doctors prescription should be followed without any stepping back
from the order, so that the effectiveness of treatment can be reached within the set time
frames. Besides, verapamil should not be used in combination with the other medications for
heart treatment, like with the other blood pressure medicines; nefazodone; clonidine;
imatinib; antibiotics; aspirin; digoxin, digitalis;
bosentan; St. John's wort, etc. In addition, verapamil should not be used in case of pregnancy,
for it can do harm both to a mother and an unborn baby. The patients with the severe heart
failure should be restricted from the verapamil use, or the use may be prescribed in little
dosage. The side effects of verapamil can be expressed individually from patient to patient.
For instance, the side-effects may include the following states: headache; severe, slow or
irregular heartbeat; chest pain and/or foamy cough; light-headed effect; shortness of breath;
rapid weight gain; flu symproms (temperature, stuffy nose, diarrhea, etc.). In relevance to
such issues, it is recommended to use verapamil according to the clarified need only. The
medication should be used in the correct dosage, for its overdose may cause severe
consequences, up to the lethal cases.

However, the issues of clinical treatment with verapamil are still under discussion.
The clinical cases show positive results and relief only in the short-term perspective. In this
relation, the aim of this research is to find out whether verapamil is an effective way of
treatment of te acute myocardial infarction, or either the other medication can be developed
by means of clinical testing. Too many side-effects make verapamil not suitable for some
groups of patients. In some cases, this medication can be overdosed by patients. Therefore,
the clinical treatment is more favorable, as the risk of the medication errors (misuse,
overdose, etc.) are minimized.
The lack of clinical testing of verapamil proves inconsistency of methods that should
be rather followed than neglected. The framework of this research is limited to the cases of
the acute myocardial infarction, for we are aware that verapamil as medication of a strong
effect should be used only in cases of severe heart diseases, however with care and proper
dosage. This medication should not be used without doctors prescription.

The data for this research were collected from the clinical information, regarding the
privacy issues care. Therefore, no personal data were included in this research; however, the
heart diseases info appeared to be suitable to provide the deeper analysis of the verapamil use
in the short term perspective.
The other dimension of this research was experimental. For instance, the groups of
patients were included in experimenting activity, having aim to reveal the clinical issues that
verapamil may be related to in the further perspective. It was agreed that this medication is
not yet well established in the clinical conditions; therefore the further experiments on this
matter can be favorable.

The meta-analysis for this research was performed by means of RevMan 5.0 software
(Cohrane Collaboration, Copenhagen, Denmark). The obtain coefficients expected appeared
to be valuable in the framework of this research. The software allowed showing the obtained
data explicitly in relevance to the framework and limitations of this research. The graphical
representation of the data is the best way to show the correspondence of the aim of the study
to the obtained findings and outcomes that should be discussed in the Discussion section of
this paper. The patients were divided into a few groups within this research to offer various
combinations or settings of treatment, including placebo effect in use. The accomplishments
were justified by means of the analytical approach towards the obtained data that had been
clearly collected with care and attention and later systematized, synthesized and analyzed
accordingly. The clarification of data was presented in the discussion section; however, the
possible deviations were also taken into consideration to avoid errors in the analytical part.
The methods used are valuable, for they allow completing the substantive research,
using the chosen conception and clinical setting available. Verapamil was chosen adequately
as one of the most popular medication for the heart diseases treatment in clinical settings.

Inclusion Criteria
Search Strategy
The search strategy for this research included working with the reliable sources of
information and data bases that help to get involved and stay in tune with the recent studies
on heart diseases treatment. In this relation, both theoretical and practical researches were
examined thoroughly to get positive results and outcomes in the frames of this research. In
particular, information was collected from trusted bases of medical articles, including
PubMed, Cochrane databases, Embase, etc. to get familiar with researches in the period of

2011-2014. The articles from these databases were found in an open access that would have
facilitated the research work and formed the theoretical background for this research.
The method of search for information and data in bases of articles appeared to be
traditionally justified and included using the search form at the web-sites. Since no language
restrictions were provided in such cases, the following keywords were used in order to obtain
access to the relevant articles: verapamil, acute myocardial infarction, human, clinical
treatment, patients care, etc. This list of keywords was not limited to the unique possible
Data Extraction
Quality Assessment

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