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The Seven Mental Laws of Success

and the
Seven Keys to Unlocking Them

Step by Step
Action Guide
For Creating the Life You Want


Pat Hicks

If it is in the highest and best interests for all, I

ask for blessings of this book and the thoughts
expressed, for anyone that reads it.

Table of Contents



The Art of Creation……………………………………………………………………..9

The Seven Mental Laws of Success……………………………………………………15

Action Step #1…………………………………………………………………………...17

Action Step #2…………………………………………………………………………...30

Action Step #3…………………………………………………………………………...40

Key #1 Visualizations…………………………………………………………………...66

Key #2 Affirmations…………………………………………………………………….71

Key #3 Verbalizations…………………………………………………………………..75

Key #4 Act It…………………………………………………………………………….77

Key #5 Positive Messages………………………………………………………………80

Key #6 You Are Who You Are Around……………………………………………….83

Key #7 Share What You Know………………………………………………………...86

The Seven Keys List…………………………………………………………………….88



My pen hovered over the paper for a moment and, like some sort of “B” movie, flashbacks from the
past several months passed through my mind as my attorney spoke in the background. He was
assuring me this was the right thing to do and that I would probably feel like a big load had been lifted
off my shoulders. It was Monday morning and I was starting my week off by signing my Chapter 7
Bankruptcy papers.

I was remembering landing in Miami, and talking excitedly to my representative I had hired. We were
flush with the expectations of making a lot of money. Together we went to the shipping company
office so that I could make sure they had crated the laptops in enough protective wrapping to secure
their safety on the voyage to South America.

Then there was the phone call I received.

“Have you seen the news?!”

“No. What are you talking about?”

“You don’t know? Well, you will soon. It will be on all the news very soon.”


“The government devalued the currency this morning at 8:00 o’clock.”

“So, what does that mean?”

“It means everything in the country is worth about half of what it was yesterday, including all of our
computers. The whole country is in a state of shock.”

“What about my bank lines of credit, my gold cards, my cash investment in this deal?!!”

“I’m sorry. There is nobody that can buy these things now. Even if there were, we couldn’t get half of
what they were worth yesterday.”

I signed my name. It was official. I needed to go to my office and begin the process of closing it.
Selling off what inventory was left and deciding what to do next. I just needed to stay close to a
phone, any phone. The doctor said it could be any minute but if nothing had happened by Thursday,
he would induce labor.

Tuesday, I remember sitting at a red light and the tops of my forearms felt like they were on fire! I
couldn’t figure out what was wrong. It was as if thousands of mosquitoes had bitten me. The skin was
red hot to the touch. I was scratching them for all I was worth even though I knew it was making the
red and inflamed skin worse. I couldn’t stop even when my finger nails had already drawn blood.
Finally, as I held my arms up in front of me and looked down at them, I realized what was happening.
My skin was covered in hives. The light turned green. I pressed the gas.

Wednesday morning I went to the office and was putting files in a box when the call came. I rushed
home and we began timing the pains. She called the doctor and they said to come on to the hospital.
The labor was not easy although much shorter than the previous one we had gone through twenty
three months before. This time the nurses and doctors told me to get out of the way and I could tell by
the looks on their faces there was cause for concern. It wasn’t just me, my wife and the delivery nurse
like last time. The room was full of medical people.

Suddenly, it was time and very quickly they got the cord unwrapped from around the neck and
announced that it was boy! I watched as they placed him on a table and saw the most beautiful, blue
eyed, red haired baby boy God had ever created and waited for him to make a sound. Any sound.
Suddenly he began crying heartily. I looked at my wife and the relief on both of our faces was only
surpassed by our joy. I had a baby boy to go with my gorgeous little girl! It was breath taking.

I spent the night at home with my daughter and went up to the hospital on Thursday. Family and
friends gathered. Later that day I went by the office for a minute and then came home to have one last
evening and night that would be just the two of us, my daughter and I, together before her little brother
would appear and rock her world. I didn’t bother answering the incessant phone calls that showed as
“Blocked Call” on the caller I.D.

Friday I went to the hospital and brought my son and his mother home while neighbors kept my
daughter. We spent the day trying to adjust to the newness of everything and that evening my in-laws
brought us dinner. We didn’t know it but there was something in the food that my son’s system did
not like. He started crying at about 8:00 that night. We rocked, cuddled, cradled, walked and bounced
to no avail. He finally stopped at 4:00 in the morning. We fell into the bed exhausted. Two hours later
I felt something tugging on me. “Get up and play with me, Daddy.”

Saturday morning dawned sunny and bright. A couple of hours later I sat on the couch with my next
cup of coffee watching my beautiful toddler daughter play. The phone began ringing as soon as it was
legally permissible (as I was later to learn) with verbally abusive collectors wanting payment. Not
wanting it to wake anyone I began answering, sometimes placing one on hold only to answer an
incoming call from yet another. Each time I said the same thing, over and over.

“I filed bankruptcy, the case number is such and such. Don’t ever call me again.”

Never before had I been so emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally exhausted as that
moment. I wanted to break down and cry my eyes out but I knew there would be time enough for that
in the coming days and that now was not the time. I took off my glasses, rubbed my hand over my
face hard, put them back on and looked through the glass panes of the French doors. The mid-May
sunlight sparkled on the water in our pool and the dew was golden on the big banana tree leaves which
surrounded it. I took a deep breath and got down on the floor to play with my daughter. I didn’t know
it at the time, but I was just beginning the journey that would take me to wonderful discoveries I
wouldn’t have otherwise known.

Three years later I refinanced my home with exceptionally high credit scores, paid off my Chapter 13
Bankruptcy one hundred cents on the dollar and every personal loan that had been made to me. A year
after that I left the corporate job I had and bought over a million dollars of residential real estate.

Today I live in and work from my thirty six hundred square foot home. Sitting at my desk in my home
office, I look out over the tree tops of one of the more desirable neighborhoods in Dallas. My children
go to private schools, swim in our pool I had installed and I see them when they leave in the mornings
and when they come home in the afternoon. I work for myself and don’t answer to any boss or have to
commute through the traffic to a cubicle. I live the life I have wanted to live, the life I envisioned and
for the most part I am very, very happy. When I look at what I wanted to achieve, I am a success.

I still have to work. Not choose to work. I don’t have a villa on the French, Italian or Spanish Riviera
although I have been there. I don’t summer in Colorado or have that get-a-way cabin picked out for
long weekends.

The difference between now and when I was sitting on that couch however, is that I know I can have
those things if that is what I choose to want. Maybe it is and maybe it is much, much more and therein
is your first lesson. Don’t tell anyone your goals unless they are in the position to help you achieve

This book is about the journey from that couch to this moment. It is about what I learned and what you
can learn from what I went through. It is also about the how’s and why’s of what I did to make the
changes I made and is intended to be a road map for you.

It is also a lesson that while you can be contented and enjoy your accomplishments, you will always
seek to grow and establish new goals, visualize new dreams with clarity, strive for success on different
levels and feel the joy of their realization by harnessing your desires to overcome any fears as you
move forward with persistence.

Use, apply and empower yourself with the Seven Mental Laws of Success and you will have what you
want. I did, and do, and so can you.

But first, what do you want? You must find and know the answer. When you do, nothing can stop you.


In the Ron Howard movie, Cocoon, space aliens come to Earth to retrieve a
crew that had crashed here in the distant past. In order to preserve the crew
members until they could come and get them, each of them were wrapped in
cocoons and buried in the ocean, hence the name.

The cocoons were plucked from the sea and placed in an indoor swimming
pool by the aliens. These aliens, which were without physical bodies but
consisted of white light with a head, arms and legs had amazing life giving
powers they infused into the water. This rejuvenating, life affirming fountain
of youth swimming pool was discovered by a group of bored, disgruntled,
sad and bitter seniors. After swimming in the magical recuperative waters,
they rediscovered their health, energy and zest for life.

In order to move about without detection, the aliens put on human “suits” of
skin so that they would look like us. At one point, Brian Dennehy’s
character pulled away the “skin” below his eye and a bright, white light
flooded out illuminating everything around him, horrifying the Steve
Guttenberg character who ran away from the light, as often we all do, in

The universal appeal to this story is the transformation which occurs as the
rebirth of joy, excitement, enthusiasm for life, sense of purpose and thrill of
adventure permeates the layers of life’s “skin” which has covered the seniors
to the point that their own white, bright light no longer shines forth. Finally,
it does so again as they discover one is never too old to make positive
changes, embrace joy, choose life over death and take action to create what
you choose to want.

We all long to either discover or rediscover the happiness, joy and zest for
living they found in the pool. And often, it seems that such a thing must have
to come from an outside source as distant as space aliens. The longing this
movie touches within us, is for our own light to shine forth so we become a
“life force” rather than a flickering match in a large dark room.

The truth of the matter is, that like the image of light emanating from the
eye of an alien but covered and unseen, we each have within us the light of
joy, love, happiness and excitement that we long for but we do not allow to
shine forth. The question we ask ourselves without answer is: How to peel
back the layers of skin we often call “life” and let the light out?

For thousands of years there have been wise people who knew how to
accomplish this, to get in touch with what already exists within us and to
maximize the talents and gifts each individual possesses. We all stand on the
shoulders of these and others that came before us, who passed along the
knowledge, wisdom and means to achieve what we want from life and
showed how to receive joy, abundance and love beyond our capability to

I asked for advice and guidance to prepare this book and was told to “Love it
into existence” and I have attempted to do just that. The activities, exercises
and techniques provided here are spoken to you with the intent to provide a
framework in which by using and developing your mental powers, you will
allow your light to shine.

For all the time structuring, goal setting and other steps we demonstrate on
these pages, the real key to this or any other attempt to better our lives is to
love ourselves a little to a lot more. Everything put into this book is
ultimately targeted to accomplish just that.

It is my hope you can use this tool to create, change and find the zest for life
that exists in each of us as provided by the source of all life.

The Art of Creation

Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably why so few engage in it.
Henry Ford

One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. Which road do
I take? she asked. Where do you want to go? was his response. I don't know, Alice
answered. Then, said the cat, it doesn't matter.
Lewis Carroll

Have you ever watched an athlete that is “in the zone”? Every shot is a

score, every putt goes in, the ball sails off the bat, every bounce is in their

favor and the list goes on and on. Afterwards they talk about how easy it

seemed. Everything was in alignment and they could do no wrong. They

were in the “zone”.

Now, let’s say you are attempting something outside of athletics. Like, say,

life. And in doing so, you have a clear vision about what you want, you are

excited to the point of feeling passionate about what you are doing and you

are taking action by creating goals you clearly see as possible to accomplish.

You’re energized and you can’t wait to get up and work on what you are

doing. Your attitude is conducive to inspiring confidence not only to

yourself but to those around you as well. You are sure beyond any doubt and

know what you want is on its way to you. You are in a “zone”. And instead

of one game it is day after day, week after week, month after month.

Sound too good to be true? Sound impossible? Well, it is possible and it is

not too good to be true and you can do and have all of it. How? There are

seven mental laws that have been around for thousands of years and some of

the greatest achievers have used them over and over to accomplish what they

wanted and to live what they were able to dream. And this action guide is

going to introduce them to you and show you how to take the action

necessary to implement them into your life.

You’ll notice that everything I described when you are in the “zone” is the

opposite of “gotta do it”, “gotta fix it”, “need to” and “hurry up” with all the

accompanying fear, anxiety, stress, exhaustion and worry. That is because

we are talking about creating the kind of goals and envisioning the kind of

life that result in inspired action.

We are all creatures of habit. From watching the news at night right before

going to bed, to reading the newspaper with a cup of coffee in the morning

to our conversations with our families, friends and co-workers, to our

thoughts about our jobs, to our feelings about ourselves. Are your habits the

kind that help you envision and fulfill your goals? What are your habits?

Look around you at your life. You have created it. You are what you are

because you have decided this is the life you wanted to create. You live

where you live, you do what you do, you are with who you are with because

you decided on some level that this is what you wanted. Your thoughts,

actions, feelings and resulting behaviors created everything you see around

you. Which means what you really want, you can create! You’ve already

done it. You really wanted “this”, your life now, and the good news is you

will create what is coming. You decide what that is, and it is how badly you

desire it that makes it happen. Your choice is to decide what you want to

come and then do the behaviors that allow the creation you want to happen.

It is Cause and Effect.

There is no excuse. Your age, education, sex, physical limitation even

intelligence does not have a thing to do with limiting what you want unless

you decide it does. A recent study published in newspapers and on the

internet concluded that intelligence did not have a bearing on whether

someone was rich. Some high I.Q. people were poor and some rich people

did not have a high I.Q.. So, what was the difference? Cause and effect

behaviors that resulted in either gaining and accumulating wealth or…not.

Brian Tracy, the master motivator tells the true story about a young man that

was one of the brightest kids in his class. He took a college entrance exam

and scored in the 99th percentile. However, he wasn’t very sophisticated and

misunderstood this to mean that his I.Q. was 99, which is not considered

very bright. He went to college but was failing everything. His counselor

called him into his office and asked what was wrong, what was going on

with him? Glumly, the kid said that with such a low I.Q., you couldn’t really

expect him to be making it. The counselor then explained that he had tested

out as being in the very top of all students in the United States. Only one

percent scored higher than he had and his I.Q. was much higher than ninety

nine. He went on to turn his grades around and graduate with honors. But

look at the life he was creating for himself because he had decided there was

something within himself which would limit him. Once he changed his

thinking and feelings about himself, his attitude and his behaviors his life

changed completely and for the better. And that is how it works for

everyone. That is why these are called “Laws”. They work consistently,

without deviation, for everyone and have for thousands of years if they are

applied to our daily living.

So, have a look at your habits and your expectations of life and of your

abilities. Are they in alignment to create a feeling of being in a “zone”? Or

are they reinforcing your position as victim? Do your friends make you feel

good about achieving or do they make you feel better about being in the

same boat as victims of life? Are your thoughts continually on worry and

stress or on your future goals of creating the kind of life you want? Do you

spend hours watching T.V.? Do you read the newspaper and find yourself

feeling awful about the government, wars, environment, violence and all the

other news “worthy” items? Are these and any other habits you have,

healthy and conducive to putting you in the “zone” of life? If not, it’s time

for a change. Don’t expect to wake up one day and look around to see your

life changed. If you don’t change the thinking, behaviors and feelings you

are hanging onto now, you cannot expect different results.

But if you do, you can and will create the life you want!

So, let’s look at The Seven Mental Laws of Success that you are going to

use to change your thinking, your feelings, desires, beliefs, expectations and


The Seven Mental Laws of Success

The Law of Control

You feel good about yourself to the extent that you feel in control of your
life. When you are working toward a goal that you feel good about and for
which you have made a conscious decision to target, your actions support
your feelings of being in control of your destiny.

The Law of Cause and Effect

For every effect in your life, there is a definite or specific cause. Change the
cause and get rid of the effect.

The Law of Belief

Whatever you believe with feeling, becomes your reality. Whatever your
belief system supports is what you become. If you believe with feeling that
you will be a success, you will be. The same with failure.

The Law of Expectations

Whatever you “expect” with confidence becomes your self fulfilling
prophecy. Not what you want, but what you expect!

Law of Attraction
You are a living magnet and attract whatever is in alignment with your
dominant thoughts. Like attracts like and when you are clear about what you
want to attract, you will. When you couple your desire with the intensity of
feeling that comes with why you want the things you want, it will come.

Law of Correspondence
Your outer world corresponds to your inner world. You must be, rather than
do! You cannot have a filthy car, wrinkled clothes and smell while
convincing yourself and those around you that what is going on the inside is
congruent with your stated desire to be the epitome of outward success.

Law of Mental Equivalency

Your thoughts, vividly imagined and repeated, while charged with emotion
become your reality. You create the mental equivalent to what you want and
everything else will follow.

Now, let’s look at the action steps to apply these laws and put them to work
in order to create the life you want.

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