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phpChess 4.



phpChess 4.2.1 information

The purpose of this document is to give anyone who downloads phpChess a
basic overview of the latest release, the purpose of the software and the
release specifics. In particular the document will cover the following sections:
Introduction to phpChess...............................................................................1
Quick Installation............................................................................................2
phpChess capabilities (high level).................................................................3
Useful Information and inks...........................................................................4
Version History...............................................................................................5
We hope you enjoy phpChess and please let us know how we can improve it.

Introduction to phpChess
phpChess was developed to permit schools, chess clubs and chess
enthusiasts to offer members an online chess playing experience without
having to spend any money. phpChess is consequently free to use and
modify. The only restriction is to please credit phpChess if any part of the code
is used.
In turn we thank the contributors to phpChess in particular code providers
phpmailer, flexgrid, jquery, tiny MCE, last RSS, js_chess, pgn player, jcrop,
greensock Tween, jhlywa_chess. You can find the majority of these in the
include directory.
We would also like to thank the many testers that help improve phpChess.
Over the last 10 years we had many code changes, many brain outages and
many kind people who pointed out what mistakes we had made, and what we
could do better. Without those inputs phpChess would no longer exist.
Because you care enough to send an e-mail we know phpChess gets used.
So please keep them coming.
Finally, if you have a few spare pennies why not donate to the project. Our
coders can always do we a bit of coffee.


phpChess 4.2



Quick Installation
phpChess can be quickly installed / upgraded as required. Simply follow these
simple steps for a server installation

Dont miss this out if you are upgrading! Back up any previous
version of phpChess you have installed. You will need especially
config.php from the bin directory. You could also just rename it to
config.old. these settings are required for the server to work.

Copy all files in the phpchess folder to your server (we suggest to copy
it into a folder, rather than straight into the root, but its your call).
If you have a previous version installed back-up all files and the
database, then overwrite all files (dont delete old files). Then copy the
config.php file within the bin directory from your back-up back onto the
server into the same location (bin folder)

Change the access to the /bin/ folder to 777 (CHMOD) to permit the
configuration file to be written (or 755 if 777 fails)

Now using your web browser of choice navigate to your selected server
and into the install sub directory (www.[yourdomain]/phpchess/install)

Follow the instructions on screen that will guide you through the
installation or upgrade. The installer will recognize if it is an upgrade or
a new installation.

After the installation/upgrade is completed delete the install folder

If you are upgrading please switch to the default skin for now.

Set the bin folder (chmod) to 644 and if you wish to permit avatar
uploads (/avatars/USER/ and /avatar/USER/tmp) to chmod 755

You can now login to your admin area and do further changes to the
behaviour of the server, but all key settings will have been madxe during the
installation. You can find your phpChess admin area in http://[yourserver]/
[phpchess directory]/admin.


phpChess 4.2



phpChess capabilities (high level)

phpChess was initially designed to deliver a correspondence chess capability.
However mobile computing and many other advances have driven chess
more and more towards real-time. phpChess can now handle both types of
chess (except probably rapid chess, but this depends largely on your webserver).
phpChess uses some html5 in combination with java script to ensure a
smooth self updating user experience. The administrator can also set up
tournaments and even individual challenges, administer players and games
and set challenges.
phpChess however does not just permit chess playing. You can also chat, and
the administrator can create lessons which can be consumed by the players.
for more information on this please visit


phpChess 4.2



Useful Information and inks

We are working very hard to bring the knowledge level for phpChess up. This
involved us creating several resources on youtube, on and in
pdf form. Please visit to get access to all help resources.
Please note that upgrades usually bring some issues with them.
1) Old skins are unlikely to work flawlessly. Try deleting the cell files inside
the skin to get compatibility up, but there is no guarantee. The reason
for this is that the real-time framework set some new requirements that
make it different
2) There are language extensions as new functionality required new
labels and so on. So language files will have errors. To avoid this
please sent us your existing language files and we will endeavour to fix
them (by adding in the appropriate English elements which you can
then translate). We love to get as many languages supported as
possible so any contribution is this area is very much appreciated.
3) Sunset release. phpChess 4.2 is very much as far as we can take this
somewhat messy codebase. So while we will continue to support the
release, major functionality changes will not be done through this
codebase. This also means that future version of phpChess (working
title phpChess Live) will not offer an upgrade path. We are trying to
crack 3 main areas with the new code base, and it will take us some
time to get there.
a) true real-time chess
b) Online training and lesson system
c) complete flexibility of look and feel as well as integration
I hope you agree these goals are well worth it.
4) During the installation (or from the admin area) you can set default time
outs. Unfortunately due to some coding issues the value for these
game timeouts has to be stored in days. Which brings us onto the
following table that shows the relationship between days and actual
hours and minutes (formula is 60(s)*60(m)*24(h) = 86400 = 1 day in
seconds. So 8640 = 0.1 of a day and 864 = 0.01 of a day
0.01 day = 14 mins 24 secs
0.1 day = 2 hours and 24 minutes
We apologize for this profusely and hope to improve on this in our next
phpChess skins can be downloaded at
phpChess language files will also be made public there. You can help
phpChess become more international by creating a relevant language file
(see online for how to do this)


phpChess 4.2



We are keen to help you get the most out of phpChess so please contact us
All the best and have fun
Markus & Christian


phpChess 4.2



Version History
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v4.2.1 Monday, February 17, 2014
---------------------------------------------------------Added Functionality:\r\n
+ Real-time timings now work.\r\n
+ New game creation improved.\r\n
+ FIX a lot of minor bugs.\r\n
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v4.2.0 - Tuesday, December 31, 2013
---------------------------------------------------------Added Functionality:
+ Added Java based player home.
+ Added Added Admin List for managing Players.
+ Added Added Admin List for Games.
+ Added Improved performance slightly.
+ Added Improved game view including taken pieces.
+ Added Admin FAQ Editing.
+ FIX some minor bug fixes.
+ FIX deprecated functions errors.
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v4.1.1 - Monday, Februrary 03, 2013
---------------------------------------------------------+ Bug fixes\r\n
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v4.1.0 - Wednesday, May 30, 2012
---------------------------------------------------------+ updated front page to Javascript UI.
+ Re-Fixed url for deafult logo.
+ Created very basic Tournament management.
+ Improved compatibility with tablets and phones.
+ Major impact now on query volume on database.
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v4.0.2 - Monday, November 09, 2009
---------------------------------------------------------+ Fixed Escaping of text.
+ Fixed url for deafult logo.
+ Removed all links to
+ Fixed Installation routine issues.
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v4.0.1 - Sunday, September 07, 2009
---------------------------------------------------------+ Fixed Security Gap on ajax.
+ Fixed url handling.
+ Fixed php5.3 support.
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v4.0.0 - Monday, April 07, 2009
---------------------------------------------------------Added Functionality:
+ Developed new Java Ajax java UI for games.
+ Added Archiving.
+ Added Configurable game timings for all game types.


phpChess 4.2



+ Added points for activity management.

+ Added Clubs.
+ Added PC Client IO.
+ Added and extended mobile commands.
+ Added realtime challange interval management
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v3.9.9 - Sunday, January 17, 2009
+ Fixed Security Gap on fishing url.
+ Improved performance.
+ Fixed a few minor security flaws.
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v3.9.8 - Friday, July 04, 2007
+ Fixed a few minor security flaws.
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v3.9.7 - Sunday, June 28, 2008
---------------------------------------------------------Added Functionality:
+ updated php mailer.
+ Introduced new captcha.
+ Fixed a few minor security flaws.
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v3.9.6 - Monday, April 07, 2008
---------------------------------------------------------Added Functionality:
+ Updated the PGN viewer to the latest version(latest).
+ Integration with phpChess Mobile.
+ Improved Activities.
+ Fixed Security Gap on fishing url.
+ Improved performance.
+ Fixed a few minor security flaws.
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v3.9.5 - Tuesday, November 04, 2007
---------------------------------------------------------Added Functionality:
+ Updated the PGN viewer to the latest version(3.47).
+ Updated the FEN creation page to be more user friendly.
+ Fixed the problem that may cause the PGN viewer from crashing.
+ Changed a few functions to be less processor intensive.
+ Fixed a few minor security flaws.
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v3.9.4 - Tuesday, October 09, 2007
+ Fixed the problem that caused the FEN to be displayed incorrectly on the view pgn/fen
+ The create FEN popup will now generate a correct FEN.


phpChess 4.2



---------------------------------------------------------FVP v3.9.3 - Sunday, September 23, 2007

+ Fixed a security problem with the server include files that may allow an attacker to run
arbitrary code.
- This security problem only affects users with register_globals set to on (variable located in
the php.ini file).
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v3.9.2 - Thursday, September 13, 2007
+ Optimized some more MySQL code.
Added Functionality:
+ Added constraints to all user names.
- User names are now limited to 11 alphanumeric characters without spaces. - Non
alphanumeric characters allowed are: -_.
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v3.9.1 - Wednesday, August 29, 2007
+ Optimized the MySQL code related to the player point calculations.
+ Fix a few minor bugs related to the cron job.
Added Functionality:
+ Player point caching.
+ Admin player list will now list 20 players per page.
+ Extend player details to display club memberships.
+ Added the following mobile commands.
- deletemsg (Params: action, sid, messageid, all).
- closeaccount (Params: action, sid, user, pass).
- createclub (Params: action, sid, clubname).
- joinclub (Params: action, sid, clubid).
- leaveclub (Params: action, sid).
- clubmembers (Params: action, sid).
- uploadclubpage (Params: action, sid, html).
+ Unused/inactive player purging.
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v3.9.0 - Friday, July 27, 2007
+ Player emails are now hidden and require the player to use the message center when
communicating with other players.
+ The active games list will now display games that are accepted and active.
+ Fixed the timeout problem with all the player lists.
+ Updated a few functions to be more efficient.
Added Functionality:
+ Add a new skin that will take over the default skin.
+ Added additional skin functionality to change the size of all html tables and popup windows.
+ Added additional mobile server functions to modify the buddy list and to retrieve player


phpChess 4.2



FVP v3.8.9 - Wednesday, June 27, 2007

+ Fixed a few minor bugs.
+ Modified the create game page to be more user friendly.
Added Functionality:
+ Forum integration is now possible.
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v3.8.8 - Wednesday, May 23, 2007
+ Fixed a few minor session bugs.
+ Solved the logout problem.
Added Functionality:
+ Added the ability to customize the server cells.
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v3.8.7 - Saturday, May 19, 2007
+ Improved the looks of multiple interfaces.
+ Fixed up the time problem with the tournaments.
+ Increased the performance of the server.
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v3.8.6 - Wednesday, May 16, 2007
+ Fixed the problem that caused the license key problem in all install/upgrade scripts.
+ Fixed the errors in bug reporting tool.
Added Functionality:
+ Added navigational buttons in all configuration pages.
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v3.8.5 - Wednesday, May 9, 2007
+ Updated the install/upgrade scripts.
+ Fixed a few small issues with the cron.php file.
+ Players can no longer resign/draw other player's games.
Added Functionality:
+ Added the ability to view other player's games.
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v3.7.5 - Tuesday, May 1, 2007
---------------------------------------------------------Added Functionality:
+ Added links to additional client downloads.
+ Fixed the install/upgrade scripts to be php 5 compatible.


phpChess 4.2



---------------------------------------------------------FVP v3.7.4 - Wednesday, April 25, 2007

---------------------------------------------------------Added Functionality:
+ Added additional mobile server files to support images.
+ Fixed the xml returned by the mobile function: getclientip.
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v3.7.3 - Monday, April 23, 2007
+ Repaired a few minor bugs with the logout proccess.
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v3.7.2 - Thursday, February 1, 2007
+ Changed the One-To-Many tournament type to be vote based.
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v3.7.1 - Friday, January 19, 2007
---------------------------------------------------------Added Functionality:
+ Added images in the skins directory for the mobile client.
+ Added the ability to pass a sid to some pages.
+ Added some new images to the phpchess skin.
+ Added the ability to enable/disable the player chat./r/n+ Added the ability to enable/disable
the server cron job feature./r/n
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v3.7.0 - Monday, January 8, 2007
---------------------------------------------------------Added Functionality:
+ Added the new tournament functionality.
+ Added a way for the players to actively chat with each other.
+ Added a way for the admin to report bugs or problems.
+ Repaired a few minor bugs.
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v3.6.8 - Thursday, December 28, 2006
+ Removed the leading 0s from the "fen" mobile server command.
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v3.6.7 - Friday, December 21, 2006
---------------------------------------------------------Added Functionality:
+ Added new mobile server commands.



phpChess 4.2



---------------------------------------------------------FVP v3.6.6 - Friday, December 14, 2006

---------------------------------------------------------Added Functionality:
+ Added confirmation boxes for the draw and resign buttons.
+ Using the "enter" key while in a game will no longer resign/draw the game.+ The server
language page will no longer display the "help" directory in the select box.
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v3.6.5 - Thursday, December 07, 2006
+ Fixed the bug that may add an extra slash in the unsubscribe link.
+ Fixed the database errors caused in the "Close Account" page.
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v3.6.4 - Monday, December 4, 2006
+ Fixed the database errors caused in the "Accept New Players" page.
+ Fixed the database errors caused in the "Manage Current Players" page.
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v3.6.3 - Friday, November 24, 2006
---------------------------------------------------------Added Functionality:
+ Added new mobile server commands.
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v3.6.2 - Monday, November 20, 2006
+ Enhanced the code to decrease loading times.
Added Functionality:
+ Added new mobile server commands.
+ Added Drag and Drop functionality.
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v3.6.1 - Monday, September 18, 2006
+ Re-wrote all the timeout functions and associated database tables in hopes to solve the
timeout problems for all game types.
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v3.6.0 - Thursday, September 07, 2006
+ Added the missing "not_installed.php" page.
+ Tidied up the upgrade and install pages to look better.
+ Fixed a minor bug with the top ten players list.
+ Fixed up the pgn generation code.



phpChess 4.2



Added Functionality:
+ Updated a few more icons in the phpchess skins.
+ Last moves will now be highlighted on the chessboard.
+ Added the activities section.
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v3.5.2 - Saturday, August 26, 2006
+ Fixed the email error, which prevented emails from being sent from the server.
Added Functionality:
+ The statistics page will now show the player's date of last login and last move.
+ Added a way for the player to check when the game will timeout.
+ Added additional club options to the server.
+ Added a way for the player to change his or her email address.
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v3.5.1 - Tuesday, August 22, 2006
+ Fixed the bug that caused active real-time games to prematurely end.
+ Changed the way normal game timeouts are handled.
Added Functionality:
+ Added aditional help topics.
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v3.5.0 - Tuesday, August 22, 2006
+ Fixed the avatars section to allow custom uploads depending on admin approval.
Added Functionality:
+ Added an interactive help system.
+ Added another skin in the skins directory.
+ The admin can now change/set the default chessboard colors for all users.
+ An online graph has been implemented to show how many users logged on for a given
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v3.4.1 - Thursday, August 10, 2006
+ Fixed the private games list to show realtime games all the time.
+ Fixed a few more multi-language bugs.
+ Cleaned up some code to increase performance.
Added Functionality:
+ Added image varificaton to the register players form.
+ Added two new skins in the skins directory.
+ The View games list now displays a list of games that are active.



phpChess 4.2



FVP v3.4.0 - Sunday, July 29, 2006

+ Changed the unsubscribe link, in emails, to be more meaningful.
+ Fixed a small bug that caused the player list to crash.
Added Functionality:
+ Players can now create there own FEN when they create a game.
+ The admin can now see actions to do directly after log on.
+ Enhanced the graphics of the old phpChess skin.
+ Added a select range of avatars for the user to select from.
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v3.3.9 - Sunday, July 23, 2006
+ Startup FENs, when creating a game, will work properly now.
+ Server emails will now have an unsubscribe link in them.
---------------------------------------------------------FVP v3.3.8 - Wednesday, July 19, 2006
+ Changed the default game type from Blitz to Normal in the create game page.
+ The private games list has been changed to omit games that are not on the players turn.
Added Functionality:
+ Players now have the ability to close there accounts.
+ Updated the admin page to include a change log.
+ XML support has now been implemented.



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