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JAN 31 1983

Mews Letter of W^ali Prevost

20 January 1983
Mission Services

Box 2427
Knoxville, TN 37901
Dear Brethren in ChristJ

For Horizons and wherever else appropriate, please change my address


Box 59



Walt Prevost
Cebu Christian Mission

Box 41


Cebu City 6401


I will continue my work here with South Bast Asia Christian Services through
Chiangmai Bible Institute's Commencement on 2 April 1983* In mid-April I will
go to West Seattle Christian Church in Seattle, Washington, for a short furlough#
In mid-August, following the WI-NE-KA Week of Missions, I will travel to Cebu,
Philippines^ to begin work there in my new location.

In Cebu, I will be working largely with Ray and Imogene Carlson and the Filipino
brethren of Cebu Bible Seminary.

In addition, I hope to be involved in other

work in the Visayan Region of the Philippines as I am invited to participate by

the brethren.

This will not be completely new to me; I have visited this part

of the Philippines several times, beginning with the Traveling College in early
1974. I expect to be greatly blessed as I begin work in this new Cebu location#

If there are questions about my change of field, I may be contacted through the
month of March at the Chiangmai address above#
Thank you very much for sending Horizons#

In Christ's service,




Ramblings Of Walt
Vol. 2. No. 16




January 10 we


the third

term of our 1982-83 schoo] year at

Chiangmai Bible Institute.
Th is
will be my last term of work at
CBl; next year at this time, Lord
willing, I will be teaching inCebu
Bible Seminary in the Philippines.

I will not be teaching a course in

CB! this term.
I will be helping
cur th re e prospective graduates
with the research p ap er s which
they must write inorder to receive

their degrees on April 2.

In ad
dition, I will be continuing to do

the work of Academic

Dean through

the end of the term.

We have had some students drop out

and have had new students begin

with us.

Our new students

are six Lisu from the tribal


hostel operated by Bobby Morse.

Another important task forme right
now is preparation for my furlough
and relocation later this spring
and summer.
I am attempting to
identify every task

which must be

done when I leave Chiangmai and do

those which can be done right away.
For instance, I have purchased my

ticket for the TAI flight from U

Bangkok to Seattle on April 13.

I look

forward with great antici

to my short furlough with
1 pray that we might all be


With love



JUN 28 1983



News Letter of Wah Prevost


BOX 41





May 1983

Number 1


My final days in Chiangmai found me very busy getting ready to leave
on furlough. In addition to the task of getting my household things ready
to move to Cebu, I had work to do as the 1982-83 School Year at Chiangmai Bible Institute drew to a close. The final
course was a five credit-hour course in Village Health, taught by Dr. Geoffrey Atkinson of World Vision. As
Academic Dean of CBI for 1982-83, I was determined before leaving to complete the work which is normally

accomplished at the end of the term. This involved grading the examinations for the Village Health course, establish
ing grades for the students, calculating term and cumulative Grade Point Averages, and adding the courses, GPAs,
and other information to the students' records. All of this was done in good time, so that I was able to concentrate on
getting my things ready for the mover during my last week. In the midst of all this last minute work before leaving, I
spoke for CBTs fourth Commencement on 2 April, in which we graduated threeAtapha, R. James, and Isaiah.
My last teaching in Thailand was in Samato Lisu Village. It had been a long
time since I had visited a Lisu village. So I was very pleased when Luke asked me
to come teach in a Short Term Bible School in Samato. Luke is one of last year's
CBI graduates. He is living and working in that village. Samato is located in Tak

Province and required driving south for three hours on good paved highwayand
three and a half hours west and north on very rough road to the village. I
borrowed a Toyota truck (called a "taxi" in Thailand) from Marty Egelston for
the trip.

We arrived on the Lord's Day and met that evening in the home of one of the
Christian families. We ate most of our meals in that home. The Lisu people are
very hospitable; it was good to feel their love and friendship one more time. I
preached on the subject of demonsthe evil spirits which bother non-Christian
Lisu and other tribal people.
K. James, Khono, and Ahphu also went and taught in the Short Term Bible

School. All are graduates of CBI. It was good to work with them. Each day
James taught Life of Christ. His wife Khono taught the younger children some
Gospel songs in Thai and English. I taught different subjects each day. Ahphu
translated my teaching into Lisu and also taught his own class. The Lisu Chris

tians were very attentive. They wear very colorful costumes, especiallythe ladies.
In Samato Lisu Village there are about twenty Chris
tians in five families. Each evening we showed movies
(Traveling College and my Grand Canyon and Rogue
River movies!) as an attraction for the non-Christians in
Samato and nearby Lahu and Karen villages. In spite of
the strange subject matter of the movies, some of the
people walked twenty to thirty minutes each way in the
darkness to come to see the movies.

You may remember my joy when Sayan was baptized into Christ. He was
immersed by Peter Sutjaibun in the creek on Doi Sutep.
Change of field. After intensive study of the Thai language I found that, while
I became more "comfortable" in living in Thailand, it would be years before I

would be conversational in Thai and yet more time before I could adequately
teach in Thai. Remembering that I was able to preach and teach in the


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Philippines without translation, I realized that my time spent in teaching there

would be two or three times as effective. Letters to several missionary friends
brought an invitation from Ray and Imogene Carlson to come work in Cebu. I
had already planned a short furlough in spring 1983. With approval of the board
and congregation of West Seattle Christian Church, the decision was made:
following my furlough I will . . .


When I return to Asia in mid-August, it will be to a new field. Since I have
been to Cebu several times, it will not be to an unknown place. I am already

acquainted with many of the brethren there. I will work with Ray and Imogene
Carlson and Cebu Christian Mission. This new logo for my ROWs is intended to

reflect my new Philippine location.

Cebu Bible Seminary will be the location of a majority of my work. I will be
working with the Filipino faculty, staff, and administration. Unlike my teaching
in Chiangmai Bible Institute where my inability to speak Thai meant that my
teaching required constant translation, in CBS I will be able to teach in
untranslated simple English. The improvement in the use of my time is a major
reason for my change of field.

I hope to do some more preaching (if invited by the Filipino brethren). Ray
Carlson suggests that it will be good for me to visit churches during the time I will
be in Cebu before beginning to teach in CBS. Perhaps I can again visit the church
in Rizal on Siargao Island, or the church in Mahalit on Leyte, or the Lantag
Church on Cebu (building pictured).

Will you pray with me?

that South East Asia Christian Services and Chiangmai Bible Institute will
continue to be effective in training workers for the Lord Jesus Christ;

that my travel to Cebu will be accomplished safely;

that I will be effective as a teacher in Cebu Bible Seminary;

that God will use me in other ways in my new location in Cebu;

that I will be the man God wants me to be.

With love,



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Ramblings of Walt

3, No. 3


Monday, July25 was the date on which my air ticket for August 15 must
have been purchased in order to buy it at the lower budget fare. So,
I checked with the Philippine Consulate and found that nothing has
been heard about my visa.

It, therefore, looks like I will be around

for a wh i1e.


I return

from the Week of

Missions at Camp WI-NE-MA, I will

check regularly and often with the Consulate

and establish a new de

parture date after I have the visa in my passport. Until that happens,

I wi 11 be seen a round WSCC do ing what I can to be ready-'-iTo" go TTTfeR-ever

t?T~^isa is ready.

With love ^^vc.Wa 11 Prevo^

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