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By John Paily

The world has many religions, culture, practices. Relatively non self-centered intellectuals
installed some for good of humanity and some were introduced by evil minds to rule the innocent
and ignorant. It makes no sense in the present time to fallow it as dumb idiots. These cultures
have some roots. We need to unearth these roots and unite it with modern science. We need to
flush out the practices installed with intent to rule and exploit people. Only then will the world
come alive from darkness to light, disorder and destructive way to order and constructive way.
All religious scriptures visualize universe as living one, not a material entity as the scientist
largely thinks. This means we are all connected and are one. They visualize Supreme Soul
called God and a Spirit associated with it as the key to cosmic existence. The spirit is called it by
various names Brahman, Holy Spirit, all Ruh all Quds, Chi or Life force and so on. They
visualize God as beyond time.
Attempt to know origin of concept of God, leads us to east [Vedas] where God is known as Pure
Conscious and Intelligent field that creates and sustains. We human are visualized as created or
individuated beings or worlds born from it with similar consciousness and intelligence. We are
called to serve Him than seeking self. We are called to Love and uphold Truth and Justice and
work for His kingdom.
They interpreted God also as knowledge and wisdom that helps humanity live in peace with
oneself, with others, with nature and whole cosmos. The people in those period, especially at the
helm, knew themselves as light beings [self-realized] responsible to hold light and walk the path
of Truth and Justice, doing his or her duty serving God and serving people. There were no
temples and Churches, only spiritual institutions. People in it worked to awaken human

consciousness and intelligence such that individuals can walk the path of truth and justice and
serve God and People. The kingdom God began to deteriorate when non-enlightened, self and
material centered people in filtered spirituality and spiritual institutions. They preferred to create
slaves who serve them. They built temples and religions and bound them into it. God thus
became means of easy livelihood, attaining position and power. Bible says God came as Jesus to
liberate us. The only people whom Jesus condemned were the priests. Unfortunately, His name
was used to create another religion, which became corporate system expanding into world and
amassing wealth in the name of God.
Science emerged making humanity to think and awaken to nature and her functioning and know
the functioning of Cosmos.
Modern theoretical physicists fail by one question, the question of origin and existence of
cosmos in time. Their work, point to origin from a point in a singularity in black hole [Big
Bang]. This theory has no role for life in it. However, Quantum scientists contradict it. They
have proved that one cannot predict a point and that somehow an observer and his mind play an
important role in nature. New developments in science speak of Strings and Parallel Worlds and
an Ekpyrotic Scenario of creation, where one world pierces the other to emerges to start a New
Time Cycle. However, they have failed to comprehend the developments sensibly.
The relationship of God and humans and the secret of cosmos can be understood from science of
life that begins with one cell to form a system over 100 trillion cells, most of which dies to be
reborn periodically such that the system survives. A living system is also capable conquering
time and initializing itself. Here the reduced information of one world, held in a string, leaves its
world and enters the black hole of the parallel world to unite with its reduced information to
form new information that conquers time.
The information then differentiates into two and many worlds. It taking matter from the body of
the feminine to create the body. This process actually originates from a point as wave in the
fertilized Egg cell and proceeds to the periphery. In the process the pair of original information
creates mirror image of itself and separates into to two worlds and the process goes on. However,
these original information is quantum entangled, thus is instantaneously communicated.
Information is truncated when cell divides and cells differentiate into different functions.
However, every cell technically carries all the information of the primal cell and has potential to
de-differentiate and create the complete information. The modern biology, the genetic
engineering and cloning technologies are based on it.
No wonder the Bible says we are created in the image of God and we were given dominion to
rule over His kingdom. This means, we humans once knew all information, knowledge about the
functioning of His Kingdom. In short, we knew His heart and Mind. However, we lost this
information, knowledge and wisdom, when we became ego, self and excessively material
Two determining factors work in various strengths within all of us. One that belong to the
original source information or intelligence and the other that is mirror image created in time. We
can call it two I factors or centers within us; one that belongs to the material body, the center of

which is brain/mind and the other to the Divine Source, center of which is heart /soul. The
Divine source works against gravity force that tends to collapse towards a center. It works to
sustain life. It resist the I factor that belongs to material body and the mind. Bible puts this
resistance as resistance to eat from the Tree at the Center. It is the knowledge of material
world and its power that mind accumulates by virtue of senses that are directed to external world.
This simply leads us to black hole, disorder and destruction. We are experiencing it worldwide,
in spite of huge spiritual awakening.
We are in time period where, our excessive materialism is stressing earth to critical point leading
the world huge destruction by aggravated earth forces. There is a spiritual awakening taking
place under the stress. However much of it is happening under religious tags and hence we see
the world moving towards third word war and possible annihilation of humanity in the name God
and religions. Unless we evolve to Truth of Nature and her functioning and know the SPIRIT
governing it beyond religions we are doomed.
The crux of spirituality is to grow beyond the body and its center [brain and mind] that connects
to the external world and connect to the world within. This internal world is the conscious and
intelligent field sustains life. This has connection to root Universal Consciousness and
Intelligence. The approach is opposite to modern science. The teachings of the east, such as
meditation help in this process. It helps us to experience the reality or life force within by various
measures and walk the path of Truth and Justice without any compulsion.
Even meditation and human effort to know Truth has limitations. This is so because the faculty
of mind observing and exploring the inner world, always attached with intent. Thus, at higher
levels spirituality calls for death of mind. It calls for faith and total surrender to the Higher Will.
It calls for union with Universal Consciousness. It is a state of experiencing of peace and joy. It

is de-differentiating into universal conscious field to be Born Again.

A simple shift in our thinking and exploration of universe as living can lead us to discover
universe as informational one. This now accounts both for Big Bang and Ekpyrotic scenario of
creation. At deeper level, it will account for the beauty of Spiritual Scriptures and creation
written in it. The seven-day creation in Bible speaks of seven steps of Cosmic Kundalini
that east speaks. This cosmic Kundalini is emerging through Christ and His self-sacrifice. The
final step is revelation of Truth that initializes the kingdom of God.
This is the hope for endangered world, where humanity is stressing earth calling upon himself
misery and destruction, where religious institution, in alliance with leaders of nation are leading
the world to self-destruction in the Name of God.

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