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With the power of love
and Gratitude

Deepanjali Rao

The Co-Inspired Life

When we seek to find the rhythm of life, we
begin a journey of unfolding the many coinspired moments that have brought us to
where we are. The many empty spaces, filled
with Gratitude unfold the Big Picture we often
miss to notice in our everyday struggle for
survival and validation.
In this book, I take the journey as an
awestruck tourist through the many prompts
and flashes of co-inspiration that have
presented themselves to be written about.
You will meet the many matching thoughts we
share as the human race, you will meet the
many choices you made and couldve chosen.
The purpose of this book is simple, it is an
invitation extended to you, to begin where you
are at and deliberately choose your next step.
Awareness of the Divine Intelligence in our
everyday decision has the power to create by
virtue of CHOICE the world we intend for
ourselves and our future generations.
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My deep gratitude, to the Divine Intelligence,

God, Creator, Universe, My Father in heaven
to have chosen me, to channel this knowing and
share it with YOU. Yes, YOU, who are created
in the image and likeness of God and are on
this earth with a purpose unique to YOU and
through you for all that is CREATED!
Have you ever noticed, that there are times in
our day, where, you are moved to a pause,
because, you suddenly begin to see it like you
KNEW it was going to happen? Or a thought is
followed by a sign, a song followed by a face
and a feeling. Those fleeting feelings are life
connect, at its purest, connected with you and
expressing itself through you!!
Now, imagine a life, in which you are aware of
the many fleeting moments, the messages of
pure love that touch and heal and reveal.
Imagine, being able to receive these messages
right through your day! Imagine, going to
office and feeling purpose and direction.
Knowing, when to extend yourself and when to
fold in for a bit of quiet and float out again,

The Co-Inspired Life

sharing a common sense of wellbeing! This can
all be yours, simply because, youre willing to
allow life to communicate with you and through
you. Sometimes all it takes is a little bit of
Gratitude, to begin to dip into this wide space
of love and oneness.
This book would be incomplete if I dont
mention the Awestruck Tourist, the free
being of divine excitement. The Awestruck
Tourist, who sees as God does and knows that
GOD IS! And as we write and you read, YOU
WILL KNOW who is writing. For I may write
from a human understanding and the
Awestruck Tourist will present the divine will
and thrill of co-inspiration! Also, you can
expect to feel a million new perspectives
inviting themselves to you, the Awestruck
Tourist within you will begin to speak up and
invite YOU to a brand new communication with
itself. The Awestruck Tourist, is your own
personal experiential guide like it is mine.
The observations, well will surprise you for

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the Awestruck Tourist has a divine connect

with all that is created ;)
Remember, I write to you, to learn myself and
so, this is a journey not a destination. If you
feel the need to pause, then simply follow your
instinct there is nothing more important than
to consume co-inspired!
There will be a million insights relevant to the
reader as the angels are going to assist each
reader with a unique understanding and insight
in accordance to their spiritual connect with
their Divine Self. What makes this project so
amazing, is that ANYONE can read the
material and RECEIVE something totally
specific to their journey and that makes for
an amazing inspiration to actually write this
In choosing to say yes to this project, I am
giving Divine Control to the ALL to channel
through these books that which the ALL would
most like for human beings to know and
understand about the Divine Blue Print for

The Co-Inspired Life

humanity. Of which each one of us is Eternal
Energy manifest in the FLESH with a HIGHER
purpose than our human mind can understand or stand-under, so, it will be exciting
to find a way to share the excitement with
If you feel connected to the content please
thank the Divine Assistance of YOU to guide
you on how to continue building your new
connect with YOUR HIGHER SELF and yes,
you can share your experiences with me too on so that the angels
can assist you through ME, if needed that is.
Very often, Divine Communication and
correspondence is very personal and the
person who the information is meant for is
uniquely guided to receive it.
I am playing the part of the Awestruck
Tourist here in these next few pages only for
the purpose of keeping the Divine Vibration in
flow and control of the outcome of this
adventure in Divine Correspondence.

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I am looking forward to the Divine Magic

coming through for both me and you.
Re:Member Re:Cognise and Re:Turn to the
Spirit of BEING Divine and Being Human.
Feeling like a child again waiting to be
Heres the other information the Angels are
asking me to share with you as they share with
me. In the next 70 pages, We reaching out to
YOU and through YOU. If you feel our
presence acknowledge it with a mental thank
you that we may continue our work with you.

Love Light and Gratitude


The Co-Inspired Life

Chapter ONE
As we embark on a journey with YOU, wed like
to Thank You for asking us so often to work
with you and through you. The important part
we would like you to understand that this, or
any other thought we have worked with you
on or are presently working with you on or the
ones were already sensing that wed like to
work with you on would never have been
possible without your consent to allow us into
your listen and silent time and choosing
to acknowledge our presence ALL-ways!
We are the Divine ALL vibration of creation
and it has been our PURPOSE to work with
YOU through your asking which is mental
(thought) for ALL is mental till YOU choose to
give it form. WE know you are an aspect Divine
ALL in the FLESH with an Eternal Purpose in
an External Form.
The ALL is the supreme power of thought
for ALL THAT IS now present in your human
reality IS FIRST a thought. We advise that
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you read this keeping YOUR-SELF in focus.

This communication is meant to ASSIST your
alignment so, you must continue to ask for a
deeper than the surface understanding of our
the human being is a manifest of the
collective thought of growth from IN-TO
(that is from Inner Asking- To external
So to simplify this whole chapter you are of
thought from thought and always with
thought. The ALL-mighty created from
thought and so ALL THAT IS created is
THOUGHT itself in-to BEING.
So, the power of thought creates and this
dear ones is the secret of the ALL.
In this book we are going to co-inspire you to
we had Dee pick a book last week and had it
delivered to her on her favourite day
SONday, the day she chose to walk with us
and talk with us. For many years, she had
dedicated this day to being in Church, her

The Co-Inspired Life

favourite person for ALL her HUMAN years
has been Jesus.
Here we would like YOU to know that Jesus is
a vibration of LOVE, who came forth on the
earth under circumstances that were less that
IDEALLY acceptable and yet, vibrated at the
frequency of ALL. Very clearly, a SOUL,
manifest in the flesh to assist humanity to a
deeper more co-inspired relationship with the
ALL. A few years ago we introduced Dee to
the vibration of Jesus (Gs US or Gratitude is
US), if you go back to history you will know
and learn that the name of Jesus at birth was
Emmanuel (God with Us) as a soul vibration and
over the years and shift in his calling, he came
to be known with a new vibration Jesus mangiven and ALL-Inspired.
Now, back to where we were, Forgiveness, by
Gerald is a book that resonated with Dee since
at this time she too is dealing with a shift in
perspective and desire at many levels in her
life. For the last few years she has been
struggling with her decisions and feeling like
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her good intentions have met with accidents

causing her pain and hurt. Yet, her powerful
intent to connect both herself and others
into a deeper relationship with the ALL of
Gratitude has caused her to continue to work
circumstances and this has been her greatest
victory. Now, were leading her to forgive
the circumstances with a new perspective and
while we work with her, were working with you
too. For we understand the power of your
human circumstances over your spiritual
connect. We know it most because that is
HOW the ALL has designed thought.
The power of thought creates and this dear
ones is the secret of the ALL.
It is fascinating how, over your human years
the information that you hold most dear is the
information that causes you to shrink to
circumstances and hold dear that which is in
your reach at a physical level. It is natural
for the phase of BEING HUMAN and we do
understand that which is why we extend our-

The Co-Inspired Life

self to connect with your-SELF and co-create
with you.
The Human has been given by virtue of being
an aspect of the ALL, the Divine Right to Let
there BE from thought and therefore
CREATING, ALL they need to survive the
journey of being human. In the process though
what you are really being is a TOURIST
creating, evolving, your own unique version of
the ALL, CREATING from your THOUGHT as
you, the aspect of the ALL, journey in a body
and experience CREATION as an individual.
Which makes you a KEY contributor to the
ALL of creation.
The very fact that you have a form, you are an
important part of the process of creation. For
the form is given authority over ALL that is in
form or of form or from form and this is your
POWER or we would like to use EM-POWER
(Eternal Manifest-Power) for the COREESSENCE of YOU is the power of the ALL.
The power of thought creates and this dear
ones is the secret of the ALL.
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Heres our first exercise for YOU:

Take 3 deep breaths and repeat
The power of thought form creates ALL.
The ALL creates from the power of
thought. I am thought that creates ALL
I am and I experience in-form
(it is the vibration of this affirmation that
resonates and radiates)
For the next ONE minute (have fun) with
trying to write down every-thought you can
remember from the thoughts/images/feelings
you had while affirming. Know that every
thought you remember is a GIFT from YOU to
YOU and will continue to pop up as we
continue working together.

The Co-Inspired Life

Chapter TWO
I have been blessed to have this connection
with the Divine since I was a little child and I
didnt truly imagine that someday I would be
creating a completely new perspective about
both my-self and humanity as a whole from
the experiences Ive had. Not all of them
wow in the present moment of their
occurrence and yet, each experience has had a
profound impression on my sense of SELF.
thought well, we have a whole history
together and today, as I write this chapter,
thought inspired, I can re-call many twists
and turns in my person and personality as I
bumped into Divine Manifests of the
PRESENCE and the PRESENTS of the ALL in
my human life.
My focal thought as a child of 2 because
Jesus wants it, at the age of 11 each one of
us is created with a mission as a teenager my
greatest influence was something my Nana
said to me feed us and kill us but dont leave
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us and go I guess I knew then I had to do

what I was meant to do, irrespective of the
circumstances available to me. At 17, I would
make statements like at 34 Ill start my own
company and grow it into a conglomerate and
retire at 45 farfetched and often laughed at
secretly I guess it was frequency of accepting
the circumstances then and trading my pain
and lack for a bigger story. At 21, with the
passing away of my NANA I needed a new
thought to handle disappointments and
create what I understood was the BIG
PICTURE life of being ME and the one
sentence that all-ways assisted ME stay
balanced I wasnt created to do small
things and even though, it was the most
emotionally painful time of my life I found a
new perspective shift given to me when I
visited Divine Retreat Centre, Potta in May
of 1999 at the age of 23 my whole life took a
new leap of faith I met Jesus and I can give
you a personal testimony that ONE MOMENT
of all the 7 days of retreat truly UP-lifted

The Co-Inspired Life

and held me in the Divine realm for the next
14 years on the 24th of December 2013, I
RECEIVING. Now, I am LIVING the receiving
as this series of books co-inspired by the ALL.
As I write, I am healing again, living again and
loving again and BEING again.
Just that this time, I am sharing this with
YOU. The thrill is in UNDERSTANDING that
ALL experiences are co-inspired to learn and
teach and teach to learn and that my life
didnt JUST HAPPEN, there is a DIVINE
RIGHT in ALL for ALL who choose to receive.
The most significant part of my experience at
potta was INNER HEALING. Before I
received it, I was there for the thrill, I
couldnt fathom why people who made the
retreat often came back BEHAVING holier
than ever in the flesh and still as conceited
and trivial in deed. I had no idea what the ALL
had planned for me. Honestly, had I an inkling,
I may never have made the trip. I went there
CURIOUS and I returned AWESTRUCK and
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still continue to be oscillating between curious

and awestruck.
I had held all my pain prisoner behind a smile
for many years 18 years and in human years
that is a long long time. I held my-self
prisoner to being unworthy of being loved. The
cause, well, my Dad, who I am (according to his
own often repeated sentence) His dream
come true and with whom I shared a very
very special relationship with as a child, chose
another person in place of my mother and then
chose another child in place of me to live and
love for the rest of his loving years. This ONE
moment at the age of 5 changed my sense of
belonging. As I write this I can still feel the
pain (personal) in many parts of my body, my
heart feels empty, my back feels stressed and
I guess emotionally, each time I re-live this
particular thought I diminish into being a
human child theres anger and frustration
and I am uneasy in my own skin. The child cries
pain to me is real because I feel it so strongly

The Co-Inspired Life

even NOW at the age of 37. In 32 years, I
have carried this pain with ME and each time,
I have felt it I have be-come IMMUNE to
the ALL. Yet today, something new just
happened, as I feel this pain I chose to get up
from writing and ASK the ALL for help
heres what I just said I am taking a break,
I know this feeling has resurfaced and I know
that you are working with me right now to heal
it. I guess I just need to breathe so you can
take over thank you. I picked up a glass of
water sipped it, opened the internet to my
facebook page, played a game of puzzle
charms, lost, only because my Thought is
focused on the pain, the anger, the
frustration, the hurt and I am consciously
aware that it is in this moment that the ALL
will bring to ME a thought a word a sign of the
presence. I know in this moment, even though
I am hurting at the Mental, Physical and
Emotional level, there is a greater purpose
that is EVIDENT to the HUMAN MIND that
the ALL will choose to connect me to a
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thought that will heal still restless I return

to facebook and heres what I received

Perfectly timed, brought a smile to my soul

and I know most infinitely that the posting
of this picture was co-inspired to assist me in
healing the thought and now replacing it with
a new thought as I feel it. Now, in repeating
this thought what is really happening is at 3
levels of being I am mentally allowing the ALL
to bring me a new perspective thought into
play at the MENTAL Level when I choose to

The Co-Inspired Life

repeat the thought the first time. When I
repeat it the second time what I am
effectively doing is energetically asking the
new MENTAL thought to now radiate at the
PHYSICAL Level (it is this moment that we
experience a physical relief of the Mental
replacement of thought and what it
presently doing and I am reporting as I
experience it, is, my heart is feeling lighter,
there is a warm pulsating feeling in my spine
and I am smiling I can feel the shift in feeling,
which means I now need to get to repeating it
the third time, this is the KEY repetition it
completes the Trinity the lesson will be born
and the ALL will now work with the FACT from
an ETERNAL PURPOSE and complete the
healing process. So, I repeat it AGAIN, this
Dear Lord, I FEEL overwhelmed and I need
your help please! This situation has upset me
greatly and I ASK for your guidance and
protection. Help me KNOW what action steps
to take, and how to recover my peace of mind.
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Now that the process is complete at all

three levels of my being, I continue with the
know that I have asked to the best of my
ability and present moment understanding and
flow. This is my part, now the ALL will coinspire to reach within me and work with this
new thought. The results of this will
continue to manifest as I write, for the
revealing is a process and this process is a
continuum of thought and in time (human)
will manifest into the reality I call life.
I had a similar moment in 1999 in Potta, the
day of Inner Healing. I had heard of people
having a myriad of physical experiences and
receiving healing. Trust me, I laughed and was
physically looking around till I had an
experience of my own. I guess it was that one
moment that changed everything for me and
for the first time, I actually experience the
lifting of weight of thoughts I had carried. I
all-ways felt I should have stayed back for
another retreat. Then again, as I write this, I
realise, I was being prepared for 14 years to

The Co-Inspired Life

allow this real time relay of a healing to be
written and felt and experienced that YOU,
dear reader may have an ALL DIVINE
moment of your own and know the ALL-mighty
presence in your own personal life.
The priest prayed for the INNER HEALING
of the relationship with the Father. In that
moment I closed my eyes, I clearly saw Jesus
to my left screen of my mind and my Dad in
the right screen and a conversation began
right under where I saw my Dad, I clearly saw
my mom and sisters rotating within the
confines of BARBED wire, they were being
scratched and tortured and hurt and I cried,
you want me to forgive him!! Look at what he
has done to them. I was so angry, I guess it
was the first time I had ever expressed my
anger, my truth about how I felt.
Till Nana was alive well she instilled in my
thought an age old law Respect your
Mother and Father and backed it up with allways speaking very positively about my dad
and ensuring that she, by example taught me
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to all-ways back up my mom. Her role as

single mother was very challenging I agree
and in assisting her I too felt part of the
struggle. I knew that I had to continue to take
care of ensuring that my actions spoke of me
and spoke louder of her. My only contribution
to her being a single mom is being a single
child, in charge.
I dont remember a time Nana encouraged a
negative thought, word or deed about either
of my parents. My love and respect for Nana
was such that I never chose to use my own
discretion or question her belief. I simply
followed her, it all-ways felt like the right
thing to do at the time. All-ways learning to
see people and situations through her eyes and
learn about life from her heart, which, might I
add is the purest Ive met in the flesh to this
day. Yet, while all of her teachings continue to
assist my focus on the good and that is HOW
I am now accustomed to living and I am so
grateful for it.

The Co-Inspired Life

In respecting my parents I forgot to respect
ME! My feelings, my hurt, my pain, my
frustrations, my anger, my understanding, my
needs, my wants I ignored my little ME!
Makes for a perfect reason why I also spent
many of my first social media ABOUT ME
sections with I am an introverted extrovert.
Till this moment which is almost like a happy
awakening of my soul I am being guided to
understand that every experience Ive ever
had to this NOW moment was external to ME!
The ME I was born to BE is the part of ME
that holds the most IMPORTANT healing I am
being called to experience. The pain, the anger
the frustration is calling ME to attend first to
the ME I have ignored while busy being the
socially acceptable ME to others I have
compromised on ME the soul who came into
this form to both experience the POWER of
thought and experiment with the power of
thought and live the manifest of the power
of thought. Every experience of my life has
been triggered by a significant other and
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continued to grow into the expectations of the

significant other my whole life, which has
continually been guided has infact in truth,
never been about them, it was about ME. I
need most right now to acknowledge ME.
Accept ME and yes be ME! The guidance I am
receiving right now is filling ME again, the pain
is gone and theres a feeling of WHOLENESS.
This is what the ALL has been guiding ME to
understand. That the story which I am meant
to live in the form (body) has to be about ME!
I have spent 14 years focusing on forgiving
ALL outside of ME. I forgave my father and
we have a new relationship, though I must be
honest, that even now, it is work in progress
with every interaction I heal another
thought I experience. I have worked on my
relationship with my mother, accepting her as
a unique contributor to my being human. I have
worked on my relationship with my siblings and
wondering where I went wrong in loving them
or having them love me. I have worked on
every relationship individually and collectively

The Co-Inspired Life

and filled my life and love with wanting to
serve people grow in their relationship with
the ALL through the power of Gratitude. At
the surface level, my life is a perfect example
of Positive and there is honestly nothing I
battle with external to me. I have always
always been a very protected (divinely) soul.
Often, only fighting with my-SELF. I want to
give more than I receive and that is a battle
I have given to the extent of that which I
could and I often feel GUILTY when I am told
I havent given enough and it hurts me.
The fact is (and here is where the healing
begins) every sentence is my ME crying out
for my attention to the ME I am eternally.
The soul of ME everything I have ever learnt
or taught is actually administering to me.
When I tell people to FOCUS on your-SELF
first the truth is the ALL is asking me to
Focus on YOUR-SELF first. The truth is
when I speak sense it is first meant for ME.
That which is speaking THROUGH ME is
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When I spoke of my ANGER in POTTA it was

a SIGN that I had begun to EXPRESS ME
and that was the healing then a new
beginning and the journey of 14 years brings
me to the finale the THIRD STEP the
emotional healing and this is the toughest
really because the fear of dealing with ME is
insane. I have often felt so unworthy by
external influence of being ME. The scary
part is losing all those relationships Ive spent
37 years building and creating and reinventing could all be lost, another thought
that effects this It is not a virtue to be selfish and yet, as you grow older you begin to
understand, that youre here to serve a higher
purpose of the SOUL and when you serve the
soul you are serving the universe, the Creator,
the ALL from which you are brought forth.
Everything and everyone else is part of the
story, they have a role to play in assisting you.
At the end YOU have to ANSWER for YOURSELF, ETERNALLY no other can! *Sigh* and
yet, we tend to focus more on what those

The Co-Inspired Life

outside of us approve of us. The focus of the
human mind is often based on human guidance
and the dance of survival. Then again,
spirituality invites you to broaden the scope
and that is when being human is an extension
of the Divine Self and the view changes can
be unsettling. Yet it is much like moving from
being an employee to an employer!

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The Co-Inspired Life

Chapter THREE
My greatest fear was losing ME
circumstances and I manifested it!


This is what working with the ALL does, it

moves you to a higher vibrational thought by
connecting you to a deeper thought.
Accepting the deeper thought as the source
and raising it through connecting it with the
higher thought is where the healing IS. In
this chapter, which my angels very clearly are
telling me is the magic. You will know when it is
ME the human or the ALL divine speak in this
chapter, with my words youll connect to a
thought with the words of the ALL youll cocreate and that is the key essence of the
chapter. As I ask the ALL to HELP ME the
ALL is also connecting to a thought unique to
you to HELP YOU too!
Just wanted to say thank you for real time
healing and yes I do know that I am
distracted, only because I have chosen to
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both ASK and RECEIVE and that my FEAR is

now losing control it had for all of my human
years. The false story is now receiving the
ALL version of the truth, thank you for having
patience with me and never giving up. Thank
you for bringing me to a brand new
understanding of how thoughts I have
humanly received have been my FOCUS for so
long that it seemed like Let there be and it
was. Just correcting the vibration is going to
open the access to an ALL KNEW relationship
with the ALL of thought and this new
thought will bring ALL closer to their MySELF and the universal healing will begin.
The power of thought creates and this
dear ones is the secret of the ALL.

This is exactly how we were hoping our session

with you would un-fold, THANK YOU, for allowing us to work through you this way. We
have heard you ASK and wait for something
and someone out-side of you to ANSWER. The
ALL desire is for the external to but
STIMULATE YOU to ASK for a direct

The Co-Inspired Life

interaction with the ALL that the ALL may
work personally within you and then radiate
through you into the many aspects of ALL
CORRESPOND with us YOU have given yourSELF priority and that dear one is the power
of thought, now in word and will continue to
reveal the miracle of ALL right through your
years in the flesh till you return to the ALL.
So, heres a hug from heaven, for allowing
your-self to be vulnerable in the flesh that
you may rise and return to the BEGINNING
of who you are An Aspect of the ALL made
flesh You have chosen a new perspective
thought from which to live your human life
and that is ALL that is your part, the ALL is
now active, the ALL of you that is SPIRIT is
now working within you and as the ALL reinvents your understanding and alignment with
it-self, the ALL that is physical and surrounds
you, begins to be magnetised to you that ALL
maybe revealed both to YOU and through YOU
and this is ALL.
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The thought that holds you BACK is often the

thought where you began to emotionally
disconnect from the eternal thought and live
the human thought, till you are exhausted at a
mental and physical level by the emotional
burden of thinking a thought so often that
you begin to make it real, so real, that you give
control to your EMOTIONS to experience
your life. The human kind, created in the
image and likeness of the ALL resides and
lives through your EMOTIONAL giving and
receiving in your human years. This is
effective from the day your first human
thought makes an impact on your emotions and
this thought, continues to grow with every
experience and every experience either grows
the thought in accordance to the emotion
attached to the thought.
So effectively, what were bringing to your
conscious awareness is how ONE thought has
shaped a lot of pain, right now, were working
with YOU at all levels of your consciousness to

The Co-Inspired Life

assist you heal this thought and replace it
with a new thought.
We hope you have found a thought by now
and it is a sentence that explains the core
WHY of your present dilemma which is a
thought from the past that has been
manifesting manifold through the many layers
of your being.
This message has been delivered unto you by
your PHYSICAL conditions as a Human Being,
which hold true for you at the present level of
your awareness. The awareness that you
concur with, each time a thought crosses your
mind. This one thought felt at the deepest
level of your physical being has become a subconscious co-creator. Now, if you choose a new
perspective, the sentence can choose to
remain the same and yet have a profoundly
new meaning and this new meaning that you
give to an existing thought, will co-create a
more powerful resonance with the ALL mind.
This thought, when experienced through your
MENTAL SELF would read eternally. That
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the ALL be giving you instructions to re:turn

re:member to your eternal state of being,
ageless, timeless and eternal, the body is but
a pause for the soul. The life of SEEING is
but an eternal metaphor through which you
choose to pass.
Any thought has two very powerful points of
co-creation and this, my dear ones is
information were sending to you for you to
use in your everyday correspondence with
your-self and others. There is a Divine
Purpose and a Human Purpose. We ask you to
ACCEPT both first and then make a choice of
the one thought that makes you feel a
deeper connect.
This one act is the Divine Magic of the ALL.
That is where the much touted FREE WILL of
the CREATOR plays out, we all-ways desire
that you make a Divine Choice at ALL times,
be-cause that is the shortest way to
experience ALL in your Human Life, we also
understand that YOUR choices, whatever they
may be, will in-time (eternal) effect the ALL

The Co-Inspired Life

Perspective of creation. Yes, of that we are
sure, be-cause, you ARE and ASPECT of the
ALL and so, it is but the law that you WILL
re:turn to the ALL. If while you are human,
you co-create to evolve humanity, if when you
return you will, like us, guide humanity. In the
ALL, ALL is perfect and ALL serves the ALL
and ALL is in the GREATEST GLORY of the
ALL itself! There is never a time either human
or divine that the ALL does not have you
covered with Grace and a thought.
So, now may I ASK again, how may I use this
present with a Divine Purpose?
Shift the Speaker of sentence from a Human
interaction to a Divine Interaction! It is that
simple. If the thought source is Divine the
lesson is a revelation and the significance,
well, eternal So It Is. Now, read the
sentence again
My greatest fear was losing ME
circumstances and I manifested it!


Page 19

Now heres our second exercise for you

Youll need a notepad for this one Human

Interactions & Divine Interaction!
Write 10 sentences (you can write more, if
youre feeling like or are being guided to) that
have hurt you, its OK if you feel the HURT,
the hurting part of you is HUMAN and to be
human is your person to be which is WHY
were co-inspiring with Dee to share this
Note these down and feel them for 60
seconds. Now on a new sheet of paper write
them down that we can begin our work with

Know that the Divine ALL is with you and that

no thought can have an effect when you have
the intent to HEAL it. The thought is ALL
sensitive and so, in the presence of the Divine,
each thought will vibrate at the frequency of
the ALL. That is the SECRET, humanity is
catching up with and now through you, it will
grow. Remember, that any thought vibrates

The Co-Inspired Life

at 3 levels and to make it easier for you to
1) Divine Frequency of the ALL- Mental
Infinte Invisible
2) Human Frequency of the form Physical
Finite Visible
3) Spiritual Frequency of the experience
Emotional In-finite In-Visible
Every thought can be raised to the
Frequency of the ALL and the Experience of
the thought will be ALCHEMISED (we know
youve heard the word and we know that it
makes you curious and YES we know that you
can DO it too)
If the thought is Divine the messenger of
the thought is Divine and the Experience of
the thought is Divine too!
If the thought is Human the messenger of
the thought is Human and the Experience of
the thought is Human too!

Page 20

The Co-Inspired Life

Chapter FOUR
All creation is co-inspired, for all that is
created has purpose
We live in a fascinating world of words that
have, with or without our deliberate attention
to detail become things and these things are
presented to us through a series of actions
and reactions. The drill of everyday is sub
conscious driving force that knows our
routines and the form follows through by
playing out each drama. I call it drama,
because it is rehearsed and has become
practice. We have work and play and we play
with work our thoughts guide how we act and
react in situations often coming from a
natural response.
When you walk your truth and do so strongly,
your experiences follow suit for to the mind,
well your intent is clear. Very recently, I went
to a family outing, pretty much against my
thoughts and desires, I did it to make my
father happy. I didnt feel at the least, that
Page 21

we as a family were counted and so

irrespective of the extended love and hugs, I
felt like an outsider and because I felt it I
saw things and people around me as outsiders.
Now, it had nothing to do with the family that
had gathered, it really had to do with me. It
wasnt their behavior that was any different,
it was simply because, I wasnt there to feel
good, I was there by default to prove to
myself and my father that his family was HIS
alone and that they didnt see us as part of
them, it was just that they were making an
effort to help us feel comfortable and on the
other hand, we were trying to make our parent
happy. Funny, but, by the end of the party, it
showed, as my Aunt invited everyone else to
coffee and we were left to our own. If you
were to ask them, they are family, that is
communicating, while, we were the part that
was invited, because my Dad was co-hosting
the party. No one had invested family
emotions, it was a re-uniting of the cousins

The Co-Inspired Life

and my father, who is planning to move back to
India, needed to feel the NEED to come back,
he wanted to feel hed be coming back to more
than a country. That is the way I felt it but
that needednt be the only way possible it
Here are a few more ways to look at the
1) As a relative: I knew that the family, we
had invited, was bonded beyond distance
and each has their affiliations in place
filled with being related and connected.
2) As a daughter: I needed to make my Dad
feel important. It was a big step for him.
He would be meeting so many of his
cousins and relatives, he needed to feel
needed and known and loved. He needed
to let them know that he has plans to
come back to India with his family and
more importantly, he wanted them to see
a united us. That if we, as his children
could see him anew and accept him for

Page 22

who he is, then they could too and that

they should.
3) As Family: well, I knew that being with
us was the bait that he wanted everyone
to bite into. A man who abandoned us and
our mother, had struck a chord again and
we, the family he once shunned, were
there, right there with him. He had
crossed over the border of hate with us
into the place of ACCEPTANCE and this
show of family, sent out a message
pretty loud and clear, that if we can
accept him after these many years well,
the others should be happy to see us
together and re-ignite the joy of being
family. Soon, it would mean, a party
hosted to welcome his now wife into the
4) As a daughter: you think I cant see that
you are focused on what you want,
without giving us credit for being
smarter by sheer experience. It is ok
with you, to present us as family pretty

The Co-Inspired Life

much unconcerned of the emotional
5) As an event manager: well, the snacks
should be warm, the service should be
swift. Consult with the client on the
beverages, let them know that the
guests are heading for the bar and well,
the booze isnt part of the deal! Make
sure all is splendid and the guests leave
feeling well attended to.
The many possibilities of the moment to
choose from and as I look back, I know I
chose to be an Event Manager instead!! I
knew that there was so many emotions that
were like landmines waiting to explode and I
chose, pretty much by instinct, the one that
helped me stay focused in the moment, beyond
all other possibilities. My mind understood,
that the variations of thought and reaction
would differ in all other situations and I
knew, that being HAPPY in that moment was
the choice I had to make and being a brilliant

Page 23

event manager was the CHOICE of the

Just like, in the case I described to you there
will always be a purpose to be served by
CHOICE. The universal intelligence within us,
appeals for us to make a choice that keeps us
connected to feeling good in the moment.
Often, the choice has to be made deliberately,
by taking time out to see and feel which
perspective makes us feel better if we dont
begin to deliberately choose, the chances are
that the perspective that feels the strongest
in that moment becomes our action forward.
encounter has a purpose and this purpose is to
make a CHOICE of the way forward. In cases
like mine, I have been following my happiest
feeling instinct to guide me and yes it does
take practice a lot of it. Practice really means,
trying different perspectives. Many years ago,
I saw only a HURTING perspective, when it
came to my Dad. Even now, there are times
that I react from a different perspective and

The Co-Inspired Life

being aware of the perspective that is playing
out, I stop, long enough to make a new choice.
Many years ago, I remember, being so so
bitter, holding the world RESPONSIBLE for
my plight, that I would simply LASH out and
hurt myself and others. Often the reaction
was of the predominant emotion of being the
abandoned at 5 child, who almost heroworshipped her Dad. Couldnt understand WHY
he would leave her, his words about her being
special to him hurt. For all his love for me
or so I thought, back then, wasnt enough to
hold him firm in our relationship as Father and
Daughter. To the 5 year old, all else mattered
less and the anger found many many
supporters this 5 year old never grew up
simply because there were too many people
she kept attracting to keep her hurting. As
Dad broke new promises, somewhere, I
thought God had chosen me to hurt. Today,
the situation remains the same, just that the
perspective has changed, I now feel through
my relationships and choose to invest my
Page 24

emotions in relationships deliberately. I

realised, sooner in life. That I needed to keep
switching between the observer and the
observed. In both cases, well to choose the
Gratitude way forward! :D
I can now, switch to the observer, when I am
aware that suddenly, too many emotions are
presenting themselves as perspectives and all
that is awaited is the CHOICE of perspective.
The purpose of writing this to you is to invite
you to recognize the different perspectives
you deal with and expressing each, there is a
feeling, an emotion that you will experience,
even when you simply write about it and these
feelings SHOULD guide your decisions and
actions and that is ALL THAT IS
When you begin to understand that
encounter has a purpose, youll begin, to make
a more knowing CHOICE of response. The
response you choose will continue to create a
new set of perspectives to choose from. The

The Co-Inspired Life

truth may drive you insane, then again that is
ONLY a perspective more to choose from. To
know, you are feeling insane emotions is a
pointer that you have moved to being the
oberserver which is brilliant because the
observer gives you the opportunity to weigh
the perspectives before reacting.
Now imagine a world, slow enough, where
people chose, more consciously, to act from
Think about it there is suddenly no need to
react the feeling is silence, the visuals you
receive in your head is the many possibilities
and well, since it is from an outer angle, there
isnt any FEELING WITH IT! You can then
CHOOSE the one perspective forward that
expands your vision, even if the view isnt
Ill take another example here, this comes
from the many experiences of working
together with many energies. Theyre called,
Clients, Peers, Bosses, technical staff, clerical
staff and the many lives we encounter in an
Page 25

office. When I think back, I realise, I spent

more time creating relationships with people
and it thrills my heart to remember each one
of them as I dig into the memories that coinspired to bring me to this part of my writing.
When I began my career, I had the most
important experience of all, I learnt to OWN
the brand I worked with, often, the office and
every colleague, would become an extension of
my family. It would then become my default
action to extend my brand knowledge beyond
the call of duty. People, thought I was silly,
then again, that was their point of view and to
them that was true. For, me, well, it was an
investment that was beyond that moment, I
was creating a lifetime of relationships and my
belief, that as we continued to grow as
professionals, wed all be a part of the grand
plan waiting to unfold. I cannot reiterate how
important it is to continue to visit the Big
Picture why of the moments/circumstances
presented to YOU.

The Co-Inspired Life

Often, we look at the SHORT TERM of
events not realizing the powerful DOTS that
it connects in the mind NOW to create a
Everything, when seen from a point of
to AWAKEN us from our SLUMBER of
everyday to see HOW OUR THOUGHTS need
to begin to work FOR US by CHOICE.
Take time today, to recognize, the many
MEMORIES that once were BAD and in
retrospect, now, Served a greater purpose.
Surprise yourself and surprise those around
you by sharing the new perspective. In keeping
with sharing personal breakthroughs with
Gratitude, heres mine!!
I owe my success as an independent being to
my parents separating and the statement
because Jesus wants it. I see how, these two
parallels co-inspired to create the me, I am
today. The balance of a Low and a High,
unfolded brilliantly. Being in the centre of
these two, gave me perspective balance and if
Page 26

Id first look at the low extreme and shrivel

and the large extreme and expand, in the
middle, I stayed balanced.
Can you identify a horrifying low and a Magical
high to balance your now? That is your

The Co-Inspired Life

Chapter FIVE
The Conspiracy that Inspires
There is a secret, less known to man for the
sake of reaching the obvious conclusion. The
secret, that there is something or someone
not of this world and cannot be seen that
holds all in sway. The creator of all things
the real, seen, felt and understood. The doer
of all things, the mediator, the mentor, the
guide, the source, the word, the ONE
responsible for ALL THAT IS! This identity,
for all purposes of creation has never been
seen GOD!!! Yet we often take his name like
he exists, we take his name when in need, we
take his name when in joy, we take his name
when we begin anything new, we take his name
in Gratitude we even take his name when we
feel left out, alone, abandoned and yes, when
we take his name we have a feeling that all
that follows will be OK. The very name inspires

Page 27

us to balance out our circumstances and the

possible outcomes.
Have you noticed, that the answers we receive
are in the form of real people, real
breakthroughs, life changing experiences and
all things seen and felt? The response to
invoking GODs presence is a REAL TIME
experience of his presence through others
around us? God is real, he isnt an imaginary
thing that crops up when called on!!
The secret that GOD is separate from us, is a
myth God is the substance of who we are,
within the frame of being human. As I write
this book, there is a series of co-inspirations
that I am beginning to notice. This isnt
happening, because it didnt exist before this
moment or that like magic these co-incidences
have appeared out of nowhere! Theyve been
there, longer than I have. Yet, my asking for
inspiration to write this book, has simply
brought them into my awareness, the ones I
recognize, invite and magnetise MORE. These
co-inspired moments are rational conclusions,

The Co-Inspired Life

I hadnt noticed because I was busier
wanting to author my second book, I had met
the title, I was yet to meet the content and
the search for content is the journey of
letting the book evolve from experiences of
thought to the reality of being a book. The
process, much like having a baby, in this case,
its a hard copy version of a book.
The idea was born as a thought the thoughts
over the period of time are felt in
experiences, these experiences become words
and the words finally take shape as a book and
a book is born. We then add a name and
present it to the world. The book isnt a
FLASH its a series of thoughts that
becomes a thing. It takes many thoughts and
edits and reworking and experiences to finally
invite the reader to meet the book and story
is all about the thoughts and the things that
the writer experiences in the process of
writing and share it with you, the reader.
Life is a conspiracy, a co-inspired series of
events that begins from a thought. Much like a
Page 28

book, life has many stages of evolution and

this evolution is what we finally trivialize as
destiny, what we dont see or understand is
the many thoughts that we think, that creates
the reality we experience.
When were children, we dream or want ideal
careers, most children want to become
doctors, they intend to heal. They see, the
doctors as people, who make you feel better
then comes the day when they experience the
pain of a syringe being given and suddenly, the
image of the doctor changes from someone
who makes you feel better to someone who
hurts you. The doctor does not see it that
way, the doctor would like your to know, that,
the tiny act of poking your skin is actually
meant to prevent enormous pain later. Do you
understand that as a child, hell no, you just
know that someone poked an injection and it
hurt. It is simple mathematics.
This child, may grow up to be a doctor of a
different kind a doctor that heals thoughts

The Co-Inspired Life

to prevent you from creating more thoughts
that have the ability to hurt you.
There wasnt always the need for a
psychiatrist in the days gone by then there
came a time, when someone thought, that
physical pain could be nullified if we were to
cure the THOUGHTS that made us focus on
the pain. That the pain was the resultant of a
thought gone bad and infected the body. A
thought, that created so much pain, that we
decided to bury it deep and ignore it and
then, when the thought came of age and
affecting the things it connected itself with,
the body became sick and we were forced to
rest, long enough for the thought to begin its
healing process by revealing itself the mind
dealing with it and the physical body healing it.
It is important, therefore to begin to
investigate the thoughts that shape your
Me, for one, held on to the false premise for
many years, that I was FAT only because, it
was the way I was approved of by my father.
Page 29

My Father, who abandoned me, as a child, had

no idea of the thought that kept me fat, came
to me from him. He wasnt around long enough
to have noticed and I didnt know any better,
till I grew up and a very grown up woman,
didnt know this either, till one day, Burt
Goldman, didnt find him till I needed to know
this information, was introduced to me by a
friend, over a casual orkut chat! I first
learned of Quantum Jumping, bought the
series and was attracted to this one track
_____________________ at the end of
the track, I found my WHY. This WHY, was
the beginning of healing my relationship with
myself and the one moment in time, that
inspired and kept me fat. I uncovered, that
my relationship with my Father was such an
important one, that dealing with it wasnt an
option, it was a MUST DO, if I was to heal the
way I felt about myself. Thus began a series
of co-inspired events, related to the word
dad, my breakthrough did not come from the
shift in the way my Dad was, it came in the

The Co-Inspired Life

form of the shift in WHO MY FATHER
REALLY IS!! The human form, may have been
the reason to hold me back and as I continue
to work with my relationship with my human
dad and move from accepting him for exactly
unfolded in connecting to the eternal
relationship, with my Father in Heaven and my
relationship with HIM as HIS CHILD, only in
the HUMAN FORM for a greater purpose to
has opened a whole new channel of BEING.
Maybe, just maybe, the whole of my life and
the series of unfolding was to invite me to this
ONE FACT!! That, to GOD, I am special, just
as I am, as a Father, GOD, is just so overjoyed
that I chose to feel loved like he loves me and
live my life knowing that I radiate the Father
in Heaven that my relationship with my
Father on Earth, began a magical process of
healing. Most importantly, I didnt need
HUMAN validation, by virtue of choosing the
ETERNAL VALIDATION Co-Inspired by this
Page 30

one thought a new beginning of being and a

brand new way to look at the now, without
define who I really AM!!
To be able to begin the process of truly
dipping into the coinspired life, the key is to
find a perspective that makes you feel ONE
with ALL THAT IS, for you really are ALL
THAT IS in the form of a HUMAN BEING.
Most often, the greatest stumbling block is
seeing the SELF as LIMITED to the form of a
HUMAN BEING. One different perspective
and you could plug yourself to the eternal and
know that all of that which you are is a GIFT.

The Co-Inspired Life

Chapter SIX
Get all excited about learning
The power of unfolding a co-inspired life is to
begin to invite yourself to perspectives that
are new. These new thoughts begin to lead you
on a new path and this path is the unfolding of
the many many intricate coming together of
experiences that create what you ordinarily
call your LIFE!
There are so many ways to begin an exciting
journey of discovering, how your life is a coinspired reality. Something that has worked
over and over for me, has been the
excitement of experimenting with the premise
that all of life is co-inspired and the whole
conspiracy is taking place only and only for me.
You can take almost anything and create a
string of wow factors around it and you will be
surprised how, in strange ways and through
many means, the creator within keeps you IN
Page 31

This morning, I woke up to a situation where

money was on top of my mind. The day began
with my grocery shopping, within 5 minutes of
paying the bill, the man with the gas arrived
and even though he was to return us money, he
decided for himself, that it would be adjusted
later. My maid, asked for an advance on her
salary, which I agreed to pay her, suddenly
decided I needed to give her double that
amount and she kept asking me like I owed it
to her to pay her advances according to her
whims and fancies, she didnt seem to want to
take no for an answer, someone would imagine,
that I had a money tree, that I discovered
the first thing in the morning and so, it was
my duty of sorts to go around distributing it!!
Disturbing to say the least and pissing of to
be honest, I felt like I had been swarmed and
the only aim was money money money honey!!
The phone bills of the official numbers have
been pending, my sister, who works me
decided, right then to call me and remind me
there were phone bills to be paid there too.

The Co-Inspired Life

And so, before I completely reacted I told
her, Id talk about it in 10 minutes, I needed
10 minutes to clear the REACTIONS that
seemed to be PUSHING AND SHOVING at
me waiting to exhale!
I had to ask myself, what were these series of
events co-inspired by? The demands for
money, were coming by the free flow of oxgen
to a thought, I needed to find the thought and
release it, before I burst into a series of
reactions that I may regret later! Its like
that moment when all of the things that make
you choke appear in an avalanche and bury
your spirit. The feeling I was having was more
like a congestion and I really didnt like what it
felt like. The plus, of a positive thinker, is
that you know that this moment has a purpose
and the purpose is to make you aware that you
have chosen a thought that drains you out
instead of filling you up. This meant I was
focusing on a thought that depleted, there
was nothing PLENTY about it. I was beginning

Page 32

a day that had the makings of a day filled with

The pause, deliberately taken, when my sister
called, was a relief, I went back to the chain
that co-inspired this outpouring and heres
what I realised interestingly, it maybe true
for you too and one of the reasons, why,
without knowing really, you may be waking up
and walking into the trap of LACK instead of
floating with joy in the pure essence of
Last evening, at a dinner with a dear friend of
mine, I absorbed some energy, in an unknowing
way about lack of finances. We were talking
more about how we needed to make more
money and how we could, while at the time of
conversation it was fun. The truth is, we were
speaking from a point of NOT HAVING THE
We were speaking from a lack of financial
abundance. While I was trying to put new
thoughts on abundance in her thought process,
we also had a longer conversation about

The Co-Inspired Life

POVERTY and how a lot of NGOs who work in
the area of eradicating POVERTY, their intent
and money comes from GLORYFYING
POVERTY and in their truth, they would never
really want POVERTY to end, because, it is
POVERTY that keeps them in jobs!! We were
talking of how short we are of money in a day
and age when everyone who works, works for
money. There was more money in the
conversation, the lack of it, so, when I came
home and I went to sleep, I slept, with the
LACK OF MONEY in my mind as a reason for a
lot not really happening. The feeling that
MONEY is short and there are bills to pay and
the pressure keeps mounting. We continue to
change jobs for MORE MONEY. We get into
business to MAKE MONEY. We marry rich
men because they have MONEY and
somewhere, the truth, that MONEY makes us
believe we have arrived, in a world of survival
of the fittest where the fittest in
quantifiable in the measure of how much
MONEY you are making or have!
Page 33

Naturally, with so much MONEY MONEY

MONEY, the morning was a reality check and
suddenly, MONEY was the CENTRE of my
actions and reactions. I needed to centre
again and thanks to the KNOWING of where
the co-inspired morning was born I felt
guided to return to my thoughts, where the
story began and write a different segment.
One of the easiest ways to realign yourself to
the frequency of creator energy is to THINK
AND TALK in third person. The third person I
speak and observe from is the Awestruck
Tourist and when I look at the circumstance, I
start to settle and see the THOUGHT BLOCK
and simply reconcile and move on to a happier
place in thought to deal with the same
situation from a higher perspective and a
broader vision like working with the big
picture by working on the conspiracy that
reached me to this point in the first place.
Most often in our lives, we are far busier
dealing with circumstances than focusing on
its purpose in the big picture. There are two

The Co-Inspired Life

ways to deal with a situation and that choice is
made real time in thought by the way you
choose to think of it. The Victim or The
Victor. In both scenarios, you have to deal
with the situation and no matter how difficult
it seems, you will be creating your experience.
Money is a human function and limited in a
human way, created for a human purpose. You
my friend are a spiritual being, created in the
image and likeness of the creator, with an
eternal purpose to expand creation through
your experiences an choices you make for
yourself and creation. In this absolutely
awesome perspective, money therefore can
only serve you, unless you decide to serve
money instead.
The awakening or enlightenment to this new
paradigm shift in thought comes from your
choice of thought and action. Enlightenment is
to see your own creator self and accept that
all that is mortal, including your body is here
to serve the divine being you are and it so isnt
the other way around. Everything, you have
Page 34

asked for yourself here on earth is meant to

circulate and expand.
Awestruck, I realised, that I had, unknowingly
slipped into the LACK EXPERIENCE and
MONEY was assisting me, PEOPLE were
assisting me, THOUGHTS were assisting me
bringing me experiences to ALERT me that I
was slipping from ABUNDANCE and ACTING
Phew!! How many times have we, in our lives
reacted to a CIRCUMSTANCE and missed the
LESSON. I know, that there have been many
times in my life, when Ive been so engrossed
in the circumstance, that I have missed the
lesson they present with a higher purpose of
service. The service of REMINDING me to
REALIGN to the abundance from which I am
created, the eternal ever expanding creator
energy that created ALL THAT IS with a
understanding and ever expanding creative
force of all that is mortal.

The Co-Inspired Life

Chapter SEVEN
Tuning into the conspiracy
As I begin this chapter, it is 2:20pm, I am
sitting in front of the computer and inviting
my co-inspiration The Awestruck Tourist to
assist both you and me to tune into the coinspired energy of this moment. I must tell
you, that just before this, I was hanging out
on facebook, playing bubble safari.
playing time, in my understanding is the time
my brain is playing logic to win and my inner
thoughts are playing their own game of focus
on the level to win it, not just to play it. This
helps me in locating the position in which I
send the bubble. There are times, when, even
with all my pretended focus, I manage to
click at the wrong time and the bubbles, well
get wrongly placed and just as they are, the
voice in my head reminds me that I am NOT
CONCENTRATING all forced attempts to
get it right, fail and it builds up frustration.
Page 35

Most often what happens, with all of us, is

that we dont realise that our mind is
communicating and telling us to do something
different, the mind is guiding us at that very
moment to recognize, that it has disconnected
from the circumstance to get into something
more meaningful and it is creating the sense
of LACK OF ACHIEVEMENT for us to make a
new choice. It is often, wise, very wise to look
at what you would be doing OTHERwise ;)
To tune into the frequency of co-inspired
events, one of the most important aspects is
to bring yourself to that NOW moment in
which you are, aware that your mind is sending
you thought feelers. Feelers to give due
attention to the words flowing in your mind
and inviting them to assist you to make a
choice of activity that involves it. Who likes to
play a game, giving directions alone, even if
they are being asked!! Everything GOD
created, likes action and to be in the thick of

The Co-Inspired Life

Understanding that all of you in connected by
energy reveals a certain belonging, while
writing this chapter a lot is happening, that
cannot be seen!! Yet, the energy in this
moment is co-inspired by the excitement of
sharing with YOU the series of coinspired
occurrences that is making it possible for me
to write to you about tuning into the
And while we are on the subject, heres a
another co-inspiration that HIT me and made
me happy, very happy. This morning in a long
conversation with my sister, who is in the
middle of live transforming events and to
whom I owe a lot of my clarity of thought.
Sometimes, the many times you explain the
abstract, it begins its own journey of clarity
for both the speaker and the listener. And
youre lucky if the person youre speaking with
has their own sense of clarity, forcing you to
look further into the vision to be able to find
a meeting point in thought.

Page 36

While reading scripture and this is true for

any religious material really, we are taught to
see each charater as NOT US or US NOT
LIKE THEM, that we dont look at underlying
emphasis on the fact that scripture
recognizes those, who went beyond their
humanness to understand how GOD worked
through them and in doing so, followed their
purpose and fulfilled it with flying colours. We
on the other hand take scripture by the
WORD and forget to dig deeper into the
experience of each character, knowing that in
all truth, the history that repeats itself is the
NOW of our experience. The excitement of
adapting scripture and scripture based
characters to the different experiences of
our own lives. Co-Inspired and awakening to
our own purpose.
Co-Inspired is to tune yourself to understand
the scripture you are experiencing in your
NOW. That the FACE of GOD is the HUMAN
FORM, that is perishable the spirit that lives
within it lives on and the understanding that

The Co-Inspired Life

we are aware of today IN THE NOW,
somewhere is a part of the future of
scripture. WE are not called to be HUMAN
DOINGS we are called to be HUMAN BEINGS
for a simpler purpose than wed like to believe.
HISTORY will expand with more perspectives
and possibilities through our choices in the
NOW of experiences that have been
repeating themselves since HUMAN was
The truth is that we are the co-inspired form,
of the divine creative intelligence that
created the world, from THOUGHT and
delivered it unto every creation as THINGS.
The magnificent truth, that as a HUMAN we
are truly called to EVOLVE with our new sets
of THOUGHTS WORDS and DEEDS and live
the vibrant spiritual understanding that we, at
the core of who we really are KNOW!! That
every single cell in our body works in harmony
with divine intelligence with the soul purpose
of evolving life as we know it through our
choice of perspective. The intense excitement
Page 37

that every choice has a brand new reality and

each reality will continue to evolve on the
basis of the energy of thought provided to it
to fuel it into creative excellence that can
visually be experience by the senses. The
SENSES co-inspire to present us choices
again that which pleases one sense may be
poison to other and yet, without any physical
rules and regulations they continue to live out
their purpose!! Amazing and equally terrifying,
simply because, suddenly, you want to find out,
whether or not this is true for you.
As a physical being, we are not tuned to
communicate with our bodies, we are of the
notion that everything works as science
describes, yet, the very core truth is, that
science has but given a names to the fabulous
organs that make up the human body and in
observing these parts they have inferred
certain ways in which they function and
malfunction. However, at the core of all the
research and understanding, the greatest
truth is that they did not create the

The Co-Inspired Life

different organs nor the systems and
processes that make up what we know to be
the human body. The UNSEEN energy that
creates has created all that is within you and
yes has maintained all that is within you from
the process of how you are formed and why
you exit the body. It is interesting that the
body responds to THOUGHT and creates
visible signs to manifest the thought in a way
that the human form can experience and
visibly see the manifest. Everything that you
feel in the body is the way of your body
communicating with you.
When the creator energy that brought you to
being has done its job through the physical
manifest of your body, it moves to what Id
like to call its next assignment. It moves out
of the body, leaving the body to return to
dust, from where it came. The purpose of the
body once met, returns to be moulded again
for the creator energy to manifest into
something new. It is fascinating when you
begin to think this way, you realise that the
Page 38

many events that occur from the day you were

born to the day you pass on, are co-inspired by
energy, always looking out for you and looking
for you to choose and then, to create into
your reality from that choice and expand
creation. It truly gives you a brand new view
of the grand vision of creation. Every answer
is already available for your research and
based on your research of the answers you
find your own special answer to the many
questions asked in thought and delivered
CURRENT EVENTS!! How amazing to KNOW
Human form to CREATE anew!!
To tune into the conspiracy of creation, the
most important step you will ever take is to
explore the CREATOR within you by first
acknowledging the PRESENCE and THE
Oh well, yes, it may sound complicated to start
with, however, here is a simple and effective
thought forward, that I met in a book called

The Co-Inspired Life

You will SEE IT, When you BELIEVE IT by
Wayne Dyer
You are not a human being having a spiritual
You are a spiritual Being having a human
Is a brilliant starting point, as you continue to
repeat and internalize this truth, you begin to
formlessness without limit and life begins to
invite you to practice this new thought
through many co-inspired events. The path
though, is filled with practice sessions and
these practice sessions come in the form of
occurrences that invite you to react as a
spiritual being to human experience. The
process is easy, just imagining yourself in a
city that speaks a different language and has
a different tradition and yes, you will find a
place there as you practice, the laws of the

Page 39

When I first met this sentence, I was thrilled

by the way it made me feel. I felt like I was
home. Having practiced positivity for 31 years
of my life, this one sentence was the bridge
that filled the gap of a long journey. It felt
like Id found my own home again. Maybe that
is what it feels like, when you know, that the
course you were following, was leading you
home. As I continue to embrace my truth, I
feel everything that is happening is so for a
reason and the reason is for me to truly begin
to understand the power of a THOUGHT in
creating a brand new VIEW!
It is dying to the form to be born in the
formlessness of creation. Something very
interestingly, that Jesus lived for all of us to
learn from. He pretty much did exactly that,
he always spoke of his kingdom not being of
this earth and this is true for all of us. The
journey on this platform called earth is the
creatorway to expand from thought to a
visible thing. The creator within expresses
through the form we know as our human body.

The Co-Inspired Life

For in the creation of the human form the
creator energy is free to create the visible
expansion of this human venture. Each
creation born with a purpose to be served and
the creation to expand. In human terms,
return to ESSENCE!
As you continue living with the new
information, what really happens is that you
start to feel things differently, see things
differently, knowing that with being a spiritual
being you are called to recognize the universal
truth of all that is created for the same
essence that you are called to remember is
the same essence that created everything
visible, through the many forms that inherit
the visible human dimension. You will begin to
marvel at all creation knowing that it serves a
purpose and the purpose is to awaken you to
the truth of the essence YOU ARE.
Every human creation serves a purpose, even
the events we label as HORRIFIC,
TERRIBLE, SAD are drawing each of us to a
Page 40

thought plane of willing for something better,

wanting something better and therefore,
creating something better. We are as
humanity, dealing with feelings and it is
catastrophic in its execution, because, weve
not been taught to see all that is created
from the creatorway, we see it from the
human highway. We choose a human way to
react, because, we at birth actually we, since
we awoke to our human information have been
taught to only believe what we see. A twist of
words that have affected and inflicted,
generations of thought, generations of words
and generation of deed. We learnt, that in
order to survive the human experience we
MUST have a checklist of THINGS and in
acquiring the checklist, we forgot, really really
forgot that those THINGS are made visible
by THOUGHT!! Which is why quite famously
we use the phrase thoughts become things
the placement of the words in usage have a
purpose and the purpose is to, in a

The Co-Inspired Life

conversational way, remember the sequence.
The sequence maketh more sense, in isolation
well, it causes pressure, since weve not
awakened to the source that delivers the
The absence of knowing the THOUGHT that
created the THING, we run a rat race called
Survival of the fittest and keep falling short
of the invisible mark/goal/destination. The
ones who cross over and actually survive have
trained their thoughts to build the bridge
between where they are and where theyd like
to be, taken the exciting journey by holding
together a series of thoughts that lead them
to the other side, the side in which they truly
remember, they are the essence not just the
Are you fascinated yet?
To tune in here are a few tips Ive tried and
loved absolutely:
1) Gratitude: is a brilliant way to
acknowledge and be a part of the
creative flow of life. When you express
Page 41

Gratitude you radiate a knowing of

belonging to something greater. You
acknowledge the many wonders of life

The Co-Inspired Life

Chapter EIGHT
Anger is also co-inspired
In the now of writing this book I encounter
emotions like they are people. In the last
couple of days, Ive been given to notice that
ANGER seems to be trying to push its way
forward. I guess, wanting me to acknowledge
the anger Ive pent up inside me, ignoring
anger, I realise, doesnt help.
We all have different ways of dealing with
Anger, sometimes; it is in dealing with it that
we learn the many different expressions of
anger are a conspiracy of thoughts and the
probabilities of the outcomes. Most often our
reactions are based on defense and sadly but
honestly, the angrier the situation gets, we
use offence as defense and manage to stay
angry longer.
In the state of anger, the first casualty is the
NOW of the moment in which the emotion we
know as anger, takes over every part of who
you are and demands to be heard, felt and
Page 42

validated. Anger, once in charge of the form,

expresses itself. ANGER projects its
individuality through your thoughts, words and
The other day, I had a visitor, an old friend,
with whom I had parted ways in thought, word
and deed for over a year and a half. Someone,
who, in my forgiveness, I had released from
my energy, accepted the departure and moved
on in spirit towards energies that filled my
life with dedication to Gratitude, Love and CoInspired growth. In the time that passed, I
had erased the meaning this visitor once had.
Once the mind said Goodbye the form
followed suit and we were now, not in a space
of shared energy. Life felt all good, till, the
moment when he walked into through the
doors of my home and I began to feel my
senses all tense up, like I was at battle an
energy battle, outside of myself, alien to my

The Co-Inspired Life

My thoughts began to race with the new
questions; the moment of truth had arrived in
form filled with energy NOW alien to my
energy. The human form had identified, that
there was alien energy, now in our surrounding.
Suddenly, like, in a flash, the whole MEMORY
of WHY we parted ways, WHY our ways should
remain parted. It made me uncomfortable

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The Co-Inspired Life

Chapter NINE
Its a beautiful day to save lives!!
It is a gift to draw yourself into the powerful
awareness of the universe at work in our lives
and understanding most importantly that
there are more reasons to celebrate life, when
you tune into the powerful co-inspired way
that life leads you to the best possible
outcome from you.
The inspiration of this chapter is a sticky
sentence from the series Greys Anatomy in
which, before the character, Dr. Dereck Mc
Dreamy Shepherd begins his surgeries he
uses this beautiful sentence with a gorgeous
smile Its a beautiful day to save lives. It is
such a wonderfull positive way to begin a
brand new day as a Dr. the OR is filled with
the positive energy of this beautiful sentence
and what follows is a series of complicated and
delicate procedures to save a human life. The
power of the thought, opens the flood gates
Page 44

of a series of actions that draw a patient back

to health.
Now, just imagine, if we were to begin each
day with a smile and a powerful thought like
this one, lets attempt and making a follow up
list of thoughts that will be created from
beginning a day with a very powerful creative
THOUGHT and letting that ONE THOUGHT
create our experiences.
I am going to use this beautiful line to
create with you a powerful day led by this
ONE SENTENCE and youll recognize that if
you spent 7 days of your life with 7 powerful
life changing sentences, youre likely to truly
manifest by the power of a foundation
thought and watch the things that emanate
from it.
It is gift of the Spirit of Gratitude that were
called to invest our thoughts wisely. For the
power that creates, creates more of itself.
Therefore the deep need to invest in thoughts

The Co-Inspired Life

that create wisely, that which we desire for
ourselves first. For it is true, that we, will
most often, focus the BEST for ourselves
(mans nature is meant to create unto itself,
for the deepest part of who we are,
understands that when we are truly happy, in
that state of mind, we wish goodness upon
others too), wisdom says YOU can only give
unto others what you most want for you

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The Co-Inspired Life

Chapter TEN
Know Allow Accept Manifest
Just like for every new chapter, I have chosen
to begin a new document sheet and begin
sharing the thoughts and co-inspired journey
with you. So, must I share with you the coinspired why of this doing. When I began
writing this book, I understood that this book
was going to be a journey of co-inspired
learning and experiences that I would share
over a period of time of writing this book.
In my first book, I wrote about the powerful
bridge between Ask & Receive which is to
Know.Allow.Accept.Manifest, I wrote the book
in continuum without breaking the journey of
writing, often making it really hard for myself
to read through the many pages of script.
Having hand written it, the greater challenge
was to be able to read the mistakes and if I
did, I found it difficult to edit and remember
all the changes I made. This exercise would

Page 46

leave me exhausted and unable to truly pick up

where I left off, it used to be overwhelming.
to lead the book writing ceremony. When
writing a book like this one, there are going to
be everyday, every week twists and turns that
will create the co-inspired journey of writing
this book and so, I made the choice of
starting this book on my computer instead. It
all began with creating ONE FOLDER that
reads the co-inspired life and within this
folder a document that says The Co-Inspired
Life and I began writing, the beauty is the
energy at the tips of my fingers are free to
express themselves, in the flow of
communication unseen from my mind to the
document. When writing with the pen on a
book, there were many other call to
attention points, the pen was the single point
of energy flow as 5 fingers gripped and
controlled the flow, it maybe true that united
by the energy of the 5 fingers, it may have

The Co-Inspired Life

been a more powerful tool, then again, as I
began the process of paper to computer, the
energy doubled there are 10 fingers at work
as I type and the energy of each finger meets
the keyboard to communicate, each energy
separate from each other by the power of
form and reach. Each finger playing its role
and apply enough pressure to make the energy
reflect in words on the compter.
Maybe the creation of the computer itself is a
way to learn to allow each finger to choose to
communicate intelligently with the key board
to produce what we know as a document and
the repeating exchange between the fingers
and the keyboard is what completes the
conspiracy behind a book!
The fact that every chapter is a brand new
experience in exchanging this energy each
document will carry its own energy and when I
am in that document reading that particular
chapter it is easier for me to add, subtract,
edit and bring a deeper meaning to you of the
content of the experience and it will be coPage 47

inspired to communicate with you, just as it

shall with me.
As a human being, we want every experience in
one place at one go and we look to pre
determine the outcome. The truth is
sometimes, were called to open our energy to
experiences separately and infuse ourselves
with experience inspired by the specific
energy. Making a brand new choice, each time
life invites us to observe the co-inspired
A beautiful example writing a book is like
creation itself,
Therefore, as an author, the intent is that
which will eventually hold the book together;
the author is but the medium for intent. When
the Intent and the Author co-inspire what is
EXPRESSION in words that will finally
complete itself in the form called a BOOK.

The Co-Inspired Life

In the case of humanity, the INTENT is
HUMAN BEING, who when one with intent,
PROJECTS the energy into the CREATIVE
Within the BOOK are CHAPTERS each unique
to ITSELF with a unique beginning, a path
forward and unique experiences, perspectives,
expressions, unique content, unique in its
expression and a unique ending. Every ending
completes a chapter, not the book itself.
These chapters come together at their own
pace and with a unique purpose and together,
uniquely inspire and co-inspire itself into being
complete first in itself and then co-inspire
with the other chapters to complete the
Intent is the same for all humanity; every
human being is an author, every breath a
chapter in the book called life.
The many days we spend reading other books
and trying other methods is taking us away
from our own chapters our own story. The
Page 48

most beautiful LIFE you will ever live is by

recognizing yourself as the author connected
to the divine intent of creation.
Many books you will read are but triggers to
remember that INTENT is common to all the
AUTHOR is YOU and the CHAPTERS are
always going to be about your own personal
experiences, unique to YOU. Every other book
will only contain, what you need to learn from
it, know through it or gain a perspective from,
your LIFE will only be complete with your
experiments and chapters!
Come to think of it, once you start with the
INTENT, it pretty much draws your attention
to the many co-incidences that occur to make
it possible to take a peek at the creator intent
for ALL LIFE. It is an exciting journey and
since you are the AUTHOR you choose the
results by experiments and experiences.
A tree too Inspires oneness a continuum of
creation. We look at a TREE as a WHOLE, yet
every tree has a human journey, it cannot

The Co-Inspired Life

speak or we wouldve heard stories, just now,
as I got out of my journal, after Id shared
and received my inspiration of the day. I am
called to today notice the beauty of a tree as
an example of how co-inspired works.
Every Tree begins at SEED and it is simpler to
count the seeds in a fruit.... You see it! Who
has ever attempted to count the fruits in a
Every fruit that is consumed is a powerful
reason to be grateful to the TREE, though
who remembers to thank for the tree or think
of the tree, when all you THINK youre
connected with or connected to is the FRUIT!!
The many co-inspired, mysterious processes a
TREE goes through to deliver the fruit to you
is forgotten in that moment when your senses
meet the fruit. We spend more time
bargaining and choosing the fruit and how we
should cut it to consume it. We arent aware
of the beautiful process of the seed giving of
itself, the rain giving to the tree, the soil
playing its part, the many unseen changes that
Page 49

take place only and only for the FRUIT to be

delivered to us in that one moment.
As I write this, it is actually amazing to
recognize and marvel at a tree the countless
leaves, the branches strong enough to provide
the fruit with what it needs to grow healthy
for consumption. All in perfect harmony, not
without challenges, still focused on being
delivered to you for you to consume.
The Intent of the Seed is to co-inspire with
every element to create a FRUIT youll enjoy
and will make you healthier.
The intent of the creator energy from which
we are too has the same intent for the human
experience. It is wonderful to see how the coinspired works in tandem with the demand for
more and how, in demanding for more, were
compromising the process the seed MUST
undertake to provide us with the FRUIT.
Holding this thought in mind, take a look at
the areas in your life which you can
metaphorically affirm this truth in a number
of areas of our lives and see this is true.

The Co-Inspired Life

When we take the seed and infect it to meet a
perceived demand, we compromise on the
quality of fruit we consume. I chose a long
time ago, to be the fruit of Because Jesus
wants it to this day, my life and the fruit of
my life is accepting my purpose, just like
Jesus did and I am willing, so willing to explore
my purpose knowing that, I am a seed too in
the process of creation and within me,
unlimited seeds waiting to become fruits. I
express in this now moment my deep Gratitude
for the many many co-inspired processes that
took part in bringing me to this very point of
understanding the SEED I NOW AM!!
Every THOUGHT is the fruits in a seed, you
may never know how many till they take form
in their destined time. Every Seed has a
destiny of their own, some grow into their own
tree, some die in process of demand and
supply, some will grow exponentially and
become too heavy for the branch that the
branch theyre on, still others will be taken
away early to serve as food, still others will be
Page 50

weak and fall away and die. Yet each one will
create in accordance to the choices they make
as they continue to create.
The seed does what it does best grow and
create without attachment. The tree knows
that, the leaves know that, the branches know
that, the soil knows that, the air knows that,
the rains know that everything that is
created knows it isnt attached to the form, it
is the purpose of the seed to grow and the
rest of nature co-inspires to MAKE IT

The Co-Inspired Life

Chapter ELEVEN
Creating a brand new tomorrow with coinspired ideas!
When were smitten with the co-inspired
thought, a lot changes and these changes are
felt first and then an interpretation seen. So,
its been a while since you began co-inspired
living, youve been reading this book. You have
accepted a few new ideas and youve rejected
some and yet, all of your thoughts are now, in
a fascinating way attracting a co-inspired way
of thoughts that become things and it is
beautiful, because you can see it, because you
began believing it and as time passes youll
begin to see it when you KNOW IT!
I was honoured to be invited to the inaugural
day of the e-week for a university today and
with a very esteemed panel of speakers and
the first year students. The topic for the EWeek Innovating for India, two thoughts
kept returning to my conscious mind what will
I say? How will they receive it? As I headed
Page 51

for the event, I knew I was making a choice in

my head, I can choose to allow my thoughts to
keep me worried and thinking till I actually
spoke or I could allow every moment to inspire
me to speak, with my heart. If this moment if
every moment is co-inspired for the very best
results, then, all I had to really do is let the
moments play out in their ISness.
Observing myself, the choice I finally made on
the drive, thinking more about how I was
feeling and observing the trend of thoughts
becoming things. The regular stuff, came and
went, what stayed was its a beautiful day to
empower lives, so, in the true sense, my
journey began and the chief thought that
repeated itself, was the sentence itself and
that was beautiful. When I reached, I wasnt
looking anymore to be recognized, I was
recognizing the wonderful things that was
observations came a sense of awe!! I was
seeing the things I believed.

The Co-Inspired Life

I felt like I was ready, more ready to just be
and as I observed the other speakers I
smiled, knowing that they were playing out the
thoughts I experienced too and the choices
they made, created their actions. I got to
observe how I would be, had I taken those
routes. The monitor of CHOICE, brought to
my notice that which was elusive and
When I spoke, I realised that the powerful
choices I made as I listened as I awaited my
turn to speak, was part of part of the coinspired moment of completion. There was
nothing amiss and all the perspective blocks I
observed of me in the many forms were coinspiring for my turn to hold the moment
together. My words, a blissful awareness that
in that moment I took the mic and it was my
turn to speak, nothing else mattered other
than the connection of awareness of my mind
with the present moment in which I was and
the fact, that the words that flowed from my
mouth, came from the higher consciousness of
Page 52

the space and every energy in communion,

waiting to receive.
I learnt, that every moment has Divine
Intelligence guiding it in accordance to the
choice of thought from which your
experiences began. Every business you begin
and sell and create is a gift you give to the
world. God knows, that everyone must be a
part of the whole. No business is complete by
the initiator himself or herself, for the simple
reason is that, many who came before us,
created benchmarks of HOW IT SHOULD BE
DONE. However, the fact that you are made
of how it can be done, is an opportunity again
to choose whether, that is exactly HOW YOU
The choice will determine, HOW YOU
FINALLY DO IT! For most people, as I have
come to understand it, the need to start a
business comes from the intent to live a brand
new life style, this can mean, MONEY, HOME
things that the world sees and understands
about you.

The Co-Inspired Life

There is another set of people, that build
business with the purpose of creating a path
forward for themselves, that is capable of
carrying people to the next level of growth,
Then there are people who begin business to
prove to the world that they have arrived,
theyre striving to prove a point and so, it
becomes important for them to continue to
sell themselves. Marketing is a must selling
comes from a completely different thought
process and need.
It is amazing how, when you get down to
observing your own self through the many
images of you, you meet, it is a happy point of
understanding the process of co-inspired
perfection that has led you to the now of your
All of us, may get the same information, read
the same words, be connected with the same
author. The truth is we will GIVE forward only
Page 53

experiments with this book. This fundamental

understanding makes it so much easier to
understand and accept the different points of
view and how accept how they have evolved
and will continue to revolutionize creation.
The business you create is based on the
physical, psychological or sociological need of
the present moment or phase of your life. So,
there is no real success or failure till you
decide to name it and nail it. The moment, you
NAIL a phase and name it. You have begun a
process of finding a logical way to define a
happening and make an event out of it. This
event, when shared with others grows with
their experiences of it. For in knowing, that
failure exists, it is the natural human
tendency to identify situations that match the
meaning and in this matching, what truly
happens is that we get attached to failure as a
trend. We then begin a new process of
validating ourselves and our lives in the
meaning that failure brings.

The Co-Inspired Life

The process we continue to trend is
identifying ourselves as the victor or victim of
failure and stay producing more failure, with
the thought that failures are a must for
every human success. The word failure is a
family of thoughts and emotions that coinspire a belief in struggle being a resultant of
failure and struggle is a must too. Then, we
quite naturally, begin to identify all those
happenings and events in our lives that are
causing us to fail we must see our tryst with
failure as a PART of life. And my friend, it is
easy to see all of this because we believe it
and in our believing this to be true, we all
struggle and struggle and struggle more.
Then comes that moment and it does so for
everyone, when, we meet with a new thought,
that moves us to a place of glowing with
excitement and empowered belief that were
contributing in an individual way to a larger
ecosystem, (a word I learnt very recently and
I have come to love). It is this One Idea from
where we begin to grow into a universe that
Page 54

expands to attract in accordance to the intent

we emit, in this case an idea a brand is born
and so is an entrepreneur. The process a 40
week pregnancy with an idea that finally
shapes up into a company and when the
company grows it becomes a brand new
identity that speaks for itself as it continues
to interact with ideas born from within it.
Such a lovely thought to begin an
entrepreneurial journey, understanding that,
in planning to have a company is all it takes to
begin the journey to creating a brand new
identity with a future that you can nurture
and is born from the desire to create a
product that maybe local to begin with, yet, in
time and with exposure, becomes global in its
Every parenting tip works in tandem when you
seek to parent your brand instead of simply
being a surrogate mom or an adopted parent
or an adopted child. It is fascinating how the
parenting learning truly begin to make sense
right now.

The Co-Inspired Life

We plan an ideal future for ourselves in our
heads that takes the shape of covering and
communicating our needs and the social needs
we are traditionally taught to follow. We take
a decision to meet the entrepreneur within
and a brand new journey begins. The
relationship eventually blossoms into a
company, the affair between YOU and the
company, then give it a name this is almost
like having a baby and having the birth
registered and the vision is the baptism and
the Directors of the company, the God
For the first year, your entire attention is on
being a good parent, teaching the baby,
learning how to assist the baby in growing, you
read books, take lessons out of others
experiences and yet, only your instinct truly
knows what your baby needs. You begin to
dream of a future for your child, most
businesses call that a business plan. The BIG
PICUTURE view of the company is what really
Page 55

begins is the process of planning to reach that

bigger vision and till your eyes are set on the
BIG PICTURE you see your child as perfect
whole and complete.
In the second year, you begin to teach the
baby social skills, the associations with other
businesses and people begin and the baby is
now influenced by the environment in which It
is being prepped to associate with and learning
and using. The social skills of virtual identities,
positioning, values and growability, learning
new skills to stay afloat, we begin to
understand the brand growth and there are
teething excitements and hold backs. We hire
new staff or upgrade the skills of the older
staff to enhance the growth of the company.
We usually allow the company to take shape,
the challenge in this phase, somehow, is
comparing the growth with the ecosystem of
brands that were born at, around the same
time and this process can sometimes get us to
want the company to grow faster and we push
the company to an overdrive of growth.

The Co-Inspired Life

As an entrepreneur the aim is fast growth, as
a parent you only want steady growth. So, you
make a choice and this choice is the beginning
of the rest of the life of a company or your
child. You know instinctively when to hold the
child and when to let the child be!! There is
always the BIG QUESTION
The truth is, you will always be right when you
go by instinct all else is circumstantial
evidence that comes with the benchmarks
that predecessors have set for you. The
mother of invention is need and the deep
desire or intent to fill the space of need, with
have. Be CHILDLIKE as an entrepreneur, go
with the FEEL the feel will move you in the
direction of WHO WHAT WHEN WHERE
AND WHY of getting where you want.
As an entrepreneur, you learn like a child to
make it possible for the world to see your
dreams like you see them.. VIVID!! You are the
one with the Masterpiece in your mind,
reaching out to the world and sharing it and it
Page 56

is only YOU who will finally have the WORDS

to describe what you see in your minds eye.
Trust that instinct, the idea has co-inspired
to work with you as an instrument and being
the instrument, means that you ALLOW the
idea to LIVE through you, be the BODY that
takes the idea to the world. You then, dont
need to work too hard to make it possible
YOU simply allow it to breathe through you
and let you know what you need to do to make
it real for yourself and the rest of the world.
Heres the experience, you will be surprised by
and I write it, as I just ALLOW the energy of
this excitement to trigger a thought within
me. As an Entrepreneur, co-inspired is possibly
relationships really. You share your ideas with
other entrepreneurs, they add their expertise
to it and together an idea is presented to the
world and more people begin to find
themselves attracted to the idea, for the
purpose of creating a still bigger idea that
fills the gaps created by a new thought

The Co-Inspired Life

entering the framework of your mind. What
you really begin, is creating from a personal
thought, you share it becomes a virtual
thought, people add, it becomes a local
thought, more people share, it becomes a
national thought and it continues to grow with
each co-inspired sharing and becomes a
Getting excited about ideas is a gift youll
eventually give the world. Even though, there
will be times when you get a little
overwhelmed. The truth is the SEED is set out
and the fruit will be born, just as long as you
ALLOW the co-inspired to materialize. There
is a magical journey that a seed takes and you
can only watch in awe, if YOU CHOOSE and
Chapters maketh a book ;)
When your PERSPECTIVE is unattached to
MANIFEST/materialize the DIVINE plan of
Page 57

the idea. Gratitude is a Co-Inspired energy

that fuels the IDEA into a material form.

The Co-Inspired Life

Chapter TWELVE
Connecting to the co-inspired is a process of
observing CHOICES

Every relationship requires a two way connect

which balances out the energy and keeps it
fresh and giving. The energy of two is the
creator energy, filling the spaces between
what is already done and what is yet to
materialize. There isnt one person in the
whole world that can survive on his or her own.
God created woman to be a partner with man.
As the human race evolved, this partnership
was made equal and as it continues to evolve
the human race is changing to allow woman to
lead and man to follow. Man and Woman made,
to pro-create and grow together.
We all look for relationships in the outside
world to grow and build. No man or woman can
live as an island, they could well choose to live
on an island though. The truth is we cannot
work at a future without affirming the
Page 58

presence of significant others. People

werent created to be alone in a crowd, so, by
perfect co-inspired planning, the fact is that
in a crowd, youre likely to absorb crowd
energy and before you know it you begin to BE
the crowd thought, even when you are alone.

This chapter is going to make no sense till it is

concluded. Part of living co-inspired is to allow
you the pleasure of being an empty vessel that
the universe is excited about filling up and
flowing through.
So, I will allow, in this moment to hand over
this part of the book to a vibration more
powerful than my human experience to initiate
a new co-inspired path.

Now, this is more like it, you just made a

choice to let flow dictate through you and this
is a gift not many receive even though all of
creation is GIVEN this gift. There are many
reasons why we talk of being childlike in the
co-inspired energy of creation.
A child is co-inspired to grow, through the
many experiences with its parents and then, as

The Co-Inspired Life

they enter the world in word and deed, they
begin to shape their lives by the choices they
make. Dont be fooled, when your child gives
into your want of it. The child makes a
deliberate choice, giving you power over its
well being, moving you to a deeper sense of
duty towards it. However, you must
understand that the child MAKES A CHOICE
to allow you to fill its life.
The child, knows that it is provided for. A
child communicates with expression and
emotion and draws the adult to a more instinct
driven reaction to the child. A child knows how
to love and you can most learn how to love
from a child. The path of bringing a child into
this world is the physical union of two bodies,
the moment of co-inspired energy of creation
truly happens when the egg chooses the sperm
and the sperm chooses the egg. And in that
moment life begins. Not every egg a woman
produces becomes a child, akin, to not every
thought becomes a thing. It is the intent that

Page 59

is shared to create that activates all the

necessary details to make complete the intent.
We, all began at sperm and ova, that is a
scientific truth, proved over and over again,
today, science creates babies, with just
incubating the ova and sperm. That is the
evolution of birthing, however, it is also true,
that the traditional way of creating babies
hasnt lost its value and hasnt lost its charm.
Even though it is true that more humans make
definitive choices now, whether or not to hold
on or let go. In every case, the race is now a
CHOICE. The parent chooses whether or not,
they take it through or not, YOU have begun
to make choices and WE have learnt to
respect them. The purpose of creation is to
create and the purpose of the created is to
create more.
However, in the wake of the knowledge about
how to have or not to have a child, the human
race is making new choices and these choices
will continue to evolve with time.

The Co-Inspired Life

Similarly, in all other areas of our life, it is
true, that the methods and means have
evolved to create easier to do and more time
efficient ways to create and multiply
Look around you, you make choices today on
the premise of how much you need and how
you can acquire it. Your benchmarks for
success are things that money has bought or
can buy. You purchase on the basis of what
someone else has, a lot of you even make
decisions about marriage on the basis of social
pressure of age, status and degrees. All of
these are created by man, in order for man to
conform to a certain pattern of growth. Man,
in his evolution has trained himself into
believing that creation is a matter of
conforming or to put it in easier terms for you
to understand CON-FORM is to CON mankind
into a FORM.
A child knows not its form, it knows where it
is FROM. A baby understands and teaches the
adult the powerful gift of instinct, instinct
that KNOWS exactly what needs to get done
Page 60

and the more they go with the instinct, they

actually begin to channel how it is to be done.
A baby cries and adult plays the guessing game
of WHY, concludes, if it is HUNGER PAIN OR
DISCOMFORT and then reacts with providing
the solution and the child approves the actions
of the adult by smiling, through the tears.
The greatest mistake of mankind is to
conform to a rule. This rule, as it evolves
becomes a pattern, a tradition followed by the
many who follow and in the process, we miss
out on the WHY of its beginning. Ever
wondered why GOD chose to come in FORM?
God chose so, to give us the experience of ALL
of FORM in the ultimate creative force of life
and that the course of life is determined by
the choices we make in FORM.
Your truth is simple, you are created with a
purpose and the purpose must be met before
you return to formlessness from where we all
are. The place called heaven, the unlimited,

The Co-Inspired Life

the entire universe, call it whatever you may
for you to feel connected.
Therefore, a beautiful way to compare the
two parts of YOU that complete the
experience is the infinite invisible YOU and
the finite visible YOU both complete who
you KNOW to be YOU.
The truth is
We are all from the infinite invisible and we
all shall return to the infinite invisible when
our purpose in the finite visible is complete.
Ponder upon this one sentence for a while
On the return journey, now that you have
made it to form, you will make choices, which
will assist you to return to the invisible
The challenges of these choices are presented
to you through the many relationships and
connections you make in form with the infinite
you, radiated to you, with the same spirit, to
make you react or retract to a place of
responding from the invisible infinite that
connects all form, all creation.
Page 61

These moments are triggers of intent that

create thought and when we work on the
thought we begin to materialize and these
materializations form our visible reality.
Visible reality, is therefore the coming into
the visual realm, things weve but thought,
then shared from thought and now indvidualise
into form perfect representations of our
This is really what reality is about, therefore,
it is also true therefore that everything in our
reality, represents a human thought now a
human reality or our visible reality.
It is in co-inspiring with the invisible infinite,
that we come to a deeper understanding of
this truth. The follow through, well is the
human intent to want to find and connect
with the invisible infinite to connect the
dots from thought to thing. Often in this
process, mankind is drawn to the invisible
infinite purpose of his/her Finite visible
form and the unfolding of purpose begins.

The Co-Inspired Life

In the journey of purpose, you begin to see,
what is commonly called miracles!! Miracles are
really connections made between thoughts
youre aware of and the invisible infinite. In
the NOW moment of when they connect and a
reality manifests is what you commonly call a
Miracles, often lead us to a feeling of
expanded energy, in which we FEEL the coinspired coming together, its a feeling that
can be described as LIGHT and filled with a
feeling of ABUNDANCE and is often tagged
with a smile. This is only natural, because a
smile, is the result of an expansion of the
invisible infinite through you.
It is also true, that when you begin to
experience this beautiful energy, what really
happens first is the cleansing of all that is
that you have attracted, that does not hold
true in the knowing of the infinite invisible
Each emotion which represents many pictures
in response to its flashing in thought is a
beautiful reminder of the infinite invisible. In
Page 62

my experience, Gratitude is the word and the

beauty is in the landscape of visuals that fill
my mind, when I am in thought in Gratitude.
It is amazing, how, there isnt even one
moment that the visual stays still the many
perspectives of Gratitude fill my thoughts and
then my feeling and then radiates through my
energy into the environment around me.
Often, drawing my attention to the tiny
details that makes the world what it is..
finite visible, that will continue to grow and
expand with my awareness and then return to
the infinite invisible from where it all
originates by sheer thought or intent.
Gratitude, makes dug up roads seem inspiring,
I can see that they are being destroyed that a
new and healthier road may evolve from the
present circumstance of the ISness of the
road in Gratitude, it is easy to see beyond
sight and smile, knowing this moment is but a
moment and nothing more.
You are a special part of the infinite invisible,
visible by form and making choices, both from

The Co-Inspired Life

the infinite invisible and form, each creating
for you a CHOICE of INTENT reality, that
fills creation with a brand new perspective
forward. In drawing your awareness to the
CHOICES you make, you begin a journey from
the intent of either your infinite invisible
YOU or finite visible YOU both are YOU in
complete harmony, that is what is called being
AWARE of who you REALLY ARE, when making
It is so simple, however, it is an INventORs
mind that finds shades and processes that
form the new finite visible consumed by the
finite visible to affirm the finite visible.
The creator of all that is infinite invisible
however, holds itself only to create the finite
visible so as to radiate through the finite
visible that the infinite invisible may
continue to expand.

So, in conclusion, the beauty of observance is

to be more aware of the source origin of our
choices. Making a more aware choice is the
way to living a more purpose filled life. The
Page 63

time of this writing 7:55 pm, and in number

sequences from the angels, this is what it

This is a validation that you are "on target"

with an impending change that will enrich you
either physically, emotionally, or intellectually
- or a combination of all three. Stay on course
and you will soon see the evidence of how the
changes add to your own life and to that of
those around you.

The Co-Inspired Life

Dear Diary!

Journaling, isnt a practice I really

understood, except that it gave me a clear
idea of what I wanted to share with the rest
of the world and couldnt say, became a part
of the writing. Today, as many as 16 years
later I meet the big why in my world. I gave a
lot of credit elsewhere, however, I have been
able to maintain a positive life, because my
diary was the BEST FRIEND with whom I
shared my mindspace everyday, as I continued
to write, I continued to evaluate and release,
those thoughts and feelings that werent
CREATING a better life for me. My trials
were truly a secret, sometimes, even being the
other side of me communicating.
As I grew in my relationship with my diary, I
really grew in relationship with my thoughts,
most often turning to my diary first, to share
a thought an experience a feeling or a
Page 64

revealing. My diary is witness to my choices

and perspectives and lust and love and all
things me. The diary, my source of connecting
completely with all of me. Often, I have
thought, that if someone did get to my diary,
theyd be as shocked or surprised as I am,
each time I read it. It is a reflective of my
focus and fears, my happiest moments and
My choices have been influenced through my
diary. Very often, we turn to an outside world
to explore our choices, ideas and their
repercussions. I have been blessed to turn
inward, into the spaces of the diary and invite
the Divine Intelligence, the invisible infinite to
come and take a thought walk with me and
assist me in reaching the Divine Purpose of my
life. These archives, hold very significant
information that comes handy, even today.
Journaling has clearly become my my time
with me part of my day. All else is simply

The Co-Inspired Life

The reason, why I have included this as a
chapter in this book is to invite you to a brand
new relationship with yourself. A diary, has a
way of engaging your mind, without the
pressure of rejection. Some of the
information that you will receive as part of
your writing, is your higher consciousness
filtering through your thoughts and speaking
with you. People talk a lot about listening to
your inner voice, then again, if you have an
active or overactive thoughts per second
mind like mine, youll understand that the inner
voice, will find a way to communicate with
you if you cannot hear it it will begin to
speak to you through the energy of writing,
which is the physical manifest of the infinite
invisible YOU

When I began writing this chapter, the coinspired energy that drew my attention to the
fascinating title of the chapter, was making
me struggle, today I have returned to this
chapter with a powerful co-inspired path, I
was led back on by my diary. It is thrilling to
Page 65

now share this journey with you, my dear

reader and I wish you a special realization of
your own, that will take you on a journal
journey to the purpose of your life, like it has
for mine. My journey, with my journal has
brought me to a phenomenal new phase, that is
encouraging, of how a journey of very aware
thoughts has led me to this new phase of
mine where my journal becomes a sharing
journey, you call a book. The content of the
journal, has brought me to my newest venture
in the finite visible, the intern to
entrepreneur programme a completion of a
chapter of learning from my life and the
beginning of a whole new chapter of being who
I am, by purpose.
I must add here, that this is a trigger of the
process of writing this very book that youre
reading. A co-inspired path of my life,
revealed and begun. It is also a very powerful
message, that as I began this passage, I got
an email from Karim Hajee of creating power
in my inbox and you will be awerstruck at the

The Co-Inspired Life

subject of the mail : Dee, todays a new
The first paragraph:
Today is a new beginning...
Today you take charge of your life.
Today you decide to move in a new direction.
Today you start making more money.
You get in shape and be healthy,
You make more time for your family
You do the things you need to do,
You get things done today.
Co-Inspired over 36 years of delivering a
message to me now complete, in intern to
entrepreneur really, the story of my life,
thus far and the beginning of a purpose filled
life till the end of my days. Amazing how, many
unconnected moments of co-inspired energy
have come together for this celebration of
experiential way.
Page 66

1976: Born Deepanjali Rao

1977: My first loss, my Grandfather on
November 26th and moved my dad moved city,
Mumbai to Chennai. In Delhi my best friend
Ashok was born on the 18th of August.
1978: My first sibling was born, Roopa!!
Madras was turning out to be a good place I
made my first big statement and forged my
first big relationship: I know, because Jesus
wants it
1981: My second sibling was born Prema!! The
same year on the 7th of November, we were
sent on a holiday to Delhi, it was the turning
point, my parents split! I was forced to leave
behind everything that defined my childs
world and move on to nothing, still wondering
what I had really done wrong! The memories I
left behind that clearly were symbols for me
to remember a box of crackers and my book
of fairytales. Maybe, it was for me to
remember as a symbol, that my life was going
to be a fairytale with fireworks! It makes
sense today as a sign, yet, back then, it wasnt

The Co-Inspired Life

a sign of the times to come. It was a loss. I
also, had my first bloody trail a sign that my
life wasnt going to be all sane yet, I would
always have a greater reason to WALK
STRONG. My first big accident as a tiny child,
my thrill of slides cut short by a pit of glass
that left my foot bruised and splintered with
tiny pieces of glass and my spirit to walk kept
me from feeling the pain. Well, I didnt cry
with pain, till I was taken to the hospital, I
was still smiling my smile and being happy me
with a bloody foot, till the doctor brought out
an INJECTION! I guess I knew then, I would
always be okay with me, till an external jab
promised me relief. I was willing, even at the
tiny age of 5 to handle my pain. I didnt then
and dont now, need an external source of
comfort. I am pretty adjusting to my pain and
I take pain with a smile, often finding relief in
1984: People getting ready for riots!
Protecting each other, this was the year in
which through a really horrific phase in the
Page 67

history of Delhi, I learnt how to stick my neck

out of the window and prepare for a riot, even
if all that we were praying for, was that it
wouldnt happen. When Indira Gandhi was
assassinated, we were in school. By the time
we reached home, Delhi was bloody and
bruised and burnt. The balcony of our home,
was filled with broken glass and big stones.
We lived on the first floor facing the main
road. The neighbours were out and ready for
the rioters. We children were given
instructions to standby for action, yet stay
indoors or on the balconies and if needed
throw stones. Wonder if someone hadnt really
realised, that the stones we threw could hit
them too. However, what I learnt, in a state
of ready to riot protect our colony, is that we
all loved each other, there was no caste divide.
The groups were keen to protect each other,
there werent Hindus and Sikhs, our colony
was a bunch of people, standing together to
protect each other. They stood night vigils,
prepared to combat the odds, just in case,

The Co-Inspired Life

outsiders decided to barge in and hurt.
Looking back, God taught me that people stood
by people and when you lived and loved
together, you would stand up strongly to
protect each other, even if it meant getting
hurt yourself. Our area, was blessed with
brotherhood in action. Being human won and
we never had a reason to throw stones at
people we were well prepared though.
1986: a special year of my first miracle, still,
gives me tremendous joy, when I remember
my diwali miracle. All I asked was for a few
crackers what I was given a bunch of
fireworks worth Rs.500 that I will always hold
special. My first brush with abundance, my
first big lesson in childlike asking of GOD!
Nana told us that if we prayed for anything,
that God was listening and watching over us.
This was the year, in which I experienced my
first miracle of this truth and yes, it was also
the year, in which the lesson I was meant to
learn, was complete. We were evicted from
this house, later that year. And Gods
Page 68

protection was so strong, I wasnt home to be

a part of the process, God chose to have a
stronger soul be witness to this, my angel, my
guide and my gratitude to the beautiful soul of
my grandmother, who took the hard fall, since
she was home, when the eviction team
ruthlessly evicted everything we called home
and threw it in a passageway for the world to
see. This was the second time, in a span of 5
years that it was an OVERNIGHT change of
life. Nothing was shocking anymore, it is a
crazy sequence, that every 5 years, CHANGE
happened to us. While the physical change was
scary, God, protected me, always from being
present. I realise today, God has always
protected me, always keeping me physically
away from trauma and yet, profoundly working
on me in faith. God kept inventing new ways to
hold me in the realm of abundance even when,
circumstances were quite the contrary.
1987: Life began again, from scratch. A new
home and new possibilities! New friends, new
neighbours and a whole new perspective of

The Co-Inspired Life

life. A new chapter had begun and we were
given a new opportunity to begin again. In this
phase, there was way too much happening, the
child grew into an adult. The adult knew not
how to cope. Responsibilities changed, people
responsibilities grew, both my sisters began
their growing up phase. Nana became the
ROCK OF GRATITUDE in a home that was
expanding with growing minds, bodies and
experiences. I began to accept my truth
Daddy wasnt coming back! My prayers were
steadfast. I guess, this was the year, when I
grew up to ACCEPT ME just as my life was. My
fairytale was over, this was reality and even if
I didnt quite like it, I had to accept it. My
first ACCEPTANCE, I stood up in class and
admitted for the first time, that I didnt
really have a dad!! Till now, I wasnt ready to
accept my truth and so, like every child does
I would story tell about my father about his
foreign trips and being in Dubai
1988: Won my first and only second prize for
singing and sang my first big solo at
Page 69

Rashtrapati Bhawan. This apparently, was also

the year when I made a pretty profound life
statement. Purpose was a word I felt and
understood, I guess, or it was just that
moment when all of life begins communicate
with you and through you. My first life
understanding now expanded : everyone is
born with a mission
1989: Won my first of many first prizes for
singing this was the year, in which I chose,
what I would like to call my life song and my
guess is, this song chose me too Greatest love
of all and to this day, it is definitely the song
that makes me smile and in a beautiful strange
way, is the story of my being. This is the year
in which my life truly began at many levels, my
first brush with who I was going to be, simply
being who I was.
1990: My first year of taking responsibility
for being me. Getting into trouble had become
second nature to me. Often, being distracted
enough to want to quit. I guess, the song had
become my strength and it was scary, but I

The Co-Inspired Life

triumphed, not allowing circumstances or a
very obsessed with me principal have her
way. The Greatest love of all was happening
to me. Learning to love myself, was the
greatest love of all. My first brush with
reality and family, I began to understand what
I did like and what I just simply wouldnt take.
Wasnt too excited that my mom was dating
someone, my time to rebel in FACT and
FICTION, took to HATE as a way of securing
my need to trust myself. I decided long ago,
never to walk in anyones shadow. If I fail if I
succeed atleast I live as I believed, no matter
what they take from me, they cant take away
my destiny. This was the year of huge
emotional change and my second miracle, wont
forget this one ever 8th December 1990: My
church miracle, I was standing and saying
thank you with all my heart to Infant Jesus
(btw, have always smiled when I look at him. I
guess my reminder is that I was an infant
when I first knew of my relationship with
Jesus. I dont know what the legend is, I just
Page 70

know that I was an INFANT when I first

recognized the power of JESUS in my life). I
thanked him with all the genuine love in my
heart, for returning our lost dog to our home,
with 5 puppies. So excited and accepting we
were, that we found bubbles. I walked outside
the church and guess what the REAL
BUBBLES was right in front of me. All she
needed to recognize, was her name and the
sentence that came out of my mouth affirmed
that and we were reunited in total joy, the
rest of it is a pretty long story, maybe
another book. Here I am guessing, was my
first brush with the power of Gratitude.
Thank you for the DOG we found was the
Gratitude that led to actually finding our dog.
Till before the fake bubbles, we had given
up sometimes, the precursor for what

youre wishing for and are grateful for is

only the trailer. It is the trigger that
assists you in getting into the energy of
Date: 18th March 2013

The Co-Inspired Life

Princess, you know that this is what you were
called to write for this morning. Now, you are
truly ready to receive. You must know, that
you have to be so grateful for the idea of
intern to entrepreneur that it draws unto you
everything and everyone you will ever need for
it. We are here supporting and loving you into
this new phase. This chapter a gift of
releasing the past with love and light and
inviting you to a brand new now and forever in
this knowing. The angels are with you and
assisting you in creating by will, that which you
need to enter into the KNOWING of your
abundance not only for yourself, also for
others who have been asking for this miracle.
Success is infinite when service is the aim.
You are the bearer of this good news
celebrate the receiving.
God will give you everything you need once
you are ready to receive
God is abundant and is only waiting for you to
make yourself ready to receive what you truly
Page 71

need. Think now what can you do to make

yourself ready?
9:55 : In order for the new change to
manifest, it's important to release the past.
This number sequence asks you to let go of
the old and know that it served a vital
function during its time. However, life is fluid
and change is inevitable Know that the new is
standing at your doorway, waiting for you to
let it in. You invite the new in as you detach
with love from the old.
These two messages, followed up by 2 phone
calls, one from the PR company and the other
from a very special someone who I would love
to have as part of the team and build into an
entrepreneur. The receiving has begun and
begun from a point when I was writing a
chapter or the part of the chapter that was
about miracles. Love this feeling, like, I
KNOW right now, that the receving has begun
and it will only continue to manifest like magic.
Ideally, this would be a handwritten journal
entry, yet, as I write this chapter I am

The Co-Inspired Life

journaling LIVE the miracles that are
happening. This is a message that I have
always received in Gratitude when Gratitude
has chosen for me to get into alignment with
who I really am. A part of the infinite invisible
in a finite visible form balanced by Gratitude.
Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS!
1991: Had to be a year of challenges with a
powerful creative support. I found my second
life song From a Distance. Grew as a Diva in
school, BEATS!! I created the popularity
charts, strangely, the principal had almost no
say, without having to fight I won the
opportunity to sing the solo. It was a feast of
victories, that led to the big moment for me. I
guess the song had the secret, a sense of
powerful faith and victory in faith. I had my
headmistress and a whole bunch of students
and teachers, speak for me and affirm me as
the schools choice for the solo. Sr. Matilda,
didnt get the satisfaction, 3 years in the
row I guess I was taught the lesson in
Page 72

faith God is watching us, God is watching us,

God is watching ME from a distance
1992: the most exciting part of 92 was that
moment in the corridors of Convent of Jesus
and Mary, I met a very excited teacher, who
was running towards me, shouting you are in
my class, class X-C, I specially fought for you
to be in my class. In retrospect, this would be
the first ever time, a teacher whom I had
heard of as being very strict, was rejoicing
like shed won a lottery. To my surprise, the
realization that I was the lottery was both
uplifting and scary.
God was definitely
watching me, now from closer, through Mrs.
George! Cannot explain how blessed being in
her class was, like I had the protection of a
mother, wanting me to succeed, loving me just
the way I am and yes, being stern with me,
when needed. Her protection of me was so
strong, that every challenge of the last two
years of being in trouble in school faded away
and the lesson absorbed. Another powerful
lesson, that I am protected and how. I was

The Co-Inspired Life

free to be me and that was the GREATEST
LOVE OF ALL in action.
1993: Another brilliant phase,
that just
happened, it was all about new friends and a
new group that I belonged to, even when I
didnt really belong at all. Most of the friends
I grew up with, kind of either were asked to
leave school in the last 3 years or left school
by choice. They just couldnt take the bashing
of confidence. Me, on the other hand, it was
like I was firmly filling the MIRACLES list.
There wasnt a reason for me to hold back,
GOD was watching my back. Sometimes, giving
me so many miraculous moments of pure
Gratitude, that the reason to be in school got
a brand new meaning, it was easier and easier
as I got into the MIRACLES way with my
Nana. This was the time of my brush with
Positive thinking and being in 1994 my Nana
went through her first big scare and the
sunshine girl in me emerged. I guess it was
the coming together of the purpose of my life
in a very very meaningful way. Yet, I was
Page 73

unaware of where this was leading to, then

again it was a journey of learning. If this year
was the year of signs of the times to come, Id
say, I was heading to a life filled with healing
by intent and confidence. Nana went came out
of a coma in 9 days, in the next 9 she came
out of paralysis and in the following 9 days, we
took her home. Her doctor, Dr. Pradeep
Mathur, called it a miracle, I stood firm on
the knowing, that my relationship with Nana
was so blessed and strong, that she would
have to take my permission to pass on and
right now, wasnt her time and nor was it ours.
I actually manifested by sheer intent and I
guess, in my case, the less knowledge I had
about her MEDICAL CONDITION gave me
the confidence I needed in faith to create the
miracle. Leaving the medical community at the
hospital pretty stunned. Maybe, they learnt of
miracles of faith and the sunshine girl was
their ray of home in a very very medically
challenged reality.

The Co-Inspired Life

1995: This blow well hard on my reality and
yet powerfully adaptable in my knowing.
Matilda, finally had her way. The one chance
she got, was my low attendance in school and
she held that against me and held me back
from sitting for my XIIth
exam. In
retrospect, she did me a favour really!
However, at the time, it was a terrible blow.
For the first time, I was CRUCIFIED not by
hatred for me. I was the victim of her hurting
relationship with my mother. She didnt know
how to affect mom anymore, she had already
ensured that Roopa and Prema quit CJM and
the only part of RAO that she had to hurt was
me and so she did, pretty splendidly. Not
realizing that GOD was with me and even in
this moment of sheer defeat was a blessing in
disguise a huge blessing, that would only be
revealed to me the following year. Yet, not
being in school and not giving the exams with
my batch was a setback and by the way things
were going, it couldve actually been a dipping
point so deep that I may never have been able
Page 74

to get out of it. Then again Gods plan for

my life has always always been stronger and
my faith has always shown me the silver
lining. The sunshine girl wasnt make believe,
she did exist and she wasnt going to set so
1996: I am so grateful for Michael Saraswat,
my guardian angel, my champion amabassador,
who asked me for a birthday gift, I wasnt
allowed to say NO to. He knocked the sense of
failure into me as a choice I was going to
make. On his birthday 27th of February 1995,
he made me make a promise to sit for my
exams to clear class twelve, with a very very
strong sentence. You must give your exams,
even if you think youll fail. Atleast I can say
my girlfriend failed class twelve. Dont allow
yourself to feel like a failure, because Matilda
decided you were. If you sit for the exams
and fail atleast youll know that you fail,
otherwise you are allowing someone else to
decide youre a failure. I am so freaking glad
I did listen to him and I took that chance I

The Co-Inspired Life

passed with flying colours, two distinctions
and a first list admission into Jesus and Mary
College. The high point of my learning, that
GOD created me to succeed, it is just that I
didnt have the confidence in myself. To this
day, this again is a miracle, an affirmation that
I am gifted in special ways, only waiting to see
the GIFT I AM and taking the irreversible
step of claiming my place in the GIFTED. I will
always be indebted to the powerful presence
of God in my life through Michael and maybe
this was the first brush with Archangel
Michael, through Michael Saraswat! I realised,
college wasnt meant for me, when I joined. I
took my first decision to quit the fascinating
world of JMC, when Sr. Jovita, someone who I
had respect for, gave me a run down on how
EDUCATION talk I was given. I wished
someone had enlightened her and I wish she
Page 75


made the choice to say yes to JMC and in 4
month or a little more, DECIDED TO
REVERSE MY DECISION. Opting for, work
experience as a better choice. Yet, that wasnt
going to be all easy but the splinters in my
feet had settled, I knew I could walk and I
didnt need a crutch. And yes, this is the year
in which my big break at Wizcraft happened
to me and life took a turn for the experience.
1997: Another November shake up. Lost my
Nana, she moved into the realm of angels and
I was strengthened by my new knowing, I had
a personal angel in heaven, who knew me well.
Who would always watch over me and protect
my needs.
Angels didnt have faces, AA
Michael I met in a person and yet, now, I had a
personal angel in heaven whos face I knew and
who knew my heart. Who taught me well to
stand and live my part, my purpose, my faith,
my destiny! Knowing I would always have
heavens cover was BLISS.
I guess her
funeral mass was my first definitive life

The Co-Inspired Life

lesson in Gratitude. I remember clearly the
closing part of my speech at her mass was in
Nanas own words, Thank you, thank you thank
you. I completed 21 and my birthday was
celebrated at the BHC club, the first big
party wed thrown since we came to Delhi. It
was time for change and the times were
changing, pretty rapidly. I guess the high
beginnings were a sign of the future and yet,
quite unknowing represented celebrating life
till 21 and the preps began for the BIG
PICTURE years to come. Nothing seemed more
important than feeling that Nana, wanted me
to be celebrated and how till I completed 22
I celebrated being alive and my new life. I
didnt know that 22 was the beginning of a
brand new phase of my life, that would in fact
be the precursor to what I could come to
understand as my purpose!
1999: My 22nd year, a year of many many
endings and new beginnings. So many that in
my Gratitude there is a whole book that will
be needed to journal the happenings of this
Page 76

year. Like, life began again to grow to this day.

This phase of my life is where the miracles
began and continue to glow and grow to this
day. Feb: were evicted again, this time it was
horrid and yet again, I am away from home. In
Chandigarh on an assignment, on my way back,
I get the news that were returning to a make
shift home in the British High Commission.
The process was horrid, yet, there was a
sense of relief. The home we were living in had
done its time and life had to move on to
something new, somewhere new and if the BHC
home was a benchmark, much was awaited.
April was another first, mom won a ticket in an
official lottery and flew on a holiday to
England. In May I made a life changing trip to
Potta, where I met Jesus in my healing of my
relationship with Dad and my faith family
here, the DCruz family. Their daughter
Christine and I became sisters bonded by
faith and I didnt know, that it was she who
would play a vital role in a very near future
happening. A retreat that began on the 9th of

The Co-Inspired Life

May 1999 that changed everything and firmed
up my relationship with Jesus and my own life
too! I returned to Delhi to experience my
first rejection with confidence in faith that
this rejection ( a job at BHC) was really a sign
that I wasnt created to do small things. In
June, I bridged the 6+ year gap of the silence
between my Father on earth and I, an
extension of forgiveness and healing that I
experienced in Potta in spirit, now in form,
complete. It was also in this time, I met, Hari,
an exemplary human being and someone, with
communication with. Life was getting better
with every challenge and I was filled with light
and love and knowing, that Divine Order
prevailed and guided me. There were down
moments a lot of them, they only helped in
keeping me balanced.
On 9th October 1999, I met my first job with
a new confidence. God had led me through to
my first big victory of faith. My life of
miracles had only just begun and I was
Page 77

learning everyday to be more grateful and the

more grateful I felt, the more I was being led
to experiences of risking everything, knowing,
gratitude will lead me through and manifest
into my reality in wondrous ways. I only had to
have the courage to say YES to the RISK and
KNOW that Gratitude will continue to create
a path for victory and victory was just an
elevated state of being in Gratitude. Rejection
wasnt an obstacle it was a clue, that gratitude
is clearing the path that I must take. I made
friends with my weakness for a gratitude
filled life. What followed was a series of
of GOD. Childlike in my yearning for a
gratitude filled life of faith.
Life had begun changing, all I really had to do,
was keep thanking. What struck me as I
came to a close on the chapter, is that 1999
was a year where things began, were in 2013
now. The first 13 years of the millennium have
been a rick growth experience, what began in
October 1999 has co-inspired to bring me to

The Co-Inspired Life

where I am today, writing a success story
that is made up of many whys and hows
along the way and the most powerful insight,
well it has been 13 years of brilliant co-inpired
moments that have created me. Lucky 13!

Page 78

The Co-Inspired Life

13 lucky millennium years!
Not everyone has a story of 13 years of luck,
well, I just realised the millennium began on
the note of a co-inspired start and has shaped
up a brand new growth area in my life. I guess,
that is the main purpose of this book being
written through me. Blessed and abundant. To
remind me and reveal to you, who arent even
sure if God exits or you who knows God exists
but is available only in book knowledge, here I
am telling you the story of how faith changed
my life. Not the circumstances or the
realities, FAITH changed my perspective and
all else, well are miracles in Gratitude that
have only opened my eyes and heart and soul
to be in service of all creation taking the
message of Gratitude and making it simple,
experiential and an everyday affair. I know it
works only because I have experienced
Gratitude in the many areas of my life that I
Page 79

have truly lifted in thought word and deed in

surrender to the infinite invisible, my best
friend and confidant Jesus, my team of
energies my friends and most invaluable
support team of helpers the angels and as I
write this, I feel connected to all of who I am.
Knowing that I am the miracle of the infinite
invisible created with a purpose and my
purpose has more importantly drawn me to the
powerful knowing of who I really am and I
have grown to love and understand the ways of
the infinite invisible and love being an
instrument in creating more gratitude on
earth like there is in the infinite invisible.
Every energy co-inspired, co-creating and codepending on the knowing of their infinite
invisible connection with all that is and all that
will ever be.
Coming back to why I started this chapter and
what I really wanted to share with you. There
is nothing that isnt of the co-inspired that
exists without a deeper understanding of the
infinite invisible being an orchestrator of all

The Co-Inspired Life

that is finite and visible. Even though you may
not understand it yet, there is a phenomenal
energy working within you, even right now as
you read, co-inspiring with the content of this
chapter and inviting you to take a walk down
the history of your own life to truly know how
everything that has ever happened has
happened with your best interest in mind and
it takes a re:view with Gratitude to truly and
deeply understand and accept how unique you
and your learnings are. However, the
Gratitude Re:View is only possible when you
can actually look back in thought and word and
find all things are connected. Maybe the next
chapter will be about HOW to get into a
Gratitude Re:View for now it is back to
lucky 13!
2000: Millennium year, was the beginning of a
new century for mankind and a brand new
series of miracles of learning for me. I found
success in all I touched. The pain, I
understood, was my opening up to a better
life. Learning everyday to stay faith filled and
Page 80

positively aligned to achieving and learning.

Growth was the outcome of this brand new
relationship of learning to succeed where
people often resorted to blame and passing on
the buck. I didnt realise how important the
phase was then, I realise it now, the beginning
was by CHOICE. I learnt to make CHOICES of
learning, from the CHALLENGES I was invited
to by my work and by my ability to see the
solutions in the midst of CHAOS. I had a
knack of getting things done, I guess, the
angels were guiding me, even when I didnt
know them in my awareness. Maybe, Nana, had
set up a special team of support to assist me,
from heaven. That I may continue to grow in
Gratitude, just the way she taught me, while
she was here on earth.
2001: The twin towers collapsed in NY when I
was on my way back from office. Didnt see
them as a sign. I mostly had questions. It
intrigued me, that the American intelligence,
had failed to see a huge co-inspired event in
the making. Nothing seemed to be an

The Co-Inspired Life

immediate precursor. It was at this time, that
like most people in the world, I was
THINKING of the safety of the rest of the
world and hoping and praying that there was
light in this situation. Close on the heels of
my own new world, this was in my thought, a
sign of the times to come. When there would
be incidents that shocked the hell out of the
world. And yet, as the mystery unfolded, many
unexpected truths would be revealed. In my
mind and understanding, this event was
influencers too big to be named and the ones
who were named, werent really the
beneficiaries of the gruesomeness. It
surprised me, that such a precise act of
violence, went unnoticed and the fact that
someone had taken meticulous care of
ensuring total damage wasnt or isnt an inside
person. I guess, my first experience of looking
at this event as a mysterious sign of the decay
of humanity. I also, understand, as I write
this now, this mustve been the first time I
Page 81

learnt to accept what happened without

getting into the emotion. My first conclusion
as an observer. Maybe, this was the time I
really accepted that Nothing happens by
accident, there is a purpose, we may not know
of. But, a PURPOSE THERE IS. America, had
laid the firm foundation of attacking the
middle east and this was their BIG WHY. So,
nothing that followed surprised me, OSAMA
was the new marketing genius and this whole
SHOCK was the launch of what would then be
a bloody exchange of supply and demand .
America found her place as Saviour of the
world and life would go on.
2002: Another new learning, I took a move
away to another city risk. Didnt know that
the purpose of this visit would be linked to a
more profound event 6 years later, it was just
the beginning of a long thought out co-inspired
process. As I write this review, the unfolding
is clear. It was back then, that the seeds were
being sown for the next phase of my life.

The Co-Inspired Life

They say, that Faith is a seed that grows with
your relationships. This is exactly what this
phase was about. There were a million reasons
why this trip was doomed to begin with and
yet, taking the one, irreversible step of
moving to Mumbai on a gut feeling, was the
best thing ever. Still remember, how day 1 in
Mumbai opened up the floodgates of
possibility and by day 3 I had a home! The trip
began with making a call to Christine, (
remember the DCruz family I met in Potta!)
She invited me to her home to stay over for a
couple of days, in the days that I stayed
there, I was sure, I didnt want to move to
Yari Road, which was my first plan.
colleague, Deepa, offered to introduce me to
her mom so that I could strike a deal for a
home at her Grandfathers home in Vile Parle.
Another friend, Chakrapani Rao, made it a
point to assist me in shifting to my new home,
a steal deal for a fully furnished One Bedroom
Hall kitchen in Rs. 2000 a steal, what was even
more exciting, is the fact that it was a 5
Page 82

minute walk to the station! Another very

powerful relationship that began in Mumbai
was with Persis Randelia, a surprise gift, best
friend and momma figure, who literally took
care of my Momma needs in Mumbai, still
remember, the Dhansak Special. Needless to
say, that co-inspired, mustve been born in
thought on this trip. Everything that happened
was a miracle wow, those I met, those who I
avoided and then there were those who
avoided me.
It was during this trip that I made my first
pitch for business, till now, my life was filled
with lining up business pitches, in one of the
big client meets, I met up with Sumantra
Dutta, COO, Radio City, they were launching
private FM channels, this one, Radio City, was
being marketed by Star TV and so, as head
hunters, their business was a business we
definitely wanted to get into and get a chunk
out of. Our meeting was a good one. He took
out time to talk, I guess by the end of it, he
talked me into thinking of myself as a sales

The Co-Inspired Life

person and a good one, according to him. Dont
know what made me say it, but I did. I
promised Sumo, that the day Id get bored of
what I was doing, Id call him and try out
sales. I didnt realise, that this was a sign,
that my mind had bought into the idea of
exploring sales as an option, even though, I
was always of the talk, that it will NEVER be
The work, purpose, assigned to Mumbai,
complete. The co-inspired events, were meant
to introduce me to Star TV as a future
prospective employer. I fell ill, had a couple of
black outs and my return to Delhi confirmed.
My Doctor co-inspired my need to return and
just like I had moved to Mumbai, one day I
packed my bags and returned. I had a new life
situation to deal with, High Blood Pressure, a
new challenge and it had its own set of
reactions. I began getting really bored at
work, missed the thrill of business
development and candidate meetings. In Delhi
I was back to the normal, receptionist and
Page 83

EA with additional responsibilities. I didnt fit

in anymore, my desire for growth had grown
and I knew I had to make a new choice and
possibly chart a brand new territory. I was
scared, didnt know what to do and yet, it was
Mumbai that showed me, what I was made of
and that I could do almost anything I had set
my mind to. If there was a purpose to be
fulfilled, I would find my way and come out
with flying colours. I needed to think, where
to from here?
2003: I needed to get a break from what I
was doing, I needed to get out and be
Deepanjali Rao. I knew, Id have to take a
chance and that would mean, doing something
absolutely new! I didnt know what the
future held, I just knew I had to do something
different. I remember this year for many
special reasons and one of the most important
of them all is that God loves me way more than
I understood, this was the year I became
aware of the truth in a more powerful way
that nothing that you do goes unnoticed by

The Co-Inspired Life

God and returns to you at a time when you
must remember that the statement is true!
An auto driver brought me a message of Gods
presence in my life, even the tiniest detail is
meant for a reason. The lesson, pretty
simple, timed to perfection! On a day when I
was ready to give up being me and follow the
herd! A Random act of kindness, 6 months
earlier, brought me to a meeting point with
Gods presence in my co-inspired moment of
KNOW. I learnt, that every good deed is
recorded, somewhere in heaven, waiting for
the day to come when youre going to receive
the WHY! The Auto driver gave me the
celebrity privilege of being his first
passenger! Not only did he make a celebrity
moment for me, he was Gods messenger. A
reminder, that every choice I made, was
leading me , closer to my destiny. He was being
prepared for HIS big moment and thought of
me, on a low day for me, he raised me up to
God ALWAYS being aware and me being in
Page 84

My short but very exciting stint in Radio City,

brought me many material and spiritual gifts,
I learnt very powerfully, that I wasnt the
type of person, the job was inviting me to be.
I made a choice, to stay grounded in love in
being the me I was meant to be. I had chosen
a job to learn something, something new about
me! It wasnt the people or the place, well, I
cant complain, Ive always worked with the
best brands in the industry Ive chosen to
experiment with, best brands not by research,
definitely by me. While working in sales, I
learnt, that it isnt the sale, it is the sharing
that creates the sale. When you are in it to
co-create, the results are powerful. More than
for myself, it was a time, to assist my team
members in realizing some of their favourite
client dreams. In retrospect, the reason, God
took me to Radio City, was to more powerfully
co-create the ME, I was meant to be and be
the catalyst for many achievements without
title. My work was done, two very big clients,
walked in, for team members, the catalyst,

The Co-Inspired Life

well, connections I made at Executive Access!
Bringing to my notice, that Executive Access
was another co-inspired moment, that
happened for me to impact my work at Radio
City. One day, I wanted out, didnt like
becoming an all numbers person, wanted to
This ASK opened new doors again, by the end
of 2003, life was on fast track, met, Michael
Menezes, and before I knew it, I was taking
perceptions, my own. I always loathed
Showtime Events, not because it was a tiny
brand, but more so, because, I began my
career with Wizcraft International, event
pioneers, three friends who came together in
recognizing the others strength and grew a
brand that would redefine the events
industry in India. When I made the choice to
join them, I knew it was a lesson, meant to be,
I was being challenged by my own goodness, to
see this space as good for me, with a lot to
learn. The history caught up with me, having to
Page 85

deal with people, most of them, was a

challenge! I learnt how to accept them and
detach myself, needless to say, I had many
who, wished with all their existence, that Id
fall on my face and disfigure my credentials,
so much so, in recognizing, that they are
indirectly assisting me in keeping my
credentials where they belonged, my work!
The choices were simple, few friends, great
work and yes, a whole lot of growth. Peers
Envy, Michaels Pride! Well, the important part
is, my choice even in adverse responses from
colleagues, was a defiant almost deliberate set
of actions that needed no words, but, yes,
definitely made me a lot of enemies, not
because they were bad! They just did not like
the idea of me not giving up being me! As I
write this, the truth is, that Showtime, really
taught me to be detached from other peoples
demands and focus on what I had to do. Would
be a lie, if I told you, that I didnt bother! Can
promise you, there were days I wished a lot of
people dead or maimed, they were such a set

The Co-Inspired Life

of buffoons. Thank God for Gratitude I was
given the wisdom, to see them for who they
are, not for how they perceive me. So, in my
energy, they died and were maimed, all
efforts to trip me, were futile, even if it is
difficult for them to accept today. They were
the reason I grew into a force, that which
they resisted, persisted and they were
forced, beyond their liking, that I was there
to stay, I made the choice to stay and they
needed to get their mind off me and create
for themselves. The hours and days they
spent not liking me, worked against them, I
had accepted them for who they were, no
changes required. I learnt, that I had to
continue to do what I had to, the events I
worked on, were the WHY of my staying, the
people, kept changing, the conversations kept
changing, I kept changing and life was
beginning again! I was growing into a brand
new me by practice, didnt know then, I was
shaping up to being the ME, I am TODAY!
Showtime, brought so much to learn and
Page 86

blessed I have always been, a phenomenal

teacher in Michael Menezes, the first
statement he made the day he hired me, which
for the record was in 15 minutes, welcome to
baptism by fire . Today, many years later, I
understand that my spiritual growth was the
key learning of my Showtime years, the tiny
seeds of Gratitude for learning and unlearning
were sowed, my dependence on my ABILITY
would bring me experience and my response to
situations and clients would teach me to think
on my feet. Firm to the ground and learning
from all that I was surrounded by, challenges
became exciting, each, inviting me to a new
growth, growth internally into gold and
externally into the world of events. The key,
well, I was proudly handed the most irritating
clients to deal with, the greater the challenge,
the more I was thrown in, in the fire of
dealing with them, I learn to be confident
about what I knew my OUTCOME was. Learnt
to focus on the OUTCOME, what happened
interim, was just more learning. Got my first

The Co-Inspired Life

promotion in 4 months, with a salary hike and
more altitude, I had gone to speak to Michael
about stepping down and quitting, honestly, I
didnt want to continue, my time was up dealing
with the ego games, maneuvers and boss! I
wasnt going to allow myself hope-less-ness,
I understood and learnt and so, the lessons
had to be left back and it was time to move on.
Move out , was my thought forward! To my
surprise, move out, was right, I was going to
move again, this time, to a more important role
in the company, hadnt thought of it. Life coinspired again, I was ready to leave, when
Michael asked me to stay and instead, join his
team and work with his clients. Events coinspired and before I knew it, the
organizational structure changed and my best
friend, Navin and I, were moved to Corporate
Showtime, Michaels team, now, that is a
dream for anyone, to work directly with the
boss, meant, more insight, greater learning
and a huge canvas to create from. I am
beginning to understand, the fact, that Navin,
Page 87

was my closest friend in Showtime, wasnt a

co-incidence, God, placed him there, knowing, I
was meant to learn from him and work with
him and that the most powerful working
partnerships come from co-operating from
strength. What followed was phenomenal
growth, both professionally and personally.
Those who hated me, inflated me and I
ballooned. I didnt need to be ONE OF THEM
to grow, I needed simply to ACCEPT that
theyre there for my GOOD and then only the
GOOD was revealed to me, through them for
me! This growth, of over 3 years, became
boring, on the way to 3 years, I had a new
dream, wanted to work on Large format events
from idea to execution. Worked on BIG ideas
that were shot down, I was told my ideas were
way too large for a company our size, that is
when, I made another choice, I wanted to
experience what it would be like to create,
from thought, concept and event, a large scale
idea, my prayers, always answered and the coinspired truth of these thoughts came

The Co-Inspired Life

together with another feeling, that moved me
to choose. I may not have quit Showtime any
other way, I needed to GO an explore
something large and in a another part of the
country, my friend, Hari was looking for
someone who had the gumption to handle
something large, in December of 2005, I said
Goodbye Showtime hello Alternate Brand
Solutions, Times of India on a project in
Jaipur. Co-Inspired and how, but, the way in
which it happened is now a sequence of
brilliantly planned co-inspired leaps of thought
and yes, impulsive decisions, I will always be
proud of speaking about. The ONE feeling
that was the trigger for all this to come true
and come through being taken for Granted
There came a time, for a new experience,
maybe, I was done what I was meant to learn.
I used that which I learnt for the company
itself, one fine day, I encountered a new
feeling, the feeling of being taken for
granted. I knew I had to do something about
it, I realised because I took myself and my
Page 88

grace for granted, I had, unknowingly given

external sources the heads up, to take me for
granted. Another
choice waiting to be
accepted first, then made. One fine day, I
chose to walk away, if it took me 15 minutes to
be hired, it also took me about that much
time, to say Goodbye and leave! Soon after,
less than 24 hrs later, I was taking a new leap
in faith, I was on my way to Jaipur, before I
knew it, I had a new team with new dreams
and all I was called to do is ADAPT and so I
did! I returned from this success more
determined and more aware, that my ever so
often used expression God, didnt create me
to do small things was becoming my INTENT
forward, I didnt want to do small things, yet,
as I see it Now, every small thing I ever did,
was the journey to the BIGGER PICTURE and
the BIGGER PICTURE, God, knew that, I
didnt, I just followed every impulse, to see
what happens and life started taking a whole
new shape.

The Co-Inspired Life

By February of 2006, I began getting
IMPATIENT, really, to counter my feeling of
uselessness and no real work, I began another
journey, communication by writing. I
encountered, while I was writing, that there
was a communication unfolding, I was writing
of things meant to be, being asked what I
wanted and being led, this was the beginning
of my journey of communicating with the
Creator, my higher self, I didnt have a name,
I just had a lot of information, some of it,
really stretching to far. Yet, there was a
strange confidence to follow the lead, to wait
long enough to begin to RE:Call, recall, here
meant understanding how life was unfolding,
without expectation and yet, there was so
much happening. In the real world, it was NO
WORK, NO PAY and yet, this was a time of
very rich spiritual communication, which I
often, signed off with Pipe Dream. What I
did not understand is that a future of spiritual
refinement was at hand, I was being called
AGAIN, like in Potta, to redefine who I really
Page 89

am. To be patient and allow divine timing to

lead the way to creating who I was being
prepared to be, well, that much depth, wasnt
for me, I just knew, that I had so much free
time, my imagination was running wild and God
was communicating with me.
This was my first knowing brush with Divine
Communication. The words I wrote, resonated
a higher vibration than the one I was in, giving
myself permission to express, the best GIVE I
gave myself. On the 13th of February, I
received a communication that Michael was
going to call me and offer me an assignment
with Showtime. At the time I quit, well,
Michael, was planning an International
Broadway show, much of the insights I shared
with him, were brushed away and he followed
his own personal know, something, again, which
was meant to be. It would often irritate me,
that Michael, wouldnt take advice from me,
for the simple reason, that I was reporting to
him. He didnt see me an as individual, he
merely saw a brilliant assistant, not someone

The Co-Inspired Life

who could lead a project, today, I am grateful
for his underestimation! I didnt know, why,
then, today, well, I see myself as a product of
that rejection. His refusal to allow himself the
pleasure of free advice, which I got freely
from my communication/intuit and shared
freely too! Had he taken my advice, this
moment of co-inspired communication wouldnt
have been of importance. On the 22nd of May,
when I took another leap in faith and took on
an assignment with GoToCustomer, another
co-inspired moment occurred, a certain
aquaintence I made, while in Showtime,
brought up the subject of Deepa in a meeting
with Michael, this is how the information of
my getting back into the JOB MARKET, was
meant to reach Michael, he was told, I had
taken up a job and it would be a big mistake
for Michael not to have me back in Showtime!
Michael was to get this information and was
moved to call me! Surprised, well, you bet, the
writing had come true, Michael spoke with me,
just as was written, strange but very exciting,
Page 90

there was something happening here, another

moment of DJ VU, the writing had come
true. In the Interim, my asking for a better
position and placement got me some brilliant
surreal offers from two very big names in the
event Industry, one of which would open the
floodgates of Networking and the other a
brilliant monetary offer with choose what
youd like to do, when you join our company as
Vice President. Temptation was at its high, I
had a moment to choose again and yes! I chose
to take the path of the communication and on
the 5th of June 2006, I joined Showtime
again, much to the surprise of my other
hopeful employers and more to my delight!
I had CONSCIOUSLY made the choice to
follow the communication and life began again,
this time, I knew where I was heading. Faith is
a mighty strap on, that makes you take
flights of fantasy with a higher purpose!
This time it was literal, in the years that
followed, I travelled, a whole lot, flights were
literal and I got to see the world, take Indian

The Co-Inspired Life

culture overseas, creating music and planning
dance, a beautiful rhythm that was almost a
wild romance with Destiny! I also met my
destiny in the journey, will dedicate a chapter
to Co-Inspired Romances later in another
book. The next 3 years, were going to be a
learning and a celebration of the Event
Manager part of me, the core learning,
following my intuit. For most part, an event
manager is skilled to intuit a concept into
being, the written is the manifest! The
learning curve, huge if you are aware! I learnt
to BE who I knew I was meant to be! Me. Much
to my own surprise, my detractors quit, the
ones who hated me, now became friends and
work was getting challenging, through those
challenges I learnt SUCCESS is A DOING
WORD, you realise your success only when you
look back. Like I am doing so, right now
Looking back at all the wonderful beautiful
moments that co-inspired my now. One would
think, if I had this KNOW then, maybe, I
wouldnt have seen or felt the struggle. Then
Page 91

again, I was too busy DOING to contemplate

and retrospect, I was busy allowing myself,
the experience I needed to get to write a
beautiful story of Co-Inspired BEING! A gift
I always had, waiting to be claimed and
written and shared with the world.
I am not apologetic, nor do I have any regrets,
I just took the moment and created my
reality. Or the moments that I took, were my
reality in the making, waiting for this book, so
that they may be revealed to me and be
shared with you.
This was only the beginning of miracles,
recongising them for the truly brilliant
opportunities they were delivering, another
blinder, another trip to the city of my birth,
Mumbai. Created another opportunity, this
time, in sync with I was never created to do
small things, in a meeting in Mumbai at
Alternate Solutions, my next leap found me
and I said yes, the co-inspired moment for
which I met Hari, many years before, the
excitement of working together, the taste of

The Co-Inspired Life

which was first introduced at the Jaipur event
in 2005 and the culmination of which was my
next assignment, Group Head-Special Projects
with ABSL, Times of India. Hari, well, hes a
part of my love at first Hello story, yet, in
the culmination, he was the reason why Times
of India happened for me. The position was
for Mumbai and the team, well, Haris team.
2008 was turning out to be a brilliant year of
manifestations. The thought of Mumbai
excited me hugely, the last time I was there,
my inroads to star tv were made, this time, it
was going to be special because it was a
personal breakthrough. Guess, I was making
new choices, so, I finally decided to part ways
AGAIN, with Showtime. This time around, it
was closure, so I tended in my resignation,
which was made easy really at a review
meeting, co-inspired, to allow me to take a
tough decision, destiny knew it was time for
me to move on and move up to where I

Page 92

My understanding is, that Michael knew, more

than I, that Showtime, didnt have much to
offer me, my dreams were too big and my
demands were weighing on him. He let me go,
with much love, used it as a brilliant move, to
assist other people in understanding, that if
he could allow me to go, then, well, they were
more than welcome to leave. If he didnt stop
the one employee he loved so much and
personally groomed into a brilliant Showtime
Star they were still somewhere on the list, he
didnt even consider holding on to. Not sure if
it was the right thing for him to do, yet, one
of the most important things I learnt from
this experience, was to enjoy each of the 30
days that were my countdown to saying
goodbye to Showtime, this time, complete,
there was nothing abrupt about it. I knew,
that irrespective of the flow of my life,
another loop was complete and I was ready to
grow again.
The wait and worry about moving to Mumbai
began, I was wondering about the how and

The Co-Inspired Life

where of it, just like the last move to
Mumbai, this was causing me anxiety. Still,
there was a thrill, I was looking forward to
the big move and the new adventure, with
Hari, I knew it would be special. Hes was
always someone who saw potential in me,
someone I attracted into my life to always
make me feel GOOD!!
On the 16th of July 2008, I was asked instead
to Head the North for Special Projects! Good
idea, I was still in Delhi, moms pangs became
less and I was heading a division, not just
reporting into a boss, I was elevated to being
BOSS! My first very boss assignment, another
co-inspired surprise! It was the first time I
was managing a team! Well, so much to learn
and I guess so much to teach from what I had
learnt through the years! I got to understand
what it mustve felt like to the SENIORS in
Showtime, when I walked in to work with
them, they breathed, then I was elevated and
they choked. It made sense for them to hate
me or want me out or really wonder why
Page 93

Michael favoured me, when they were there

much longer. What I didnt understand then
and I do now, is that, I was being prepared to
welcome I am not made for small things as a
given in my life. My professional life would
always clearly match up to what I needed to
experience to get to my purpose. My purpose
was being through a series of events I called
jobs! Maybe, right now this is true for you too!
I adjusted to the role of boss, I was learning
how to manage a team, I assisted them in
figuring out their potential and working with
them according to their potential, this was
their moment of growth. Within me, I knew
that the path was tough, yet, I knew that my
learning was great. It took me 9 months to set
this team into a market friendly space to grow
into all they could be. However, a management
decision brought us to a sad day for the team,
they were going to be given their first pinkslips, the company had chosen to close down
the branch divisions of the special projects .
What the outcome was, was unexpected, the

The Co-Inspired Life

kids, all three of them, walked into the branch
heads office, before he could deliver his
practiced speech to all those who were being
asked to leave, my team went in, with
confidence and asked for their letters. Much
to the Bosss surprise, he wanted to speak
with them, explain to them, the perspective of
the management and deliver the blow. They
simple asked for their letters to be handed
over, their claim, dee, has already explained
everything to us. We know that this isnt the
end for us, it is the beginning of the rest of
our professional lives. Just give us our
letters. Soon after, I was called in, to
understand, the confidence, the reason, why,
my team wasnt sulking. He, Shashank, found it
strange, that the they were happy to move on,
happy to let go, happy to look again, the only
thing they were sad about, is that there was a
chance wed all not be working together again.
When spoken to, my thoughts were, as boss,
when I knew the division was shutting down, I
chose to prepare my team for their next big
Page 94

step. It wasnt my intent to keep reminding

them how important the job was to their lives,
it was an immediate need to keep them
focused on how important they were in their
Yes, there were moments of deep hurt, then
again their positive thinking was a greater gift
of the moment than the circumstance of losing
a job! We dealt with all the faqs of parents,
family, friends and future employers to make
them more comfortable. More importantly, I
was preparing myself too. I was the last one in
and so I was all poised to be the first one out!
I knew that wed all be getting 3 months
salary, ha ha and I had planned my first trip
to the US. Promising myself a lot of Daddy
time and yet, new thoughts forward.
My surprise came in 4 days later, I got the
opportunity to take over a whole division, yes,
in Mumbai! I was interviewed, internally, for
Mumbai Head: Mirchi Activations (Radio
Mirchi) , on May 18th I took a flight to Mumbai
and a completely new chapter began.

The Co-Inspired Life

This was a chapter that taught me all I
wanted to be, holding me closer to my truth
and drawing to me all that I was meant to be
the beginning came as early as the 7th month
of being in Mumbai and learning, to do
something I didnt really think I was good at
and finally I had the opportunity to deal with
it in person, no running away. Yet, my calling to
Mirchi was greater than just another job. I
was there, to prepare those whom I worked
with, for the rest of their lives. In Mumbai, I
met challenges with easy, that others were
simply struggling with Professionally it was a
period of GIVING and personally, well, it was
a period of great receiving.
I received the rest of my life and in my giving,
I gave of my experiences and showed the path
to many. In this experience, life was filled
with a brilliant sequences of events that
completed for me all I was ever meant to be
to others, now filled in the self. Mumbai
completed many resistances and new choices
were born.
Page 95

In January of 2010, life was set to change and

grow and grow to change, a new path arrived
and with the quite confidence of a warrior of
light I took a step that would change my whole
life, the big idea was to move out of my
comfort zone and create again, knowing, that
every step was going to have its own share of
learnings and yes the powerful possibilities of
unlearning, that growth may come into itself
and breathe its know into my life.
As I waited for the evidence of growth, I
wrote a book that would change my whole life
and the lives of those whom it connected with,
the simple facts of life appeared and I was
ready and confident in bits and parts to take
on this new life and live it to the best of my
My first anagram to begin my journey, was
DeePositive : which to the naked eye is
Deepanjali Positive and yet to my soul, the
words that radiated through DEEP was
and 10 months later, I registered my first

The Co-Inspired Life

company DeePositive Intertainment Private
Limited a powerful gift of ME for ME! The
gift I realised, was co-inspired to be grander
through the book I wrote while I was working
with what it would stand for. My core skill
area, Events, which is also passionately who I
am about a follow through of the greatest
gift/talent I have writing with soul!
DeePositive and being DeePositive, I finally
wrote my first book and Yes I e-published it
for the world to partake of a journey of
discovery. Knowing became the foundation of
The 3 most powerful gifts I received from the
1) I had released the author in waiting,
within me. For all the years of writing a
journal was now a book of self discovery.
Things I learnt on the way to being ME!
2) Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL
THAT IS! A gift of communication with
my higher self, the all knowing, all
Page 96

allowing, the all accepting and the great

manifest of who I really was.
3) The Truth of the process:
a. Dedicated.Enthusiastic.Empowered.
Positive : the foundation on which
all that I do, will be born of.
b. Know.Allow.Accept.Manifest:
holding period of an idea to the
Everything began to change, including me,
assignments walked to me and lived out their
essence through me. I discovered old friends
and new relationships. Nothing scared me
more than not following my bliss.
Yet, there was something missing something
that was missing in the way I felt life. I began
to see people through their simplest desires.
Everyone desired to be appreciated,
Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS,
began to be alive for me. Often, looking at the
way people treated each other, made me feel
sad, I wanted to do something about it.
However, the one powerful lesson I learned on

The Co-Inspired Life

this path of feeling not so complete, I had to
acknowledgement a way of life, a path to the
future, the space where everyone walks in
knowing.allowing.accepting.manifesting their
highest potential. I had to find a way to
empower and Inspire more people to see
themselves in the truth of creation, with an I
for Gratitude, to be able to be individual and
whole in their beingness. I had to find a way,
to unlearn all the conditions that caused me to
want to walk away, I had to find a way to
STAY BLESSED and the only way that kept
coming to me as a recurring thought, well, to
find a way to do it for others. Knowing now,
that the core truth of every human being, is
the fact that most intrinsically all we ever
want is to belong. If I could find a way to
assist people to belong to each other and grow
with each other, I would feel a personal GIVE
so strong that my whole life would in fact
change as an outcome of this give.

Page 97

In November 2011, I began my journey of

DeePositive Foundation: Gratitude is Progress.
In December of 2011, I put Santa Workshop
into the works and life felt complete again, I
could feel all the Gratitude of Being, coming
together specially for me, teaching me, loving
me, challenging me to look within me for the
answers to all questions ! I had found my
passion way forward and now, in 2013, my
passion has given me, the most beautiful
meaning to everything I am.
I am gratitude in a world calling for goodness
everyday, through prayer and yet, still looking
for goodness in their expectations of others
towards themselves, not realizing that the
greatest goodness is YOU waiting for the
world to experience YOU at your fullest
. Were only midway through 2013 as I write
this chapter and I can promise you, the
unfolding has begun, calling me to see it
COMPLETE now. Complete in INTENT and

The Co-Inspired Life

basking in CONTENT that is changing lives,
one thought, one initiative, one person at a
time and this is the most thrilling experience
really, meeting the one person at a time and
knowing that lives are rippling with excitement
as Gratitude becomes a way of being for
humanity, one human at a time.
It is most prophetic really that the universe,
responds with a triumphant and resounding
YES!! To every thought as it begins its journey
to a thing. Me, well, I am the creator of ALL
THAT IS with Gratitude. Knowing that
everything I create brings the world closer to
a fabulous new way of life.
Gratitude to ALL THAT IS for ALL THAT IS
Every part of who I am as a professional, coinspiring, one thought at a time, to creating
the world as Gratitude see it! Expanding with
growth of the individual thought into a local
movement and yes a global local way of life. To
think, that it has taken me 13 years of coinspired choices to come to the beginning of
Page 98

the future of the world. Well COMPLETE

and CHANGING and GROWING with every

The Co-Inspired Life

Gratitude Re:View
Re: is such a high vibration word, discovering
it, is like opening a brand new door. When we
speak of doors opening we have a tendency
to see a door open, what it really means is
that you are now privy to a brand new
perspective view.
Gratitude, represents the Vision View of the
infinite invisible the opening of the door is
more a metaphysical one, you open the door
with vibrational awareness. The DOOR is
really AWARENESS! The opportunity that
you imagine youve opened signifies a new
perspective view of a situation or challenge.
Dont confuse this with a real time coincidence. The important part is to understand
that you have now begun to see a life situation
in a new way for a purpose. The real time coinspirations are just to hype your awareness.

Page 99

Most often, we celebrate real time victories

of opening doors taking it quite literally. This
is why, for most parts, the holding on to the
real time episode as a visual expectation on
the mind, causes us to pause, waiting for
physical results.
When the awareness opens up, youll begin to
see a brand new perspective view of the
possibilities that are represented through
the new vision youve been inspired to
experience through awareness. Follow the
feeling of the vision instead of the vision
Feelings are a vital force in the infinite
invisible and you manifest in accordance to
the emotions you experience as part of the
Here the shift, is clearly defined from moving
to the VISIBLE to the INVISIBLE, moving
from the PICTURE to the ENERGY of the
PICTURE and this is the breakthrough you
should ASK for. The VISIBLE is accustomed
to change with the way you feel about it. So,

The Co-Inspired Life

in the whole perspective, how you feel, will
truly reveal the opening of the door.
Heres a personal example, a few years ago, I
got dumped by boyfriend (oh yes, and hes my
present now. He and I have shared way too
many experiences to allow ourselves not to
continue to learn something new about
ourselves from each other) on a holiday he
planned. I was so angry with him, myself, the
situation and life. I suddenly had a lot of
people worry about me, ask too many questions
and make me feel more rotten than I was
already feeling. Then I decided to change the
perspective to gratitude and look at myself,
him, the situation and the outcome from the
perspective of gratitude. I discovered, that it
was of my asking and HE only provided the
opportunity, so that the asking of many years
of an ALONE BIRTHDAY may be fulfilled.
Most recently, well, today to be precise, I
closed another beautiful circle of life and
another chapter in this book Creating from
Intent, I began the chapter, wanting to

manifest a partner, a mate, a lover, a husband,

the father of my children this one man was
becoming a pain to find, because, I met each
aspect in a different person in the flesh and
yet, my heart was SEARCHING for clarity on
who this one person could possibly be! The
story of allowing has begun, now understanding
how I really feel, allowing the old ideas to
grow into the new and life to grow into all the
dreams Ive ever had.
We often look at Gratitude in the light of
feeling good about something, we however are
often not even aware that sometimes, when
things are not so good, were simply learning to
float! Floating is a time of balance, when we
reach for our truth, accept the present
scenario, including our emotions all of them!
Yes! Even the ones that are making us cringe,
cringing is a time of creation, were actually
making new thought choices, desiring a new
path and holding our thoughts in the direction
of wanting, yet, unless we are able to accept
that we DO want to change, the task is uphill.

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The Co-Inspired Life

For the 4 time, since I began my business, I
have found myself in a situation where,
MONEY is scarce. The powerful difference
from the last 3 times, well, is where the
clarity lies. This time around, I am feeling far
more comfortable in being, reaching out for
new ideas, thinking new ways of growing the
finances! I understand that I am attracting
more people and ideas, these are the seeds I
must acknowledge with Gratitude. Heres
where the Re:View can be seen in the parable
of the sower.

Matthew 13:1-9
1 That same day Jesus went out of the
house and sat beside the sea. 2 And great
crowds gathered about him, so that he got
into a boat and sat there; and the whole
crowd stood on the beach. 3 And he told
them many things in parables, saying: "A
sower went out to sow. 4 And as he sowed,
some seeds fell along the path, and the
birds came and devoured them. 5 Other

seeds fell on rocky ground, where they had

not much soil, and immediately they sprang
up, since they had no depth of soil, 6 but
when the sun rose they were scorched; and
since they had no root they withered away.
7 Other seeds fell upon thorns, and the
thorns grew up and choked them. 8 Other
seeds fell on good soil and brought forth
grain, some a hundredfold, some sixty,
some thirty. 9 He who has ears, let him
The wisdom of the old, presented anew in
Re:View the old and understand the new!

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The Co-Inspired Life

Today, is the 24th Day of the year of 2016!
Final release has occurred of all things of the
PAST! The moment has come when it is time to
ReFresh the view and welcome the new.
It has taken me a while to draw this conclusion
and put it out to you.
The energy has shifted that began this book.
It is now time for a brand new celebration of
the victory of vibrational consolidation over
man interpretation of it.
It is time to acknowledge that each of us,
human expressions are here with a greater
purpose than of surviving the vibrational
confrontations and mans version of it, which I
might quite boldly add is called religion,
which vibrationally marks two phases of
creation. The Era of the Father and then the

Era of the Son ( or what we could call

MANification of God ;) )
It is time to re: instate Gods version of Man
for we know most certainly, if you look at the
run up of events personally and globally, that
there is something extreme about the way
man amplifies, expands and includes God. It is
driven by mans temporary desire for power
and powers temporary interest in MAN. For
God, who created man ( and you can choose to
disagree and I wont be surprised) is an energy
that cannot be fathomed or cannot be figured
out and each one of us, will eventually bump
into a reality beyond our temporary human
ambition that seems to humble the ego to a
point of infusion with the Divine Nature of
We are living on the edge of a breakthrough,
when God shall hold each of us, SOULwise and
HumanPerfect, responsible for our choices.
WE are in a year of Karmic Consolidation that

Page 102

The Co-Inspired Life

is going to challenge our human spirit into
submission into the Divine Power.

All SOUL, All body in the process of creating

On Earth As We experienced in heaven

For those of us who have chosen to experience

our journey with the Spirit, have come to a
conclusion that our Spirit has made a choice
a choice to re:unite with the purpose of our
SoulBeing over the struggle of continually
being challenged by the collective projection
of the End.

Today, the two vibrations have united and the

New World is vibrationally announced, calling
you to embrace and accept this is it, I am
no longer a slave of history I am a potential
creator of it. I declare the Power of Love
and Gratitude is my source energy through
which my life and the lives upon the planet
I have chosen to incarnate on shall now
begin again

The End, is really an invitation to Begin Again

;) To begin again, does not mean PHYSICAL
re-shuffling, it in fact is Vibrational
reshuffling. Which means if youve speant x
number of years, thinking the world is a
terrible place to groom your children, try
grooming your children in a way that promotes
a better earth for your grand children. It is
true, that we are a co-mingling of vibrations
and this co-mingling of vibrational energies is
what the earth is made up of.

It is time, RIGHT NOW, to fully and finally

declare the reign of the power of love and
gratitude that we may together now
experience On Earth as it is in heaven in a
way that creates miracles of hope and
happiness across the planets.
We are done with wars, we are done with
battles of survival, we claim the power of love

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The Co-Inspired Life

and Gratitude as our co-energy through the
rest of this year and so it is.
We call upon our memories to heal and become the wholeness of Gods plan for Man.
We are blessed to be born in this wonderful
time of the Re:Union of Love and Gratitude,
that we may witness the healing and wholeness
of Soul Plans and Majestic Unification of ALL

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The Co-Inspired Life

Dear Readers,
When I began writing this book, I did not
know, life would hand me a beautiful
opportunity to write as I experienced life in
the Know.Allow.Accept.Manifest format,
which my first book introduced me to. The
vibrational growth, the understanding the
wisdom of the vibrations, have grown on me
and with me, since 2010.
When I began writing The Co-Inspired
life, I was looking for people to co-inspire
this journey. There are many chapters that
re-Main in my data bank, today, (24th
January 2016) I received a beautiful piece
of information from the angels another
nudge to trust the content and the intent
of the book and release it for the world to
consume. As I re-read some of the content
I am smiling looks like the entire journey
of writing this book is like a travelogue of
the soul through the person of Deepanjali

Rao. That some of this content is so

freaking brilliant, that I cannot take credit
for the Spiritual Wisdom, I definitely have
a Divine Co-Author in heaven who uses me
I am grateful that I am alive and breathing
in a time when the Divine Unification of
The Power of Love and Gratitude has
occurred and my path since 2007 has been
divinely guided to raise the gratitude for
this momentous occasion. I continue to be a
student of Divine Dimensions and I promise
that as I receive that which is to be
shared, I shall pass it on to you.
The angels tell me that this book is meant
to co-inspire a desire to connect with the
Divine Source of wisdom, that this book is
meant for those who pray to receive their
purpose and their soul information.

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The Co-Inspired Life

If you find this too heavy, which you might,
I find it a little heavy too keep a book
and pen handy as you read, the Spirit of
Wisdom shall speak to you (As He spoke to
me and is speaking to me right now as I
conclude this note).
May your Soul jump for JOY at this
receiving, blessings from the power of Love
and Gratitude to your Soul for having
chosen to connect again.
To On Earth as it is in Heaven from US
to YOU!
Much Love and Light

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