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The four who are one

The Demon
"Creature of fire and shadow, blood and thunder. He embodies vengeance and terror, the
darkest impulses of mortal souls, but also the purgative flames of rebirth; destruction that
precedes creation. His is the element of Fire."
The Demon's symbolic color is red; he represents vengeance, destruction, violence and rage,
the "shadow side" of the human soul. He dwells in a hellish space of flames, and even his
human aspect is quick-tempered, impatient and commanding. These are all appropriate for an
avatar of the Fire element. The compass direction signifying his element is South. The
aspects of the South are: passion and anger, pride, courage, temper, lust, determination;
willpower; loyalty and gallantry, the fiery heart of a warrior. Its human aspect is Flesh
and Blood, its creature is the lion, its moon phase is Full, and its hour is high blazing
Favored weapon: Greataxe
- Fire Evil Destruction Death Darkness Glory Trickery Sun
The Starbearer
"He who draws from the deep wells of the soul and emotion, bringer of passion and pain. He
can move a heart to tender love or murderous rage. His is the element of Water."
Starbearer's symbolic color is violet; he represents all the power of feeling and the depths
of the soul's wisdom - understanding of the heart, rather than conscious, intellectual
knowledge - and dwells in an ornate rose-garden paradise of fountains and waterfalls. These
characteristics are most appropriate for an avatar of the Water element. The compass
direction signifying his element is West. The aspects of the West are: intuition,
imagination, sleep and dreams, mystery, romance, flow and change; but also unreason,
nightmares, terror, coma, the passage into night and death. The shadowland between night and
day, waking and sleep, the unseen deeps of the sea and the soul. Its human aspect is Heart,
its creature is the dolphin, its moon phase is Last Quarter, and its hour is "purple
twilight" or dusk.
Favored weapon: Longsword
Water Good Healing Charm Community Nobility Luck Madness
The Beast King
"Personifies the primal, animal instinct, the rough beast that stirs in each of us.
Embracing instinct rather than intellect, he knows neither cruelty nor mercy. His is the
element of Earth."
The Beast King's symbolic color is green; he represents not only the animal aspect of human
nature but the laws and forces of nature itself, and all wild creatures. Alone of the four
he dwells in a natural outdoor space, resembling the African savannah. These are all most
appropriate to an avatar of the Earth element. The compass direction signifying his element
is North. The aspects of the North are: tremendous strength, endurance, patience; darkness,
secrecy and silence; contemplation, meditation, and the power of time and rebirth. Its human
aspect is Spirit, its traditional creatures are all hooved and horned animals (for this
aspect we shall broaden it to include all clawed ones as well), its moon phase is Dark, and
its hour is midnight.
Favored weapon: Glaive
Chaos Earth Animals Liberation Plant Travel Strength Repose
The Celestial
"Represents the principles of universal balance, the ultimate harmony of the cosmos.
Observes situations dispassionately and sees all sides of a dilemma. His is the element of
Celestial's symbolic color is clear blue; he represents the ultimate balance of all things:
order over chaos, science, natural and physical law. He dwells in outer space, and is a
student of philosophy and astronomy. These are all most appropriate to an avatar of the Air
element. The compass direction signifying his element is East. The aspects of the East are:
knowledge and intelligence, vision and foresight, thought, light, skill and craft; news and
information; swift things; new beginnings. Its human aspect is Mind, its creature is the
far-seeing eagle, its moon phase is New and its hour is dawn.
Favored weapon: Quarterstaff
- Law Air Protection Knowledge Rune Magic Artifice Weather

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