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Admin can login into the runboy application by providing the email and
password generated during the registration.

Runboy admin panel has the header which has many options to locate a
particular area. Admin can choose the country, state, city, area using the options.
In order to select state, a country should be selected. Similarly admin has to
choose the state to select the particular city which will be listed in the drop
down menu.
a) Select country: Admin has to select the country from the drop down menu
b)Select country first: Admin can select the state by selecting the country first
c) Select state first: Admin can set the value for city only after selecting a state
d) Select city dirst: Admin can select the area once city is selected
e) Dashboard: The dashboard can be viewed by the admin by clicking this
f) Dispatcher: The dispatcher details can be viewed on the map. The details
like job id, service, customer name, request text, request date, edit etc will
appear on the screen. The details about the dispatch jobs with its status such as
new, process, confirm, start, end, completed, closed, and canceled can be
viewed by the admin. It also shows the total job detail. A new job can also be
created by providing the details such as name, email, phone number, city, map
search location, latitude, longitude, service, sub service, others (tick to include
other sub services name ), date, and work description.

g) Settings: Admin can manage the settings of the account by editing the
information such as admin name, email, address, phone etc. Admin can also
change the password here.
h) Welcome admin: Admin can logout here


Admin can view the details of weekly sale, monthly sale, new jobs(last 24 h,
new jobs (last week) etc on the dashboard option.
a) Customer: Admin can view and manage the details of customers here.
Admin can edit or delete the details of customer such as name, email, phone
number, city, country, joined date etc. Admin can also send mail and view
status. The list can be searched based on name, phone number, email, city, and
b) Service provider: Admin can select this option to view the details of service
provider such as name, email, phone, service, address etc. Admin can
block/unblock, approve/disapprove the service provider here. The list can be
searched based on name, email, service provider id, and service.
c) Service: Admin can manage the services detail such as service name, sub
service, status etc. Service can be edited or deleted by admin. Sub service name
can be added here by providing details of service name and sub service name

d) New jobs: Admin can view the list of new jobs by choosing this option in
the dashboard. The details such as job id, service, customer name, request text,
request date are listed here which can be edited by admin.
e) Process jobs: Admin can view the list of process jobs by choosing this
option in the dashboard. The details such as job id, service, customer name,
request text, request date are listed here which can be edited by admin.
f) Confirm jobs: Admin can view the list of confirm jobs by choosing this
option in the dashboard. The details such as job id, service, customer name,
request text, request date are listed here which can be edited by admin.
g) Start job: Admin can view the list of start jobs by choosing this option in the
dashboard. The details such as job id, service, customer name, request text,
request date are listed here which can be edited by admin.
h) End job: Admin can view the list of end jobs by choosing this option in the
dashboard. The details such as job id, service, customer name, request text,
request date are listed here which can be edited by admin.
i) Completed job: Admin can view the list of completed jobs by choosing this
option in the dashboard. The details such as job id, service, customer name,
request text, request date are listed here which can be edited by admin.
j) Closed job: Admin can view the list of closed jobs by choosing this option in
the dashboard. The details such as job id, service, customer name, request text,
request date are listed here which can be edited by admin.
k) Cancelled jobs: Admin can view the list of cancelled jobs by choosing this
option in the dashboard. The details such as job id, service, customer name,
request text, request date are listed here which can be edited by admin.
l)Contact us


Admin can manage the admin settings with option to edit the information such
as admin name, email, address, phone etc.


Under the admin settings panel, admin can manage his password. Admin can
change the password by providing details such as old password, new password,
and confirm password.


The menu bar is available for access by admin which contains links to options
like regional manager, accounts management, customers, coupon management,
coupon invoice management, stores, service management, service provider,
contractor, marketing person, dispatch, country management, state
management, city management, area management, payment management,
transactions, newsletter, general settings, image settings, CMS management,
manage inquiries, and reports.


Regional managers can be added below the admin by providing the details such
as first name, last name, email, phone, country, state, city, area etc.


The list of regional managers can be maintained by the admin using manage
regional manager option. The list shows details of regional manager name,
email, phone number, country, state, city, area, joined date etc. The details can
be edited by the admin. The list can be searched using the fields like name,
phone number, email, city, and country.


Accounts management option in the menu bar allow to add or manage accounts.
The admin can add account by furnishing the details such as first name, last
name, email, phone, country, state, and city


The accounts detail can be managed here. The list shows the detail of name,
email, phone number, country, state, city, and joined date. The list can be edited
by the admin. The list can also be searched based on name, phone number,
email, city, and country.

Customer details can be managed under customer dashboard. Admin can select
the start date and end date and search the database. Dashboard shows the total
customer count as pie chart. Customer details such as type and number of count
can be viewed here. It also shows customer login details such as website
customer for today, last 7 days, last 30 days, last 12 months, and last 10 years.
Graphical information about the data is made available here. User can print the
chart or export to raster or vector image.


Admin can add user details by completing the information such as customer
first name, last name, email, gender, date of birth, phone, address, country,
state, and city.


The user or customer list can be managed here. The list shows the detail of
name, email, phone number, city, country, and joined date. The list can be
edited or deleted by the admin. The list can also be searched based on name,
phone number, email, city, and country.

Under coupon management menu, coupons can be created and managed easily
by the admin.
To create the coupon, list of details such as coupon title, coupon description,
amount, total credit account, and shop commission has to be provided

The coupons can be managed here with option to edit details such as coupon
title, amount, total credit amount, shop commission, and created date.


Under coupon invoice management admin can create invoice coupon and
manage invoice coupon.
Admin can create invoice coupon by slecting the coupon and mention number
of coupons.


Admin can view the details of invoice coupon such as coupon amount, total
credit amount, batch number, number of coupons, unused coupons, dispatched
coupons, credited date, dispatch city, and ready for dispatch option.



Store can be added by admin by providing details of name, email, phone,

address, country, state, city, area. There is also option to tick no area option in
case area detail is unavailable.


The stores can be managed with option to edit the details such as name, email,
phone number, country, state, area, and created date. The list can be searched
based on store name, phone number, email, city, and country.

Under service management, admin can add and manage service.
Admin can add service by providing the details of service name, description,
inner description, terms and conditions, city, admin commission, mobile icon,
and web icon

Admin can mange the service details with option to edit or delete service name.
Sub services can be added with option to edit sub service by clicking manage
sub service option (categories)


Service provider details can be managed under service provider dashboard.

Admin can select the start date and end date and search the database. Dashboard
shows the total service provider count as pie chart. Service provider details for
the last 30 days, last 12 months, and last 10 years is shown in count as well as
represented in graphical chart. Admin can print the chart or export to raster or
vector image.


Admin can add service providers by providing the details of service provider's
first name, last name, email, country, state, city, area, no area, service, gender,
date of birth, phone, contractor name, address, terms and conditions, certified
(yes/no), ID proof ( driver license id, driver license expire date, address proof,
proof number), scan copy, and photo.


Admin can manage service providers with option to edit the details such as
service provider id, name, email, phone, service, address, add sub locations etc.
The admin can also block or unblock the service provider as well as approve
and disapprove service provider.

Admin can add contractor by providing details such as first name, last name,
email, phone, address, country, state, city, marketing person, contractor
registration, and app usage (I am using/My team use the app).

Admin can manage the contractor with options to edit details such as name,
email, phone number, country, state, city, and joined date. The list can be
searched based on contractor name, phone number, email, city, and country.


Admin can add marketing persons by providing the details of the person such as
first name, last name, email, phone, country, state, city, and marketing person
(Pre-marketing person/marketing person)


Admin can manage marketing person details with option to edit name, email,
phone number, country, state, city, and joined date. The list can be searched
based on name, phone number, email, city, and country.
Admin can manage marketing person details with option to edit name, email,
phone number, country, state, city, and joined date. The list can be searched
based on name, phone number, email, city, and country.

Admin can add dispatcher by providing details like first name, last name, email,
phone, country, state, and city

Admin can manage dispatcher details with option to edit name, email, phone
number, country, state, city, and joined date. The list can be searched based on
name, phone number, email, city, and country.

Admin can send newsletters by selecting customer and by composing the
newsletter with details of subject and message

The admin can manage inquiries with option to send mail or delete it which
contains the detail of name, email, phone number, and message. The database
can be searched based on name and email.


Admin can add CMS pages using the CMS management menu. Admin can app
CMS page by providing details of page title, page description, meta title, meta
description, and meta keywords.


Admin can manage CMS pages with options to edit or delete the details on the
list such as page title, page url, and status


About us detail can be edited and managed user the about us option. Admin can
furnish the details in the text editor.

The dispatcher details can be viewed on the map. The details like job id,
service, customer name, request text, request date, edit etc will appear on the
screen. The details about the dispatch jobs with its status such as new, process,
confirm, start, end, completed, closed, and canceled can be viewed by the
admin. It also shows the total job detail.


A new job can be created by providing the details such as name, email, phone
number, city, map search location, latitude, longitude, service, sub service,
others (tick to include other sub services name ), date, and work description.


Admin can edit the dispatcher details by clicking on the edit button in the list.
Details like service, job id, customer name, service provider, request text,
request date, start date, end date, completed data, user amount, service provider
amount, dispatcher amount, and job state can be edited.

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