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America Save's Humanity Initiative 2016---2020

An Initiative to fight Extreme Poverty in America and around the

world, Terrorism, Climate Change, World Health care system,
income inequality, violent extremism and developmental programs
for the poor.

American Leadership Initiative

A divisive initiative to end human suffering in America and around
the world and advanced Human dignity
2 Corinthians 10:3 For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4 The
weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world.

National Development Plan to fight Poverty and

income inequality

Moving medicare and medicaid programs out of Washington and back to the states to be managed
at a slow growth rate.

Welfare Reform, moving all programs and giving the states to flexibility to manage welfare with
one exception work requirement.

Education reform converting all Title One schools into Charter schools at the State level with
Federal funding and also allowing for school choice and voucher programs for Christian schools.

Economic Freedom Zones in low income neighborhoods to attract jobs and common sense gun
restrictions for those who live in poor neighborhoods to bring down violence increase safety
which will bring investment.

Home Sweat Equity for low income families with the stated goal of home ownership.
Encourage Savings Accounts for low income individuals and families with a stated goal to
encourage savings.

Sound Monetary Policy, the Gold Standard initiative, balancing the Federal budget, paying down
the US national debt.

Income Inequality
Driven by lack of skills and education
Advancing Human dignity through Human labor and creativity
Faith Based Initiative Plans
Spreading Christian Judeo Values and the teachings of Jesus Christ around the world.
Lowering the Business Tax rate to 14% but income tax increases on those making 10
million or more to 45%
Cutting Social security benefits for those with incomes over 5 Million.

Combating Climate Change

60% of US Energy should come from Nuclear Power, Thorium reactors with no
possibilities of Melt down.
Working with the Private Sector to Invest in Solar energy, Wind Power, and
Investing in Clean Coal Technology
Coal Industry.

helping to create Jobs and still keep jobs in the

Approving Pipelines from Mexico to the United States, From Canada to the United
States for easy transportation of Oil.
80,000 Dams in the United States with only 2% powered, working with the private
sector increasing that to 20% while still keeping energy prices down and the
economy is good shape.
Increase American Energy production and exporting Natural Gas and Oil to Europe
and around the world.

Violent extremism & Terrorism

Cutting Down Saudi Arabia oil exports to the world and making nations rely on
America for energy.
Arms Control in the Middle East and South America stopping guns, bombs and
weapons reach Violent Extremists, Islamic Terrorists and Narco Terrorists.
Destroying the Opium Trade in Asia focusing on Afghanistan where 80% of it is
Destroying Cocaine Fields in South America, finding and capturing Drug cartels and
drug lords and bringing them to justice.
Supporting the Jordanians, Lebanon, The Kurds and working with the Russians to
fight ISIS, defeat Terrorism and bring peace to Syria and Iraq.
Using the $1 Trillion dollars worth of mining resources Afghanistan sits on to rebuild
their economy and pay for their own defense.

Developmental programs for the poor.

Repeal of Mandatory Minimum Sentencing
Criminal Justice Reform and non Imprisonment of non violent offenders.

Job Training Skills

A national minimum wage of $10 an hour.
Ban US companies from doing business in countries where slave or child labor is
Educated work force to attract business back to America
Foreign Aid designed to promote work and not Foreign welfare to third world

World Health care system

Regular USNS Mercy and Comfort Deployment to South America and the Pacific
Faith based US government partnership with Civilian Charity Africa Mercy Hospital
Ship to bring health care to the world's poor.
Small and cost effective clinics built in developing world with staffed with Peace
Corp volunteers, NGO workers, Doctor's without border's staff and other volunteers.
US investment in curing Cancer, HIV Aids, Alzaheimers, and diabetes and keeping
America and the world healthy keeping the world health care system from collapsing.
Health Care Free Markets plan, allowing the Market to compete.

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