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Huawei, IBM -- A World With More Linux, And Why That's A Good Thing

Desde hace algunos aos el Sistema operativo de Microsoft Windows y en menor

demanda el sistema opertico Mac de Apple, han estado a la cabeza de las
preferencias de los usuarios como las plataformas ms importantes, pero aunque la
plataforma Linux-Unix tiene en el mercado poco ms de 25 aos, no ha logrado
abarcar una amplia demanda de usuarios de su plataforma como sus otros
competidores, aun cuando Linux cuanta con cdigo abierto y ha logrado ser
implementado en tecnologas y equipo de importantes firmas a nivel Internacional.
En un artculo de la revista Forbes escrito por Adrin Bridgwater, Huawei, IBM -- A
World With More Linux, And Why That's A Good Thing, comenta que en los
prximos anos el sistema operativo de Linux va a ser empleado cada vez ms en los
sistemas de comunicacin mvil, como por ejemplo la firma de telecomunicaciones
china Huawei, que ha adoptado el kernel de Linux ( Es el encargado de que el software y
el hardware de un ordenador puedan trabajar juntos) y la cual ha intensificado su compromiso
con la fundacin nonprofitLinux; de esta manera ha decidido ser miembro activo dentro de la
organizacin mediante una gran inversin.
Todo integrante de esta fundacin se debe comprometer a 3 cosas:
1. Tener un compromiso con Linux,
2. Un compromiso con el cdigo abierto,
3. Un compromiso con el desarrollo colaborativo.

Segn palabras del director ejecutivo de la Fundacin Linux Jim Zemlin, las
contribuciones de Huawei a Linux y su cdigo abierto beneficiaran a la creacin de
mejores tecnologas en un futuro, adems de trabajar en conjunto con Huawei para
maximizar los beneficios de la empresa. En lo que a IBM se refiere, IBM introdujo
dos Linux-only mainframe servers, y trabajara para habilitar el cdigo abierto,
industry tools and software, como Apache Spark, Node,js, Maria DB, Chef and
Docker on its Z system boxes. Ya de antemano, desde hace 15 aos IBM haba
integrado Linux en el mainframe y actualmente ms de 1/3 de los clientes estn
empleando Linux. De esta manera Linux ha probado ser eficiente dentro del
Mainframe de IBM, y que es muy til para los clientes en el uso de new mvil and
hybrid clould workloads.
Segn el artculo, debido a que la plataforma de Linux no emplea muchos recursos
del sistema, estos mainframes pueden realizar miles de millones de interacciones al
dia utilizando aplicaciones como Dockerized Node.js y Mongo DB. Tambien ha sido
muy importante la contribucin del cdigo de mainframe de IBM, que ha sido capaz
de monitorear transacciones en tiempo real para detectar y prevenir fraudes.
En opinin del autor del artculo, el empleo del cdigo abierto y la alternativa de
otras plataformas de cdigo son muy benficos para una mejor seleccin de un
mejor cdigo y mejores aplicaciones para desarrollar. En el caso de IBM, el empleo
de cdigo abierto ha ayudado a innovar IBM con alternativas para desarrollo como
por ejemplo LinuxOne, KVM para sistemas Z de IBM y un proyecto de mainframe
abierto. A decir del autor del artculo, todo esto ha ayudado a Linux a expandir sus
horizontes en tecnologas como el mainframe.

Huawei, IBM - A World with More Linux, and Why That's A Good Thing
In recent years the operating system of Microsoft Windows and lower demand Mac operating
system Apple, have been at the forefront of user preferences as the most important platforms,
but although Linux-Unix platform has been in the market for almost over 25 years, it has failed
to cover a wide demand for users of its platform and their other competitors, although has an
open source, Linux has been implemented in technologies and equipment of leading firms at
international level. In a Forbes web magazine article written by Adrian Bridgwater, "Huawei, IBM
- A World With More Linux, And Why That's A Good Thing," Adrian says that in the next years
the operating system Linux will be used increasingly in mobile communication systems, such as
the Chinese telecommunications firm Huawei, which has adopted the Linux kernel (which is in
charge of the software and hardware of a computer can work together) and which has
intensified its commitment to the nonprofitLinux foundation; so Huawei has decided to be an
active member within the organization through a great investment.
All members of this foundation must commit to three things:
1. Have a commitment to Linux,
2. A commitment to open source,
3. A commitment to collaborative development.
In the words of executive director of the Linux Foundation Jim Zemlin, "Huawei's contributions to
Linux and open source benefit the creation of better technologies in the future, and working
together with Huawei to maximize company profits. As far as IBM is concerned, IBM introduced
two Linux-only mainframe servers, and work to enable open source tools and software industry
as Spark Apache, Node, Js, Maria DB, Chef and Docker system on STI Z boxes. And in
advance, for 15 years IBM had built Linux on the mainframe and currently more than 1/3 of
customers are using Linux. In this way Linux has proven to be efficient in the IBM Mainframe,
and that is very helpful for customers using new and hybrid mobile cloud workloads.
According to the article, because the Linux platform does not use many system resources,
these mainframes can perform billions of interactions per day using applications such as
Node.js and Mongo DB Dockerized. Also has been important the contribution of code from IBM
mainframe, which has been able to monitor transactions in real time to detect and prevent fraud.
In the author's opinion article, the use of open-source alternative code from other platforms are
very beneficial for a better selection of better code and better applications to develop. For IBM,
the use of open source innovation has helped IBM to develop alternatives such as LinuxOne, Z
KVM systems to IBM and open source project mainframe. To tell the author of the article, this
has helped to Linux to expand their horizons in technologies as the mainframe. Although the
operating system Microsoft and Macintosh are currently the most used by the common user,
Linux is having great acceptance among large corporations for the use of open source, and why
IBM has had great success in integrating Linux in its Mainframe, and soon on the mobile web.

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