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Critical Needs for the Twenty-first Century: The Role of the Geosciences

Weve experiencing a lot of changes due to earths formation. One of the famous
changes is the climate change. Its occurring in earths atmosphere due to build up of greenhouse
gases. Due to growing of human population, we dont have enough supply of our needs.
What is the role of the Geosciences? Based on their data, the 250,000 geoscientists are
ready to help meet the challenges of modern life in the Earth system. Why they are getting ready
for it? Because the human population are rising, we have our own needs and it will be critical if
we dont manage it as early as today and maybe the next century will experience the Earth worst.
So they want to focus on finding a way to help the economy to grow while sustaining the Earth
system. Many of their research are about on how to make the Earth be ready for the future
because even this time, the Earth suffers from different problems due to man made. The
geosciences want to give knowledge to the people by making a move to save our mother Earth.
Theyre here also to give the information about the usage of our resources if it is already not
sustain the needs of the community. For me, they have a good objective for everyone. It will help
the economy as well as the Earth. Its hard for them because they need to grow the economy
without using anything that will not harm the Earth. Well, lets see if this research becomes
The geosciences give critical needs to ensure everything and to enhance our knowledge
about improving the environmental quality. These are Ensure reliable energy supplies in a
increasingly carbon-constrained world, Provide sufficient supplies of water, Sustain ocean,
atmosphere and space resources, Manage waste to maintain a healthy environment, Mitigate risk
and build resilience from natural and human-made hazards, Improve and build needed
infrastructure that couples with and uses Earth resources while integrating new technologies,
Ensure reliable supplies of raw materials, And to inform the public and train the geosciences
workforce to understand Earth processes and address these critical needs. We will see if these
critical needs will help the earth today and to the future.
The first critical need is to ensure reliable energy supplies in a increasingly carbonconstrained world. They give first the energy because it is essential in overall quality of life.
Energy is the biggest foundation that all countries are using this. Energy runs everything in this
world such as for economic growth, national security, communication, food security and many
more. Do you think you we can live without energy? Of course we dont. Even though this is the
cause of harming our planet? Yes. Theres a wonderful suggestion by the Geosciences that they
will sustain the products and that they will use in energy resources such as the fossil fuels. They
will make a better results to balanced the usage of it and develop the cleaner and more efficient
energy resources so that they will deal with the climate change and pollution. They have a
strategy to reduce greenhouse gases. This strategy is called mitigation and adaptation. This
strategy creates for ensuring the wisest use of natural resources now and in the future. The plan
of the geosciences is very well impressive because they think the best way to lessen the gases
that harm the people and the earth even if its hard on their part. They have a good plan like
observing and gathering the data on how they will make it and how will they strategize to work
that plan. I like the strategy they called the mitigation and adaptation strategy. Well, this strategy
needs the whole country to participate. We need to collaborate on something that we may help
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with. We need the global effort to work for it. Because all of us will be able to profit whatever
will happen. It would be great because we help improving the earths as well as worldwide will
have a quality time on each other and we will have unity because we have one goal to aim. They
say that two heads are better than one. So lets help each other for better outcomes.
The second is to provide sufficient supplies of water. We can't imagine a life without
water. No doubt we have faced the situation like shortage of water especially during summer
season but if water supply totally fails it is really very horrible. And it is not only we humans
who need it; all life is dependent on water to survive. People are not aware of the fact that water
is limited and it is their pious duty to use it wisely. But we stand today on the brink of a global
water crisis. Population has grown and our thirst for water has also grown significantly. Most of
the solutions to the crisis is preparing by the geosciences team. They having connection on
different programs and federal government for them to understand the map of water sources so
that they can be the one responsible to access and manage working to develop a good plan to
conserve the water. The suggestion of the geosciences is they want to develop a policy that will
organize water. Actually this is a good idea, if we have strengthens our water shed and increasing
used of recycles water we can save water. Also if we consider saline water use and advances in
desalinization and improving\ water conservation including extraction and manufacturing
process maybe we can definitely conserve water. Hope this will be established just as we are
moved by water, we must move quickly in order to save it.
Sustain ocean, atmosphere, and space resources. We all know that of Earth are
composed of water so thats why our planet is called blue planet. Earth surface is covered with
water bodies and the ocean is the biggest among all. Ocean waters serve as a source of food and
valuable minerals, as a vast highway for commerce, and provide a place for both recreation and
waste disposal. Even the atmosphere shields us from harmful solar radiation and affects weather.
And the space resources that there are about 3000 active Earth orbiting satellites. We rely on
these satellites for navigation, communications and other purpose. The geoscientists working
with other scientists and engineers to observe and understand the Earth and space process so they
can utilize the vast resources. They suggest developing strategies and plans to protect the oceans,
atmosphere and space resources. Its a little bit hard to ensure on this part because its cover is not
that easy. The ocean, atmosphere and space are huge to make an observation.
Manage waste to produce a healthy environment. Waste cannot be simply thrown away
anymore, now it must be managed. We must dispose our garbage properly to avoid toxic waste
build ups and contamination. People nowadays should be discipline to segregate their waste. The
geosciences team will help to securely treat and dispose of waste with a minimum impact on
ecosystem and to human health. The good example that they originate is the methyl mercury
build-up. By the help of this it will determine where those particular wastes come from and what
the most effective method to recycle that waste is. This idea is better than we are doing today on
our waste. We are burning it or dump it on shallow pit. It will harm our atmosphere by the smoke
coming from that burning of waste.

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Mitigate risks and build resilience from natural and human-made hazards. The calamities
we experience like earthquake, volcano eruption, landslide, tornadoes, hurricanes, storms, floods
are the natural hazards that we must mitigate. Yes, we cannot control the nature but we can
mitigate any risks by the suggestion again of the geosciences. They will develop a community
where losses are limited and recovery is rapid. They also planning to limit the damage by educate
everybodys decision and the public about risks and develop strategies build a strong
infrastructure in not risk-prone areas. The geosciences not only helping to reduce the risk but
theyre helping each of one to be prepared on what will happen on our selves.

Improve and build needed infrastructure that couples with and uses Earth resources while
integrating new technologies. We have so many infrastructures that have been built.
Infrastructure is affected by significant geologic processes beyond normal wear and tear,
including climate change, weather, hazards, chemical corrosion, and mechanical erosion. When
that happen, is all of that would lasts longer? The geosciences show to build a specialize
buildings which shows that we are in quality instead of quantity. Yes, we must build road,
highways, and bridges that has a good foundation and would last longer.
Ensure reliable supplies of raw materials. We are rich in minerals. It can be found in the
added supplements in food and drink. Nowadays, metal is in demand such as aluminium, copper,
gold and platinum. Its become rare because mostly of our appliances, we eat; vehicles and
electronic devices need these elements. Even the construction materials such as sand, gravel,
crushed stone, slag and concrete which are nowadays are in demand because of many projects of
building buildings. Due to continuous of producing our needs from those materials we never
know that all things have a limit. So the geoscientists said that we must be wisely managed the
way we use it. They will locate those materials, access their quantity and quality to reduce by
products or excessive waste. I am agree on that because we must plan for supply for us not to
have a shortage in raw materials.
Inform the public and train the geosciences workforce to understand Earth processes and
address these critical needs. We can be one of the geosciences if we want to help improve our
home. To have a workforce, we will need a knowledge and understanding of the Earth systems
and processes. This program is very enjoyable because even the students and children will
receive training in geosciences through summer workshops. It will open for K-12 grade levels
Even you, yes can be a part of changing the world. And you can be the one who help in the
future from enough knowledge that you will learn here.
These roles of geosciences are great part for the future. They have good intentions for
today and for the future. They have very good proposals on how we improve our planet and even
ourselves. I was amazed of their different suggestions that will make to improve our planet its
kind of difficult but the way they deliver it I feel that this project will be happen and nothing is
impossible. They have enough data, skills and awareness to pursue this project. By giving the
critical needs, I understand everything. I understand to be aware on our environment. They have
a very unique idea and share it to everyone. Hope it will be established and they will be a part of
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