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I had an interesting error happen today, I thought it was worth posting since I didn't find

anything on this particular error in the Forum.

A client called saying she was getting an error message while trying to send an email. The
message said 451 qq write error or disk full (#4.3.0) symantec. I figured it was probably a
client issue with her Norton but after trying to send her emails and not seeing them show
up in the webmail, it started to look like a bigger issue.

I ran a tail /var/log/maillog and saw the following repeated.

Nov 15 13:38:15 cp qmail: 1100554695.391152 alert: unable to append to bounce

message; HELP! sleeping...

A brief search on google came up with the following on:

alert: unable to append to bounce message...
qmail-send is unable to record a permanent failure,
usually because the disk is full. This is a very
serious problem; qmail-send cannot proceed without
recording the results. It will try again in ten

I did a df -k to see disk cap:

Filesystem 1k-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on

/dev/hda1 1035660 486532 496520 50% /
/dev/hda6 50995156 1895460 46509220 4% /hsphere
none 127068 0 127068 0% /dev/shm
/dev/hda3 3020172 1069916 1796836 38% /usr
/dev/hda2 3020172 2870580 0 100% /var

and saw that /var was 100%. I deleted a couple of large files, and brought it down to
about 87% and rebooted. Everything worked fine.

Total cost, a steak dinner for my friend Scott and his wife in Seattle.

I hope this information helps.

All the best,

Pete Robbins
NextPoint Webs
12-17-04, 12:30
So it seems I'm still having a problem with this issue.

All my log files are filling up very fast and are getting very large:

165809421 Dec 17 09:22 clamav.log

80848589 Dec 17 09:17 maillog
100226377 Dec 12 04:08 maillog.1
175734086 Dec 17 09:17 messages
236138549 Dec 12 04:08 messages.1

In the messages log & clamav.log file I have alot of this:

clamd[30119]: Daemon started.

clamd[30119]: clamd daemon 0.75.1 (OS: linux-gnu, ARCH: i386, CPU: i686)
clamd[30119]: Log file size limited to 1048576 bytes.
clamd[30119]: Reading databases from /hsphere/local/config/mail/clamav/dbs
clamd[30119]: Unable to create temporary directory

The maillog doesn't have anything suspcious, but is just very verbose.

What killed my email a month ago was the /var/log folder getting filled up. Any ideas
about the Log file size limit? Can I reduce the amount of log files, yet still keep a
minimal amount for diagnostics?

12-17-04, 13:19

What operating system are you using, and version?

Have you checked to make sure your log rotation system is working?

Thank you.
12-21-04, 13:47
Thanks for getting back to me.

We are on Linux 2.4.18-3 & redhat-release-7.3-1

The log rotation seems to be working, but I'm not sure if it's working correctly. Since I
posted my message on 12/17 both the maillog log & messages logs have rotated and
increased in size. I'm seeing an increase in size of 2% per day on the log folder.

29715923 Dec 21 10:38 maillog
103305731 Dec 19 04:12 maillog.1
100226377 Dec 12 04:08 maillog.2
76172911 Dec 21 10:38 messages
235903991 Dec 19 04:12 messages.1
236138549 Dec 12 04:08 messages.2

80848589 Dec 17 09:17 maillog
100226377 Dec 12 04:08 maillog.1
175734086 Dec 17 09:17 messages
236138549 Dec 12 04:08 messages.1


Thanks for your help.

12-21-04, 13:59
Greetings Pete:

Of note, the kernel you are using is very outdated. You can use the Fedora Legacy
Network or Progeny to update your kernel and other operating system components.

The default log rotation is that messages, secure, maillog, and the like (found in
/etc/logrotate.d/syslog) are rotated once a week.

It appears your log rotation is working correctly given the dates you posted.

If you edit /etc/logrotate.d/syslog and put the word


At the very top, it will compress the files that are mentioned in syslog to conserve space.

Thank you.
12-21-04, 14:03

I've added compress to the top of that file:

/var/log/messages /var/log/secure /var/log/maillog /var/log/spooler /var/log/boot.log
/var/log/cron /var/log/clamav.log {
/bin/kill -HUP `cat /var/run/ 2> /dev/null` 2> /dev/null || true

I'll see if that helps.

12-21-04, 14:29
A little further investigation showed me that in the file: /etc/logrotate.conf I can change
from weekly to daily and there is also a compress variable, which currently is commented
out. Is this file different from the /etc/logrotate.d/syslog Can we enable that compress
12-21-04, 14:38
Greetings Pete:

/etc/logrotate.d/syslog is specific to the log files mentioned in that configuration file.

/etc/logrotate.conf is the general configuration file.

While you can use the compress in that file (and it should filter down as long as you do
not have it within a code segment -- {}), and remove it from syslog, you may just want to
see how syslog works out.

Thank you.
02-19-05, 20:07
If clamd gives a "cannot write to temporary directory error"

Dec 21 15:19:06 cp clamd[6245]: Daemon started.
Dec 21 15:19:06 cp clamd[6245]: clamd daemon 0.75.1 (OS: linux-gnu, ARCH: i386,
CPU: i686)
Dec 21 15:19:06 cp clamd[6245]: Log file size limited to 1048576 bytes.
Dec 21 15:19:06 cp clamd[6245]: Reading databases from /hsphere/local/config/mai
Dec 21 15:19:06 cp clamd[6245]: Unable to create temporary directory

check for the existence of these directories. If there not there, run these commands:
# mkdir /var/tmp/clamav
# chown vpopmail.root /var/tmp/clamav/
02-20-05, 11:37

The recreation of the clamav dir will only work for a week .. Then at log rotation time the
problem will come back. Its due to /tmp dir permission settings ..

Better fix is to modify the clamav.conf file to only use "/tmp" or update to 2.4.2 which
now creates this directory in /var ...

vBulletin® v

Error: "and then the SMTP server said:

451 qq write error or disk full (#4.3.0)"

When trying to send mail, the error message:

...and then the SMTP server said: 451 qq write error or disk full (#4.3.0)
According to Eudora, this problem is best fixed by first upgrading to the newest version
of Eudora Pro for Windows or Macintosh. The newest versions of Eudora Pro are
available for download from OSU SLS.

After updating to the latest version of Eudora Pro, empty your OUT mailbox within

Empty your temp folder and reboot your computer.

If you're still having trouble, you may have to remove your signature file and recreate it.

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