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Basic Japanese Course





Lesson 9: Socializing

Communication Tips

Drill Exercise

Asking to get together
Why don't we eat out together
some time?

Kondo, issho ni shokuji ni iki masenka?

Yes, I'd like to go.

Hai, iki taidesu.

Why don't we watch DVD

together tonight?

Konban, issho ni DVD o mi masenka?

Yes, sounds good.

Hai, iidesune.

Why don't we go out together


Ashita, issho ni dekake masenka?

Some other time.

Mata kondo.

PLEASE, come to the party.

Zehi, pthii ni kite kudasai.

Yes, with pleasure.

Hai, yorokonde.

Let's play a game.

Gmu o shi mash.

I'm a little busy.

Chotto isogashii desu.

kondo: some time in the near future, at the next chance

issho ni: together
shokuji: having meal
_masenka?: Why don't we_?
_mash: Let's _.
Iidesune.: Sounds good.
miru: to watch, to look, to see
dekakeru: to go out
Mata kondo.: Maybe, some other time. (Used often as indirect refusal.)
zehi: Used to emphasize your willingness.
Yorokonde.: With pleasure. (positive acceptance)
chotto: little (sounds more casual than "sukoshi")
isogashii: busy
Basic Rules
verb + masenka? = Why don't we _?
Literally, it seems to mean "Don't you _?". But mostly, this sentence form is used to invite someone.
Examples: tabe masenka?: Why don't we eat?, nomi masenka?: Why don't we drink (go for a drink)?, tenisu
o shi masenka?: Why don't we play tennis?
verb + mash = Let's _.
It is also used to invite someone, but sounds more stronger than "_masenka?".
Use this sentence pattern when you are almost sure that the person also wants to do it.
Examples: tabe mash: Let's eat, nomi mash: Let's drink (go for a drink), tenisu o shi mash: Let's play
Making an appointment
When would be good?

Itsu ga ii desuka?

How about this Saturday?

Konsh no Doy wa d desuka?

Saturday is not good.

Doybi wa tsug ga warui desu.

Then, how about Sunday?

Dewa, Nichiy wa d desuka?

All right.

Daijbu desu.

Then, let's meet here at 2pm.

Dewa, gogo ni-ji ni kokode ai mash.

NARUTO [Comic Book]

NARUTO Shippden [DVD]
NARUTO is probably the
most popular Japanese
manga / anime in the w orld
at present.
Comic books are relatively
inexpensive in Japan.
Especially, used ones cost
less than 1 US dollar (only 1
cent sometimes!).
If you already know the
story, original manga in
Japanese can be useful for
your study.
English Version [Manga]

ii: good, fine

warui: bad
d: how?
tsug ga ii: convenient, suit one's schedule, can make it
tsug ga warui: inconvenient, not suit one's schedule, can't make it
dewa: then
kokode: at this place (koko: here + de: at)
au: to meet


Official Web Site

[Fashion Show ]
Exchanging contact information
C an you tell me (your) phone

Denwabang o oshiete moraemasuka?

Do you have a cell phone?

Keitai o motte imasuka?

C an you enter (input) the mail

address here?

Mru adoresu o koko ni irete moraemasuka?

Tokyo Girls Collection is a

biannual fashion festival
which showcases Japans
most popular Real Clothes fashion that can be put to
daily use.

I'll send my address by e-mail


Ato de w atashi no jush o mru de okuri masu.

The show is broadcasted

live through You Tube.

denwabang: phone number (denwa: phone + bang: number)

keitai: cell phone, mobile phone
mru adoresu: mail address

You can purchase the same

clothes w hich w ere w orn on
the show at:

ireru: enter, input

atode: at later time

Domestic Shipping Only

jsho: address
okuru: to send
Basic Rules
verb + te (tte) + imasu = continuous state
This present progressive sentence form can also mean the continuous state.
Examples: keitai o mot te imasu (I own a cell phone. It doesn't mean that "I am holding it at this moment."),
kare o shitte imasu. (I know him. Does not mean that "I'm getting to know him now.")

We create your Digital Seal

in Japanese characters.

Eating out
Why don't we eat something?

Nanika tabe masenka?

What do you want to eat?

Nani o tabe tai desuka?

How about Italian food?

Itaria ryri wa d desuka?

Why don't we drink beer?

Biiru o nomi masenka?

Sounds good.

Ii desune.

No, I don't drink alcohol.

Iie, w atashi w a osake o nomi masen.

C heers!


It's my treat, today.

Ky w a gochis shimasu.

Let's split the bill.

Warikan ni shi mash.

Thank you for the treat.

Gochissama deshita.

nanika: something, anything

itaria: Italy / itaria ryori: Itarian food, dishes, cuisine
biiru: beer
taberu: to eat

See Japanese Digital Seal

page and get one!

Japanese Stocks to
Free Report: The Top
Stocks to Buy as
Japan Rebuilds.
www.ta ipa npublishinggrou

ii desune: Sounds good.

Investment in

osake: alcoholic drinks

kanpai!: C heers!
gochis suru: treat the meal (pay for the meal)
warikan: separating the bill (paying separately)
gochissamadeshita: Greeting when you finished the meal. Also can be used to thank someone who treated you a

All the information

investors need
Updated partnership
opportunities inbusine

About language skills

Learn Spanish in

C an you read (display) the

Japanese characters on your

Anata no konpyut de Nihongo no moji o yome masuka?

Probably OK.

Tabun, daijbu desu.

No, not possible.

Iie, muri desu.

C an you write Kanji letters?

Kanji o kake masuka?

I can write Hiragana and

Katakana only.

Italian video

Hiragana to Katakana dake kake masu.

Learn How To Say

This In Italian For Free
Girls4Teaching.c om!

C an you speak English?

Eigo o hanase masuka?

I can speak just a little.

Sukoshi dake hanase masu.

moji: letters, characters

Spanish courses. Small

groups. Cervantes
accredited centre.
www.m adridplus.e s

girls4te a /This_I

Learn Chinese

tabun: probably
muri: not possible, can't make it

kaku: to write

Anyone can learn

Chinese here with
structured video
c ourses

hanasu: to speak


dake: only
yomu: to read

Basic Rules
verb (e) + masu = be able to _
C hange the end vowel of the verb from "i (desu, masu form)" to "e".
Examples: yomi masu (I read) / yome masu (I can read) / yome masen (I can't read), iki masu (I go) / ike masu
(I can go) / ike masen (I can't go).
Asking the reason
Oh, I have to go home.

A, m, kaera nakutewa ikemasen.


Naze desuka?

Because, I'll go out tomorrow

morning at 6.

Ashita, asa roku-ji ni dekakeru karadesu.

Oh, I see.

, s desuka.

kaeru: to go back
naze?: why?
dekakeru: to go out
s desuka: I see.
Basic Rules
verb (a) + nakutewa ikemasen = have to _
C hange the end vowel of the verb from "i (desu, masu form)" to "a" and add "nakutewa ikemasen".
Examples: kaeri masu (I go back) / kaera nakutewa ikemasen (I have to go back), hanashi masu (I speak) /
hanasa nakutewa ikemasen (I have to speak).
verb (u) + karadesu = Bacause _. (Explaining the reason why)
C hange the end vowel of the verb from "i (desu, masu form)" to "u (dictionary form)" and add "karadesu".
Examples: kaeri masu (I go back) / kaeru karadesu (Because I go back), kai masu (I buy) / kau karadesu
(Because I buy)
Giving a present
Happy birthday!

Tanjbi omedet gozaimasu.

Here, a present for you.

Kore, purezento desu.

Here, a souvenir from


Kore, Tai no omiyage desu.

C an I open?

Ake temo ii desuka?

C an I share with my family?

Kazoku to wake temo ii desuka?

Yes, please.

, dzo.

Wow, beautiful!

W, kirei!

Wow, great!

W, sugoi!

Wow, cute!

W, kawaii!

Wow, looks delicious!

W, oishis!

tanjbi: birthday
omedet gozaimasu: C ongratulations!
Tai: Thailand
omiyage: souvenir
akeru: to open
wakeru: to share
: yes (sounds more casual)
w: wow! Used when you are surprised.
kirei: beautiful
sugoi: great, amazing
kawaii: cute, pretty Young girls use this often.
oishis: looks delicious
Basic Rules
verb + temo iidesuka = May I _?
Examples: ake masu (I open) / ake temo iidesuka? (May I open?), tabe masu (I eat) / tabe temo
iidesuka? (May I eat?),
Thank you for taking care of
me so nicely.

Osewa ni nari mashita.

PLEASE stay my house when

you come to Russia.

Rosia ni ki tara, zehi, watashi no ie ni tomatte kudasai.

Please contact me when you

arrive in Bangkok.

Bankoku ni tsui tara renraku shite kudasai.

Please come to visit us again,

any time.

Mata, itsudemo asobi ni kite kudasai.

I really appreciate that.

Hont ni arigat gozaimashita.

So, see you again. Good-bye.

Dewa, mata aimash. Saynara.

osewa ni narimashita: Used to thank for the hospitality

Rosia: Russia
kuru: to come
ie: house
tomaru: to stay
Bankoku: Bangkok
tsuku: to arrive
renraku suru: to contact, to get in touch
itsudemo: any time
asobi ni kuru: come to visit, come to play
asobi ni iku: go to visit, go to play
honto ni: truly, really
Basic Rules
verb + tara = when _, if _
Examples: Kare ga ki masu (He comes) / Kare ga ki tara (When he comes, If he comes), tabe masu (I eat) / tabe
tara (When I eat, If I eat).

tara (When I eat, If I eat).

Communication Tips
Japanese people have a group-oriented mentality. People tend to value the benefit and the harmony of the
w hole group, rather than the benefit of oneself.
For example, when people decide which restaurant they go, minority happily give up their desire and follow
the w ill of majority. Nobody starts to say "Then, I don't go.".
Self-oriented attitude is not welcomed in Japan. Compromise and "after you" attitude are the keys to get
along with a group of people.

Drill Exercise

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