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: Rahayu Dewi Susilowati (2012083041)

Mata Kuliah

: Research Methodology


: Prof. Dr. Gunawan, M.Pd


1. The effects of using completion technique to the students achievement in learning vocabulary.
2. The students ability in constructing imperative sentences.
3. The Students Ability in Using grammar.
4. The Students Difficulties in Getting Conclusion from Paragraph.
5. The Students Difficulties in Getting Main Idea from Paragraph
6. The Students Problem in Differentiating the Use of Auxiliary Verb Do-Does in the Negative Sentences
7. Teaching Writing Skill Through Guided Writing Technique
8. The students problems in learning speaking.
9. The students problems in learning listening
10.The students problems in learning writing
11.The students problems in learning reading
12.The students problems in learning English
13.The Impact of making reflection to the student in learning English at SMP in Wonosobo
14.The students difficulties in writing topic sentence
15.The students difficulties in writing main idea of the paragraph
16.The students difficulties in finding moral value of narrative text
17.The Students Ability in Using Perfect Continuous Tense
18.The Students Ability in Using Past Perfect Tense
19. An Analysis of Types Sentence Patterns on Reading Text
20.The Students Difficulties in Composing Noun Phrase
21.The Techniques of Teaching English Vocabulary

22.The Techniques of Teaching Writing

23.The Techniques of Teaching Listening
24.The Techniques of Teaching Speaking
25.The Techniques of Teaching Reading
26.The Implementation of Online English Course to The Students Learning.
27.The Use of English Text Book in Teaching English
28.Learning English in Class Using Tutor Sebaya Technique.
29.The effectiveness of Songs in Increasing Students Vocabulary
30.Speak and Do in Learning Procedure Text
31.The Effectiveness of Using Authentic Material in Teaching writing
32.The Effectiveness of Using Authentic Material in Teaching Descriptive Text
33.The Use of Small Group Interaction in Teaching Speaking
34.The Use of Series Picture in Teaching Writing
35. The Use of Skimming and Scanning Techniques in Learning Reading
36.The Students Strategies in Solving Speaking Difficulties
37.The Use of Free Writing in Teaching Writing Skill
38.The Use of Spider grams in Teaching Writing Skill
39.The Use of Three Diagram in Teaching Writing Skill
40.The Use of Making Lists in Teaching Writing Skill
41.The Use of Scattered Notes in Teaching Writing Skill
42.The Use of Mind Mapping Technique in Teaching Narrative Text
43.The Use of Portofolio Diary in Teaching Vocabulary
44.The Use of Portofolio Diary in Teaching Writing
45.The Use of Crossword Puzzle in Teaching Vocabulary
46.The Use of Video in Teaching Speaking Skill
47.Teacher Strategies Used in Teaching English for SLB School
48.The Students Ability in Translating a Descriptive English Text into Indonesian

49.The Students Difficulties in Translating a Descriptive English Text into Indonesian

50.A Study on the Use of media in Teaching English
51.The Problems of Implementing Syllabus Faced by the English Teachers
52.The Problems of Developing Syllabus Faced by English Teachers
53.The Problems of Listening Class Faced by The students
54.The Problems of Speaking Class Faced by The students
55.The Differences of English Achievement Based on Student Seat Position
56.Students problems in Daily English Speaking Activity at School
57.An Analysis of English Teaching Learning Process
58.The Effect of the Technique of Drilling in Teaching Dialogue on Speaking
59.Factors That Make Students Interested in joining English Class
60.The differentiate between Students English Learning at Private English Course and School
61.The Ability in Using Simple Present Tense in Writing Descriptive Text
62.The Ability in Using Simple Past Tense in Writing Recount Text
63.Correlation between Students Reading Ability and Writing Ability
64.Correlation between the Students Speaking Ability and Listening Ability
65.Correlation between Vocabulary Mastery and Ability in Translating English Text into Indonesian
66.The Effect of Mastery on Grammar to the Students Speaking Ability
67.Strategies in Overcoming Students Speaking Problems in Speaking Class
68.The Students Ability in Pronouncing English Phonemes
69.The Implementation of Teaching Integrated English Skill for Reading and Writing
70.The Implementation of Teaching Integrated English Skill for Speaking and Listening
71.Teaching Learning English Through Games to Kindergarten Student
72.The Students Ability in Changing Positive Sentence to Passive Voice Sentence
73.The Use of Dictionary in Learning English
74. The effectiveness of Retelling Story in Teaching and Learning Speaking at The English Class
75.The interaction Between A Teacher and Students in English Class

76.A Study of Students Ability in Answering Wh-Question

77.The Students Errors in Using Plural Forms
78.The Students Ability In Differentiating Utterance And Sentence In Short Story
79.The use of Cooperative Learning to the Students skill in Writing
80.The use of Cooperative Learning to the Students skill in Speaking Class
81.The use of Cooperative Learning to the Students skill in Reading
82.The use of Cooperative Learning to the Students skill in Listening
83.The Effectiveness of Total Physical Response in Teaching Speaking Skill
84.The Effectiveness of Think-Pair-Square Strategy in Teaching Listening Skill
85.The Use of Task-Based Instruction in Teaching and Learning English
86.The effectiveness of Using Animated Film in Teaching Writing Narrative Text
87.The Representation of Final Examination to the Students English Achievement
88.The Effectiveness of Role Play Method in to The Students Speaking Skill
89.An Analysis of Questioning Strategies in Teaching English
90.The Implementation of ICT in Learning English
91.Teachers and Students Perception on the Use of English As a Medium of Instruction
92.Exploring Teachers Feedback Used in Teaching English
93.The Students Difficulties in Differentiating the Use of Tenses
94.The Students Ability in Comprehending WH-Question
95.The Students Difficulties in Writing Topic Sentence
96.The Students Problems in learning Grammar
97.The Teacher Perception Toward the Representation of Final Examination
98.The Teacher Perception in Implementing Curriculum 2013
99.An Analysis on the Students Competence in Predicting Information from the Pictures on Reading Text
100. The Students Ability in Identifying Independent Clauses and Dependent Clauses in Sentences

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