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Your Chakras, Target of New Age Deception.

18 New Age Lies is an important read, and lie no. 18 is

that you need to open your chakras so
"Spirit" can enter. This is NOT the Holy Spirit, Who is YHWH the Third
Person of YHWH The Holy Trinity, this is some creature who is a deceiver
and evil. The Holy Spirit needs no chakra work to be in you, only
acceptance of Jesus Christ of The Bible as your Lord (and therefore your
"No one should open any of his or her chakras at any time for any reason,
All such openings allow psychic entities to enter. This is why the puppetmasters behind the New Age Movement are so keen to get people to open one
of their chakras. This danger applies as much to the Third Eye and Crown
chakras as it does to any of the lower chakras. The Holy Spirit does not
need a chakra to enter the body. The grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ does
not need a chakra to sanctify and protect us.
"So who does need an open chakra? The answer should be obvious - Lucifer."
Before anyone argues that this name means light bearer, or that satan and
lucifer are not the same beings, remember that lucifer was once an unfallen
angel, but having fallen in love with his own beauty and ascribed it to
himself and not to YHWH God, the angel fell through pride, deciding to
exalt his throne above that of God, but was cast down instead. The argument
that this refers only to the king of Tyre, to who the prophecy was made,
fails, because initially the statements make sense as directed to a human
king, but then change to things that can only refer to an immortal spirit
being. Apparently the king of Tyre was what Malachi Martin called
"perfectly possessed."
Ha-satan means the adversary, the adversary of God and also of mankind, who
he hates as God's images on earth, and because God loves us. It is the same
being as lucifer, and lucifer bears a false mind scattering, deluding
light. True light lets you see things better, false light clouds and blurs
and deceives. Some demons (many angels fell with the devil) are more out in
the open, others more seductive and deceiving and if one has overcome vices
and mastered virtues they then take you down by the sin of PRIDE.
Robert Pye the author continues, "the same cunning trick is also used by
the New Age movement, to damage one's aura, to create a tear or a fault
line that the dark force [or false light force] can use to gain access.
This is often done under the guise of co-called spiritual healing, such as
that practiced by Reiki."

What I particularly like about this article, is that it does not deny the
existence of the energy body, but warns that the New Age teachings on what
is healthy or not for it are WRONG.
All the New Age at core is Hindu. This in turn is based on the assumption
that the physical universe is evil at worst, a delusion at best, and to be
escaped as soon as possible. Fast track Laya Yoga, which would permanently
reverse the kundalini flow back up to the head, reversing the process of
creation and throwing you into parasamadhi, a trance you never come out of,
is just a labor intensive form of suicide.
The Bible mentions the energy body, in Ecclesiastes, where it discusses the
breakdown process at death. "the wheel is broken" is interesting in this
regard, because "chakra" is Sanskrit for "wheel." someone who could see
stuff saw something that most resembled a wheel, whether because of
roundness with or without spokes is not clear, whether because of shape
only or rotation is also not clear.
But it exists. And any system that looks to undo creation, is not going to
have the right bias to tell you how your energy body should be functioning.
A classic example is the constant statement, that a golden aura is a sign
of great spiritual enlightenment, but that is the false light. lucifer is
latin for Hebrew helal, the golden glitter of a king's robe. Bingo! I
thought when I read that - from a masonic apologist online at that - this
is the thing I was running into, always when checkable on people who were
involved with demons, and one of them I found out later was a rapist, with
a nasty arrogant attitude.
Another was not nearly so bad, but he had gotten involved in some kind of
traditional folk witchcraft involving pacts, and used to witness for the
devil in the interest of giving him equal time or at least do so to me,
because I was witnessing for Jesus. this fellow and I generally got
along well other than that, though I heard a man describe him as "he will
turn on you in a second."
Roman Catholic iconography didn't help much. Orthodox is so obviously
artificial and with specific meaning, that it wouldn't be nearly the trap
RC was, because RC realistic looking people with such "auras" look like you
might expect to see this on a holy human. But everyone I saw it on was
unholy as hell. New Agers draw on these auras in art to excuse or support
their positions when luring Christians and westerners.

An Orthodox elder or monk once wrote that people with experience in this
stuff, reported that the devil often shows as or with light that is yellow
or gold sometimes tinged with red. What I noticed was the same thing,
though in a cocaine soaked environment it was more like a white cloud but
always a mind scattering and blurring, blinding influence.
True light lets you see clearly. (There is a kind of clarity that is
demonic but that is another matter.)
The usual Christian anti New Age take is to deny the existence of the
energy or etheric body altogether, and this is a mistake. The real problem
is what the New Age disciplines do to it.

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