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Morals to Parents, Family and Environment

a. Morals To Parents
Morals to Mother and Father is kind to both (birrulwalidain) by word and deed. God willed
for all human to do good to both Mother and Father as His word:

"He commanded us man (doing good) to both mother father, his mother had conceived him in
a weakened state that increase steadily and weaning in two years. Be grateful to me and to
two-parent mother your father, unto me is your return ". (Luqman, 31:14).
One of the main function of doing good something to parents, in addition to implement the
observance of Allah's command. Is to remove the big sins. This case is illustrated in the
words of Ali bin Abi Talib [9] .
Doing good something to parents not only when they are alive, but continues even when they
have died by means pray and ask forgiveness for them, keep their promises unfulfilled,
continuing relationship with friends as they live. This was disclosed by the Prophet:
From Abi Usaid he said as : we sat on the side of the Prophet Muhammad, suddenly there
came a man from the Salamah and he asked: "O Messenger of Allah, if I could still do good
to both the mother and father while they have died?" The Prophet answer: Yes ( clearly )
praying for both of them, asking for forgiveness for both, keeping promises both, maintaining
the relationship ever made them and glorify his friends. (HR. Abu Daud).

b. Morals To Family
Attitude regularity revealed by Allah in managing the universe and regularity should be
raised when worship should be implemented in family life. A head of the family is obliged to
set up and manage the system to be put in place in the family.
Some attitudes that must be raised by any member of the family include:
As has been stated previously that the family - as a nation - can not live peacefully and
happily without a regulation, control and discipline. Lameness in applying the rules of life
resulting in lameness. Leading household is a responsibility, as well as lead the nation.
Rasulullah SAW said: "Each of you is a leader and each of you will be held accountable for

harmony and order in a family will be successful if it is supported by all the parties involved
in it
Regularities as disclosed previously in the aspect of worship, was correlated with the attitude
of discipline. Regularity of prayer time, for example, requires an attitude of discipline to
those who run it, without discipline, the significance of prayer to be reduced, if not disappear.
Likewise other acts of worship.
4. Affection
Among the noble feelings that God instilled in the family is feeling compassion
rena to get the necessary struggle. Rasulullah SAW said:
"God made love in the hearts of those wills of His servants. And Allah only loves His servants
who love to love. "

c. Morals To Environment
The mission of Islam is to develop the grace not only to humans but also to nature and the
environment, as to which the word of God:

"It is not we sent you (Muhammad) but as a mercy to all the worlds." (Al-Anbiya ', 21: 107)

The mission can not be separated from the purpose for human appointment as caliph on earth,
as the God's representatives on duty prosper, manage, and preserve nature. Degenerate to the
environment is to establish and develop a harmonious relationship with the natural

Natural prosper is to manage resources so that it can give the benefit for human welfare
without harming nature itself. God provides fertile earth to be faced by human with hard
work to manage and maintain so that can increase the high value. as his word:

"... He created you from the earth and make you as pemakmurannya ..." (Hud, 11:61)

Abundant natural resources provided by God to be faced by taking and giving the benefits
from and to the nature and prohibite all the way that destroy the nature. The Word of God:

"... ..and Do good as Allah has been good to you and dont make a destroy on earth. Allah
doesnt love those who make destroy. "(Al-Qasas, 28:77)

Nature and the environment are managed properly can provide benefits, otherwise nature left
to languish or simply taken advantage would be disastrous for humans.
As a result of bad character on the environment can be seen clearly how the forests are
destroying the forest and the habitat of the animals. Exploitation of marine wealth without
taking into account the preservation of marine ecology spawned severe damage to the habitat
of marine animals.
All of this is because of the sheer pursuit of economic benefits are temporary, bringing
damage to nature that can not be rehabilitated within tens or even hundreds of years.
This is the problem who is faced by humans in this century, if it is not repaired it will be able
to destroy the environment and wreak havoc great for the human themself. The Word of God:

"Corruption has appeared on land and sea because of what the hands of men, that God may
feel to them a portion of (due to) their actions, so they come back (to the beaten path)". (ArRum 30:41)
The destruction of nature and ecosystems in the oceans and land caused by the human
unconscious, arrogant, selfish, greedy, and arrogant. form of morals to the environment is
bad and very commendable.


A.Zainuddin dan Muhammad Jamhari. 1999, hlm 91. Al-Islam 2: Muamalah dan akhalak,
Bandung : Pustaka
Anwar, Husnel. 2002. Al-Islam. Medan : Citapustaka

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