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How Will Militarism

Be Forever Destroyed?
h n t Day Events Reviewed in the Light of
Divine Prophesy*

The cluwtion r e have for

More than a quarter ot r orntuq
ation here la appemort in the mind8 prior thento the Imperial Oorrmot a majority of tho t h l a k l a ~wopb ment of mrmany began to buUd r
ot e8rth. For mom thrn a mw mu- rrat milltuy m d nrW power,
Ifonr of man hm been upoo thr bab Other natlonr urrumlnl thrt -8tle L l d enpged in a d m W b~a!lIot. ment la nwa8urt in relf d a t u m folThirty mill lo^ of men uu t h u s now. lowed the rumple of Germany. Year
Other m i l U o ~are oooapted tn Uu after yur new imtrumentr of domanubaton ot rmmunlUon aad rtruotion were devired. Ywr attar
inrtrummta of datruction, while ye8r the strong Kingdomr of Qttrope
many more W o n r are Looking on inorwad both in armament and
wtth bated breath and me h e u t rurd trained roldier8. The thoughtful m d
uking, Whp is all thir war noon- obrerving people foreraw thrt a m a t
What wlll k tho end oflbwr internations1 war w u not onlr
thing87 Xay the world e n r hope threatened, but w u almort r e o ~
to 8ee the dry when it wlll be free klnty. Th. publlo pre88 for MVfrom M l l i t a r b ?
ml yean had been predlotlng a
It l m both approprkk m d tlmelt great conillot. In the rpring tima
that we dl80url tho60 qowtionr in a it w88 mnounoed that the w u would
arlm and dlrpurlonrk m8nacU, and oome in all probablUW kdon
we hope that tbir diworrton and con- autumn. In the autumn it w u anriderattan may rerult bonohldly Q nounoed through the publlo p m
that rurely the war aoald not be held
8ll 02 or.
m ~ ~ t 1914,
r , the C Q M ~ ~ ~02W OK until rpring.
Europe wen in m extremely n m o t u Some, however, with leu wlrdom,
oondltion. Inkrnrl labot .ad got- were reuodng thur: Oh, thsn orn
ernmental quertlom were thraten- never be mother war, beoaure woh
ing the peace and tranquility ot Oroat nation will be afraid Q go to w u ;
Britain; 99ckllmm w a menaolng Chr- this great prepamtion for war b the
mmy, while revolution w u fomcwt- rarest guarantee for 9eaoe. (Th
Ing in Rurria. Bat wide a'om them United Strtea ha8 many raoh andm
home trouble8 another and greabr one8 who are not profltfog by obrrrrrtorm WM threatming and whlah WM vation a d the srpericmoe of other
dWned to break rhortly t h o x d k r , aationn.) Combtent wtih tbla 8l-

gantic preparation the long-looked stalned laces Irurrylng through the

[or storm broke over the natlons 01 Streeta to wave thelr loved otrer goodEurope In Augusl, 1 9 1 4 . More tliuu bye a8 they rushed to tlre battlefield
r year Iias pnmed and tlie fires of dn- to die.
Tlroee I om ruro dld I I L I ~
rtructiou are burrrlt~gwltl~increased want the war.
1 raw lrunrlreds of
fury, Alr ady the loaeea total up- Rusdans, leaving beblnd their propwardl ol s i g h mllllon men and to re- erty and German Lrlends. fleelng
rtore Lbe property loss would repulro across the border lnto Denmark and
into Swntlot~ ~ r y l n ato get back to
morn tli~rrin E P I I ~ I I ~ Y .
'I'lre wurltl loday lacor J. condktlou Lllolr Illrtlvo lalld, 'l'rullr alter train
that 1s urrparalleled In itr I~lstory. bore these unfortunate refugees
'i'rue !t Is that sirrce the aarly dawn away.
I traveled wltlb many from
of clvlllzatlon there Irave beon COII- t l ~ o border to Ytocklrolni, Sweden.
troverdes and wars beLwr~11trlbeb They were not a vengeful people,
peoples and nations, but never be- they desired to Itarm no 0110. They
lore have the lrillgdoms iild natlous did !lot want the war.
been ellgaged In sucii wholerale murDenmark and Sweden were mobllder; and the evldence polnts stronglf lzilfg tlielr armlea expecting to be
to the fact, that before it ends all the drawn loto tlre Hglrt. I talked wlth
civilized, so-called uatlou8 of earth both aoldlers and cltlzenr wlro were
will be drawn Into It.
Already the hoplng and praying tlrfiir natloor
United Statealn a mensurab angaZad would not have to go to war, i saw
In tlie war. Our law8 recognlze that many of England's citiranr flmin,g
there h no dllterence between kill- out ot Germany whoee starier woula
Ing a man and provldlng n man wll!l make sad the heart of any mau. For
r gun wlth wlilcli to klll, knowing several week# 1 visltrd many parts
that lie Intands so to use It.
The of England and Scotland and witBurlnerr
United Statea In r u p ~ l y i n gthe gun :leased marry rod atlalrs.
with full kno~iedge.
men were Crying to Induce thetr
But, do the common people who younger employees to go to the
produce tlie wealth and bear the bur- front; placards marked ever7 rtatlon
den8 ot clvlliaatlon desire thls war? o r moving vehlcle urging young men
We are vemuaded t1ieY do 1\01, and to enllst; young girls oooupled in
yet ~ e m l r r g l ythe pe0pl9 ore ROW- persuading the young mdn to go to
erlers to prevent it.
war; and, worrt ot all, preachI am persuaded that the great ma- err, cldming to be the represent&Jority of the yoopler of the llallonl of tlves 01 ItIenlah'r IClngdoro, urgfng
Europe do not derlre this great war yourrg mall Lo enllrt, lnarry and b e
that is devastating thelr lan&r. de- get clrlldrcn, and then go lo the front,
r t r o y i ~ ~Lholr
homes, making thelr that there might be other generations
burdens grlevous to be borne and to war after the present one la gone.
serldlng tlieir able-bodied men
The people 01 the Colonies of Orrat
prenrature graves. 1 have) some per- Britaln have sent thourantla 01 thelr
ronnl knowledge of the sentiment of sons to battle, yet ot all the people
the people and tlre conditions Lhere. on the earth that stop to calmly con\Vhen llre war began 1 nnrr In Ham- rider the dtuatlon none of them
burg, Germany. The people of that really want war.
benutlful clty were quietly pursulnb'
No aane man wrntr to be klllerl,
their respective vocnttons a t 8 o'clock because llle Is the dearest thing to
la Lhe afternoon.
A1 4 o'clock tho Iilm. No honest man wants to klll
urrlcr for niobllizntlo~~of thc army hecn~~an
hc rcallzee that 110 le taklue
wns posted. Isaw fathera. sons and owny that which he Is u s t able to
brothers bninp l~urriedlytaktrri from give.
their Iionies and rual~edto I8hefront.
I t fe apparcr~tto those who tblnk,
I snw uiotliers, wives, and children, that the United Statea, persletlng In
rat1 ot courltelrnnce and with tear- her preser~ta w e , wlll ere long be

aatlvely etigagod in the bloody con- vlvor Ir gulltr of mlirder. In prlnc1flict. Do the people 01 i11e Unlted ple thera i8 no cLIKerenw betwcku InStates, peacalorky and industrious dlridual combat8 and national cornu they arn. dwlre the burden of Mllb brtr, beoaure nrtlons are comporad
Itnrism and th8 devastating war tllnl of men. It one Is murdw the other
I t oue 16 iurllD86 tile
lu altnost certaln to lollow.
f feu1 Is riiurbar.
sure they do not, and yet-wd m e the other Is juatifled.
wachlngp of the natlob m 0 ~ i n g Lntereot in this n e a t war is intenrteadlly in that dirwh01 and notb rifled when we recril that God b the
l t ~ gwlll prnvent it.
nlblo foretold more ttrnn 2,600 year8
out, why, you nruy ask, do 1 euurrlc ugr, nuch un Inlaruullounl conflict.
wlth ouch mrtainty? Becaure, I an- Tlae ram8 wisdom foretold lllrt it
rwer, I am not rpeakinl: my own w t c would begin in lhe year 1914. I t
dom, nor am 1 volclns the wlrdom of aamo on echedule tlme. Lon prior
other men, but I sol vlewl- this rub- tharto the r n a e authority-dod
ject fronl the standpoint of Qod'r tho Bible--pointad out the cause oi
t l war
~ and likewi&e foratold what
Word-the Bible.
It ie not my Ourpore to inflame the wlll be the result and what shall lolmltrds bl men, nor t o uuitllly alarm low thereafter.
unyona, but it is my ~ u r p o r eto point
N b y have these thinga not Ion6
out some great truth8 now due to be ago been understood by the people
undrretood; and 1 ballere 11 tu be the that they might be avolded? There
duly of every man who underrtmfir ore a t loost two potent rcaaona. one,
tlrase truths to make &ern known to brcaure tlto prophetlo statemeuta of
the BIb1e cannot be propnrly undelhts fellow-man.
11 w e can get a t the real caul% of stood until God's due tkme, m d IIWthls great war, and defllritalr know oud, because comprrrttvely few have
from unimpeachrble erirlsnce that been diligently seaking to underthe tuture holds something @xoe@d- atand. Tho teaohrrs have beeu
fngly good for man, we should W U - largely overcome by the rpirit of thr
erly reek such fact#. The true
world-dedre tor fame and rlch.r-Lutfon ot this problem 1s not only 8116 have t~eglecledUlelr duty,
porslble, but it Is found In the Biblo
1f clod long ago rat forth In Hi8
trnd In it alone.
Word the certalnw of thia grsrt war
nnd the cause thereof, may we not
The C*wO.
expect to and la the rama a o l h o r i t ~
Who I6 rmpondble for thfs awful a toregleam of how Mllltarlsm will
war? Son18 say tha Kolnr I 8 tlie on0 bo ollmlnated from tho earth and
to b w r the blame. Others who rro what shall follow? 11 We bolleve
the enemies of the British sap that the Blble t o be true (and I do, and
England Inbtfpted the war, whIle stsume h a t YOU,80 belle~e)~ n If
rtlll others lay the b h n a a t the door we can find the evldence theretn setof R u ~ t a . All are in mmo meararo tling tlreee great questionr, than 1
to blame. One natlon could not llubt submit that the vital quoatlon Before
a battle alone. I t a man ormu hlnr- the people8 ol earth today who love
rett and gom forth to look !Or hb rlglrteousneu and hate lntqulty, L,
adversary he w i l l likely llnd some oc- Shall we not l a r wide out man made
crsion to use hls *weepon. If a nation creed8 and turn to the Blble? What
rrms with the intention of engaglnu does the mble err J on
in war $he is Hkety to Bad some occasion to engage therein.
Under the law8 or all civlllerd nsTlto entlrs human raae-all the natlonr, It two men arm thewrefvee for
tbe purpose ot engaging In and do tions of the earth-sprang from on6
engage in a mutual combat and one man. The first man was Uot 8 wardles as the result thereof, the rat- rlor, beceoae create4 p(Srtect In the

h a ~ eof Uod. Rlr home war in fought to atablirh a govarnment ol

Edep, 6 place of plenty and happl- rtghteournew in the lntereot of the
neu, a condition of peace and joy. people, but In the course ot time selfFrom God he received powrtr and au- lrhnew predominated, and hatred and
Lhorlty to subdue tile earLlr and f i l l war, the lodtlmnk Lrultr of rdfluhIf with p0OplO.
110 Ww
enjoy. t1ee8, have led to destruotlon.
thin blessed prirflege without inter-'
raption ro long as he rendered himA l l Imperfect.
calf in obodlo~~co
lo tho Law uC Ood.
A8 the P ~ ~ I m l lbt u S t a m It,
But, before exerclrlng hlu power to "Tliera
perfeat, bo not one.''
bring childra into the world he do- Why? lrBnone
~ # u s aall u m e under the
lated God's law with the tesult that condemnation
of death.
Rom. 6:1!4.
hie right to llve Iorever wan taken 1
1 : In proportlon tbrt
from hlm m d he wru tenloved from man sand
nations have eultlvrb
b b perfeclhome~Eden, The aartlt
the diuporttion of righteorrruhde from Blden, WM an unllntehed ed
n w and love for tellow ma9
place, bringlng forth thorur, thistle6 In
that proportJon have they b m
and polsonous fruits. Urlven from againrt
la proportlon
Eden the first man went forth to that menmilitarirm.
and nation8 hare wltlvated
b a U r p i n r t the okrnentu.
In the reltlrhneur--the
of grabbing
sweat of hb fatw now he maet earn that which warr notrptrit
f u ~ t l ytheir own,
him bread. No more could he par- iu that 8ame proportion
has LUlllt8rh k g of the perfect foods of Eden.
iom grown. Long ego the reeds of
Daily he WM dying and he knew that the
drwon krth w u r nown, m d
L t WM only a question of time whsn
h e would c r u e to exlrt. This spirit n o r the umtlonr uf e u t h w e rupine
or dlr~osltlonot ralnmhnbu m d blt- the horvut of whirl-wind md blood.
tsrneai begnn to grow ID hi6 heart.[
IVhy Bvil Pamalttad
ivhile in this oondltlol~of mtnd Adam
begrt &It of hir children and #we
God'# p u r p m toward man h u
chlldren inherited more or la# o t been elightly understood. When wr
that dirpoaition.
Time posred and m e 10 much poverty and sloknmr,
two sons had grown to manhood, orime &a& niekedners, rdflsbnru
Cain had developed the rplrlt of eelf- and murder In the earth we ue
bhnesa and bltternaoa in hlr h a r t to urone to wonder why r jart uad
a ruperlatlve de~rO0. Pursueded In loving 00d would permit such. Bb
lrlr crwn mlncl tltnl kls brotlttcr Ita3 llevlng thnl Ood lr m6pon8lblo for
Been more highly favored than him. all thls wlckednew and ruflering
aelt, 11e armed hlrnself wlth a ileodlg many have been driven to InfidellV.
weapon, sought out h b brother and Let US take 8
murdered hfm, That war the hedir. A nlvent lovea hi6 ahtlb. Thr
wing of Rlifltnrlmr and tho first eflscts chlld hrr r manla tor playlug wlth
d war.
Intense 8eIllshhens had led
The parent my#, for the eood
to the crlme and back of that war Ire.
of that ctrild I murt teach It -the
rin whloh cuuaod Adam, thvl perteot, bnneful ellwtr of llre, m d ro he
to fall. From tlten tH1 tow selflrh- penults tho chfld to burn Itself uaricer has pr~bomlnrt8d among the
penplea nC rortli ant1 only the on9 H1 pain trrulb. The lawon ha8 been
Love prompted the teacher
who har fougbt agalnrt thL monrtar, learned.
that course.
e%lClabne88, hhir been able to avoid to The
Bible revale that It w u the
gross wrong. From then Ull nmv
nten bave roaght out Inverltiotlr with purpose of bod from the be(rinnln8
whlch to nvenge tl~enrrel~crs
agafnst that man should bave an ererlaetlng
renl nnd suyporod Iorr,
In every blendnu, but In order far man to
tribe and nrtton there have bwu appreciate the great bleselnr wheu
some noble characters r h o h a w It comer Re detetmlnsd that man

rhould have a full and complete Ier- read the Word of the Lord to the
son in the baneful effect8 ot rln- people and i ~ ~ r t r u cthem
In rightto learn the lwron he has permitted eourness to keep them in mlnd of
mnn to burn himself raverely a t tlro the great Merrlah that was cominy.
nre. Tills ha8 rpplled to men indl- Some of Lllore falthtully perlormad
vfduallr and the peoples and nationr tlialr dutier, but the greater number
collectively. History dltcloser thttt of them became heady, high mlnded,
avnry rinllon wllon ranchlng 11s It111- Iraughtr. nltotere, n e ~ l l ~ e noft Lhelr
llerr In aln and reltlahnoss ha8 par- cluller and lud tho pctoplo Into r l n .
irhed from thr e u t h . While the rlghteoutners. Thr rorult war when
ueopla# and nationr have been para- Jesus came-the oar who rbould oe
tng through t h b long dark night sl the Dellvarar-thr cteryy clrrr perexperiencas. Ood har been drvrlop- rmcated hlm and turned the people
ing the Kingdom of rlghteournetr mgalnrt him and cruclflad him.
that will bring the derlrm of the pure
~ h ,
In h w t of a11 nationr.
lrrrsl rhould be destroyed, and later
tbr arruler uf Home cmooPuyar8ed the
God's Promlre
holy clty, rtormrd itr walls and deIn every Age there have
otroyad It. Tha Natlun or lrrarl pergoma m~~
lonfing 'Or lrhed from toe earth. The Apurtle
rlgbtrovrnerr. have turned to t h e
in Heb,
Lord* To ruth His favor
pointr out that tho errntr tran~pirohown. Four thousand yearr ago to in* wncemtng Irrrel were typicat ot
Abreham he mad@ Fomtre
other events thrt would tronrplra on
thee and make thee a a far greater rcale. The griestly clarr
it# ant~-type ur
~ the ~JewsIn~nndr
or elerfiy
Tho drat nation formed
amonggt me3 and nhloh Jehovah Jewlsh clergy taught the people the
reaagnlted war the Natlon of Irrrrl. truth
rnd thr
a rpec'a'
terchtne the orerthrow of that
co*mmt, promlnint them tho bless- that
ingr of life, ltberty and hapvtnrrr if typlc8l nation would not brve

!:t: t!


E ~t ndn%t
~ of
Iln lnll~ wnn

dealt a,th
them in a rpeclal manner. Th8 promIse made to Abraham was renored to
that people tlme and &gain. God
taught them to look for a groat Deliverer. a Memlrh, through wbom
their blarring would come. The natlon ol Israel Interpreted thlr to
mean that from thelr number a great
Xing woxld u i r e who would ertend
the domhton of Tanrel to the four
romere ot the earth.
of Imael
With the Natlon of Israel the Lord
inntituted the prlesb, or clergy,
whore duty It was to perform the rallglour ceremonies and above all to

dom which I 8 In s degenerate condition and

o"erthrOw Of
" "OW threatened'

Advent of Jemr
Oocl had promhad that "In the
Seed of Abraham all the familler of
the earth rhould be blersrd." St.
Paul in Gal. 8:16 points out that
Chrlet, the Mesrlrh, is that Seed
through which the blaring murt
At the birth of Jwur the Merarerer of heaven made announcement
nyrlng: "Qlor7 to God In the Hlghnst
on earth Pl3ACE, (rood wlll toward

Propbetically l t had been written tunity to receive the benetltm t h e r e

lot. I Tim. 2:s-8.
concerning Jesur :
"Unto us a child is born, unto
Kingdom 01-r
ur a son Is given, AND THB 0 0 V If Jesur died for all, and HI.
d ~ t h to reru'r h a b 1 ~ i . g to
ahall be called wonderful Coun- 811, which blerrlnt. =e*nr
roller, ~b~ h ~ ~ g h t y~ o d . he peace and happinen@, why, after a
Everlgrtlng Father, THB PR1NClg
~ : ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ e ~ ? ~ ; ~ $ ~ e ~
OF P1OACE."-Ira.
9: 6.
throes of the greateat trouble ever
~otwithrtandlng he
w u tho known*
Prince of Peace, the term of hie
~ h pueation
1s one that h m troua r t h l y mlnirLry
One O' trOublr' bled both clerty and laymen. It la a
The olerm
0i hi^
vital quaatlon to all. I t behooves
mindful Of their dutier and Drlvl- every one, in thia hour ot atkerr, to
leger* persecuted him
give aaretul heed to the Saripturrl
the mob againat him m d ultimately
caured the Cru~lflxlOnof the Prinoe
tho foundatjon
Of Peace.
Nearly lBoO
yeam have world, God in the exerclm o t Bte
then and
that love and wisdom, ordrlned tllar
Swur Christ should have assoclated
ruched a climax
Of alth Him In 1118 great and peaceful
tho Ace.
work of blerdng otlrerr, a oorupany
whore members rhould Be made
\way Iio Oume
like hlm and who rhould be known
IfOod intended to bierr the peaHi# Church or Body, the KingBle m d Jesus wan the Great Prince dom olrra, There to be leleoted
who would brlllg the blerdng,
tram amongst
the repulrewas
death' A
an- man& being that they rhould b,
swer tc this qumtlon 1s eraentlal in faith become the footetgp follow.
order lo understand tlre eventr that en of Jesus, A follower in one rho
have 'Ince
whtah do, an Jerur did. At Pentlcort t b r
we pow witness.
relection of thlr c l u r began in the
Culler ranre. Hi8 dtaciplea had beer,
a condemnation Ot death' previourIy called, but now they were
No amount of bleming could be laet- begotten to the higher the Divine
l i ~ guntil thlr legal condemnation 18
then until now
removed. "ha by the dlrobedlence of ,ho have been called and begotten
one (Adam) rin entered Into the b, ood
aedivine nature hrve
by sfn* lo
been m l b d to thin hieh ponition.
~aasedw o n all men, all a r e (born)
ilnnen" - ~ o r n .5: 1 2 r o d Psa. 51:s.
lience all must die. The on19 mean8
r he rtepe r e p u i r d to enter thin
of meeting the legal reqlltrrment
thae: ~ ~ t lat the
h 8hf4d
for the release ot mankind from thin 1)lnod of Jesus or the gmat rannopi
judgtnent ot dent11 wan by the death price, a full consecration to do tlrn
of a per[ect one. Jeau8 became a will of ~ o even
unto death, and a
mnn and dled for thie very PurDo8e trlthful and loyal performance of
as t l ~ eApostle so c I e 8 r l ~ puts In that covenant by keeplng or obeying
tleb. 2:9 and 1 4 . The death of the nommnndmentr of the Lord.
JFUIIR provld~(1tlan rnnnoln or ptlrGvoryonc who o n t e r ~tllls :lnrrotn:
chare prlce for ALL and in God's vay Ir ~ 0 R i m i ~ I o n eby
d the I ~ r 1d18
d u e tlme all mast have on oppor- nn Ambarnador o r Christ ( 2 Cor.




6:ZO). An ambarsador who I8 faithful la one who falthtull~represents

the King and Hlr Klngdom. Among
the commandments g f en ell ouch
by the Lord waa and la.
(1) To declare the measage of
Messlahlr Klagdom and
rP) To not be mix& up with tho
world (Itom. 12tB).
When Je8ur rtood before P118te he
world (pre;wPt order) it ft were then
m aoldbm fight for me." He
taught t i 8 followen b pray, "Thy
kingdom come, thy will be do:e arr
earth or it Is done In heaven.
~h~ Apoatlw and thore of the


m d that he ia refping by Dhlne

commnnd and ro teachlng he arm8
h l s mlllionr to engage in war.
In brief every Xlng of Europe
olalmr to be relgnlng by Dlflne right
and. a t the head of his armies. he
Invoker the blerrlug of the Lord
IrDon bls effort8 to slay hie ftiloprman. Surely tbe Lord does not a p
Prove such a courr*.
There a m nearly two h ndred dlffarant church denominat!onr in ths
land today, all ctf whom ere more or
lea8 mixing volltlcr and religlou, con
trarY to the command Of the Lord.
tn all there denomlnationr there
hrvr been and are yet rome true fol-


;Yc .alwam
. z h f4&iglP Eti;:
!;;.ti ~ ~
been rome true and blood

~ & , , ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ $
of Chrlrt. During the past
faithful ones who hare declared the forty Year8 there ha8 been rrenl
of the ~ o r d .Blta about the falling away from the reIll(lon of the
~ b t r dcentury ambitfour men eater- CrOr8. Hither crftlci9m ~d e~0lutfiXI
#d the churcb. The P8paoy wan or- have taken
These trrl0ur k l r e eyrternr paradgotdzed. The head of thin 8yrtem.the Popa--.nnounced
that he WIW Int under the namo or Ohrlrt and
ralfng instcad of Chrirt that the mlxlng religlon with the polltlcs fir
kfl~gdomhad already come. Re cldim the mrth, the Lord* in Revelation
ad to have authority rnd exerotsed retern to u Babylob (mmnln8 canabomln8Uon unto the
rtrthority to mown and unerown the fuatonklngs of earth. T5e Papal churchw, Lord.) Th- mlxea klngdoma and
It\ the name of Christ, the Prince nf 8Yfiem 0811 t h e m e e l v ~"Chrlmten"Chrirt'8 Klngdomv
Poa~s, orgmbed a g r a t military d0m'-meaning
power and vent forth to war. For btlt Chrlrt Owns no such mixture. An
twelve hundred years the people the Jewiah ryrtem wa8 untaitblul to
were denied the ure of or accem to God and war overthrown, 80 ChriatRlbler and were taught only the endom" or Babylon h r r barn unfalthful to the Lord and the mosrbgs of
nrwdr 01 relflrh men.
Luther led a mlghw protent m d MerrI~h'rklngdom and her doom Ir
he natd othrrr or aabed the Protea- 8mIedOhdst deolrred that all of h b foltant churoh In $8 name of Cllrlst.
Boon, thir fallinu to the blandls1~- lowers are brethern. The btethern
mentr of relflrh men, mlxlng ohqrclr are admonirhed to love one anbthar.
end &ate. the Lutheran ryeurn be- Had "Chrbtendom" been the true
cams the State Church of Germany. roprerentativea and followerr of
Today the lDmperor of Germany Chrlrt. brother17 lore would have
cllsjrnr that he rule8 not only hie own prevailed. But Inrtead all these nacnuntry by divlne right but that God tlonr, while clalrnlng to be Christhas appointed him to rule over other Ian have uultfvated the splrit of selnatfons of earth wfth a mailed flat. fishness. SeUtrhneas has led to tiir
Doen any unbiased peraon bellerf srstematic organization of p e a t mi?thie to be true? Doer the Bible mo ltary powers. Had brother17 lovn
pravnllcd Inrtcmd nt eelflebaesr millLench? It dooa not.
Tke Cznr o t Rumla claim8 to be tnrlam would have had no place
the head ol the Cturch of that lanil among the so-called Chietlan nations

of earth.

"Proclaim ye t h l s among the

Qeutiles (nations) : Prepare war,
wake up the rnlghty men, let all
The Jewlah system reached tn fullthe men of war draw near; let
uoss in sin and selflshnera a t the InL them come up. Beat your ploardvellt of Jerur, and the natlon fell.
rliarea into swords m d pruning
That fall loreohadowed a far greator
hook8 into spear8 (that la, ure mafall. Chrtrlrndorn has roached It8 terial for war inatruments that
frlllaors lit rill a ~ rolflal~ners
at the
could be used for ngrlcultural pub
socond iid\*e~il
of our Lord rr~idIts lull
gtrsw) ; let tlio weak ray 1 am
fa near at lianll. Mark how the Lord
elrong. A88ernble youreelver,and
foretold tllf8 In HI8 Word. Throu~lr come all yr natlanr (the word
the Prophet He raid:
heatlren m u n i n e natlons) and
gather yourrelvelr togethor round
"Wait yet upon me, with the
Lot the nations
Lord. until the dry that I rirr up
be tvrrkened m d come to the valto the prey; lor my deturmlnatlon
ley of Jehorhaphat (meminz tha
la to father thr naUonr, that 1 mny
vnltey of gravr)."-Joel
assemble the kingdoma, to pour
llpon them mine lndtgttatlon, eveti
A11 can rrodily Bee how thfr proall my fierce anger; for all the phecy has beon lulRlled and I8 now in
r r t h (rymbollcall~meaning order procosr of frllflllrnmt. All tho noof rociety or ay8temr) rhall be do- tions that clalm to be Chrirtian navoured wlth tho Ere of my jeal- tions have barn fulllling thlr proousy."-Zeph.
phecy tor reveral g a r # , and thb and
During the part torty yeam knowl- other Scrlpturea clearly prpva that
edge hns greatly Increased.
The before the trouble hoe ended all of
mean8 01 trrnlrportrtlon have won. the rosallrd Ohrlstian natfonr of ths
dorfully developed cruslng jmigration earth wlll br involved. For thlr ranron wr rtate, that there ir no earthly
from one nation to another-the
gatlierlne of the natlona togrthw. pow* that can now p r 9 ~ 0 n t the
Evcry nrtlon IIRI lent ib a m b w - llntted Btntw lrom brtng Involved 10
dors to every otller nation.
Tdw the groat and l n l I conflict. Mr. Brygraph and cable wlrea have uremble& an and others, seeing that prepamall tho natlona-brlnging
them in new tor war mean8 war, are diligent4oscr tolrch wlth each other. And ly working to prevent preporednua.
rltllo Lllir nasn~ublliil;lln8 been going Tt~elrrllort8 Rr@hO~18t and IJr.186
on t h e groat Cnlliiig awny from tho tvorthy, b ~ r tLlioycclnnot ruccocd. The
Cafth of C!brist m d him oruolfied baa doom of Babylon Ir rraled. The
taken place.
Cornpetitton In the United States oomporu a part of
trade of the earth l ~ a rbean greatly Babylon.
sharpened by this gathering together
nodnnhg Forefol(l,
the nations. The npirlt of telfhhnMn
lncrenoed and durlnl the
Dld the Blble foretell the beginning
name tima the
mIlitarY md of thlr trouble and could the minlanaval vowera of the earth hare tors have foretold the people, had
mached a climax.
they been falthtul to t h d r profaselon? That the Bible foretold t h r
Preparisipl for 1V.r Foretold.
very year in which the war wou!J. beTwenty-five hundred years ago God gin there is no doubt W h y the
llirough HIS prophet foretold thm preachen did not know tliat urd tell
coming of this day of excerrlve mill- the people they must answer. Some
tarlsm, which we now see so clearly Blble etudenb have been p~lntllrg
Any rtudant a n under- out that faat for more than thirty
stand a prophecy after It ia fulfilled. year8 and the preachera have rldiThrough the Prophet Joel He mid: culrtl the ~ugga6tionand hare p e r m

cuted thorn who have called attenNow for

tion to thesa Bibie truths.
the uroof.
The "Tlmr o t the Oantllea" 18 a
definitely bxed Berlod.
Both the
Bible and clscolar hietory dxeo t h e beginnlng of the "Timer 01 the Oentllee" a t 606 B. 0. Blble ChronolOEY deifnlteiy axe8 the length of Oentile Dominkon a t a period a t 1 6 3 3
Acaordingly t l ~ l r porlotl
rlioilld end lu the Autumn o t tlie gear
I t fr r a r o n a b l e to eonaluds
that tbero Qentile Qovernmonte b e
Heving that they ore Divine inrttt\lUonr m d wtth the right t o rule the
enrtlr would not precetully runender dominion, but would have to be
Wh0n the term o t a l a u r
rxpfrm m d the Csnvnt doer not voluntnrtly vaoate the landlord praseeds to oust him.
Tba Lord lu proceeding to ou@tthe Gentiles and thlr
p r o d i n g basan in the Autumn of
1914--sxsctly on tlma
OoncernIng the cofning of that time t h e Lord
had. crured them wordr to be record-

"Ye shall hear of w m on8

r u m o n of war8 ,lee that YO are not
troubled by theae. Uat when tub
blon elrat1 rfw a p f n a t nation and
klngdam against kingdam *
thou8 om U8e b q l n a i u of mrrorv8."-Matt.
84 :6-8.
Never before tn the world'r hlrtorp
h u tlrla prophew beso, ttrldlletl
untll no\\*. I t ir clear to tho mind
ot tlin nfudont el Llro ldord'r Word
tlrrt tlhla preut internatlqyal war ir
but the pmlude lo tlro Rbttlo of
Arnlngoddon" whlch murt yet bs
lPL11ieof Trorbls.
The Lord Jmur quotor tha prophecy
of Daniel 8aylng That the Ago wlU
end "Wlth a time of trouble aubh as
irever naa aiuce there w u a nrtlon,
and theru #hall never be another.
(M*tt. 24: 21). That tlme ot trouble
wlll mark the complete er~dof Oentile telgn, and ot mllltarlrm.
The Scripturea clearly point out
thlr InternaUonJ war will be tollowed b r revolatlon and that, by uenern1 anarcny. Tho grant tltinverr of

thy wrath fa come."

Rev. 11:1 R .
~errnitun. the anii*. of th.1
nation8 to wsaksn #oh o t h r t PreParatory to thelr wmplete ou@t[nt Or
& a n avfdea~4
mrrklng the "time
of the andw o i Gentlie domfnlon the
I h r d rnfd to the Frophct Daulel,
"Shut up Llin wordr and men1 Lhr
book even to the Ume of t h e end,
(then) many rhall run to and fro md
knowledge be inartlded"--"And
that time shall Miehael (Chdrll
rtand up, that great Prince which
rtaiideth for the chfldren OC my pa*
plo, and there &all be 8 tlsne of trmthlo rmch.u never was rInce them wag
nation." Dan. 1I:4 and 1. The
[ncreoae of knowIebge has come dnrInR the part forty yearn, Iikewtss t h
great running to and fro ahd now thr
"time of trouble." ha@begur,
Just before the Crucltlxlon or our
Lord He WM arked, What would be
m evidmae of the and o t the Age.
T o thtr be oarwered:

Blble and ninny of tliem hove polntad it out in r m n t uubliwtior

But tho quwtloi wllloh we wlsh
nnstverecf to our mtlrtrrcttou lr
rtotf' L*'lll tll0 \\'or18 he ReliOVM of
Wlll It be by Oermany conquering
nll tho world? I t wllf not, Will If
be by Qreat Brltaln becamlng tho
dominant power of earth? No. Wlll
I t come to paw by the United Eitatrr
extendin# lk beneficent rule tb the
lour corner8 of the earth? No lndeed.
WIll it be brought about by
all the nation8 80 thoroughly ormlng
thrt all wlll be a l n i d to go to war?
Wlll f t be preparedno887 No, Bow
It wffl come by the pcroplou
beaomlng thoroughly
dck of trouble, r e l H a a n e ~ and
wrong-dofng and by the lull ertabIbhment of the Kingdom d Meufrh.
Mark the proof. In m b o l l c
language the Lord demcribw the great
tdmn n t trortble thur:



"Par Ne (the Lord) command.

oil1 and rci8etl~ a sto:ruy
(great wars and troublo) which
llftetlr up the wnrer tbereol (the
rcsrless elautotlt oI hdnrunltyl.
TI\oy urounl u p to tho heavens;
tlrey go dona tb the dopthr: thotr
roul I8 melted bebause of trouble.
Tllop ( t k narionr-pooplet)
to and fro like r drunken man, and
lire uc their ;?its enrl.
Thon they
cry unto the Lord lu their trouble,
nnd Iro bl.ingetl&them out of thalr
l V 7 :25-28,

"Unto us ti child b born, tmtn

us n eon Is given, and T H 5 QOVERNMENT SHALL 88) UPON HIS
tjklOULL)&R, and HI8 naaa ahnll

be uulled Wonderhl, Cuunrellor,

The Mighty UoJ, The lCverlaSt~uy
And or the lncrrare ot Hl8 Oovernment and IgHIACSI there 8 h l I
be ,to e11&"-18~. 9: 6, 7.

WIton J1narl~l~'r
I<lsgdotrr I 8 eatahNan's extremity is God', spportlt- llalretl in the earth "then wtll th6 In:ilty. 30 11 hns over been! Agum rays hrbItant8 learn rrghtoousnwr." All
learning to do right, selflrhnur will
the lrord through llfa prophet:
be supplanted by love.
There wtll
"l'or lkur roilli 1l1u Lord ot ba tro ttiorn tiuad tor tho bultdlnp ot
I\orls. Yet once (uroru) i t I8 a lit- battlerhips, sub2uarlner rod
tle wlrtlo and 1 will ~ h a k vLhe equlpplng ot groat ermfw, bat mtteavena (eacleslrutlcal ryatemr) stend tire people wtll turn their at.
and tlle earth (orgnnlted soctoty-- tention to reconrtruotlon and bbarlttgovernments) and the sea {reat- fylng the earth.
bfnrk the certain
leml humotilt~ and the d m land proof thereof:
trrirtocrac~i..And I will -shake1
"But In the laat dam (and w r
an-nntions: 'and
T~.IM DEare In those bays now, the last of
the Gentile reign) it rhall come to
g a u that the I~lngdomtmountaia
Tllus ill tlte Lord shake out all
meno;as ktngdonl) or the house of
the kjngdoms and dominions 01 thir
the Lord rhall be mtablfrl16d on
earth acclrslastical and pollttoal, that
the top of the k i ~ ~ d o m s and
upon tho rulnr Utsreot He ma7 eashall be exalted abova the blllu,
rablish 1-Iis kingdom for wblch C h d e
and the people ohdl flow Into it.
tlan& bare long hoped m d prayed.
And Iuany n r t i o n ~shall come and
Thb w8a Long ago foretold ln the
my, 'Oome, and 1st ur go up to the
words of the Prophet, sayil~g:
kingdom of the Lord, and to the
"And In the dam ot thkings
nouse o t the GO^ ot J W Q ~;rod
the God of heaven rball rat up a
wiII teach a8 oC Hia way, and we
kingdom which rhall never be dewill walk In His pathr; for the
stroyed; m d the kingdom shall
law rhall go forth ot Zion (the
not be Iett to other people, but It
Chrbt) and the word ot the Lord
&hallbreak in plecer and conmame
And H?:$hall
from Jerusalexn.
all these kingdoms, and I t rhrll
judge among maup paople and deRtantl for eve^,^'-Dan. 2 : 44.
cide tor natioar afar oll; rrnd t h ~ y
I'rlncc ot l'ence to ftolgn.
INTO ridow S ~ ~ A R CA N
Ood Is working out Hla great plan
JXOOKS, and nation ehall not lltt
in his own orderly way. Boon the
UD rword aralnrt aatloo. NEXTHgrent I'rlnce ot Peace will have tally
wtabllshed Hts Kingdom for the
blessing of all the families of the
ANY MORE. But tbey stlall #It
tlnc a04
every man under hla
earth. Cod never tails in one of His
Remember th8.t He long
under his ilg tree, and iron8 shall
reo raid this of JAWUS
trtalra them ntrolb, for the mouth


of t h e Lord hatli spoken It."Micah 4: 1-4.

Thus will milllarlsrn perfah iron1
the earth to be revivorl no more forover.
Peace and Plenty.
Merrlah once erhbbliahed in
Kingdom, Peace will know no m d
nothing shall be ~ e r r n i t t e dthat
will do injury to another; for
"Righteournerr shall be the
glrdle ot His lolrrs, and lnlthlulnoss
the glvdle of His reins.
~ u
"Nothing ehall hurt nur dertroy
in all that holy klngdom, for the
earth ahall he tull of :he knowledge of tile Lord, nr the Water4
cover the sea."-lea.
There will be none then crylng lor
bread, nor weeping becaure or the
tlenolutlou of the luntl: lor
"The wlldernesr
t h s rollfnry place shall be glad for them and
tlre desert alrall rejolce r r d blor.
ap the rOre'
Then "Ie rye'
be opened' the
earn of the deal unstopped. then
ahnll the lame

hart a d the bngue of the d\t:



(from the grave,

and come
lion (The
ChrLt) with
their 'lads; they
Obtain joy and gla'inru'
and "ghlng aha'' 'lee awaY'
--lsa, 26th Chap.
"And in this Kingdom shall the
Lord of ~~~t~make unfo the
m p l e a f a a t or f a t thing1 * *
md ~e will d ~ t r o y blindnee8
from the people and the veil (of
I~nurltnco)titat la spraad ovor lrll
nations *
* and He
away all tears
26: 6-9.
There all1 be great r e j o l ~ i n gwhen
the people learn there ir o o more
harslr and mailed fiat to rule them,
find that tlle oppresror wlll no more

be permitted. Happinerr wlll reign

ruyreme when they learn that the
Lord of righteousness b dlrectlng
the alalra ot society.
The Lord
puts tlie word6 of pralro In their
moutlis and causes tbom to IRJ
0, ~ ~ o r s hthe
l p Lord rr the b a u ty,ol holinesr; reverence Hlrn all
th, earth. say amolly the no.
tfonr the Lord reignath; the world
also (as sell as the heaven) rhall
be erlabllsiied that I1 rhall not k
r~iovad;lie alirll Judge tito pooplr
d rigllteously. Let the heaveor rejoice, and let the earth be glad;
let the sea roar aud tile fullness
Let tlie neld be joyful
&lid all that Is therein: Llien elrail
ail the trees of the wood rejolcc
before the Lord, for He cometh to
judge tile earth; H.0 riiall Iud6e
1110 world wlili ~ l ~ h l d ~ ~ art,!
the people wllh Hls truth."-Pea.
96: 8-13.
Adam by dirobadlence loet the
right to llfe for hirusell and all the
human race. Jesus died, giving up
111s I~umanlife that rlie buruurl rooe
nilgllt have llfe John 1U:10, Luke
l e : l O , I nm,Zia.6, Acts r:1B.rfi)
HIE r e i n rill not only debtruy m111tarlsm and wrong-doing, but will de@troy death ltrell by Iltr-ng up the
race out of death and rsstorlng thbln
to ilte; "For He must relgll urrtil Efe
hath put all enemles under Hls feet,
and the laat enemy that llhnll be d e
Cot. 15:'2fj.aa.
"And God shall WlV0 away all
t~aI'Rfr0Ul their @yell: and there
'hall be no more death, aor O W ing, neither shall there be any
more pain. for tile former thlnan
nr"~"nficd aa@r."--nev.
In thlr last hour of grelrt rorrow
upon the earth, let ur golnt the
people to the glorlous day just b e
yond the dark nlght.
To the mlnlsters of vsrloils church
denomlnatloua I would hllmbly aukgent: Lay aelde rour hlghnesr of
mlnd: humbly toke up the banner of
the crosr and bear Its mesraee of

yeace before the sln-alck world
rather than to encourage them In
strife and blood shedding. Yourr ha6
"een the most honorable calllng. Du
not debase lt by turning to the baggarly elements ot the world, but with
brave hearts go forth proclalmitly the
truth. The Kingdom o l Merriah Ls
st hand and i t in the prtvllsge ot %-I
e r r one who belfevor thlr to declaro


W e are living in a fearful ~ n wond

derful time. A time when hirtory
Is being made tar more rapidly than
our forefathers ever dreamed of. W e
a r e a t the turning point of the two
great diapenaations, We are beaide
the death bed ot the natioor ot earth
and a t the birth of a new and glorb
o w nation. We are standing a t the

vol'y vurtlrln ul tha UoIJan Aka. And.

while the clouds ot morrow, dls!rm

and death now endhroud the humanklnd, by the eye of faith we can pen&
trete that darknesr and behold the
gun of Righteousness arlalng with
heeling In Hia beema and vhlch shall
shine forever-more.
Lon& have you with others waited,
hoped and prayed for the estabf\ehment ot a Kingdom of righteoue
ness in whlch peace and joy prevall,
sad wrong-dolng ie unknown.
Behold it ie a t the door! Open your
B i b l e t i t h a t great f tore ha use o t anlimited richea of Divlae wirdamand behold what Qod baa wrought
and learn what H e has in reservation
tor those who lore a l d obey Him.

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