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Unofficial TMNT: Shadows of the Past Gameplay Rules

1) Choose a scenario. Scenario's may have special effects on the Heroes/Villains
- either positive or negative. Each good player chooses a Hero and their Specia
l Move cards equal to their Skill Value. The bad stinky Villain player gets thei
r listed Villain cards, which they shuffle up and make a deck out of.
2) All players place the characters on the board as the scenario states. They al
so find out what their goal is from the scenario (for example, the villain may h
ave to K.O. all the goodie-goods, while the heroes may have to get to a certain
point on the board). Each hero gets Focus equal to their Focus Value and Health
equal to their Health Value.
Part A - Hero Actions
All Hero player cards that have been played this
. Hero players roll all of their dice. After you
re-roll any amount of your dice. You can only do
done whenever dice are rolled, whether its now,

turn are returned to their hand

roll, you can spend 1 Focus to
this once per roll (this can be
during Combat, etc...).

The Heroes decide which dice they want to share. Your leftmost die is shared wit
h the player on your left, your rightmost die is shared with the player on the r
ight. Instead of being able to use ally's dice, Raphael gets 6 dice to roll. The
villain draws 4 cards.
On your turn, as an action, you can either use a die (or dice), use a special mo
ve card or use terrain. You can use your ally's die that are closest to you (you
r ally can still use this die on their turn, and you can use it even if they hav
e already taken their turn). Special moves or terrain requires a certain combina
tion of dice to be used.
The actions you can take are:
Attack (Katana icon) - Choose an adjacent enemy, add your Attack Value to the am
ount of the Attack dice you're using (you do not have to use them all in a singl
e action), then roll that many Attack dice. Perform combat.
Ranged Attack (Shuriken icon) - Choose an enemy that is at least 2 spaces away,
add your Attack Value to the amount of Ranged Attack dice you're using, then rol
l that many Attack dice. If the enemy is more than 2 spaces away, roll 1 less di
e for each space. Perform combat.
Move (Skateboard icon) - Multiply your Move value with the amount of Move dice y
ou're using, then move that amount of spaces. If you are engaged with an enemy (
if an enemy is next to your character), you must pay an additional Move per enem
y to break away.
There is also:
Defense (Shell icon) - This is not an action, but a persistant effect. Whenever
you are attacked, roll dice equal to your Defense dice plus your Defense value.
Defense dice are not used, but are still re-rolled at the start of the new round
Chi (Tao icon) - Regain 1 Focus and try to regain Health. To do so, you roll 1 B
attle Die and for the amount of hits on that die, you regain 1 Health. You canno
t gain more Focus than your Focus Stat, and you cannot gain more Health than you
r maximum.
When you roll your Attack dice, the enemy also rolls, equal to their Defense Val
ue. Subtract your enemy's rolled Defense Dice from your rolled Attack Dice - if
the value is above 0, that enemy takes that many damage. If the enemy is KOed, r

emove it from the board.

Special Moves:
Play 1 of your Special Move cards chosen at the beginning of the game, paying th
e dice cost listed on that card. Place it in front of you and perform its action
once. When you next re-roll your dice, return that card to your hand.
Some Terrain costs more Move to move into. Some Terrain give you special effects
when you pay certain dice. These effects are only relevant when your are next t
o or moving onto that Terrain.
Part B - Villain Actions
After a Hero takes their turn, the Villain takes their turn (meaning the Villain
will get 4 turns in 1 round). The Villain does so by playing 2 cards from their
hand. These cards are placed in a row in order from left to right, and after pl
aying their cards, the Villain draws replacement cards. Each card refers to a sp
ecific Villain type, and gives them the ability to perform certain actions. The
symbols work the same as they do for the heroes. Some Villain cards also give sp
ecial effects and some give persistant bonuses.
They can also play cards from their hand face-down to use any 1 unit. If they do
this, they can only perform 1 action, and they get none of the additional benef
its from the card that is played.
Once the Villain has 4 cards out, whenever you play an additional card, discard
the leftmost card. This means you will no longer get the bonus from that card.

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