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Gua de Actividades
Trabajo colaborativo No 1
Course:. Phonetics and phonology
Code: 551017
Topics:.phonetics vs phonology, phonetic symbols
Learning strategy: Task-based learning
Weight : 25 points


Learning goals:

Purpose: This activity aims at recognizing the structure of the course as well as the main concepts of its contents in
order to get familiar with them, to understand how they function in context and finally, to be able to master the different
issues related to this knowledge area. This recognition will be carried out through an individual approach to the course
and then through an interaction with the course mates contributions.
This work search to develop in students the following competences:
Organizational: focusing in the organization of your tasks will allow you the achievement of team alignment, effective
execution and the right allocation of scarce resources, if that is the case. This competence is more than planning how you
are going to carry out your responsibilities; it deals with a combination of required skills, necessary information, appropriate
performance measures and the right culture that the group requires to achieve its mission.

Linguistic: using language in order to state what you know about a specific field, to define concepts, and to organize
and categorize information, will allow you to improve your lexical, grammatical and syntactic competences.


Activity description:

Topics reviewed: phonetics vs phonology, phonetic symbols

Learning strategy: Task-based learning
Previous tasks: Check contents Unit 1 Phonetics

Steps for the development of the task:

Presenting your current knowledge about Phonetics and Phonology.
Showing to others what you know about this specific field is a suitable opportunity to know if you have a clear
understanding or you need to review more information about this, thats why you are going to think about what you
know about the concepts Phonetics and Phonology, and all the topics related to them (i.e. phoneme, vowels, intonation,
syllable), if you had studied this field before, or what you had heard about this. Write your short reflection on the
If you dont know anything about them, think about what you think those concepts make reference to, what
you imagine the object of study of Phonetics and Phonology is, what could be the importance of them for teaching and
learning languages, or any other idea that might arise when thinking about this.

Organizing the course concepts in graphic organizer
Organizing the principal information in graphic organizer is a didactical and easy way to learn, so in this second
activity you are going to choose and create one of this graphic organizer (spider web map, jellyfish map and honeycomb
map) where all the main concepts of the course must be represented. To achieve this, you will check the Course
presentation, and syllabus, you will find the main concepts of this course.
Keep in mind that you have to put all these concepts in a graphic organizer and besides this, you have to add
some more information about this: definitions, examples, further concepts and any other information that allow you
to understand the composition of this knowledge area.

Defining, comparing and understanding concepts.

Do you know what the difference between Phonetics and Phonology is? It might be kind of confusing terms
and definitions, so, in order to have a clear understanding about these concepts, you are asked to state, in a common
aspect map or a comparison map the definitions of them and in there, the differences must be clearly stated.
You can write the similarities of those linguistics branches, but also what they differ from, what their areas of
study are, and add some examples in order to better understand them. Do not forget to add the proper citations and

Practicing the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).

Find the phonetic symbol(s) for the sounds underlined on the following words:
Example : Clock


Phonetic symbol
/ /


Reflecting upon previous and new knowledge.
In this last part, you will reflect upon your previous and current knowledge. To achieve this, you are going to
come back to what you thought and wrote on the forum for TASK 1 and you will check out if what you knew was
enough; were you wrong or right about your knowledge or what you supposed about Phonetics and Phonology? Did
your knowledge change? What do you know now? What did you learn when reading your partners posts? You will
answer these questions in a 300 to 500 word text. Be reflective and critical in this final part since it will be an
opportunity to learn.
- When developing task 1, you must not read anything about the concepts; you have to think about what you
know, as a self-reflection about your current knowledge and what you have to learn. After posting your text on the
forum, ask your partners to read it and to comment on it. In the same way, you are asked to read your e-mates posts
and give some comments. The idea is to reflect on the knowledge you and your e-mates have when taking up this
Please notice that you do not have to hand in task 1 on your final product, as it will be included on task 5.
- When developing task 2, remember that graphs are summarized, and they only contain the main information
of the contents, so try to include short and clear definitions. Use your creativity to create outstanding designs. This is
a manual for designing the graphic organizer.
- When developing task 3, you will establish a common aspect map or a comparison map showing in a clear
way the differences between the 2 concepts. You should consult the contents of the course and if you consider you
need to read more to better understand, do it, but do not remain with vague or ill-defined ideas since you have to have
those concepts clear in your mind in order to achieve your goals in this course. Also, take into account that your emates will read your definitions in order to better understand, so your definitions must be absolutely clear and welldefined. Read the Graphic organizer manual which is on task 2.
-When developing task 4, keep in mind that one letter can be pronounced in different ways in different words,
therefore, one phoneme can be represented by different letters.
- When developing task 5, write the required information in a whole text, which includes paragraphs,
connectors, good spelling, grammar and syntax. This is a reflection about what you knew before starting doing this
activity and what you know now, after carrying out the different tasks. Its important to be sincere and critical about
yourself. Also, write in this text if checking your e-mates contributions was useful for you; remember that is a
collaborative space, where working in group will allow you the opportunity to learn.
-You can post your contributions directly to the forum, but remember that your final product must be uploaded
on the evaluative environment on a word file.
-Send your final product with tasks 2, 3, 4 and 5, and in a single file, do not send several files containing
different parts of the work, this will promote disorganization, and your e-mates and tutor will get confused about which

file to download.

-Participation in the forum is imperative, so upload your contributions on time (do not wait until the last day.
Works uploaded after the deadline will not be graded), check your e-mates contributions and give relevant
-Contact you e-mates as well as you tutor in order to clarify doubts about this activity in time.

Es importante que los estudiantes realicen sus aportes al foro colaborativo tanto individual como
colaborativo desde su apertura ya que no se aceptarn intervenciones de ltima hora.
Parte A. Individual work: 23
Task 1 Presenting your current knowledge about Phonetics and Phonology.
Task 2 Organizing the course concepts in a graphic organizer.
Task 3 Defining, comparing and understanding

Task 4 Practicing the International Phonetic Alphabet

Task 5 Reflecting upon previous and new knowledge
Parte B. group work: 2
Presenting task 1 on the collaborative forum.
Commenting on your e-mates paragraphs for task 1.
III. Criterios de Contenido: el estudiante debe tener en cuenta los siguientes elementos para la presentacin argumentada de
su trabajo:

Coherencia: Segn Snchez (2011), es la conexin lgica que se produce entre el texto el contexto, el gnero al
cual pertenece el texto y el propsito del autor y la define como la correlacin entre el propsito del autor del texto,
su contenido (estructura y progresin de la informacin), el sentido y la situacin comunicativa.
Cohesin: Segn Cassany (1999), se define como el conjunto de relaciones o vnculos significativos que se
establecen entre diferentes elementos o parte del texto (palabras, oraciones y apartados) que le permiten al
lector interpretarlo con eficacia.
Redaccin: Caracterstica del texto que se traduce en un adecuado manejo del cdigo lingstico de
conformidad con el tipo de texto y su gnero.
Ortografa: Est dada por el conocimiento y aplicacin de las reglas tanto de ortografa como de puntuacin.
Originalidad: Se presentan algunas definiciones de originalidad recopiladas por Phillips y Pugh (2005) citadas por
Blaxter (2008): 1) Poner por escrito una cantidad importante de nueva informacin por primera vez. 2) Llevar a cabo
un trabajo emprico que no se ha hecho antes. 3) Hacer una sntesis que no se ha hecho antes. 4) Usar material ya
conocido pero con una nueva interpretacin. 5) Adoptar una tcnica particular y aplicarla a una nueva rea. 6)
Obtener nuevos resultados sobre un tema viejo. 7).

Plagio: Qu es el plagio para la UNAD? El plagio est definido por el diccionario de la Real Academia como la
accin de "copiar en lo sustancial obras ajenas, dndolas como propias". Por tanto el plagio es una falta grave: es el
equivalente en el mbito acadmico, al robo. Un estudiante que plagia no se toma su educacin en serio, y no respeta
el trabajo intelectual ajeno.
No existe plagio pequeo. Si un estudiante hace uso de cualquier porcin del trabajo de otra persona, y
no documenta su fuente, est cometiendo un acto de plagio.
IV Criterios de forma: Hace alusin a los criterios de formales para la presentacin del documento escrito y los cuales se
recomiendan incorporar en la rbrica de evaluacin. Son los siguientes: (Tomados de la norma APA, versin 3 en Espaol como
traduccin de la versin 6 en Ingls)
Se espera que los estudiantes realicen paso a paso cada una de los paso/componente presentados anteriormente y que entreguen
un solo informe de manera grupal desde los siguientes criterios
Editor de texto MS Word para Windows
Fuente: Times New Roman
Tamao fuente: 12
Espacio entre lneas (2).
Mrgenes: izquierda, derecha, superior e inferior de 2,56 cm.
Ttulos en la fuente, tamao 12 y centrado.
Subttulos en cursiva, tamao 12, espacio 2 y alineado al margen izquierdo.
Registre todas las referencias de las fuentes bibliogrficas, cibergrficas y hemerogrficas que le darn soporte terico,
conceptual y metodolgico a su trabajo de investigacin.
El trabajo debe presentarse acorde al formato tanto individual como grupal entregado en anexos.
No se debe presentar en formato PDF, ya que no permite la informacin de retorno por parte del docente.
V. Final product:

You must individually prepare a Word document, and post it in the right forum with the following
information: -Title page:
-First page: A creative and colorful concept map containing information asked in task 2
-Second page: comparative chart containing definitions and examples of the concepts asked in task 3
-Third page: IPA char activity containing task 4.
-Fourth page: Reflection about your previous and current knowledge form task 5.
The name of the file must include your name, last name, the name of the course and your group
number. (Eg: Juanito_Perez_Phonetics_and_Phonology_17).
VI. References:
Romero, G. (n.d). Manual de estrategias didacticas. Retrieved on June 5th, 2015 from
Kirchner, R. (n.d). Chapter 1 Phonetics and phonology: understanding the sounds of speech. University of
Alberta pages 1 10.
BBC learning. (n.d). The sounds of English. Retrieved on June 5th, 2015 from

Reithaug, D. (2002). Orchestrating Success in Reading. Retrieved on November 6th, 2014 from
Forel, C. & Pusks, G. (2005). Phonetics and Phonology. Geneva: University of Oldenburg. Pages 3 19.

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