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Treading the Path of Forgiveness, Healing and Wholeness

Article - April 17, 2010

Part 2
“And cut through and make firm and plain and smooth, straight paths for your feet [yes, make them safe and
upright and happy paths that go in the right direction], so that the lame and halting [limbs] may not be put out of
joints, but rather may be cured.” (Hebrews 12:13) Amp. V.

We’re admonished to make wise choices, smooth, straight paths

for our feet! What are the smooth, straight paths the Lord desires for us
to take? It is a path of forgiveness, abundant grace, healing, peace and
unspeakable joy! However, somehow many of us believe distorted
perceptions about forgiveness. It is often in these kinds of perceptions
the enemy snares us with the lies. If I forgive them, then they will be off
the hook and they will never be punished. If I don’t take revenge, then
they will feel as if they got the upper hand. As believers we must be
willing to look at it from God’s heart and do what His Word tells us to do
and that is to forgive, regardless of what the situation may be.

A definition of forgiveness means giving up my right to hurt or punish someone who has hurt me
or someone that I love; releasing all anger, resentment and bitterness. It takes a heart of humility,
letting go of the pride. If you are struggling with getting rid of bitterness, ask God to help you to walk
in humility.

To tread the path of forgiveness, healing and wholeness we must daily

make this wise choice of choosing to forgive. Daily we must put it into
practice forgiving.

Marriage and family therapist, Dr. H. Norman Wright

wisely states, “It is not a pill you take and forever afterward
experience the victorious Christian life. It is a day-by-day
process of surrender, trust, obedience and growth.”

Our aim is to focus on Christ and His Word, counsel and guidance of His precepts; as we put this into
practice then our mind, will and emotions can experience the healing power of God, renewed
strength, peace that goes beyond human understanding.

Yes, we will still encounter problems in life, but Jesus said, ―I have told you all this so that you
will have peace of heart and mind. Here on earth you will have many trials and
sorrows; but cheer up, for I have overcome the world.'' (John 16:33, NLT).

Choose life and peace, instead of holding on to resentment, anger, hatred and bitterness.

“Pursue peace with everyone, and holiness--without it no one will see the Lord.”
(Hebrews 12:14, Holman CSB).

Treading the Path of Forgiveness, Healing and Wholeness
Article - April 17, 2010
Part 2

In my times of ministering to others for healing the Lord never ceases to amaze me with His
magnificent power to set people free from the captivity of bitterness, resentment and anger. The
Lord has shown me over and over through those times of ministry it is His desire for people to be set free from
unforgiveness. I cannot describe the joy and freedom that these people experience when they choose to
forgive. Not only do they experience joy, but I experience such joy in what God is doing in their life.


Age makes no difference. The enemy is no respecter of persons, whomever he can snare into
bitterness, hatred and lingering anger he will do it. I recall praying for an elderly woman that was being
troubled with her mind and had insomnia. The Lord impressed me to ask her if anyone had deeply wounded
her and if she had problems with letting it go. She said, yes and it was her mother. Well, I encouraged her to
release it and let it go and she did. The anointing of the Lord broke that yoke of bitterness off her. The enemy
enjoys tormenting the mind and afflicting not only spiritually, but physically. Weeks later, I saw this person’s
relative and she gave the testimony that her mother was able to sleep, whereas previously she was not able to
sleep in the night.

Overcoming troubled relationships. Several years ago, I recall praying for a young lady that went
through a divorce, she was conveying to me what she was going through and when she finished, I asked her if
she forgives her husband and she said yes and as the Lord led me to pray for her the anointing of the Lord
began to do a great work in her. God released healing, restoration in her heart as she obeyed and forgave the
offenses of her ex-spouse.

Overcoming bitterness against your boss. Entangled by a root of bitterness, she despised her
boss, but desired the blessings of God. Through repentance and prayer she gained her freedom. She
experienced God’s dynamic power setting her free. She testified of experiencing a manifestation of this unclean
spirit of unforgiveness leaving her; what joy and lightness she experienced. She was so amazed at what God
had done for her. This individual’s complete testimony I will not share due to confidentiality.

Overcoming anger against God. I, Cynthia recall going through extensive trials, being
disillusioned about God and angry. Little did I know that in midst of my difficult times the Lord was doing
something extraordinary in my life. The anger and distorted perceptions that I bought into were only taking
me down a path of destruction. I began to experience severe depression. One day, the wonderful Holy Spirit
spoke to my heart as I lie in my bed wallowing in self-pity. He let me know that this is a warfare battle against
Satan and that it was time for me to fight as a good soldier. Through God’s unfailing and faithful love the Holy
Spirit begin to minister strongly to my heart about putting total trust and confidence in God. That is when my
healing began to take place. I had to let go my anger against God and others that is when God began to release
healing and deliverance into my life.

Overcoming through confession. I recall a young lady meeting with me in my home for
counseling. I didn’t really know her, nor did she know me. However, she had some level of trust to
communicate to me some devastating things that had taken place in her life and destructive behaviors
that had really gained a foothold. There was a lot of healing that needed to take place over the process of
time. What I really admired about her was her transparency. She got so comfortable in talking to me that she
decided to lie down on my couch and poured out her heart. She confessed this was a big step for her.
Transparency really promotes healing and freedom. What the enemy wants more than any thing is for you to
hide or pretend as if everything is okay, when in fact your life is on a path of destruction. Don’t be afraid to
reveal to a trusted, wise Christian the problems that you are going through. It is through transparency you can
gain healing and freedom.

Treading the Path of Forgiveness, Healing and Wholeness
Article - April 17, 2010
Part 2

Benefits of Forgiving
 Healthier relationship with your family and with others
 Peace
 Spiritual, physical and mental well-being
 Less stress and hostility

 Alleviates nightmares, fear

 Lower blood pressure

 Emotional healing
 Lower risk of turning to other things for
comfort, such as food, drug addiction,
marital affairs, sexual immorality
 Removes spiritual bondage and walls erected as a result of unforgiveness

 Releases healing – ―Forgiveness is good for your heart—literally. One

study from the Journal of Behavioral Medicine found forgiveness to be
associated with lower heart rate and blood pressure as well as stress
relief. This can bring long term health benefits for your heart and
overall health.‖

 A later study found forgiveness to be positively associated with five

measures of health: physical symptoms, medications used, sleep quality,
fatigue, and somatic complaints. It seems that the reduction in negative
affect (depressive symptoms), conflict management and stress relief one
finds through forgiveness all have a significant impact on overall health.

Treading the Path of Forgiveness, Healing and Wholeness
Article - April 17, 2010
Part 2

egative side effects of holding bitterness:

 It opens the door for bondage, stronghold of unforgiveness

 An unforgiving spirit works to destroy every relationship, family and
 Manifests in rage, persistent anger, revenge, malice
 Manifests in depression, suicidal attitude, self pity, distorted perception
of others
 Nightmares, fear, demonic filled dreams
 Chronic pain in various parts of your body
 Fear, insecurity, inferiority
 Sickness, diseases such as cancer
 A spirit of unforgiveness is transferable to others; defiles others through
slander, gossip, malicious behavior, discord, jealousy, envy
 Insomnia, restlessness
 Persistent negative attitude, pessimistic
 Easily Angered, easily provoked to fits of rage
 Critical and judgmental
 Coldness, hardness of heart, insensitive to God and others
 Spiritual blindness, darkness, lack godly perception
 Torment of mind

If you have experienced abuse, trauma, or just dealing with bitterness, it is God’s desire to release
freedom and healing into your life. Yes, struggling with forgiveness can be a challenge. My word of
encouragement to you today is to begin to ask Holy Spirit to help you to see from the Father’s heart.
Many of you desire to be free from bitterness and have tried on your own to forgive, but have not
gained true victory in this area, now is to time to enlist a trusted Christian leader or trusted Christian
friend that can assist you through this process of forgiveness.

Forgiveness is not: pretending you were never offended, it is not trying to justify why someone
mistreated you, believing time will take care of it, believing that you should remain in a potentially
life-threatening situation, excusing criminal activity and not reporting it, accepting physical abuse
and remaining in the relationship, maintaining a victim mentality.

Treading the Path of Forgiveness, Healing and Wholeness
Article - April 17, 2010
Part 2
God’s Word on Forgiving
Be willing to be transparent with a wise, trustworthy Christian
James 5:16 – Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, so that you may be
healed. The intense prayer of the righteous is very powerful. (NIV)

Forgive Others as God Forgave You

Ephesians 4:30- 32 – And don’t grieve God’s Holy Spirit, who sealed you for the day of redemption.
All bitterness, anger and wrath, insult and slander must be removed from you, along with all wickedness.
And be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in
Christ. (NIV)

Gain God’s Forgiveness, Your Freedom and Blessings

Matthew 7:14-15. ―For if you forgive people their wrongdoing, your heavenly Father will forgive you
as well. But if you don’t forgive people, your Father will not forgive your wrongdoing. (NIV)

Forgive So You Won’t Become Embittered and Defile Others

Hebrews 12:14-Pursue peace with everyone, and holiness—without it no one will see the Lord. See to
it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no root of bitterness springs up, causing trouble and
by it, defining many. (NIV)

Warning against Rejecting God’s Grace and Commands

Romans 1:28 - Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he
gave them over to a depraved mind; to do what ought not to be done. (NIV)

Choosing the Fear of the Lord

Proverbs 8:13 - To fear the Lord is to hate evil. I hate arrogant pride, evil conduct, and perverse
speech. (KJV)

Proverbs 28:16 -He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them
shall have mercy. (KJV)

Treading the Path of Forgiveness, Healing and Wholeness
Article - April 17, 2010
Part 2

Appropriating God’s Grace and Forgiving from the Heart

 Humble yourself under the Mighty hand of God and draw neigh to Him (Reference: James
4:8 – Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you)

 Repentance between you and God, but if you do not gain complete healing further ministry
is needed with a pastor, wise, trusted Christian friend or counselor (Reference: James
5:16 – Confess your faults; James 4:9 – As you draw near to God be deeply penitent and
grieve, even weep [over your disloyalty]…….

 Practical application – writing a letter to the offender and then burning it as an act of faith in
releasing resentment, anger, bitterness. Choose to forgive by faith even if you do not feel
that it is in you to do so, believing God to empower you to forgive completely.

 Make a list of those that have offended you. – Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you in forgiving
those who have offended you. Take your time and allow the Holy Spirit to do a deep work in
your heart.

Father God, as you have forgiven me of my sins, I now forgive ____________for _____________.
Offender’s name what wounded you

I choose to walk in obedience to you Lord and forgive from the heart. Thank you Father that as I
forgive, you set me free in my spirit to love and forgive as you have called me. I now command
any presence of the enemy in my life to leave and never return. May your healing power also
begin to take place in ___________ life, open their eyes to the Truth, and bless them to draw
neigh to you. Thank you for your unfailing love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

 Take a stand against the enemy. He will attack your mind and cause unbelief, to make you
think that you didn’t receive forgiveness from God or you didn’t really forgive the offender/s.
Announce to the enemy that by standing on God’s Word and by faith you have been set
free. Don’t allow a condemning and spirit of guilt take control of your life.

 Continue to meditate on the Word of God and apply it daily. I Corinthians Chapter 14 –
Love Scriptures. Meditate and allow the Holy Spirit speak to your heart about James
Chapter 4.
May God grant to you prosperity, healing and wholeness.
Minister Cynthia Wilson
Treading the Path of Forgiveness, Healing and Wholeness
Article - April 17, 2010
Part 2

Article by: Cynthia Wilson
Cynthia Wilson Ministries, Inc.
Copyright © 2010 Cynthia Wilson
Scripture References:
NIV -New International Version (©1984)
KJV - King James Version. Authorized King James Version
AMP - Scripture taken from the Amplified Bible, Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by
The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.
HCSB - Holman Christian Standard Bible® Copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003 By Holman Bible
Publishers (where noted)
NLT -New Living Translation (© 2007).

Wright, H. Norman, and Larry Renetzky. Healing Grace for Hurting People. Ventura, CA: Regal
Books, 2007.

Website: Scott, Elizabeth. ―The Benefits of Forgiveness.‖ ©2010, Inc., a part of
The New York Times Company.

By Mayo Clinic Staff

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