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Christs Life Expressed

Through Tom & Tess Price

A Quarterly Newsletter

hrist took me deeper in my

relationship with Him in 2015.
Just as an athlete struggles at
times with bad habits they have to
overcome in their training, God has been
working on areas of my life that have
hindered my expression of who I am in
Christ. He is training me in
righteousness. Like the writer of
Hebrews, I want to run the race with
excellence (Heb. 12:1). Also, like Paul, I
sometimes find myself doing the very
thing I do not want to do (Rom. 7:15).
Whether in highs or lows, God has
purposed my life to be a conduit of His
As I shared in my last newsletter, we
finally finished the Living In Jesus book
and started printing it back in the
summer. In 2015 I spent approximately
200 hours writing and meeting with our
LIJ team. We are still working on
revisions as feedback comes from
others who have begun to use the book.
The team is currently working on a
facilitators guide. The guide is being put

Issue No 10 - Winter 2016

a huge difference in their loved one and

they wanted to come and find out what
brought about their change. A changed
life is the best advertisement!

through the same grueling editing

process as was the book. There is a lot
of excitement with what God is already
doing through the book!
In 2015 I had the privilege of discipling
104 individuals in counseling. I spent
approximately 520 hours with these
folks. I also had the opportunity of
sharing the good news of Christ as Life
with students in our Advanced
Discipleship Training and our Grow in
Grace seminars. It is amazing how God
brings so many folks our direction
without us actively advertising our
ministry. As I was listening to our new
ADT students for 2016 sharing as to why
they are committing to our 8 months
training, I heard a few say that they saw

On a personal note, my family had to

say see you later right before
Christmas to my dear grandma. She
was 104 years old! As she breathed her
last breath on this earth, she was
surrounded by a lot of her family and
friends. My mom said it was a wonderful
peaceful moment with no struggle. Mom
said they sang, cried, laughed and
reminisced. My grandmother, also
known as Grandma, Little Grandma, and
Nana, was around 5 feet tall. She was
the youngest of 8 children. When I read
Galatians 5:22-23 I see a description of
her. When Tess told her mom that
Grandma had died, her mom said, "You
had a special relationship with her." Tess
said, "Grandma had a special
relationship with everyone!" And that is
true. No matter what you struggled with,
Grandma loved unconditionally. She

Thanks For Your Partnership!

We want to thank you all for your prayers and thoughts and
8inancial support. God has richly blessed us with His life and
He has demonstrated His love for us through you. We know
that this viable ministry would not be possible without you

partnering with God. Please continue to pray for us as we

experience Christ as our life here at CFT. We want to pour His
love into everyone that crosses our paths. Blessings to all of
you for 2016!


never judged anyone, and she looked

past the bad behavior and saw the
good. I think Father allowed her to stay
here as long as He did because He
loved how she displayed His life! We will
all miss her.
I usually start off every year hoping the
new year will be better than the one
before. This year is different. I am not
praying for a better year. I pray this year
I rest more in the sufficiency of Christ in
me. I pray I experience more of His
peace He has already gifted me. I pray
for less reliance on the flesh, and more
reliance on the natural rhythm of His

Family Photos

174 Ashley Park Blvd STE 1

Newnan, GA 30263

From Tesss Heart

Have you found yourself reflecting on
the events and changes that have
taken place this past year? As 2015
came to an end, I want to sum up all
that has happened and what I have
learned. It was a very eventful year in
the Price household. I am sure most of
you can relate. We have experienced
joy and sorrow. Yet, through the highs
and lows, Father has given us His
peace and rest. Knowing how He loves
is energizing and calming
simultaneously. There is a confidence
in knowing we can trust Him. Because
He first loved us, we can know love (1
Jn. 4:19).
Tom and I continue to experience new
depths in our relationship with
Father, and as a result, with one
another. I am very blessed. We
celebrated 30 years in June. However,
in my journey to know Him more, I
have discovered something about
myself. I have a difficult time loving
This morning I was reading in Psalm
139 about how Our Omniscient God
knows me. This passage holds a
special place in my heart. The first
time God used it in my life was as a 14
year old girl at a Youth Evangelism
Conference in Tampa, Fla. I will never
forget a lady named Jeanine reading it
to us for a bedtime devotional. It
reached down into the deepest part of
me. Verses 13 14 says, For Thou
didst form my inward parts, Thou
didst weave me in my mothers womb,
I will give thanks to Thee for I am
fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wow! An Almighty God knew me and
designed me. Me! It was during that
conference that I committed my life to
full time service and felt led into
ministry. In all my years I have never
doubted His call.

As I read this passage again, He spoke

differently. That young girl believed
with total abandonment how much
He loved her. Over the years, through
many life experiences, the subtle
doubt that I am not worthy of love or
lovable crept in. There are other lies
that have been revealed, but I believe
this is the most powerful lie Satan
uses. At different times it has held me
in bondage. It is interesting that I see
it in others and encourage them to
embrace Gods design and love for
themselves. Yet, when I am still, the
enemy whispers all my shortcomings.
Those shortcomings usually have to
do with my appearance, behavior, or
an action. Sometimes I have feelings
when I am around others that I am
not accepted and dont fit in. Do you
ever experience any of these things?
Recently, the Holy Spirit led me to do
something uncomfortable. Someone
looking on might have called it
conceit. Although, Father didnt. I
stood in front of a mirror and looked
myself in the eyes and said the words,
I love you, Tess. As I repeated those
words over and over, I began to cry. It
was humbling.
Do you truly believe Gods love for
you? Do you genuinely love yourself?
My prayer this year for myself and all
of you is to fully embrace Gods love in
who and whose you are.
I have loved you with an everlasting
love! (Jeremiah 31:3b)
Love to you Always, Tess

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