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Present simple: Frequency, conditional.

I play football every week.

If you go on holiday, I will come with you.
Present continuous: right now, temporary signal, future with a fixed time or date.
Be quiet! I am talking on the phone.
This year I am studying philosophy.
I am going to the cinema on Saturday.
Present perfect and present perfect continuous: unfinished actions, events, time
periods and counts.
I have been working here for 3 years.
I have written three articles so far this year.
Have you ever been to Venice?
Past simple: closed actions, conditional (past subjunctive tuviera)
Last year I went to Rome on holiday.
If I won the lottery I would buy myself a yacht.
Past continuous: interrupted actions, simultaneous actions, temporary continuous events
in the past.
I was having lunch when the phone rang.
While I was making dinner, he was watching television.
I tried to call him again but he still wasnt answering his phone.
Past perfect: anterior past, conditional(hubiera) and past of present perfect.
When I arrived, I noticed that someone had left the door open.
If I had known the truth, I would never have come back.
By then I had already made several movies.
Past perfect continuous: anterior past, (conditional hubiera estado ), past of present
perfect continuous
I had been driving for several hours when I realised that I had forgotten my wallet.
If you had been talking, I wouldnt have interrupted you.
Used to: past of present simple.
I used to play tennis every week before the accident.
Future simple: To make commitments (present in Spanish), conditional, speculative future.
Ill bring you the book tomorrow.
If you go to the hospital, I will visit you.
Someday I will be famous.
Future - Going to: Intention
I am going to go on holiday this summer.
(Past Iba a)
States not normally expressed in continuous form:
Mental States: to believe, doubt, know, realise, recognise, suppose, think, understand
Wants and likes: want, need, like, love, hate, prefer
Possession: belong, have, possess, own
Senses: feel, smell, taste.
Appearance: appear, look, seem

Present simple: Frecuencia, habitual

I play football every week. Juego al futbol todas las semanas
I never go to the cinema Nunca voy al cine.
Do you like fruit? Te gusta la fruta?

How often do you watch TV? Con qu frecuencia ves la tele?

I dont eat meat. No como carne.
Present continuous: ahora mismo, Para indicar que algo es temporal (no habitual)
Be quiet! I am talking on the phone. Cllate estoy hablando por telfono.
This week I am studying English. Esta semana studio ingls.
Are you watching this program? Ests viendo esta programa?
Im not working at the moment. Ahora mismo no trabajo.
Present perfect: acciones, eventos, periodos de tiempo y cuentas sin acabar.
I have worked here for 3 years. Llevo 3 aos trabajando aqu.
I have written three articles so far this year. Escrib tres artculos hasta ahora este ao.
Have you ever been to Venice? Estuviste alguna vez en Venecia?
I havent seen that film yet. Aun no v esta pelcula.
Past simple: acciones terminadas
Last year I went to Rome on holiday. El ao pasado fui de vacaciones a Roma.
I ate a steak yesterday. Com un chuletn ayer.
Did you see the match yesterday? - Viste el partido ayer?
I didnt have time. No tuve tiempo
Future simple: Para comprometerse (presente en espaol) futuro espectulativo, hacer predicciones
Ill bring you the book tomorrow. Te traigo el libro maana.
Someday I will be famous. Algn da estar famoso.
Do you think you will go to France in the summer? - Crees que irs a francia en verano?
I wont be able to go to the party. No podr ir a la fiesta.
Future - Going to: Intention
I am going to study English tomorrow. Voy a estudiar ingls maana.
Are you going to buy the car? - Vas a comprar el coche?
Im not going to eat anything now. No voy a comer nada ahora.

States not normally expressed in continuous form:

Mental States: to believe, doubt, know, realise, recognise, suppose, think, understand
Wants and likes: want, need, like, love, hate, prefer
Possession: belong, have, possess, own
Senses: feel, smell, taste.
Appearance: appear, look, seem

PRESENT PERFECT Have + Participle

1. Cuando referimos al pasado sin especificar cuando pas la accin:
Por ejemplo: I have been to Paris Estuve en Pars.
2. Cuando hablamos de acciones que han pasado recientemente.
I have just bought a car. Acabo de comprar un coche.
I have been tired recently He estado cansado unltimamente.

3. Cuando queremos hablar de cuantas veces hemos hecho algo siempre que podemos repetirlo.
I have painted three pictures. He pintado tres cuadros.
I have been to London three times. Estuve tres veces en Londres.
4. Cuando hablamos de la duracin de una accin o situacin que an no acab.
I have lived here for three years Llevo 3 aos viviendo aqu.
I havent seen him for three years. Hace tres aos que no lo veo.
I have worked as a teacher desde 2007 Llevo trabajando como professor desde 2007.
Expresiones importantes:
Have you ever eaten octopus? Alguna vez comiste pulpo?
I have never been to Paris. Nunca estuve en Pars.
I have lived here for three months. Llevo trabajando tres meses aqu.
How long have you lived here? Cuanto tiempo llevas viviendo aqu?
I havent seen the film yet. An no v la pelcula.
I have just come back from Paris. - Acabo de volver de Pars.
How many times have you been there? Cuantas veces estuvistis all?
I have been here since three oclock. Llevo aqu desde last tres.

Daily Routines Rutinas diarias

Wake up despertarse
Get up levantarse
Have a shower ducharse
Get dressed - vestirse
Brush my teeth cepillarme los dientes
Have breakfast desayunar
Go to work ir a trabajar
Take a break tomar un descanso
Have lunch comer
Go home ir a casa
Go to the gym ir al gimnasio

Go running ir a correr
Go shopping ir de compras
Talk to my husband/wife/children hablar con mi marido/mujer/hijos
Play with my children jugar con mis nios
Watch TV ver la tele
Go on the internet mirar en internet
Go for a drink ir a tomar algo
Go to the cinema ir al cine
Have dinner cenar
Go to bed ir a la cama
Fall asleep quedarse dormido
At 8 oclock a las 8
In the morning por la maana
In the afternoon a mediodia
In the evening por la tarde
At night por la noche
On Mondays / Tuesdays / Wednesdays / Thursdays/Fridays/Saturdays/Sundays Los lunes /
martes / mircoles / jueves /viernes/sbados/domingos
At the weekend al fin de semana
During the week durante la semana
Always siempre
Usually normalmente
Often a menudo
Sometimes a veces
Hardly ever casi nunca
Never - nunca
Every day/morning/afternoon/evening/night todos los dias/maanas etc.
Every week todas las semanas
Once a day/week/month/year una vez al dia/semana/mes /ao
Twice/three times/four times etc. dos veces/tres veces/cuatro veces

My name __ ________. Mi nombre es ____________.

I __ ______ years old. Tengo _______ aos.
I __ from _________. Soy de ____________.
I __ a ___________. Soy ___________ (profesin).
1. This week I ____________ (study) a lot of English.
2. I _________________ (love) going to the beach.
3. I hardly ever _________ (eat) meat.
4. I _________(have) a lot of money. I am very rich.
5. Can you call me later? I ___________(have) lunch right now.
6. I __________ (read) a book called Pride and Prejudice. I ____________(enjoy) it.
7. I normally ____________(get up) at 8.00 oclock but this week I ______________(get up)
at 7.30.
8. What ______ you ______(eat)? It looks delicious.
9. ________ you _________ (watch) this program? Because I ___________(want) to watch
the football match.
10. I __________(know) him, he is a friend of my brother.
Past Simple
Utilizamos el past simple para hablar de situaciones y acciones que estn terminadas.
Para construir el pasado aadimos ed al verbo. Por ejemplo I walk yo camino en pasado es
I walked Yo camin. Por desgracia hay algunos verbos que no siguen esta regla y que
simplemente se tiene que aprender! Ya tienes una lista de los ms importantes. Sin embargo
en negativo y en pregunta TODOS los verbos funcionan de la misma manera.
Para hacer una pregunta igual que el presente simple necesitamos un verbo auxiliar. En
presente el auxiliar es do y en pasado es did (el pasado de do)
As que la estructura es igual que en el presente simple:
Sujeto Verbo complemento
to the supermarket? Fuiste al supermercado?
Como el verbo es siempre en infinitivo no importa que sea regular o irregular.
Lo mismo pasa en la negation. Otra vez el auxiliar hace todo el trabajo y el verbo se queda en
el infinitivo:
Auxiliar(en negativo) Verbo
didnt (did not)
the film.
Hay algunos verbos que no utilizan un auxiliar ni en la pregunta ni en la negacin. El ms
importante desde luego es el verbo to be ser/estar.
Igual que en el presente el verbo to be para hacer la pregunta simplemente invierte el sujeto
y el verbo. Por ejemplo en el presente Are you? - Eres/ests? En pasado sera Were you? Fuiste/estabas?
En la negacin tanto en presente como en pasado simplemente se aade not al verbo.
Por lo tanto en presente sera I am not no soy. En pasado sera I was not (wasnt) no

Public Transport, Train, bus, tram, plane, underground, taxi, ferry, cruise ship
Car, Lorry/truck, motorcycle/motorbike, bicycle
Traffic Jams
Car Park
Parking ticket
Car accident/traffic accident
Drivers license
Speed limit
Break the speed limit
Road tax
Get on the bus/train/plane/ferry/cruise ship

Get off the bus/train/plane/ferry/cruise ship

Get into the car
Get out of the car
Buy a ticket
Book a flight online
Take a train/bus/taxi/plane/tram/ferry/the
underground to
Congestion charge
Electric cars
On time
Drink driving
Low cost airlines
Rent a car
Driving test
Start the car
Break down
Change a tyre

Much, Many, A lot of, lots of

Much mucho incontable
Many muchos contable
Much y many se suele usar solo en preguntas y frases negativas por ejemplo:
Do many people go to the beach? Van mucha gente a la playa?
There isnt much water in the glass No hay mucha agua en el vaso.
How many? Cuantas?
How much?- Cuanto?
How many apples do you have? cuantas manzanas tienes?
How much money do you need? - Cuanto dinero necesitas?
En frases afirmativas se suele usar a lot of o lots of tanto para contable como para incontable.
I have a lot of friends tengo muchos amigos.
There is lots of time before the meeting Hay mucho tiempo antes de la reunion

I went to a wedding last month

I havent been to a wedding for a long time.
To get married
Best man
Matron of honour
Wedding ring
Wedding present
Wedding dress
My birthday is on the first of June.
First, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth,
fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth, twenty-first,
twenty-second, twenty-third, twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth, twenty-sixth, twenty-seventh, twentyeighth, twenty-ninth, thirtieth, thirty-first.
Choosing a birthday present/gift
Giving someone a present
Receiving a present/gift
Id rather not celebrate my birthday
Having a birthday party
Surprise party
Christmas Tree
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Christmas present
Santa Claus
Christmas dinner
New years eve
New years day
Christmas carols

1. What do you think is the best way to pass the time on a long flight?

2. Do you watch a lot of American movies?

3. Do you think Hawaii is too touristic?

4. Do you normally do a lot of sports?

5. Are you interested in celebrities and their lives?

1. Do you think its difficult to have a long distance relationship?

2. What subject do you teach?

3. Is your daughter a good sleeper?

4. How often do you play football?

5. Will you be happy when our parents come back to Galicia?


I went to the cinema.
I had lunch with my family.
We had
I played football.
I went to the park.
I went out for a drink with friends.
I went out for lunch/dinner with
We talked about
I walked the dog.
I slept-in.
I went to the beach.
I went for a swim.
I sunbathed.
I went for a walk on the beach.
I went shopping.
I bought
I went running.
I did .kms
I went hiking.
I went surfing.
I went windsurfing.
I went swimming.
I went cycling.
I went to the cinema.
I saw
I went to the gym.
I did some gardening.
I did some cleaning.
I did some washing.
I did some painting.

1. What do you do at the weekend?

2. Have you ever had a surprise birthday party?

3. Who is the most popular entertainer in your country?

4. Is the public transport in your town efficient?

5. Do you think football is important to Spanish people?

1. Did you have any hobbies when you were a child?

2. Are there any special birthday traditions in Spain?

3. How often do you visit museums?

4. Do you think Spanish people are good drivers?

5. Are you planning to go on holiday this year?

Listening to music
Playing an instrument
Singing a song
Reading music
Watching videos on Youtube
Heavy metal
Live music
Listening to the radio
Going to concerts
Rock/Pop stars
Talent shows
Manufactured music
Record companies

I really like +ing because I find it

I prefer going to museums because its interesting to learn about history.
I have never been to Paris but I have always wanted to go because its
I hate flying because
I have been to Paris three times because its
My favourite is
The last time I went to was
I would love to see it because
I often go
I dont/didnt/havent/wouldnt but
I hardly ever go because its difficult/easy to find the time
Meet friends
Go for a drink
Have fun/enjoy yourself/have a good time
Get drunk
Bank holiday
To have a day off
Fancy dress
Traditional music/costumes
Religious festivals

Amusement park

1. Do you prefer to fly or to drive?

2. How often do you go to restaurants?

3. Do you like listening to classical music?

4. How do you celebrate your birthday?

5. Have you gone to the beach recently?

Have you ever been in a traffic accident?

Yes I have. A few years ago I was in a car with a friend of mine and he was driving very fast. We
crashed into another car and I had to go to the hospital because I broke my arm. It was very
painful and I have been nervous about travelling by car since then.
How do you get to work?
I usually drive to work because I live far away from my job. It takes me forty minutes to get to
work. The car is the best option for me because the bus is too slow and I like driving because it
relaxes me.
Do you think you will use public transport more in the future?
I dont think so. Public transport is slow and inconvenient and I love travelling by car so I think I
will continue to use my car. I prefer to be in control and to be able to listen to my music and the
trip is faster by car.
What kind of music do you like?
I prefer Spanish pop music because I like dancing and going to discos. What about you? What
kind of music do you like?
Have you been to many concerts?
Yes, I have. I have always loved going to concerts because I love live music. Last year I went to
see Lucinda Williams in Santiago it was an amazing concert.
In the future do you think you will buy CDs or download music from the internet?
I think I will download music from the internet because to be honest its cheaper and CDs are
very expensive. Not many people buy CDs now but I will probably still buy the CDs of my
favourite artists.
Have you ever sung Karaoke?
Yes I have but only a couple of times because I am a bit shy and I find it a bit embarrassing. I
prefer to listen to other people sing. I havent sung karaoke for a long time.
Have you ever been to the theatre?
Yes I have. I love the theatre. I go whenever I can but to be honest I dont have much time these
days because I have young children and they need a lot of attention and I also have to work so it
is very difficult. So I havent been to the theatre for months.
What was the last play that you saw?
I think the last play I saw was . It was very funny and I really enjoyed it. I hope I will be able
to go to the theatre again soon.
What is the best book you have ever read?
I think the best book I have ever read is Johnathan Strange and Doctor Norrell. It is a brilliant
book. I read it last year. It is a fantasy book about two magicians. It is very funny and very wellwritten. What is the best book you have ever read?
Do you like going to the cinema?
Yes I do. I love going to the cinema because I love watching films. My favourite actor is and I
go to see all of his films. I havent been to the cinema for a while because I am very busy but I
will probably go this weekend.

What did you do at the weekend?

At the weekend I went to the beach with my family and friends. We sunbathed and went for a
swim. The children played in the sand and then we went to a restaurant to have lunch. It was a
beautiful sunny day and we had a great time.
How long have you been married?
I have been married for 5 years. I met my husband in the place where I work and we got married
one year later.
Did you have any hobbies as a child?
Yes I did. I liked to play football when I was a child. I played every day and I really enjoyed it.
What are your hobbies?
How are birthdays celebrated in your country? In my country we usually celebrate birthdays by
having a party. We invite all or friends and we have dinner together and drink and dance. Your
friends usually give you presents. Last year I celebrated my birthday in a restaurant because I
didnt want to cook.
Have you ever had a surprise birthday party?
No I havent. I dont like surprises. I prefer to organise the party myself and to cook a anice meal
for my friends. But maybe someday my friends will surprise me.
Do you prefer surprise parties to normal parties?
What is the best present you have ever received for your birthday?
I think the best present I have ever received was . Because I wasnt expecting it so it was a very
nice surprise. It was beautiful and I still have it. I wear it sometimes when I go out.
Are you married? Yes I am
Tell me about your wedding.
My wedding was a very special day. We invited all our friends and family and we got married in
the church in It was a beautiful day in July and after the ceremony we went to a restaurant for
the reception. We had dinner and we drank champagne and danced all night.
Is there a festival in your town?
Yes there is. Every year we have a wine festival because albario a famous Galician wine is
produced in the region. Lots of people come to my town to try the wine and to listen to traditional
music. At night the bars are crowded and people are having fun and dancing. I always have a
good time there.
What festivals do you celebrate in Spain?
In Spain we celebrate a lot of different festivals. In Pamplona there is a festival of bulls where the
people run in front of the bulls. It is very dangerous. In my town we have a water festival where
people throw water at each other it is a lot of fun. I go to this festival every year. Have you ever
been to a festival in Spain?

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