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Whom Shall I Send?

August 30, 2006

By Roy J. Tanner
U.S. Senate Candidate (FL)

For those of you who came to know me either through business or

blogging, and are still curious why an entrepreneur and evangelist
is running for higher office (U.S. Senate, FL), this message is for you.

The short answer is that I believe professionals in the private sector can
introduce greater efficiencies into government, and that people of faith have
an important role to play in America's conservative renewal. Before I go further
though, allow me to address some standard concerns as follows:

Faith in the public square - Several have cautioned that issues related to faith
should be muted based on the establishment clause. Really? Didn't Puritan
pilgrims arrive on America's shores fleeing the tyranny of a king in pursuit of
religious freedom? Didn't they propose a tolerance that resisted state religion, as
love for God is a choice that cannot be compelled by force of law? My point is
that secularists have nothing to fear from public servants who acknowledge
that their faith and practice are animated by Judeo-Christian ethics.

Splitting the conservative vote - Trust me on this one, no one wants to check the
excesses of liberalism more than I. But when polls show the Republican front-
runner is 30-points behind the liberal incumbent, maybe we should bet on
another horse. What's more, to validate my claim that I'll bring principled,
servant-leadership to the U.S. Senate, I will accept no special interest funding
and pledge to serve only a single term. Because these actions will block influence
peddling and return objectivity to politics, I'd be more than willing to concede to
any conservative front-runner who is willing to take a similar pledge.
Again, this candidacy is more about a new process than it is another politician, as
it leverages objective collaboration with policy experts.

Plight of Independents - Actualizing political ambition in America today relies

upon: money, machine, and message. And without an abundance of the first two
ingredients, the media often overlooks the independent's message, regardless of
how compelling. As a result, name recognition suffers and the status quo
prevails, as America only selects from amongst the best politicians that money
can buy. This contemporary practice though, is far removed from what the
founders originally intentioned, when they commended an "aristocracy of
intellect," versus a ruling class or delegates compromised by factional interests.

Why Roy Tanner? - Let me begin to answer this by taking a page from ancient
history that inspires me. Back in 740 B. C., in the year King Uzziah died, the
prophet Isaiah was commissioned for service after experiencing a vision of the
Lord enthroned in heaven. After atonement for Isaiah's imperfection was made,
the Lord asked "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" To which the prophet
relied, "Here am I. Send me!" Now I'm not claiming an epiphany of any sort, but
I am challenging people of faith to consider their own non-partisan commission
in public service. So this campaign is not just about me, it's about us.

On our watch, Western culture in general and the Judeo-Christian ethic in

particular has been marginalized in the public sector. And the America we'll
soon hand to our children bears little resemblance to what our parents entrusted
to us. So to address the flagging heritage of the "boomer" generation,
my campaign hopes to:

1) Inspire private-sector professionals to consider answering the call to public service.

2) Investigate a process that doesn't require years of campaigning and millions in funding.
3) Institute a practice that places greater reliance on think-tank participation in policy

But let me be clear, I'm in the U.S. Senate race to personally unseat Bill Nelson, and
I invite you to join me. For more information about my campaign, please visit
one or more of the following links:

USSC "About Tanner" page -

Advocacy group site -
CV -
Blogs -

Go for the applause of heaven,

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