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**Al#c, In oJd the nations the good news has to be pmached tlrst."-Mark


3 y this time we hope you have

eived your new Yearbook and

calendar. We here a t Bethel have
started to read it a t the breakfast
table, and we are certainly enjoying i t !
Have you heard that in Nicaragua one brother gathers h h neighbors together-up to twenty-four of
them-for the text diwussion each
morning? And in Liberia same brothers meet daily a t 4: 30 a.m., b e
fore going to work, to discuss the
text and . read experiences. Then
when they return home later in
the day they sbare with their fami2s what they learned, T h w m l , do appreciate the Yearboo&.
What interesting and encourag_ ~ l greports there are in our Yeurbook for 196$! Have you read how
the cruel persecution of our brothers in the United Arab Republic
heIped an interested person to aeeept the truth? and about the opposed husband in Belgium who was
so impressed by the kindness of the
,brothers in trying to return even a
&st button a t a circuit assembly
that he began to study the truth?
These are just a few of the fine experiences in your new Yearbook.
And what about the calendar?
Isn't that an impressive picture?
I t will surely keep us alert to the
faut that "in all the nations the
good news has to be preached
first." And we believe that you
will be glad to have that large calendar pad for making note of
forthcoming theocratic events and
responsibilities, sueti a s school as&gnments, back-chll appointments,
circuit servant visits and assembly
Didn't we all have a llne time
with the Evolution book during
Nvvember? We know from your letters and reports that you placed
ge numbers of them, and it cernly kbpt us busy here filling
m u r orders. It was a joy to serve
you, and it made us happy to see
.the response to this fine publication.
,Now 1968 is upon us, It is time
for the watchtower campaign, and
we:-&re- sure -that you will enjoy
. .



7 L;


H a s Oood News for the People!

THE WAToHTOwaR! &lore

Increase of Lawlessness" with pracand more people are reading it be- tical suggestions on how individuals
cause it is ' givifig them the Scrip- can protect themselves now and also
tural infomation they want and information concerning Jehovah's
need. Last Year 127,531,779 copies guarantee of a permanent remedy
were printed for distribution world for these conditions. This issue, tor
In the United States
gether with the January issues of
63,248 new Watchtower subscrip- The Watchtower and their/articles
tions were obtained during the year. on ,'where canyou ~ i security?,$
~ d
At least 5,050,000 copies of the Jan- and "security That Even &foney
uary 1 issue of The Watchtower Cannot
will make a good
are being 'printed in 74 languages. combination for oEering double subAnd what is in The Watchtowert scriptions, and they go well with
Good news for the People 1 The an- the new sermon on security.
swers to their many questions about
J - , ~the~ campaign
~ ~ ~ we will be
world conditions and the Scriptural
subscripttons to all
remedy to their personal problems, meet from house
to house. T ~ B
together with other Scriptural ina
part Of Our
forwtion they need. How glad we activity- beBut?
others! would like to see our close friends,
to hrtve it to share
ZBeginning this month, we will relatives and neighbors learn the
subscriptiohs for The
TVatohfowar, with three booklets, truth'
to offer why
them subserip
for $1. As you contact people from it a point
in January? While dlmusabg
house to house, you may find it ef-' your daily activitim with them,
fective to consider briefly with them You may
In some
some of the local
that cases to come Itright to the point
families and indiriduals in their t41 them: ,This month we are offerneighb~rhood face, or the itIck'Ms- ing ~h~ Wabc&tmer and Awake!
fng tension over world dondftions. to everybod9 in town, and 1 would
Then you can
to their problems like very much to have you receive
the= is a
and there are answers to their them too. Why not accept the subquestions. They are in the Bible, &criptions for a year and see what
and The Watchtower will help them
to find them.
subMany of you have been
a practice of
double sub- scriptions. It is UP to you to decidescriptions and you have had good
s If the
may findin
'Onsuccess. You will be glad to know Severe*
On some days and
that the January 8 issue of Awake! fined to the
will feature a consMeration of +T'he

2:; Ep:"~,:r

distributing the fine material that

has been prepared to help others to
see the truth and get out of Babylon the Great while there is yet
time. May Jehovah continue to
bless all of you a s you push on in
his work despite physical weaknesses, g i ~ i n gevidence of your sgiritual strength.
Pour fellow servants,

by writing letters. After telling

what you and the family have been
doing in the witness work and at
meetings, you may wish to p r w n t
matters as suggested above. Whether you make the offer by letter or
in Person, we suggest that you make
the subscriptions available to all
those whom you would like to have
a s close friends-people
in your
(Continzled on page 7, coZ. 1 )

"Made powerful spiritually, though weak physiedty."






Theme: Preaching and Enduring

vith Everlasting Life in View. Song 33.
5 min: Introduction, text, comments.
20 min: "Your Word Is a Lamp to My
Foot." Using the same method t h a t
i s employed in conducting the "Watchtower" study cover pages 208 through
he' one assigned t h e part
211 V l .
should prepare study questions for
each paragraph. Bring the scriptures
into the discussion. Have paragraphs
read. In conclusion encourage all to
study page 211 f 2 through page 215
I for consideration next week.
22 min: " 'The Watchtower' H a s Good
News for the People!" Questions and
answers. Concentrate on paragraphs
1-6. paragraphs 7-10 can be covered
ve& quickly. Briefly demonstrate offer
of subscriptions to friends, neighbors
o r relatives. Call on sister to read a
paragraph or two of a letter she
would write to a friend or a relative
regarding subscriptions. Also, call on
audience for other suggestions for
offering subscriptions to friends or
relatives. (For helpful points t h a t may
be taken into consfderation, see also
"The Watchtower,
August 1, 1965,
pages 456-460.)
3 min: Accounts report.
10 min:
Concluding comments. Include appropriate Theocratic News
tems and announcements. Song 25.




Theme: Enduring in Jehovah's Ser,ice. Song 24.

5 min: Introduction, text, comments.
0 min: "Your Word I s a Lamp to
My Foot." Cover page 211 112 through
page 215 11. Use the same, method ,as
w a s employed on the previous service
meeting. Perhaps the same brother
can handle it. Encourage the congregation to study carefully the rest
of the chapter for consideration next
17 min: Talk on 1968 yeartext, based
on material in introductory portlon of
"1968 Yearbook." Suggest thar publishers spend a few minutes discussing this material with their Bible
students. Encourage energetic ministry
in offering "Watchtower" subscrip-

scriptions t o friends neighbors and

relatives a s well a s others. Encourage
steady house-to-house work. Report
on new subscriptions turned in up to
this date. Song 119.



he me: Helping ourselves and

O t h e ~ sto Stay Strong in the Truth.
- ..- -9.
15 min: rntroduction, text, comments.
Discuss how many a r e a t meetings and
how many more might attend meet-

our respect for civil authority a n d

heaven's way of ruling benefits us.
Encourage all to finish reading book,
if they have not. yet done so, add to
attend congregation book study a s w e
study i t a second time.
5 min: Preparing Others to Become
Praisers of God. (Demonstration of
magazine presentation.)
How did you make out with t h a t
simplified sermon demonstration a t
study? (Get a few
homefrom audience.)
Here is our

~ g b ~~ ~~ b ~~ ~E&
f,9'1$t" ne6k%Eitrate:
~ , t q ~ ~t close of study, publisher explains t h a t we have variety

by telling those who are not there

what happened at meetings so !hey
do not
out on the good
resented. (Gal. 6:lO) Also invite and
Relp others to g e t to meetings where
this would be helpful Phone calls
letters and personal visits show klndli
interest in our brothers
( 5 min.) D e m
calllng a t home of another who missed
meeting. Deliver "Kingdom Ministry."
Read Branch letter together. Enthusiastically discuss i t and another point or
two from one of your preceding meetings. Encourage publisher to read
"Yearbook" experience? regularly with
other members of fam~ly.
20 min.
Word Is a Lamp to
My F&t ., page 215 ,2 through page
219. ~ a A d l e a s outlined in second
meeting in January.
15 min: "Presenting the Good News.
Did You Find Them All?" Relate
practical suggestions in article. Also,
present experiences, local experiences
pr those from "1968 Yearbook." showlng good. results Of th0rough.l~covering territory. Encourage .this during
the "Watchtower" campaign.
10 min: Concluding comments. Draw
attention to theme f o r month. Doesn't
it make you thankful to Jehovah t h a t
he has provided f o r u s so richly in a
spiritual way? Though many of us may
not have the measure of health and
strength we may wish how blessed
we have been to be &ade powerful
spiritually and to be able to have
good news to sh re with others! How
much we have ?earned with tGe aid
of Jehovah'?, organization and "The
Watchtower and now we have something good i o share with others Report also on subscriptions to 'date
Encourage all to bring "Life Everlast:
ing" book with them next week.
S -n-- n ~74






Theme: Content to Be God's Servants Bull Time. Song 59.

10 min: Introduction text comments
and talk o?, month's (heme. See
"Watchtower, February 1, 1968.
20 min: "The 'Life Everlasting' Book
a Blessing!" See "Kingdom
Ministry" insert. Use variety in presentation, with some audience participation.
(10 rnin.) Draw attention to a point
or two under the headings "Some
H?ye Asked" and "Discussed a t Bethel.
Ask audience about illustrations: also other points, if you wish.
On page 326, why i s Ham illustrated
with darker skin? On page 251 what
is the small box with a slit in t6e top?
Who is the apostle next to t h e box?
On page 135 why i s there a n empty
place a t the' table?
(10. rnin.) Discuss t h e value to us
and interested ones of the material In
the chapters on 'God's N e u t r ~ l nongregation.' 'Blood,' 'Marriage' a

of forms of service, thus reaching

Persons of different kinds with, Kingdom message. One
that Is

$ ~ R ~$~-&;",~",wi$a","h":,~
~ U ~ ~

:$&. isOff","fneW~",","p"~,"~$fo"p"~o"



try it in


~ n ; , , ~
friends and

~ i g h q e c ~ ~ ~ p " e s ~t Ke~ ,~ ~" t ~

15 min: Many Possibilities.
(1 min.) Chairman gives

of subscriptions thus f a r obtained and
encourages all to obtain additional,
during February on
who have shown a n interest in
e truth. Let's watch two publishers
plans to dotalk are
Two publishers
gether a s they make lists of those
whom they know t h a t have shown a n
interest i n t h e truth. First they list
the eople with whom they a r e conductrng studies. Reference is made to
demonstration above and t h a t Bible
students might offer subscriptions t o
their friends and relatives. People
who ,X-egularly obtain magazines a r e
ment~oned,and one publisher writes
down names of three families on magazine route. One recalls a n interested
woman who has repeatedly declined
offer f o r a Bible study b u t always
seems to t a k e new literilture when i t
is presented. Another recalls a family
who used t o study with Witnesses,
b u t now h a s discontinued the study
etc. Both publishers ex ress delight
a t having made a list oPsubscri tion
P ~ O S P ~ C ~ S .They express confltence
that, because these people have alfeady shown interest in t h e truth
it i s likely t h a t some of them wili
be glad to obtain subscriptions.
(2 min.) Summarize ~ o i n t sabove.
1 Then comment on our desire to h e l ~
t h o s e who have become inactive oiused to come to Kingdom Hall or
share in fleld service. They might be
built up greatly in a spiritual way
by receiving "The Watchtower" regularly and reading it. W h a t can we

--- .

(4 rnin.) Bible study servant and

a book study servant discuss w h a t
can be said when offering subscriptions
to inactive ones and others who used
to come to meetings or share in fleld
(4 k i n . ) Encourage all in congregation to feel free to make friendly calls
on those we know in these circumstances. Offer subscriptions. Additionally, be prepared t o study the Bible
with them if they a r e agreeable. W e
want to help them regain spirituality
if possible. Discuss, too, article "Do
You Renew?" Thouah we do not. include renewals on our service report
i t is important to give them attention:
10 min: Concluding comments. Als?
read a r " "iscuss Question Box wi
- - -

THt L..L E v c l \ ~ - d I C u u
i.aiu* -What a B/,eSSin9!



Does it seem as if we've had the Life Everlasting book for about a year and a half now?
Yes, host of us have had copies since the
summer of 1966. How time flies!
You haven't just left the book unopened,
though. One way we know that to be true
is that some brothers have written us, asking
questions about points in the book. Maybe
.ypu9ve wondered about the same things.
would you like to know the answers? Well,
&let's consider a few of your questions, and
F a t the same time &are with you some of the
comments made by brothers here at Bethel
when we discussed new and interesting points
in the book.
Borne Have Asked

Did you notice on page 90 the comment that

if Joseph paid the five shekels to redeem the
babe Jesus, then he became the legal father of
Jesus? Did it mean that Jehovah no longer
was Jesus' true father? No, not at all. Remember, a t Jesus' baptism Jehovah said: "You are
my Son." (Luke 3:22) So the Almighty remained Jesus' father. Yet, we thought you'd
be interested in a statement made in The JewisTt Encyclopedia. It observed: "Every Israelite is obliged to redeem his first-born son thirty days after the latter's birth. The mother is
exempt from this obligation." (Vol. 5, page
396) (Num. 18:15, 16) Consequently, if the
Law was carried out in Jqus' case, and probably it was even though the Bible does not
mention it, Joseph had to pay the five shekels,
not Mary. When he paid it, he assumed legal
responsibility for the child that his wife had
borne. While. Jehovah continued as Jesus'
true father, Joseph became Jesus' earthly
foster father.
Do you look up all the text cited but not
quoted as you study each par graph? Many
brothers do, and they are blessed for it. But
some wondered why, in the midst of a discussion of women's privileges in the congre-

gation, 1Corinthians 7:1 was cited on page

253. That verse says: "Now concerning the
things about which you wrote, it is well for
a man not to touch a woman." It was cited
to support a mnment in the opening sentence in that paragraph, which reads: "At
the c~ngregationmeeting here referred to
according to the letter
Paul by the Corinthian
menting on what Paul wrote the Corinthians,
the book dmwed that he was replying to a
letter from them, as established by 1Corinthians 7: 1.
If You were puzzled about that, You ~ r o b ably wonder now how you could have missed
the connection. We've all had similar experiences. This does, though, emphasize the importance of reading carefully what is said
and looking up the texts involved. As another
illustration of this : Some asked if Paul wa.
first made an apostle twelve years after hi
conversion. The statement in the book that
they had in mind reads: "Saul of Tarsus,
twelve years after conversion called P a d ,
definitely did become a true apostle of Jesus."
(Page 166) What happened twelve years
after Saul's conversion? He was "called
Paul." Acts 13:9 is cited in the paragraph
to substantiate this. As mentioned in the
preceding paragraph in the book, Saul was
converted about 35 C.E. But in commenting
on something occurring about 47 C.E., twelve
years after his conversion, the Bible first
uses the name Paul for this apostle.
In discussingi the seed of "the woman"
mentioned in Genesis 3:15, the book pointed h4
out on page 59: "About 4,057 years after
Jehovah God foretold [in 4026 B.C.E.] his
raising up the seed of the woman as a libera- br
tor, this question [of identity] had all been
worked out and decided." But to what event 9




y of tht
d Jesus? We don't know. Saul, or. Paul, $' %IS,
of God's woman had ueeu settled, anu L U ~ without question an apostle. (Gal.1:l) Wh2mystery about it resolved.-Matt. 16:15-17. other men, such as Barnabas, were als
Were you impressed with the fine illustra- termed apostles, Paul was one of the twelv
tions? We were, and we heard many fine faithful ones who were selected by Jesus himcomments on them. 'One sister was particu- -self, not by lot. (Acts 14: 14; 26: 12-18; John
larly interested in the picture on page 229. 17:12) Revelation 21: 14 mentions "twelve
Remember, it shows a man taking his bride apostles of the Lamb," but it does not give
home, while others flock around to share the U s their names. Paul evidefitly was included,
happiness of the wedding, some holding aloft especially in view of his selection by Jesus
lamps. What wedding is it? It is an artist's and the way he was used to build up the conconception of the marriage discussed in Jesus' gregation of God. This does not mean that
parable in Matthew 25:l-10, mentioned in Matthias was not one of the twelve apostles
paragraph 19. Of course, the reason for a t Pentecost, 33 C.E.
1 .v :
Ham's being illustrated with darker skin, on
p& ,:
page 326, has already been presented in Disc ea at Bethel
"Questions from Readers"; it was because
Di, ,.he material
the Life Everl&ipu,
his name means "swarthy" or "brown."
book lead to some rewarding discussions in'
Do You recall the drawing beginning a t your congregation and your family? It &d
of page 380 and running in our family here a t Bethel. May we share
diagonally UP to the top of Page 381? It a few of the comments with you?
shows five different men looking heavenward,
One statement in the book that
and then two groups doing the same. Did you
is: "The 'great tribulation'
identify ~ b ~~1 , ~~ ~b ~
hM ~, ~ hid,
~ ~ ~~ ~,discussions
refers to the final trib~
the apos;tles and the modern-day Christian
System of things."
witnesses of Jehovah? ~ o every
drawn in the book's various illustrations has (Page 356) Did you note the word "humann?
a definite identity; but on page 251 there is Was there an adjustment in thinking on th&3,
a portrayal of Jesus reclining a t a meal with matter? Yes. And we saw that the were
le twelve apostles, while a woman wipes reasons behind it.
First, it was brought out in our discussions
Jesus' feet with her hair., Next tb one of the
reasonable and in accord with the fa&S
twelve there is a small box with a slit in the
position that this "great tribulation" .
top. Which apostle is that? It is, of course,
to an earthly tribulation on '
Judas Iscariot, who ''had the money boxu or
mentioned this "great
took care of the money for'the apostles,
with the sign bf'
(John 12:l-7) Similarly, the drawing of Je;us instituting the Lord's evening meal shows his ~econdPresence. (Matt. 24:21, 22) w
lne empty place a t the table.
Whose spot is that? Yes, it is where Judas World War I was in progress, a war exceedini
was during the Passover meal. A comparison anything in previous history and b r i n ~ ~
2f Matthew 26 :20-25 with John 13:Oi 3n with it disease, famine and sorrow. ~pparentm
shows that he left before Jesus institute
ly Satan caused it to begin just before the
Kingdom's establishment to hide that fac
1ew celebration.
Though many have asked about the matter, to distract people.
The evidences foretold by Jesus as =king
there's not much more to add to what was
said on pages 163-167 concerning the apostles up the "sign" of his presence could be seen
Matthias and Paul. As pointed out in the on earth. So the "great tribulation" did nat
book, Matthias was definitely selected as an have reference to something occurring .SF
3postle to replace Judas Iscariot by the lots visibly in heaven. In fact, even God's peaple
mst in the group of about 120. What about did not fully appreciate- that the wa~if6
Matthias when Saul was chosen directly by heaven began in 1914. resulting in S ~ ~
)f t h e living God," thc



,ouster, until ten years afterward. However, tUally redeemed the Israelites gut of-Egypt,
dl people alive then co&d easily recogriize taking them to himself as a special nation.
World War I as bringing great tribulation on (Ex. 6: 6,7; Deut. 7:6-11; 1Chron. 17: 21,22)
At Mt. Sinai they entered a formal, legal conOf course, in our discussions the question tract to be a nation dedicated to God. (Ex.
came up, 'If the great tribulation is so closely 19:4-8; Josh. 24:16, 17) Did you think o"
connected with World War I, would World . some of those points when reflecting on thc
War I1 be considered a resumption of the reason why the Jews could be considered a
tribulation?' No, that war was different. Dur- dedicated nation? With this as a basis, i
ing World War I God's people expected it was easy to see why Jesus' baptism was no
to lead directly into Armageddon, but Jeho- a symbol of a recent dedication to God, bu
rah prevented such a climax a t that time. We of a presentation of himself to do Jehovah's
will a t the due time.-Heb. 10:7.
- didn't succumb to such an expectation during
World War 11. Rather, in 1942 we learned
Our discussions, though, also helped us to
that the war would'end and that the beastly realize how this affected the other Jews. As
peace organization would be re-established. long as the Law was valid, they were dediAnd that's just what occurred. But when the cated to God. What about after it came to ar
. tribulation is resumed, it will definitely lead
end in 33 C.E.? As foretold a t Daniel 9 ~ 2 7 ,
- into Armageddon.
Jehovah continued to deal with them as a faSome noted, though, that the same sen- vored and unique people until 36 C.E. eve1
ience in the book identified it as a "final" though the legal contract was not in effect.
tribulation. Does that not mean that "tribu- For three and a half years he gave them exWon9' is restricted to Armageddon? No, clusive opportunity to be the spiritual see(
Daniel 12:l shows that this "time of distress" of Abraham. The baptism of any dedicated
is associated with Jesus' standing up as king Jew during that period would be in symbol
in 1914. The tribulation that began in that of a presentation to do.God's will. But after
year was interrupted or "cut short." Soon it 36 C.E. the hatural Jews were put on an equal
will start again when the political element footing with the uncircumcised Gentiles and
fmns on Babylon the Great and destroys would have to make a personh dedication,
her. The events thus initiated will reach a and be baptized in symbol of it, if they
Aimax of tribulation on the nations a t their wanted to be acceptable to God.-Rom. 1' 5,
Armageddon destruction. So, as a whole it 32. '
will be the "final" tribulation on this wicked
Did you then begin thinking about Jonn-s
system of things. In its last part it will be baptism? So did we. Up until Pentecost 33
a "tribulation such as has not occurred since C.E., si-nful Jews desiring to do God's will
,the world's beginning
nor will occur could be baptized by John the Baptist or by
%gain."-Matt. 24 :21.
Jesus' disciples in symbol of repentance.
Another matter that we discussed with (Luke 3 :3; John 3: 22-26; 4: 2) After Jesus'
-great interest was water baptism and its sig- resurrection he told his disciples to do bap. Liificance. What first got us thinking about tizing in his name. So once the Christian conthis was the comment on page 90 to the effect gregation was established on Pentecost 33
; that even as a babe Jesus was dedicated to
C.E., baptism in the manner of John's bap.God, being part of a dedicated nation. How tism was no longer valid. Anyone baptized
did you react to that comment?
in "the baptism of John" after that would
Thinking back, we.could see how Jehovah -have to be rebaptized, as were some in Epheh3alt in a special way with the natwal seed sus. (Acts 19:3-5) (See also "Questions from
9 Abraham. Isaac and Jacob were treated Readers" in The Watchtower of ~ a 1,1959.)
distinct way because they were in the
-- line'of the natural seed to which God had Did This Impress You?
+ c"gi~en
the Promised Land. (Gen. 17:7, 8; 22:
While the book literally teems with in era
on Bible texts



' +:

. ..



'&at &,re a b h s i a g $0 consider, what about

the overall picme some of the chapters developed? Did you stand*back, as it were, and
reflect on broad outlooks that the book
should have helped us to cultivate, on how
certain chapters will be priceless in aiding
persons with whom we study and how we are
now better prepared to face the future?
Take, for example, the chapters stressing
,- the scriptural position of neutrality in regard
to the military and political affairs of the
nations. Some years ago we had considerable
material in The Watchtower about relative
subjection to worldly "superior authorities,"
' but what a blessing to Cover this subject
again! And how fine was the presentation in
the book, with many quotations from reputable historians. Now each time we study
these chapters we will make even more firm
determination to act in accord with Cod's

Similarly, ones with whom we stud vill

learn that a d has requirements as to marriage \and div~rce-Through the chapter on
marriage they will see that they cannot
"think" they me legally married,
any question about the legality of a
or marriage must be settled before
be ministers of God. Where we feel that this
- might be a problem, we can plan to study that,-J!
chapter before inviting them to join us in:kA
,. r
the service.
&d when speaking about important 0"
all impressions We got, We can hardly s&+-'hCI
the matter of developing proper respect for*'2@
authority. Recall that two spheres of
ity were highlighted, worldly governmenta~,~2'authority andithe arrangement of theocratic +?!;
authority through which God directs his",-%
' -.&.-&
we know how respect for civil a u t h o r i t y ~ ~ ~
has helped Jehovah's witnesses to avoid in-?:>
volvement, even out of curiosity, in the :s
ave You noted that the brothers in n~ore violence and looting taking place during
more places have been tested in regard periods of civil unrest and rioting. Our con-.,
is issue? With God's help, they have duct has often gained us the respect of theb'i5h
resolute when attempts were made to authorities. m e book may &O help newe
all persons actively support the ruling ones to learn to follow the Scriptural
- $2
,4 Party. It took faith and thorough knowledge But, additionally, didn't it help us to see the
of the Christian position. Yet, later when need of having respect for heaven's way of
occurred p d the opposition Party direding us? m e principles used today in.
?3' !
came to Power, the neutral position that our shepherding the congregations through apbrothers had taken protected them. They pointed servants will be used in 'the n m
were not shot or imprisoned, as were many order. (Ps. 45~16)Instead of looking at theI
people,who had been active in politics. Since human imperfections of the appointed sernationalism is increasing, how apnreciative v a t s , we can concentrate on the fact that
we can be for the blessing of the
e Ever- they me "gifts in men" selected' by holy,
khsting book at this ~rit.i~al
spirit. (Eph. 4: 8, 11) No mat+r how long.
-" In the past when studying with interested'
we have been seving God, we can be mate+
d e s , what did you do to instruct them as to ful to him for reminding us of this heal*?
God's law on blood? It wasn't covered in any outlook!
of the study books, was it? Isn't it grand,
We have been happy to be able to write and.
tlibugh, to have a balanced and persuasive share these thoughts with you. Probably fn
treatment of the topic in one of the books studying the book personally and congrega, .
that each person will study, or at least read, tionally you have found other points that
+4 before baptism? We can thus help to equip you thoroughly enjoyed. And most likely as.
$$ -Bible students to face situations that might you continue to use and study the booli:
,=. F- arise suddenly, requiring a quick decision. will,keep on being a rich source of know led^
And if we meet someone in the field minisby for you. We join with you in thanking JehQ- = ,who sincerely wants td know our position on vah for providing such an abundant bles&%s~
-5' "Pi-'
.-7fi .this matter, there it is in the book. *L->- -the Life Everlasting book!








-me wotchbw.r"

--7 ,+A;

tmth, -1e
on mwanemu+m;
. DOYOU, Rene~x:
people who used to study but who 1 r%i&you know that o w o%m .&
are not now studying, or publishers Brooklyn is sending tcj subsci&eB
who have become weak or inactive. a combined total of over 1,385,00C
8 In March we can offer subscrip- copies of
The' Watchtolow md
tiom to those with whom we do A w a ~ e !each time they are printed!
business, OUF employers as well as And that is here in the Unitea
employees, the garageman and States alone. Isn't it wonderful to
ot ers. Then there is the beautician, know that, in addition to the 316,000
ne ghbors you talk with a t the publishers here in the United States,
laundromat, or the doctor, the gro- so many others are regularly re
cer, salesmen, etc.
ceiving the magazines and have op
9 We will, of course, want to keep portunity to learn the truth thro
a good record of those who obtain them.
literature from us or who show in- *Of course, when these subscrip
terest in our preaching work. Then tions expire, the question arises as
during April, if not before, let's to how many subscribers will renem
make an effort to contact as many and continue to receive the maga.
of these as possible and ober sub- zines. I t may surprise you to learn
scriptions to all of them. That can that during the 1967 service year
include those who obtain single is- there were only about 320,000 subsues of The Watchtower and Awake! scriptions renewed. Sometimes, we
or other literature, teachers and have learned, even our brothen
principals who obtained the special have forgotten to renew their sub
issue of Awake! or the Evolution scriptions. Wouldn't it be a fine
book. Include also those who speak thing if more subscribers would reother languages.
new and continue to get the valn
10 We know that The Watchtower able information presented in Tht
can be helpful to all these people Watchtower and Awake!?
just as it has been to us. I t has the
To help publishers and interest.
Scriptural information they need. ed ones alike, the Society is using s
Yes, we have good news for the new renewal notice that can be sen
people and we look forward to a to some extent even b e f m t h ~
busy and happy time sharing it with wrapper is taken off. In the future
them during the 1988 Watchtower the Society will be sending just
two notices : One marked "EXP~R.

( colltaa) the

present neigbborhOod, .or' pos$ibly

in the neighborhood whe& fotl used
to live, to wormates and past or
p m t school friends. You feel free
to ,talk to them and they feel free
to talk to you. They may readily accept a subscription because they
know you. But after they begin to
PeCeive and read the magazines they
d s o may begin to learn the truth,
and that would make you very
Itap~y, wouldn't it? It would unquestionably make them happy too.
&fatt. 22: 89.
6And what about your own chil'.'@ren?
Do they have personal sub'
pcriptions of their own? Many parents have found it is good-for their
, children to have their own subscrip
tionpi for The Watchtower. It comes
. through the mail with their name
- on it and it gives them a closer contact with Jehovah's organization. I t
.* may help some to pay better atten.tion .at the Kingdom Hall, a s they
I trg to imitate older folks by using
' theb magazines and listening to
what is said.
'Then ie Februgry let's concen- I r a t e particularly on those whom
. .wh know have shown interest in the
truth-people on whom we make
. $ack-calls and N t h whom we conduct Bible studies, as well as any
whom they may have discussed

Did You Find Them All?

IREVbnnllb R B I

but keep on t r ~ @ gto make PerSon-

30 brahers a m s h d
time of Memorial were released
November 15.
+Zambian assemblies attende
257 although public could not me ~ n v n e
to .,tend;
34,871 publishers reporlillg i


a r e not a t home than a t other

times. DO you keep a n accurate record of every home where the occupants were not in? How much effort do you put forth to find the
occupants of each house SO a s to
give them a ~~~~d~~ witness?

le at home when working the

tory one time, likely these

~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ : ' n ~ ; n ~ g ~ ~Boliviafor
into new
ai turb
The "Lamp" book suggests: office and home. The beautiful, moder
"Some publishers* after trying sever- building of three stories houses fH
81 times without finding anyone a t
home, write a letter in which they department, Kingdom Hall seating 15'
give a witness to the householder; persons, and living quarters for 1 4 mi!
or they may arrange for a bublish- sionaries; Kingdom Ministry Scbc
f r who is 'Onfined
to home* due to students worked hard helping prepar
illness or age, to write such letters." 'he new building for
These a r e practical suggestions,
aren't they? Can we individually be +Total ~ u b h h e r sreached the new pea
in Our
to of 15,047 in the Netherlands, with ove
codtact all the occupants of each 900
in the
home in our territory? No doubt service; branch reports On

by brothers and sisters who

persevere in calling back on those

not a t home on first,.second or third
calls in a territory. As a n example,
page 283, you
everything we can to search out the in the 1967
will read a n account about a sister
who made twenty

77,000 magazines over same month lac

+A publisher ~n St. Louis, Missour

placed 25
Offering them to friends Ond re'atives




*'Also, in all

h e nations the good nmwr has to be proached flrst."'-Maik

CDem CPubkshe~
We're movinz! It's iust across
the ~ afrom
i f17 A n& Street to
our. new tep-story b ilding. We're
glad too. During January we moved
the entire shipping department and
most of the book bindery to the new
building. We have four large buildings 'now, each on its Own city
block; and all the buildings are connected by bridges.
However, before we got the moving job done, Brother Knorr asked
us to work nights because we were
way behind in filling literature orders. The arrangement was made so
that nearly everyone in the Bethel
family, including brothers and sisters working in the home and offlces,
could work a t the factory, along
wtth the regular wo~kers there,
from 7 t o 9: 30 p.m. four nights
each week and Saturday afternoons
for two weeks. Of course, we had
to make arrangements for others in
the New Pork congregations to care
for our Bible studies, but we were
able to have our Monday night
Bethel Watchtower study and ministry school, and get to the c o n e e
gation meetings on Sunday. We
surely were busy, but we all had a
good time.
Well, f)ecember proved to be an
Outstanding month- IVewere
complete 1,134,653 bound books, a
peak in production. Nothing. like
that was ever before accomplished
in our factory in one month's work.
Of course, we. had some new machinery with which to work, as
well as extra hours in which to
do it. Even so, we did not cateh up
with the orders for the Evolution
book, though we have made more
than 1,600,000copies Since June.
During December, besides printing all the magazines, we were
able to finish tbe 1968 Yearbook in
English and Spanish. We also got
out another Supply of Quatifled to
Be Ministers. We finished prihting
twelve editions of the Paradise book
in foreign languages. We completed
the !Impossible to Lie' book in
French. and Spanish and "Yozcr
WiJZ Be Done on Earth" in Twt




Getting- Them to Listen

1 Have you .found that on many

calls it is difficult to give Your
entire Scriptural presentation, and
that much time is Spent trying to
get a conversation started? If SO,
perhaps a greater effort to get the
householder to converse and tell YOU
how he feels about various matters
will help. The benefits are obvious.
By Our asking appropriate questions
and being good listeners We can
find out how he feels about the
subject we are discussing. We Can
also determine if he has a Bible,
whether he reads it, and if he accepts it
authoritative. We might
also learn whether he belongs to
some church group. His response to
our questions will enable us to
adapt Our presentation to fit his
circumstances, and he will be more
inclined to listen to something that
interests him, won't he?
2 In our introductory remarks this
month while we are using the Sermon. on "Finding Security" we
might say: "Hello; I'm glad to find
you a t home. I'm making a bdef
visit to direct aaention to what
the Bible says about security and
the real hope for mankind. All of us
think about the, lack of security in
We printed the complete New
World Translatiolt in Italian and
we hope to get it into the bindery in
January. We also printed some of
the pocket-sized English New World
Translation. So, as you can see,
our presses have really been busy.
stating it dBerently, this means
that more than 900 tons, O r 36 train
carloads of 25 tons each, of paper
came into the factory and went
through the presses to make publications during December.
~ 1 of1 this makes us very happy.
~ u we
t had still another exciting
time a t Bethel. Following the
Watchtower study on Monday evening, December 25, Brother Hnorr
gave out the foreign assignments
to the Gilead students now going
through school. So they know where

the wo,rldld,
don't we? &d we woui$
like to see improved conditions..
I n this way we let the person know
our visit will be a brief one, what
the subject is and that the Bible
win be used. ~ 1 8 0 our
kindly manner encourages him to talk.
8 we realize, too, that many peaare inclined to be influenced by
what their neighbors think or say.
1f we discern this to be the case ,
in the territory we are
could say :, ~ morMng
~ ; I'm
glad youpre a t home this mornin@;.
already had some very interesting conversations with your
neighbors about something that af- ,
fects all of usyecurity. possibly
you have given some thought to the
unsettled conditions in the world.
[dlow for response] DO you believe sod has the power t~ change
things if he wants to?" Again, we
encourage the person to say some
thing so we can find out his views,
and mentioning our conversations
with his neighbors may cause him
to want to listen too.
4 ~ n o t h e rintroduction we could
try is this: "It's good to find you a t
home. As a minister I've been brief(Continued on page 4, col. 1 )
they are going now and are looking forward to graduation and going to their assignments.
Bethel certainly is a busy place
and we like it that way. We hope
that all of you are just as busy out
there. You must be, or we would
not be a s busy as we are here. We
are grateful that you keep us so
busy printing publications for Your
needs and ours, a s we share in the
field service with you.
May Jehovah's blessing be with
you during the Watchtower campaign, and may it be Your good
pleasure to help many more flee
from Babylon the Great .and find
refuge in Jehovah's 0rgaIUZatlOrt
Your contented fellow servants
of Jehovah,
B ~ o o g ~ nBBABCH
O ~ D E

Content to be God's servants .full time.


You Can Hetp

Talks That Are Well Worth Hearing

- Again

you read the ~atohtgzcer

l D o y'6n r e a b e Ibat during the er a t the next circuit assembly and =port on "shbclrlsg R e m o m Perpast two years you have heard make any adjustments that appear -tion
fn Malawiv? It is i n the ,
public talks on more than eighty to be'advantageous, and a t the same Febmarg 1 &sue, and is b&g foL- .
different subjects, eacli one jam- time they can be sure that enough lowed by the article ' ~ a h w f t &ti8
packed with fine Scriptural mate1-1- brothers will have the eight new Christian Atrociti-A
al? What a rich. spir1tua.l feast it talks available for use in the cir- africa," in the mbmarp 8 Awake!
has been! But, just as it H true ,it.
When you read them your urgent
that you like to savor fine dishes of
7 Some small congregations may question wW. be, Whit
ccan I do to
physical food on more, than one not have been able to arrange for help?
occasion, so7 too, many of You have speakers to deliver all eighty of the 2 you
what has hapwritten to the Society saying F a t talks during the past two years.
and we urge you to do it
You hope there will-be oppOrtuFtY But we believe that the publishers as egtensively
pomible* order ex- to hear these Public t a m agala would be very grateful if they could tra copies of as
both rnawines and
we % ~ e that
it would be a fine hear what is in those talks. So, durthem freely.m k e them Lvailt ~ n for
g all of us.
ing the
two years* if you can- able to newspaper editors too. Do
8So we recommend that, start- not always afrange for a speaker, it right away. ~h~ more widely,
ing this spring, all the congrega- then why not a t least get together the atrocities are p u b l i c l ~ , the ,
uons go back. to the beginning of as a congregation and read the -ter
the flood of mafl will be,
the series of eighty public talks and outline and. look up the scriptures making protest to the
schedule them a second time. And together? You have several copies in M ~ ~ ~B~Msure
. to write a let-,
as you do it, work for variety.
of the outlines available in the con- ter yourself. ~t may be that *hen
3 In most localities there is more gregation, so 'you can get them pmident
that he '
than one brother that gives a par- all out and have a fine discussion has brought worldwide indfgnation
ticular talk. So, why not arrange among yourselves. I t will be stimu- .against his government,
he will re- for a different speaker in your con- lating and upbuilding, and in this consider his course.
gregatton this time?
way YOU wilk not be deprived of
r additionally there
'If you are a public speake~,this provision that_ Jehovah has else that we Ean do, isn't the*?
inject freshness into your presen- made for the blessing of his people- ~t the primegeof each one of
tatioa Knowing the local situation,
us to remember these persemWd
YOU arelin position to work in some
brothers of ours in prayer.-~cts
that fit your partic- +The A ril 15 Watchtower. q d the 12 :5 ; R o ~ .15: 30, 31.
dlar audience and that will help April 22 lwake! will be s ecial issues.
them to appreciate t@ material It will be a big month &r ma azine
lEPOIT ' '
fully. (Jive caeful cornidera- gtri",S,";Egize,"T,"T
tion to this. Well-thought-out and
appropriate illustrations help to
make any talk live. Additionally,
make good use of appropriate vigual
aids. Personal preparation for delivpry is also vital. A good outline is
not enough. Yeu shOuia be fined
wfth your subject, have a clear
grasp of each point and be enthusiastic about it. Is that the way you
feel every time You get UP to give a
public talk? If so, both you and
your audience are richly rewarded.
. 6gthe talks that we enjoyed during the past two years
were those delivered by circuit
and district servants. They, too, are
well worth hearing again. For your
benefit the Society is reprinting a
@oup of eight of these outlines and
will be sending them to each congre' gaion early in March. You' may arb use them* perhaps fitting
, range
one lnto your schedule every month
or so.
f3 Now that nearlytwo years have
passed since the start of the present series of talks, it may be a
- good Oime to
the list "This Good News of
pf available speakers. No doubt
are some new speakers that
are well qualine& On the other
. hand, some previously assigned may
Wve moved away, so others will be
d w e d to hand16 their subjects.
t +&st ~e congregation
K , d i s m this
~ maWr togeth-



- c,



1 Have




Italy rn
Is 202 specld ~ionear;(
251 regular pioneers, 11,241 pubtirhen
and 1 1,352 Bible studie-ll
new peqM.

Getting Subscriptions
on Magazine Routes
lMagazine routes a g o ~ dsource
of subscriptions? Definitely, and for
the following good reasons. F!rst
there is a
relatlOnship established with the householdThe
is acquainted

Six Centml and South Ameriqn coun-

a ~ ~ t thet magazines
i ~ ~ regular- tries report new total publisher wh:
ly is one advantage in having the Argentina, 13.6478 Chile, 4,8031 C ~ l o m -

subscriptions. Generally it is best. bia, 4.442; El Salvador, 1.0721 Nicato put the emphasis on what is ragua, 926r Peru, 2,8671 five out of six
contained in the magazines, only holding ten or more hours average per
briefly mentioning how they come publisher.
through the mail, how much they
Japan reached a 10-percent increase,
cost, etc
with 5,121 publishers in November, and
41f we detect that a person is more than 10,000 Bible studies were
reported for the first time.
~ ~ , " , " " ~ ~ ~ t , ahesitant
~ ~ P ~about
~ & subscribing
. ~
since he
their value. EIe is used to receiving
reports new peak of 4.303
both af the magazines*
continue to call and discuss articles
offer a double subscription?
with him. Demonstrating t~~ topiCameroun reported 9,080 Publishws
l ~ and its in November, for an 11-percent increase
z a f t e r our initial greeting we cal method of ~ i b study
might say: "It's been a pleasure advantages oq such calls may result over last year's average.
to deliver the Watchtower and in a regular ~ i b study.
l ~
A pioneer in South Carolina reparti


Ezbz:e W~~s~~~~c,~~ zp$;

~ ~ ~ ~ g t subscribe,
o aa person
~ ~would
i himrather
e to ~think
householder to express about it and tell him you will gladly


that all her Bible studies resulted from

o ~ up on magazine placements;
she has eight studies.

who subscribe this month."

Watchtower and Awake!

In the past, some who wanted
enroll as pioneers found that their
6 Of course, there are some per- 'Service report did not show the redtlng Them to Usten
quired twelve hours nine back-calls
discussing the unsettled condi- sons in our territory who should and one Bible studylper month.
tions that givi? people everywhere more readily listen. Who? What Now however. the requirement of
a great sense of insecurity. Many of about all tho? on mhom we are $'%
your neighbors have mentioned making back-cam? They have al- it is not hard to reach six backthat they have their own religion, ready shown some interest in the calls per month In fact some who
formerly found
it difficult'to
havefreand no doubt you have yours. I&Bible and they may even have countable
in a month
low for response] Tell me, do you some of the Society's publications. quentl have that many for just one
feel there is any hope for improve- Wouldn't this be an excellent source week.
s o w ? Well even if persons who
further in-'
merit?" If the person is hkitant to of subscriptions this month? yes; so took literature dhow
express himself, we could tactfully why not check your list of back- ~
~ ${n;eTi2s
ask him to get his Bible to see what calls, and then arrange to set aside contact is made. Each 'delivery of
i t says. Acknowleddng that he prob- time to give these people attention? ; a g , s " ~ c ~ k " " , ~ v m z ~ f : ~ ! i ~
ably belongs to some church group
w e have every reason to be call to invite an interested person
may head off an objection, such a s positive and enthusiastic in offering to a meeting or to tell him about one
"I have my own religion? and it the Watchtrnuer subscription to to
YOU attended, or calling for him
him with you to the Kingdom
may also help to get a conversation everyone. BY giving careful thought Hall may be counted if you contact
start&. People will generally talk to what we say in our introductory the interested person. So it is not at
about things that interest them, so remarks and why it would be good
our asking tactful questions about to say things in a certain way we that is now required is that the ab Iitheir religious afiliation may get will undoubtedly (1) be able to cant for pioneer service be conductyn
give oyr 1 Scriptural presentqtions
them to talk.
often* and (2) have many If he is currently conducting it, that is
Did you notice, in the above ineroductions, how qllestiong are used additional opportunities of encour- he
B U ~hard
, course,
as a pioneer
will work
to develop
effectively to get the householder to aging people to subscribe. And,
express himself and involve him even if we don't give our entire re%krosh","?!!equiremen.ts
have not
in the disrmssion? of course, dis- presentation on every call, neverthe- changed. $Applicants must have been
less, we will & able to. help many baptizedreported
for service
Six montHs,
cernment is needed in how
ask more persons to understand more having for
the psst six montha. ~h~~
as not to antagonbe* clearly basic points from the Bible should also have a reputation for 0ne
and We Should be Careful not to ask and how they are affected person- Christian conduct. Do you meet those
questions that might embarrass the ally. We do have good reasons for
wanting them to listen, don't we? with that service?





Have you helped someone ,to renew his subscription?

~ r .

P u b W 10-

S~..BMWB,I1Y.Y. lfgU
by Wctehbmw Bible md Tmt Wetr of New Y d , Ink, I l l
, ~ n d 4 posurs
mid at Bmoklp, ,MY.
hfpted b3.4.


MARCH 1968


"Also, In all the d o n s the good news has to be p m a l e d flnt.'rMark 13:lO.

Qem CPubQishe~: .
All of US here a t the Bethel home
enjoyed a most outstanding day on
January 31, 1968. It was the day
of the dedication of the new factory
building. At noon a special meal
was provided by the kitchen staff
and we lingered longer than usual
a t the table. And no wonder! For
the dedication program was P r e
sented right there. Brother Knorr
showed some unique pictures of
t h e early beginnings. of the organizatlon, using a special lens on our
TV camera. Then he and other older
brothers filled in on the Progress
through the Years. There was no
doubt in anyone's mind that the
. angels must have been busy directing the organization's growth.
Later in the afternoon we headed
over to the factory for a most enjoyable tour. Everything seemed So
clean and fresh! I t was thrilling
to see the expansion of the biqdery.
We noted brand-new machinery
for separating and trimmi?g books ;
for endsheeting and gluing them,
and for embossing two book Covers
a t a time. Another floor was all
laid out in readiness for new rotar^ Presses soon to be delivered.
And in the shipping department, we
-0bwrved an improved
handling l i t e r a t ~ r eorders, involving
450 feet of roller tracks. The whole
tour was really fascinating!
This new addition to the factory
with its many improved features
has become necessary a s a - result
of your fine work in the field. The
demand for more and still more
Bibles, books and magazines continues to grow. I n fact, your service during January alone means
that we will be getting magazines
out regularly to 146,@7 new subscribers. Think of the good that
those magazines can do !
Another thing we are all keenly
interested in is the progress in aiding new ones to share in the fishing
work Just take a look a t the reports under Theocratic News in
tbis Kingdom Ministry. From all
parts of the earth have come reports
of new pab in gublLsherfs, some

* -



1 Be a Good 'Fisher of Men' :I"

1Fishing for a living is a serious business. Many things must be
learned and applied. Jesus knew
this. Several of his apostles were
professional fishermen. Much would
also be involved in proclaiming the
good news and making disciples.
Jesus knew this, too, when he issued the invitation, "Come after
me, and I will make you fishers
of men."-Matt.
4 : 19.
2 HOW do you feel, then, a s the
call goes out during the month of
March to Yet down your nets for
a catch"? There are many special
activities and blessings that lie
ahead. I n fact, if we are going to
be truly good 'fishers of men' we
will have to plan and prepare.
3 The subscription campaign continues and the new sermon, "Peaceful Future for Those Who Turn
to &d," will help in our door-todoor work. The Watchtower issues
for March and April will carry
articles to fit this theme.
your appetite been whetted
by the title of the March 31 specia1 talk "What God's ~ i g hpriest
will D ~for
' the p e o p ~ ' ?w e can
advertise this talk extensively the
week before and even the previous
weekend. Encourage all interested
branches already reaching more
than a 2@percent increase. Here
in the United States, too, our reports to date show 11,665 more publishers for this service year. How
happy it makes us to see more willing workers to handle the nets !
During March and April it will be
a pleasure to concentrate our efforts
in aiding even more to share in this
joyful work. Are you studying with
some who are ready to start in
the field service? By all means,
invite them to go along with yea.
way our united efforts result in
increased praise to our great God,
With you, letting down our nets
for the catch,

ones to be there with you. We

should go into all 'waters' of our
territory in letting people know
of this talk and stirring up interest
in it.
6 Duflng March we will be offering subscriptions particularly to




our ministerial activity and show

why we hold to Bible principles
in doing our work and in all of
our activities.
6 Subscriptions can be offered to
deliverymen, repairmen, garagemen,
*'doctors, and so forth. They are
usually busy, so we can be brief
After paying for groceries a sis
ter might say: "This month we
are offering subscriptions for The
Watchtower and Awake! to our
friends. YOU have read them b e
fore. They a r e just $2 for both
for a year. May I send them to $
you?" Only a few words are neces
7 Does the Memorial, t o be cele
brated Friday evening, April 12,
away? Now is the time to I;,
, .
begin thinking of all interested persons, preparing them so they will .\'.I
be with us on t h k important occa- f
sion. This to@ of those who might
qualify a& Ge helped into the '-.
field service, a s we work for a peak ?:'
in publishers during April.
was it we agreed
~ r l l i n gprofessional fishing? That
much was involved and fiat planning and
were necescatch- The same
Sav a
will be true with our 'fishing-formen' operations during March. But
what did Jesus illustrate for -'his
oil page 7, coE.

Letting down our nets for the catch.




Do you know why we are the happiest
people in the world today? That's right, it
is because we worship "the happy God," Jehovah! (1Tim. 1 : l l ) Our God does not selfishly keep his happiness to himself but
generously shares it with us. He does this
by providing many, many things that make
living a joy and give meaning to it. Not only
~ t brothers,
but he also makes available
, JS opportunities to increase our happiness.
What a kind, loving heavenly Father! No
wonder we dedicated ourselves to him and
want to serve him forever and ever!
Tor a moment, let us reflect on some of
, that we have in connection with
worshiping our God, ~ehovah.Just think of
the many dear brothers that he has given
us, yes, true friends who mean so much to
How faith strengthening have been their
dnesses, generosity and encouragement!
When meeting time rolls around, we keenly
look forward to associating with them again.
Talking about Jehovah and his promises refreshes our spirits. (Ps. 145:6, 11) It helps
to maintain our faith and integrity among
ungodly men. In this way we have the joyful
privilege of adding to Jehovah's happiness.
(Prov. 23:15) Doesn't that make us happy?
Of course, our field ministry is a great
source of happiness and satisfaction. Our
knowing that it is the best work we can engage in now contributes to our contentment
and peace of mind. We are certainly glad that
Jehovah has made this provision. It keeps us
spiritually alive and busy during the few
remaining years before these "last days"
come to their turbulent finish.
From time to time, Jehovah through his
organization encourages us to do something
that will increase our happiness. He knows
that happiness benefits us spiritually and
physically. (Prov. 15:13; 17:22) He also
lost, rewardii work in
knows that

which we can engage now is that of "fishinp"

for men by preaching the good news. Nat
rally, the more we engage in this activity t k
happier we will become.
Circumstances, however, prevent many ous from entering the pioneer ranks where
we could engage in this happifying work
regularly for 100 or more hours a month.
There are obligations for which Jehovah expects us to care and which cannot be neglec
ed. Does this mean that we are barred fror
tasting the joys of full-time Kingdom preacling? No, for Jehovah has lovingly made arrangements whereby we can taste the happiness that comes from increased activity.
Brothers, it is the privilege of vacation pioneering at any time during the year that
we wish and for as long as we wish.
We are writing to you now because an
opportunity to enter the vacation pioneer
ranks is presenting itself to many of you. We
thought that you might want to consider tal
ing advantage of it. For many of you your,,
folks there will be a vacation period in connection with the world's Easter holiday. As
incentives to vacation pioneer, there are the
Memorial and the activity connected. with
the special talk. Further, with the northern
spring around the corner, the weather will
be warming up. Yes, here is an excellent
opportunity to increase your happiness by
vacation pioneering during April.
Just think, brothers, if there were no vac:
tion pioneer service, only about 12,300 in the
United States would be tasting the joy of
full-time field service, while many of us would
never have the pleasure and joy of seeing
what pioneering is all about. How thankful
we are that Jehovah offers us the opportunity
to vacation pioneer, yes, an opportunity to
increase our happiness! Many have written
to us telling how they felt about vacation
pioneering. We think that what some wrote
will interest you.
One father wrote: "You have no idea how
happy this arrangement for vacation pioneer. makes m( am finally able to real-

e-mv ambition -co ~ l o n ewnich

I felt would
not d;e fulfilled un?i after mv retirement."
A sister, who was hesitant i t first, said:
"I can truthfully say these two months undoubtedly have been the happiest and most
rewarding I have ever spent in Jehovah's
service." Another sister wrote: "Never have
I felt so close to Jehovah as I have during
this month of April. . I have never known
such happiness and contentment, nor has
my conscience been so clear."
No doubt about it, brothers, vacation pioneering increased the happiness of these
brothers, didn't it? That happiness can be
yours too. It just requires taking a positive
attitude toward this privilege and being willing, with Jehovah's help, to try it.
Brothers, we do not want you to feel that
vacation pioneering is something everyone is
obligated to do. No, it is a privilege that Jehovah invites you to take up. None of us
should feel that we will lose Jehovah's favor
if we cannot vacation pioneer. He loves the
congregation publishers and blesses their
activity too, doesn't he? We feel his holy
spirit helping us as we try to do the things
pleasing to him. However, there are times
when we want to do more, to make a special
effort to expand our activity for a while. Here
is where the loving arrangement of vacation
pioneering comes in. It is something we can
take up whenever we want, and the increased
blessings are ours for doing so. (Prov. 11:25)
Imagine that a person found a mom full of
treasures and in the room was a door marked
"More Treasures." Wouldn't he walk through
that door? Of course he would. So it is with
us. As publishers we have a treasure of
service and connected with it is a door of
opportynity marked, qs it were, "Vacation
?ioneering, More Treasures of Service."
We are sure that many this year will walk
through that door and experience what treasures of service lie beyond it, even as many
thousands have already done.

6:l-21)Thdugh all the Israelites were dedicated to Jehovah. through their birth into
his dedicated nation, individuals, from time
to time, felt the need to do more. Perhaps
they saw the privilege of going farther in
their being more fully set apart to 3ehovah.
Not only by their actions but in all probability
by word of mouth, those Nazirites declared
the glory of Jehovah their God. If we were
living back there, many of us would take up
the Nazirite vow, wouldn't we? .
Being a Nazirite meant a period of
abstinence in order to live closer to God.
When vacation pioneering, one abstains from
other regular things to live closer to God, in
this case by more time in direct servich to .
God. It is Jehovah's loving arrangement by
which we can satisfy this healthy Christian
yearning and increase our happiness. The
way thousands of you have responded to the
invitation to vacation pioneer shows that
the Nazirite spirit of wanting to have more
spirituality is alive as never before. Yes, we
have every incentive to take advantage of
this happifying arrangement.
Since we have dedicated
hovah, we want to do his will to the fullest
extent possible. Making some special effort
to do more than the usual helps us live up
to our dedication. In view of the short period
of time left, we want to do this as often as
circumstances permit. Just think, brothers, . ,
there are only about ninety monlhs left be- '
fore 6,000 years of man's existence on earth '
is conipleted. Do you remember what we
learned a t the assemblies last summer? The
majority of people living today will probably
be alive when Armageddon breaks out, and
there are no resurrection Fiopes for those
who are destroyed then. So, now more than
ever, it is vital not to ignore that wirit of ,
wanting to do more.
,Those who take up vacation pioneering
know that adjustments must be made to care .
for all of their obligations. You mothers will
have to arrange your affairs so that with
Increasing .Your Ministry
family cooperation you can care for your,
Increases Pour Happiness household work as you pioneer for a while. ,
Do you remember the Nazirite arrange-- One sister made adjustments in her schedule \
ment in the ancient nation of Israel? (Num. for laundering and ironing. To~uracatimp b





. ,1P*9-

n&r she had to do h e s e a t night. How did

she feel about it? She wrote: "The goal for

most people is to be happy and enjoy life- I
would I'WOmrnend pioneer service as a guarantee for happiness- You'll get tired, but it is
still happiness."
Yes, it may even require getting up earlier
and caring for things. Some mothers a'with other mothers' We
could not begin to quote all their letters expressing the happiness they felt as vacation
pioneers. To them the adjustments they made
in personal and family matters were nothing
compared to the joy and satisfaction they
received. With determination they were able
to overcome things that would have held
them back.
Maybe some of you are hesitating to vacation pioneer because of having to work alone.
You can overcome this by searching out
others in your congregation who would like
to increase their ministry. It means talking
to them and letting the brothers know of
your intentions. If possible, maybe your
congregation servant can let it be known
that some will be vacation pioneering and
invite others to join them. When news gets
around that two or three will be in this happy
service, some may be encouraged to join you,
probably some who might have been holding
back for certain reasons.
For example, one sister for a time held
Mck from vacation pioneering because she
could not drive an automobile. Now she
mites: "Tomorrow is the last day of this
most delightful experience and I do hate to
think of it ending." What moved her to vacation pioneer? She answers: "The sisters
encouraged me to fill out a vacation pioneer
application but I hesitated, explaining to
-them that since I did not drive I felt I would
be a burden to them and maybe I shouldn't."
They "assured me that they would be happy
to stop by for me and I need not worry." Such
encouragement moved her to respond and
she concluded: "We all had such a delightful
time together in Jehovah's service."
-.You congregation servants, is it possible
&at-$our entire congfegation could vacation
or that maybe a majority could? One



congregation in Maryland had forty vacation <3?

pioneers last April. In Lebanon a conmga- :$
tion had all its publishers in the vacation +,
except one who was unbaptized .i;;
as yet, m d even that one made it his goal to ' 2.
reach the pioneer goal of hours. (yb68 179) .-.
Of (-0-,
you will want to guard against
creating a spirit of rnmmtiOn or rnaEng
any of the brothers feel obligated to do it
simply because others are. You congregation
book .study servants can do much to encourage those in your groups. If you plan
to vacation pioneer, let them know about it.
Invite them to join you. Talking about it
enthusiastically can do much to encourage
others to try it.
There are many blessings and happy benef i t s that result from ,vacation pioneering.
Let's consider some of them. We are sure
that when you consider these, you will wmt
to try vacation pioneering.
H a p p y Benefits from an Increased Ministry
Here in Brooklyn there is an elderly sister

who has high blood pressure problems and

who, in spite of it, vacation pioneered twice
last year. During her second time she spent
well over 160 hours in the field. We asked
her why she vacation pioneered. She said
succinctly: "I want to beborne strong in Jehovah." This sister has observed that vacation pioneering increases one's faith in Jehovah. Another sister who vacation pioneered
for two weeks wrote: "Now I feel spiritually
stronger and as enthusiastic as when I came
into the truth f i f h n years ago." Truly a
strengthening of one's faith like this is a.
happy benefit. .
There is no question about the fine effects
vacation pioneering has on your field ministry. For a moment, think about your literature placements. Wouldn't you like to be able
to call back on these people more often? Surely. Well, vacation pioneering gives you the
opportunity to do this.
We know.that regular calls on those with
whom literature is placed keep the interest
alive and make starting a Bible study easier.
~lisherswe find that our ~chedules~do


' -k



doing more than the usual in Jehovah's

vice brings blessings to the individual and
' his loved ones.
When many in a congregation can arrange
their affairs to vacation pioneer, we can be
sure that the congregation as a whole is
going to be benefited. How? Well, here is
what resulted to 8 congregation in Nevada
when many of the brothers vacation 1
neered. The congregation servant reported:
"We feel that our congregation has grown
spiritually because so many were able to
vacation pioneer. As a group, it has helped
us to work together and accomplish a great
deal in spreading the good news in our territory. Most of all, those that vacation pioneered and all of the other publishers were
able to draw closer to Jehovah and have a
greater appreciation for the blessing of the
holy spirit."
Another congregation in Alabama writes:
"Last October we had six vacation pioneers
and two regular pioneers, and it brought so
much happiness to them that others in the
congregation began to take more seriously
the privileges before them. The pioneers aided the publishers to increase their service
a? well as their zeal. In January [I9671 we
had fourteen vacation pioneers and two regular pioneers. Our congregation activity increased to the point that we averaged ter
hours per publisher and all the other av
ages increased."
Truly, vacation pioneering offers a series
of blessings to the individual, the family and
the congregation. It helps us to produce the
fruitage of the spirit. (Gal. 5:22, 23) It is
Jehovah's proviiion to increase our happiness
in this trouble-filled, unhappy system of
things. Brothers, why not increase your
happiness by vacation pioneering? Yes, set
for yourself how GO^
'cause you to re,
joice with great joy.~-~eh, 12:43.

not allow us to do this as fully as we would

like and so it takes usllonger to start studies.
When we arrange to spend more time in the
service by vacation pioneering, this problem
of calling back sooner and more often is
solved; we have better results. Among the
letters received supporting this is one from
a sister who said she had "more time to make
back-calls on placements where interest was
shown, resulting in two new Bible studies and
five more new Bible studies to be started."
Others who had difficulty in starting studies
found that vacation pioneering helped them
improve their back-calls, and they were
blessed with good results, some finding more
interest than they could handle.
What effect does vacation pioneering have
on the family when mother is spending 75
or 100 hours in the field ministry? Listen
to what a mother of three small children
said: "During the month, our girls, 3 and 4,
went with me every day in the service and
on calls. Since our son is of school age, he
would go with us in the service after school,
eliminating the problem of his not being
properly taken care of and being left alone."
What was the result? She continues: "Our
whole family benefited spiritually to a deeper
qegree during this month. We truly felt
~lessedby Jehovah's spirit."
Another mother who has four children
wrote: "With my going out the children get
out more. I have found that they are built
up most effectively when I take them out
separately and concentrate on their individual ministry. I might add, our relationship
as parent and child is greatly improved by
this individual attention." What a happifying
benefit to this family!
Here is a heartwarming picture of the
happy benefits that vacation pioneering
brings into the home. Noting the keen family
interest in her activity, a sister wrote: "As
soon as my son gets home from school 'he
asks, 'What happened today, Mom?' As soon
as my husband gets home from work he is
eager to hear my experiences. How delightf~
our W e r how is as we d i w my daily
experiences, and they are many!" Obviously

- -4





Your brothers seeking Your increased


' L r


Your Jc,- ?

u r the
i e mol
LThe apostle Paul tells us of
this person
we have
something that brought him real feguIm study- However, a neeas
~ ~ r e cai ajoyed
t - service
the series
of demo~lc~trat
joy. I t had to do with people who iw that some who a t one tune were
. ccpfiparing
others to B~~~~
'were on the .road to life. But more active don't lfke to be treated as praisers
of ~these~ M~~~
of. us ~
particularly did it have to do with beginners, YOU might say: "MY wife been using
fined suggestfons,
those whom he himseIf had helped and I enjoy preparing our Watchto learn the truth. He said: "why, tower lesson with others. W O U I ~ ~
~ t ~ m
s ~~ d
is it not in fact
it be all right for us to
by been responding. We would lige to
certainly are our g E 7
Monday evening
the help these interested persons even
-1 Thess. 2 : 19, 20.
~ , "wouldn't
t t might
~ ~we?beHere
a sugSHOW can we today share in ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ $ \ f " p ' ~ t u ~ Omore,
just iswhat
that same joy? Well, today people dren c ~ u l dbe included too."
n&ded to get them started in the
.come into Jehovah's orgahization
Our records show that
field service during March or Apl
primarily through Bible studies. studies increase remarkably in if they qualify.
So, it is those publishers who con- March and April. For example, zThe
duct these studies that especially in February 1967 we conducted 250,- have
"Are you
will have the wonderful opportunity 956, in March 260,655, and in April
276,881. While many factors are ~
of experiencing this joy.
involved, could it not
skbout two out of every five of undoubtedly
our brothers are 'now conducting
might we use this
Bible studies. Would the month of are in contact are moved to respond
if the
'March be & good month for you because of our increased activity to the best advantage?
to start a study? You might feel in March and April? Very likely. One with whom you study is a subYOU may find that he has
that there are many other impor- so, whue we "might be busy with scriber,
tant theocratic things for which many things we will a h 0 want to already read it. Fine! If he has
to care. There are subscriptions to keep in mi;d that interested per- not, call it to his attention a s soon
b ~ as~possible. If he does not subscribe,
get, the special talk to advertise, sons should have a ~ i s/tudy.
7The Bible studs work will en- take an extra copy with you On
the Memorial to begin thinking
next call and leave it with
about and special magazins to able many of us to share the same 'Our
place. But, think for a minute. joy that the apostle Pahl had. The him' asking him to read it
your next visit. Tell him
I s all this activity something that
your next call you would
will stand in the way of starting nish many fine opportunities to that toondiscuss
the article with ~ir$,
Bible studies? Or. might it actual- start studies.
study it iI1 place
ly help you to start one? Very likely
of what you are regularly studying
f t 'will help.
4During March and April we
4 I t will just be a matter of keep- +During
A P l kt's make it a point will try to help these interested
ing the goal in mind. For example, to feature Owgn-lanvge subscrip- ones to see the joy of serving ;TeOverseers can de ermine if there
getting a subscription from a work- tions.
foreign-language groups tn their hovah. If You can study the article
mate or one of your business con- are
territory sp that distributors' copies with them, that would undoubtedIy
+-ets is not an end in itself, is can be ordexed now- Many subscr?be be best. If not, then be w e they
? No, so a t appropriate times you when they see the magazine in their read it!
~ i g h ttry to learn how' he feels language.
is with your
about a certain matter and then + ~ f the circuit senrant
the week of Me- emerseel'S should be sure to order
refer to an article in the magazine ~ O ~ ~ ' , " n & committee
~ e
meet- enough vacation pioneer application
may be c
ed and he ma be *oms.
that made an especially good point ing
If your congregation has older bookon that subject. If interest develops, the c o n r g t i o n desires. Only the g~ ife lets
m stock we encourage You to
you will have in mind the need morial
be observed Friday eve- leave two of h e s e older booklets with
a current booklet when a Watchtower
for an opportunity for a longer .+Offer
for May: cImpossiblet o Lie' or subscription is obtained.
discussion. You might say: "At Ltfe Euerlasttng
along with Evolutton +Regular
ioneers serving since Febhome I have more material that book apd two booklets,
for 75c. Can ' r u a r ~1, 198, will be sent a meal ticket
win help you to understand what then drop to Evolutwn book for 25c wtth the March 15 ioneer letter for
you remember how easy it'was td use a t the coming &strict assemblies.
the Bible says on this. May I stop Do
lace E v o l books
~ ~ in November? +Congre ation -ants
and pioneers:
a t your home some evening to ex- gid
run short of b o o b then? Be As usual,.fhe Society
be reyiewing
plain it further?"' Rfwnember, it sure YQu
to order enough for May.
the activlty of all regular pioneers in
is usually best to follow up on ~ A c c servants
o ~ may provide pub- March. It will help us considerably if
shers with sli s showing names and all reports are sent no later than ff
the things in which they show in- .addresses
of a l f subscribers shown on third of March.
SUbscri tion Record sheets since Jan- +New publications available:
= I f you have been keeping in uary &67. Distribute these through. gcThb Good News af the Kfngcton
touch with an inactive publisher book study servants so all these perand- have especially been highp & ~ ff
"p,"c$i P:!
OT&T in Hope of a Righteous- w
lighting the importance of the Me morial.
Tll-Whtch Is the Right. Religwn?
mortal and he is being stirred' up +E overseers act immediately there
still be time to order p,inireased + Again available in U.S.A.:
spiritually, what might you do will
further? Keep the goal in mind. tower and the special April 22 Awake!
+There is 'still time for the overseer e Out Of Stock in U.S.A.:
Be a Good 'Hsher of Men'
(Colzt'd) to arran e for those i n t e ~ s 4 e din va-English
pqoneer service d u m g April g%erham Bible
followers? That, if they $allowed cation
to get to ether a t a convenient time to Watchtower bound v o ~ w n e - $ ~ P
closely his instdctions, thkre would discuss
&eir plan,s. 'This will afford ,
be a c8tch! He*is backing-up his them an opportun~ t o work out ar- Awake! bound volume 196b
-Portuguese, Spanish
followers totlay just as he did 1,9DO rangernents among %emselves and for
a e overseer to schedule oqp witness1968 Yearbook
years ago. What 'greater assurance ing
if necessary, and o%e~~isle
offer 1968 Calendar
-F,ngli&of success do we need?
Music tape #S










The Netherlands reached a new peak

of 15,606 publishers in December; 91
new regular pioneers oppointed during
first four months of service year. to com-


APRIL 1968

"Also, In all the nations the good news has to be preached flnt."+ark

My dear Brothers and Sisters:

Just think of it I Seven months of
the service year have gone already!
When you are busy, time flies, and
here we are in April ! And April is
a special month to all of us, for we
will be celebrating the death of the
Lord Jesus Christ-the death on
which our lives depend. Surely that
was a wonderful arrangement Jesus
made: All of us getting together
once each year-this year on April
12 after sundown. At the Lord's
supper the anointed and the "other
sheep" will keep in remembrance
$he marvelous thing that Jesus
did--dying on our behalf and keeping integrity to h B heavenly Father.
7 We
certainly want to invite everyone we know who believes in Jesus
Christ to attend with us on that
memorable occasion, don't we?
Just the other day I had occasion
to check through the January r e
lrqU .,ports
world wide, and I was sur- c . -7.prised, as you will be surprised, to
learn that Jehovah's witnesses are
i ., ib?+'
now conducting 941,340 weekly Bi,,,. ble studies, as compared with last
r's total of 867,009. So that
ings up the' question : How many
these can we bring to the Me-& morial celebration? We hope all of
r-. ,:.-.;,these and many more will accept
i.. , -7the invitation.
d-9 And how many of these 941,340
more new Bible students will
be encouraged to join us in telling
other people what Jesus has done
-for mankind? Do they have enough
!* .
faith in Jesus Christ to do what he
i . . i d i d when he was on earth, name
$ !,' ly, preach the Eingdom message?
:34 Doubtless you are impressing on the
r minds of these new students week
by week the need to tell other peo'*-"**j
3 ple
what they have now learned
the Bible. How happy we
ST;,.d would all be if many more of these
students could get the full signifof the words : "Also, in aU
$1 l,:-. icance
tlte nations the good news has t o be
<' preached flrst" l (Mark 13:10) I t
+:* .-'+
I is urgent
that this good news be
preached before Armageddon breaks
Ffi; ,:+. upon all the nations.
I n accord with Jesus' instructions
k :t + - d have been ~rivilegedto make





- -'.




Bring Them with You!

l Festivals are specia'
to be enjoyed by a COI
lnity or
group of persons, not to be celebrated alone. I n ancient Israel
three principal festivals were held
at Jehovah's direction, and 'every
male was to appear before Jehovah
God in the place that he would
choose.' But were they to come
alone? No. The rejoicing was to be
shared in company with sons and
daughters, slaves, alien residents,
the fatherless and the widows in the
land. All were to be brought together before Jehovah God.-peut. 16:

year a t Memorial 2,195,612 assembled before Jehovah. I t was the flrst

time in the modern history of Jehovah's witnesses that over two
million individuals came together
for a special occasion of praise. Not
everyone attending was one of Jehovah's dedicated witnesses, but our
wish is that in due time all of this
great crowd of people will worship
Jehovah regularly. And we hope
more will come this year.-Heb.
10 :25.
8The Memorial, held on Friday
night, April 12, will offer an oppor14.
Christian servants of Jehovah tunity for us to do more than attend
likewise enjoy regular gatherings personally. Bring all in the family
and are commanded to encourage and more. We conduct Bible studone another as we 'behold the day ies with many Such people. Medrawing near.' The larger the gath- morial time is an outstanding 6pering, t h e greater th;? joy. -hst 1
(Continued on page 3, col. 2)
many disciples during the past six mer? But even before that you will
months, and many of these are want to have them come and heqr
already publishing the Kingdom the special public talk on March 31,
truths. Out of the 197 countries re- and from there i t is an easy matter
porting during this service year, to suggest that they share in distrib87 have reached higher pehks than uting the April 15 Watchtower,
during the previous year, 46 of them containing the text of the ,talk, from
have at least a 10-percent increase, house to house. Sometime they will
and 33 of them a 20-percent in- have to show their faith by their
crease. So, in each congregation we works, and can you think of any
might ask ourselves, How did we do better time than the month of
in March, and what is the prospect April? It certainly will be interestfor April?
ing to see how our report for April
Are some of those with whom you turns out.
study ready and, qualified to share
Oh yes, March 10 we had the
in preaching the good news along Cfilead graduation-a delightful one
with you? Are they seriously think- -and already many of the gradFng about dedicating their lives to uates of the forty-fifth class are
Jehovah? Are you, as a teacher, on their way. We hope that by April
seeing to it that some day they will 1 all of them will be busy in their
be able to answer the eighty ques- new assignments, shariog in all the
tions in the L a w book? And is it activity of that big month of sernot high time to invite them to go vim
. ---.
along and observe your ministry
Be assured of my warm love for
in the field? If we are to make disci- all of you as together we anticipate
ples out of people of all nations,
then we have to work hard a t it. the celebration of the Memorial supAnd have you thought about in- per.
Your brother,
viting these new students to attend
one of the "Good News for A11 Nations" District Assemblies this sum4 .




kc .







2: .-'

- =;



$. .
%- -



Theme: Bring Others to the Festival.
Song 47.
10 min: Introduction, text, comments,
Theocratic News.
12 min:
"Bring Them with You!"
Questions and answers. Include mention of number of home Bible studies
now being conducted. also how many
attended Memorial d e r e last year.
16 min: Welcome Interested Persons.
, (1 rnin.) Chairman says we hope
many newly interested persons will
come to Memorial.
(4 rnin.) Servants a r e interested in
them. Two servants discuss plans for
Memorial and who will be assigned
to welcome t h e new attenders. Hope
everyone regularly attending meetlngs
will be taking interest in them. all
can share in the welcoming, shoaing
(1 min. Chairman explains we want
t o know how to make them welcome.
8 rnin.) Demonstration showing
putlisher bringing newly interested
one into Kingdom Hall. Introduces
him to two or three others who carry
on model conversation this to let
everyone know how to 'converse with
new attenders. May ask where they
a r e from, how long they haye lived
. there
and such other neighborly
quesdons, a n d mentiqn what enjoyment h a s been received personally
by attending meetings a t Kingdom
=ell. Hope they will enjoy being here
3, etc. S o p e features in hall may
explained, such a s yeartext, termtory map library or whatever cong r e ation' m a h&ve
rnin.) ~ g a i r m a hencourages all
present to bring newly interested ones.
Also to t r y to bring them to other
-eetings after Memorial. We want
em to associate, gain blessings of
2 min: Accounts report.
20 m in : Concluding comments. Branch
letter. "How Did We Do in February?"
Progress of subscription campaign.
Announcements on all arrangements
for Memorial transportation etc., a s
well a s weegend activities. 'song 64.


Theme: Extending Mercy to Others.
Song 117.
7 min: Introduction by chairman. Two
publishers (vacation pioneers if avallable) discuss text and comm;?nts prior
to going into service. Mention enjoyable vacation pioneer experience.
10 min: "Just Say 'Come!' " A talk.
28 min: Presenting t h e Good News.
(10 rnin.) Questions and answers.
(10 rnin.) Demonstrate several presentations of magazines appropriate
t o your territory and the thinking of
t h e people there. Examine special
issues for a n outstanding point or
article t h a t will appeal locally. Not
necessary t o use wording in Presenting the Good News, a s i t is only a
(8 rnin.) Two publishers discuss
plans to get a new publisher interested in going along for 'field gervice.
As a publisher says Come
remember each individual is different;
important t o know personality a n d
how best to bring up. the subject.
Can relate spme experiences or tell
person how Interesting i t i s to see
t h e reactions of people to sp!ritual
things these days. It i s service to
Jehovah, i t i s for the blessing of
t h e people or whatever they fee'
appeal t o ' their own Bible st^


who a r e about read

t o ;share in
preaching work. ~ a g a z y n ework Is easy
way to s t a r t new publishers.
5 min: Local experiences in placing
special "Watchtower" issue.
10 min:
Concludina comments. Include appropriate a$nouncements and
refer to "Yearbook
page 200, 113, on
local territory. son& 34.

Theme: Good Cheer Amid Earth's

10:29. 30. Song 40.
5 min: Introduction. text. comments.
24 min: "convention ~ i m eNear."
(7 rnin.) A talk. Where and why
attend. Remember
some facilities
overtaxed last ye2r so please note
suggestions fpr certiin circuits. (May
use information on page 127 of "The

rnin.) kveryone



in attendance
h a s Room Request form. Consider
line by line. to be sure all understand
how to fill i t out when decision made
on which assembly they will attend.
Explain form briefly. (Start with
"One for Each Room."). Where to
mail form. Rooms in private homes
advantages. When to
arrive. Hotel (motel) rooms--best
prices by writing convention office.
Write wire or phone hotel if arriving
late (after 6 p.m.). May receive private home assignment Instead of hotel
(motel) in small cities with few of
them. No trailer park or tent areas
run by Society b u t will And place
for you in comhercial trailer park if
available. Be sure to write clearly.
Send Room Requests to convention
city you will attend four to six weeks
before convention begins a t address
on back of request form:
(7 mln.) Go over Volunteer Service
form with congregation. Refer to
Question Box ,in August 1967 "Kingdom Ministry. Turn filled out forms
over to congregation servant to send
to convention clty (not to Brooklyn).
8 min: Encourage Bible students to
attend assembly with you. Discuss and
demonstrate how.
13 min: "Call Back in Aprjl." Talk.
Have publishers relate experiences already had during "Watchtower" cambaign in doing- this kind of work.
ncourage all to check over Houseto-House Recoras so no interested oerson is overlooked this month.
10 min: Concluding comments. Progress of subscription cam aign How
many back-calls to date? G a y include
experience on meetings, page 98,
"Yearbook." Song 92.

Theme: Advocate Christ's Blood for

9:14. Song
Mankind's Salvation.-Heb.

6 min: Introduction. New publisher

asks study conductor meaning of day's
text; conductor explains.
8 min: Talk,pn theme for May. See
December 1. 1967.
7 min: Question Box. Questions and
25 min: Suggested presentations for

ariety of ways to tie

!hapter One of "Im:

'- ible
sermon with
to :

book and Chapter Ten of "Evolution"

book. Go riaht into chaoter.
(2 rnin.) -chairman mentions t h a t
in some territories circumstances are
different, people not patient enou
to llsten to sermon or busy othc
show little interest in Bible. '1n sucn
places publishers may have better
success -approaching door with book
in hand. Book itself may be us
effectively a s basis for w h a t we sa
often more books laced this w~
(5 rnin.) Two publishers demonstra
offer highlighting "Impossible to Lit
book: After friendly greeting, pul
lisher says: "You have no doubt heal
talk these days t h a t God is dead. L,
you believe t h a t i s ~ o s s i b l e ? "Householder replies he believes there is a
God. Publisher continues: "I agree
with YOU. W h a t we all need now is
strong faith because there is so much
@lk of athAism (and/or communism)
in the world. From time t o time we
meet people who do not believe in
God or think he i s dead. W h a t a r e we
going to tell them? How can we defend our faith?" Publisher opens book
to Arst chapter and says: "This book
in the very first chapter h a s th6
evidence t h a t God lives. ~ e ; e on page:
10 and 11 a r e a few .of the facts.
Shows pages. "It i s being left a t t h e
h o k e s in this neighborhood along with
the book 'Did Man Get Here by Evolution or by Creation?' for a contribution of only 75 cents. I would very
much like to leave these copies wi"you." Offer accepted.
(1 rnin.) Chairman says in sor
cases publisher may prefer to feature
"Evolution" book especially where
householder is buiy, has guests or is
about to a o somewhere.
(2 m i n . i D e m o n s t r a t e . Publisher
gives friendly greeting. Householder
says he i s sorry but he is just getting
dressed to go out. Publisher says: "I
see you are-busy so I do not wish to
detain you. I came today t o bring some
important information -to you I n the
form of this book 'Did Man Get Here
by Evolution or by Creation?' All of
us should have the answer to t h a t
question. The book is only 25 cents.
May I leave this copy with you?"
(5 rnin.) Chairman points out how
this type of presentation allows for
placement of many books. Publishe
should always make notation of lac
ments and call back when housegold,.
has more time to talk or may have
questions about what h a s been read in
the book. Presentations such a s with
"Impossible to Gie" or "Evolution"
a r e simple and direct so ought to be
useful in helping thoie we started in
magazine witnessing during April to
take up another feature of service in
May, offering books. If we can open
book and show householder something
putting book in the hand, usually re:
sults in more placements. "Life Everlasting" may be.offered to busy peoplquickly by opening to picture in fro]
and referring to Romans 8:20 21 a
pearing there. Offer i s the tGo books
for 75 cents but may step down to
one book or'finally to two magazines
A free bdoklet is given with each large
book placed. May should be a leading
month for book distribution. Know
your territory and present offer in a
way t h a t will appeal to people there.
13 min: Concluding comments. Comment on "500,000 More!" Encourage
all to g e t good supply of books; remember last time "Evolution" offered
i t went fast. May refer to "Yearbook.:'
page 190 113 on witnessing if th
permits. h o n i 98.

dakiig asclples brings great

joy, ana it means that we are suecessfully following the example of
Jesus Christ. I n making disciples
he carefully taught them so that
:hey could teach others. Yet how
refreshingly simple was his invitation to them to join him in the
ministry. He said, "Come after me."
-Matt. 4 : 19.
During April we are happy to
give special attention to those
ready to join with us in the ministry and, brothers, we have a wonderful potential for new praisers in
the 247,957 Bible studies we averaged last year! Each of these studies represents a t least one person
who should have been steadily
'earning the truth.
sBut how have we been teaching
chem to teach others? ( 2 Tim. 2 : 2 )
During the past five months, November through March, we have
especially done this by helping our
Bible students to appreciate the
privilege of becoming praisers of
.Jehovah with the aid of the service
meeting demonstrations "Preparing
Others to Become Praisers of God."
Following this progressive, Scrip-


tural program With Our students On

why and how We Serve as ministers
has no doubt kindled a genuine desire in the hearts of many to have
a share themselves in teaching
others the truth.
Our next step, then, is to be
sure they are ready for a share.
Ask yourself the ten suggested questions on page 108 of 66Your Word
Is a Lamp $0 ~y ~ ~ o regarding
t "
those new ones we are ready to invite into the ministry. Discuss each
scriptural requirement with your
Bible students to be sure of their
heart attitude toward Jehovah's service. If these questions can be
answered positively about our Bible
students, then they are ready to begin teaching others. They may feel
a little weak a t first, but if they
have right hearts and a willing
spirit Jehovah will bless them.
5 Having prepared them .for the
ministry, what should we then do?
Simply say :'Come," as Jesus did.
Be confident in Jehovah's spirit to
move them and simply invite them
to share with you in th@ joyous
work of making disciples. J U S ~ say

Assemblies always bring us ,..cheer. I n order to share in ioys thi
summer plan now to attend one (1
the ~ N~~~
~ for
d ti^^^
District Assemblies The dates an
cities are tabuldtei below:

J U L Y 4-7- Corpus Christi Tex. (Span-

ish onl;); Ft. Worth, %ex.; L e e s ton Me.; Mflwaukee..Wis. (~panlsk




17-14: ~ i i l i n g s ~ o n t . ;Detroit;

, . Mich.,




~ a ~ 2 6 2 #",
~ 3ztAe
sale& N.C.


J\'z: $ a ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~ $ i n ~ ; ~ i l

a l s o ) Washington, D.C.
J Uish
L Y also).
25-28: Albusuemue
(SpanMemphis ~ bNn M.
i . ;Muskegon, ~ i c h . ;spokade, Wash.; Ventura Calif
AUGUST 8-'TI: 'Columbus 'ohio; maianapolis Ind.; 1ngleGood. Calif.;
Santa dosa Calif.
AUGUST 15-j8: ~ ~ k ~ ~ ~mw.:
f i ~ l d ,
Burlington Vt.; Eureka
~acksanvide, Fla.; ~ e a o ( r d , Ore.



Undoubtedly many will desire

to attend the nearest assembly.
However, in some of the large metropolitan areas, in order to balance
the Size of the crowd with the size
of the facilities, certain recornmen1 dations below.are made so the atten-

It's Easy to Offer Magazines You." One might say: "Good morn1Generally it is easy to offer the ing- I have infpmation that will

9 More fine new peaks in publishers

El Salvador, 1,0921 Mexico, 34,111 ;Ven.
ezuela, 4,876; Ecuador, 1,832 publish'
ers and 2,853 Bible studies! Nicaragua
951 publishers and 10,641 back-calls.
+Haiti, with
publishers in
enjoyed an attendancc of 2,494 a
their district assembly.

magazines in our field ministry; be ocinterest to You. In this article,

This fact should encourage each of 'What the Future Holds for You:
Robe* Wallen as
us to think about asking those with your f U h is
~ dipcussed. 811 of US
new Kingdom
branch On'
whom we conduct home Bible stud- have a choice a s to the future. Sewant
dedicated in An
iw to accompany us in the field What you do now will definitely
affect your future and perhaps the tigua with 250 present, to compare with
future of your family. I am sure 100 publishers on the island- Over 1,000
2 When planningto take a new
you will enjoy reading this informa- atte~~ded
special talk by zone servant in,
publisher into the field, the
Guadelou~e. In Puerto Rice# 10832 were
enced publisher is wise to examine tion. These two magazines are el:
Present for his public talk.
his own presentation and be sure for a contribution of only ten cents.
.'The special April 22 Awake1
Cameroun reports 9,299 publisher!. ..
it is s h p l e and direct. T~ start
him off, it may be wise to let him features "The Catholic Church in January, a 12-percent increase. Also
use an article title to arouse in- the Modern World." This magazine new subscription and back-call ~ e a k s .
terest, coming to the point quickly can be used effectively for both +Three "firsts!' for Japan: over 1,000
and mentioning the small contribu- Catholic and non-Catholic territory- pioneers, over 10,000 new subscriptions
tion of ten cents for two magazines. Take into account the kind of people and over 250,000 magazines in January8 r
It is not necessary to mention arti- In YOUr territory and choose a p r e 5,249 publishers.
cles in both magazines.
sentation that will appeal. NonCatholics take interest in current
example, the special April events*
and what is happening in
15 Watchtower contains an article
. on "What the Future Holds for the Oath0lic church is in the
.What should you do when someone
so Awake! ought to be easy to place. you meet in the ministry insists that
last time we had a special you accept a contribution althtugh fie
Call Back in April The
issue on the catholic church we does notewant the literature.
1 April is the final month of our broke all records to that date on h&:t ~ ~ $ t ~ ~ n i ~ h " , ~ ~ . , 2%:
t h i r t i e t h W a t c h t ow e r c a m - magazine placements. Whatever pre- in the ministry wish to contribute to:
paign. Will this campaign be the sentation you select, be sure to keep ~ ~ , " c ~ , " g a d ~ ~ ~ m
: :" , "p, v
t it;'
finest ever? Probably that will de- it brief and to the point.
should not be dknied interested per6April is a good month to get sons eyen though they may at that
'pn'd upon what we do in April.
During the f3st three months of the new publishers started in the ser- ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~ ~ ~ & ~ , " [ , " , " , " " ~ i r " , ~ $ ~
Campaign we met interested per- vice. Use magazine work, with a ueen of Sheba although not one oi
sons. Individual magazines were simple presentation, to achieve this ~ ~ s ~ , " a " p ~ t h " t ~ ~ ; o ; ~ m s " ~ 1 0 W m a 8 n
placed. with many during the last goal.
do& and Jehovah's obvious blessing
few wee@. Now April is here, the
upon him, and so made a very la%e
( C07bt'd) contribution that Solomon accepted.t i p e to call back on .all interested Bdng lhrmwith
portunity to bring sincere newly
a situation presents .it2Have we offered the subscrip- interested Persons into association self in our mlnbtry we need not th~nk
tions to those who take copies on with' Jehovah's people a t the thou- that it lowers ourIt&ork
to accept such
would be good tc
our magazine routes? In Britain sands of Kingdom Halls throughout amake
clear to the person flrst thal
one pioneer doing this obtained 22 the land. Have You made personal our purpose in calling is net to solicit
mbscriptions in two aays. An elder- plans to do this? Will you be able contributions but to preach the Kingly pioneer got 69 subscriptions dur- to leave your home a little earlier ~~eg","t~$,"~;t"p",$t"e,"ir8is~~~",
ing the campaign. Are you enjoying than usual and arranm to ~!com-desires to make a contribution, a&
pany someone besides your imme- though not wanting the literature we
such blessings?
3 a r e t ~ e any
n in yoor terpiton diate family to be sure he will flnd $% ~ , " ~ " , " l l ~ ~ o " , " ~ " , ' ~ ~ t i ~ ~ ,
who read a foreign language? The the way and will be there on time? we plan to use it in givin publication^
to someone who ka unabfe to make a
March Kingdom MinZ8m suggested rode know the importance of contribution
Or that we
lace It
that we offer subscriptions to those meetings to keep one spiritually in the Kingdom Hall contributhn box.
people during April. Sometimes strong. Newly interested ones will ~nsome instances there may be anV
reading matter in their tongue is gain spiritual benefits if we can get ~ ~ P E ~ ~ ; ~ Y ~o ~ ~~ - ~
not plentiful and they will quickly them to come back for other meet- & unannounced contributions ct9
subscribe if they see a publication inm. SO if yon are able to bring the$ are -made at our mngdom Raas
by means of the contribution box. or
in their language.
people to the Memorial, make it how such contributions make poss'fblc
Did meon one express interest in your goal during April to have ~ ~ t ~ n ~ & f h ~ ~ f "
, ~ , " ~ ~ t
the magazines but not have the con- those persons acmmpan~YOU to a message in fulfRlment of ~~n~~~~
call back
tribution on24.14 BY Our ttWtfUlly answering Such
GO over all House-to-House Records meeting again before the month p&edns in this way they will under7
ast three months and give "68. They need a~S0CiatiOn with stand that we are not solicitins confor
tributions and we will not quench '
e v e r m e r e s t e d person a chance to Jehovah's organmtion. Keep on their
w i ~ n g irit that c o , . ~abringing them with you I
become a subscriber in April.
tually lead to &eir learning 1








MAY t9&-"

l*Also, In all the ~afionsthe sood nllwr has to be preached flnt."-dark 13:lO.




Qecut CPubQlske~r~:
Springtime is here! And longer
days and a warmer sun mean that
us can increase Our share
in planting* an appropriate activity
for this time of Year. Our Kingdom
ministry does involve a diligent
planting of the seeds of truth,
doesn't it?
&ready, though, you have all
been engaged in a great deal of Preliminary work, Yes, and even some
planting, for during the months of
January, February and March the
reports for the United States show
466,617 new subscriptions. This is
So we are all gofruly
lng be very busy
ln planting
additional seed and in cultivating
what has already been sown- That's
where Our
study activity
comes in- It is a wonderful way of
~ ~ l t i v a t i nstrong
faith in God and
@his purposes.
Just as the farmer up
~fiproductivesoil' by sowing Some
-*pedal t m of seed, so, during the
month of May, we can all share
Ln giving wide distribution to tl,le
Evolutim book to reach certaln
types of people. With this fine publication don't you think we will be
able to gain the attention of many
who have little interest in the Bible? When they see the evolution
theory in its true light, they may
have more respect for God's Word.
So, brothers, we are going to have
a joyous time during May offering
the EvoZution book along with other
publications throughout our territories.
I n May, too, we ought to think
about plans for the summer and
attendance a t one of the assemblies.
Which one will you attend? Have
decided yet? And how many
he newer ones are you encouragto go along with you to share
bountiful spiritual feast in association with great crowds of our
happy brothers and sisters? It is
time to give thought to such mattern. A thrilling program is being
On Monday, April 22, the new
W e a d class'start'ed. Here a t Bethel


1"Thanks be to God!" How often

the hands
the apostle Paul used that expres- publication
educator and
sion. A?d we have so many things our community who will accept it,
for wh~chto be thankful, don't we? Your overseer( will be organizing
Our theme for May reminds us to this special work, and you are inadvocate Christ's blood for man- vited to cooperate with him.
kind's salvation. With full appres some have received copies alciation to Jehovah for sending his ready affording good opportunitia
dear Son in our behalf, our love to
and get their comments.
wells up and we want to express ~
be ~t
~ be
our thanks to God for the gift of the ti^^
his Son and publish the knowledge just what is needed to help some
of him in every place.
over the subtle obstacles that the
fine 0pport~nityis open to US Devil has raised to crowd out faith
in May to spread this knowledge in God and belief in his way to salof GO^ in every place. HOW?Well, vation through Christ Jesus. you
we have both a special work and can make up yonr own questions
a gerw'al work to do. What is the and choose additional scripturh to
"special" work? It is one we started bring in as you see the need.
in November, that is, to call on all 4 g u t are teachers the only ones .
educators with the Bvelutdon
.who n e d && publication? No!
In Novemlfer, the demand for this. H ~ where.
.publication was just more than any comes in. others alsoneed the right.
of us expected. Now, in May, we understanding of how man got here,
have plenty of boo-kk and our goal
honor might go to the 'One who
will be to get a copy of this fine so
created rather than to the creation.'
we were reminded of this two weeks (Rom.Is1: 25) The suggested
earlier, after our Monday-night We
from house to house with the
family Watchtower study. A group Offer. If
prefer to use another
of students who were already on
hand for the next class of Gilead importantthis
thing is to
introduced themselves to the Bethel thing fitting
ahead Of time and
family and told us some fine ex- attention to the
periences they had in their respec zut(ola book. Read throughOfthe
tive homelands. From Denmark of the Kingdom Ministry this month
England, Germany and

z;i;y2; F;pthf2"i;;;:;e$,W:;$g


points and suggest
their deep devotion to Jehovah
and the Kingdom interests, and we
be featuryou lbely
will enjoy our association with them
here a t Bethel for the next five ~
EverlastMay is an invigorating month.
'ImpossibZe Lie'
Let's use our renewed vigor in the trig
offer is the EvozutiOn book
planting of fine seed, for if we plant The with
the other twos
we shall also reap. May Jehovah's and One boovet,
In Some
rich blessing prosper all of us as
territories you may find it
we advocate Christ's blood as the giving
the sermon "God 1s Alive!"
sole means of salvation for Q n p l a ~
, .v. to make reference to some outstandkind.
ing point in Uhapter One of the
Your fellow servants,.
(Conti~uedon page 8, col. 1 )

Advocate Christ's blood for mankind's salvation.




Theme: Honoring Our Creator as

Thankful Servants. (1 Chron. 16:8. 9)
Song 50.
8 min: Introduction, text, comments,
Theocratic News.
12 min: "The 'Eyolution' Boqk-For
Dragnet Mshing.
Enthusiastic talk
ages 1 and 2 of insert down to
%bgeading "Student!
~ a i e r . " Not
all comments from various states need
be mexitioned but selected ones will
show great demand and enthusiastic
response to the "Evolution" book.

On paragraph 6 demonstrate how

"Evolution" bood can be oresented
with success in house-to-house work
even to one who does not believe
evolution theory. (Let all know that
next week more presentations will be
demonstrated from Presenting the
Good News.)
5 min: Use "1968 Yearbook" experience on page 173 paragraph 4, to
build a preciation f i r summer district
2 min: Accounts report for April.
15 min: Concludin comments. "How
Did We Do in Bfarch?" Use seven
minutes to discuss April report for the
congregation having in mind what is
contained on' pages 113, 114 of, "Your
Word Is a Lamp to My Foot. Commend congregatlon for improvements
and increases made. If certain features
of the ministry need special attention this can be discussed. Review
wit& congregation special arrangements made for getting "Evolution"
book to all teachers in territory. Song
M A Y 12

Theme: Shining a s Illuminators in

Among a Crooked and Twisted Generation. (Phil. 2:15) Song 32.

well as at other times so there will sermon "God Is Alive!" or another W-+
be wide distr~bution of '~ElvoluUon~~
they can use well with the offer. S(
book in May.
era1 transitions from sermon te

they get together to enjoy association and other things in moderation.

10 min: Concluding comments. Include
appropriate Announbements. Have one
or two experiences from publishers
who have placed ,"Evolution" book.
Song 8.

Theme. On the Joyful March to

Mankind's Millennium. (Rev. 20:6)
Song 84.
5 min: Introduction, text and comments
10 mi;:
Talk on service theme for
June. See June 1. 1968. "Watchtower."
"T2e Christian's View of
Self-Defense. To be handled by maTheme: "Let All Things Take %lace ture
Talk and discussion with
Decently and by Arrangement.
(1 audience, based
on,,article in June 1,
Cor. 14:40) Solig 76.
1968 "Watchtower
also May 8 1968,
5 min: Introduction, text and com- "~Gake!" aages 18-20. After brfef inments.
troductory - comments, pose problems
12 min: Branch letter. Single brother for the audience. Encourage them to
calls on family he is going to assist answer not with specific finstructions
to assembly in his car and the dis- on wh;t to do but with Bible princuss letter together a s well a s griefiy ciples or exampies that can help one to
go over their lans for traveling to- take the right course.
gether; All in Family appreciate help 15 min: "Help Them Continue t o
a s otherwise would be unable to go: Praise Jehovah." Talk and demonstra21 min: Preparing to Attend the As- tion.. Overseer might handle this, dis- '
cusslng with book study servant arsemblies..
(12 rnin.) Talk on first two para- rangements made to assist new
graphs. Include demonstration showing publishers to become strong in the serlast part of family gathering where vice bringing in provision described on
father has arranged to go over con- papis 83 and 84 of "Your Word Is a
vention and vacation plans. The dis- Lamp to My Foot." Also outline arcussion is concluding with father's rangements in the study groups for
practical remarks on what will be ap- the study servants and other mature
propriate a s to conduct and dress a t publishers to be companions in the
the assembly. All want to benefit fully service with weaker ones for a while.
from assembly and bring honor to 10 m in : Concluding comments. (Include
Jehovah by words and deeds.
"1968 Yearbook" experience, age 222
(3 rnin ) As above scene closes paragraph 2, showing how grothers'
brother 'comes to front of hall and determination to eet to circuit assembegins to put a coat several song- blies can be shown also in getting t o
books and other i t e d s on a whole district assemblies.) Song 16.
row of chairs. Then sits down near
aisle. Attendant comes to him and
inquires if .seats are reserved. Yes, he
was watching for several families he
hbs. Hn. B-c B1.8t Mi
thought might like to sit with his
family today a t the assemb
They Sp'l Pios.
960 147.3 66.2 8.1 14
wanted him to save seats. *%endant PIOS.
11 479 100.7 45.4 5.4 10
mentions program is starting and since Vac. Pies. 3:643 85.2 32.9 2.6 8
the families he is watching for are not Pubs.
10.4 5.3
.7 1
there yet
erhaps they have found T O T A L 325,779
seats elsiwEere. He agrees and arPublic
ranges for others who are waiting to
take the seats. Glad to coooerate.
342,516 Publ~shers
( 6 mind ~ n c o u r a g eall to volunteer
for servlce a t the assembly. Much
work to be done to care for needs of
those who attend. (See Question
True to his promise Jehovah 1
Box of
August 19 7 "Kingdom certainly added the ihbrease a s
Ministry") Send voluntler service ap- evident from our March repork. W
plication to convention city through 325,779 publishers reporting in the b
March so far the ,result has been
i 2 min: "The 'Evolution' Book-For
4.6-percent idcrease over last yea
Dragnet Fishing." Talk with demon- average. In fact we missed coming
strations covering the last portion of to April's eak 'of a year ago by 01
the insert starting with third ara- about 3 008 publishers. What a fine
graph undkr hea;?ing "The Many k a y s build-up' for April's special activity
You Placed It. Show how methods when we hope many more new one;
used last November in placing "Evo- will join us!
lution" book can help us to place it
There were new peaks in back-m
in May.
and Bible studies, too! Just imagulu
10 min: Concluding comments. Song 2,350,801 return calls and 291,850
studies conducted in one month resulting in the fin? averages of 5.3' and
.7 respectively for congregation p u b
lishers. You will recall that last year's
subscription campaign was excellent.
Now this year b the end of March
we are 35,054 'sugscriptions ahead 04
last year. Magazine placements are
again back above 12 per publi her
and this is very Ane. An excellent re:
port in every respect, reflecting JehoPublishers -may continue to. use the vah's rich ble8sing.


- - ~

15 min: Presenting the Good News.

To educators and students by means
of the "Evolution" book.
(4 rnin.) Introduction, using points
in paragraph 1. Show how all can be
confident in talking to the teachers,
who have had more education than
most peo le. The "Evolution" book
presents tRe other side on the evolution theory. Several uotes could be
made from ~eptem%er 22, 1967,
"Awake!" pages 10 and 11.
(2 mm.) Show how young sister
might talk to a fellow student about
the "Evo1utio.n" book.
(3 min.) Sister calls on principal
or teacher in school that son attends
and presents "Evolution" book.
(3 rnin.) Brother goes t o home of
professor to present Evolution" book.
(3 rnin.) Conclusion showing how
the points demonstraded can be used
in our regular door-to-door work a s


' like a dragnet, and we are 'catching demand. Publishers ask for 10 copies a t a
men alive.' " So one circuit servant de- time." "It is November 3 and we are in urgent
ibed the book Did Man Get Here by Evo- need of more." "All we have to do is show
Izction or by Creation? And how true that is! the book and they take it." "The response is

This book is a most valuable part of our fish- unbelievable." Georgia: "Publishers rejoicing
ing equipment, for, as a -district servant has in using new book. Supply exhausted, month
larked, "we find that it appeals to every- only half through." "We thought that in this
one, young or old, believer or unbeliever." Baptist community it would not go well, but
And a publisher exclaimed: "It is so simple we were out the first few days." Louisiana:
and readable that anybody's grandmother "Books went like hot cakes. This is second ,
. will be able to read and grasp its message!" day of campaign, and we are out." "Original
Yes, the Evolution book is like a dragnet it- order of 475 books placed. Rush shipment
self, aiding us to gather in all kinds of of 570."
people.-Matt. 4 319.
Maine : "28 'publishers in 2 hours placed
During May we will be working with this 74 books! Two ten-yeaq-olds placed 3 each."
hook again, along with the cZmpossibbto Lid Massachusetts: "Rush more. They are goor Life Everlasting book; so we do well to ing like a storm!" Michigan : "Many who prereview the astonishing experiences of the viously refused to accept any literature are
November campaign. This will give you ideas readily taking the book." "Readily accepted
on what to do, during May, to let your nets in Catholic territory!" "Publishers placing
2 and 3 books every time they go out and
down in all waters.
During the month, of November the SO- we don't have one left." Mississippi: ''supply
ciety ~eceivedmore than 110 telegrams and adxlusted first 4 days of campaign- Please
oqjr -200 long-distance phone calls. u ~ u s h ship 380 copies fastest way." New Mexico:
nore books," was the @st of these communi- "Send more. The acceptance has been mu&
&tions. Some congregations
two or better than anticipated!" North Carolina:
three times, and one congregation ordered "We thought we had ordered enough but
1,350 books during November alone. Because they are all gone." Ohio : "Allour books have
of the urgent demand the bindery, during been taken by the ~ubli~hers."
hat month, produced 403,605 Evolution "Literature has been hard to place here, but
books. The Society had a small supply on we have placed every book we had in stock."
hand a t the beginning of the month, but you
Oregon: "First qhipment went out so fast
publishers ordered a total of 432,216 books we can hardly believe it." South Carolina:
during November. This means that your "No trouble placing book. The trouble is
. . orders were 10,192 copies ahead of our supply keeping in supply." Tennessee: "We thought
-the first time that the demand has kept we ordered enough but we were, wrong.':
ahead of the Society's bindery for a whole Texas: "Out of books on the 5th; you sent a
month!, And this is, by far, the largest ship- case the 11th; out again on the 14th; you
ment to you publishers of any one book dur- sent another case the 16th. We are almost
ing one month!
out again on the 22nd." "People are impressed by the low price and size of the book;
Book Has Wide Appeal
once .they see it they readily take a copy. All
From every part of the land came tele- four congregations here have about run out
grams and rush orders. Here are a few ex- of supply." Washington, D.C.: "We ordered
cerpS :
190 books for 120 publishers. They were all ,
Alabama: "We've never had a book go taken by the 5th. We sent an extra order for
so fast!" "They went almost as fast as we 285 more. They arrived on the 9th. Today is
d h l d hand them'out." California: "They're the 12th and our shelves are almost empty
hg so fast we have not made a dent in the. anain. It appeats this congregation servant

does not know how to order. I apblogize." mighty Being, but not in the Bible. NOM
West Virginia: "The public has given this suddenly, my eyes have been opened." Thiz
book Wprecedenteq acceptance." "We just
received our second shipment. In first five
days of campaign we are out again. Rush
The situation was well summed up by a
'district servant: "Practically all congregations spent most of the month trying to borrow books from other congregations. Very
few had any books for any length of time."
Seldom have books been rationed in so many
congregations as during November.



same person also ordered, as many have done

a copy of 'Impossible to Lie.'
An amazing thing is that people who have
been refusing our literature for years ofter
take a copy of this book. Catholics who turn
down "anything religious" gladly accept the
Evolution book as soon as its scientific aspects are mentioned. Opposed relatives in
large numbers have accepted a copy. W i d ,
not anxious to have the book persgnally, will
often \ d e a copy for husband or student
son. One said: T d like to get that book for
my husband; he is an engineer." Doctors'
wives often took a copy. One lady took it
saying that her husband would probably be
angry if she passed up the opportunity.
So enthusiastic have some of the pvblic
'become that they are undertaking to share
in the distribution. Many businessmen and'
householders are passing them on to relativer
and ordering more for themselves. Some havc
even asked if they could join in the distri
tion. ~n
North Carolina a young couple re
ceived their copy from a man who is a Pentacostal. And they came into the truth! Y
as another district servant put it: "It is
amwing to all the brothers how much en.
thusiasm the public has shown with regard
to the Evol&iofl book."

Publishers and Public Enthusiastic

Many of you publishers have written expressing delight over this book. Typical is
this expression: "The simplicity and logic
is devastating! TObe able to deal with a subject that is usually cmuched in language way
over the average person's head is very ren~arkable.Just the illustrations convey the
point. I get the feel that the book just places
itself. In a busy society something simple,
easy to read, not too big, well illustrated and
'just a quarter'-well, people will spend that
much on the Sunday Paper and think nbthing
of it."
Here are a few more comments from the
field: "The finest treatise ever written on
this subject." "A vital component in the
Christian minister's fishing equipment that
should be carried a t all times." "Wonderful Students Eager
to present." "Nevqr fails to get atkntion!"
Among those who have shown outstandifig
"Easiest book to 'place we have ever fea- interest are students of all kinds. A young
t ~ e d . ""In my many Years in the truth, I man, just graduated from college, wrote:
have never seen such enthusiasm over the "Not only have 1 read that fantastic book,
distribution of a book." "The book tolls the but also have gotten over a state of speechrequiem of this comic swindle called ' ~ v o ~ u less
- shock, which I felt coming on strongertion.' "
and stronger as I progressed through the
But that this book is truly effective in our book. The book is so thoroughly documented
service of 'catching men alive' may be noted ~thas certainly changed my opinion,"
from the enthusiasm by which it is being
One pioneer placed 200 copies of Evom
greeted among the public. A newspaper edi- last November, 100 of them with stude---.
tor and higher critic said: "It's the most Many have found that in homes~wherethere .
scientific discussion of evolution from the are youths of school age it is easy to place
Bible's standpoint I have ever read. I've read the book. And young publishers have placed
a lot of books purporting to refute evolution many copies right in school. One reports: -'
but this is the first to do a good job of it." "One day I placed 9 books in one classroom. .
A man in North Carolina wrote: "I just The next day I placed one with a boy whc
completed your book and it reversed my en- never had t&ed to Witnesses before. He
tire attitude toward God and life. I have been stayed up all night to read it and later sai&
much of a 'spiritualist.' I believed in an Al- 'I'll take five of them!' "


A twelve-year-old says: "My teacher read

h e of the book and the next day m m mended it to the class. Thus L was able to
place 34 copies." And a college student from
India who firmly believed in evolution ex-'
plained that he "went to the college library
and checked out all the references," and has
now changed his mind; he wants to learn
more about the Bible!
Educating the Educators

During May we will try to reach as many

educators as we can so as to offer them the
Evolution book. Last November a fine start
was made in this feature of our fishing
operation. In Arizona a teacher told a young
publisher: "All the biology teachers have
- - ~ nthose books floating around school, and
_ ey are just wild about them. They would
like to get some if you have any left." A biology professor said he wished he could m o w
away his present textbook and teach from
the Evolution book!
A publisher in California noted that a few
days after placing the book with his teacher
half the questions on a test were from the
book, one of them being, "According to the
Bjble, how long has man been on earth?" In
P r g i a , one publisher who placed many with
deachers said: "When I asked how much
they thought a book like this would cost,
they woQd invariably say, bout two
lars.' They eagerly accepted a copy for 25
were called On last
her. In fact, One pioneer placed 40 with a
professor who intended to use them in his
biology Classes. In several instances pX'Ofessors ordered from one to two dozen copies.
One!science professor in South Dakota wrote
about his delight: "I have fought evolution
for 30 Years; 25 years to convince myself,
and 5 years trying to convince others." ,An
anthropology teacher wrote: "One of my
students brought me a copy and I found it
so well produced and documented that I would
like to make use of it in my teaching."
Principals and school presidents have re'spnded well. One principal in a California
~ took012 copies.
In Michigan a woman
.@ncipal asked for 20 copies. And she was


$ m.


In Tennessee, a publisher who had gQOa.

success placing copies with school principals
simply told them that "we are making a
special effort to make this fine book available to all principals and teachers." ?3! the
principal took one, the publisher would say:
'Would you please give me permission to
approach each teacher and present the book
to them also?" Of course, he assured the
principal that it would take but OMminute
for each call. "In each case," he reported,
"I was granted permission, and over half the
teachers took a copy. In one case the principal insisted on giving me a written list of all
teachers, and as I met each one I would check
off my list."
Many publishers also reported leaving
Evolutwn books in college libraries, where
there were hundreds of books supporting'
evolution, but a dearth of those giving the
other side of the question. "Fishing" in. college towns with this new book has been most
successful, and we can surely anticipate evela
greater catches during our May campaign.
The Manu Wags You Placed It
Now, it should be helpfukto consider,some

of the ..ways you went about- placing the

Ezx)lution book during Nowmber. In houseto-house work many found a simple presentstion effective. "Even children are able to
share in this,inasmuch as it is so simple q d
easy," says One
from the
found it helpful to start in with Genesis 2:7
and then ask: "Now, is this correct, or, is .
what is being taught in school correct? Children are being taught
as though it
were established fact. D~ you think it is, or
do you agree with the Bible? As parents we
need to know the answer."
D i s p l m g the book's features often resulted in its placement. For example, the
foreword on page 2 shows parents that
children are being taught evolution. Professional .people have responded favorably to
the list of references. An Alabama publisher
who called on 13 principals said that the
reception was .invariably good, and that he
introduced the book by showing the table of
contents as well as the reference list. "This
proved to be very successful," he reported.
The illustrations alone can be credited with
many of the placements. One ~ublisherwrote:

"I always show the diagram on page 118,

explaining the miracle of human birth, which
attests to the Wisdom of God, and people of
all ages want to read the material." A district
servant says: 'We have found the easiest
way to demonstrate the book is simply to
explain a few of the many pictures. Then the
book places itself." Others have used the
illustration on page 4 and asked: "Just where
do you think we came from?"
Older people, it was noted, could be quickly interested through the chapter on "Why
Has Wickedness Been Permitted for So
Long?" and a brief reference to the concluding chapter on "A Marvelous Future." Farmers, too, often reacted favorably to this approach. *Acircuit servant wrote to say: "Here
in the "Bible Belt' it is advisable to make it
very clear that the book ,does not uphold
evflution." One successful publisher reported: "I told people that since they believed in
the Bible account of creation they had the
obligation defend their faith, and that this
.book would furnish the needed ammunition."
Even when ill or too busy, householders
can often stop long enough to hear the brief
offer. ' A publisher reports saying in such
cases: "I won't keep you but I would like to
leave you a kopy of this book thatlanswers
this question [holding up the book so the
title can be seen]. Is is left for 25 cents." One
elderly sister would simply give a friendly
greeting, hold up the book, and ask, "What
:do you think?" She placed 70 books during
In magazine work, too, the book went well
in conjunction with homagazines for 35
cents. A district servant readily placed this
offer in three out of four houses called on.
In fact, it was reported that people who
turned down magazines would accept the
book. Other publishers found it good to carry
- extra copies of the Evolution book during
magazine work, so that when householders
contributed generottsly the book would be
. offered as a gift.
Magazine routes also proved to be a fine
setting for the placement of many books. One
publisher reports placing 40 books during the
month as a result of combining the book with
the offer of magazines. A Texas brother
writes: "My wife placed 25 books in two days
on magazine deliveries."

Store-to-store work also offered a fine

avenue for book placements. "Businessmen
were surprised at how reasonable the cost
was, and they were unusually interested in
the subject," recounted one publisher. T n
Texas four publishers worked one main str
and placed 35 books and 70 magazines within
four hours. It was not uncommon for storekeepers to accept the books on the basis of
four for $1.Barber shops were specially productive as "fishing grounds," patrons as well
as barbers wanting copies.
Back-call work and 'street work also
offered many opportunities. In Wyoming one
congregation placed 90 books on back-calls
during November. And here in the vicinity
of Bethel three of our brothers engaged in
street work for a few hours on two Saturdays
and placed a total of 36 books. They tactfully
approached people and said: "Here is a very
controversial publication, bOt you will f
it most absorbing. It explains how we go^
here, where we are going, and what the
future holds. It is only 25 cents." And a district servant says: "The book can be)placed
as readily as magmines by just roaching
people ~arkedcars."
The book can also be offered successhrlly
to all kinds of delivery salesmen, whether
met at your own door or on the street. Even
where you come across a group of youths it
may well be worth while to 'let down your
net for a catch.' One publisher who has beed
successful in this field says: "It is advisable
to place a copy of the publication in each
youth's hand and then give the sermon. Most
of them will want a COPY." A Witness, invited
to speak to a church youth group, reported:
''There were seventeen Young Persons present
and three couples. We placed 17 ofthe books
and 44 magmines."
Yes, brothers, you did a\ splendid job in
November, but that was just a start. Now we
have marvelous new opportunities ahead of
us during May. Be prepared to use the Evalution and 'Impossible to LieJ or Life &wlasting 'books in a successful season of dragnet fishing. Let us, by our enthusiasm and
vigor,, capture the interest of the people,
through the Evolution book, and $hen
can gradually bring home to thkm Jehs;
vah's provision for them to obtain salvaG6n
through the gift of Christ's atonhip W&




Help Them Continue to Prause Jehovah

l During March and April many
new ones have responded to your
loving efforts to help them share
in the ministry. Will they continue?
They have taken their first steps,
as it were, in the ministry, but you
know your help is still very much
needed if they are to walk with
steadiness in Jehovah's service. How
vital it is ,to keep building appreciation and desire to share in the
service as you hold Your studies
with them each week!. As we go
into May, make appointments to
take them'with you into the field
and in advance go over simple
presentations that they might use.
Invite them on other Calls, and as
you see that they want to share in
the conversation, encourage this.
~ i r e c matters
toward having a joyhl time in the service.
2 88 you progressively instruct a
~ e wpraiser of Jehovah, do you
mow what is happening in addition? You are helping him to build
:ood service habits. What does he
Learn? One important thing is schtduling time
for the mini?try. When the time comes
go ln
the service, that's what he wants to
30 Another is the need for prepabefore going into the service,
as to have something definite to
jay and to have the publications
and equ.ipment needed. Still another
g is the proper way to work
itory, keeping a record of inter-


Preparing to Attend
the Assemblies

ested ones and not-at-homes so as

us who are
to call back. Of course, you do not able areofd6ubtless
making plans to
teach him all 00 these things the attend one of the district assemblies
first time you go out ; but each this summer. Already we have retime there is "on-the-job training" ceived , inklings that the program
there are things to learn and ex- right from the start
be filled
perience to be gained so that in with
instruction and sura relatively short t i e the new prises. our plans should include
publisher becomes a n experienced being present all four days. ~~t
teacher of Jehovah's Word.
there is something more that we
3 But besides the new ones in our need to give attention, if we are
midst, others who have been as- to be a real credit to Jehovah and
sociated for more than a short his organization, and that is our
time need loving order
and dress a t the assembly
to be regular praisers of Jehovah. conduct
city. w h y not sit down as a family
Discouragement, becoming overly before
the, assembly and review
involved in the affairs of this world, these matters? Discuss proper ion-'
sickness o! other cirCUmstances duct-onsiderateness in waiting to
may have interfered greatly with be served a t counters, being in your
their service schedules. Can we help seats when the program Start$ not
our weaker brothers and sisters, moving about through the
in line with the confidence-inspir- or talking during sessions, keeping
ing words a t Isaiah 35: 3, 47 Maybe litter off the grounds and respecting
all some need is Your enc~uragement the property of those living near
and going with them to a few doors the assembly site. Talk over, too,
so as to get back into practice the matter of clothing-neatness,
cleanness and propriety. To help
4 So, help them continue to praise you in this discussion, fine material
Jehovah, whether new in the minis- can be found in the 1968 Yearbook,
try or just a little weak even after page 49, and in the article "Why
being active for a while. "We, Are They SOMessy?" in the Novemthough, who are strong ought to her 8,1966, *wake!
'Parents, by talking over these
bear' the weaknesses of those not
and by making arrangements
Strong, and not to be pleasing Our- things
be together
a fami''
wpecialselves. Let each of us ,please his to
ly those with young children and
neighbor in what is good for his
all wnl enjoy,the assemupbuilding."-Rom.
15: 1, 2.
bly much more. I t is good to have
vour sons and daughters with You.

~taryreports a new peuw or I4, Im

publishen, a 12.5-percent increme; pfb:
lishen averaged 10.8 houn and condaaed 12,460 Bible studies.

Peak Of 6n501
publisherr reached In
I have be& reading this book that
highe* ever for Ohe
presents the most reasonable view- Swiherlandn
p o i 5 I have found on the subject, + i n Togo 7 7 9 publishers reported in
and lt covers practicav all branch- January, for an 18-percent increase,
proaching our teachers, or grown- es
of s~iencedealing with the mat- At district assembly where 1,571 were in
rips callingon teachers and profes3rs, we want to make the most -ter. The cost of the book is only attendance 100 were baptized.
l c t i v e approach that we can, do- ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ +
~ Highest
t ~ number
o tof publishers
h $ , ever" in ~ ~
~g so a t appropriate times. First, note and the table of contents on Fran":
peaks in back.
r.e must keep in mind that we repcalls, Bible studies, special pioneers and
esent the Creator of t h e T g p z i ~
number ~
of congregations.
'le greatest Scientist.
ive us confidence and freeness of dent a question as to what he thinks ruary, for a 23-percent increase over
speech. ~~~~h~~~have generally been about
something said in class or lost year's average] also peaks in hour9
reguired to teach what is in tb
in a textbook about and back-calls.
textboaks, which have presented Some Statement
him a point
evolution as a fact. But they do not in the Evozution
February saw new peak of 2,389
have proof of it and have difficulty s A parent has an
publishers in India, an 11-percent inOpin giving clear answers to the many
crease. Also peaks in hours, back-calb,
questions that arise. A good teacher portunity
On teachers and studies and public meetings.
likes to have reasons and to be able
Mexico has second consecutive new
to answer questions, and to base his lead into the presentation. Or a
answers on a solid foundatton. The more direct approach bight be: "1 peak of ~ublishers--34,958, a 9.8-pernvolution
book provides this and am Mrs. Roberts, Johnny's mother. cent increase over last year. Nicaragua
from authorities with whom Naturally I am interested in his reached a new high of 951 publishen,
. teachers are familiar and whom schooling, and I have noticed when
they will accept. So i t is a privilege
him with his
the subject of evolution often comes
to bring this information to them. up.
For that reason I was so happy Is it
If you are a student you might
organize large Saturday-night secials
say, '6Good morning, [name]. I have
tm;;~ ?;frl;,""H
been interested in things that have of scientists and treats the ~ueSti0nthouih
it is reported that thw ha;
been said in our biology
science so clearly. For instance, this chapter been done
in some phces.
class about man,s origin. on Heredity [page 691 describes the There
takes place on such occasions?
no rogram Of up.
(Conty&) marvelous discoveries about the building Bible discussron;
thkt is 1-101
Showing dunelver
DNA molecules and how it' forms ~;c~,Yu~dgggn:","dia~~","5+g~;~Impos8ibbe to Lie, book. If the full a
Iblueprint' for heredity." Or
timem-that is the kind of "good
offer is not accepted invite them to other
chapter of special interest to time" that the'world has. So invitaaccept the Evoktio; book for 25c. you may
tionk to these events have ahounced
be presented.
that there will be bands and danclng.
SO much uncertain- some of the bans members or others
they do not
present have been undedicated or imThat's fine. Commend them. There teachers and students, college pro- mature persons They encouraged the
are nevertheless perplexing ques- fessors and teachers are often im- kind
of music 'and dancing that are
gopyar among worldly people. ~ o t
tio&, such as w& God placed man
on the earth and why wickedness pressed by the confidence and gmd avlng wmDletel~ made over their
exists on the earth. The book gives appearance of Jehovah's witnesses. ",'a"~ob~yt~,"~dt,""~s&!
satisfying answers to these ques- (Matt 7:29) An a ~ P r O a c h ~ $ ~ ~~; 6 2 t ~ $ O r ~ a ~ ~8," P ~ , " f
tions from the Bible. Moreover, as college teacher might be:
unchristian conduct. It is wise to
that the Bible cautions us*
to believing evolution to be false, morning, Mr. ........... I am Mr. ........-. remember
not only that we should not love the
could they prove i t ? Those who still I'm making a special call on educa- pssochtion of worldly eople, brrt also
have respect for the Bible will be tors in this area .to present
that *e should not ge 1 0 x 4 ~"the
nvo- thin@ in the world" (1 John 2:15)
interested in the scientific and es- book, D M Man Cfet Here
Ar? we heeding that' advice when we
pecially the Scriptural reasons bhy lut%onor b y CreatimP Its p~lpp~oseImitate worldly ways in our recreevolution could not be true.
lon? Certainly not!
to give a fair ~ s c u s s i o nof the aI
t is a flue thing to invite one's
am gratefol to
Jesus 1s
our Lord .. . because he considered
me faithful by assigning me to a of leading scientists. It is Offer& a t Christian hospitality and selling admission tickets to them for a party.
ministry." (1 Tim. 1:12) Do you cost of publication, only 25c."
feel as did Paul regarding your minSecretaries, assistants and 0thyssey!z
istry? We are sure you do and that ers may also be offered the book, ;~a~~t~,";$ll~e~,"II",ib~& g:w;;!
you will help many more during and the above presentations can be is done. ~ n in
d laming what you wiil
May to be thankful for the gracious- easily adapted for door-to-door or
~ ~ ~ $ & &
ness of Jehovah through his Son. back-call work.
one another."-Rom. 14:lS.

educators and students by

means of the "Evolution" book
I whether we are students ap-



e: ~~~~~





Honor the Creator with the "Evolution" book.

Fubbhed monthlg t Batchtower Blbh and 'het Bode o! N a Yo& b
, 117 ddrmr St., ~ m o t l m N
;.Y. 11901
PMtad fa Q.&&
BBEond-clu matam paid at ,t!dm, N.Y.







B1.St. Mags.



Announcements. Song 17.







~ . ' % (iIdP ~O

[fZm, likely many oppotu;lities
'*mass p-nt
?arrival of ships with their crews
.,of many nationalities.One brother
who frequently visits the ships *at
harbor in his hometown writes: "1
haye wtnessed to crews on boats
many countries including
&an, cpin-,
Gr;?ek and p o r k I gnese v-b.
Many times in calling
aboard the boats I run out of literam e and have had them actually
wg for literature, having to take
names and addresses and mail it
to. .them later. Th? 'premh the
Wmd9booklet helps where 1 cannot
speak their language. with some I
.have started Bible studies, which
are carried on by ma& There is
a n average of 15 boats per month
Chat come into this port, and I try
to arrange my schedule SO as to
call on all of them. I have had
many wonderful experiences in talk. ing to people who have never heard
of Jehovah and his purposes."
1s this another opportunity for
you? Some advance preparation is
needed, such a s obtaining literature
in various languages. I t would be
good to check -with the shipping
c6mpany to see If a pass is Rquirad
in order to go aboard or to get permission otherwise. Often identifying
yourself as a minister, interested
in bringing; some spiritual comfort
And help to the seamen while in
port, is helpful in gaining permis$ion to board the ships.

l w n a t do You do when in the material. Up until 'then her prministry You meet one of the a P ress was slow as she had trou
proximately 250,000 persons here in grasping and retaining the materm
the United States who are ~ h ~ s read
i - to her. We are both thankful
l l y blind? P and
r o h boffer
l ~You literature
give Your for
the braille
A brother
wrote from
"1 am
that others in the family might read very much delighted to write and
to him. But wouldn't You like to do thank YOU for the braille copy of
even more? you can, by letting these The Watchtower which reaches me
persons know about the Society's every month." h d a sister wrote:
so wonderful
have some
those Bible
who "It
to readtomyself
read grade-two
God's Word when there is often no
2The society has the booklets one to read for me. I have been
''This Cfood New8 O f the Khgdom" having a wonderful time helping
and UvhO irb Hope of a Righteous other blind people to see the truth
New W ~ z available
in gradetwo with the aid Of braille articles."
braille. These booklets have proved 4 How fine it is that physically
to be very useful in conducting blind on- can thus be helped to
home Bible studies with the blmd. grow in the knowledge that leads to
Additionally, each month selected life1 Take advantage of this prostudy articles from The Watchtower vision to assist those who can read
are published, and the articles are grdde-two braille and are interested
sent free to those on the braille in gaining Bible knowldge.
list. TO have someone's name placed
on the list for this free service,
Are You Reddy?
write the Society's braille desk,
time is
117 Adams Street, Brdklyn, New
Pork 11201. Print clearly the name Are you ready? Test yourself with
and address, including zip code. this check list :
Some publications are also available Have you selected the assembly
dty where you win
in Spanish and French.
Have you mailed your Room R e
has this
quest form to the assembly city?
been? Writes One sister
To what extqnt have you checked
regarding the Bible Study she is around in your congregation to see
conducting: "Her Progress has been if there is anyone that needs help
very good since she gets the braille in making plans to attend?
Ha# your enthusiasm about the
- . .-? assembly stimulated in those with
you conduct Bible stuaiw a
+For nearly two years now we have +New publications available:
keen awareness of how important
been studying the h f e E v w u i n g . b w k
Paradise &st to Paradise Re- it is, and do they really know how
in the congregation book studies. A
on E
~ anxious
~ you
~ are$for them to be pres:
pymber of congregations are covering asyour
it for the second time. All book study
.euw a,,uld
to complete Lig+n&tn Hope of a Righteous New ent?
eir coverage of the book whether
Did you obtain your l a m card
for the first or the second' time by
from your congregation so that you
have part in advertising the
the add of July. ~ d c ~ ~ ~ e n i ; f-Bassa
n ~ ~ French
$ ~ Braille W g a on assembly
en route?
have by the
of July. Schedule y h r covera e
to be in your
aly ~fyou can rea
"Peace Among &fen. o Good Will" or
material a the%e l e f t
-~songa seat a t 1 :40 p.m., ~hursday,when
Bo so. If not, simply review It to ether. + a t of stock
US.A. :
the program begins, so you don't
B e m n g with the first T'ues%Y in u e EverlasfinHn Freedom 0 the miss any of it?
A13 an cOwregaions of GO^ (pocket edlldon)
DL&you turn in a Volunteer Sertion bbok st&% ,$gu$s
will begin
-Spanish vice form to your overseer for mailstud*
the boo
abylon the Great
Has ~8lenl"
GodDs Kingdom Rules!,
part 2, which be
on pa ~ 1~h~
~ c r i ~ t u r (combination{
e s e ation placed
ing to
the assembly
CiWs so that at
- all its the
YOU could enjoy, not
t d a l there P v w &ely
and +ms your co
congregations have never studied co ies of1the 1% #earbook? m y not only the pkasure of receiving, but
i t Hoyever, whether you have studied get them off the shelves and place also the g r e a t s joy that Comes with
It mously or not, we will all start tkiem with
i that material on ~ u g u s t I t will have ~ i b *s&b",?",~~,"l!
being Of service to Others?
be very beneficial for us al? during lent means b which to acquaint them
Realizing that one of the objecthe coming year.
with ~ ~ h o ~ organization
g * s
and to tivea of the assemblies is to give a
an publishers are free from secu- teach them the fine habit of
July 4 it would be well for Bible study. (The Society has m
good witness in each ammbly cib,
tKe overseer td make arrangements diti0nal copies available n Brook-.)
are you making ph.Ils to share in
for groups to meet for field service. . g ~ l t h ~ u g it
h New
has World
been Translation
announced the
field senice while YOU are.
Ju -A -Se t-: 'ImPosat the deluxe
b1e to Lbo' or %ife%va%st~nP book B ble and the deluxe songbook are oht
preparing a r the assembly,
okkt for 500 ~ 0 t h
books may
for 1 0; one of them and 0 r . a and inquiries. When
to each of these
the . ~ v o t u t t mtook for 7 s .
come available
an anqO=ement matters. Wethought
look forward to shar7 circuit servants will will appear in%ittgpam Msn
%e new u b 8 tallr '%earning trom orders will then be acceptedq. & i ~ with
YOU I? the grand ~1piTitsa1
the XvIbac%s of ~e&."
reorder only a t that tlrne.
feast !
: ,*






found that,
territories in which you preach, i t
I Have


is diftimlt to obtain a listening ear?

Many publishers have. Just as Je
sus foretold, a marked increase in
Iawlessness has occurred. This, in
turn, has caused the love of the
greater number to cool off. (Matt.
24: 12) This condition of the people
presents a challenge to us to offer
the Kingdom message skillfully in
an effort to warm up the lovi
God that u s grown cold in so
a Are

meet the challenge that your territory may present? we know that
not all will respond favorably, and

A skillful device Jesus employed

Was to discuss what affected people
personally- We can do this too. For
when talking about world
wO'% try to bring them down to a
personal level. Where pbssible, Point
to local incidents to illustrate your
points. Simply noting the locks on
the door can emphasize that lawlessness is indeed increasing. Of
cO~rsGthe Kingdom is the remedy
for all troubles, but show the householder how it will solve his personal
Worries, not only the big worldwide
5 Another practice that will help
YOU to present the good news skillfully is to be a good listener and
the m p l eAsk
Why What
do they

react in a certain way? What have
God,s message either despite hfs the newspapers or radio said about
skillfulness ( ~ ~13t!15)
t Is it any
wonder that we Eeceive a sMlar
Jesus said that it would
be this way.-Matt.
l0:24' 25Nevertheless, Jesus reached the
hearts Of many people and mltivated love Of God in them by presenting the message with enthusiasm,
earnestness and warm sincerity.
pity for
says. And of one young listener, i t
says, Jesus "felt love for him."

Australia reoortr for March a new peen

of 18,430 bublishen; also 16,319
s udies.
Japan's figure of 5,476 bublish;lr
constitutes' an eighth consecutive peak\
d represents an increase,of 18 percent.
Korea had a 20-percent increase, a
th peak in a row, 7,490 ~ublishen.
Other peaks for March: Cameroun,
9 647; Ghana, 10,187; Zambia, 3 7 . 9 3 ~ ;
&rmany, 79,137; Greece, 11,468; ~ e t h erlands, 15,756, ltaly, 12,399; Argerrtina, 14,016; and, closer to home,Mex-m,
35 041; Canada, 41,923.
+ivory Coast hod a 28-pemnt increase,
with 230 publishers for March constifuting a sixth peak in a row.
+Vietnam, despite many hazards, reported excellent averages for congregqtion publishers; 1 7 hours, 7.5 back-calk
nd .g studies.
~ 923 publishers
~ were deLd
lighted with a circuit assembly audience


Jehovah's witnesses? Have the clerd

of 1,445.


$are committees to view appli-

gy prejudiced their minds? When cants for regular pioneering?

you walk away from a door, analyze

the call. What would you do differently if YOU Could make that Call
again? What will you say if the
next householder raises the same
objection? If the results were fine,
consider what you said that was
fix this in mind.
this way each call you make will
serve to improve your skill in the

They are gkd to see anyone reach

",",: f~ey"~fm',","~o~f&il",~O,","ag"e~~~-

They &o know that there are reaponsibilities to be met+ and they view


~t h p~" P f" P "~ ~ ~ ~~ i a

a guide to them.
They know that an applicant for
pioneer service is agreeing to spend..
at least 1200 hours a year in the service SO khe must consider whetheo
the appllcan~shealth, family circu*stances and other obligatiom wlll 3%

love for God.

Life Depends upon It

not only a t home, but relaxed and

home during the daytime. 1f you

can, why not arrange to share in
prestudy or any evening witnessing? dling the word of the truth aright,"
in the way of llfe.


Place Bibles and start Bible studies.

wt+tch'toau~ i b l emd mact so~istgof NEW y e , IUC., 11'1~ a m st., B~OO~IFII, N.Y.
Second-claw postage wid at B
y N.Y.
Printed ia U.S.A.





IULY 1968

"Also, in all the nations the good news liar to be preached fltst."--Mark



VoL. Xf


I Sharing in the Victory

If you received orders for a million Evolution books in one month,

probably be
11s it possible for us to sh
flexible and adaptable as well as
That Is what happened to us here in today in a victory procession a ,
conversational helps put the houseMay. In fact* the Orders
holder at ease, makes for a more
1y0m,952' We had been
did? (Ps. 68:24-28) In ancient IS- gleasant atmosphere and generally
a very successful month of service rael each
of Jehovah ~,,d gets better results. And best of all,
in May and so more than 360,000 became the re's0n for a
it helps us to share effectively in
~ ~ o l ubooks
t i ~were made during procession On the pa* Of his
the victory procession, doesn't it?
&pril. ~ u May
t exceeded our
people, who would march to his sanother way to share in the
tations. In addition to regular or- 'sanctuary
or central place of warders received, there were 675 long- ship and there
rejoice in what had victory procesaion is to be present
distance telephone calls and 225 happened. Today we can do this a t our circuit, district, national and
telegrams. Many asked that books too, and one way is by bearing international assemblies. Many of
be sent by the fastest means, so we witness to
name and us will be attending the "Good News
for All Nations" District Assembly
had two trucks a day go
New Kingdom both publicly and from this
are looHng
When One Of the house to house as the apostles did. forward t; and how weblessingg
brothers was turning over a ship:42 ; 20 :20.
that occasion! And, of course, allment, an airline clerk asked, "Is this 2 In
places* however, it is of us earnestly desire to be in that
more of those blue books?" The bec?ming
get victory procession of favored surbrother said, "You mean the one on a lBtening ear- To Overcome
this vivors following the war of ArmaEvolut&fipu The clerk said "Yes problem, Some Of the brothershave
that's it. Do you have any &tra id
Their inthe truck? I saw one a t my son's trOductiOntheir
when it comes to shargoes 'Omething like this: ing4 Further,
home and would like to read it."
in the victory procession by
means of the house-to-house minisThe brother did not have any extra busy* but may take a few
try, did you know that hundreds of
ones but arranged to mail two to
On something congregations are working together
:opies to the airline clerk.
to get all
From all sides brothers reported
is there so covered this summer? Just think
their excellent experiences One publisher in California reciived fifty much
and vandalismin what a procession of praise to JehoEvoktiw books one day and by the Our area?'
appreciate your vah it is as well-organbed car
On this."
groups cover the territory systematinext day they were
gone- He had holder will give his opinion on such cally and thereafter turn over the
On a a question because it is specific and interest to the local congregation
university campus. Many teachers affects him. Then, depending on his for further cultivation. we
have showed interest. One college
we can adapt Our 'Om- mend all of YOU who will be having
asked about obtaining 400 as text- merits appropriately.
Naturally, we a share in this work.
books for the biology department
to use an approach
6 I t could be too that you will
In 2 1/2 hours on a New ~ o r ksiStent want
with the
cir- have the privilkge df witnessing to
street a brother was able to place
26 books. Even those who did not Cumstan@?% and envhnment- Being those in unassigned territory. I n
case, since you likely will ngt
take the book were friendly. A brothare faced with problems, in- this
er from Texas, in sending in his Many
be able to return and see these in*Oplifiing*
terested ones for a full year, you
order, summed it up very well,
'They simply place themselves!" ployee dishonesty. It
them could use the Watchtower or the
The factory ran extra time trying to know why wickedness has been Azaalcel subscription so they will
ro keep up with the orders and permitted. So why not try offering have something coming to them regalmost succeeded, but not quite. the cOmbinatiOhto business people as ularly throughout the year. You
house to
If you may want to offer B year's subscripTotal production of EvoZtctiolt books
run Out of One
for April and May was 994,215.
tion for one of the magazines with
I n July we will be using Evolu- another- Surely you will have many one of the latest bound books, posexperiences durm- the sum- sibly the Life Everlasting book, on
: h again in combination with other
wblications, and we hope to keep mer campaign.
a contribution of $1.50. In this case,
!veryone supplied. Have you conRejoicing in Jehovah's victory, you could give four booklets as s
sidered approaching businessmen?
B~oogLYaBUNCHO ~ C E (Colttiwed om page 4, cot. 1)



Lettmg all men see Jehovah's vtctorv prmcessions.


A w e i d Program
A medal prog~tirhof publie meetings baa been PI-d
for all Engw-speaking mngregatioq in the
United States for September and
Oet6ber. Further details will be
pi.ovided at the district assembhes,
but the titles of .the talks are being
listed here so that you Can order
yOqI' hadmlis now. Be Sure to do
'it soon! ,
Each talk should be scheduled for
the ate shown,-8aall cangregaeons
will ave !re same Program ( w i E
the exception of those few COngregations that already have printed
handbills for other subjects for
those dates). If you have a circuit
assembly on one of those weekends,
p l i ~the t a n that. other
congregatxons hear on that weekend,
but you will have the privilege of
enjoying the fin talk scheduled to
by Yo% district servant
gircait s e r s a on the other hand,
will give the public
listed *Or
the week, according to the schedule
, &own below. They Nil do this in
all congregation% that they serve
during these two months O ~ Y . 1f
your congregation alieady has handbills for other talks for these dates,
then you will hear the special talks
; a t a later time. he special pubuc
talk titles are as follows :
Sept. The Blessingsfrom
ing God
Sept. 8: m e r e &e
- *Sept. 15: A Son Loyal to ~ o d and Those Who Rebelled
, sept. 22: m y God Has Permitted


s mite a jou, 1sn-r zz r ~ r u ,nlod9t



mt 'do w-.
somewith Our bongreg--one iB waiting. to welcome flu no
matter how , f a r away
you have ~ , " ~ $~ m~ E af ~
2 EweAence has &own that get- and build him up, don't we? W
ting accustomed to new surroundings may even study with him for a tim'
a d friends, along with complica- But when a person
away an
Hans from unexpected problems such then stops associating, how
as additional secular work, illness,
etc., all add to the strain of moving
time the terand have a tendency to keep one be
in which they five is worlreC
away from personal study and meet- ritory
they are
ing attendance. In fact, these diffl- but Sometimes are
cult& have been so overwhelming
to some that tbq. have allowed
~~~a~~ ~
themselves to fall out of the victory
in the new 'OnP
procession, and it has been months
or even years before they hark got- gaFet,s assist as much aa masib&
move- But
First *
Sept. 29: God's Kingdom Rules- all, before they
move, their overseer (
Soon a Paradise Earth
obtain their new address. If he
Oct. 6: Identifying the True Re- can(oontinuerl
), ool 3)
ligion IS Vital
Oct. 13: Separate yours& from
False Religion and All Its Customs
20: Pleasing God by PrayerObedience
it be anlfofting to


yazg;;:; g;sEy; go:




z . Shouldering the Rmon-

if the True Faith

The Society endeavors to estlznah
The material will all be provided closely the expected attendance at a
articular assembly city so the faciliby the Society for Your use in these ies will not be overcrowded. This
even if you have just a accounts for m a k ~ r e c q m m a n d a t i o n 8
few speakers available, we encour- occasionally as /to w ere ~twill be best
age you to plan for all the talks.
,',:",~ e ~ ~ f i l
Make tentative arrangements !or ~ i n i e t b . "Howeyer, there are so man:
Your speakers now, and when YOU ~ f i " , ~ ~ c c E
~ ;ldl?t$i$~ze
~ c&
get further details you can review cause. a crowded coziditibn Ye we
what each one is to cover and bow ~ ~ l e I l k $ ~ ~ ' d~&%:a ~
it is to be done.
gether. It
understandablqil%o, that



friends enjoy being together.

is aall
that Make
we rrecomit a
point to w i v e at least fUteen or
twenty minutes before the program Is
an Answer to the
immediately. These cards are not to to star$ and to be seated five minutes
U the r h c i al.NbjeO1 be stocked. (See page 89 of "Lumpss before.
you pn
discussed in the July
19838 W e of book.)
!$Awake1 I t is a topic &t deAp,ply conOverseers literature and accounts sqpleone
not arrived
heterns me en*e world so fiemga-0
-+hould be easy to ~ l i e e .If you want s
$ re*w
para~ begins,
e to ;it
~ the
~ conaiderat
extra oopies for use* not Only now' but &liar
with the meof the others are waiting to be seated. ' R t t
$ e a ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ $ notations
~ u that
m are
~ used
~ ~on the
P invoice.
~ d find
~ ~a seat
~ amon those vacant f tor
,an additfond supply. But please order +New publications available:
l o c Lof seats shodd
"Your Word Is a Lamp to M Foot" not bh heli ~
in reserve by keeping
August and @ tember: Offer
songbooks and mag
bound book. s o u ma<
+Again available in USA.:
them. +he seats are iree%deed2
' w e Everlosting" book and a ooklet &t&hm ~ i b l e
-English Society is happy to have all who wfl
to come
and.a see
n d learn
a t thei oassemblies
t n what the3
may also combine Evolution book with
P t is only reasonable that those' who
ther for 7Sc.
resent and rea
to be mated
r d T r Q m a t n of the Ch*
use the eeats %at axe lacant.
$congreation s e r v l t .
h r,
s r
k EIt zisu hunderstood,
of course, that it is
egular &new su plies for the 1969
- L u & nvcessary a t times for those who
New Word Transation ( P o c b t edl- habe a k e m claimed their e a t s to
leave them for a few minutes, either
y Record Sheets fop tho86
lish to visit the rest room or for som
needing them. There is no need to Diaglou
order supplies for vacation pioneers i " ~ ~ k & f ~ I , " f F f ~ , f M n %
sB; a s t be
maya t ab
saved for#ItuaUo~.
thyou have appucatiod 'Thin S in Whkh I t ISImpossible
but be
for assembly since they may be letaSned
Wanks on hand.
to I&'*
(Pocket edition) a few minutes j n taking care of our
+ A new circuit assembly program is
-English needs. Attendants will make allowained
Rzmdbe Lost to P ~ ~-Italian
f W sRee ance
show for
these situations
for those
but they
& From
avby the met servant
Ifas *
l DW ~for Mankind?
!%2odps Way Is Love."
- S P ~unoccupie# seats. Cet us &ow ih-dri
Orders are now being acce ted for Secutlty DtClJng *'Wr 0 t
Gre t practical way that we love our bro
current identification car&
ad tDay of God the ~tmfshL*%pani& era a s ourselves, and d
by baptized gub&ws.
W h e ~Gob Speekr Reaea te AU RTs- spiat and & o m e a t &
Crverseers s h o a d orA- their needs
--Span@ %- ell who attera


zzry g% z1ui~Ci2




mds come repwts of

sher ,tnosores 6f at least 2 0 persani
for Aprils outstandingly, Mexico, 21
percent; Haiti, 3 5 percent! Congo
(Kinshasa), 5 7 percent. Many others
percent and more.
Memorial attendances in many la:ds
were double the number of publishers.


Further, this work rewires courage,
of this we
other day-two brhhers here andOur Side as
we engage in it$ perat Bethel were discussing the house- haps
In Bolivia, Mexico, Dominican Republicto-house work. One of the brothers avenue of service. (Acts :'
lo) and Malagasy Republic more than triple
remarked: "I was talking to an And how
number of publishers attended.
older brother in my cohgregation hear the good
at this time in the Brother
recently and he made a rather in- man's
Knorr spoke in Seoul, Korea;
teresting observation on his ministo an audience of 4,881. Reports from
terial service. He has a Bible ~ W d y
that land revealed peaks for April in
With his family, takes advantage of tory procession On Sunday in some dmost oll features of Kingdom activity.
incidental witnessing, makes several
Oircuit and district servants
Pointing to rich harvest fields are .
back-calls each week and his hours
different parts of the
of latest pubti
V3 good. But Upon 'further exami- indicate that this work is
sup totals with number of Bible studies:
btion he realized that his houseto- ported the way it should be, and
(Publishers) (Studies)
house work was suffering. As he this is often true where morning Guyana:
put it: 'It's been a long time since meetings are held. Surely, it could Nicaragpa:
really shared in that featurenot be lack of incentive after en- panama:
joying several hours of fine en- Venezuela:
of the ministry.' "
couragement and spiritual uplift.
In just one day, May 30, 1,96!
2Could more of us be experienc- Further,
in many areas, the after- visitors, including 21 special busloadi
this same problem?
is true
period has proved to be an from out of town, enjoyed touring the
that we are all very busy but since noon
this presentsystem
so little ideal time to talk to interested ones, Society's Brooklyn printing plant. Wd
tirneleft could we arrange our af- for they are in a more relaxed are glad they camel
of mind and better able to 4 Germany reiorted 116 percent morfr
faiw to khare in the house-to-house frame
visitors. So what causes this vacation pioneers than lost yeari Brc
fully, especially on week- receive
on Sunday? In many cases 4 5 percent more. Other branches repo
ends when more of us have the problem
it appears to be lack of leadership at leost 10 percent of publishers vacation
to do
and thus by
the servants and lack of plan- pioneering.
Out the deserving Ones?
To remedy this, our brothers
The combined total of new sub'If
were asked
enumerate ning.
are doing certain things. Some, for scriptions for Canada and U.S.A. during
of the
we gain many
from example are adjusthg their eating the four-month campqign was 745,547
he house-to-house work,
Sunday bringing sand- -up 41,557 from last yeor. Japan
Here are just wiches, which are eaten a t the reported 28 percent more than lost year,
few : This work strengthens us Kingdom Hall or a t some other con- ltaly reported 4,944, and Puerto Ricc
and perfects Our faith' It
us venient location, SO they can get a 4,486 more than lost year.
to overcome timidity and hesitancy -good start in the field ministry right
Isolated group 'in Kansas operating
in the ministry.
John 4: 18) We after the morning meetings. Then, only two montht already has a Kingdon
learnhow to use the "sword Of the after enjoying several hours in the ~ ~ and
1 1 two book studies, averagins
4 0 in attendance.
12) Additionally, it keeps our back- later in'the day. Others, especially
call and Bible study ministry from book study servants and family M O V ~ A ~ ?
getting stagnant, as we are always heads, have found that it is best d m not know the name and a&
finding fresh and stimulating calls. to make arrangements early in the dress of the Overseer of the
(Cont'd) week, perhaps after the book study, gation in whose territory they wiui
- b tho Vkbv
to work ~ t certain
ones on Sunday. be living, he Can always write thw
premium wfth the offer. We have
this way good training and en- Society and 'obtain this
had some wonderful reports from couragement are mutually enjoyed. Then .he can write ahead to tba"
publishers who arranged to spend Further, some servants are person- new Overseer,
letting him
full weekends out in the t&ritory, ally talking to those who need appro*mate date
staying overnight in a motel, or encouragement to share in this vi- something abmt the family or
vidual making the mOveJsO
some other accommodation, and timidity
ta1 service,
because One
of merits can be made for a warw
or lack
of training.
thereby enjoyiog a
Saturday more thought: ~f possible, why not welcome. Promptl~visiting and weland Sunday in the ministry.
schedule your studies later on in coming the newcomers will be most
What a wonderful God we serve! the day so you can enjoy house-to- encouraging to them. Assistance Can
be offered as necessary. For examWithout a doubt, as we all reflect house work also?
Or a
the progressive spirit manifested by 6 If we arrange our affairs to pie, if they are in need Of
Jehovah's .organization, we will be share int the hoosf+to-house work as ~
motivated to help others see that often and as fully a s possible, think meetings.
N~~ wanting any to lose
it is important to learn the truth of the added praise that will come their place in the victory processio~
and eventually join the victory pro- to Jehovah's name as we share in will make us alert to show lovm
cession of J e h o v a
the victory procession to his praise. concern for those who move.

1 The

' 9

' iggb:zFZ

Have yau o*ended an assembly yet?

Printed in I1.S.A.



"Also, in all the nqtions the good news has to be preached first."-Mark

Qem CPubhhehs:




No. 8

/ Let Your Advancement Be Manifest

Are YOU a s excited as we 'are

about reports heard so far from
One thing that all of US are
the district assemblies? The first
seven in the United States drew a interested in is seeing Jehovah's
combined public-meeting attendance name and kingdom declared in all
of 103 085 some with huge overflow the earth, isn't that so? (Rom. 9 :
crowd;. ~b those who have not yet 17; Matt. 24: 14) What a privilege
attended, those who have already we have in sharing in Kingdom
feasted a t the "Good News for All Preaching 1 And how happy i t makes
Nations" assemblies say: 'Don't Us when we Can see that we are
miss it. It truly is the best yet! making Progress in this work, that
How fonderfully it deals with the we are doing a better job of it,
needs of Jehovah's people them- and that We are able to do things
selves, preparing them for what lies that formerly seemed out of our
reach! Of course, we all know
ahead !'
Here at ~ ~ t we
h are
~ l glad to that some PWsOns seem to advance
rapidly than others. But why?
. have Brother I
( back,
completing\his round-the-world trip. There are a variety of factors in~t eveningmeetings in cities where volved; consider a few of them.
he was caring for the
busiOne of the main things that
ness, he spoke to happy au&nces; contributes to advancement is a
for example, 26,575 at ~
~ E ~ humble
to~ be used
, by
gland 10344 in copenhagen, and Jehovah, to do anything he directs,
large'croGds in other cities. H~ was trusting in him to back one up. I s
present for the dedication of Bel- that the way you feel? Those who
giumys new branch officein Brussels. do, show real confidence in the fact
and in switzerland, to the d& that "our being adequately qualified
light of the brothers, he announced issues from God," and he blesses
forthcoming construction of a new them
Car. :4-6.
swiss branch at ~
h ~ ~ ~~
t is aIso
h stimulated
gnorralso brought home heart- an earnest desire on our part. It
cheering news of ~
i expan-~ is often
~ easy to
d keep ~on doing~ just
sion in many lands, even amid what we have been doing and to the
have been doing it.
progress requires an earnest
There is much to do to keep pace But
desire and added effort. The apostle

for Bible study; and if they have

families, they also study with them.
For it is a fact: Spiritual growth
and advancement are directly related to one's study habits.
5 IVe also need to share regularly
in the field ministry, using the things
we have learned. This enables us to
grow in ability to speak Jehovah's
praise. If we are irregular, missing
entire weeks, each time we share
in the ministry i t is like starting
all over again. It can be discouraging. Those whose advancement is
most manifest, the ones who obviously epjoy the field service and
have fruitful experiences, are usually out in the field ministry each
6 Setting goals for ourselves will
also help toward advancement. If,
for example, you have only been*
presenting magazines in the ministry, then why not make it your
goal to use a Bible sermon, perhaps
reading just one scripture? After
you have reached this goal, set
another one. Resolve to make return visits on persons showing interest, being prepared to offer them
further information. Then, make
it your goal to conduct a Bible
study; and next, if possible, several
studies. Establish a good routine
in this
to expend
over of
to God
that includes
these things; be absorbed in them, the ministry, and stick to it. (Phil.
that your advancement may be 3: 16) .Let your advancement be
manifest to all persons. pay con- manifest to all persons.
stant attention to yourself and to
7Do not forget that Christian
your teaching."-1
Tim. 4: 15, 16. assemblies can prove to be mile4 In addition, personal'Bible study stones in
spiritual advancement,
is necessary if advancement is to add this is definitely true of this
become manifest. Invariably those summer's district assemblies. But
who seem always to be well p r e here, too, some persons benefit more
pared set aside time each week than others do. Those whose advancement is most manifest are the
ticipation in this study a personal ones who ask themselves: How can
I apply what is said to myself and
Let abreast
us, then,
seekforto my ministry? So with full reliance
~ o to
d bless bur efforts, letla allward-moving, victorious
.ganiza- on
exert ourselves to let our advancetion.
ment be. manifest, not for our own
Your brothers
glory, but that we may be more
OFFICE effective servants of Jehovah.

~ ~ $ ~ $ ~ ~ ~ , " t i ~ ~ ~ \ ~ t ? , J ~


the United states will be striving

to keep abreast with it, not alone
by attending the district
but also by taking hold of another
provision for building spirituality. At all congregation book
study locations during the week of
we will open the book
"Babylow' the Great Has Fallem,,,
at page 4&.
How timely! In these vital days
just prior
the .Great's
final fall, we will be learning
why and
that and other
events* as we take up
a verse-by-verse study Of
tion, chapters 14 through 22. We
owe it to ourselves and newly intereswd ones to make regular par-

Keeping abreast with Jehovah's Qrganiz, Dn.


Might wish to show how sermon can WEEK STARTING SEPTEMBER 1

Of the curbe
Theme. Show Imperiled Mankind tbrenttied
~ a toysecurity. Song 87.
10 min: Concluding comments. Include
Introduction8 text and
Theocratic News and any Announcements that apply locally. Song 65.
10 min: Talk on theme for September
Take material from September 1, 1968
Theme: Finding Delight in Jehovah I 0 min: Question Box. School ser
of July 22, 1968, pages 21-24.) Chil- and His work.
vant reviews mate-1
with audieno
dren show keen interest in arrange- 17 min. Introduction text and corn- and emphasmzes the unportanae
ments made and appreciate parents' ments. 'All. who ha& vacation pio- tending ministry
interest in them.
neered during the year can be includ- time after
hear the
have worked
30 min; Benefiting locally from the ed in grOUP On platform to discuss
prepare them.
assemblies. A review of things learned reading
Insert "They
they Treasure
received Themr
from 15 min: "They Treasure Their ~ r i v i a t the assemMy. (If your congregation
of older
may be ifhandled
has not attended, ad~ust a futurePrivilege
"The Bestof Years
of Their
cover Liveg
" by
p d service meeting to include this part
brother. or
and handle another sub~ecthere )
(10 min.) Two or three servant's tell material hikhlighfing the delight that sister who 1s pmoneerlng but hanng
audience what they learned that will Is found m knowmng Jehovah through some roblems. The discussion should
help them improve their work and doing his will as a pioneer. Actual be upguilding a n d ~ a c t f c a l .she*
maternal can be glven me Oys one has y s t i c ~ n to t g
how they are going to apply l~cally Q u o ~ ~from
the suggestions gfven a t the assembly. along with a+y experiences that have fii~l-&ne service Direct quofes fro^
the remaining $ortion of materia
(10 min.) Family group discusses local applicatmon.
from "Overcoming the Obs+cles t
things they learned a t Thursday-nlght 12 min: "Searching for the 'Sheep.' *' K~~~
h ~~~~~~~~d
rogram and a t other times that will Magazine-territory and Bible study the end of the insert can be used and
Kelp them stay close to Jehovah.
(10 min.) open u for audience dis- isolated or rural territories in most
continue in ioneering despite pro+
cussion on points %at were brought practical way and how to follow UP to
out in the talks or demonstrations the interest ~f some have had ex- lems may alaoge piven.
that will assist them to maintain faith periences inathe territory finding and 10 min- Help Them to Study A in
t?d-tllat will influence their personal developing interest these may be re- Bible study servant offers adrnon%oi
lated. If your coigregation is in a to congregation to renew st!'dik
8 min; Discus#ion between father city with no rural territory and you
during the
and two or three youngsters who are do not have an Isolated assignment approaches hmmand asks
suggassay to
interon vaation from sch&,l and want to then these two servants can conside; tiom On what
share more in the service. TWO or arrangements to work congregation est. Se~antoffer~point~pubfisherean
more simplified presentations can be territory thoroughly and m a system- Use such as discussing
discussed. (Prepare what will apply atic manner to assure that none who lea;ned a t assemblies this summer,
locally.) One youngster can give ser- are interested are missed. Material etc. Discuss
them to
man another can offer book directly In "Lamp" book, pages 78, 79 and 88 attend special public ?lk this weekIt.
to some point or picture in it will offer helpful points for disdussion. end* and
or just to its title a s one that should 13 ,,,in.
presenting the Q~~~ N
~ 10~ mi":
comments. If
interest all persons.
This cak be handled by questions and ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ , $ ~ ~ e a ~ $ & ~
2 min: Accounts report.
answers and
2 showing how proper enburagement
aby demonstrating
study in the
the b>
one in the full-time service hel ed
8 min: Concluding announcements.
others to vacation pioneer. Song &6.
[nclude also "How Did We Do in ; f " ~ ~ U ~ ~ ~ i $ " , ~
June?" Discuss assembly plans if con- initial placement of this book or
:regation has not yet attended. qong another, could be demonstrated in
addition to following up the interest.
8min: " F e a t y e t h e O n e s T h a t A r e
Hm B-C B1W
. MTheme:
Working, Wholeisouled Easy to Place. Discuss how special sprl pios.
933 144.4 63.6 8.1 143.0
with Jehovah's Organization. Song 108. 'Ines
in placing mags- Pios
96.7 42.2 5.3 101.1
maga*ne has ~ac.'Pios. T1,455
7,204 82.5 25.0 1.8 80.5
5 min: Introduction, text and com- gone' well in congregation territory
note this, perhaps having some i i Pubs.
306,727 10.6 4.8
-7 12.4
17 min: "They Treasure Their Privi- the audmence comment on suqcess they TOTAL 326,319
lege of Service." A servant talks for have had, Encourage pubhshers to
Public Meetings Held: 24,036
t few mlnutes on the marvelous ex- order additional copies of issues that u ~ 1 - STATES
r ~ ~ OPAL FOR 19zmple in faith and devotion that is they find easy to place.
342,516 Pubhshers
set by our older brothers and sisters 10 min: Concluding comments. Remind
of~ specialf talki to~ be
~ ~ ~ @ ~ ~ n t ~ , " ~ f t~e i , " ~
~ n e s ,pioneers if possible, to latform given in September and October and
we see Jehovah's obvious
to discuss with him points &om the to be sure to invite all interested Per- blessing on something, we rejoice,
sons to attend, a s noted in Announce- don't we?
this regard note
down o,!
"The Best Sears of ments. Song 22.
happening to the regular pioneer serr Lives. If they have personal
essions or experiences that have
~ ~ ~
June there were 9,736 regular pionaers.
application' these
may be
(This meeting may be planned locally. This June the number increased to
10 min: TaB-Branch Letter. would A number of things that might be 11,455, which is a gain of l,o9. What
be well to have competent book study handled include: A portion of the a grand blessing to those taking up
servant give this talk. Also enthu- meeting that was missed while the this service and to the many to whdm
siastically build up interest in the congr6gation was a t an assembly; they minister. And daily, additional
on regation study of the "Babylon" could discuss plans for activity in the
are being received. I t fa
booa. Encourage preparation in ad- new service year starting September 1; applications
also a pleasure to see more sharing in
wnce for greater participation in
study. xention some points that will build up enthusiasm for special talks the vacation pioneer service. From
be brought out in the book and em- Starting September 1, actually demon- September through June of this serphasmze their timeliness.
strating how to invite those with vice year we had a total of 60,604, com18 min: cxet
your ~d~~~~~~~~~B~ whom/ studies are being conducted; pared to 55,974 for the sa-- period
Manifest.*' Handle by questions and Show how information gained a t *as- last year. All of us can rejc
to see
answers. Have someone demonstrate semblies will help to overcome mob- Jehovah's rich blessing nn i
avaa sermon that he will use in August. lems in local congregation.)
nues of service.
Theme: Impressing God's Word on
Hearts. (Deut. 6:6, 7) Song 23.
12 ,,,in:
Introduction, text and
merits, and
can be handled by. a
family group showing how they dmscuss the text' a s a family and Ian for









OW blessed we are to have older brothers and sisters among us who have
been 'faithfully serving Jehovah in the fulltime ministry for many, many years! For a
moment, think of some older one that you
Perhaps you are thinking of an elderly
brother who hardly ever misses a meeting a t
your Kingdom Hall. He comes in with his
familiar book bag, greets everyone joyfully,
sits down and listens to every word spoken
from the platform. At nearly every meeting
for field service you notice his gray head in
the group. You often see him doing street
work or going from house to house. No doubt
you have thought to yourself, What a faithful
Perhaps you know an elderly pioneer sister
who hobbles into the hall with her cane and
an ever-smiling face. There she is, always
cheerful despite the pain you know that she is
suffering due to some affliction of old age.
Rain or shine, she is a t practically every
meeting, including many of those for field
service. Probably you have worked with her
in the ministry. You cannot help but be impressed by her zeal and determination. Her
attitude convinces you that here is a person
that deeply treasures working for Jehovah
full time! Yes, you may have even thought of
joining her in the pioneer service yourself.
Well, brothers, did you know that, among
the 933 special pioneers and the 11,455 regular pioneers in the United States, there are
thousands of these older persons? Yes, individuals who have been pioneering for twenty,
thirty, forty and over forty-five years and
who are in their sixties, seventies, eighties
and even nineties. While most worldly persons, after sixty-five years of age, are passing
away the remaining years of their lives in inactivity or idle pursuits, these dear, older
brothers of ours are still working with us and
with no thought of quitting. They are like the
aged servants of God told about in the Bible
o kept on serving Jehovah right on till
The grayir- hair, the dir-ing

eyesight, the stiffening muscles, the wrinkling skin and other painful tribulations of
old age do not smother their devotion and
zealous spirit. No wonder they hold such a
special place in our hearts!
The fact that these brothers remain in the
pioneer work year after year shows that they
treasure it very deeply. For instance, an elderly brother in Vanceboro, North Carolin
who had spent thirty-two years in the fulltime pioneer activity, said this about it: "The
glorious treasure of service has been my very
life and I thank Jehovah for such a wonderful
privilege." Though eighty-five years of age,
he declared: "I want to assure you that I will
continue to serve Jehovah all I can as long as
I can." He did just that until he died this pasC
May. Consider, too, the attitude of a seventy
five-year-old sister in Dallas, Texas, who has
been in the pioneer service for thirty-one
years now. She wrote: "I do not mean to ston
myself. Jehovah will have to stop me in h
own way. I mean to go to the end of this wor
with Jehova's help. It is such a sweet life."
What devotion! Old age does not dampen her
pioneer spirit.
If you were to talk with all these older pioneers you would find that expressions like the
ones above could be multiplied thousands of
times. Such expressions coupled with their
many years of pioneering tell us that there
are blessings and joys connected with this
privilege that no other work in the world can
offer. This is why a ninety-two-year-old pioneer in Marion, Iowa, who has spent fortyf,our years of his life in the full-time preaching work loves it so much. Yes, and, also why
a ninety-four-year-old brother in Oakland,
California, is still pioneering after thirty-six
years and is exerting himself in such a way
that his activity is a wonder to all who know
him. Many married couples have found that
pioneering is an ideal life for them both. One
aged couple in Chase City, Virginia, are still
a t it after thirty-seven years. The husband
is ninety-one and the wife is seven+-, -

.C .. I




They are an inspirabon to the congregation

to which they belong.
What are the blessings and joys that these
older ones have ha$ in the pioneer service?
Since they are in the best position to know,
let us listen to their answers. Hearing their
experiences will give us some feel of the fulltime work. This may move us to make the
full-time pioneer service our life's work and
enable us to enjoy the best years of our lives
this side of Armageddon.

n D.


in April 1967."
Another aged Witness who live
hattan, New Yo
happy years p
spent as-a sp
more time and effort. HOWdoes she feel about
all this? Here is her answer: "If I had my life
to live over again I would want to do as 1
P 21, ,
have been doing. Ten of the happiest years
The Best Years of Their Lives4Pg?
" were spent in the special pioneer work, arid
when I hear of Kingdom Halls being built in
our former isolated territory, it makes me
very happy."
An eighty-three-year-old full-time worker
d all answer, "My in Poughkeepsie, New York, looking back
One sister who over twenty years of pioneering, said: "I can
and in Washing- remeinber when the congregation numbered
sixteen years of only twelve persons and ,the witness work
pioneering: "I do not know haw to tell you flickered like a small candlelight in a very
how much I enjoyed every year. Blessing on dark community. In the course of time the
rk I have ever
ars." Another
er who is eighty-three years old wrote:
past ningteen years have been the most
ioyful of my life."







b o d i n g that your labors helped establish a

congregation in an area that had none!
d about this: "I started pioneering
May 1, 1937, after leaving many material
possessions and a high-paying position. I took
ighest paying work there is, the pioneer service. After looking back I have no
feeling of loss at all but a feeling of- great
gain. I was sent to a territory where there
was no congregation at the time. Pfter many
years of hard work, today there are four
thrlving congregations, and what a joy to
know that many of the persons in all four of
them I personally assisted. Many are in foreign fields, others are serving where the need
is greater. So I can truly say that Jehovah

their life to conform to Bible standards imbues in a person, despite one's age, zeal to - ,
keep on looking for more sheeplike ones so
that one can teach them Jehovah's ways."
.A pioneer in Los Angeles, California, is
seventy-three years of age and has had many
blessings during the twenty-eight best years
of her life. She reports about one of them: "It
certainly was a joy t? see three persons with
whom Jehovah had used me to study his
Word take thei,r stand a t the Cleveland, Ohio,
convention in 1946. One of these sisters is still
pioneering, and that brings :o to m head
also." What a blessing!
Brothers, were you awar6 of t& Tact that
some of these older pioneers had families
when they began to pioneer? In




up pioneering.

lnese pioneers naa many o r a imgs

that made their years of full-t----2 pr ----hing
the best years of their lives-personal blessings that would fill pages. All of them tell
how pioneering helped to strengthen their
faith in Jehovah God, teaching them to rely
fully on him for the necessities of life. This
has given them a sense of security and an
inner feeling of contentment. Furthermore,
their knowledge has increased, thus strengthening them to carry on and making their
hope "sure and firm." (Heb. 6:19) Many of
them speak of how their health improved
due to the good exercise of both mind and
body in the full-time preaching work.
However, brothers, we do not want you to.
get the impression that pioneering is all
smooth sailing. Remember, Satan is out to
discourage the praising of Jehovah and he
will try to hinder anyone who wants to do
this, especially those who plan to do it full
time. One ow pioneer said, "Satan never overlooked anything in his efforts to stop us."
Human imperfection too presents problems.
How, then, did our dear older brothers overcome such difficulties and obstacles?



Overcoming the obstacle; .

to Keep Their Treasured Privilege
, .
When these long-time pioneers began their
full-time work, they were determined right
. from the start to stick with it and not quit
when difficulties arose. They knew that Satan
would do everything to try to stop them. So
they made up their minds to resist him and
pioneer as long as they were physically able.
One couple said, "When we entered *e pioneer work {forty years ago], we fully made
up our minds to stay in Jehovah's service for.ever, dedicating our full-time service." Also
these pioneers knew that Jehovah would help
them keep their ,treasured privilege.
Consider the fine attitude of this seventy1 ..
seven-year-old sister : "Although my lack of
material means, my lack of transportation
and many other trying situations made it ,
difficult to stay on the pioneer list, I never , . -':
considered leaving my grand privilege oY full- ..
time pioneering. It is the joy that I had in ' iYiserving the Lord that really helped me over";
come many of these tests and trials." Yes, %# *~



'- z7'

dust IOOK al

he received from following

se. "Two of my children
e served as pioneers in the past. My soniw is an assistant congregation servant in
mta, Georgia, and his son is an overseer
;os Angeles. I also have two great-grandr in the truth, one of whom is an assistant
gregation servant in Atlanta, Georgia. My
k 'has not been in vain, for Jehovah has
sed me to see my children and their chilI in the grand preaching work."
onsider the case of this seventy-four-year'-d d pioneer sister: When she began pioneer' ing back in the forties she had children, and
her husband was not in the truth. Jehovah
~kssedher patience, hard work and faith
, ,' through the years. Before her husband closed
his eyes in death, she had the joy of having
:- seen him finally join the family in doing Je:: hovah's will. All her children whom she raised
ih the truth followed her example by sharing
- -%I the full-time work. One daughter gradu&fedfrom Gilead, served for many years in
-- . w e Dominican Republic and Cuba and is now
R- :-:working with her husband who is in the cir,k"=-,'. ,cuit work. Her other children all served a t
- ,*
=@.::y4;gethel; in fact, three of them are still there
i + ~e &
t h their marriage mates. Yes, this dear
F'"';'asister has had the joy of seeing her offspring
the circuit work, zone work and even teach
a t Gilead for a number of years. With a treasgre like this, her years in the pioneer work,
, $- setting a fine example for her family, are infeed the best years of her life.
When that aged couple in Chase City, Virginia, went out to serve as pioneers thirtyseven years ago, they too had a family of
children. They traveled with them and
preached in many places in the South where
there were no Witnesses. Besides helping.
many to find the truth of the Bible, they aided
their children to grow up to appreciate the
krvice of God. Today one son is serving in
the Society's branch office in Colombia, South
nerica. Two others are praising Jehovah
in the circuit work. The sacrifices that these
parents made for their children's spiritual
welfare have paid off in diddends. Setting
their feet on the road of full-time service has
.brought them unimagined blessings and hap- pin





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this dear siszer wno

mink oz .cne v g e d co e In Sb
the pioneer service has be--- ----ped -,r GO& ' Texas, who have been pio----ring for -.-to stay in it for thirty-one years.
forty years. Both are of the anointed and, ,Listen to how h i s eighty-seven-year-old despite their age, they are special pioneers
brother who has been pioneering for forty today. He is also caring for some of the
years overcame his problems. "When any responsibilities of oversight in the little conproblems arose, I always left them with Je- gregation to which they are assigned. T r u l ~ ,
hovah to settle. There have been times when they treasure their privilege of service.
I postponed meals but never have I had to go
without one. This is Jehovah's work and he Now Is the ~ i m teo Share
How fine it is to have such encoi giri:
will provide the necessary things."
7 Think of the faith of an anointed couple examples of faithful endurance among us.
who, after forty years, are still praising Je- Of course, many of these older folks learned'
hovah in the full-time preaching work. They the truth when they already had families an6
write: "We went into the pioneer work a t other obligations, but they worked toward th'
what would seem to have been an unfavorable goal of pioneer service,.enrolled and now hav
time, for this was the beginning of the depres- stayed with it for many-years.
On the other hand, many of you mng sion years. People then did not have money to
take the literature so we took produce and folks are in an even more favorable positior '
other things for it, such as chickens, ducks, You have the truth now, in your youth, an1
geese, wild game, vegetables, nuts, canned your kreedom from heayy family responsiba
goods, canned meat and cured sausage. We ities in most cases makes it easier to take q
never missed a meal during the entire time. pioneer service. Why wait to enter this full
We would just have to change our diet pretty time service? Really, now is the time t o starl
often. Jehovah blessed us in working out real Take into consideration the shortness of th
problems in the pioneer work all the way time until Jehovah will destroy this wickeu .
through. Yea, we had plenty of trials but system of things, and act wisely. "Brothers,
there is always a way out, as shown a t 2 Co- the time left is reduced,': yes, reduced now t ~ , ,
rinthians 4:s-14, Satan tried to stop us a very short period.-1 Cor. 7: 29.
through our flesh. I was operated on five
If you have been thinking about pioneerin&,.
times and the old body is about played out. then take advantage of the opportunity yoq We do the best we caii and have the same may have now. Do not keep putting it off, :;.
mind in serving Jehovah now as when we You young folks, as soon as you leave school,
started. We can,say that Jehovah has kept why not go into this rewarding work? If yo& ,
his word and that he can keep his servants are still in school, with only a year or two
more to go, why not vacation Pioneer a t every .under all conditions that may arise."
One sister reports that she had thirteen opportunity and plan to enroll as a full-time
pioneer as soon as you complete your s c h o q
major,operations, ten of which were for can- ing? Set this as your goal. If you are free ,
cer, during her twenty years of pioneering. now, then this is the time to reach out for the
kvidently, she had strength to endure these privileges of pioneering, special pioneering;.
tribulations by virtue of God who 'imparted missionary work or Bethel service. Pursuing .
. power to her. (Phil. 4:13) Today it is even such a course is the best way to prepare for :'
more difficult for these older pioneers to life in God's new order. Do not let the des@<e
earry pn. Their health is not what it once for an automobile or a larger bank accomt .+
was, because of old age, but they still preach. come ahead of this joyful work. Seek first th&.
Picture in your mind the ninety-three- Kingdoin. Jehovah will richly bless your,
year-old sister who did not let snow on the efforts if you have com~letefaith in him and '
gi.ound stop her. With her book bag and cane are willing and determined to stick to tba.
in one hand and a bag of salt to pave the way work, as have those faithful brothers aJIg
ly made Jehovah$
in the other, she went out to witness to her sibters who have

W .

r a m r r y rres

beep are lost, a diligent sheeplike ones with waters of truth

into the most even if it is not possible to visit
places to find them and them regularly in the months ahead.

into the fold. Th3se valueatures belong to his master

wu ~ " n e
should be left unfound or
uncared for. (Ezek. 34: 11) Jehovah's People f&l that Way about
h i s "sheep," and yearly in July,
August and September we search in
isolated territory for sheeplike ones.
Has your congregation been
sssigned the joyful privilege of
hunting .for "sheep" in isolated territories? How are you conducting
the search? From some congregations groups of publishers, includmg vacation and regular pioneers,
will go and stay in the territory
for a week or more. We know of
family groups who have spent va:ations in such territory and have
re~ortedit was the "best vacation


Some are able to share in the

search only on the weekends. Car
groups leave home on Friday evening and stay a t a motel or in a travB trailer, or arrange in advance
to stay with people friendly to the
work. On Saturday and Sunday
they arrange to cover the more
populated areas first and then
branch off to the country roads.
4 A number of special pioneers
have volunteered to go to especially
remote areas. This year 115 are
combing through 106 unassigned
territories. They, like their fellow
searchers in other isolated areas,
are offering a year's subscription
to either magazine and a regularsize bound book on a contribution
n this way the magazines
. Icoming
to these thirsty


1 '7

Studies may be conducted through

correspondence. Even those of you
left a t home because of infirmities
can have a share in this. The names
and addresses of interested ones
can be given to you and you &n
write them, arranging to conduct a
study where possible.
6 Hardworking
shepherds must
eat. For your own spiritual feeding
arrange for a Watchtower study so
that the ones in the territory all
week or only on the weekends will
not miss out, though not a t the
home congregation meeting. Public
meetings, too, can be arranged and
all met in the field invited to attend.
These can be held in public parks,
on the lawns or in the homes of
interested ones or in rented places.
6 ~h~ search
goes on in other
a r m s too. Some of you in congregations that cover your territory
often have generously offered to assist other congregations with much
territory and few publishers to
work in it. Also, rural areas that
are impassable or difficult to reach
in winter months can be Clovered under better weather and road conditions. To save time, carry picnic
lunches and eat them in a pleasant
spot and, where ~ossiblein s e a teredr-u&l t e r r i t m , have only two
or three travel in one car.
'FlT~at a privil5ge it is for us
to search for Jehovah's "sheep" in
isolated and rural territory! Surely
Jehovah's blessing and great joy
will come to those giving of themselves so willingly in this most rewarding work.


+ ~ f you win be away from home
during August, vacationing or a t an
assembly, don't forget to send your
field service reports to the overseer
or assistant congregation servant so
that your activi* can be counted.

' z-.




: ,*

~c ~ ~ t ~ e , " ~~
where this
possible. These
be part Of
the happy times that a
and educatiOr
the Gilead students have
taken some interesting tours: tc
the zoo, museums, the aquariun
r @ ~ - -,and the planetarium. You may wish j,
to plan similar outings that the
q2u -4
whole family would enjoy. Note If
+Have You told those with whom how beneficial they can be, as shown ,you conduct studies about the special by
the Awake! article of March 8, '.*
series of ublic talks during September
and ~ c t o i e r ?If not, do it now. Urge 1968, "Getting to Know God." Let
them to be present for each of these this month be a memorable month -;,
talks Better yet arrange to b r ~ n g
them with you. h e s e talks are de- with Your family, one long rememsigned, not only to deepen our a p p r e bered and bringing blessings from - - .
clation for Jehovah's provisions, but Jehovah.

A*%Ann 0uncements

r each congregation an actual

It of hterature should be taken
r in Se tember. We are Sending
two ~iferature Inventory forms
antn the monthly statement. We would
them out and
appreciate your filh
returning the origin% to us no later
than September 5. You may keep the
duplicate in your file.
the next service year a rmpply
of monthly r e ort cards and magazlne
D~tributorspL d e r blank is being
sent out to- each congrega5on.
+August and Se tember: Offer the
latest bound boog. You may offer
the Ltfe Everlasting book and a bookor this book and'the 'Impos~ ~ ~ t o ~book
' i with
e , two booklets
$1 You may also combine the
Evot21t&,.n book with either for 75c
Oqtober Offer a ear's subscriptiod
for A&=!,
with L e e booklets, for

the Years go by, Paren~u

their children growing UP and lea7
ing home. Often they wish the,
had spent more time with their
children and done more things together while they had the OppOrt u n l t ~ . If YOU have a growing
family, perhaps this month is one
when You Can especially plan and
do things together.
Ecclesiastes 3 :1 tells US : "For
everything there is an appointed
time." SO it is good to talk thing*ver with Your family and ha1
a schedule for study, for servic
for meetings, to do things that a1
necessary around the house ancl
even to make special trips Or go
On outings together. We know you
parents have to compete with the
old system for the attention and
affection of Yoor Children, and !he
summer months are a good time
Strengthen the bonds of
unity and love.
the cOun
Sel a t Deuteronomy 6 : 6-9and work
Out a
program of family
Study. Start wit4 a prepared dis
cussion Of the text each day an'read experiences
the yearbook
Or Other
definite time each week that Yo
in such



also to help them to see the differe

between true rewon

rzz2 ~ and ~the%f3z%$~SeptemberF $; ; EKingdom
~ Ministry,~
there is yet the opportumty.




: ;0

be advlsable
for the cvcuitit
and district servants during the
meeting with congregation servants, to
ways incan
which territory that
needs attention
be made available
to publishers in Other
Who Can Work it. Congregation servants
should come, with the magazine-territory servants, prepared for the
printed instructions concerning the contents of the special
talks for September and October will
be sent to congregations with the



Life Everlasting-in Freedom of th,

Sons of God (Pocket edition)
From Paradise Lost to Paradise Re
"New Heavens and a New Earth
Basis for Belief in a New World
Living in Hope of a Righteous N;
+No special handbills are av+lable
for talks to be pven by cmcuit


talk on the Style #2 handbill the oithat lists all your talks
d e month.

Following Up Our Advantage question discussed in Chapter 12,
l I n May you brothers placed "Who Or What Was
793,317 books. That was 270,529 for Man's Wickcxbess?"
more than our previouspeak month study this with them? Encourage
away back in J~~~~~1940 M~~~of them to read and prepare a chapter
those were ~
l N~~~~
ta t a itime~for discussion
if you wish.
has any book published by the so- Perhaps YOU would prefer t o start
ciety been placed so readily Its with Chapter 13, "Why Has Wickedmaterial appeals to all
of ness Been Permitted for So Long?"
people ~h~ soeietyts
factories in Some brothers have had good sucBrookiynand c~~~~~~
have had to cess in discussing the material on
run overtimeto meet the requests the happenings marking the sign of
for more copies. ~h~ way has been the "last days" a s set out in ChapIt
opened up to talk to thousands of ter 149 "*Ow
Much Longer
people that we were not able to Be?'' some may even decide to
reach before What can we do to study the material on evolution,
follow up this advanthge? Can a especially if the interested Person
study be started in the book?
is a student or teacher. If so, then
your immediate reaction may the study can be conducted on this
It is true that It will be
subject of evolution is too material.
to prepare questions. that
much for me ; I
want to necessary
studying that with a household- you can use to discuss the chapters
er.' But the book is not all on with them, but it should not be
evAlution. w h y not prepare to dis- difficult to formulate these as You
cuss with the householder one of Prepare for the study ~ O u r ~ e l f .
the other timely topics that are
Let US See what we can do to
considered tHerein? Many persons cultivate'the interest aroused by
would like to have answered the this excellent book.

Feature the Ones That A n Easy to Place

l-411 of US have found that certain issues of The
Awake! can be placed more easily
than others. When you are featur-ng an article that discusses what
.eally concerns the p'ublic, barriers
of indifference and prejudice seem
to disappear, and your supply of
magazines is placed in a short' time.
!Chat happened to many publishers
lapt Januarg when we
Awake! magazine that discussed
"The Increase
Of Liiwlessness"' found that it also happened during July when you were
presenting the magazine that
cused attention on "Fjnding an
*mwer to the Problem of Race.,,
offering one of these issues
that was particularly placeable in
your territory, have you wished that
go On Offeringit *Or severa1 months Until YOU had worked Your
entire territory? Why not do i t ?
It is true that your distributor's
BuppQ of the next issue will be arriving in a short time, but you
may find fiat the n e ones
~ are easier to place if You continue to
feature the one that You Particularly like, and include the hew one



Ten "Disciple-making" ~i'st,ricfAsremblies completed in the Philippinss. Publictalk attendance was 47,990 and 1,353
were immersed. This is 10.000 higher
than the highest previous
district assemblies. It is well 6vw the
April figure of 42,239 publishers.

Lebanon reports over 1,000 pvblkhen

for the second time as 1,003 share In
service in May-an
11-percent increase.

its tenth
peak Of publishersr with 51801 in reNieeO
a 25-percent increase in
Japanese "life Everlasting" book helpcd
in reaching new peak Of. 19t936 books
p'a=ed that month. New peaks
hours, back-calls and home able st$dies.


+ O n June 1 the branch in Barbg.tlZIs

moved into new quarters. Work is progressing now on the adioining Kingdom
Hall. in m y 691 reported activity.

In the Repub1ic Of Guinea 'in West

a 25-~ercent
Africa 76 Shared in
They are just completing their
first Kingd0m HaU.

Chile and Guatemala all
report new peaks of publishers in Mcy.
Publishers there are averaging more thbn
ten hours each.

should the ,,problem,, a

end of the questions for oral revpw
along with it, placing the two for In the "QuallFed" book be handled $
10 cents. Recently in New york a the Theocratic Ministry School?
The brother hantlling the inst6ae:
publisher found that to be
He tion talk may include the "probk
had \worked for some time in his III his talk at his dlscret~on
~t c&d
in sime fad5territory, with very little response. be
worked into the
ion similar to the method suggested
Then he reached into his case and for
the current publie meetings. For
pulled out some issues that were example in handling Study $5 be
several months old but that .had could
hkve another brother demonwhat should be done whe
the reaction strate
person refuses the literature a t
of people a t the doom began to door. On another week the sp&r
change right away. Why don't y ~ umight
wish to include one or tqlo
questJons to tke audience to deal with
roblem Other aids, such as a
trT~:PyOU would like to have an b l a c k L m 0 i . a map. muld be use&
additional supply of any particular These suggestions can be ap~lie&~in:a
issue of ~h~ ~
t or awake
!,h practical
~ so~the "problem"
~ is b n dled and the audlence gets the mo/at
tell your magazine-territory servant benefit
from the t a a .
how many you want, and they will Prior to being assigned ublic t a m


be ordered' for you If the order is

sent to the society a t any time
&thifi a month after the date of
issue, we
be glad to print as
many add?tional copies a s may be
needed to fill the requests Then
to use th;m for
three, four or more months, until
have worked your entire terl.itory or run out of the magazines.
1f this results in more placements,
also .mean a greater witness,
and thqt is what interests all of
us, isn'tit?


ves the tam a d handles me
"pro%iems" will allow for seeitig
xhether he could handle public talks
or not and, in fact, will prepare hfm
for giving such talks. AS the
book says the instruction talkY%%!;
be assigried to "one of the better
qualified brothers." He
be One
who has proved his ability to give
lnformatlve well repared talks over
a p~riod02 time. %e should not be a
npvlce or an undedicated person. Baslcally he should have quaties similar to those YOU look for in a public




can be assigned to deliver public talks.

Apply the information learned at assemblies.

Published monW b Watchtower-Bible and Traet Sbciet9 of New York, he "" "- nu St., Bmoklm, mY. ll2Ol
- m postage peid st Broaklyn, N.Y.



"Also, in all the nations the good news has to b e preached first."-Mark

What an exciting summer i t has

?n! Dilembew of the Bethel family
--re attended man$ assemblies, but
principally the one in Washington,
Of course, all of us now know
about the new Truth book that was
released. I n Washington we distributed 160,000 copies to those present.
The book has been greeted enthusiastically everywhere.
Our production departments have
en hard pressed to meet the detnd for this new publication.
some congregations have ordered
20 copies per publisher, but we have
had 'to reduce orders to about five
per publisher until we have a supply
on hand. Remember, brothers, we
are making shipments of this book
to many parts of the earth. However, please continue to order. While
we may not always be able to send
what you request, you can always
We have sold 251 acres of Kingdom Farm a t South Lansing, New
Pork, including the buildings where
Gilead School and the Kingdom
Ministry School used to be located.
The State of New York made the
purchase and will make use of the
buildings and land. We still have
550 acre.s in that vicinity that we
are farming in order to supply food
for the Bethel family.
We have erected and are now
using a fine new building a t Watchtower Farm, about 100 miles from
New Pork City. We are also continuing with Other building work
Across the, street from Bethel the
concrete work for the new home
is up to the fourth floor. As Yet no
brick work or inside work has been
Oh, yes, we are currently conducting an all-Spanish session of the
Kingdom Ministry School. I t is Certainly fine to have our Spanish
brothers with us and they are very
happy and rejoice to be here.
Many of the Bethel family are
away on vacation right now, but by
September 1w
ight to be in full



Whar Lies Ahead?

l A vigorous preaching of the

good news of the Kingdom to imperiled mankind is one thing that
lies ahead. In reflecting on the rePort for the United States during
the 1968 service year, it is a delight
to observe that a total of 333,672
shared in Jehovah's service in
April! This is the most we have
ever had engage in the witness
work in any One month in this
country. Also, 5,926,076 hours were
spent in the ministry in April, 213,221 subscriptions were obtained, and
308,118 studies were conducted; in
February there were 11,572 regular
p i ~ m e r s in the service. And. all
these are new peaks for the United
States, brothers! What a wonderful
time we haye had together in Jehovah's service! yet a t our district
assemblies this summer we were all
impressed with the shortness of the
time and the urgency Of the work
that is ahead of US. With over
680,000 attending the Memorial in
this Country there are undoubtedly
many P ~ O P T ~in our territory hungering for the truth that makes men
free. Do we have a program to
assist. these hungering People during
the 1969 service Year? Yes, and a
fine one!
In the months of September and
October we are going to have speclal publlc talks in all congregations
across the land. They are to acquaint interested ones with basic
swing again, able to take care of
for the new
Of the
Of course,
us the date "September l" means the beginning Of
a new service year* and by JehOundeserved kindness we
to make it Our biggest and best as
in showing imperiled mankind the way to true
Be assured of our Warm love for
all of YouYour brothers,

and vital Bible truths %nd help

them appreciate the need to act. It
will be of great benefit to interested
ones if they will adjust their affairs
to attend, and we want to urge
them and help them to do so. We
might liken these talks to a ninepoint program of Bible education.
They will last nine weeks, with
different vital Bible teachings being
considered each week. Encourage
interested ones to be a t the Kingdom Hall a t least one hour each
week so as to get the full impact
and benefit of this program. These
talks will unquestionably prove to
be a great aid in directing imperiled
mankind to the way of security.
3 ~ 1 1of us are anxious to put
into practice the information provided a t the district assembly with
regard to our speeded-up program
in the Bible-study work. I n Pwsenting the Good News in this issue
of Kimgdoh Ministry you will find
some suggestions that will aid you
in this. So we will say no more
about i t here, except this-when
we follow suggestions given by Jehovah's ,organization for spreading
the good news, we find that rich
blessings result, isn't that true? We
are confident that this will be your
happy lot as you share fully in
this new program for Bible-study
4 o u r year's
text for 1968 enronrares
nations the
-- -- ..--- "in
-- all
.- the
good news has to be preached first."
(M~~. 13 :10)soduring this month
of September we will be sharing in
this all-important work from house
to house. We will be offering the
new book, The Truth That Leads
to Eternal Life, for a contribution
of 25c. Or, if your supply is depleted, you may offer either one
book or a combination of two b o o b
using Life Everlastijzg, LImpos&&
to Lie' or E v o l u t i o ~if you wish. A
booklet may be given free with each
of the large-size books. Point out
interested ones that the contents
e 7, COT.-8)


W E E K STARTING SEPTEMBER' 8 present. Concluding comments. Sopg priaing and encouraging to you. I t has

Theme: Helping Others to Security.

Song 67.
min: IntroduCuon*
text and 'Omments.
,,,in: Talk on urgency of having
frill share in preaching and teachin
work based on material presented a?
-sse&bly. Recommend setting aside
ime for ministry each week and maklg progress in ability to present good
news effectively.
20 min: 8t~ f Ahead?'*
tions and answers. Read paragraphs.
Ihclude a short demonstration or two
on paragraph two invitin interested
nee to the
talk $is Sunday.
'amgraph four: Call on audience for
a w n g points e e y will use iq presentng the current offer.
Experiences to date in offering the "Truth" book and starting
studies in it.
10 mln: Branch Letter. Father quizzes
children on oints and how they give
avidence of
blessing of his
eople. make it pleasant. Commend
hildren. Recommend that parents
regularly set aside time to study and
aiscuss with their children material
that will strengthen them s iritually.
IelP t h e m r ~ a r efor loinT~mamZi
hare with em in it.
Concluding comments. Include
accounts report and "How Did We Do
is July?" and Question Box. Song 80.


to do with the changes that are taking

expect in the future Notice what is
st5ted here in the Bible at 2 Timothy
"We've been asking our neighbora
this question and would ap reciate
Your Opinion
We are
aware Of the increasing
wh is there so much of it? And what
is k e remedy? [Let householder answer"
in what is stateU here in the Bible a t
&Waged !n a community
do with the 'pirit Of
to be
up everywhere. Serious people
wonder just
end up.
it is an evidence Of
~ ;:%urF$t
~ ~ r thpeeo?!:lto%;tib
has to say. Wh3ia
to what the

WEEK START~NG sEpTEM BER 22 place in the world and what we can

Theme: Help One Another to Stay

Strong Spiritually. Song 117.
5 mln: Introduction, text and cornmerits.
15 mi": "Our Service Meeting-A

Spiritual Meal." Questions and answers.
10 .in:
~ school.
This can be handled
by the School servant.
Also remind cohgregation that the
title of public talk Sunday is "God's
Kingdom Rub-soon
a Paradise
Earth." It is late !n week; what will
YOU do about helping interested ones
attend if this has not already been
arranged? Ask congregation for sug-

" iz,","dtE
~ u o;~z




on phone and extends invitation arranging to meet and go togdther.

$ t ~ W ~ ~ f l l ~ ~ " , ~ ~ s O
7 min: Theocratic News. Include lomo Y 3.
experiences On making
Next discuss four-point presentation
1 congregation.
Then call on prepared publisher to present it.
ing week'
Where Th;re Is a Theme: Is It Later Than You Think?
(1) 2 Tim. 3:l-6 (Use appropriate
1f the congregation is
un- ~ t r s e l ) .
(2) Open magazine to Page 8. "The
assigned territor or helping, another
congregation wi& its territory, every Sign of the 'Last Days.' "
(3) Turn to pictures in latter part of
effort should be made to complete it
magazine, showing blessings that God
1 8 g e r e territory in your own con- holds out for man.
W E E K STARTING SEPTEMBER 15 negation needing attention?. Encour4) Urge action on art of house~
~ ~others
~ lto ~saeurity
~ i you
i coverage
~ of this.
~ with
~ e f in
e t6
holder to get benetlts. 8ffer
Encourage Bible stud?.
Chrough Bible Studies. Song 69.
Or circuit
is needed.
Christians sack
5 min: Introductions text mid corn- states
par- 20 min: T a p :
L~~~~Cdnducct.vInclude sufttnents.
t f o n ~See Au-13 min: "Work for a Balanced Eda- %uth-%,kota,
R i t u c k y . Tennessee;
%tion." Talk based on article in SePtembex 8. 1968, "Awake!"
and Utah. Thene a& talk Sunday: "Identifying the True
15 min: "Presenting the Good Ney&s;
67 unassigned counties or Parts of Reli ion Is Vital." Interested people
A New Outlook on Bible Studies
this information so they can
Questions and answem. Read para- COUIItieS in 24 states not worked this
summer. Could you help by sharing in "terngently decide rega?dlng
worehip! Em
importance Of
15 rnin:
~ i q work?
~ t publisher the preaching work in one of 'these Of
~ ~ m tpOm
l P ito~ge in attendance. s o w
comments to
that he can areas? m e n we encoura e you to do
see the value of the new arrangement So.
for studying - ~ ~ ~ book.
t h - B U ~for Society's oface providing the informaJULY SERVICE REPORT
hbuseholders to get most out of it, it tion requested in the "Lamp";??ook,
Awill be necessary for them to study
also one or two
ahead; but how can we get them t'
Hm C G B 1 . a l
countries needing assistance in Central Sp'l PiOsm Pubh
do it?
989 124.0 52.7
chairman calls for demonstration. and ??uth America. (See 'Watch- Pies.
,115627 88.9 39.4 5.0
(8 min ) (start with paragraph 4 of tower June 15 pages 360-363'- July 1 Vac.
84.9 23.9 1.7
chapte; 1 of "Truth" book,) publisher Eages14~9-4~2;
IIcourage brothers
~ u l yto
15,J vages
e these
mat- Pubs.
9.5 4.4
.6 70.8
asks question +t bottom of page
Eouseholder hes~tates. obviously not ters serious thought. Use suggestions TOTAL 326,062
prepared; does not know answer: Pub- in "Watchtover*" August and Aug-t
Public Meetings Held: 17,184
isher explains how he pre ares. Asks Uat l6issues.
questioq reads paragraPg a&wera 10 min: Concluding comments. Also U N I T E D STATES GOAL FOR 1988
342,516 Publishers
.question' in own words, d e n marks appropriate Announcements. Song 99.
answer in book. Demonstrates. Invites
householder to do it with next para- W E E K STARTING SEPTEMBER 29
YOUwill be deli h'ted to know that
~ ~ P , " . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,t " ~
~ ~ o~ ~ Theme:
po ! ~" , Keep
" ' song
~ ~log.
to Follow Our during July 326 06f publishers shared
Chairman: I t may be necessary with
service' 'That
some to demonstrate this several times 10 min' Introduction text and com- in the'lose
to l5OoO
and discuss quite frankly the need to
Talk on the&e; see "Watch- and
fire arg ahead Impress householder tower
October 1, 1968. Encourage
v&tE the serio~snessof the study and publidhers to make themselves fully
$ ~ ~ ~ $ $ , " ~ $ ~
the need to u t forth real effort to available for Jehovah's senrlce.
be happy to know %at the report inlearn
tru& that leads to life.
5 min: Two or three ublishers en- bludes 11627 regulu pioneen which
m n.) Enthusiastic chatty discus- thus!astically discuss h%h points in is a
ior the united3 States.
siqn between two or three publishers special October 8 1968, "Awake!".
yet, the bi'g haws is how inthusiaaabout how to do it and value of six- what they like in it; what will go wed tic you brothers have been about
m0hth atudy gogram, recalling points in local territory.
offermg the '"Truth" book to others'.
made a t d s ct assembly.
15 min: How to Introduce and Present July's report shows that 645 090 beoks
12 mln: h c audience reasons why Subscription Offer.
were place@-well over twicd the naminterested ersons will want to be
Call on several to. present the o en- ber placed lagt July! Just +ink how
~ m s e n tto Eear Sunday's talk "Why i
remarks they WIU use. The fofow- many'back-calls we now have to make
H . S Permitted ~ i c k e d q e s ~(Get
suggestions ma also be used: as we offer to st.*
with these neon*
ideas *om outline of talk in insert)
8 tr
ood morning I gave stopped by and help them learn
Qs'& publishers to help othens to de with something 'that may be both sur- leads to eternal life!












be able to
OW thrilled we all were when the speaker marked the b&ic answers, you
at our recent district assembly announced concentrate more of your attention on the finer
the release of the striking new book The Truth points brought out in the talk, the arguments


That Leads to Eternal Life! I n view of the short

time left before this system of things ends, it
is just the teaching aid we need to help honesthearted Persons learn quickly the lifesaving
truths of the Bible.
Adding to our joy is the arEangement that
has been made to help us become familiar with
the entire book quickly so that we can use it
effectively right away. This is one reason why
the nine special public talks to be delivered
luring September and October will be based
3xclusively on the material found in the twentytwo chapters of the Truth book.

used and the illustrations that support them.

you are going to prepare for home Bible
studies in this book sometime. Why not do it
now? Then you will be ready to conduct a study
in any chapter in the book, and week by week,
before going to your studies, you will need only
a few minutes to glance at the points that you
have marked in order to refresh your mind. The
effort you put forth now will save you many
hours during the months to come.
However, if someone is unable to study the
material in advance, he surely will not want to
miss hearing the talks. As each talk is given,
he will be able to mark points in the margin of
Meetings to Help You
his book and perhaps underscqre some of the
Consider how you personally will be enriched answers in each chapter. Of course, being presand blessed by these nine special talks. They ent to hear the talks will also build us all UD
will afford you the opportunity to devote be- spiritually.
tween eight and nine hours of public-meeting
Remember, there are ninl f these special
time to get well acquainted with the fine infor- talks, one each Sunday duri,, September and
mation in the new book. This. will build up your October. Make it your determinatior
presown appreciation of basic Bible truths, and it ent every week.
will enable you to get in clear focus the main
points of each chapter, the Scriptural argu- interested Persons
ments and helpful illustrations. Just think what
~ reason~ why we
t are h
~this spe~
be during the
ahead! cial series of public talks is to benent b~lzpersons
As a result of being well acquainted with the with whom we are already conducting home
book, you will be able to use it to the best advan- Bible studies and anyone else who shows intage in your house-to-house ministry and when terest. Some of these people have had studies
doing incidental witnessing. You will know conducted with them for a number of months;
where to turn to find the information that best others, for a number of years. But are they
fits the needs of each person to whom YOU talk. acting on what they have learned? If you are
Furthermore, this program of preparation will able to arrange for them to be present for this
help you to conduct truly progressive home entire series of talks, it could well mark a major
Bible studies with those who show
sincere turning point in their lives. Their being present
desire to learn the truth.
for these talks could, in many cases, do more
Bring your personal study copy of the Truth good than many months of study apart from
book with you when you attend each of these the congregation. Be enthusiastic about building
special public talks. Then as the speaker covers up their interest in these special meetings. Exthe points, you can follow him in your open plain that this is a program that is being put
book. And when he invites the audience to com- on in every congregation of Jehovah's witnesses
ment- on certain paragraphs, you can answer in the United States during September and
from your open book. Bring your Bible-study October only. Let them know that the material
has been specially selected for the benefit (
students too with their new book.
N ~ is there
~ , something that you individually those who aqe studying the Bible in their homes
can do to make sure that you get the greatest with Jehovah's witnesses. Emphasize attending
benefit from these meetings? Yes, there is. If you the entire series of talks, if at all ~ossibl
will make it a point, each week, to go through Arrange to bring them with YouSome of the persons with whom studies are
the,assigned chapters in advance, even doing so
quickly, and mark the answers to the study being conducted have never been to a Kingdom
questions, it will be most beneficial. Having Hall. But that :-an important step in one's


, support


wth. If, as a d t of enthdastio audience & o d d do about what they are lean
special series of pnbIia tdlq yan

are' able to get them to come to these congregation meetings, what a blessing it will be to
them! It will make their home study more
meaningful, and it will do more than words
can ever accomplish in helping them to appreciate that Jehovah. tr$y does have an organi'ion on tHe ear$&today.

There are a few basic points that you brothers
who are going to give these talks should keep
in mind in order to deliver them effectively.
As you look over your assigned material you
will notice that there is plenty of it. Since all
the material for your talk is in the Truth bock,
you should not go to other publications to
search w t additional material nor should you
use scriptures not found in the chapters you are
povering. Use only the material in the chapters
assigned. This is the material that the Society
has provided for these talks. Remember that
these talks are designed to help gour brothers
become familiar with the contents of the
"Truth" book! They will want to follow you
in their books. To help them do this, you need
to present the *material in the exact order *it
appears in the book.
To prepare well, thoroughly familiarize your&elf with the isformation in the appropriate
phapters. Below you will find the title for each
talk and the chapters assigned to it along with
suggestions on how to present the material.
Read these carefully. I n most chapters the main
points have been clearly indicated; these should
be conskantly highlighted as you deliver your
kalk. You. can do this by repeating them, also
by listing them on a chart or blackboard. By
gour making the few main points for each
phapter very clear the brothers will see what '
points deserve special emphasis when teaching
others; So give careful consideration to this
matter and handle your material in such a way
that it all emphasizes the key points.
Note that most of the outlines below contain
a few scriptures. These appear in the Truth
book, bpt they are listed here to w c a t e ,that
you shotdd plan to use them. If time w i l l not
dlow you to read them all, just quote or paraphrase some. You may want to ask certain
kublishers ahead of time to be prepared to read
selected texts from the Bible.
' Remember, if is our hope that mahy new ones
bill be present. Speak with them in mind. Be
emphatic. Be enthusiastic. Be clear. Use the
m e sbcerity and conviction you would use in
talking to such persons in their homes during
a Bible study. Be sure to emphasize what the

A number of recommeslbttions are given t$

add variety to your pesentation. 19, at all
possible, follow them. However, you will have
to take into consideration what you hfkve to
work with locally. I n smaller congregations it
may not be possible to do all that is suggested
here. But even small groups will be able to
assemble together and discuss the assigned material for that week.
By all means,.bring your copy of the Truth
book with you to the platform and refer to it.
You may feel that certain passages in the book
express things so well that you want to read
them to the audience. If, for example, you think
that the print.ed introduction to a chapter .is
very effective, you may read it. However, if you wish to express the same thought in your
own words, that is all right too. You may be
talking with the Truth book open in your hands.
This does not mean that you will be reading
all the material to your audience, but from time
to time you may read a short portion. You will .
not be able to cover every paragraph in detail,
so you will have to paraphrase some of them.
Maybe just a short sentence or two to cover
the point of a paragraph will be d c i e n t . But
be sure to help the audience to follow you in
the book.
The printed suggestions below are directed
to the speakers, but they will whet the appetites of everyone and move all to give wholehearted support to this special series of talk
Sept. 1: The Blednge from Kmwing God
May be handled by two speakers, Chapters 1 and "
(30 min.) and Chapter 3 (25 min.).
Chapter 1: I t is vital to consider God's purposes now
in order to enjoy blessings soon to come. Direct attention
to the book as you briefly discuss thoughts in paragraphs
.,I-3. Main points from fWst chapter to emphasize: (1) God
promises to bless obedient mankind with peace, health
and eternal life. Read Psalm 37:10, ll. Ask audience to
answer question 5; reason on part "b" after answer is
given. ReaJL Isaiah 258. Ask question 6, (2) God assures
us that he will bring change soon. Ask questions 9 and 10,
(3) To benefit, we must st;udy. God's Word now. U.e
1Timothy 24.
Chapter 2: Personal examination of beliefs is necessary
(par. 1). Have Metthew 72, 14 read. Comment verp
briefly on paragraph 3. Show that Biblical view of religion is different from common ones. Ask for a common
vlew, and have someone keady to bring up viewpoint in
ftrst sentence of paragraph 4. Disprove it with materirtl
in paragraphs 4-6. Ask for another and get: "It doesn;!
matter what you believe, as long as you are sincere.
Use paragraphs 7-10, reading Matthew 7:Z-23. All need
to study Bible to know what is right, even though thia
may result in some opposition (pars. 11, 12). Review
main points established: (1) Not all religion is approva
by God. (2) All need to examine own beliefs in light of
Bible. Motivate audience to make a prayerful examination
(par. 13), for blessings discussed above depend on it.
Chapter 3: Read paragraph 1. Cover paragraphs 24
quite briefly, using ,Acts 15:14 to show iniportance of
knowing God has a name. Have person assigned to ask
you selected questions; you will reply.! Have hlm ark
questions 5, 6b, 7% 8a. 9a. 10 and 11.
right to rephrase to add naturalness.) Give gist "* paragraphsw





" ;a@

qnd Wen have q&shoner ask questions on p k - Scgt. 22: W h y Gad Hcrs Permitted WWedneaa
14, 15, 17 and 18. I n answering, read or paraChaster 8: (35 min.) Speaker will deliver as regular
p&me John 1498; 1 Corinthians l k 3 ; John 1:1, 2, 18 talk, using blackboard if possible. Briefiy discuss material
and Acts 2:s. You can We& refer to book mentioned in in paragraphs 1-3, and read Genesis 3:4: 5. (1) On blackparagraph 19. Have 22b asked (include in reply thoughts board list issues presented in paragraphs 4 &nd 5, corn
h paragraphs 21-23 as time permits). Summarize main menting on each one listed in paragraph 4. Have someone
points coveEd: (1) God's name is Jehovah, and we should in audience prepared to tell story of Job (par. 5) (1%
use it. (2) God's qualities mifke him worthy of our w o ~ min.). Briefly illustrate, God's way of settling the issues
ship. (3) God is no "Trinity. (4) We must worship with as is done in paragraphs 6-8, and read Exodus 9:15, l(i.
spirit and truth, and not with idols. Conclude by reading ~ ( 2 )Explain how the ' r e d t s have shown (a) failure of
or paraphrasing paragraph 24.
man's attempt a t indebendence from God (pars. 11, 12).
(b) failure of Satan's rule (par. 13), (c) rightness of God's
Sept. 8: Where Are the Dead?
way of ruling and that man can stay loyal to God under
Explain that two related SuEjects must be considered in test (pars. 1416). (3) Time allowed for test has not been
order to obtain answer: Why we grow old and die, and long from God's standpoint (par. 18), and humans have
the condition and prospects for the dead.
benefited from t h e allowed (pars. 19-21); list on b a r b :
(a) We have had opportunity to be born and to d n
Chapter 4: (20 min.) To' be delivered as straight talk
following development of material in the chapter. Stress eternal life; (b) God has used the time to prepare heavenrepeatedly how this information affects us today, and de- ly government, which beneflts mankind: (el We can have
satisfa~tionof knowing that the challenge to God's m k velop reasoning in paragraphs 8, 10 and 12. Main points:
(1) Adam and Eve were created with the prospect of ship will be settled for all time. By our course of actton
we show our attitude toward God's rulership. If we ore
eternal life. (2) They sinned by disobeying God's law.
(3) Their sin affects us today. (4) We can benefit from ' wholeheartedly ~bedientto God, we will be spared when
F d ' s provision fof salvation from sin and death.
wickedness is soon brought to an end (pars. 22. 23).
Chapter 9: (20 min.) Information should be clear and
Chapter 5; (35 min) Rhetorically pose questions in
paragraph 1. Read Genesis 3:19 and reason on it. Read Persuasive for new ones present. Explain that this Part
and tie in Ecclesiastes 9:5. 10. Question logically arises, will amplify Kingdom government mentioned earlier. Dl&
Does man have immortal soul? Have two people on plat- .Cuss points indicated by questions lb, 2 (quote Luke
rorm cover paragraphs 4 9 (8 min.), one witnessing to 1232). Show reasonableness of Kingdom arrangement. as
in paragraphs 4 and 5. Refer back to Luke 1232 and then
other. (Emphasize 5, 6 and 9; touch others briefly.)
Speaker takes up again, using Job 3414, 15 to explain have Revelation 149, 3 read. Read question 8 or have
someone in audience ask it: use thoughts in paragrapha
what "spirit" is and how it is sustained by breathing
(pars. 11-17). Have interested person, who is still on stage, 8-12 to answer. Slant comments to new ones. Answer
question 12b. In covering paragrap* 14-16, read John
ask Witness: 'Don't the wicked go to a flew hell?'
Speaker breaks in and briefly covers paragraphs 18-21. 14:2. 3 and 19. Review main points covered: (1) God brtr
144,000 to be kings and priests with C!h&t
Interested person asks about 'rich man and Lazarus.'
Speaker invites Witness on platform to comment on it heaven. (2) Holy spirit gives them heavenly hope. but
briefly (as in pars. 22, 23) '(4 min.). Speake continues. most persons taking up service of God now have hope of
discussing Gehenna and purgatory (pars. 24-d). Then he eternal life on earth. (3) Christ returns to take "little
shows many have hope of resurrection (pars. 21-29). Review flock" to heaven, not to become a man on earth'hiddlf.
main points: (1) M&n is a mortal soul. (2) Spirit or life Encourage audience to seek ways to cooperate With those
force is sustained in man by breathing. (3) At death man called to heavenly life.
returns to dust; he does not go to burning hell. (4) Hope
a Paradise E d
for the dead rests in the resurrection. Conclude com- Sept. 29: God's Kingdom Rulementing on importance of truth that leads to eternal life.
May be handled by symposium of three speakers. ~ o h l d
list on blackboard. 1. Kingdom-1914;
2. Last days;
S a t . 15: A Son Low& to &xl-and Those Who Rebelled 3. Paradise.
Chapter 10: (20 min.) Brief introduction (2 min.) setting
out line of thought in paragraphs 1-5. Themrefer audfeye
Chapter 6: (25 min.) To be delivered as talk. As you to illustration on page 85, and quote Matthew 34~3.Discuss paragraph 7. Invite audience to answer questions
845 and 17. (Have some In audienc@ ready with brief
pointed comments. Get one good comment .dn each, a

' @g@


wgll as when on earth. Reason on import of

the King anointed by God. J&US carries out God's will.
Conclude by reamng or paraphrasing paragraph 18.
Chapter 7: (30 min.) After brief Introductory comments
3$$ covering paragraph 1, invite panel of three to platform to
$: pose. reasonable and common questions about spirits who

onomy 18.10-I2 and s

(par. 19). Quote Revelatton 12:12. Jehovah's people

joice, declare meaning of it all (par. 20). Christ begap
to rule in 1914; soon Kingdom will
"come" to des@by
wicked and rule forever (par. 21). '
Chapter 11: (15 mh.) Might prepare illustrlatjon swq
to one on page 95, or direct attention to that one in beok
Main points to make: (1) We are livlng in the "last &i+is"
and near their end. Read Matthew 2434 and reason on it
as in paragraph 3 (3 rnin.). (2) God is now accomplishing
-- a separating work. Have someone =late Matthew'aS:3l-%l
Call attention to question 6, and answer both part's 43
min.). (3) Jehovah will destroy all persons and'organfdttionk who by their practices make themselves his enbmtb$
(pars. 7-12) (6 min.). (4) The earth will never be U6stroyed. Motivate audience to recognize that they shauld
not sympathize with God's enemies, but should seek Gars
protection (3 min.).
Chapter 12: (20 min.) Speaker will open with Wef
comments on paragraphs 3, 4, 7 and 8, reading and a*
plying Ephesians 1:9, 10. (On stage a father
to his young daughter the conditions that will prevail .in
paradise; daughter may add fltting questions and rediks
to leading questions from her father.) Speaker Wll read
question 10. The father, as if answering the question for.
his daughter, will explain to her conditions that w . e #
question 10. Then speaker will 'cover points in paramap&
11, and ask how Kingdom will affect our personal heaIth,
Father will answer to his daughter, explaining appropriate
points from p a m m p h s 12 and 13. SkWr @l,-m@
i~quedion14. In response, fathtwll.3 cover paragr@&fl&

OEt. 6: Identifiring l e True ReUgion Is VCtal

Chapter 13: (27 rnin.) Speaker will open,with brief comCha tir 18- (20 min ) After opening comments pat- ments to audience on paragraphs 19. F o m m Catholic:
terned) after bragraphs.1 and 2 base a discussion on se.
When one becomes a Catholic, he ls supposed to be joining
~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ f
5a and answer it. Then invite audience to
~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ m c h ~ ~ a~ ~g Pl 1: ~~ 6$ ", I" nk s ~F ~ ~,
~: a t Raise
look in on a Christian father explaining to a s young son
Catholic church is said to be built on Peter. Speaker uses some common ways this m t k r of obedience to law and
~dhesians2:19, 20 to show that Jesus is the foundation its limitations can affect Christians. Father will reason
of the true church. Read Matthew 16:18; use material In with his son on some of the points in paragraphs 6 and 7.
@amgraphs 9-12 to reason On it. F ~ m n e rCcbtJ1ozic: Some ~e should be sure to look up Acts 5:29 and remind son
PIdestants believe that the true church is made UP of of commandment agatnst idolatry. Then he' will open
persons from all religions. speaker uses inf0rmation in . @&h
b ~ and
~ share
with son the quotation from Justih,
Paragmhs 13 and 14 to Prove why that is not S c r f ~ t u d .' ~ a r t ~ (par.
8). The speaker can take up a t paragraphs
Show that some of the true church are still on earth and
lo, ~ g s o n i n gfrom Bible on significance of Revelaticia.
that Qne's life depends on ~OI'king in Close ~00~eITltioir~
&:IT, 18 and 1 Corinthians ~ 2 3 .Encourage all to be
wi* them (pars. 15-17).
obedient in everything to the law of God. Stress obedience
%hapter 14: (243 min.) F o m e r CathZfc: Having in mind
and relate to title.
what you just said, how would one Identify the true - Chapter 19: (18 min.) meaker caq open with thoughts
. religion? Reason briefly On thoughts in paZWraphs 1-39 from paragraphs 1 and 2. Invite all to look up Genes&
reading Matthew T21-23. Speaker invites him to list fol- 9:5, 6, and hold place there for iurther use. You may
I ,
l o ~ n gmain points on blackboard gS they are discussed. want to read paragraph 5 directly from the Tmth book
(Use the five iwcized Point% in ~ a r a g m ~ h4.s 7. 11, 13, I* discussing second main point, go back to Genesis 9 and
15.) As he gets to appmpriatd points, he reads John 13:35:
read verses
3 and 4. Have
Use ~someone
c t 15:s.
to show read
that this
'Arcts 1 T n ; John 1 ~ 2 6 ; Luke S:1 and fohn 15:19. Just
deSore concluding, speaker may want to .hand book to qyotation in paragraph 9. show that this matter appiies
former Catholic and ask him to read out loud harpgraph to blood transhsions, by lreasoning on Acts 15:20. 29.
b. Speaker, keeping in mind that'many new ones are Review main points: (1) Shedding human blood violates
~ s e n t urges
wfth sincerity that'all dq what that Para- m & law
(pars. 35). (2) We must not take the blood
gPaPh Lays, regularly associating with Jehovah's wit- of aiiy creature into our bodies (pars. 6-10). (3) Obedience .
W e s . WofsNping God in the way that he approves to ~ o d ' slaw on blood results in blessings (pars. 11, 12).
-F a g s great ble ings now and is the only way to gain
Conclude by directing attention to ,value of Christ's shed
. , eteml ~ e .
blood and importance of aiding others to put faith in it
(par, 13). During talk. interject comments hbout M2 odb13;
-(rClf fFOm *Lhe Begidon
poFtance of prayerful obedience, so audience can see how
.E. r
May have one or t d speakers, &s i s convenient locally. this connects with overall title.



. r&



',- -

Our Service ~ e e t i & & -Rich

spirit%il Meal I


makes a goo&

Circuit Servants to Conduct

Ministry School
'tive, coherent -manner that will

It has been hebful and instruetive to have the circuit servant confor the ministry.
duet the congregation book study
'rood that is properly
before being-served is tastier and for the past year or more hasn't
But that has smvea its &.,rpose
more easily digested. Likewise, if
he will ndt do it on his ne*
all study in advance the spiritual and
visit. So, how would you like to have
food to be discussed a t the service the circuit servant handle the T ~ ~ ~
find it more enMinistry School during his
joyable and more easily assimilated cratic
visit to the
into our minds and hearts. It is next
Society is arranging for him to do
also true that the passlng of food this
it will be a
have msignments On the. meebng. by each one a t the table during change and that the school servant
For them it means starting
the meal to
an important
on the assignment and not waiting tribution
the meal.
So each conone as well as the rest of us will benegood cornsel.
Until several days before the meet- in the congregation can assume his fit*om
What we have arranged is this :
ing. I t means getting clearly in mind share of the responsibility for makin
the basic purpose of the part, and ing the mwtbg livelyand beneficial Starting with the first
then making sure that each point by commenting, relating experiences September and during his next cornmade contribuM to this purpose. and taking part in demonstrations plete round of the circuit the circuit
1t means giving careful thought to when invited. our preparation for servant will handle the Theocratic
a setting that is fresh, yet inStrUC- this shows that we are very con- Ministry School, instead of having 1: tive and workable in the congrega- cerned with givinga pleasingsacri- the school servant do so during th
week of his visit. On the
' tien territory. A review of Study fie,
praise to jehovah.
23 in the Quatifled to Be Min.ister8
of the circuit servaot the
a The
Of a
is looked visit
appointed school servant will handle
book and the material op "The Serwith deHght and joy* the school. This will give the circuit
.- ,
in the "LampH book and brings the
meal to a satisfying servant opportunity to observe how
will help us to have variety while end. If
the overseer's
expreshandles his assignment and f g
,lF. avoiding showy scenes and overdone
thought Out and pre- he
offer private counsel and sugges'- : props. We
want to give *Ought
pared, the concluding comments will tions to the school servant. Then
be looked forward to with great the third time around the circuit
expectation and will bring the meet- *, circuit servant
handlv the ".
ing to a j o m l ending.
(Continued on page 8, coZ. 1)
by each One putting forth a
wholehearted effort in preparation, what lies Ahead?
( Corztyd)
each week our service meeting will the new book are especially for .:
be a ~ i c hspiritual meal that is in- those who want to know the truth, z&.
structlve, faith-strenmening,. and Bible facts, not religions fiction.
the the
audience share in the ministry.
believe will stimulate the greatest
interest. If interest is aroused, 1 *
all means try to start a Bible stud
.. tions are part of preparing well the
The fuEllment of Mark 13:
nouribhing spiritual meal that will +Literature Offer:
September: You ma use The ~ m t hiS an integral part of the "Sig
be enjoyed by our brothers.
Thut Leacls to ~ternalL f e for a contri- of Christ9s presence and the 6
3 M ~ s tcooks, when preparing a bution
of 25c If your supply of Wis
good meal, would hesitate to serve book runs dut you ma offer one Of the system of things. R*embc*s
a new dish to others before trying of the other recent boundlbooks, or a when the "witness" is completed,
d of time. 80 it is good that C O ~ ~ b " , ~ P n ~ ~ a ~ and then "the end" comes. (Matt. 24:
14) be you not personauy thanLiol
our meeting parts by re- three
heaming them before giving them November: The Truth That Lea& that you can be
to the congregation. We are sure to Eternal Life for 2 ~ Be
. sure that showing imperiled mankind the way
to security? We know that you are,
you will agrw that rehearsals con- %$ " , " g g % t i & & " $ f i n i s
tribute much to the efPectiVeness
langu es; mglish, putch. French, and we are happy to be working
So closely with you in giving the
of the service meeting. Are you German, %ahan Spanlsh.
The October 8 Awake! will be a
dm1 witness !
really doing all you Can to rehearse
your service meetings for the benefit $1 %we: "1s It Later m a n %
: on these three a,,alable
of all concerned? I n view Of Your
a ~ e c , ~ t ~ ~ ~ e see p g e four of the letter addressed
circumstances, could you be doing the talk "&ls ~~l~ *bout to ~i~~ TO 11 Congregations. January 1. 1966.
more? I f so, i t would undoubtedly Way to God's Rule." Order extra +New publications available:
The Tmth Thai? Leads to Eternal Li e
be a blessing to the cgngregation. "Upaes
-English, Dutch. Frencfi
As to yhen the differept parts +In ordering handbills a remittance
German, Italian. S a n i d
might be rehwsed, if a group is of
A b a t to
$ 6 ~ to
order for all handbills regard ess of
ihwdlved, such as in a demonstrp- style. Style 1 handbills are for regular
tion, perhaps it could be before or Current circuit and district servant
-Pa iamento _Ta alog
after p e book study and some parts ~
~ b ~ i ~ ~
, " , ~ s ~~
f I e Am
~ d k @~
4 a m a ~ - L e y t e$
might be checked after the Watch- circuit servant talks or talks -4e U;
tower study on Sunday. The value locally. A minimum of three and a
of such rehearsal and counsel is ~ ~ 3 - & ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * ~ u ~ ~ -Engush
, ,
m! tbtb
win end On time megation meetings, the time, day and .W@ch Tqwer PubU~dttOM
an6 pill be pr-nted
in an instrue- location held. For further information
(yearly indexes) for 1961. 1983, 196


_;meeting? The same thing that build up our brothers spPritua1ly

makes a good meal-thorough prep. aration of nourishing food! Jehowh's o!ga*a!ion
provides us with
$ nOUrishlng wlritua1
our s u p p a thorough preparation
meetings can be a
stimulus to zeal and faith for ouy
'What does thOrou preparation
:' mean? It starts


follow in^






- -

- ,-



, *<-+p$&

3-+- '

- ,.



. i




*$& O;D:togf:it$ Es$keW




4 Durham.

hforth Carolina. North Unit.

publi;hers serving as "acation pioneb for twenty-flve consecutive months.
4 Conao [Kinshasal renorts that over
10,300-attended thek four district assen
blies, The program was presented
seven languages.
+The 281 publishers in Curakao, Netherlands Antilles, ore overjoyed that 61
attended their circuit assembly. A ne,,
peak in Bible studies is reported.
4 lSland of ~ ~ ~has t326 i pub-~
Iisherso which is a 35-percent increase.
Tanzania repched a 20-percent goal
'pecial pioneers there
A . new peak' of 4,822 l?ublisher* i s
reported by Colombia. Bible studies are
"OW UP to 6,880, which is 1,500 more
than last June.
a new peak Of
913 publishers. There were also peaks in
the number Of books placed, regu1
pioneers and home Bible studies.
now averaging
per publisher'
Uru~uay reports 2*568 publishers for
time and there were 9t800
this June than last JuneBack-co11sare
5,000 and
home Bible studies are almost 1,000
Over last year4 Mozambique has 1,798 publishers, a
26.7-percent increase.
There were 48504
reporting in Puerfo
RicOr which means that the 20-percenf
goal was reachedOre up 9*000
Over previous peak pnd magazine placpmen's are up 7,600. Along with a new
peak in Bible studies, congregation pub&d

A New Outlook on Bible Studies an hour and a half. But if yclu have
l Free home Bible studies are the time and the
then we
that you 'Om1 hallmark of Jehovah's witnesses
the world around. HOW' helpful plete 4he chapter. Those who are
this work has been in aiding hun- leal'y interested
be eager
the subject.
dreds Of thousands of persons to to
come to an accurate knowledge of make it possible to cover the mai
the truth and to take their stand terial a t this pace without unwisely
~ side! ~~t
h now ~time is ~Pushing?h Here ~
are several
~ suggesrunning short for this old system of
5 Both you and the householder
things and we wantto help as many
sheeplike ones as we can to learn will need to study ahead If some
the truth and act on it while there habits,
need help
in them
how you
is still time.
2so We have a new approach to
do so too.
use in the Bible-study work. Yes, and U1'ge them
. it is still free of charge. B U ~ , as 6Als0, you will notice that each
suggested a t the " ~ o ~News
d for chapter has a good number of point~ 1 1Nations" district assemblies ed scriptures quoted to establish
fiis Summer, we ~ 1 seek
1 to h a p clearly the points being made. In
as many people a s possible through many Cases the Scriptures that are
a six-month Bible-stndy program. quoted will fully satisfy the house3 T~ mCOmBliShthis, endeavor to holder. When it is apparent that
an the student gets the point and is
hold your studies each week
unavoidable situation
and be
no needofto the
have to miss a
perhaps another publisher wit%
whom the householder is acquainted being studied represents quite a
can conduct the study that week. change in vieWP~int for the househe does not seem to apProgress is directly related to the predateOrthe
full significance of it,
regoladty of the study H~~~
helping them learn'enough of take time to read the additional
t ~ truth
so that they can act on scriptures
are well
You will
find all ofthatit within six months.
bear directly on the point being
41t would be good to try to
tudy a whole chapter of the
to noplete
lishers avfrage I 3 hours each.
order to be
Truth" book each week, though a chapter,
(Brazza~ilkl* Okinawa and
where practical, within '
may not be possible with all
Korea all enioy new peaks in publishers.
ouseholders or with all the chapters mend
the available
recomthat you focus attention on
But when *ou can do the points
that answer the printed
t, it will aid the interested one to
et a clear picture of the entire questions and show how the scriptures support them. But do not feel
Is Kingdom Hall qonstruotion still
at one study To cover some that
during your study
need inY"& has always been the cwe
chapters it may take a s much as to
enlarge on every expression in congrkgations are free to determind
r i d Semlr
( o a t ' d ) the book.
. for themselves what the will do rdatho01 main, acting a s
s e r 8At all times keep before inter~~n~$~",t~y,","te~
vant. We hope you will enjoy this ested ones the importance of be- buy proper& 07 build a Kingdom Ran,
entirely ln order .for this to be
aaustment in the schedule and ginning to associate with Jehovah's
benefit from it.
people a t the meetings. If, a t the
3 Thursday evening the circuit end of six months Of intensive study sion and wishes to do so. Some corservant will attend a book study and conscientiaus efforts to get respondence that we have receimd
se1,ected by the overseer. The ap- them to meetings, they are not yet
t ~ ~ $ ~ ~ ~i ~, ~"~ d
C : i8 "
~ c~ o ~$
pointed study servant will handle associating with the ~OngregatiOn, aglng Kingdom Hall construction and
the study, and the circuit servant then it may be best to use your undertake
that co4wegations. should no longer
such projects. Such rumors
may give an upbuilding talk to the time to study with someone
are;faise, sa s the President of the
'group for 10 or 15 minutes after who really wants to learn the truth Society. ~ r o j f e rKnorr just arranged
tbe study. The circuit servant will and make progress. Make it your fices
for the building of several branch of.
with K~ngdom Halls in
be happy to offer appropriate coun: goal to present the good news on The Soclety is glad to see cong%g?~
sd and suggestions psivately to the Bible studies in such a way that tibns takinz steps to. provide Irultahle
sQdy servant. Other study servants interested ones will act within six
Conduct their own studies.
months !
way that it can.









"Also, in all the nations the good news has to be preached first."-Mark



No- 10

What a day we had a t the Jeho-

Making Known an Urgent Message-'

Obtaining Subscriptions

yet in praise to ~ ~
world wide has been tremendous.
a good time with the
Awalce! magazine in October, and
go with
our Fine
And we know that you a r e all
Your brothers,
. very bus^ tm. The August r%pxt
B ~ K L ~BUG=

' ee to ' ~llo ou



h During
~ - October we will not
be featuring bound books in the
field ministry though there is no
objection to ilacing
a copy of the
Truth book with someone who seems
to be a good prospect for a home
Bible study. For this month the
Society's printing facilities a r e
oa page I, 006, 8 )

Theme: B.e a t the Ministry Urgently. Song 2.

5 min: Introduction. text and comments. Family reviews text during the
evening meal, discusses context and
5 min: Invite interested ones to
special public talk. Emphasize its
val? for those who have studied for
a time. Briefly demonstrate how to
invite, them or how to arrange for
them to come.
25 min: "Making Known a n Urgent
Message." Questions and answers.
Particularly emphasize and enlarge on
points in paragraphs 2 and 6. When
discussine Daraffauh 2. have demonstrations-aid ~ s c h s s i o nof the suggestions under Presenting the Good
.- ..-.
13 min: Reaching those who do not
regular1 receive a witness. Select
the suggestions from paragraphs 3 and 4.of main article the
ones that are most appropriate to'your
congregation. Discuss the extent of the
local need. Demonstrate how to do
the work Include ap ropriate suggestions Prom the ~ o c g t y ' sletter to
all congregations dated August 26,
1968. If appropriate ask for volunteers to share in thid special work and
plan when it will be done.
2 min: Accounts report.
10 min: Concluding comments. Include
"How Did We Do in August?" and
"Are You Ready for November?"
Song 97.



zkmme. Copgre atin

Unger the
direction of Our d n e ~Kephbrd.Song


5 min: Introduction, text and comments.

15 min: "Making Progress a t the
Book Studies." Questions and answers.
Help publishers to see need of not
just reading comments from book but
having thoughts well in mind. Listen
to comments of others. If seating
arrangement can be worked out so all
can see those present this may make
for friendlier atmosphLre.
10 min: "New Folder to Advertise
Bible Studies.': Discuss the article
with congregation. Also read appropriate portions of the new folder.
10 mid: Demonstrate magazine presentations some featuring October 15
"~atchto&er" and others featuring
"Awake !"
7 min: Comment on results of special efforts to bring newly interested
ones to public talks also discuss how
to go about i t this beekend.


"Watchtower." Select appropriate por- scriptures in chapter 1, whether qupttions and. develop them by drawing ed or not, and then after discusalng 1 "
aud~ence into discussion to be sure the paragra hs have material read
they really understand ihe principles ffom the boos so he will see that Me
involved and their annlication. Our book really ik in harmony with his
honesty attracts others to assoc!ate own Bible, It may require-more than
with the true Christian conme~atlon. one call to cover this first chanter.
15 min: ~i~~~~~ where and how to depending on the response of- the
obtain subscriptions. Demonstrate how householderto use October 22 "Awake!" in offer- 15 min: "Whal You Can Do Whel
ing subscription. Show how one might Tragedy Strikes." (September 8 1968
offer a subscription to one's milkman, "Awake!") Help publishers to se'e hov
barber or rocer. Publishers who re material can be applied in a practma
fer to oger nubscrintinns
- .-- - -- -for
- - #kt<
- - - wav.
magazines together may do so. May 10 "min: Concluding comments. Son&
include local experiences on obtaining 73.
subscriptions or some from "1968
Yearbook." (p. 105, par. 1; p. 132, par. A, ugenl M~~~~~~~
4: p. 205, par. 2)
5 min: Inviting others to special geared
provide us with maga
ublic talk. Specially fine for fami- zincs, SO it iS best to concentral
Ees and for those nearing dedication. placing individual copies and ob
Demonstrate a n invitation over the
ing subscriptions.
10 min: Conc1,uding comments. InWhere can the subscriptions
best be obtained? Most of them are



I obtained

in the regular house-tohouse work, a s you know, but there

Theme: Bringing to Others the are other prospects too. For examTruth That Leads to Eternal Life. ple, there are persons with whom
Song 25.
15 min: Introduction text and cornconduct studies, others on whom
ments. Mature ~ublibherand newer you make back-calls, deliverymen
one discuss text to ether. Then start and repairmen who come to your
off in service. worting together. Do home, your aocer and druggist, the
erhaps two short calls and before
getween or after them dscuss need td barber and beautician. gas station
show kindness and atience in minis- a t t d n d a n t s , workmates, school
try not getting &scouraged when
lite'rature is rejected, relying on Je- riends and teachers. Why
hovah. etc.
a ~ e r s o n a llist of ~ r o s ~ e c t sand
20 an&:
HelDim unbelieving mates. I th& check them aft h t e i vou have
Re3ew suggestions given a f district tried
~f you do,- you areassembly. Offer can be made perhaps
by a servant in the congreiation to Sure to have a productive monthstudy the "Truth" book with unbe1:ev7 Awake! has proved to be an
ing mates for six months. Demonstrate how calls might be made. Work effective instrument in directing
in snme "1968 Yearhnok" eaneri~nres ~ e r s o n sof rieht heart to the true
cs -tiA-i permiti -.(#. e-e-.p -8-i7 -p-.-il.4borship of &d. I t provides whole
par. 1; p. 167, par. 3; p. '189,' pir. 2.5 some, upbuilding reading for thl
15 min: November activity. Discuss
various ways "Truth" book can be entire family. It is practical in out
offered in field ministry. Have a num- look. Its articles build one's con
ber of demonstrations a s to how to fidence in the Bible and help onc
offer it. Ask audience to analyze to see how Bible principles bear 01
presentations a s to why they are
effectwe. E m ~ h a s i scan be Dlaced on the manv facets of everyday life
the need to keep things simple.
I I t discu6ses the t o ~ i c sthat Deo~lc
10 min: Concluding comments. Con- are talking about, -and
field service God,s kingdom provides the answer
on election
day. Songfor
that they are seeking. Don't you
WEEK STARTING NOVEMBER 3 agree that it is something we can
wholeheartedly encourage
them to
do that this
5 min: Introduction, text and com- read regwlarly?
--- --.
10 min: Theme for the month. (See
8 Of course, the time we are ablc
November 1 1968 "Watchtower ") to devote to the field service is
Might have bkotherk in audience res'd
with several prepared uestions to as% limited by our personal circumspeaker, a s basis for ziscussion.
stances. So it is important to make
good use of the time we have. Wellorganized service arrangements wil
help to avoid wasting our time wait
ing in cars or standing on stret
corners waiting for others. With '
careful planning, we can make the,
best possible use of the time actuinformation in the opening paragraphs ally giving the witness, and that
will be sufflcient to arouse interest. is what we all want to do. It ir



Theme: Aid Others to Follow the

Fine Shepherd. Song 79.
5 min: Introduction, text and comments. (May draw comments from
audience by asking appropriate questions.)
10 min: Branch letter and Theocratic News. Some ex eriences from
**MUYearbook" empgasizing importap= of reaching everyone with the
(See p. 77, par. ,l
par. 4.1
l a mln: W%t I t Means to Be Honest.
Based on artiob in ~ & ! % b p i j s : t ~ 9 6 8 .h o w d a r look- up the majority of l

the message is urgent l


Bible itudies Making Progress at

the Book Studies

our coWP!garlon received 'away. Endeavor to leave one with
l F o r two months now, a t our
SuPPlY of the new four-page each person to whom you witness,
polder entitled "Would you Like to whether he obtains literature or not. congregation book studies, we have
been considering Part 2 of the book
Understand the Bible?" If not, they Slip a copy under the door where "
~ b b ~ lthe
m @eat Has FaZZml"
will be sent to YOU J U S ~as Soon a s the people are not a t home. Put
your congregation submits its next them in any free copies of maga- God's Kingdom Rules!
If you have been moving along
order for other literature that may zines that you provide for apart% needed. A supply of about fifty ment-house dwellers and others. And a t a steady pace in your study
)pies per publisher is being con- wherever you leave the Bible-study group, then by the middle of October
signed, free of charge9 to each con- folder, inalude a handbill to inform you will no doubt be s t a r t i i chapthe reader where he can get in ter 21. That is where the very
gregation. Use them well.
The Society is keenly int?9sted touch with Jehovah's witnesses timely information from chapters 14
in the Blble-stud~ work, add we locally, or you may write your own through 22 of Revelation begins.
know that You are too. Our desire name and address or phone number
3At the congregation book study
we have no set number of pages to
is, not merely to place literature on the folder.
ith people, but to study the Bible
4 I,
the months to come, when- cover, a s we do for our weekIy
Lth them regularly. With the aid ever you place a ~ m t hbook, we Watchtower study. This give# us
f the simple presentation of mat* recommend that you slip one of these opportunity to discuss matters more
--a1 in the Truth book, this is Some- folders into the book. Then, when fully, to be sure that they are really
thing that every publisher can do, you make yoqr return visit, they understood, and we appreciate it
don't you agree? We believe that will know exactly why you have when the studg conductor helps us
,his folder will help you to start come ~t will make it easier to to do that. But that d o e s m m w n
~tudies.Why? Because it is designed star<&ble studies.
that we need tb slqw d ~ w n - t othe
to stimulate the interest of anyone
would be to cover extent that we are covering ,only a
who reads it, and it clearly answers Your entire territory with this few paragraphs each wwk. Edn
the questions that they
Biblestudy folder I If, in order to do when the material L weighty, i!:
when we Offer
study with that, you need more than are being should not be diEIeult to caver
sent, ask the publishers to check to Least Eve pages.
31fyou have your supply of these see how m&ny they have left in
*If you are going a t a slow
*'lders during October* we suggest their own literature cases, and use pace than this, it mhy be that Yt
that you start using them right them first. If they are all actually need to focus more of your attent
being put to good use out in the on the points covered by the prin
Are YOU Ready for
field ministry, you are welcome to study questions. If someone in 1
order more, free of charge, but in group works in comments on otl
of no more than S t y per letails in the paragraphs, that
Have you personally offered the quantities
publisher. It is by means of home Bne, but it is not necessary for 1
The Truth
studies that-pSofle3ani-m5sT ~
Life, in the field' minis-' Bible
effectively be aided to learn the tlons on all these other details.
try a s yet? Are you using it on your truth
5 It is good- to take time-to l o
and take their stand on Jehohome Bible studies? If so, we don,t
side. Let's all share fully in up and read scriptures that e-need to tell you how easy it is to vah's
cited but not quoted. I n fact, a s yoil
place or how clearly it presents the this work'
study the material that is actuallv
truth. You know for yourself.
commentary, sox
Rnao~acement~ verse-by-verse
~ u the
t question is, Will your conpublishers may want to follow ,,
negation have enough copies t&sup
with their Bibles opened. As for any
ply the needs Of aU the publishers congregatioq The Society does not Lengthy Scripture citations, the
r the entire month of November, have provision to fill mdinwal orders study conductor may use his own
hen we will all be featuring the for publishers and pioneers.
judgment about having them read;
pew book in the Seld ministry? w e *Literature 0 f f e r A c t o b e r : Awake! m some cases, he may simply arhope so, and, with that in mind, we g,","sgt,"*
:$ range for a brief summary of thrZcourage all congregations that E t e m l u j e for 2 5 ~ December.
New :ontents by someone who has be
World ~rans'lationo the Holy 'Scdp- notided in advance.
led more books to order now.
ft would be advisable for the con- &? ,"o","biony$'?!~t~
OTo impress principal thoug
servant to estimate the for $1.25.
on the mind, brief oral reviews
rate a t which the Stock is moving *Please do not begin ordering Year. helpful. 'But there is no need
and then order a sufficient supply book copies calendars or bound vol. these to be extensive. They are
.'a date is announced ir
so that, by November 1, the congre- umeS
tended for review of key thougl
--tion will have on hang a t least Kingdom Mznzst7y'
ur Truth books for every publisher
HolL not all the details. Handled in tl
way, they will not slow down prbeadd twenty for each regular and
vacation pioneer. If there are oppor- Did Man Get Here by Evolution 09 ress but will help us to retain
points that we should know well.
tunities in your territory to use
word Is a --Geman*
to Fin*&
some of the available foreign edi7Are you attending the cong
"-ns, obtain them too. Even if your Songs to Jehovah's Praise S e s o t h c gation book study each week?
igregation was not able to get "This
Good News of the Kingdom'
-Benin Citonga Iloko Tumbuks all means do so. Fully understa
as many books as you
at an What
Kin'ghm beenDoinc ing the prophecies now being c
earlier date, we believe that the
since 19141
Society's factory will be in position Rescuing a Great Crowd of Manappreciatt
to handle all of your orders in time
now h
for the November campai&. So, be +The pioneer ra
,sure that you are well supplied for book is and ~ e ~ u ~ & ~ usWf0lr ~ ~ t a~t01
a produeti-- month of service.




- W h the Special "Awake!"

ing on page 8 is the evidence you

,mu not' agree that the octo- need to answer this question. [Turn
8 Awake! is really special? to these pages a s YOU mention
The.subject,' "Is I t Later Than You them.] I urge you to read this spe
Thiflk?" should have a wide appeal. Cia1 issue, along with The WatchWe urge all of y ~ to
u 'endeavor to t ~ w e r .They're only ten cents for
do an extra amount of magazine the two."
Another brief presentation Could,
during'october. 1f you are unto participate on the day set be this: "I'm calling because of the
mit& for it, then take any other day Concern we all have about the ina * e n i e n t to you. In fact, you may crease in crime and violence everywallf to take several days each where. So many people wonder
week to d o magazine work and try what it all means and what the
to cover your entire territory.
future holds. This issue of Awake!,
2what are some brief presenta- 'IS It Later Than YOU Think?'
tions we might use to place the gives the best collection of inforawake! in the magazine mation on this matter I have ever
work? we.mi&t use a variation of read. I'd really like to have You
the regular sermon suggested in the read it. This copy is yours*
ZJ,eptember Kingdom Ministry for with The
for only 10
the subscription offer. We could cents."
to tie the
in a community
bervice. ~t has to do wfih the via- presentation in with some specific
fence and rebellion that seem to be point in the magadne. you may
tising up everywhere. Serious people want
beginwonder if,we9renot approaching the ning on Page 17, which is entitled
that the ~ i b talks
l ~ about. "A Grand Future Ahead in God's
Ifhis outstanding issue of Awake!, New Order." Let the
' %~t~~t~~~h~~ you hi*?, asks, see the heartwarming illustrations
on page 7,
DO we I
( we~ that~portray
what life will be like
start- after the end of this system of
in the 6 4 ~ aD
s t~ ~ ~ w ? s
If we choose to feature the
October 15 Watchtower, which mu
Hn 6.c BI.SL M W ~.-tains the fine public talk from the
i p f l Pios. 1,042 123.0 50.3 6.8 136.3 district assemblies, "Man's Rule
11,808 92.7 40.1 5.0 94.7 About to Give Way to &dls Rule,"
Vac. Pigs. 6,558 84.6 24.2 1.7 79.9 we might say: "I'm calling because
4.7 .6 12.0
T O T A L 332,834
of the interest we all have in good
Meetings Held: 19,808
government. Wouldn't it be a fine
thing if the whole earth had a govSTATES 'OAL
less ernment that could guarantee
342,516 Publishers
peace, prosperity an'd happiness to
everybody? [Allow -response.] The
A most encouraging report indeed! Bible promise$ that within this genI h e total of 332,834 publishers for eration this earth will have just
August is just slight y below our
eak of 333,672 in April. hi^ S U C ~a government. Read about it
&st time y e have ever been in this article, 'Man's Rule About
So Close to reaching a former peak to Give Way to God's Rule.' [Refer
in August. Actually the figure is an
increase of 5.4 perbent over ~ u g u s tto article.] Along with the Awake!
of last year In addition there was a it is yours for only 10 cents."
gew peak oi 11,808 pion6ers reporting.
m a t a fine conclusion to our service
every effort to give these issues the
August also saw a new peak of widest distribution possible. They
contain a straightforward message
of this year.-No doubt many of these that sheeplike per$ons need in
lacements were of the "Truth" book.
k i t h such a fine instrument already 'Order to start them On the road
in the hands of so many people we life. Send copies to your relatives'
can really be enthusiastic about' the
others you
Let them
prospects for starting many Bible and
studies in the coming months, can't all know that this system is nearing
We? We reloic.n with you in this its end and' that aodss n
thrilling con;
on to our I""^ serrice year.
is near a t



l?shws -Tn '-'
n ploneer servlce dur~ngJune the
Moorbad, Minnesota, congregation averaged 15.5 hours in gervice. "The
sp&itual benefits cannot be counted In
numbers or overages," the committee
+'~cundor branch office reports receiving
letters from 101 families, all stating that
they want to answer the call for more
"fishers of men."
In July Ghono enjoyed a 16-percent
increase; 10,765 publishers reported.
Neighboring Ivory Coast enjoyed a 3 3
percent increase, with 239 publisher4
reports new peak of 5,80.
publishers, a 28-percent increase ove
last year's peak figure; average irrcreas,
for the year over lost year's overag
more than 18 percent. Publishers
still averaging 10 hours each.
With 7,972 reporting in July, k
had a 28-percent increase, its' ninth
consecutive peak. Compared with the
total publishers and pioneers, they have
averaged 1 1 1-percent attendance at the
"Watchtower" study for the past six


Is it ever appropriate to arrange

to ut on dramas in the 'Kingdom
~ a &
or a t circuit assemblies?
In recent years the Sock has been
using some dramas for 8 e district
&zseminies; B o w e ~ e r ~ m sare
e saecia1 features of the district assem- '
blies. and it is recommended that this
method of communicating information
not be employed in the Kingdom Halls
or a t circuit assemblies. O r ~ a n i z i n ~
and putting on dramas require-a greax
amount of Hme and sometimes considerable expenie. Much time is used
in wfiting'a script becoming familiar
with the parts and'rehearsing besides
making up costumes and prbps. We
believe that much of this time could
be spent more profitably in the field
ministry and in personal study.
Demonstratbns are called for in
the "Kingdom Ministry" outline of
service meetinga of course and they
may aIso,be used'at circuit kssemblies.
But these are different from the dramas. These demonstrations do not require detailed scri t and it is neither
necessary nor adv8dble to go to a lot
of work to prepare spedal costumes or
rops. In nearly every case, we believe
the brothers and sisters takfng art
can use their regular dail attire. %he
things that the say usua% sufece to
identify the r o z the are &kin and
the rest can be left
the imagkation
of the audience.
The important thing with any demon'stration is not to entertain but to cgnvey practical instructiori 'to the &-I
dience A presentation that ie sim let
and td the point generally acoomp~lr,%es this most effectively. So wfienthese demonstrations are mhearied, the
one in charge_+ould have in mind that.
shq7'- practical and
they are. to
*ate dramam




" ~ l s o , in all the nations the good news has to be preached first."-Mark





it is
What a
about the thrilling start to Our new
year ! Do you
what was
in the
in Septemher? A new
peak in publishwas reached, yes*.even esce!lirfg
the peak Of last
And this Is
just the first
the new service Year! There were 335,448 who
shared in the field
last *pril.
the urgency
shows that you
the times, that you are
aid others
and that your
being richly blessed.
With more workers we naturally
expect that more work would be
done, and that is what happened.
Total hours were 5,085,956-well
over the past ~ e r v i c eyear's monthly
average of 4,169,281. What a fine
evidence of the devotion of Jehovah's
people! Book placements, too, were
remarkable. Especially is this so
when we consider that most of the
congregations had only a limited
supply of Truth books. Yet look
what happened: You placed a total
of 747,141 bound books! Up until

May we had never placed this many

books in one month. Isn't that grand
for the first month of the new service year? What would the report
have been if all the congregations
had had a n ample supply of Truth
books? Well, for November all the
congregations should have enough.
w e here a t Bethel have two shifts
working, and we a r e putting in overtime besides, to see to it that you a r e
well supplied. We a r e thrilled a t
what we see taking place in the
Kingdom-preaching work, and we
a r e grateful that, along with all
of you, we can have a share in it.
3 There is something else that is
encouraging to u s all. This is the
splendid increase in meeting attendance. The Watchtower study attendance during 1968 averaged 95 percent of all the publishers! This is
up 10.3 percent this past year!
There has been a continual increase,
rising from around 75 percent a few
years ago. ~t is fine to see this keen
appreciation for the instruction t h a t
Jehovah is providing. Likewise with
regard to the service meeting: Attendance increased from 75.4Percent

to 81.3 percent-a
5.9-percent increase. The Theocratic Ministry
School attendance rose 5.8 percent,
to 81.9 percent; and the congregation book study attendance was up
4.4 percent, to 87.2 percent. This is
fine and reflects a wholesome appreciation of spiritual things on your
4 September's thrilling report also
makes it obvious that you a r e doing
fine teaching with the aid of the
Truth book. Of course, our purpose
in placing i t is to conduct home
Bible studies, to help people get
started on the may to eternal life.
The report shows that, during S ~ P tember, Bible studies totaled 291,063.
This means that YOU conducted
nearly 40,000 more studies than in
September 1967, when the figure was
251,414. Now, with the November
campaign with the Truth book, the
prospect for more of u s to conduct
Bible studies steadily improves,
doesn't i t ?

Conduct Bible S t u d i e s ?

the new book now made it

possible for you to conddct a home
Bible study where you were not
successful in doing so before? Many
ening, a special effort was made to brothers believe t h a t it has! Withget supplies of literature out to out a doubt, many faithful and deAs you know, we have had a night foreign branches before the strike voted publishers who were not inshift operating a t the factory since deadline. How did t h a t go? Well, cluding a home Bible study in their
mid-September. would you like to from one of the brothers in the witnessing activity in the past will
know of the results? Well, every shipping department we heard that now find i t possible to do so. Why
morning a t breakfast time we Beth- 280 tons of literature were shipped do
say this?
elites hear a report on the previous abroad in the first 27 days of S ~ P - 6 Primarily, it has to do with t h e
day's production, and i t is amazing tember. That is a n average of over simplicity of the material in the
what is happening! Why, it seems 13 tons every working day. And on Truth book. The arguments a r e not
t h a t almost every 17-hour day, corn- one outstanding day the total was complicated or involved. The illusbining the day and night shifts, we 60 tons. Now nearly everything Pro- trations a r e simple and easily uhave a production of over 100,000 duced is being shipped to You broth- derstood. Then there is the sil
bound books and 500- to 600,000 ers here in the United States. We plicity of the language.
magazines. I n fact, production for are$ On the average, sending Out
7 There a r e other features t h a t
the first six weeks of the new ser- yoU from the
l5 a r e built into the book that will aid
vice year has reached over 2,800,000 to 20 tons Of literature a day.
u s in conducting Bible studies. In
bound books-over
one third a s that a tremendous outgo of precious, the past, in preparing our students
many a s were produced during the life-giving t r u t h ?
for opposition, i t was necessary for
entire 1967 service year !
B u t t h a t is not all. The demand u s to gather this material ourselves
With a serious dock strike threat- I (Continued on Page 2, cot. 9 ) 1 (Continued on page 7 , col. 9 )


Remember our Creator now, whether. old or young.


STARTING NOVEMBER 10 to those who have a religion and to use material to- aid interested ones

those who do not. Demonstrate also

the use of the folder, in accord with
available time.
10 min: Concluding comments. Include
appropriate items from Announcements Remind brothers of need to
fill out and submit applications now in
order to be ready to vacation pioneer
in Decemer. Song 86.

to have right view of worldly hij&

days coming soon Might encour s
these interested oies to attend
15 min: "Db They Really Believe It?"
Could be assigned to Bible stud
servant. He may discus material w i d
two or three book dudy servants
After considering material one oq
two of the group might deinonstrate
they what
nd out
and then
Theme- Remembering Our Creator what teaching methods could be uena
maln Mints and express how they in All ~ i a We
t Do. (Eccl. 1.2:l) Song really to convince and build he;
thjnk points will help u s in ministry. i n 9
-M~ght-have local experiences too.
Canable nublisher can demonstrate
Theme: %each the Truth That Leads
t o Eternal Life. Song 14.
6 min: Introduction, text and comments.



"New Service Year Off to a

Thrillfiig Start!" Convey enthusiasm
over Ane increases. Questions and
answers, but chairman may comment
occasionally to emphasize key points.
On paragraph 9 young ublisher might
raise hand and offer o&jection saying
he doubts his ability to ';tart a
study. He Is called to datform. and
20. min:


10 mtn:

Concluding comments. Song latter offer.

1 of the brothers in the fteld that I@
17 min: "S~read,theTmth That Leads are receiving many second, thfrd

: & ~ ~ : & a : Cefl&F:

& ~ ~ geifzg


fourth special orders, often b$

Theme: Preach .the Truth That sent some portions of material a s and
long-distance phope call. A ,~oQCE
to Eternal Life. Song 56.
talk and some may be considered b y number of congregations have ex? . .
5 mln: Introcluction, text and com- questions and answers Assign some
of the experiences to dertain capable pressed their desire to have
gublishers ahead of time so the can to be able to place a COPY in ever%
e briefl and interestingly refated home in their territories.
then audrence or chairman may com:
- -'
ment on what we can learn from the
TO meet all of this
ex~erience and how we can ~ D D ~ creased
demand from the field. , :
Local e~perigfic-~
Brother -Knorr suggested that broth:- .
if there is time'
ers here might volunteer to ga back
12 min: Concluding comments. Include to their
of duty in the faetorjt.
suggestions and -presentations may be approprigte items from Theocratic
analyzed and demonstrated. Get va- News. Song 104.
for ,two or three hours after sup@r
riety into this. Some may be discussed
on convenient evenings and on Batfirst, showing why it is good to do
urday afternoons. This we are no*
things a certain way, and then demon~trated. Some may be demonstrated
Theme: Putting First the Preaching doing, and' we are glad that the
irsk and then analyzed by chairman pznthe Good News. (Mark 1J:IO) Song UDsurge in the field minis&=c-r8or audience Experiences should be IOU.
assigned ahead of time, related, main 10 min: Introduction, text and com- quires it. It is evident that Jefioxab
poinh highlighted and applicatiotl made ments.
of hiq
Include ' discussion of theme .& prospering the
to eongreg'ation. Demonstrate a regular sermon. Be sure assignment is for the month of December. (See De- peopb. What a ~ a r v e l o u stfmq f$
cember 1. 1968. "Watchtower.")
which tn
be. living I
.well. rehearsed and fast-moving.
May ~ehovah'shlessin~
be on
1p mJh: Branch letter. Decide local1 13 min: "The seriousnesk, of It."
he1 to resent this in harmony wit From September 16, 1968, UWatch- of YOU as you keep on, with .rs,
tower." To be handled in the form of
rfng our Grana C r e w ;
a talk, Aid publisherg to see how
urs hmthel*gi - - ;,:
material --plies- to all of UE but en- '
present. the book courage
n also to see h m they om
~ KC3



8 -







OW appropriate the title of our new

book is, "The Truth That Leads to Eter1 Life"! Do you not agree that i t contains
the truth that people need to start them on
the road to eternal life?
From all over the world come expressions
of great enthusiasm and deep appreciation
for our new Truth book. Typical of the
response is that of one publisher who wrote:
'-'Words fail to express my joy and appreciation for the book The Truth That Leads to
Eternal Life.I have never read anything a s
plain and yet tactful, simple and yet so understanding and designed to help people think.
It is truly an instrument to aid all who are
desirous of coming to the knowledge of the
truth that leads to eternal life."
Demand for the Truth book has been so
?avy that in September the Society's Brook-,n factory added a special night shift. This
will increase production substantially so as
to help fill the orders that are pouring in.
Indeed, a t one time during August the demand for Truth books exceeded the supply
by over one and a half million copies!
Already, by the end of August, well over
Lnree million copies had been bound a t the
Brooklyn factory. And the book is now available in six languages: Dutch, English,
ench, German, Italian and Spanish. The
society is working toward publishing it in
fiqty languages by the end of 1969. What
tremendous witness this will give as it is
spread throughout the world! It is just as
Jesus foretold: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited
earth for a witness to all the nations; and
then the end will come."-Matt.

the husband was going to cry. He w

amazed a t how plain and self-explanato-,
and straightforward the new book is, and is
so delighted with it."
A sister switched to the Truth book with
a person who had made little progress and
was previously responding sluggishly. The
sister reported that there was an immediate
response to the new book's simple, warm and
appealing presentation of the truth.
The experience of a brother demonstrates
the quickening effect the new book is having.
He writes: "On the last Sunday in July, we
switched to the Truth book in our study
with a family. Immediately all became alert
and took an active part. One young daughter
who had not even studied her lesson was
able to answer the logical questions that
called for reasoning. In the study also was
a young lad who would never take part, but
who would wait for the son of the family to
finish so they could go out together afterward. On this Sunday, he agreed to read a
paragraph and also did very well in the review. I was amazed and could not understand
what brought about the change. But upon
thinking about it, I feel it definitely was the
new book and its simple, direct way of presenting matters that attracted him."

New Bible Studies

That the Truth book stimulates terest
in Bible study is evident also from the many
experiences showing new studies being
started. In one instance, a t the district assembly in San Bernardino, California, the
Truth book was given to one of the truck
drivers who was bringing supplies to the
assembly. He read it that night and when he
came back the next day he asked for a Bible
Switching to "Truth" Book
In regard to switching to the Truth book study.
where studies were already in progress, there
A sister began studying the Truth book
have been striking results. One brother and with a mother and her children. After just
his wife who had been studying with an three studies, and reading additionally on her
elderly couple switched to the Truth book own, she saw the need to get ~ us ft "Babylon
and wrote: "After completing the first chap- the Great." She wrote a letter to the clergyter a s outlined at the as: ~bly,we thought man of the church that she had been attend-



bg,-elling him tcl ~zmoveher name and the

nanps of her children from the church. m9'&rs'hiproll. In the letter she gave a fine witJj:es and also said to the clergyman: "Maybe
-you too will examine your personal beliefs
. a d eligion and the Holy Scriptures and
'&d that you are practicing more of man's
laws than God's laws. But it isn't man that
gives us eternal life. It's God who is going
give eternal life to those who are worshiph g in spirit and truth and in full harmony
d 2 - i his.Word the Bible." So in a short time,
, .%heTruth book enabled this person to see
- her responsibility to Jehovah and to take
appromiate action.

l'bm House to House

with Brief Presentatioqs
Of course, to start new studies in the
Trath book, we must first get it into the
hands of the people. One of the best ways
$0 do this is in the house-to-house ministry.
And so many brothers report that the book
is very easy to place. One brother took ten ,.
Truth books into a territory that was considered very unfruitful. He called on thirteen
homes and placed all ten books!
Just how can you present the Truth book
from house to house? It is suggested that
you try a variety of ways to see which gets
the best results for you in your territory.
Since our purpose is to start Bible studies,
we could try the direct approach. After introducing ourselves, we might say: "We're calling to encourage Bible discussions in the
home to build faith in God. We'd like to
demonstrate an excellent method of learning
the basic truths of the Bible with the aid of
this book, The Truth That Leads to Eternal
Life. May we step in for a)few moments?"
If the invitation is accepted, direct the householder to the first paragraph in the book and
start a study. Where the study is refused,
offer the book and arrange to call back.
You could also try many other types of
brief presentations. One could be similar to
the following: "We're calling briefly to show
you something very special. It is this fine
new book, [Show Truth book.] In a short
time it will enable you to learn all the basic
teachings of the Bible. It is yours i
contribution of only ^' cerr

~ ~ l mothers
~ e r have used this brief presentation: "Our purpose in calling is to assist
you to learn more about the hope for the
future that the Scriptures hold out. This
book, The T m t h That Leads to Eternal
Life, says about this: [In chapter one, read
part or all of paragraph one and first sentence of paragraph two]. The book shows
clearly from your own Bible what that hope is
and how you can enjoy it. This copy is yours
on a 25-cent contribution." Using this presentation, a brother placed five Truth books
in less than two hours, and three other books
besides, for a t times he offered the Evol~tiort
book with the T m t h book for 50 cents.

Use the Zllustrations

Other brief presentations can utilize the
illustrations. If we choose to feature the one
on page four, we might say: "We're calling
because so many people wonder what the
future holds. But did you knqw that wfthin
our own lifetime God has promised to bring
peace and happiness world wide? This book
[show T m t h book] illustrates this point here
on page four. [Turn to illustration.] Notice
the scripture, quoted there. Would you mini
reading it? [Householder may read scripture, but if not, read to him.] Wouldn't you
like to live under such condikhns? [House?
hdlder may respond.] The very first chapter
of this book shows how near these blessings
are. We'd like to leave this copy with you
on a small contribution of just 25 cents."
If you choose to use the illustration on
page 95, you may try an approach similar
to this one: "We're calling ljecause of the
deep concern we all have about the growing
rate of crime and lawlessness everywhere.
Haven't you wondered what all these terrible conditions mean? [Allow householder to
comment.] The Bible's explanation of this is
very satisfying. In this book [show Truth
book] chapter 11 is entitled: [Read title
from page 941. The diagram on the next pgge
illustrates what this chapter explains, that
we're living in the last days of this wicked
system of things. [Refer to diagram, offer
book.] "
If we use the flustration on pgge 85 we
ld by b ly to bring


you a copy of this new aid to understanding

the Bible. [Show Trzcth book.] It answers
a question that many people have when they
pray the 'Lord's prayer' and say, 'Thy kingdom come.' The question is, When will God's
kingdom come? Notice the picture on Page
85. [Have householder read caption, or read
to him.] On the next page the section 'Fulf i ~ e n of
t "the Sign" ' shows clearly when
God's kingdom comes and what it will do
for mankind. [Offer book.] "

or violence, but w h k e there.* perfect peace.

and happiness. Then we could turn to chapter
12, "Righteous Rule Makes Earth a Paradise," reading part or all of paragraph 1and
referring to the illustration on page 108.
There are other basic questions we can
raise that are covered by other chapters.
And, of course, there are other simple, direct ways we can offer the Truth book from
house to house. Experiment with some of
them to see which ones get results for you.

Answering and Asking Questions

Regular Sermons
When householders have questions or probWe can also try regular sermons, reading
lems, we can refer them to the chapters that one, two or even three scriptures from the
provide the answers. One Catholic house- Bible before introducing the book. We can
holder expressed concern because her church determine the number to use from the housewas making too many changes that seemed holder's response.
to be tagng people away
God, but she
One sermon many find easy to use is based
was hesitant about taking the book. The 0, Psalm 37. We might say something like
--~blishershowed her chapter 14 on "How this: " h o d morning. l p m glad I fownd you
Identify the True Religion" and called at home. I,m calling concerning ~
her attention to the italicized points identi- ise to bring peace to mankind. wouldn't
f y h g the true religion. She took the book. it be wonderful to live a t a time when we
A man who was thinking about becoming wouldn't be afraid to go out a t night in any
a member of one of Christendom's churches neighborhood and when we wouldn't even
asked for an explanation of the 144,000 men- need locks or peepholes on our doors? [Refer
tioned in Revelation. The brothers discussed to these if their door has them. Allow houseit briefly from the Bible and then turned to holder to respond.] But do you think we can
chapter 9, "The Reason Why a 'Little Flock' have that kind of peace, with so many people
Goes to Heaven." He said he was anxious to in the world stirring up trouble? [Houseread that chapter as soon as his wife finished holder may respond.] Notice what Psalm
her copy of the Truth book! She had ob- 37:lO says about this: [Read]. Can you
tained it six days earlier and had only one imagine, not being able to find a wicked
more chapter to read!
person anywhere! And God promises to deAs you know, most of the time house- stroy only the wicked, not honest-hearted
holders will not raise questions. Then why persons. That's why verse 11says: [Read].
not raise them yourself? For example, we Wouldn't you like to live when there will be
may say: "We're calling to answer a question that kind of peace on earth? [Allow comthat almost every person asks, and probably ment.] Well, in verse 34 we find out what we
you have too. It is this: [Hold up chapter 8 on have to do: [Read, then tie in with Truth
page 65 and read title]. Note what the first book] ."
paragraph says. [Read.] The first sentence
There are many other fine sermons we
in the next paragraph asks: [Read]. This can choose. Work with those that get the
chapter explains the answer in a very satis- best results in your territory. Tie them in
ing way. [Offer book.] "
directly with the Truth book.
lo has not wondered about the question:
Where are the dead? This could be featured Other Wags to Place "Truth" Book
Can You think of other ways to place the
in a brief presentation, with the first paragraph on page 34 used to stimulate interest. new book? How about offering it with the
Or we could ask the householder if he would current magazines for 35 cents on magazine
like to live in a world where there is no crime day? One sister placed 45 books in this way




I 4q-



-- -


How ,,out those with \..,m you worlf at..

your secular employment? In some instances*
merely leaving the book on the 'desk, or
reading it during lunchtime, has aroused the
curiosity of others. One sister placed five
books in this way. Usually, however, it is
more productive to take the initiative and
tactfully, a t the Proper o ~ ~ o m offer
i t ~ the
book to those with whom You work.
Since the book is pocket size, you can
carry a copy with you when you travel to
and from work, and a t other times. Then,
when you witness incidentally to others, you
can leave a copy with them. One brother on
a train trip took along an extra copy with
-this in mind. After striking up a conversation
with a man sitting alongside him, he gave
a brief witness and offered the Truth book.
The man said he would be glad to take it.
Whenever you do place a Trzcth book,
endeavor to start a Bible study. If this is not
possible on the initial call, then make it a
point to call back soon. If the herson with
whom- you place a copy lives outside your
territory, let him know that you would like
to have someone call back to have a Bible
discussion with him. Then contact the' congregation that is located where he lives and
give them the necessary information. If you
do not know which congregation is nearest,
write to the Society and the information will
be forwarded t o the Proper ConIW'gationReally, then, we all want to take every
opportunity to get the Trzcth book into the
hands of sheeplike persons. Without a doubt,
this will bear fruit in the months to come as
many of these persons progress toward
Christian maturity.
The time left to accomplish the ingathering work grows ever more limited. What a
privilege it is to have a share in this grand,
speeded-up ingathering work a t this t h e !
So "pay constant attention to yourself and
to youy.teaching. Stay by these things, for
by doing this you will save both yourself and
those who listen to you.'s (1Tim. 4:16) Feel
this sense of urgency and take the t h e , yes,
MAKE THE TIME, to spread The Tmi%
That Leads to Eternal Life to all those still
hungering and thirsting for right ~sness~

in one month! Anotner offem., Lhe book when

people gave him more than the cost of the
magazine, and he placed several. We may
not always have such success, but even if
we place one copy of the new book occasionally in this manner, it paves the way for a
possible Bible study.
Offer the book when calling back on magazine placements. In one hour a publisher
placed four Truth books in this way. Another
placed several on his magazine route by
offering it with the current magazines for
35 cents. That this can be productive is seen
from the experience of a pioneer who reported that all eight of her Bible studies resulted from following up magazine placeme-!
Then, too, do not forget your relatives.
True, in the past you may have tried to witness to them without much success. But try
again and let them have a copy of the new
book. Perhaps they will now respond to its
simple, direct approach. A sister writes in this
regard: "We visited our relatives right after
the'assembly and my grandfather took the
book, saying that he would be glad to read it.
By the time we left, he was halfway through
and mjoying it very much. He had formerly
been violently opposed to the truth."
In another letter, a brother writes this
about a relative: "My grandmother who has
been opposed to the truth for many years and
made no secret of it has yielded to the 'blue
bombshell.' She consented to a Bible study in
it because of my post-convention enthusiam
.about it. Now she is attending the Tuesday
night congregation book study because she
'wants to learn the truth.' A Catholic since
birth, my grandmother after attending just
one meeting said, 'I'm having the time of
my life.' After all her years of faithfully
tendiig her church she 'never met people
as friendly gs the Witnesses.' So I thank
Jehovah for providing a powerful new publication that is destined to lead many sheeplike ones to God's theocratic organization."
Also, offer the 'Truth book to those you
meet in your daily activity, such as trades,men or neighbors that call a t your home.
Make a habit of keeping a supply of books
hmay SS p u can offm +hemto these persons.


I New Sedce yew-


and then arrto work it inti

Some time ago a publisher was his answer likely would not reveal the ktudy. Now this has Been ineor
given a home Bible study by another any personal conviction. But sup- porated into the book and is present
publisher who had conducted it for pose you asked, "Who is Jehovah ed early in the study, on page 1%.'
about two years. During this time and what does knowing him mean 8Fopmerly we work4- out our
the student had studied her lekwons to the Christian?" The answer might own methods of directing' the stu
and had been able to answer the be: "Why, Jehovah is the only true dent to the organization &id hefpiqL .
questions from the book. I t was God! He is the only One who can him to see the need to -re
thought that progress was being correct all wrongs and give us eter- t n t h wjth others. This will undmbtmade. The new publisher, however, nal life! He is the one we,should edly still be done to gome extent,
began to do a little probing. She dedicate our lives to and pray to!" but in chapter three of the book
asked review questions that made This would be ditPerent. I t reveals interested ones ar,e en&Grsged to
the student reveal not just what not just knowledge but belief and speak to others about w&t the2
she had learned from the book, but conviction.-Matt. 1693-17.
On page 130 they are invited
also what her real convictions were- 5 When ohoulfi we begin asking learn.
to come to the Kingdom Hall and
The result? It was d i ~ ~ v e r ethat
d such questions? This is for each on page 138 they are urged 6 eonthe student did not ~eallYbelieve publisher to decide. We should use tinue coming. Then on page 185 they
wvat she was learning! She still good judgment in the matter. We are invited to share in the houseclung to her previous religious be- should not expect too much of our twhouse work.
students a t first. I t takes time- to s w h o in your cowegaaon b s
We need to be discerning as we take in accurate knowledge and had some difticdlty in starting-Bible
teach. Sometimes the student will then build conviction. But when the studies? The younger publishers?
give the correct answer from the study is established and progress is Then why not work things out in
book because he knows that is what being made, it is good to begin thin$- the congregation so that they can
you expect and will satisfy you. ing in this direction.
be given help? Parents might- assist
Some parents have found much the 6 1f you do learn that your stu- their children to see opp~rtunfties
same to be true of their children a t dent is only taking in knowledge for starting studies with schooltimes, They will answer the parents but is not being convinced, what mates.
- correctly because they know it is will you do? Will you face him with l o A, there some older publt&em
what the
will the
be in your congregation that have held
But deep
are they
in the $is
from conducting studies, inkreally convinced and is the right it will be best to continue the d ~ d yback
they are not,capable? Why not
W~remion being made on their as you normally would but deter- ing
things out in the congregstIon
minds and hearts? Being constantly mine that: you will be an even better work
so that they can be given' help?
a@rt that we know how the truth teacher so that the student will not ~~~b~ arr&gements can b&. m & e
fs belng received will be a great only take in knpwledge but will be for studies to be turned over to tbem.
help as the study progresses.
There is no doubt that this: new - convinced that it is the truth and
SWhat kind of questions might will develop a heart appreciation inqtrument f s a lovtng proman
you ask in order to learn what you for it. Some fine suggestions on how th;t will make it possible for
want to know? If yotl ask how the you might do this are 'to be found in more publishers to have- a grehfer
material applies to them pemonall~ the "Lamp" book under the subheador if you ask questions that will ingd6HomeBible Studies," beginning
preaching end
give them the opportunity 'to ex- on page 92.
press their personal convictions, 7 So, we see that it is not just
then you will likely learn what You a matter of having a study and
~ 1 . 'Ai.
want to know.
rubs. un. .B.C BL3t. Maw. ,.
conducting it each week. There are
-*For example, you tnight ask, a number of things we can do to spv Pios. 1,024 148.3 61.1 7.4 14B.7 ':
"Who is Jehovah?" The answer help our students make the right Pios.
12,IB 98.1 43.0 5.1 99:s
might be: "We have learned that kind of progress. One thing we Vac. Pios. 5,p,63. 84.4 29.1 - 2 ~ 4 *.$::,
he is the Creator, not a part of any can do is find out what they believe
317r259 10,6 4m9 .7 .8+1:.
trinity, but the Almighty Sovereign." and then help them believe the truth, TOT~:bl,~;~tinps Weld: z,565


in^ $crgent


856,057 Publlrhers

the Short Time Remaining
l~~~ often does your conmegafan cover its territory? D~ you
every home at least three
inres a Year? 1s it a thorough cover$e ea& time, getting each not-at-

appeal. There will

aose who have
a religion and who believe in God.
Tell them we are encouraging honest-hearted persons to see the wisdom of examining their religion in
times in which
view Of the
Lome and speaking to different We live.
might Open the
,ceupants in the house? I n view
read the chapter
,f the shortness of the remaining "why It Is Wise to Examine
Ime, it makes one stop and think, , " ~ ~ f ~ ~ " f $ ~
loesn't it?
could read uatthew 7 93, 14 right
z A l ~ after
~ , you have found interested persons and started home
the book in
two and
Bible studies with them, think how comment on it, emphasizing that
longit takes to teach them the truth, really only a few are on the road

ublisherr in Nen
New Jersey,
Roseville Unit, averas
17.2 hours for
August. A letter of explanation said:
"The reason our publishers' hours were
so high was due to the incentive the
brothers had to 'pioneer for a day'
during the month, to give a little extra
sacrifice to Jehovah. Many would love to
pioneer, hut cannot. But they could see
their way clear to pioneer for a day."
In Brouaville, Congo, 1,380 heard
public talk at district assembly. Dramas
were played on tape in Monokutuba
language as brothers acted out parts.
Ethiopia enjoyed seventh new peak

Ed: CgFer
chg:i +

!his yeor when 313 publishers reported

tn August, a 41-percent increase.
Korea had ten new peaks of publishers
in a row: Japan enjoyed new peak of
publishers every month of service year.

~minu&$ andf assists them~ to progress

~ r lhave
~: no~Zreligion,
F ~~i g h ~meet
~some fwho i ~ ~ h ~ ~ ~ ~
and, in fact. have
Attendance of 8 1 7 at R/i district
assembly made it' largest ever there.

to maturity yes, we all do well to

think seriously about having a good

share snow in the door-to-door work,
mt postponing it until some later
tis3le.-Mark 13:lo.
There are other reasons for sharirlg fully in the door-to-door work.
With the improved method of coniucting home Bible studies, many
students will be making a decision
much sooner than has been done in
.he past. Some will show the necesdary initiative and wirll act. They
will progress toward maturity much
faster and the study can be stopped
woner. Others will not act on the
knowledge they take in and we will
discontinue the study. Thus it will
lot be a mateer of conducting a
dbdy for years a s some have done
in the past but there will be a coneluding of studies and a need to
start new studies. It will require
31ar and effective door-to-door
~ r kin order for these new studies
be started. It will be good to be
~ ~ n d u c t i nmore
than one study a t
a time SO that we will be regular in
this feature of the work and thus
will always be teaching someone
the truth if olle of our studies is
discontinued. Additionally, if you are
especially effective in the door-todoor work and in starting studies,
you can have the blessing of starting
studies for other publishers in the
:Ongregation to conduct.
4No matter what kind of person
?on meet a t the door, the Truth
look can be presented with a strong

lost interest in just about everyAll sessions of district assembly in

thing because of the injustices they Okinawa were attended by more persons
See taking place throughout the than total of 318 publishers.
~ ~ ~ h ~ ~ ~ j ~ i ' , , " ~ ~ ~ ~ g
movements have recognized the
truth immedi~telyupon having it
In concluding comments at our
presented to them. To these who say meetings -is it always necessary to
there is nothing worthwhile believ- list all t'he meetings and service aring in and working for you might m ~ " , " ~ ~ ~ , ~" e ~ ~ n ~ , " a
show chapter 14, "How to Identify quaiked with. arrangements for serthe True Religion." Present some of ~ ~ e ~ , " ~ e m , " ,i " ~ ~$ o ~, ~ ?
the arguments or read directly from each week. The one making announcethe book. Remember, the truth ap- ~ , " ~ ~ h ~ $ ~ e a s ~ u b ~ i$,:i,"!;$ ~ ~ ~ f *
peals to people of all kinds, but it interested persons present do no;
is necessary to be out in the terri- k%ytE ~ ~ ~ d s t ~ y r ~ ~ i i , " f d " , " , m ~ ~ f ; 3
tory regularly in order to find them. are given about service arrangements
6 Are you using the new folder, gteanr"pc
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , "
"Would You Like to Understand be' considered at, the next service
the Bible?" in your door-to-door be
neededOr that
benqflcially be
work? By all means have an ample mentioned: The service. meetin
supply with you a t all times and
make good use of them. Whether this.
the person you talk to takes litera- M l ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ , " ~ , " o l
ture or not, try to leave one with the information board and individuals
him. Slip one under the door when i::,":? ,b,e,E:y$?~nrf,"nff
no one is home. Be sure to put one names of those having assignments
in each book that you place. Our th&ne~&~~~~6phec~,"",,","tss0ior
goal is to start studies, not just service meeting tfie overseer gengrally
place books. The folder will help f ~ ~ , e , " c ~ ; ~share
" , "in$sert~~~
you to start studies.
Congregations having meetings on
7Are you having a full share in aSunday
few minutes to discuss the after
the door-to-door . work? Why not noon field service activity. ~f interest
review your service schedule and ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ t ; ~ & p ~ n ~ e f O
your personal circumstances to see if arrangements for varlous meetings.
some adjustments should be made? wi~,Yn~,ou'n~~$&~i~~C~,"s~n",~y"t$e
We want everyone to have ample queetions to draw comments frod the
opportunitiesto hear and acceptaudience about arrangements for service and meetings. Of course, when
the truth while there is yet time. special letters need to be considered
Let's be out in the field where we ~ $ ~ ~ ~ f : ~ , " , " 2,; " t ~ n ~
can talk to people.

PnbIfehad montbW $ Watchtower Bible a d Tnet WP

oi New York, hc..117 Adoms St., Bra
dgegnd-Oas postaLe Paid kt Brooklyn, N.Y.
PIlnted in U.8.L








"Also, in all the nations the good news has to be preached flrrt."-Mark

~t won't be long now until you

ceive your copies of the 1969 year-





NO. 12

Makes It
Another New Peak

out by the end of November. What

What a thrill it was to see the
a thrilling report it contains! We're new service year start off with an
not going to give you the details all-time peak in publishers during
here; you will want to read them September! But, brothers, it did not
for yourself m the Yearbook. Be stop there. The second month of the
-re to read it all.
service Year was marked by a second
.At the breakfast table the other all-time peak 1 The report just comlay roth her Knorr told us that he piled shows that there were 342,472
. was
leaving for Europf! for a shprt publishers out in the field ministry
t~fneto care for plans ln connection during October, and that is 7,024
m t h the conventions to be hela there over the September peak. Why, that
next swnmer and some branch- means that over -225 new praisers
expansion problems. Are You Plan- of Jehovah started out in the field
ning to attend those assemblies? If service here in the United States
You told the Society that You wanted every day during October. Just think
to be included in the travel arrange- of it
merits being made*have You fOllowed
In all respects the report for the
through by sending
your resere month shows that you fee1 the ur$
ration request? Don't wait
it gency of the times and of the work
is too late.
that is being done. Average hours
-MY, what a busy time we are moved up to 10.8 per publisher. Mag.,having here a t Bethel these days! azine placements totaled 7,599,834.
BY mid-November well over 595009000 Subscriptions obtained were 30,933
_ b ~ u n d books had been- printed, over last October-a total of 211,706;
and shipped Out from the in addition, 432,876 books were
this in just two and a placed. Fine follow-up work was
. , half months 1 The serious conditions being done, as shown by the new
the worl,-i
have touched millions
. - , of persons,
and many are now more peak of 2,732,109 back-calls and
- + willing to listen to the xingdom other new peak-313,394
home Bible
message and read the literature.
the same
are glad to see it,
- hdLastwemonth
we told you that all- principal article in The Watchtower
time records were being reached in that we had in English, and 'in
- production
of the special magazines. Awake! most of them were running
Well, odr
of the octoberthaE,very timely information about
- .
issne of
both ~
~and 'The
~ 3 t h ol l i c Church
in~ the Modern
foreign, here in Brooklyn has soared
up to 8,492,100 copies.
the octo- We have also been delighted to
~ and ~observe
~ ithe i good ~ response
foteim, totaled 5,185,800. ~~~t think
of it! And what about the other
1 [
branches that do printing? Between
canada and England, the printing
the October 8 Awalce! was 2 175.. '; of
000 copies; the special w&cht&ei,
1,285,000. R~~~~~~have also come ber on the folder are having interestin from Germany, Switzerland, Den- ing experiences! A sister left the
mark, Sweden and Finland telling folder when placing magazines. The
that they have printed a combined next day as she arrived home from
total of 2,260,270 copies of the octo- service her phone was ringing. "ah,
-iwr 8 Awake! and 989,000 of the Oc- I'm glad to catch \ou. I've been
tober 15 Watchtower. Most foreign- phoning all morning,"'+he housewife



studies. Also, there was a new peak

in regular pioneers, and 12,462
shared in the vacation pioneer sertMs
vice, which is wonderful!
gives strong evidence of the fact
that you deeply appreciate the privilege of being Jehovah's "fellow
workers." And the fine increase in
number of Kingdom witnesses shows
that Jehovah has blessed your
efforts with growth,
3 whife ~
~ couldhdo it all
~ by ~
himself, he chooses to use earthly
in the field. paul
highly qs
assignment in the work
and so do we.-1 Cor. 3: 6-9.
4 1f shwbg
in the
"aoesbuildifig" Was encoura~nato
his earthly servants at that tirneof
its beginnipg how much more thrill- ,
ing it i~ eve; 1,900yea*s later to be
working with G~~
the tremendous growth of the organ~zation that is praising ~
world wise now ! ~ h i of
~ the
k privilege of working together with the
living God and what an honor it is.
Jehovah keeps encouraging us to (Corttiwed ow page 2, CoL 5 )
a t the other end said: "I read those
magazines and the folder over and
over, and I do want to y e tQat
Bible study in my home. During
December too, if we -continue to
make gooU use of the study folder
a t every home, we may be able to
start many more Bible studies, and
how fine that would be!
Isn't it grand to be having a share
in Jehovah's Service during this
most thrilling time of human history? As we continue unitedly to
put first the preaching of the Kingdom during the days ahead, we can
be confident that yet grander blessings will come to us from the hand
of our generous God. I t is a pleasure
for us to'be working together with
you in His service.
Pour brothers,


12 min: Concluding comments. Ques- 15 mln: "Looking Forward." Talk qn
tion Box. Tell congregation how many article plus review of high points in
Theme: IncreasingOur Preaching' studies
are being conducted now. Is October presentation. Point out some(Acts 6:4, 7) Song 27.

Introduction, text and comments, also "Please Help Us."

10 mln: 'God Makes I t Grow.' Questions and answers.
12 min: New Publishers. Talk based
~n "Lamp" book pages 107-109 129
130. Be sure to honsider which'chill
dren may report a s publishers. Show
how the overseer plays a piqrt in
:etting each new
15 min: Making Sure They Are Qualified. Demonstration. Mature publisher,
concluding home Bible study, brings
up privilege of sharing good news
with others, Tactfully explains Scriptural requirements and finds that
n qualifies. Then asks Person if
e wishes to accompany him in
preaching activity. P U Ose of this
demonstration is to h 3 P publishers
se6 how to speak to new ones before
inviting them into service.
3 min: Accounts report.
10 min: Concluding comments. Review
congregation report. Song 110.
10 min:




there increase in last six months? thing in current magazine that can
Song 4.
be flttingly highlighted for householders.
W E E K STARTI $40 DECEMBER 22 10 min: Concluding comments. EnTheme: There Is More Happiness courage everyone to obtain ood supin Giving. (Acts 20:35) Sbng 34.
ply of magazines and su%scription
T ~ comments
~ ~ , and intro- sfips and buy out the time. Song 63.
Makes I' Grow'
( Oont'd)
15 min. Talk b overseer on service
meetin; theme &om Acts 20:35. Con- put first the preaching of the gOOd
trast continual Christian giving and
because by this means a witits lasting value with the giving of
the world a t special times and seasons. neSS is given and many are aided
Consider motives and spirit of Chris- onto the way that leads to life.
tian giving and the ways we give:
first the preaching,
i preaching,
~ In putting
ies welcoming others a t meetings, what plans have you made to share
visiting sick (both spiritual and phys- in Kingdom work during December?
ical), .contributing fpr Kingdom. Hall,
assisting with building or cleaning of NOW We have a favorable time for
Kingdom Hall, etc. We give of our preaching, and if we fill arrange
time strength knowledge, natural to have some part during Decemabilities and 'it makes us happy.
haps we will reach a new
Apply t6 local congregation.
20 min: "Faithful Undershepherd!."
Questions and iqnswers, along with
HOW many do you know who
brief demonstrations of book Study have recently begun to ass~f&e
servant visiting publishers in homes
to upbuild and encourage speaking with Jehovah's organization but
to them a t meetin s, apsistik publish- have not had a share yet in preachers in the field %elping one to prepare comments, b talking to Overseer ing the good news? sureV many Of
about study group.
them would be grateful for the
10 min: "True ~ p v eIS LOYZ~.- Talk privilege. Do some of these newly
based on first articie in December 15, associated ones qualify to report ai3
1968, "Watchtower.
publishers? Can you take one with
Concluding wf
eluding consiperation
approbri$; you in your preaching work? W e

Theme: Taking Advantage of Holiaays. (Acts 18:4) Song 115.

Intro~uct~on,text and
Branch Letter.
answers. Also, Theocratic News.
10 min: Taking Advantage of Worldly Holidays. Congr-ation Servant, or
, assirrtaht con egation servant gives
a talk
the poss:lbilities for Announcements.
Suggest everyone
group work during the hobday periodi ;gPf"g "Truth" book next week. Song
What arrangements are already made


" , ~ l ~ , " ~ h v ~ ~ ~ WEEK
~ o $ ~STARTI
~ O $ NO
Theme: Buy Out the Time During
there are children or housewives who

can share in Kingdom service. If

there are pioneefs or vacation pieneets can some of them take the lead
In &oup witnessing? Try t o have
arrangement for group
day when some of the publishers in
b-he congregation will have holidays.
Being Considerate. Chairman
explains: that during the month of
DeOember and, especially the holiday
pdiod, m i n y householders will be busy
give a brief preseptatlon .when it
s&ms to be
It 1s proper
to take the circumstances into conide era ti on looking to future calls on
same peo6le. Follow this with demonstration Of a brief presentation Of
azines when
mating a dinner. ~ 1 a~ quick
preSentation o! the offe; without the
a demonstration
where 'someone 'is extremely bpsy:
present the handbill and say, The
message on the back explains the
purpose of .my visit and r m11 try to
come back another day.' In summary,
chairman may wish to refer
points i?, page
December 1965 experienc"Kingdom
es from' last year can be given. a s
this will be very practical.
8 min: Making a Record. Consider
use of house-to-house record to note
all places where promise is made
to come back when not so busy. Good
to keep a promise. Also importance
of written record of all placements
tuaies may be started later. Ask
eace to gixe reqsons y ' y the
ten r e ~ o - ~ '?portant

should be s u r e m e ones we hh
into the service with us are ream
qualified according to the Scripturea
~t is propep to check them
make Sure of this. Then We
expect progressive spiritual grow
in the future.
T We have very good he-"
in the fo
the New.
World ~rarcsb?tion
Holy'Bcr~pture8in English Sp
ltalian, and portuguese,

Wicked Days. (Eph. 5:16) Song 66.

5 min: Introduction. Family consider text and comments.
30 min: Presenting the Good News.
(13 active
m/n.) brother
Bible study
shows servant
how Provor
erbs 3.27 28 can tie in with our
Bible study opportunities, followed .by
on "Presenting
the ~~~d ~and answers
@reel6 Bcripture
(15 min ) Demonstrate how pub- French, Dutch and Germr ~ ~ d Y S ~ ~ opportunities
~ $ '
for potting
duces him to active p;blisher who has preaching of the good new
placed many books and was unable excellent. And if we have su
back on
placements yet
Gets three names and addresses: we may include the T ~ t 'r
pub- the offer.
lisher to one of these calls.
Demon8 There are so many peopl,
strate how to approach person who
obtained book from someone else need to know the
Offer help to understand Bible. Go intd fore tell ~0ine0ne;do not let I
of book
one chapter.
a family
can use
a t ber pass without having a sh
bottom of .page to get most out of preaching the good news. I t W
book. Consider first aragraph Chair- bnng good results. In due time G
m m breaks in an$ says time has gives the growthpassed .and they are
of closing paragraph, Interested perOCTOBER SERwCE REP"
to return
next week for further consideration of
P~br. Hn. 6.
book. Suggests perhaps others in fam- Sp,l Pios.
ily would like to join in then.
12,542 103.7 46.8
(2 min.) Explain arrangements in Pies.
loca!' congregafion for this kind of Vat. PiOs. 12,462 84.4 32.1
service. Does Bible study servant know Pubs.
316,488 10.8 5.3
who has calls not e t made? Who T O T A L 342,472
would like some ad&esses? EncourPublic ti^^. weld:
age all to give evnFrrmea t least one
opportunity. do
1 back the
grad you cah do.

p ~ : p $ ~ b ~y~k%2;

:i !


- . - ..
minisgiving e~l~lrragemen't
kind sugmtions that will aid that
'TB cowegatio- ---- ~bd,
--r- stud>. Dllt, in addition, il: you- one in' -Giving a ffiitful minisby.
r a n e 3 a s a key role, in
SPiritual are ,a book smdy se&ant, you have If one is hesitant to comment a t the
g r 0 6 of the ~0IlfTegat0x1. AS the the vital responr~ibfiityof k i n g a meetings, go to him with encouraFL
mnT%@ion 1s ruade UP of the indi- faithful undershepherd of the flock meat and help him prepare to ha
to your care. The words of a Part. If a problem begins
book stud9 groups, so the ent,tgj
spi& and zeal of each book-stud~Proverbs 2 7 : ~certainly 'apply to trouble 6ne of those placed under
--oQ largely determines wliat the you, saybg, "you ought to know Your care and hinders that one in
iht of the congregation will be. pa8itivezg the appearance of your his service or faithful attendance a t
-&ee posftion of the book s b d ser~ flock. Set your heart to your droves." the meetings, go to him when YOU
Sk3 a vital one in the congregafist Bee it. Talk to him. He max
What does it mean to
@!to, -for the group of Jehovah's positively
tell you
that have been placed under
you what
will be
to giveis,Scr
Well, when you leave
a then
I h r e will reflect the zeal he
d,, you know if
&ws and the shepherding he does. meeting
to your care were there? overcome it. IfinthedLsCUssing
problem persist
boa study servant is among entrusted
If someone was missing, or has the not
ifE8seawcribea at Isat* 92
and ask.
ip.inces," so he should be a
why) If a brjther
or sister ing for his help, a t all times keepi
W of refreshing strength to how
to the spi
in your group has not been out in him well informed
he shepherds.
service of late, are you aware of tual' Progress and a i v i t ~of all i
--%.Each one of us appreciates very the reason? ~
~ personal
~ study group. Every pul
lisher should feel a t liberty to di
the spiritual strength gained est in the
;@m regular attepdance and parti- each publisher is the way you can CUSS his problems with the servant
5 A l w a ~ sbe ready to give of
~6Q%&n in the co~gregationbook "know positivezy the appearance of
&k@@(ly.To conduct this study in a your flock."
yourself for the benefit of the flock.
instructive, faith-building
4 so, as a faithful undersbepherd, BY your good shepherding and warm
e%r fs an important part of the be keenly interested in the spiritual personal attention You will Prove to
servant's work. It re- advancement of each one in your be a mthful undershepherd, 0
idvance preparation and care. Work with each one in the ~ ~ p ~ ~ " f r ~ ~ ~ , " " W ~ d l ~ k
streams of water in a waterless
I ,
country" to the flock entrusted to
., - ",
your car&-Isa. 32 :2.
w e have extra shifts working TrutlL book and the Evolution book,
the- factory, and many of the These may be deleted from your or&nouncements
ily are working longer- der during January so that our
-horns -to mme-the
entire p r o d t l e ~ e r t - ~ - a b otwo
u ~XAET $mtd-Tmslnt&n ~fw December:
~ ~ m ~ &
m ~ o u n t of literature a half million books that month can- 1.25. Januar through April. Watch
needed by our brothers be used for ewore:
fouler subsdption and tlqee'booklets
$1. You may wish to offer both
Most of the
We will be in the Watchtower for
and Awake! subscriptiom,
of the United campaign then, and'you m11 not Watchtower
with six booklets, for $2.
Very low On Campaign need very many bo ks. Of course, +New ublicatlons available.
I n View of this, the So- you may
YOU^ %07d f~ IZ Lamp to &?g FOHa
stock of
to use all Of its January Truth books you have on hand, but
in which ~t
for please do not expect it to be replenfor God to Lie"
his GOO^ News of the Kzngdomyg
ei@-lanwage-s~eakingbranches. ished during January a6d February.
-if there is any
literatureRather, let's concentrate on obtain- c a ~ o ~I ~ Am
making1 All =hinI8
have and ing subscriptions and placing magNewp9
t You feel You will need for Janu- asines, which are available in abun- When
~ a t & n sUnite Under-Go('.
:and Febmary, please be sure
dance. We surely. do appreciate your fif~,"g"~mHoope
pf a R~~~~~~~~ Nc
@ it at the same time that you help
in this regard. I t will assist
-1sok0, Urhobo
for bound vol- us to keep all our brothers supplied +out of stock in u.s.A.:
h of
Wat&t~wer and with equipment for the ministry. You Ma Survive Armageddon into
l@ke! These orders may be suboodJs 'sew World
'Convention Report 1958 . -English
starting DecemAmerican standard. patchtower edt9,We will try to fill all of them , Are You ~ o i n gto ~ur&e?
all who are planning to avail
themselves of the Society's travel $gle$ztc?
& f ~ ~ h g O ~ ~ arrangements
~ ~ in 1969
to the
notify us
in Kingdom
dex untilMhstty.
a . date b m o u n c e a in
bound books, we will be glad in writing now. The deadline is *Would YO* like to have more
*& *P you any of the following being extended to m e m b e r 15. But ~ p ~ w $ $ l ~ N ~ ~ ' ~
:'Th gin.gdom. I8 at Hand'" by that date we need to have all
kibutorsl copleg of an
issue an,








2: $a:,

< $ ~ H ! ~gz~ G ~ P ~


available for a month a & a the, date

of issue. However because of the
fine results that h&e been had wj
this special issue on the subject
It Later than You Think?" requebw
for more copies are still .cOmng in.
~ w ~ , #fd&
" d ~ ~
January 1, 1969.
+Starting January 5 the circuit servants' public talk will be "Endurance

for Enropeanwith
"Your Will Be Done on applications
flights and
samct& .initial deposit. Mark them for the
"Let your Name
**dbIt),4and Babylon the
We if you do not yet have a passport,
.@,Z~~!,, Goes gwdm
submit the reservation and ticket
;Bm good
of them* and order form to us, and then the In- go
a limitedformation concerning the passport
pof the New WWzd TfaTt8Za- can be sent in later- ~ u bet sure to
-. 4jf
HOW- submit your application so later ~ t d s & ~ ' s $ ~ ~
@-* j@h O?XW
as t
I December 15.
be "UW






~ a



work territory effectively when they

will be working with the Truth
book and to call back a t least once
on each placement of it to give the
recipient a t least one opportunity
to have a Bible study in his home.
Probably if every placement of this
book is thus handled many Bible
studies will be started and many
persons will eventually embrace
Christianity. If some publishers
place $0 many of these books that
they -cannot make all of the backcalls, they are invited to ask the
servants for help SO i t can be
arranged that some publishers help
them to make a t least one call on
each placement of the Truth book in
an effort to start a Bible study.2 The main idea here is making

This will be something very practical for us as the hard months of

winter are coming on. If we can
start studies, it will help us to be
in the service even though
the we&ther may be' very cold Or
difficult. Perhaps during the worldly
holiday season we may encounter
some problems in trying to start the
studies, SO in places where it does
p t Seem C0nveniellt to Start a study
uring December, give the people
a t least One opportunity during
January to have a home Bible
keeping track
addresses where you place a copy Of
the Truth
Some publisher and
YOU cannot, to offer the home Bible
study program to everyone person-



Twenty-four branches including the3.,

reported new publisher peaks inSeptember.
6 For the first time.- re~orts
h a w been

back-calls and Bible studies up. With use

of the "Truth" book, book placements
hove doubled over previous S~pfember.

August saw new peak of publishers

in Cuba with averages of 14.4 hours,
7.9 baci-calls and 1.1 studies.

+lishers. Rockets
reports peak of 3' pubhit street where missionpries liven but all there


In Zambia, where 40,641 publishers

reported, 110,952 attended recent district assemblies. Fine prospects for increase.
Japan reports fourteenth mnsecutive
peak, with 6.1 19 publishers, a 12-percent
increase over lost year's average.

Looking Forward
In January 1 9 6 ~we
'wickedness, the "last days," and SO
the. thirty-first Watchto@er Cam- forth. These very appealing subpaign *and it will continue for four jeets should help us to place indhidmonths. We well remember the good ual copies of the magazines as well
Success of the fast Watchtower cam- as $0 obtain subscriptions. We can
paign and the many blessings Jeho- a s i l ~tie in the same se~monthat
vah gave so we enter this campaign
that more blessings was used during October on the
are in store for us.
theme "1s I t Later than you
2 T~ be prepared for success con- Think?" This is based on 2 Timothy
gregations and publishers should 3:1-5. So, with our experience in
make plans pow and set aside cer- p i n g this presentation previously,
tain time for service. ChecL to see we should be able to swing right
how many extra copies of the mag- into the new Watchtower campaign
mines you will need and increase with ease. I t will be good to review
Your distributors' orders a s may be some of the introductions for this
necessary. During the first two sermon that were presented in the
months of the campaim most issues September Kingdom Ministry under
of The Watchtower will contain "Your Service Meetings." Of course,
some articles based on the timely we are a t liberty to make variations
material that appears in the T r ~ t hin the presentations according to the
book concerning God's permission of appropriateness for our territory.

It will be a great help to the Society

if all publishen and pidneen 68
ciated with congregations plam
orders through the -c0nwxemtio~.~%S
congregations generally order fit
ture ohce or twice a month
make it convenient for a11 con-=
it is appropriate for th
servant to make a n ann
before the
the literature servant know
will med in the way of sPe
cations such a s foreign-langu
bound volumes etc
these idems can be orderid a l o k
f h ~ e ~ ~ ~ : ~ 6
offer the 'Yearbook" to interesfsd




~ ~ n ~ o ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ k ~ O ~ X ~ ,

the "Yearbook," please let your liteq?



" , " ~ ~ s ~ ~ ~ e f ~
we can render to you in the o a c e

~ rz,","WdrpF
g ~%?& ~ y
the tong-reiation. These suggeshoiT8:


ture needs of each congregation.

Offer to God a "sacrifice of praise."

. A


~dllsbedmonthlg I

I-elm Rcdta

d at Pmatba.


Printed fn U.&A.




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