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Thesis: Time travel is very possible, but we need to work on a few more issues

like moving at the speed of light before we can travel in time.

Research Brief 2 The Major Thinkers/Contributors of the Time

There are many scientists that have disagreed or agree with time travel. At first

Einstein disagree with the idea of time travel. Due to the fact that he was so hook up on

this equation and thought that nothing can out beat it, but soon he started to agree with

Kurt Gödel. But there are so many scientists that had such a impacted on time travel.

Even in today world there are still scientists who are trying to work around with time

travel. Still trying to get time travel to become real without harm. But the scientists of

today were impacted from those of the past.

Kurt Gödel the first scientist that brought up the idea of time travel. He was at

first working with Einstein’s relativity which at first it was the main number rule. In

relativity it follows the rule that nothing can’t travel faster than the speed of light.

Therefore there was no such thing called time travel. Yet Kurt was able to find a missing

piece in the relativity and he showed it to Einstein who at first rejected the idea but than

soon came in terms with it. From there he changed the “relativity of everything” to the

“general relativity” and also brought up the “special relativity”. General relativity is when

you are trying to detected motion that is absolute. There are two ways in doing this the

first way is by measuring motion with respect to a beam of light and by making use of

inertial effects that arise when an object is accelerated. Special relativity is like saying the

classical relativity of Newton but with another step. The other step is added on to when

trying to detect motion by a mechanical experiment will not do and also unable to detect

the motion by an optical experiment If it wasn't for Kurt the idea for time travel would
still only live in fiction books.

Ah the famous Albert Einstein. The Albert Einstein who came up with so many

different equations and theories for a lot of things. The famous Albert Einstein who

impacted science overall, and left an impact on time travel as well. Like I’ve said before

Einstein did not believe in time travel at first. But soon afterwards he did, and once he

started to believe in time travel he started to work on many different theories in which

helped time travel become more real. Einstein came up with the famous equation E=mc2.

This equation will do the math for the objects in which travel at the same speed of light.

This equation helped a lot when it comes down to time travel. Because of the fact that we

want to move or get close enough to the speed of light we need this equation a lot. This

equation helps time travel out because when we are trying to go to the speed of light

speed we are able to detect how fast it will go with this x amount of mass, making it easy

for scientists to guess how fast an object will go. But as you can tell there are still a few

things missing and need to be added on top of this equation. Keep in mind mass is only

the true weight of an object in space,and energy is something that is doing an action.

Therefore in this equation the mass that is traveling has or need an x amount of the


One of the main scientist of today is Hawking Steven W. Hawking has done so

many different things revolving around time travel and black holes. He has worked on

many different theories and has written many different books that go on around time

travel. Each thing from the past he has taken it down and broke it into pieces of how

things work. One of the equation in which he has worked on for the black holes is

S=Ac^3/4(In 10) Gh. Meaning that A is the surface area, c is the speed of light, G is the
gravitational constant and h is h-Bar. Hawking believes we cannot see what kind of

events happens in a black hole. Therefore this equation shows what might happen to

when we put an object into a black hole and we can use this for wormholes as well,

because both of them carries the same side affect.

Another scientist that also builds up on the same theories as Hawking is Michio

Kaku. Kaku has this belief in which there are 3 different type of classes. The first class is

the concept of the present technology that can’t make manifest but doesn’t go against any

kind of physic laws. The second class is the idea of beyond the technology that we have

and challenge the interpretation of those laws. The third class is the idea of out beating

the physical laws and demand big changes in the understanding of the universe and how

it works. Michico focus a lot on the first and the 2nd class. Trying to get people to believe

that we can do time travel and we can do telepathy and we can build a machine in which

it will last through the black holes and wormhole. He also goes on explaining the idea of

everything moving backwards. For example let say that you are pouring milk into a cup.

Instead of moving forward you would want to move backwards, therefore the milk will

go back into the cart and the cart will go back into the fridge. This basically explains that

the there can be a time-reversed universe. With his kind of work and thinking it has

helped make time travel more and more possible for humans to do and to believe in.

Minkowski Herman was born in 1864 and lived between 1909. He was a very

famous mathematician that study about invariants and wrote paper on the decomposition

of integers into the sum of five squares. He also wrote about the non-Euclidean geometry

using tensor calculus. The non-Euclidean is the opposite of the Euclidean that is overall

navigate view of it. Having it said that lines are able to cross over and over. As if
everything will move down with each other. Its as if it will never stop. This helps with

time travel because when we view at it we also need to know about the math in which

stands behind. Now if we were to view this through the lines of Euclidean and not the

non part time travel wouldn’t be able to happen. But viewing it on the negative side time

travel is very possible of happening.

All of these scientists had helped with improving time travel and done many

different studies for time travel. With these type of studies we will soon be able to do

time travel and fix the same things that are left to fix about time travel as well.

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