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In manp &&&+d&&hir
! & e m + . B u E hOwrnwm~dly
m a w e u~ to the
d t h ~ d q b dwh mare
feel h ( n e e d to w h & h


The Time for

True Submission to God

lni& not b y e p
chasm, is-&
p h l i n ~ ~ 'w'?

Why ah& e w h U ~ Z aL &get W ww

ofTirnnlRndm,ri&t or mug'?
W, do we
Gd? Can f l n~& m tbat world emib am devebp
Word exphhu
pr~blemsam gdthwout of had?
WPM ewnh d ahom us that d d n of b t l l ~ ~ l l s
depends on our hpisg-a gwd dntwnddp d t h Gad.
In other wu&, it dtqmbda on whatha aomeom 'b
really mbmit&l to G@. Yw, It Is m w the time for
makind d
t4l submlt Q
r G d



The MY



B ~~ ~ . Y~ . l m~l

Lwdoa NW? 1W


P.M.B. 1
Beninatp, Ed0 abbe
l97-A A h i d M New Garden Tom, bhob 64609

- -


Wein the United %&a of A m e h

Bthostilltdml and bbdaheol? Dw3 it &+

kws you to see some mple
as if they

~ , ~ ~ , ~ O r s e r R W o t t l d y a u
~ s e 0 a l l h ~ l i ~
thew qu~tstions,then thia ?mkkthas m~impor-



Da YOU love righ&a#nmDo you hate @k,


for you.
~ N & m to say, people
do not live in
unity like brothem and ebtem. Thlnlt of PUP
neighborn or those you work w i t h How mimy do
you know that are tmtp homt? How m a y $w
you trust? Frobably xaoQ many, a n y m walk %be
$tree& alone in the &k Mbbut f& Would
you dam t~ go to bed at night without amrely
locking your dooa? M a t of m would not.
what abut; the nations a& a whole?
people a
r asld SOuM lwobhKm go Inmlved, many poutidam &m@le with &other
for w8aith &mi gower. whue a i m are swvtw, g o v ~ e n t spend
huge amowb of money
on armamemts. Meantime, the ecwlal$ of morst
ooutriw geh worse an8 wotse, and people
for the future.



4The truth is*we are living in the most critical

time in human history, and thoughtfa penpIe
r m g n h this fat. Recently, two authcrrs investigated some of the problems of the modem
world: the arms race, inflation, the population
problem, the depletion of resources, limitless jndust;traWkfon, faulty nutrition, environmental
pollution and the upset in the balance of nature.
They wrote a book about their andins and the
title they chose was 18 7'he World Going Down?
m y Sezer D u ~ uand Qrhm Durn, published in
Istanbul, Turkey, 1915). Consider their comment
about mefi's eft0r-h to solve these problems.
s"Autharities who are comtantly telling the
isle of good days to oome with l ~ m 3
and happiness, refrain from giving tangible proofs for their
optimism . . . One day they gather in Bucharest
for the 'W'orld Population Corderenee,' The next
day in Rome they talk abut $he problem of nutrition. Another day in Hmkholm pollution of
the environment is discussed. All them conventions and conference*^ are organized by the United
Nations. So t h w matters must have a real side
to then. But these conventions and conferenw-s
mostly Mmme $he forum for airing mrdlicting
ScientiAC, politid, social and economic.views.''
you Wagreewlth the& words3 Even when
experts have the be& of intentions, they &em3
to m o m p U b very Mae. It is as if an in~Mble
hand is blocking their good inentiom, and meanwhile the world becomes gradually wmse, Whak
b the real reason that they canrlot solve todQVs
4, 5,

the expefts Wen able to wlve any of W ' s

oubbndrag pmblw'?
6. Xn v k w of the faflure af the wor2d's leaders, what q
tion & asked?


Buppose you go to a tailor with a piece of material and sat him to make you a suit. ITowev&,
the suit he makes does not fit you.The tqilo~says
that this is not his fhult, but it is bemuse of the
paor q W i q of the cloth you'gave him. $0 you
buy the kind of cloth that he wants and go back
to him. Again, the suit he makes far you d m
not fit. How many times would you go b@ck to
that tailor before you realized that the problem
was not the cloth but the W r himself?
*The situation with mankind, is d m i k , DurI


the centuries, many dtfferat kinds of gwernment haye been tria by man. The= have
been kingdoms, s~ltanebbs~
aligwchies, dictator&
ships and democracies. Just like a dustorner who
keeps going W k t o the tailor with dmerent material, man has tried all these &Berent kinds of
goomment, And not one of them has "fitted."
Not one has braught happiness to the rndqjoriw of
its subjeeb. ~ u s t i m have
been rife. Individuals
have heen trampled on, and sometimes misrule
has been so bad that the o p p r d have revolted,
Yet even governments brought about by revolution h v e not "fitted."
# k t the i a t century, it was suggeskd that the
root of most of man's iUs was economic. A new
system w a put forward called communism, whhh
mariy philosophers felt would elirnimlx iqjustice
and bring peace. During, this century, governments based on the communist theory have ken
established in many Lnds. What has been"the

1, 2. (a1 What illustration is presented here7 0

1 Om d w
this help ua to see whether human g w e m e n b cran solve
humanity's groblem?
3,e Have either a~~
or ~&piWk.rn
hen s
m bringing ptme and happin-?

raulf? While not wishing to corn re communism with cagi~srrl,or ta sum. t ~m et ik

superior to the other, we have b t&kenote of $Yib
fract thak communism has been just as unable w.
capiMm b solve mankind's problem
4 It has not even brought Fee. In S o u t h d
Asia communist goternmenbs W v e recently
war against one another, provoking the following
comment in TRe MEW York Time#:

, ,-


"The conflict t h t s p r a tRiB weekend fram Camto the border of Chfma snd V~etmmand tq ha+

c between
~ China and the Sovket Union
jprovi&s the f h d proof a t no idmhgy makes men
:immune to ethnic m d racial strite, or a@r&on
and chauvinism. While an impatent United Natim
looks an, hothgmemenFs with no amwent
economic interest at &%Icerisk even major war. Ugly
rl@tiomllgmh#s triumphetj a r m agdn in the human
rtlle e


W b t is the real reason for the failof aU

of gowrmmnt? In our illustration
of the W b r m d &hecloth, it everntuaIlp kernme
clw that the t d u r MmseIf was the problem.
Similarly, if man hets tried so mar@ dmemnt
kinds of gmmmen.t, and they have dl failed,
then we have ta conclude that the problem is
with man himelf. Evlan is not capable of mlhg
himself s r r c ~ l y A!6 a wise man said many
years ago: '+Itdoes not hefang t o man who is
wdking m n to direct hls &zp+''*
*But if man cslnn~trule himelf, who
govern him? There is only me; Cad hfrnseu, 08

these f o m

* quoted from Jme?aiah Kkm, In the Bibis Atl qu t&.

on am either !mm the mb~eor trrnjhe:
&ur'a OXora'zF, unless o t i l m frwted,





come, atheists will &gue bhgt there is no Gtd,

so it is valueless tO W k a b u t W , ' a ruling manWid. But their seasoning is shortsighted. It is
hnpoasible tu di$pr&ir~the exktmce of'Gad. On
thh other hand, -when we see things such &ia
house, an w$mmbfie or & airplane, common
@me tells us that someone mush have made
thkm. They could not have made thenlselves. E
these ordlnaty thws must W v e m k m , then
surely things as wonderful eas the h m n body,
this earth, or a bird in flight, must also have a
maker. And that Maker must be Gad,*
7 Now, g r m M the f&t that God errists, cfo you
fml he is p l w e d with the m y his e
y me&
twes are conducthg themelves? If you were a
father, would you be happy to me yow children
lying, cheating, killing and oppWfI1g one anather? Qf course not. Surely then,neither is God
happy to see the b m m that he put on this
earth doing the same things. For m e ~ i n g ,it
shows that they axe not subwfthg themselves
tiom rule,
BTt'ue, m a y W a y elaim to warship God, brat
d m t h a t mean that they have submitkd to him
an$ acce~t'Wm as their r&fi Some stme owners,
f8r example, hang up an ~ p t i proclalmkng:
o ~
'cWbat God Says Occ.urs*IyBut does that sign
gumantxe that the store owner will slot cheat you,
or b a t he w i l l pay hi$ bxes honestly-as W
'iduld w a n t him ta do? SImWrly, many stabsmen
mat they wilaccomplish
certain things
with the help af acrd.But how many statesmen

-1 * Bee Ro-

1:2@ Hebrews &4, in the Bible.

real rewon for the Wure of PlWWi

7. How rnru3t G d view the oanduct of mnW&
8 . l b ~ s t h e f a & W ~ c W t O g e m G a d ~ f i ~
% ? ~ h o ltheonly
~ n e w h o c w r u l e ~ ~ s u ~ ~ y ?they haw m y StlbmfkW t h d v a to bim?
5. What is the




OP cow& beUeWs in all % M e

f8 U ~ fs
h e We. y& 9ffe h p t b
& o y y d y ~ Why
~ : b v e none af tbw *Wm8
pr8vemted m&g&d frai33,oomlng hb
d ~ ~ f $hat
i m ws&ee arouml ub W a f A @me
Ige& ob the f o U p m 'af@me w 1 ~ d
@ to yndmstmd.
Z f R f us emmme, &st, the WlhweIIts of J*
Xsajn: Have these really followed %heLaw of MBsw
and serv&d M the W y - M a s did? Have they
acted h ham0~1.y
wim his words? For .mmglp,


M o m said to the farefaWrs 9f #$@m d w d a y

J& who be$in his &;v; 'A pr&bt-Wtnybur
micis4 m w y s , b~
~ me m ~e , B +vat
Jehovah your Gpd Wl -)>lbp %)rmu-to
gou people should 14t4n9'
When did that prophet a p w Well, he did flat
asppear during the tirap that me hob books of;
the Jews were being written. In Pact, SQM
we atill w d h g for him,
But clorl@Ig@,A b $ t m#n l y n m d
~ h & pa,knm Uid
&r Mum p h m M
a g p e # w W ; i n ~ ~ M o ~
. Mwmver1 thee m e more
th$&tbre hwdred gmphecies h %hebooks acas htily by %he Jews that Wbte EWkd in
.remar4able man,
~ ~ h i man
z ; hfm'se~a i o t~ the JWS: T
W * v # d Moses ~ l o uwould bellwe me, for
me wrob abut me:' (John 8:4@ In spib of W,
the Jews of .those d a p rejected him. Who w w
thi~mmP J e w , who w called the CThrM, or


1.110 #z.W 1 .WE

:.; Tic, WR TR&



the otber was vfcfousaggrwsion betwe~tlpe9fles

one. Surely, those who d w W the one
to be C l W t 4 n . Jesus would never have
~ b y a c I ~ ~ t r e a l l y b e v i e w e d ~ mtedhmchaway.
w o m h i p h ~ad the ~ & Moses
womhiw him,
B 3 w stm&htfomdly warned: 'Those who
the sword will peby the sword,'' Wab
'What a b t thww who ckkm to be UhrMiamC
ra t h o w d yeam
whossythstth@ydoacceptJesusSZloolr at tkre
CMstmdrrm (those nations alaimhg to b CMshundmb of millions of persona around the world,
tfan) b89 relied on the "sword," or on warfare.
~Vhobelong tBe muntlem ~ o n f w t n gsect8 t h t .,
Even M a y , the natiom of Chrhtendom are W m *
dafisl to be Chriatian. Can you wtually belleve
inat in stockpiling the marry &rls of w~f&pam
that they are &
God $he way Jesus
of m d e m warfwe.
1eJaw also told hls followers: "I am giving you
TMany religions c k h h g to be Christian w e
a new commandment, that you Iwe one sflo&icons or
in their wonhip. Would Jam
er; jut-&a8 I have l d you, U t you also love
have done this? Mwho prophesied the cornone mother. By thia alI will Emow that yau are
lq of Jmm, warned: "You muat not make for
dbdgies, ifyou hsve love among y o ~ v e s . "
13:34,35) When you look at the WwMian''
that is in the heavens above or that is on the
mthw do you feel that they love one mothearth underneath or Wt b fn the watef~uner? Surely not, when throughout h w they
der the
You must not bow down to them
have fought 80 many war8 aanong thems8lv&
nor be induced to mrve them," @lxoduer 2Q:4,5)
within thee nation8 crime, oppmsion, lying,
A c l w Feimtl and follower of Jesus, the agmtle
stealing and &her unloving acts me
J a b , a i d ta vprshlpem of C;FoB in hi^ day: "Little
aa fn the non-Chrhthn natiom,
children, guard y o ~ l v e from
idoh?," Q J o b
We e&n only conclude that thew nations m not
S:21) Oan you sm the W m n w between what
made up of true dkiplm of Christ.
M a e j m d Jesus' friend, John, add, and what
ilBut what about thwre who adhere to Isba?
thaee who claim to be Christian8 are doing?
pointed out above, a M u l h is one who feels
have you notbd that m a t d
ha6 ''surrendered to M."
"To m d w "
the great wars of thh century have stark4 either
W yield oneself to someone, to submit to
betwen "Christian" nations, or between a "0'
him. It &qm in the Gmat Islamic Catechtm (by
nation? Think, too, ,& '
tfan" and a
dmr NWUMBlhnen): "& for the word Islam,
the Cmwia, and the Thirty Ye-' War. On@
I e d d meaning Q obeblenoe, submWton, mww " C h r b b h ' W e W n agalnlst hbuaUms, and
rendep to something. In ~ c u I 8 r . r'obedience





G@ the M o t Righ.' " This meaning is q&nHcant.

If All Muslims had truly submitted themselves
to God+-would not
atmosphere of peaice and
brotherhood prevail among them? Yet we m'
bitter hatreds between diff~rentmc@, md even
wars between Muslim nations. DauMless many
upright MusIim, on w'ing such things, have
asked themelves: 'How meany Muslims among us
have truly surrendered to God?'
lgPerhapspart af the r m n for the above sttuation in these three religions is the atatude of
the clergy-whatever their religion-toward ma- :.
krbl things. Do they supply their reIigious services free, or do their f ~ l l o w whme to pay? Is it
not true that the longer prayers are more expenshe? DQ clergymen @ i l h g l y go to the fmemls
d paor men without baking money? Weddings
and other religious ceremoniw also have t o be
paid for, do they not? Often, yau am only do the
things premibed by your religion fn proportion
b the aamwnt of money you c a n Skfxord. It has
been made t o appear that God%kindnes c a n be
baught for money, and the clergy are the ones
who beneat from that money. The truth is, many
have Men led to hate religim for this reason.
ZaTPlere $ a mying* "Do what the ppriest says,
Don't do nhat he does." Thi8 betrays the fact
that many clergymen act contrary ta the w a ~
they teach. But thbk: If someone who w& with:.
out a single hair on h S head claimed that he had
a drug to make hair grow amh, would you b u ~
the drug Born hhn? Xf the drug is f a y emtive;
why is the man who Is seWg it &ill Wd?

As long as he stays bald, no one ia going tu buy

his auppmedly hair-ratorfng drug,
14The czqe is similar to that of many of the
clergy-and remember, we are speaking abou$
the elera of dl religions. While what they ;sap
oftm sounds impressive, ' nevertheless, in theh
lives they do not live up to their own t&&hgs.
It is as 8 they were selling a, hair-restoring drug
but were bald themselveves.
Jmus once spoke abut the religious leaders
of his day. B a d *ha.t he said, and see if you
agree that, in primiple, It appues to many of the
clergy in mast of the religions with which you
haye come in contact.
"They bind up heavy loads and put them upon the
shoulders of men+ but $hey themselves are not willing to budge them with their flilger. All the waks
they Clo Chey do to be viewed by men .
They We
the m a t prominent piwe at evenin$ meals and the
front seat$ In the s y w q u e ~ and
the m e ~ t h pIn
the rnwk&plaaes and to be mUed Rabbi PPeachwl
by men. But you, do not you be called Rzbbi, for
am is your tmcher, whersas all you are brothers,"


12. W h %has been tape record of mmxy rehgtous leaders with

m&W3t;BWW e ~ momp
23,14. What illwtrab Whmer t& d e w p r m w what
t h ~~~?




-Matthew 63:4-8.

Can you see now kt least one rewon why the influeflee of religion throughout history h w done
IfttIe to brmg mankind closer to God'?

, 15. (a) What ww Jesus' ooment about W religtow leaders

4f his day? (b) DO y w fml thh applim to m y religious
ladera today?


1 If we really wish to xurrehdet ourWves ta
God, we 4ave Q mtle in our mind an imparkant
problem regarding religion. Is it God's will that
I, 2. m
y Is it set l & 4 that the many ~~c~
&t0n4 frr the world .dad all J,d
w t~ m8 m e sad.




there are m mimy religions, in tlie world? 1s he

content to sw geeple trying tu worship him in
many dmermt organimtfans, with d i B e m t 'beliefs, reIigious rituals and even diffeent mom1

aThe answer has to k K o . CWi is a Gad of

harmony, But the different religions of mankind
are not in harmarly with emh other. They fight
one another, persecute one another and wntw
dict one another, Irmghe tat you were lost, and
you wked four different people how you could
get home, What would you thirlk, if one told you
travel north, another said to travel south, the
third mid you had to go eastward, and the fourth,
westward, in order tu arrive bwk home? CwId
$hey all be right? Of course noL And -ly,
all the religi~nsof this world cannot be right,
&*ha, when they give contradictory instructions
as to what we should do to submit to Gmi
3 It i~ inkeresking, however, that the three main
religions mentionM earlier, although they disagree about man3 thmgs, all Mree on one point:
there is only one God. True, Christendom wnfw
es this with he^ dactrhe bf the Trinity, teaem
that there ls one Gad W e up af three perm s . But $he able, which Ohriskendom melepta
as holy, d w not teach the Trinity, The Bible

teaches the oneness of God.

*Thus it is that in the Hebrew Bible we ma&
"Liskn, O IsW: Jehovah our Gud is mu J e w
vzh" (Deuteronomy &Q In t h ~
Christian Scriptmes we read: "Them i$ , , . one God m d Father
Lif*Give? or Creatofl of aU persons, who is aver
om poln$ on wMch three Ox the mador WWO&
of the world -7
4, HOWdo h k h I y writings of each of tkese three reww
this faat?
3. W i b c

all and thr~ughalI and in a ' U . ' m W m l ~
4:4, @
In the Qur'an (dm&pelledKar~a-Q~~
it is writkq
in the Unity (.Ak-J7chWchapter, in the h s t verse:
"Say: Allah is Om.'*
6 However, these three religions all d a d b
1-m about
diEerently. It is as If you *bed
a wtain important 033chL and you &ed three
a e r e n t neighbor6 what kind of man he was.
One aid he was tall and blond, the other said he
waa smdl and dark, and the third one mid he
w w of average height rtnd gray-haired. m e dl
y ~ u three
neighbors would thus show that they
WUeved this oacfal e a t & , it would b obvious
that at least two of them did not really know
him personal&,
8 In the same way, when different mligiolls d e
webe God in mntdctory ways, we have to ask
ourselves: 'which one is true, and which ones m e
mistrsken?' If we really wish to submit ourselves
to God, we will be anxious to find the ansmr
to that question, The most ItYIwrtant subject we
a n ever study is the truth about God,



9 6. W

fs it not W b i e that we could come #ahiow the

- tnre~~uaJWweUthroughallthteedthe~errllgionr
Actually, we need ta lmow the truth about
'everything we M e &alms wim. A bushesWnb to toow the W4fi when he B settling acaounts. H e does not Iet sentiment or prejudice

* A l l . q u o ~ o n sfrom the Qur'an in W s ,bklet are

taken from the +nsbtion by N. J. Dawgublfshed by
Penguin am8iCa m 1066.


I. (4Illustrah why it is t~ our amn a to know the With

about ev-g
we have dealin@
I&) Whei problem
ofbn misea fn d M w i o n a about religion?



bpnd him, othetwise he is UkeIy to lose moneyY

When we get ~art*fed,
we want to know the truth
about our future partner. If we allow ourselves
to be deceivwi, we w i l l likely be unhappy later ofi.
Yes, if we do not know the truth about a rnafk,
we hinmrhbly
1- out 131one way or ahother. This'
is dm true with respect to religion The ppublem
is, many people for one reason or another are

not inclined to disc- religious matters.

a Here someone may say: 'But I have a religion.
I belong b the same religion my parents and
my grandparents belonged to. How can that be
wrong?' Yes, at birth most of us received some
religious faith as a heritage from om parerib,
Often, the name of that religion is put On our
identity papers without our even beiag asked.
*But do we deserve honor or credit for belonging to a religion that we received from our .
parents, if We have never done anythirlg to c h ~ k'
whether that religion is right or wrong? A man
born in Italy would likely be born inh a Catholic
family, and he would grow up a Catholic. A man
born in Burm would likely be of the Buddhfst
religion. If a man k born in a Milslim family, he
will W l y grow up as a M w l i t .
Surely a11 of thrs means nothing as ta his subrnitting himself tu God. It is pur'ely an accident.
The man who truly surrentlers himself ta b"rod js
the one who mrefuUy examin& d
1asw% of the
religion he was, barn into. If he finds it Is true,
he remains with it. But if he finds it is false, ha
sets out t
a M d the true religion.



Emme find it hard & reason on :+he subject

.of re~gion. hey are
convinced theirs
is the right religion and nu more dWu&on fs
needed.In this, we May be a little Uke a fainaC
iml suppWter of a ceft&hspoflts -111.
As yoq
know, when a fanatid 'suppork m h h w hfs
own team play modher one, he suppork'hfsawn,
howevek badly it pIa3s. If the opwgents w h he
, may say that fbey cheaw, or the referee was on
their side, or something else hwpened. H e thus
ignores the good qwdities ofthe other t a m , and
'all the bad qualltia of hi$ own.
#However, to s& the true fach in a @
engagam,you have to he impwtial. And tW
is even more so in the mse of ~ l i g b nI'f, our
I mind i
s captive to prejudice, ~0 wiIl never m the
$ruth. Is 3t reawnable to say whether something



;-is right or wrong before you have Icmked i n b it,

or &fore you have even thought abut it?
ryesj we nwy b y e received our religion from
,our paients, and we respect om parents. We owe
- -them much, and many of the things they have
.. a given us are very good. But t b t d m not mean
_we have to accept everything they say without
-thinking. Our pmen& are human, w we are.

=meymake mistakw, as we do. III W ,m y

the problem that we have to Ilve With b x h y an?
becaw of things that our aarents' generation
did. They did not do tt.lem deliberately t;O make
hard for us. They just made &Mm, bemuse of being h u m .
UHenee, a wise msur wiU examhe the thb~gs
he I W =fv&
fmfn his gapen&, including hiis
&odd we be maamable q d --minded
we ww religion?
m W
5, 6, Why

Is K m y credit to a person to helong to a religf

merely Mcause he fnherlhd It W m hig paren&?
4. Bow
a man be sure he has truly mbmtked h &?
2, 3.




religion. H e will Jmp the good Ghings and Wect

Ii he fs to f l d the truth abut Mglon.


the truth about rewon?
7 U e the example d a new employee 8tsrrElng

lHow can we

wmk in a firm. Who teUs him what work he

should do and what rules he I
m to obey? Why,
the employer, of cuurse. The employer will either
qxsk ta him ~~,
send him a memorandum, or gerhsps let him read a book oi inrstmotlom giving him the mded information. Now,
since W crated us and gut us on the earth,
us to do. Row doe he do this? B h c e he does not
5pak b ewh of us individually, it follow5 that
P Where can. we find WS
written instmtlom
far w?Resdes of tfie Qufan will already have
same Idea abut this,fur there is frequent mention made in that lmk of writing8 of what fs
called "God's Word." In the b@mhg of the
QWanwe ma4: L'mherlghteaus3 W t what h a
beeta reveQled to rn Wohammecl1 snd to Other8
before yozr, and
believe In t h e life to come."
-M2, A Z - B m [tkCOWL V4.
=Whatb meant by "what hae been d e d
to othem W o r e you"? Three separate writings
aremmmedinthe&ur'an. Oneisalludedtoin
the fifth Sura, A - M u m Prhe W e l , in verrres 43
you fot jubgement, when they already have the


l . H a w w a u M m e X p e c t ~ ~ d d ~ w n m ~ w i t h



for God% w


m mj *-wIt*m



Torah which enshrines Allah'&own judgement3

&on afkr they are bound to Ignore you: khey am
no true beliema Thm b guidance, and thm
k iight, in the Tomh which We have revealed."
Hence, the T
m the writdqgs of M-, are
to in the w a n as the Word of W.
we read in the Qur'an: "Your Urd Is
= t aware of all who dmll in heaven and
We have exalted some prophetg above othem. To
David We gave the m"
(8ura 17, Al-&a'
W e Night Journey], verse 55) Noteworthy, too,
are the following words: "Wehave revealed Ow
wlll b . . . Noah and
the pbphets who m e
after hfm;, , Co Abrrrham, hhmW1, m,Jwband . . . M d , whom w8 mVe

@UP& 4, AleNW' [Women], vwse 103) Noah, A b m

ham,lsmml, I-

and Jwicob &re all referred

to Fn the writingti of Moms, the Tom&.
*Thethircl writing referred to in the Qur'an Is
called the "Gospel.'*On this, the Q w ' mads:
"After thoare grophete We sent forth Jesus, fbe
~ l o nof dAasy, confirming the Torah aIrea4y r e
the Gospel, in *Wch merevealed, and gave
Is guidmte and light, corroborating that which
waa revealed before if in the Torah, a guide and
an admonition to the rtghteuup~.Therefore let W
h WCOMtfi
f0ll0wep8 of the WlXl
w b t Allah h&srevded merein.. Evil4om am
those that do not base their judgemerib on AlEah% revelations."-Sum 5, ALdba'idQ me TabIeJ,
versea Is, 47.
careful d e r of the w
n has saen
that the Torah, the P d m and the Gospl are



time and again shown to be God's Ward. Ih the

one hundr@dfourteen Sums,ot c h a m s , of the
at least sixty-two verses paint out that
these three writings come from God. And at least
twelve other wms my that the Qw'an wae- written fur the purpose of confkming these books.
pHere are some af these verses. "GhiIdren of
Brael . . . Have faith irr My revelations, which
confkrm your Scriptures." (Bura 2, Al-Bmpra [The
a w l , vem 41) "A Book confirming their own h s
come to them horn Allah." (Sum 2, Al-Baqara
[The Cow], verse 89) "When it is said to them:
'Belteve in what Allah has revealed,' they reply:
'We believe in what was reve&Zedto qs.' But they
deny what has hasince been revealed, although it
is the truth, corroboratllng'their own &riptur%."
(Sum 2, dl-Baqara [The Gow], verse 91) "He has
revealed t o you the Book with the truth, cone m i n g the scriptures which preceded It: for He :
has already revealed the Tor& m d the -pel.
for the guidance of men, and the di&inction h e
tween right and wrong," [Bum 3, Al-Imran rFhe
Ifnrrrns], verses 3, 4) 'This is a blesed Bmk
which W e have revealed, confuming what came
hefore it." @ur&6 , AI-An%m [Cattle], verse 52)
"If you doubt what we have revealed to you, ask
those who have read the Scriptu+ befo~epw."
(Bura 10, Yu~fs[Jonah], verse 94) "What We have
revealed to you In the Book is the truth canfirming; prevf~USsct'fptW~~'"-8Ura35, &-F~ti'f fThe
Creator], verse 31,
*However, the QuI"&nm k s the additional
point #at merely howing which books are Gcd's
Word b isat enough. We have to do what thme
books say. "Say: 'People of the Book, you shall
8. hardir'ig td t h W'm what is needed M d e s me*
tmmm what ~w9"tVord .


10 GOD


@bfbe guided until yuu O W ~tile

E Tbmh a d
the Gosgwl and tbiat which is revwed to you
from your Lord' *' (Sura 5+AI1MaptdaPfhe Table&
verse 68. See also 8ura 3, dl-Ymaa m
e mrisJ,
veme 93.) The Qw'mdm &ys: '"rhose to w h q
$he bureen of the Torah wm entrust& and y&
refurn to bear it are U e a donkey M a with
62, At-Jum'a, EHdayl, verse 5.
g T o sum up, the tftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftw'm
tW t h . ~
wriimg$+ the Torah, the Psalms and the
are from God. They skrodd be both rmo g m d and obeyed. Du you 16nw %here%a Wzl
f h d t h e writings W a y ? They haye &en coWb
ad tagether into me book, whhh haa beome the
mast widely dlstributwl publiwtion in the whole
world Thia book the Whole or in pM%
tmhstated into mure than seventen h u n W
languaga. It is the Bible. But More confuming
that this book really does contain the Word of
God, let us #& to kndq it a little betkr.
0. Where are the writings locaw that are
Gur'an a W:S WOW

f & n W In the

WHAT I!3 T&E kII3m

'The Bible is viewed in the East g made up

bf three different boala, namely, T m u f ora ah),
3&r (Ptalms)arid 1 m j d ' ( Q o s ~ I l .Xf YOU &&mine
S Bible, you Will flnd th&t w h of th-ese thr*
boob Q diyided firh several. smaller boob7 In
f a t , the word LLEible''
comes f r ~ mthe Greek word
'bibih, wMok means "little books." In all there
afe sikty-six "lime bods" in the Bible, T g ~ u $ ~
wearding ta $he way t4e Bible: is spoken of h
the Qur'axl, consists of thirhy-nhe '"little boola,"
1. a
f wbst ls the able made up?


a d includes the W k of FmJm&, or 2-T. Ifijii

cumb'h of twenw-geven *'littleboob."
PSom d
l tbe first thMy-nlne bookdl of the
Sble the '#Oldm a t , "
m u s e the wriof these was fmhlxd hundreds of yeare before
the next m%ion
begun. They view this as
L%ss important thm the 8econd part, which they
c d l the
%bnent," However, it is not

more Important than another part. All the Word
at aod Is irrrpommf. A veme In the m e d
New merit saw "All Sdptur8 ia implml

of God a d bene3&d for -,




for reprov-

m t , for d i s c i P k W in
r i g h ~ u s m a (2
" Timothy 3:16) We use the term
fng, for setting

"Hebrew ~~w
to M w to the %ratthwyafne bootrs of the Bible, since &ey were written
fn tmt hgrxage. And a the &la1 pmt of the
Bible was d t t e n In Greek, we c d l that aectlon
the "Gmk Scrigrt~.''
* The twenty-seven "'littleboaMb'of the meek
Bcrlpturers (In@) are made up d five history
books, several letters written by foUowem of JeSW, and one baok co~sbtlngalmost entirely of
prophecies. Thfs section is called Injil, or Wpl,
k c a w e the Wst four bolts are -pel8
word rnnews").The writers of thme
GmpeIrs were disciples of Jem& named Matthew,
W k , Luke and John. Each Gospel mnterins an
m u n t of the life and death of Jesus Chrlst.
4 At thls point, you may & &But
why shoulcl
them be faur acmmb of Jesus' We? Why not
just one?' Perhaps ~ r o ufeel W s shows that the
mwnt of Jesus' life has been distorted. &me

m p l a apgpntly atup th& i

v of the
Bfble at t goht. But Iet ua remind you
of what was said earlier abut predudiw Befm
Uedding what to think abut thls m q a cmMer what the Bible iW says,
n the Hebrew f3dptupm( T e m t )we w Wd
that when an Imporhnt mtrW mu& be ebbUbd, thereshouldbemo~khanonewihmsIt

mouth of W e e w l t n w the ma* should &md
good," w t e r o n o m g 1R16) Now, the Me of Jesus

w a s e x ~ h~~.
~ t
mnce, Ood
provided not three w i t n w , but four. We GW
be sure that what we read of Jesus, hh sayix~@
and hi8 We, is the truth.
79ugpofie these four W%
'But you e h f
nwea contWct one &11oMer9' Hem Its the wonderful thing: Although mere am four, an8 tbey
each give ua sn woount of the life of Jew fmm
a different point of ulew and fo sat Mesen$ audience~,they do not c~ntradidone another. T h e
aocount b t emerms Is unliled and it W p m
TThat brhgs up a matter b a g ts do with
the writing of the Bible that ma#g do not tmderstsnd. Some f e d mt,for a book ta be W s
Wor& e
w sentence ahould be dlcttated by
end wme "from above," m it wwe. However,
ma& of the able was not written that wag.

~ e w o r d s i n t h e B l b l e ~ d i m c ~
C)od through the medium of angel& But at 0thertirnqmenwemcOPJIXI1ILIIC1BCIbyaOdtOM
or seen. Hence, aemmt pwts of the Bible aJre
written tn m
t s t y k D a s rn mean that

a. -be
w ha%
4,s. W h y ~ t W m ~ i o u rJarrua'UieP
~ a f





there is a pm&ility of &-or? Not at all,because,

as was mentimed in the scripture quoted above,
*'all Scripture fs impfwd of God." (9 Timothy 3:
16) H u h m writers wrote under the influence of
M.God, who is Almighfiy, is able ta produce a
book in this way since that is his will.
8 A h u t fofiy persons were used fn the writing of the Bible. They were from many different waJb of l h , including shephm& herdsmen*
fishermen, faxmers, a doctor and a taz calIectar. At least two were kings. Others were priests,
prophets or scribs. They all %poke from Gad za
they were borne along by holy spirit." (2 Peter 1:
19-a) Each m e wrote In tom honesty, mmetfmes
even describing his o m personal faults.
*The W e between the writixrg of the first
and the last bmks of the Bible is about &teen
hundred pears. Yet, despite this, the Bible is basically just one h k There is m e W o r theme,
And nowhere does it mntndict itself. Swely, this
is proof that there m only one Author behind
the forty g e r m who woke the s b t y a "little books"!
1eBut is the Rible complete in itself?Well, if you
have a copy of the Bible, open it to the very first
page, at Lt
of the Hebrew &rigturn,
or Teurd. There it says: "In the begmmg God
crated the heavens and the earth." (Genesis 19)
The baok starts at the very w a n i n g of creation
with referem ta our earth, Nothing on this subject could come befare that. Hence, the Rebrew
Scfiptws were not the continuation of another
8. What kinds of people were med in the writing of the
dpes the way the Bible was written,proveit came
'from Gal?
10. How do we know that- the Tewd w m not the continutttion of a prevfous booW




b o k . They mug&<
have been the commenweqt
of the written Word of Gad.
look at the very end of the Tmra$, or
Nebfm Scriptures. The find w'ords we: "W
member, you people, the law of Moqs my servmB
with which 1 commwded hfm in Roreb mncmirrg sU Israel, even regul&tlomand fudicbl de&ions. Uok1 I am sen-,
to you people Wah
the prophet before the mming of the great and
fear-inspiring day of Jehovah. And he must lui-n
the he& of fathers hack toward sans, anti the
heart of sons W k h w d fathers;in order that I
may not oome and Wtually Strlk@>
the earth with
a devoting of it to dwtruc$ion." (MahIii 4:CQ
Do these w o w sound We the end of a Book? Or
just the conclusion of an episode, with more to
came? Yes,these concluding words of the Hebrew
Scriptures show that the Word ,of W did not
m d with the bw,k of of&lmhf.
mNow, what abut the Injy or Greek Scriptures? Should t& be viewed w a kt04 on iki
awn?Let us read the very mst words of this
of the Bible: 'The book af the history of Jesus
became father t~ Isaa&.'"fthew
tf,2) If the
Gbek Boriptures had been a book complete in
ft would have been ~lecw&ry explain
wha AbraEmmt Isaac and David were, an-d why it
was SO important theah Jesus be &sci31ded from
them. It is ofllg when we read the Tmmt, ~r He
brew Scriptures, that we can under~hadW e
things,Bence, the Greek Scriptures are obvidusly
meant, ta be viewed as an addition to the Bebrew
we h o w that the wriH
of God% Word wm
fiat wncluded when the b r a t b ~%rewScrWures were

U. How da

12. H W do we b d w t&t

the In$l or
s continuation of the Hebrew &riptmM

Scriptures were





Sdpturea But should we expect an addition to

the C j C e & r i D M
* WeiI, the closiTlg part ofthe
read^ "'1 am karine witnm b everyone that
hems the words of the prophecy of fhl8 80~011:Xf
anyone make# an addition b them Wngs, W

was @Mrtos, but b w e of poor gronundation, pwukletm is what came to b written in the
Bible, P&Wutos means, m d m g t0 onea reawning this way, 'me one commended, or pnWxL"
Heam, J a u could be v h x d as grogheaying hem
the coming of mme other person. mt Is this
M l a d d t o h f m ~ h e p ~ ~ W t & ~ w r l t ~ h what he himelf h8d in mind?
this wroll; and if anyone hkes m-gf
Jesus actually e x g W M what the m r a k k b ~
from the words of the scroll d tW prophesy, God
is fn another scripture. Jwt before hls death,
will W e his gartion tiway from the trees of life
he d d : "The helper ~ralsletm],
the hdv $pifit,
&nd out of the how city, things which are writwhfcb the mther will eend in my name, $bat
ten about in this mroll. Be that bears witness of
one will teach you all things mcl bring back to
thew5 things Mys, "YES; I am mmingr quickly*"'
:Amen! Come, mml J w ' May the undeserved
26) A little earlier, he had a i d : "If you love me,
:kMness of the Imd Jesus Ohrist be with the
you wiU observe my m e e n * and I will
;holy ones."-Revelation 9218-21.
request the Fbther and he
give you another
w8urely, that sounds like a mnclusbn. On the
helper -1
b be with you faever, the
hopeful note of awaiting the aecand coznhg of
@fit of Cruth.**-John l&1$17.
J ~ u Christ,
notlw how we are warned rrgairvst
luffenae, the par&Mm ia not a -XI
or 831adding to ar taking away from the writings, That
a&hwbook. It is wtiue force from Cfod, the holy
muat be the con@lu8ionof the written Word of
spirit. Jesw referred b it again when he w a
spe&ng b his folfowm afhr his ~ ~ U ! ~ O
Some mag have heard of the word "mrakb
irom the dead. ~e told them:"~ohn,
tos" and wonder whm th&tfib hb thb pi~tUre,
indeed, b a r n with water, but you will be Mp
& w s on one occasion Informed h l ~fOuOWCW8:
ti& in holy splrlt not many dajPs after thk"
4aNever#elm,I am telling you the truth, It is
(A& 1:s) Were t h w words iutUgd?
Well, read for youmeif the aocount of what
not go away, the h e l p @umkkW will by no
happened to those foUowm about ten days later.
meamcometogou;butliIdogom way,IwlIl
The record tells w
c "Now while the day of the
send him to youw(John 16:q Wa9
festival of Penteaat ww in progress th0y were all
book, a pepson, or mmethbg elm thqt S@lwwaa
together at the same plsce, and suddenly Were
golng to =d?
wurred from heaven a now just like that of a
IlThe Oreek word for "helper" i s pambletoa.
b m , m d it sled $be whole home
mme h ~ v t31x%ge$t&
that what Jaaw really Wd
were dtting, And tonwe8 as if of
IS, It Should we exwct an acWlthn to the Qssk Scrip
17, UI. Hew elid Jrtmrs s ? c p i ~what the



~ , I l ( i . ~ b ~ l t ~ d o ~ ~ a n d ~ W


aa?(b)xow was this a bk&q

for them?





e m k b them and were cUWbuteB about, md one sat upon each one of them,
and they all became Wed with holy q W t and
b s p d k Mth Merent tongues, j u t as
the ~pirfQ
w a gmnttn$ them to m k e uttemnce,"



W T h h event a w m d in the year 33 a.

thf~tm e , none of the
had k e n wrttten Em#,as Jmw prodmi, that
holy spirit wsn now avdkble W ensum that all
the thfngs to be written down would be m u m t ~end trustworthy. Obviously, thh pamkletas
b not a gems. 1% is active force oaming fMrn
W h m U . f.
Jesus w a no longer ghysiWy
with his foUowm, this wave force helped them
to member all the thhgs thak he had said and
it strengthened them to apply therre -t
their UVBS.
H e m , now we h o w P little abut the Teetr&
and the fnfi2,which the Qur'an identifies sss the
word of W, w d whhh wgetner make up t ~ ~ e
Bflrle. The Bible ww compIeted #rim the writor the laat W k of the Irsfll, and Jesus'
of the coming ~ m k l e t o did
s not mean we should
sOm&hhg in aadiU011to that, Ho-,
80people have ~lqiectbnsto beliein the
Bible. Ut us now &muss some of those objwtI~1~.




~ ~ r e f u E i e t otheB1bi!#c3rod'sww
~ p t
because the natigm that claim to believe in the
Bibla have acted m badiy. It cannot be denied

n, ~

that the so-calted Christian nathxm, ~ 8 - r+

ferred ta as "ChrUmdom," have atused much
sdering ta mWdnd. Doea Wlla mcsn that the
Bible is wrong tao? No,for ChrWtndom long ago
abctndoned the Bible and ha$ not Wed m m d h g
to the teachings of Jesus: H e w , it would nab
be groper to condemn the Bible becaw of the
thing81Chrishndom has done.
S T 0 &OW that GMstendom
meted t h e w of theBlbl~,consldvaomeoI
her beliefs. Par manpie, a funclamenkt3 doctrfne
of Chri~tendomis the TrMty*According to this,
Cj)oB b made up of three perms: the Father, the
Bon, and the holy sgfrft. T h a three are coequal
and coeternal, -t
persona In one W Oh&tend~m'atheolcall this docline a mystmy.
a Mystery or not, is this what the Bible teach&# F'&r h m it. Sema on one w&on stat&
'The lhther h greater than I am." (John 14:28)
On mother h o n , Je8W follower, the apostle
Faul, ntatw. "1 want you to know that the head
of every man Is the Uhr&t;In turn the head of a
woman is the rnfn turn t b heQot of the ChM
is God." (1 Corinthians 11:3) Those two statemen&
leave no room for belfePing that Jeaus is equal
to W. The idea of '%bee pmom in one W"
is completely foreign to the Hebrew Wptes
( T m t ) and the Greek Bcriptums (I?zjit), In fact,
the word uTrinitywnever appears ln the f3ibie.
'Oonsider mother teaching of ClhWndom
M m
The~ outsbmdhg
T of Chrhhndom ts the
cros&ThhihcIaimedesasymbol becawith
taught that J w died on rr cross. Hence, m a a a a~WhatIstheoentral,~eoiCmbn&ln?tb)me3

a , ~ ~ h a s . ~ p ~ m & n y g e o ~ l e m n ~ p o ths
~ iLbls
~ ~ tCIEh
~ ~ tbfs d&MneP
4,s. What other cent* dmWe of ChrUhndarn b eklom
U m mm t&B
h be without Biblical Powrdstion?

Bible? (bl D w the ~ k e d n e mof O

the BtbIe is not m ' a Word?



W s of ChrWmdozn's churches even bow down

before images of the cross in their reIigibus aervices. Is this what the Bible teaches?
5 Dehitelqr not. For one thing, there is evfdence thab Jesus did n& die an i cmss shaped
like the one usually used in Chrf~texldom.6bme
scripturw in the Bible my that Jesus d M on a
tree. Others my he was hanged on w b t the or&ha1 Greek language
a sfaurm. What does
stauras mean? An authoritative reference wmk
stabs: "Homr [an ancient Grmk poet] uses the
word d a u m of an ordinary poIe or W e , or a
single piece of timber. And this is the meaning
and usage of the word throughout the Greek classics. It never means two pieces af timber
across om another at any anglq, but always of
one piece alone. Hence, the use of the word x u h
[or xpiba, r n m '"timber7'or "tree"] in cannee
tibn with the manner of our Z;ordTsdeath . The
evidence is thus complete, that the Lard was- put
to death upon an upright stake, and not on two
pieces of timber placed at any angle."-Appendix
to The Companion. Bible, gage 188.
8 Of course, even if Jesus had died on a cross,
would the way Chris*ndom uses it; be resanaX,le?
V mmeane you loved very much waa s k h M t o
death, would you worship the knife that Idbed
him? Of c o m e not. It would be an object of
abhorfence to y o u m e r , m m x W g to the Bible, it is wrong b worship anpbh&g or anyone
apart from God himself. The apostle,John s t a b
ed: ''Little children, guard y~wselves&om id&~s?
(1 John 5:2f) Yet Christendom has made an idol
of the cross.


6, Why fB the worship of

the woe+W h unrmmnable and

z&mt what the Bible wps?


7 Many Other doctrines and pr&W of Christendom muld be mentima3 t0 $hawtMt it Ss nti
truly Christim. For example, the theoration of
Mary, the belief that the souls af the dckd -1
b u m eternally in hellmi and the @lsb&ion of
E d r and C W m a i i we all derived from pag4Ln
prwt1ces -and prove that Christepdorn's w m p
is not in harmony with the Bible.
ashauld we be surprised that God would let
such a thing happen? No.Jesus himself prophesied that it would He told the Jews of fi day:
"Not everyone saying tP me, 'lard, Lord,' W i I l
en& into the kingdom of the hmvens, but the
one doing the will of my FhWr who is in the
heavens wdll.
will say to me in that clayI
"rd, Urd, did we not pmph&y lh ymr nsrand expel demons in pour mm4 m d W o r n
many powerful works in your m e ? ' And yet
then I will wafw to them: I nmw h e w you!
Cfet away &om me, you workers of bwIessness."
Matthew 7:21-23) Chiskndom, while
fallow Jesus, h&sworked great l a w l e t m a Hence,
Gad h abandoned her.

7. Name some QWP

beliefs and pmctim of Chrkhmdom
tl.1Iow d f d J e $ u s f ~ & e I l t h a ~ ~ w o u l d b e m a
to sem him but who woad in ?I& b& worker5 of b w h s -

not true w a n t 8 of W


IBumetimes a different objeion fs raked.Borne
feel that the Bible .was the Word of God, but it
has been dishrrted and corrupted by men rn that
now we can no longer trust it. Can this b-e true?
a L e t us repeat a verse from the Qur'an that


2. What d m the Qur'an

aWut M'





was quoted mk.But now we w 4 &cuss it

h m a ~ e r mangle.
"Atter t h m prophe& We



in whIch thm is guidance an8 Nht, combomthgthatwhieh~mwdeclbfmitIntheTol
M,rr gufde and an admn~tion
to the righteous,
Therefom let the fullowem of the mpd judge in
amordance with what Wah 3rae rweded there
ln. E v i r d m are those that do not baee their
judgements on All&hrareveIatiow,"-Eiwa 6, AG
Mu'ida pl"be Table], v a m 46, 47.
If,at the b e these words were wrlthn, the
Bible had almdy been corrupted, how could believemintheaiwpel~udgeinaooordanoe~th
what Allahhad revealed therein'?Thus believm
in the QWan m
t that the Bible WM uncorrupted at the time the Wan was written (about
om t h o ~ dti^# h u n M years wo), the
other h W , there exf& xinranuscriptsl of the Bible
Wtten four hundred or 3ve hunched yew^ b~fore
that time -6 are on publlc display In m w m
Way, When cornour modern B l b b with
time W e n t xnmumxt* it ta a l l y fieen &&t
th0H b no signmant diuerem. The Bible is
subdtanWJly the same. OerWdy, the Bible has


unttl our d ~a B
, dmtlst golnted out:
' m e in-al
then btw88n the & k s of or&in&I
mrnWtdon and the earhrsst abnt evtdence W
&a mall sa to be in fwt nepIlgib18, and the
hut foundation for any doubt that the 8crlptures
have come down to u subatmially # they were
,writ* has now been rsmov9d." (TheBfble &
ufc Kenyon Is here expmairrg the widely accepted
'&t that we can read in the m k 8crigtupes
/Cmiu)s u m t i a l l y w h t the o r i g h l wribm, unr
e Inspimtion, gut there. There bas been no

'mvm d

i s ~ o n

&Regardingthe Hebrew Bcriptm (Tarat},the

:external proof ts equally m
g that they bgve
r ' W h preserved fadthtully, The mcient mgglsts of
- thm acrlgturees were renowned for their ace-

not changed since tho@ WOFds were written in

the QuFan =ying that in the -pel
d ~ t h e r efs
guldalce rand light,"
Thus, & person who bellevw In the Qur'&lrl
wlll agme that the Bible W not bam eomupted
and Wt ft is still the Woxd of Gad. But even .
for people who do not believe in the QWan

3. EGOTR do these wads of the Qur'ansupport the u t that

the Bible h a not been corarptsa?
4 , R ~ L w e b o w t h a t ~ U ~ ~ p t ~ h a p a n o t

with regard to b # m g an8 doc,wm.
After emmining thae newly dWovmd ancient
d&mea%, Frof-r
Mfilar Burrow8 && "The
genepal mUer a d atudent of the Bible may &

6 , X i ~ d o w e ~ o w t h n t # 8 ~ ~ b w

been c#TUPW?



~ ~ ~ n ~ t h a t m w g l n ~ t h i e W
r tcthe~w 8:5,6) Jaw then agreed to go and heal
m u n a ~ o f ~ ~ o u 8 ~ the
o maa.
i In the dbiple Luke's munt, we read:
tbRtble . . . T h e ~ ~ t n t t h m d t b w l l l
'When he [the mny ofEkm1 hsarcl about Jesus,
he mt forth older men of the Jews ta him to ask
the hnsm&Won of the texE."--2% Dead S&%
F u k e 7:3) Once ag;aSn, w c d h g to Luke's a+
& 7 d h * bY Airillar BWTOWS*
count, Jesus agre8d to go, I8 it a conwatiorr
mt -bI&
Bhauld we not e x p t
v XB
tl& one account sap the army ofllam asked Je
t b t ihe Almghtg cJoa would be able to gmerve
sw,and the other mays that he sent older men
his Word uncomgte$?The Bible itsalf myz 'The
of t4e Jews to represent him?
has dried up,,the blaersom hsls withrtxmnsble pemn would not think so. Thb
~ b u t ~ ~ t h e w o r c l o i o u r ~ , i t ~ l a s tis SA
of what happem when two honest
h time inMbite."-m8.
people tell af the same event. To Matthew, the
impormlt thing waa that the ammy 0made
the request of Jeetus. Luke merelg added the dp.
tail that he did not aak him pemnally, but sent
J m to represent him.Thla Is dmUm to the way
weI ofknmspeak.~For example, we may my that
&Homecritfa of $he Bible a i m that it ;toonthe mayor of 8 certain city built a new rod,
tradktg iwu. Is fs $true3 No it is not, lf YOUtrik
Nor, did the mayor build the wad himelf? Or
thew critic8 w W h pwhi of the Bible &re contrawm the road built by s contracbr, ushag maw
dhtory, th8y
have no 8p8cao eKampl0 in
workers and engheers'l Obvfo~ly,the l a h r L
mind. When -plea
are mentioned, they ofhn
the case, Neverthelm, it is not wrong to r s y that
turn out b be tam w h a e Werent Bible WiWB
the myor built the Poerd, gfnc3e he is the one who
tell the s m e story &om W2-t
hitbted the work BimWly, in thia bsbnce, the
#For -le,
on one
Jam m h m arms o-r made a regueat of Jesus,but he did
l o u r s l y ~ t h e ~ t 0 f ~ R o m a n a r m g r
it through c
m repmentativm
0fBcer. fn me wcmmt by the a-e
4Another alleged contredLetion haa fo do with
we ma& " W h e he enhito CwermLU#l, an
the t;wr, aons of the mt man md womn, Adam
a r r o ~ r & w s ~ e t u b i m , e n ~ ~ h b a n 8
and Eve. The fimtborn was named a&, and the
S&M'SIT* mg ImmemEUIt b Md UP in the
mnd, A M . In 4 flt of w e , W n curwitted
MIJWwith gmaly&, Mlng terribw tormented: '"
the first murder anB killed hb brotW1Abel. APbwardtherewdtaytithatQalnI13arrfedand
1 . m u t ~ ~ t t o n I s ~ ~ P ~ f a t h %
prodmed chilclren.
The quedtlon
0W.n a&ed~ is:



8.ea,otveorn~ aiwbotaom~rV1BWa6~m~
y l l e n o t ~ a ~

aim k n m m e ~4&
' ~ ~~ ~t

~ P4 , 5 . ( ~ ) ~ t b a n o t b s r ~ U Q n ~ i
( b l I s ~ t ~ a ~ ~ P




'Where a d Gain get his wife? Surely, Eve was

the only womm alive then.'-mnesis 41-17.
6 Such o question springs from a limited kna~QIedge of the Bible. Tn fact, Adam and Eve had
many children. We read: "And the days of Adam
after his fathering Seth [anothd son1 came t o be
eight hundred years. Meanwhfle he became father to wns and daughkss." (Genesis 5:4) Hence,
there were other women in those days, apart from
Eve. Gain married one of his sisters. Later, of
course, Gad forbade marriage among such close
relatives.-hviticus 18:9; 20;17.
THE: E m sc-e?
1 Andher objection sometimes raised against
the Bible is that ik is unscientific. Today, science
is highly thaught of. Scientists have sent men to
the muon. They have made W e more mmfortable
for some. And they have made great strides in
medicine, so that m a n y sick people now recover
from sicknesses that fifty y a r s ago would have
killed them. Hence, men tend to look down an
things that they feel &re not "scientik"
3 However, thaw w e more important things
than science. Loving our naghbor and serving
God are mare important. With all the progress
of science today, men still fight wars and oppress
m d kill one another. In f a t , bemuse af science,
warfare Is much more d;estruetlve than it used
to he. Hence, we have a greakr need than ever
to learn a b u t Gad and hls purposes.
The Bible tells us about God. That fs why it is
so valuable. It is not a book about science. Nev1. What ohm objection is somtlmes raked against the
2. What$ is more important than d e n c e
3, 4. {a) Is the Bible unscienti?(b) Mve an example,


ertReless, when it touches on thin@ that have

tQ do with =fence, I t often agrees W%hmodern
scienW thinkfng. For example, in Bible times
there m e many thearb about the ahape of the
earth and how it was suppurted. Wme thought
i t wag held up by a huge turtle. Others taught
that the Tim, Atlas, held it in place. What d&s
tho Bible Uy?"[God]is stretching out the north
over the empty place, hanging the earth upqn
nothing.'"It also says about the shape of the
w t h : "There i9 One [MIwho is dwelling W t e
$he circle of the earkh."-Job 26:7; Bai& 40:22.
Does that sound wientiiic, to you? Or Is that
not o t l y what the American and Russian astronauts see when they venture infa outer s F e
in their rook& ships? HOW could people thousands of years ago have known that the earth
was hm@n$in empty space unless God himself
had revealed it to them?
5 Mother instante where the B W is largely i
agreement with madern 3dence is in the handling
of W e . Of couw, in the days when the Bible
m m written the medicines that; are available toe
da~rwere w h o w f l . But within the IWitatians d
the times, Gods Word p r o h k d his wopshipes
from the worst &at's of sickness, In khe days of
M # m , for example, leprosy was a serious threat.
The Bible gives detailed inshctfans;that many
madern doctors would agree with about how to
quarankine sorneune suspected of bVin$ leprohy,
and SO keep the rest of the nation dean. "Rviticus 13:1-14~57) In fact this p&d of the Bible mnhins many laws abut cleanline& thati ssuggmt a
QowIedge & saaihry principles f a in advance
of that w l y time. This, of course, is what we
5 , How is the Bible's mumel on mnihthn in accord m i




a sword agdxut the Qhaldem,' f the u t k m

of Jehovah, 'md against the inhabimfs of R a b
ylon and against her
and against her wise
onas. There is a da!vlasWon upon her waters, and
they must be Wed up. Por it b a lrmnd of gmven
and beoause of-theirfrightful visiom
they keep acting crasy. Therefore the h&w&m
of *leas
regions will dwell with the howling
mixnab*and in her the ostriches must d m and
she will nevermom be dwelt in, nor wSll she pe-.
bdd0 for generation tatter genemth. Just as with
W a ovwthmw of Sadom and Qomorrah

would expect when we remember that it was Oad

who gave them t h e laws.
Hence, %he objections
by some that the
Bible is contmdictary or unscientific are no mason for rejecting this book as the Word of Ctod.
Mmt of these os.jectiom spring from a laek of
undmhnding, and when iavestlgakd, they only
add fo the evidence that the Bible truly Is divinely insphd* But there b greater evidence than
what has been mentioned so Par that the Bible
( T d and InjiZ) comes from God.




Ta what m l w i o n dcm a cwwdmtbn of the above


'The most poweflul proof that the Bible !s

truly W s Word fs its proghecim. As you know,
to prophesy meana to tell tn advance things that
are going to happen. Men try to guess what ia
going to happen in the future, Bomethiea they
succed, but most of the time they fail, There In
only One wha has the power b foretell infallibly
what the future holds, and that is Gtod, Hence,
when we mad literally hundreds of prophecies in
the Mble, and can tatify that they all came true
in their due time, we have ta admit that this is
by the power of God.
m d e r , for example, Gad's pronouncementa
against the city of Babjlon. We read: " 'There is

man wlll dwell there.' w-Jemnhh 50:36,3&.60.

a avid dewription of abandonment and
demlationl Yet this prophecy was written when
Babylon ww at the height of her authority. 6he
was the mightlahit
power in the world,
But God warned that she would k m m e Me a
Wm the prophmy fu-?
its f'ulffllment for yourself. fn the country d Iraq,
betwmn the modern cities of Baghdad wad Bmm*
thew is o large tmt of uninhabited W.Thztt
i s all that remaim of the: mighty city of Eaby1bn,
W s prophecy, aa recorded In the Bible, was

the W s the Hbk M y the Wotd of GaI?published by
the Watchtower Bible armd m
t edety.

completely fulflllad.
'Another imgressive prophecy hm to do with
the on of world powers af%erthe Pall of
Babylon. If you have sass to a Bible, open I t
ta the b o k of Daniel
mad the vision that
Daniel was glven in chapter 8. The angel who
erxplained the meaning oi that vhhn ahowed that
Babylon would be s u c c by
~ an empire ruled
by the Mngs of Medh and Persia. This kingdom
in its turn would be overthmwn by a conqueror

1. What hi the stmnwst i n W p m f that Ww W e i a tbe

Word of OadP
2. What prophecy mw uttered against Babylon, at the t h e
she rn the world's mightiest milItsrp potPerP

8. Wm the pmphecy oi eabglan'9 destructam fdtUM7

I . W h a t ~ ~ w a r l d p o n a r e w a s m ~ 1



from Greece. However, thia Greek empke<would

ram be divided into four srnaer empiP@.-Daniel 8:1-8, 20-22.

Was this made of world powere f a e d ? It

was indeed. Under King Uyrus the G m t * Persia
overthrew the Babylonian BnpW In 639 l 3 a
Thls P&sW Empire was eventmy overtaken
by Greek armies under the young Alexander the
GreaL However, when AIexander died, hk empire
apm weakened, m d e v m t w l y four of his generals became ruler% in four divisions af it. Cretn you
imagine a man M i able to prophesy such coming events in so @eat d e w ?
a It hzu already been mentioned tbat many,
many prophecies were fuIf3lled in Jesus: Christ,
including d e w such as where he would be born,
whst bribe he would be born inb, how he would
die and his betrayal by a GI- follower for thirty
pieces of silver. ObviousIy, such prophecies could
only have beai by divine wwer. A mrtn could abt
orgmizx his m life ta fulfill such details.
'There are propheeiea being fulfilled in our
own day; bo. Read these war& of the apostle
Paul: "In the la& day^ c r i t i d times hard to deal
with will be here. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, seh-wulllhg, haughty,
blmpheimxsd@obedient to parents, uxrbbnkft&
dSslayal, having no natural atEectian, not open b
any agreement, h d e r e m , without self-con&rol,
fierce*without love aerfoodnws,betrayers, headstrang, p a up with pride, lovers of pleasures
rather than lovers of sod, havihg a form of god12
5. Wow

w Daniel~er pmpheky about the



~ p m g h m i ewere
s hllflllrrt in h a ose of Jesus Chrjstl
7. IB) What r e m b W e prophwy hwbeen hUUled in our
own d&fl @I What d m 4bb indiaak2



ta its power.'' (2 -0Can you discem the f~lfllhmt

of tWt
proghwy today? We are sure you can.
BThen,too, there are the wards of Jesus him=If. When asked about the "sign" of the end d
48evotion but provhg false



this world system, he Mated many things that

would b ~ w
just More the end. Are his grophecies ooming true eflRead some examples
and see for yourself. Herre is one: "Ration will
?is@&gainstmtion, a i d khgdbm against kingdom; and them MI1 be g r e ~ tearthquakes, w d
h one place after mother wtilenees m d food
shortages,"-Luke 21:10,'11,
#You may my: 'But there have always been
wars.' That IsWue, as Jesus hhmelf h e w . But he
ww $peakinn&of unusual wara such as we have
seen only since lgJ4. Begarding the &st world
war, which &rkd in that year, a military analyst
wr& Y n its scope, its violam, and above all,
in its totality, it eskablfshed a p r d q n t . Wadd
War I ushered in the century of Total War, of
-in the first full s e m of the temn-&ob& war.

, . . Never Wme 1914-1918 had war absorw

so much of the total resour- of so many cornbatants and covered so large a part of the &h.
Never had so m y mtfons been Ihmlved. Nwer had the slaughter bieeh so wmprehen~ivemd
indiscriminate,"(World WUTI,, by H.W.Baldwin)

NmdIessiNsa ,thecamageafthefirstwarldwar
was multipli many tfm'es over in the w a n d .
&but the fwd 9hortag;ea thit Jesus
mentioned? It is paradoxid that, despib the

8. What 0utakWmg p r o p h e did Jam utW?

9. Row
Je8us' propabut war been fuEUi sjnee


10. How has


Jew' gmphecy about foad shortages been


fact that some mutries have the highest ma*

ria1 standard of ti*
in recarded &tory, them
are m r e people hungry M a y than ever before.
2 % New
Ywk T i m mported. "Every 8.6 seconds
someone h an underdeveloped couiltry dies w a
result of illnew cawed by maIautritfon . . . 16,000
every day, Over-3,fdlO,W every year." B ~that
not W U Jeug prophecy abut faod sbo&qtes?
has there been an unuawl number d
earthquakes? WeU, in 1915,,29,970pepple died Ila.
an earthquake in Italy. In 1920,180,000perish4 in
China, 143,000 died in J a m in 1923, and in 1939,
32,300 m
e di&din Turkey ~
1 Accord~
ing to S c h t @ c A m m k ~ since
1948 'one great
quake is occurring each par.' We can probably
remember m y gigantic mthquakes that have
eftruck in recent years. Many of us eithm have
felt an earthquake or have relatives; who hwe
been dTect.4 by one,
mFk&lly, Jesus mentioned pe&lencek Tt is
mother p m d o x ctf the modem world miat in
spike of the advances af mecine, there tare still
scourges that take millions of lives, wpeclaUy in
prxlrBr muntriw. ImedX&ly after World W W I,
an inkmtbnd epidemic of influenm brought
dam to twenty-one million victim. Today, poorer lands continue to s a e r from plagues such a&
malaria, cholera and typhbid. Even in walthier lands, cancer and hear$ atbacks cut millions
off in their prime. Venereal disease is mild a
"pmdemie"-more severe Wan an epidemic, And
spreading, worldwide pollytian Is thrwtmtng us
with additionaJ horrible illnesses. Regarding-pollution, ~
I Barry Crrrnmonm
t said: "We have
11. What ahut ewth Wke8 since 19141
12. mar, in spite ol %e advance.
Jews'prophecy about pst1Eenm b w hlfllled?



come to a turnirlg paint in the h m n habition

of the earth. . . . f helieve that mnthued polluam of the earth, if w~hwked,will eventudiy
destroy the fitness of this planet sts a g1we for

human life,"

18 There are many more details of Jesusr,great

prophecy t u b are clearly being fulfUl& in our
chys. One of the musk notewor$hy iS with regmi
to a worldwide preaching work. Jesus said: "This
good news of the kingdam will be preached in all
hhe Inhabited earth for a withes ta dl the
tions; and then the end will come." (Matthew 24:
14) In ow generation, modern comnications
and travel have made fulflllrnent of this prophecy
mare p m t i c d on a globaE s&$, Today, Jeh~vaWs
Witnesses are prewhing ' " tgood
~ news" in more
than two hundred h d around
$he earth. 'Yes,
thb prophw, too, is being fulwerj,
"Thus, Bible prophecy gives us strow f e w n
t~ accept the truth #at the Bible is the Word
of God. And these same prophecies show that we
we living in very musud tima, times calla "the
last day#" by the apostle Paul. We will return
to this subject again and see what it m a n s for
us. Meanwhile, Iet us see what the Bibk's s i c
message is all about.

13. What ather part Of Jesus' graph%cy 4 behg fuWed

now 8$ never befare?
14. {a) what dmx the fuWlment of $iwse prophwiw Wdia t e ZLS h the Hble? &l What does Ef3BS Drove wim wmt
@ to days in which we are living?


IThe most imparbnt p r s m the Bible M a us
about is, of course, God. It tells us that God is
tr! the uoiverse?
1. I&] Who S 'the mwt ifnprbnt
(bl What are some of the things the W W L s us about him?



the one who created all tbhg&."You are worthy,

Jehovah,even our M,
to w i v e the glory and
the honor and the p e r , because you created
all things, and because of your wlu they exfsted
and were cream." (RevelatAon 4:11) We aha -1
that ''W
is a ;spirit," (John 424) and that he L
eternal. "Before the mountains themlvss were
born, or you p m e d e d ta bring forth as with
labor pains the earth and the productive land,
even from time indefinite to tlme indefinite you

are God."-ma.
art ls true that many


am worshiped in

the world. But that does not change the fact

that there is only om true Gal. The ofher go&
rue inventions of men m are demons. Only one
C)od created the EWUI and deserwj our wor8hip.
The apostle Paul sai& ' W e know that an Idol b
nothing in the world, and that there b no Gcod

but one. For even though there are those who

are called '&a&,'
whether in heaven or on earth,
Qmt~ i 9there we many 'gad# and many 'lord,'
there is wtusllly to us one God the Father, out
of whom aJ1 thmgs &re, and we for him."-l Corinthbns W-6#You m y wonder why the a p t l a Paul calls
God "the Father."Does this mean that God has
a wife, in the way that a man must have a wiie In
order to hemme s father7 No, QoB d m not need
~uehs wife Sla order to become a father, When
the Bible calk Gtad B Father, it h m
he Q the source of the exbhnce of 1 things,
m 0th- words3 he created them, For example,
Adam is callad f i e '*sunof Cicld." (Luke 358) Yet,
if you read the account of the creation of Adam,



for merm?lv&

9,4. Why dtm the Bfble refer to Ood

aa 'Wle 1Pather'V



you will see that he was matie out of the dust.

mt born Of wo--Gien&
'Hence, when the Bible
of asd as a
father, th& Is m e w b a t Merent h m
thatamanf afather.But,ititthetbehth&
m p m k A father gtves llfe to his children. Qai
gives life and existence to all thlngs, but not by
meam of intercourse wlth a wife. Gud creates


&YOUmay remember mother scripture that

we have mad that mid: "You are worthy, Jeh*
v&, wen our CSod, to receive the glory and the
honor and the power," (Revelation 4:11) Sou mhy
wonder why in this chapter sod b ad*
"Jehovah" W e have come acrm this name a
few time3 already Sn thts booklet. Well, "Jehovah" is the name that W has given to hirnseif.

-Psalm 8318,
Right back in the begimhg, the Bible tells us
thzqt "Jehovah God pmwded to form the m m
qut of dust from the ground."(-nW 27) U b r ,
he said ta Moses: 'This is what you are to say to
the som d Israel, 'Jehovah the Ctod of your fore
fathers, the Ood of Abraha3n. the God of mat
m d the God of Jacob, ha9 sent me ta you.' Thf
is my name to m e indemte, an8 this is the

memorial of me to generation after generation."

(Exodus 3:15) Again, later on he said to BBWX
''1 am Jehovah. That le my name; and to no one
else &dl X mve my own glory, neither my praise
ta gmven ixnages.''-hhh 428.
~AccoWngIy,Jaua wid in prayer to God: "I
haw made your name known to them and will
rn&e it known." (John 17:WAnd a r Jesus'


death, we learn that ''God for the that time

turned hi8 atkention to the nations to take out of
them a people for his norme." (Acts 16:14) Hence,
It in our worship of him.
We must cume to know Ood, because only if
we know him crrzl we submit ourae~vesW bJm.
is love-" (1 J a b 4:8) He ts also merciful,
gust and righkmua, He haes inflnite witadorn end
almighty power. Hence, we must worship only
hh-EXaduS %a, 7; 203.
* The next most important gem sp4ken abut
in the Bible b Jesus. But before we see why Jeaw
b E~Oimportant, we hare to go back to the very
~ a f t h e h ~ r a c e .

8 . ~ r n ~ w e ~ t o k n o w C i o d ?

h the me?

1 \ 6 m n ' SBEOmN?NG
1 The Bible tells w that God creahd man out
of the dust of tbt ground He gave him a wife

and placed him in a pam e n called Men,

where d his nt&erial needs were satisfled. We
rcsd that when he had completed the creation
of A d m and Eve, "God saw everything he had
mw3e and, look! it was v@ry good." (Gentxis 1:31)
There was no def&t at dl,just WJ there is no
defect in anything that ad does. Msn's mut
ww perf&.
=Hence,at tlmh t h e man whbs not In conflict
wlth God, Gad evm gave him wide resgonsibfIiti= We read: "Wblmed them [Adam and Eve,
the &st pair1 and Gal a i d to them: 'Ek fruitful
and become m a y and ffll the earth and suMue



it, and lave h 8uWwrtion the f4h d the sea and

t4e flying meatof the heavens and every
U u h g c r & u r e t h a t QmwIngupon theear&"'
-Gl?nwt3 1:28.
sHowever, there was a condition at-hed ta
that good relationship: okiknoe. Ctod amkd
man b obey him and thus show hi$ suhnision
to the will of his Creator. As Qod safd at a btep
Wne, 'Toobey is b W r than a mcriflce."(I Elamuel 15:22) Thia L reasonable, L ft not? In any
orga&ation, rules are necemmy w is o b e d h e
by the members to thaw m k ~Hence,
Ctod wanted man to tse obedient to the rules he f#t down
4 What were the rules? C.iod placed in the garden
of Eden a tree called "the tree of the knowldge
of g m d and bad" He ssld to Actrun: "As for the
tree of the knowledge of goad and bad you rut
not a
t from It, for fn the day you eat fmrn it you
will positively die!' (Qenesh 29, 17) We do not
know what lhind of fruit grew on that gEtrticular
tree, but if Adam and Eve were to eat of that
fruit, it would how that they were no Iollger
submissive to God. The muftof such a r&eUious
act muid be death, However, if they remained
okdiant, they would keep on IlvIng forever.
'This shows that Adam and Eve ha8 a clear
choice, and tAegl were the ones that would make
t h e choicesIt would not be made for them. Some
m p l e Wieve that we cannot make choices or
~~tree d l . They feel Cfoa has fommained
werythhg, and a person rn only follow hi;s destiny. If that is true, however, men and women



are not tQ blame when they commit sfns. If

-7 ?!Id@,f l l U X d m , W ~ V ~liars,
S , OgpreaWF8
and all ather evll men am merely following the



true?The tact i8 that %verymecan mwe choices.

And M y , we dl have to n u k e the m e chow
that ww presented m a d ' s people in tlznes pet:
"Now if it irP bad in your eyes to 8erw Jehovah,
chwse for your8elvea m y whom youwill serve
. . . But as for me and mJt household, we shall
aerrre Jehovah." (Jcahu W15) We have to c h m
whether or not we will submit to M.

mth laid out for them They have no choice. &

why should they b punished?
#Infact, to s y that we m controlled by
tin3 leads ta a bhsphemous dmtrhe, What ia
that? Just thhk ahnit it. When an aut0mOb~
ldUs a pedesMan, it is not the automoW1e that Is
mp&ble. The vehicle was only mwing in the
direction that the driver pohted it. The driver is
m b l e for what happened. Ushg simllar reac
if we w e all ruled by d&hy, a murderer
is not mpnsble when he kills mmeone, I30 is
only doing what destiny directs him to do. The
one who laid out hls destiny is responsible. And
who is that?Why, none other than Qod him8elf,
according ta thwe who belteve thisi doctrine. It is
the wane ots b.Ptng Qod for all the suffering, ali
the heartache and a& the misery that men have
endured through the ages. C m you see why thia
I d a is so harmful?
IYet God is not like that. "Mla love," we
are b L d , (1 Jobn 4:8) "You ase not s God taking
delight in wickednm; no one bad may reside for
any time with you," the Blue says, (Palm S:O
Hence, God wuuId never have foreonlain& tklI
the wi&ettna we see around ub) Wky. Thb is
m T b i s belief in dest$ns hat3 mother bad eflect,
It rnthat pesple are not h M to improve
their dtuation or to try to stme W better.
Tbey say that what they do L already 'Wt-,"
hence, they are helplm In the matter. But is that

Jehovah sod gut a real choice before Adam

and Eve. How did they chow? Unforhmkly,
they ohwe wrongly, and that b a bash mamn far
the problems we are -acing
today. What,
then, happened bacb: there?
#The record tells that mother creature approached Eve In Eden when she wa ame, 'f2ris
ww an d m J , a mrpent. 8uqwMngly, the serpent spoke: "'1s tt rwly so that God &aidyou
must not eat from every trm of the garden?' At
this the woman Wd to the sergent: "Of the fntit
of the trees of the ghflen we may wt. But as
for eating of the fruit of the tm that is in the
middle of the garden, W baa mid, "You mu&
not eat from it, no, you must not touch ir, tha$
you do not die." ' At this the serpent said b the
woman: 'You posttively will not d k ' " The wom&n beueved the mrpent and ate of the forbidden
fruiI Law, she persuaded her husband, Adam,
to job her in thls sin.--Genesis Z1-8.
S D o e r e it sound strange to you that a 8erpent
mke b me?M c o w , snakes ~&llllotspeatr, so
there mwt have been mmething uncanny khind
this event. The Bible show that Batan the M -


W h 8 t ~ v ~ t S k dW
u $vs'~d&ng?@)H~aoaS
Idwltlrs ths d y e d





il was aupematumLly causing it b s m , He ia

lden%ifMin the very last part of the Bible: "The
mi@naiserpent, the one called Devil and &tan,
who Is nnfslthe entire inhabied earth."
(Revelation 12:9)&an's deceptive persuading of
Eve through the medium of a snake caused her
to sin, Of course, ie the idea were t r u e that we am
all ruled by desttny, 6akn would not have had
to speak with me. It would already have been
M t t e n in the boog' that Eve and Adam were
going to sin. But &sUa knew thut was not tme.
H e had to persuade her to do that wrong acL
4After Adam and Eve had stnned, W d informed them that the sentence of death would
be wrrM out. what S
m had safd was a lie.
God told Bdlam: ''In the sweat of your face you
will eat bread until you return to the ground, for
'out of W yau were take^. Far dmt you are and to
#dustyou will return." (Genesis 319) -'a
relatiomhip with God had been broken. He was
no longer in submissfon to Ms Creator.
8The emct af sin on a perfect pemn can be
compared ta what happens to a piece of mwhlnery when it iss not used pmperly, If you allow grit
and dirt to get hito it, it; will quiakly wear out.
Thus it was with the fimt pair. They allawed the
unclwmess of sin to enter inta the&Uvea, and so
they started to deterbra*. Eventually they dhd.
OThis aB&ts us beawe it wna only afEer this
sin that Adam and Eve herd children. If you
have a mold and s W
mod& from it,
the modela will 6nly be good as long as the mold

4 . W b a t ~ t c a m e a n A d s m B n B ~ ~ ~ t h s y
had mhaed?

6 1.(a)HoW~t~es&ected~BBam'am@)How~the
s ' ~ PSU~


L $ood. If the mold is blemished, the maMs

wiil be blelniahed, tm.In ABtun'a case,he had
no children while he was perfwt. It wa;s mIy
&er he hacl sinned, rebelled a@nst God and
begun to die, that he pmIuced childnm, Heme,
the "mold" was blemished, and the "models," his
children, were blemished too.They inherited his

!$in.-Compare Job 14:4.

?The apostle Paul explained this clearly. H e
"Through one man [Adam] sin entered iata
the world and death through sin, and thus dmth
spread to all men btxawe they had all sinmi."
IRomans kI2) But perhaps you wonder, 'Why
did God let wickednm cuntinue W r that &st
sin?' Actually, thb wta an sct oi memy aa W s
pwt for ue.


tWhen &tan led Acfam and Eve into sin, he
rained questions that M in his mercy ddded
ehould be answered, For one thing, Satan had
called God a liar. C)dl had said that man would
die if he alnne Batm a d he would not die.
When Adam and We dtd die, it showed that M
is a w of truth,
3 Then again, Bachn made the stxIucUve pram&: "Cfod know8 that in the very day of your
eating from it [the forbidden fruit] your e p are
Uke God, knowing good and bad." (en- 25)
He made it wUna as if Qdwere withholding
something good from man, that man would do
b t b r If he submitted to someone e k . & Adam
and Eve dimby4 Ciod, and Jehovah has allowed



man to go his own way for dx thawand yews.

He has allowed man ta try all kinds of religions,
governments and syshm& By now. it is very evi-

dent that man ls not happy unlesa he aubmits to

W s rule. Irr the m e n of Men, man E r t e r r M
out happy. Since then, he has experlencecl suffering and hadship.
a O n a later waajssl, Satm challenged Qod
regarding mrtnkind When dhcu~ingthe faithful
mari Job,Satan sad: "Is It for nothing that Job
has feared Uud?" (Job 1:9) He went on tu augge~t
that the only reason Job (and therefore all other m E s of God) worshiped M was for the
g m i things he got out of it. Hence, OoB allowed
adversity to come upon Job aa a test. And the
same has hapwed to all bia womhipers. When
they faithfully submit ta C W , whakver the clrcumtmm, this is 8 proof that the Devil k a
liar, that he bas slmdered both Ood and His

earthly servanb.
However, when the purpose of Uod'a allowing
sin rand sdering k w been wrved, then God will
remove them ffom the earth. ThL brfnga us back
to the second m a t impomt pemn mentioned
in the Bible*Jesus Christ.



been solved?


I A f k r &he &st human grdr had sinned, Ocd

said to 'the Devk "I &dl gut enmity between
you and the woman and between your 8ee.d an8



her wed. H e lPrrill b r u b you in the he&d and you

will o
l W him in the heel." ( M e & 3:15) Qiod
fO*tuld thst, mmetfme in the iuture, a "seed"
WDUXci appear who would eventW1y destroy SZG
Wn and undo all the evil that the Berpent had
M in Eden. Thus we see that Ood did not
hst leave matMrs b run their own eoum. Immeotiatelp after the problem arose,he took aative
mps to counteract sin and wickedness,
'Amording to the history in the Bible, most of
mmklad foliowed the bad example of Adam mtnd
Eke and rebelled against O d ,However, there
was a line of w o m m r s that m e d faithful.
mmtimw in spite of the most bitter v u t l o n .
The 6rst faithful m m was Abel, and he died at
his brother's hand. Another man of outsfandlnag
faith ww N a h , who was used by c.ood to build
an ark to preserve manktnd through the Wbal
flood. One of NOEbh'e desmndants, who k a m e
renowned for his faith, was- Ah-.
By meam
of Ab&h&m,God revealed important information
&out the one who w u going to be the prom-

W '"seed."
Abraham and hh wife earah aubmitkl ta the
wfll of God during all their lifetime, Ood promthat they would have cr mn,but when they
had grown old, they were still chfldlepis. At m e
#time,Fhmb gave tu Abrahsm her slave glrl Hagar,and he had a son by her w e d Iahmaet But
this son was not the fulfillment of W's prombe.
G M purposed that Abraham would have a son
2 &ah, hh natumi wife, so He said to him: "&
some of t h w who proved laithfui tc Qod?
tant infomtion waa dven Eo Abraham, and


whleh woman waa -*I

mmm to Latlfawh.tdld~aynwldRppnU1~rp.

aml Eve had &md7
%T =



for Baml your wife, you mu& not call her name
her and aEsa give you a son from her; and I will
bless her and she shall become natlom; kings of
peoples will come from her."-Genais 17:16,16.
c ~ a r a h ,though very 014 did hear a mn m
Abraham, and they called Ma name Xsaac, Many
years after Abraham had fathered I-,
vah h t e d Abraham's faith and submission by
r e g w t h g him to sstcrlflce this dear 8on. (Genet&
221, a; see wlso Sum 37, AESMat [The FbnkSl,
vmes 108rla.) When his faith m tieen to be
very strong,
tald him not to $0 on with the
sacm d promised: ''I shall surely rnulMply
your seed Uke the stam of the heavens and Hke
the gmhm of sand that w e on the searshore; and
your seed will take pmmaion of the gak of hls
enemies. And by means of your seed all natim
of the earth will c e M y b l m themselvm due
to the fwt that yuu have lhbned to my voice,"
(Genesis 22;17,18$ [30d was here hiPea3dng of ham,
H e ahowed that the "seed," promised back tn the
h y of~ Adam and Eve, would apthrough
the lint3 ofAbraham's son Emc.
8 When ikbmhn died. Isaac and his half brother fshfflael buried him. Later, God repeated t4
Isaac the promise he had made to Ab-:
wlU carry out the swum statement that I s w m
b Abraham your fa#er, 'And f wfll multiply
y o u r s e e d l i k e t h e ~ o f t h eheavens and XwUl
give to your ed all these lands; and by meam of
your seed all netttom of the earth wfll nerkhly
bless themselves,' due to the fact that Abraham
lhtened ta my voice and mntfnued to keep his
obligations tu me,'" (QenWm3-8)M b r Isaac,
Jamb inherited this m e gromk, and Jacob

6 . W h & ~ l f f a ~ & 8 1 1 t Q ~



Itwelve m m who W a m e the fathen of the

m d v e tribes of


Wba d JuW. Then, it ww revealed

he would appear in the family of King DeL.
via. Through the prophet Micah, God revealed
ha%+he &ied would be barn In Bethlehem. And
through Isaiah, it ~ s propheded
that he would
m good news and emer for the sins of othWt

m - m 40:fO; 2 m u e l Rll-16; Micah


M 53:3..12.
d b r thoumds d y a m , the waiting
was over, The seed arrived. Who was he? The
e Peul explains 'The pmmises were spe
ken to Abmdmm and to his d,
It says, not:
toIseeds,' as in the caw of many such, but
a;s la the am d one: 'And t& your ureed,' who is
GAr&+" Yw, the proseed was Jesus a b t .
-Galatians 3:lfl.
The Blble ahow8 that Jeaw was born in Be&
lehem, as gn,mhd, but In an unmml way. IIis;
m a w Prrsr;s a virgin. Hence his human life came
Wut by a mimcle, In a sgacial way, then, the

e x p M W to the young Wgln M w ,who
IM hb earthly mother: "Holy spirit will
you, and power of the M a t High will
gw. For that r e w n also what is
p d e d holyj God's t3on,"-Luke k35.
about this gram""?

1You may m m U that the ~ u t o u birth

s of
Jasus ww &XI remwbred in the QWa. Here
b the amount: '#Andyou MohammeBl shall m

left her mple and m
k hersall to a d t a r y
t b semblance of a fullgrown man. Ancl when
ahe a w hfm she & 'May the Memihrl defend
me from youl If gou fear the Urd, lave me and
go away: '1 am the r n e m ~ of
~ rmur Lord,' he
replied, 'and have come to give you a holy an.'
'How s W l I lmu a chil4,' she amwered, 'when
wiIlofgourLord,'herepUed, T h a t b n o ~ ~ t
thbg far Him. "m &all be a slgn to mnldnd,"
sags tbe Lord, "and a Mewing fmm Oumlf.
TWa is Our &am."* "-Sum 19, Maryam -1,
v e m 16-2la
u m y w w wch an mum Mrth -XI
for this promised 44edq1?
Remember that a13 of
A d m l s c W e n were born sfter he sfnned; them
fore, they were born In ah,Since the 'Wagis
a p g y a t fs &akh," all therefor43 wane under me


l of 0
d Even righteous men like
had to die W e ~ w . - E t o m 8:s;

*The only exmptlon to this rule was Jaws.
Jesw &ved his Me, not from an earthly father, but-h s OW w8y-trom a d himself, Hence, J e w w a ~not born in &. We wm
j u t like A m wm before Adam 8lnne8, In fmt,
he ie &led "the last Adam," (1 Corinthians 16:

9, Why w radm of the Wan be familiar with J a w '

u n a w

Rence, Jeaua ~ssesssae special plnae among

1 -a
bwho have submitW h M
"A ~~between Adam and Jesus b
Iri the @dm.There it b sbted: "'Je

q h 3 like Adan in.the alght of Allah."

rF4e Z m r w ~ l ,verse 69) me favor Cgod

'JBw, sea of Mar~r,remambsr the fhvour I Mve
he@wyd om you and on your mother: how X
MmgthmeB you with the Holy 8pirlt." (196,
~&lrir&'tth m e Table], vem UO)Zn more thazl f3f-

born without s f m r , peri~nned

- ~BUf,whatmthepwposeofaUdtW?Onlg
the W e hlh ua, Jwus, as a perfect and sfn1
'man, did not dewme to dfe. He muid have
lived foreverPjust m Adam could have 1P he had
W did not ah,but he V O l ~ n t & l y
wrm MBhuman life on our behdf. He wok


\upanhimelf the gWhment for our sins and

WIM -me
a m m m for us. The Bible kl4 us:
'There i~
o m Cliod,md one medhtor hetween God
axld men, tb man, Q W $ J e m , who gave himelf
a -W
rana~lrnfor all," (1 Timothy 25,
m,the Bible mys "By mema of him [Je
of that one, ye8, the fmglvrne4~1of our
1:n J e s w himaelf dB:'?me
mmpf mrarr w e , not to b mbisbred to, but
b ~ r a n d t o p s v e h f s ~ a ~ m i n e
fdr =y."-15batthew
ol.rvb some, it weme strange t k t someone ars




boly as Jesus should be put to death H a w , mme

think that he did not really die. But if that m
true, then the whole pqmse of Jesus' being born
in such a mbwlilaus way would not have been
accomplished. Consequently, man would have no
chance d being ransomed, or freed from slavery
ta sln and death, However, the Bible my8 that
J w s did die for our sins. He paid the price Qod
webs w U n g ta accept to purchaae us out of the
dying, dnful condition we inherited from Ad=,
Thw Wad loved the world MI much t b t he gave
hi^ only-motten Son,in order that everyone exereising faith in hlm might not be destroyed but
have everMe."-Job 3:lB.
DO= m w mlm mE?
1But what happened ta Jesua after he died?
The able texls us that Qod r a w him back to
life. Of course, he could no longer Mve as3 a hum m , bemuse he'had sacrificed h& human life
on our behalf. Hence, we read: "Ohrlst died once
for all time concerning sins, a righteaue g e r m
for unrighteous on- that he muht lead you b
ad,he being put to death in the flesh, but being
made aliw $n the @tit."-1 Peter 3:18.
P A S a spirit creature he ascmded b heav631,
and there further blessiw awaited him. The
a w e Fsul wmw: w[JesusChrist1 emfled himself and tmk a slaveY8form and came to be in
the Illrenew of men. More than mt, when he
found himself in f a o n rn a man, he humbled
hlnwlf md became obedient a far asi deau, yes,
death on ok torture
Fbr this very m w n
alm God exalted him to a superior poettian and


gave him the name that la above every

name, so that in the m e of J m everg
@Wshould bend of those In haven and

earth and those under the $round, and me

tongue 8hould openly acknowledge that Jesus
Wt b Lord to the glory of Qad the mtbw:*

- P M I i P w a7-11.
3Jw.a' great mgomibllities extend to being
W g and Judge, In the name af Jehovah God.
we read: ''When the 13on of man I J m
BZT1ves In hb glory, and 811 the angel8
then he will gft down on hk $lorfous
Wow,And all the nations wfll be @thered bef o @m,
~ and he will separate people one frum
a&Wm, just as a ahegherd separates the &eep

Matthew, chapter W Mark, chapter 13;

~ a e chapkr
4 &w
e appointed Mng and Judge, Jesus will
rul* P y a %heentire earth, Ung &goit waa promisedWut -: "Hewill have suWec& from sea
mand.Ytom the Riwr to the mds of the earth"
(FShn 7 2 8 ) He will not blew& wickednws surd
thoae who insist on doing bad things.
-mum who submlt b to sod meekness will be
Mewxt "dust a little while longer, and the wicked
one will be no more: and you will cerhinly give
,wtk~tfonto hls place an8 he will not be. But
o m themselves will possew the earth,
will indeed flnd their exquisite delight
of peace,"-Psdm 37:1U, 113,
that will
h that XIO*

Ehg, how will J m act Eowrmrd




distant future are *ell described in the last b ~ o k

of the Bible: 'Theard s bud voice from the throne
say: 'Look1 The tent of God is with mmIdnd, and
he will resjde with them, and they will be his
peoples. And God h i m i f will be with them. And
he will wipe out every tear from tlheh eyes, and
death will b~ no more, neither will mourning nor
outcry nor pain b anyml~~~e.
The foPmer things
have passed away.' "-Ra~t?hti~n21:3, 4.
IS this not a remarkable prospect-perfect life
without fear of death,sickness, o~gressionor any
of the things that make life so difTicuJt now? Everlwtkng Ilfe on earth unaer a truly loving and
capable King! This is the s a r t of life that A d a
would have eqjayed ff he had not sinned. And
God has said that we can enjoy it f i we truly
submit t~ him.
7 Even the dead are not forgotten in God's
wonderful purpose. Jesus himself promised: "Do
not marvel at this, &caw the hour is cornkg
in which all t h w in the memorial tombs will
hear his voiee and came out, those who did good
things to a resurrection of Iife, those who prwtdced vile things to a resurrection of judgment."
(John 5:28, 29) Most of us are familiar with the
aching sorrow that comes w h e n a laved one dies.
Just imagine the opposite-the inexpressible joy
when those Ioved on& will be rajsed again, and
reuniw with their families in a paritdis~earth!
7. What remarkable prospect 1S there

1 call how. earlier, we discumd many pmphecim

that are clearly coming twe W a y , Tfie fullillment of those prophecia since 1914 shows that
we are living ln what, is dUed the "last days."
(2 Timothy 21-5) That miw& tha6 sbme-of the
generatioh of 1914 will s * v ~ V ~ b W m,'
C1thts ea&h of hhe mulh of thous,wdS of years
oE mbruleb(Matthew 2434)' If you have mad the
prophecies in Matthew chapter 24, Mark chapter 13 and Luke ohapher 21, you will havB not@
me convincing proof thag sbon the wicked MU
be destroyed and a new system Usfiered h under
God8 own spvereignty. But this know3&ge put&
a big reswmbvty on each of us. Why? Because
now is the time for us b submit ourselvm to Gad.
a Po you remembF how+Zom-ago3
8W ehllewd Gad wying &hatJab was fdthful only
bemuse of t?m blessings he received? He oIalmed
that if God would withhold thwe bleaing~,Job
w m l d cuee God, That ohallenge of Satan appliej;;

for t b w wbo have


When wfil these things happen? You wiU re-

hy implimtim to all m ~ n k h d ,hcludkg you.

It, suggests that nobody-including you-would
, $ m eGir#'i with an w l & h motive.-Job 19-U,

$How do you rapand ta that &allen@? Jab

rmpWW In a f a y -6
wm pleiishg to W.
K e did not oufse God, eveh tbwh he ETuEeW
much. HE,^ determined to submit himself wbol-8
ly to God's wQ1. (Job 31:@ b d he wm not algne.
Thmuihout hbtaq, m y faithful men, women
and children hbve remained f d W in spite of
eriefythii Paan did &pinsttb-. ThW W i U d e
-~eople'UW AWI, No!&, AhIS@&, Jwob
and mvta*
2,3.1&]Who we indu!Ied in &tan% a M I & . ~M Jeh~\r@?
4bj Bow haye many r&p&ded to that chdlen@?

1. W When will these W4lp hapgen, and h w da you hmv?

031 What responsibiIit-y daes W s put upon each one d W

fn the tmk of Hebrews, the Bible writer lis&

a long line of these faithful ones, and at the end,
he draw8 a lesson for ua: "Becau8e we have so
great a cloud of witnew surrounding us,let us
elso put off every weight and the An that easlly
entangles us, and let us run with endurance the
race that is set more us,"-Hebmws 12:1.
Ym,our lifelong service to GCOd b like a raae,
and we must endure t o the end of that race, just
like that? anden*servants of W endured. Then
we will prove the bevil to be a liar, just as they
did. And sod will bless lus for it.
8 Today, there are ltkrally Mans of men,
women and ouldren In many different lands who
have submitted themselves to Q.oB and are work-

JMUS,God "turned hb atbntlon to the nations
b W e out of them a pmple for his name." (Acts
15:14) W's name, you will rememkr, is Jehovah*
Thfs people for Jehovah's name still dsb, No,
they we no part of Christendom. They b v e been
'taken out' of the mt10m, including the rratiom
of Uh-ndom.
They remain separate from the
world, having m sham in ihs injustices, oppsiom and linequalfti~,
(John 17:16) Who are they?
7 They are the modern equivalent of that "cloud
of witnesses"that the Bible writer spoke of. They
are Jehovah's W i t n w . Pbr mmy years, they
have been known for their s-mh
In sgik of persextion and oppodtion, they have
continually told people about W,
about Christ
Jaw and about the puGod hpbs to make
thb earth into a paradise like Eden,arhere righ-



team mmkhd will Uve fOmml @fatthaw W14)

h001rlet is one of the m w u mey we

using to ;spread thla good new&

he W i h e m q will be ddighW ta help yo4
bo, to Lesuln of the right way ts submit b W1$
this. Jww said: "You received fme, give fee."
(Matthew 10:8) Hence, J&av&hts Witnews Ml
heig you frtlel the same way that JBSU helped



#Yes,ii you love r&h-,

iL you hate
fights, avMona,hmtllities wnd bb$khdd, if gw
they were auto other#, !f you would Uke
to me all humanst living mether in unity, like
bruthem and
then we urge you to -1
more about the Bible and its measage for mddnd
W a y . These bad things w i l l soon lm done away
with forever,,and faithful mlrlxld will lerrrn bo
live together as one big family. H~rrce,now fs the
tme to submit y o m I f mmplebly to Gal and
bring Jrou ludmruri.labh blCgBiDgs
both now and on lntu the future.
8. HOW a tkw l&ithtulo m he p you?

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