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PLitts study session

Aaron Burr: court case for commiting treason/ shot alex ham/ marshall let burr go>jeff hate
Marbury Madison: little power given to supreme court by constit.
John Marshall: on court for 36 years
Samuel Chase: impeached, alcoholic
Thomas Jefferson: got rid of military to lower tax/ lead to issues with Barbury
Pirates/ Naturalization law of 1802: jeff from 14 to 5 years
Napoleon: started war against Britain / lost Haiti (Toussaint LOverture/ Sold lousiana
for money for his war/ doubled size of US so good for us
Westward expansion-1800 (more like Alabama and Kentucky) 1848 (California)
Lewis and Clark Expedition: sent by Jeff, to look at the new territory (chart, map,
discover, claims)
Brit and French start impressment so Jeff passes embargo act (shut down economy)
because Orders in Council/ Berlin Decree: every ship goes through Brit/ French port
and Jeff didnt want to do any ((intolerable act-synthesis))
Madison: (Democratic Virginian) federalists shut down (no more after john adams)
Supreme court-ghost of alexander Hamilton though john marshalls decisions
Non-intercourse act: get rid of embargo act&trade with all except france or England
Macons bill no 2.: trade with either brit or French if one of them drops impressment
(spawned war1812
War with Britain: armying the Indians-fight for brits (proxy war)
War hero: William henry Harrison-tippercanoe (indian killers) Andrew Jackson-New
(got land in FL)
Cause war 1812: Napoleonic wars/ restore confidence/ kill Canadian-indian base/
land?/ old rivalries
(draw, won few, lost few, WA DC Capitol burned down)
Star spangled banner=nationalism
Hartford Convention: New England federalists were mad@losing power (secede from
union 1814)
by the time they gather up arguments the war was over

Treaty of Ghent (Belgium-nobodys enemy/neutral ground)

Outcome of war 1812: Jackson big victory/ we started industrializing (stop

trading=force to make own stuff- start of industrial revolution) / fed party died out
(Madison)Tariff of 1816- raise tariff 20-25%-protect American manufacturing tax on
imports/recharter bank (support industrial revolution and it works) (lead to civil war)
Jefferson & old start to die: second gen. great compromisers: Clay-Calhoun-Webster
(country is starting to separate and sectionalize/ factions)
American System: raise tariff(congress), recharter bank, roads&canals [MARKET
Madison vetoes, NY does anyways (eerie canal)
James Monroe election 1816:(1voted against Monroe bc wanted WA to be only
one)era of good feelings
3 rd sec of state become president
Panic of 1819: over speculation of W. lands, banks loan at money (2004-6 synthesis)
Tallmadge Amendment: house of rep/get rid of slavery in Missouri (civil war hint)
Missouri Compromise: draw line- below slavery, above no slavery 36-30 (death of
Cases Marshall: power to supreme courts/power out of states
McCulloch v Maryland: state cant tax fed. Govt (bank of US was constitutional)
Gibbons v Ogden: fed control interstate commerce (took away from states)
JQA during Monroe Pres: Rush-Bagot Agreement-agreement to keep navy off Great
Lakes (ship run into each other=war) / Treaty of 1818-england and US- right to
Oregon, share fisheries, 49th parallel/
Monroe Doctrine: US control W. Hemisphere
Adams Onis-takes Florida
JQA next pres (national republicans[whigs]): corrupt bargain
1828 election: Jackson wins as Democrat
Fed vs whig: both like bans, tariffs, nationalizism, for trade w/ England, against state
different: whig were social: reform prison, insane, reform chritianize
society, ban alcohol
Jackson Pres: kitchen cabinet/ spoils system(democrats)-money/jobs for
voting(popular votes)

Tariff 1828: tariff of abominations - rip country apart/high tariff (southerners pissed
at Jackson)
John Calhoun vice pres:didnt get along w/ Jackson
(civil war kinda started by Peggy Eaton and Calhoun quits)

South Caroliners nullify tariffs Clay pass Tariff of 1833, lower to 30% Calhoun
says hell pay and Jackson says he wont kill him
Kills the bank- give money to pet banks- loan to land speculators- ruin economyprint $(inflation)
then causes The Great Depression (specie circular)
The panic of 1837- Van Burren goes down by Jacksons fault
Whigs vs Democrats:
Dont like immigrants break down country: like Irish (famine, whiskey, catholic) and
Germans (revolution against king but didnt work so ran away) St. Louis (Irish spoke
language / German skilled)
Industrial Revolution- Samuel Slator (traitor)/ eli whitney-cottin gin
Lancaster Turnpike: toll, western movement (like Cumberland road)
Lowell System- Massa- young girls- schools & church keep safe &make money
(Irish can work cheaper)
The fed and whig had slave owner, republican have no slave holder, North progress
to no slavery
Free soil- no African americans in this state (eventually fed govt says no)
American Colonization society- send African Americans back
William Lloyd Garrison- Liberator ended on the 13 th amendment 1865
Stono Rebellion(fail)-Haitian(success)-Nat Turner Rebellion(success) kill bad slave
owners(S. scared)
Gag Resolution- couldnt use word slave in house or rep.
William Henry Harrison president (Tippicanoe and Tyler too[vice]) HARRISON DIED
John Tyler- Democrat but whig control congress so nothing done but annex texas

Aroostook war- lumber jacks vs Canadians(brit) Daniel Webster and Ashburn

Took in texas/ Polk won election

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