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12 Manhattan Times JulY 26.


Manha11m1 ...rail............ Steakhousereplaces
has been my
8Jt)..CIDiaI ",
~_bo......- popularHeights
home for
o..-a ..........
by Dorkys Ramos with 23 open around the city.
more1han C.bria1 BlVII}.. Those who have frequented Caridad "1think that 01leas a businessperson,
when you malee investments, it's with
1IpnIe1h!!i!silw-.Cpa wIIh~ _ el Rey del Marisco Restaurant on W.
sJxyeam and
no one will
hayb ddr Iddo.1.-."';' - _
o 184"' and Broadway over the past
20 years have probably noticed that
it is now the newest acquisition by
the intention of multiplying your
money, gaining money, " he said. "The
competition has been so tough and so
- L -0JIIi:IIIIiI............... . ..
the owners of El Conde Steakhouse,
10 blocks away from their original
hard, the utility bills have been so high
and that space was too small. "
WOIkhaaJer restaurant on W. 175" Street and
Broadway. Caridad had been on sale
Although Taveras owned the property
and paid a mortgage instead of rent,
for a couple of years and several he said the cost of gas, electricity, and
1Dhe1pyal people, including local restaurant insurance was getting to be too much
owners, were interested in buying the to bear. For now, Taveras doem't see
find your property. After nUmerous offers fell
through, El Conde owners approached
himself opening up more restaurants.
Instead he plans on keeping up his
Caridad owner Carlos Francisco current businesses and putting his
perfed:home Taveras. efforts into fixing his most popular
Angela De La Rosa Rodriguez and ones. which are all located in the
here, tDo.
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Though the new owner.; are $lin completing Aunque /os nvevos duellos del localsiguen
interior renovations, the former Caridad eI haciendacambiosat interiordel restaunmte,
eI 24 de Ju60Caridadreabti6como EI Conde
Rey del Marlsco Restaurant reopened as EI
Conde 5!.eakho~se on July 24.
her husband Alex officially became Bronx. El Rey del Marisco restaurant
the new owners on May 3D, but when on 1779 Webster Avenue is his biggest
;D'."..NI.'. they picked up the keys they realized and "The one eVeT}'oneseems to love. I)
that the restaurant was never shut he said.
lunch DOO':..~6.~:~~ner 6-10pm down. They didn't want to close With most of his business in the
brunch Ham-3:30pm, dinner 5:3O-9:30pm the place before giving their future Bronx. Taveras said he had a hard
Please DOtewc do not take same day reservations for brunch. clients ample warning so they kept time fitting into the community, but he
LIVE MUSIC: Thu & Fri 8-l1pm. DOcover the restaurant running. They finally has faith that the owners of El Conde
IW'I"IIIIUU for t 11III_
':.':~~I';" ~'4n-;,;,." decided to temporarily close it down will fit in nicely with their newest
1 Margaret Cobin Circle, Ft Tryon Park two weeks ago, for renovations, restaurant since they have another
212-568-5323 FREE PARKING painting. and to replace old appliances one in the neighborhood. "They're
in the kitchen such as the stove and going to make a killing working there.
refrigerator. They've also replaced the guaranteed, because they know what
existing booths with more tables and they're doing," Tavera.<said.
chairs. The former Caridad reopened And according to some of their
as El Conde Steakhouse on Thes. July clients. El Conde seems to have gotten
24. off to a good start.
For now. El Conde's priority is to Freddy Peguero. from Century
give clie1lts the best dining experience Hardware next door to the restaurant,
because it's what they deserve, said had been a long-time customer at
Rodriguez. She added that her and her Caridad. Coworkers joked that he
husband focus on keeping their menu practically ate lunch at the restaurant
healthy by offering nutritious food for daily, and Peguero did little to refute
"Simyfe ana'lfeaTtlf Patina to~. diners worried about their cholesterol their claim. He said convenience, the
'From our 1Citcllen to '!\..~ levels. They also plan to offer the .<ati.ifactory service, and affordable,
Your 'Dinif18 'Room 'I'a6fe" ~".' same menu and specials as their first quality food were what made him
1": ,1 location on W. 175" Street. which they keep going back for more. Peguero
opened in 1999. added that the new owners seem to
5035 'Broaaway m i" Though Taveras has 01l1y owned have more people .<kills and know
(!Between 214" &' 215'" Su) ~ Caridad for the last five years,
it has been run by four different
the business more than the previous
administration. His coworker. Hector
212-567-6640 "" , admi1listrations since it opened 1987. Ocasio, also ate at Caridadfrequently.
{'S Taveras finally decided to sell the The new owners were off to a good
Ii.; . location when expenses were taking a start, Ocasio said. and he can't wait
'Man-Sun 11:30 am - 10:30ymf:"" toll on his profits, but his family still to see the finished restaurant after the
We deliver! 'MilL $10 owns the Caridad restaurant chain, renovations are complete.
ManhattanTimes 13
July 26, 2007

aSteakhousereemplaza Popularrestaurante '--Il~ E:.

a enlosHei hts i T l' 1 '~~?-~v ..
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8.. ; U ~
por Dorkys Ranws


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Caridadel ReydelMarisco ~
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eneloestedela Calle184y Broadway,::I V .



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se h~n.d.~docuentaqueahoraesla nueva ,~'" ".,. '" =-:i > ., I.. I

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delosduenosde B Conde
Steakhouse, 10bloquesdedistanciade
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",:!':::E:''':'. --
Francisco Taveras. ' " . ' . . , .. .
. .
Angeladela RosaRodriguez y suesposo ..: ~¥::F' '. ~.. , '
Alexpasarona serIosdueilosoficialesdel
restaurante eneIoestedela Calle184el 30
demayo,perocuandoellosrecogieron las
susfuturosclientesas!es quemantuvieron
el restaurante operando.Finalmente ellos
decidieron cerrartemporalmente hacedos
semanas, pararenovaciones, pinturay para A gold sign and a bannerdedaling'new Unletrerodoradoy unapancarfadeclarando247 Dyckman St.
cambiarviejosequiposdecoclnatalescomo administration" hungon thebrick~ of the "nueva administraciOO" cuelganenla fachadade tI SeamanAv...
la estufay lanevera.Tambier. neemplazaronrestaurant atW 184'"StreetFormerly a longtime ladrillodelresta!R!lnte
eneIoestedelaCalle184, 212-304-0140
lassillasexistentesconmasmesasy sillas. Heightsfavorite,Caridadel Antetionnente unode/osfavoritos de/osHeights www.mamaj!W1a-
LaantiguaCaridadreabriocomoB Conde nowthesecond location ofEICondeStealrhouseparmucho trempo, CatidadeIReydelMalisco,as
Restaurant el martes,24dejulio. aharaeIsegundo lugardeEICondeSteakhouse.
Porahora,la prioridaddeEICondees
brindarlea losclientesla mejorexperiencia fuertey diflcil,lasfacturasdeutilidades han Ysegunalgunosdesusclientes,B
ensucenaporquees10quemerecen. dijo sidotanahasy eselugareramuypequeno'. Condeparecehaberempezado bien.Freddy
Rodriguez. Madioqueellay suesposose AunqueTaverasesdueilodela propiedad Peguero, de CenturyHardware alladodel
enfocanenmantener sumenusaludable y pagaunahipoteca enlugarderentar, restaurante, hasidouncliente
de Caridad
ofreciendo comidanutritivaparacomensales el dijoqueeIcostodegas,electricidad y
preocupados porsusnivelesdecolesterol. seguroestabansiendodemasiado altos Irabajobromeandequepracticamente el
Tambiimplaneanofrecerel mismomenuy paraaguantar. Porahora,Taveras noseve almuerza e nel restaurantetodos!osdlas,
especiales queensuprimerrestaurante en a sl mismoabriendo m asrestaurantes.En y Peguerohizomuypocopararefutarsu
el oestedela Calle175,elcualabrieronen sulugarplaneamantener su actualnegocio afirrnacion. EIdijoquela conveniencia,
e11999. y ponersusesfuerzos enarreglarlosmas eIserviciosatisfactorio y preclosbajos,
AunqueTaveras solohasidodueiiode populares,loscualesestanlocalizados en concomidadecalidadera10que10hacia
Caridadporlosunimoscincoailos,cuatro el Bronx.EIrestaurante B ReydelMarisco regresarpormas.Pegueroailadi6que
administraciones diferentes10hanmanejado ene11779delaAvenidaWebstereseImas losnuevosdueiiosparecequetienen
desdequeabrioene11987.Finalmente grandey 'el queparecequea todoel mundo masdestrezaspersonales y conoceneI

Taverasdecidi6venderellugarcuando Iegusta'.dijoel. negociomasquelaadministraci6n pasada.
Iosgastosestabanhaciendomellaensus Conla mayorladesusnegocios enel Sucompanero detrabajo,HectorOcasio,
ganancias, perosufamiliatodavlaesdueila Bronx,TaverasdijoqueseIehacedificil tambien come frecuentemente enCaridad.
dela cadenaderestaurantes Caridad,con encajarenla comunidad. peroeItienefe que Losnuevosduenosempezaron muybien.
23abiertosportodala ciudad. losdueilosdeB Condeencajaran biencon dijoOcasio,y ansiaverel restaurante
'Yopiensoqueunocomoernpresario, sunuevorestaurante yaqueellostienenotro terrninado luegodequelasrenovaciones
cuandotuhacesinversiones, esconla enelvecindario. 'Slos vana salirmuybien seancompletadas.
ahl,garantizado. porqueellossaben10que 212 781 3333
intenciondemultiplicartu dinero,ganar
dinero",dijoel."Lacompetencia hasidotan estanhaciendo". dijoTaveras. 212 781 2662
HarryPottercraze T:~:~:~;:
Five.year.old Gilbert Rosa
shows off a copy of the new book r
"'I 11am 11pm
l'RlDAY &
"Harry Potter and the Deathly "-
Hallows," J.K. Rowling',. seventh """ SATURDAY1
and final book in the popular
series was released at midnight
11am -4am I
on Fri.. July 20. Tho days later
Rosa attended a book party
sponsored by Morgan Stanley
Children's Hospital of New York.
Presbyterian with his 12-year.
old brother James Goynes. who
is a patient at the hospital. The
Washington Heights hospital Mond:w thru Thursd:w
gave away 125 copies of the cult Limited Menu- 6pm-4am
favorite during a celebration that
included a magic show, pizza and Bohemian Monday Ilune. Je Bohemia
spider.decorated cupcakes. Serenading Tuesday I marte.
La moda de Harry Potter Romantic Wednesdays I miereo"'.
se extiende a hospital auspiciada
StanleydelHospital deNiiiosMorgan
NewYork-Presbyterian Troba Thursdays I jueves Je Troha
GilbertRosade5ailos,enseilaunacopia ~n suherrnano de 12aiiosJamesGoynes,
delnuevolibrode'HarryPotterandthe qUI~n.
espacientedelhospitaleIdomingo,22 Frid:w 8l.Saturday- 9pm-4am
Live Entertainment
DeathlyHallows'.Laseptimay unimaentrada deJulio.EIhospitaldeWashingtonHeights
enla popularseriedeJ.K.Rowlingfilepuesta
a la ventala medianoche
Ambar Buffet- lpm-6pm
dejulio.Rosaasisti6aunafiestadellibro pizzabizcochitos
Happy Hour at our Bar- 6pm-7pm
Full Service at Restaurant-6pm-2an.
MANHATTAN TIMES 'P: 212-569-5800 F: 212-544-9545

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