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Necrotizing Fasciitis: A Rare

Disease, Especially for the

Necrotizing fasciitis (neck-ro-tie-zing Fas-e-i-tis) is a
serious bacterial skin infection that spreads quickly and kills
the body's soft tissue. (Necrotizing means "causing the death of tissues.") Accurate diagnosis,
prompt treatment with antibiotics through a vein, and surgery are important to stopping this
infection that can become life-threatening in a very short amount of time.
Commonly called a "flesh-eating infection" by the media, this rare disease can be caused
by more than one type of bacteria. These include group A Streptococcus (group A
strep), Klebsiella, Clostridium, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Aeromonas
hydrophila, among others. Group A strep is considered the most common cause of necrotizing
Usually, infections from group A strep bacteria are generally mild and are easily treated.
But in cases of necrotizing fasciitis, bacteria spread rapidly once they enter the body. They
infect flat layers of a membrane known as the fascia, connective bands of tissue that surround
muscles, nerves, fat, and blood vessels. The infection also damages the tissues next to the
fascia. Sometimes toxins made by these bacteria destroy the tissue they infect, causing it to
die. When this happens, the infection is very serious and can result in loss of limbs or death.
Good Wound Care Is Important
Common sense and good wound care are the best ways to prevent a bacterial skin

Keep draining or open wounds covered with clean, dry bandages until healed.

Don't delay first aid of even minor, non-infected wounds like blisters, scrapes or any
break in the skin.

If you have an open wound or active infection, avoid using whirlpools, hot tubs and
swimming pools until infections are healed.

Wash hands often with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand rub if washing is
not possible.

Necrotizing Fasciitis Is Rarely Spread from Person to Person

Most cases of necrotizing fasciitis occur randomly and are not linked to similar
infections in others. The most common way of getting necrotizing fasciitis is when the
bacteria enter the body through a break in the skin, like a cut, scrape, burn, insect bite, or
puncture wound.
Most people who get necrotizing fasciitis have other health problems that may lower
their body's ability to fight infection. Some of these conditions include diabetes, kidney
disease, cancer, or other chronic health conditions that weaken the body's immune system. If
you're healthy, have a strong immune system, and practice good hygiene and proper wound
care, your chances of getting necrotizing fasciitis are extremely low.
Necrotizing Fasciitis Symptoms Can Often Be Confusing
The symptoms often start within hours after an injury and may seem like another illness
or injury. Some people infected with necrotizing fasciitis may complain of pain or soreness,
similar to that of a "pulled muscle." The skin may be warm with red or purplish areas of
swelling that spread rapidly. There may be ulcers, blisters or black spots on the skin. Patients
often describe their pain as severe and way out of proportion to how the painful area looks
when examined by a doctor. Fever, chills, fatigue (tiredness) or vomiting may follow the
initial wound or soreness. These confusing symptoms may delay a person from seeking
medical attention. If you think you may have these symptoms after a wound, see a doctor
right away.
Prompt Treatment Needed for Necrotizing Fasciitis
The first line of defense against this disease is strong antibiotics given through a needle
into a vein. But because the bacterial toxins can destroy soft tissue and reduce blood flow,
antibiotics may not reach all of the infected and dying areas. This is why rapid surgical
exploration and removal of dead tissuein addition to antibioticsis often critical to
stopping the infection.

CDC Tracks Necrotizing Fasciitis due to the Most Common Cause

CDC tracks specific infections in the United States, including necrotizing fasciitis caused
by group A strep, with a special system called Active Bacterial Core surveillance (ABCs).
ABCs is an important part of CDC's Emerging Infections Programs (EIP) network, a
collaboration between CDC, state health departments, and universities. By sharing this kind
of information in a timely way, public health professionals can stay connected and look for
trends in rising cases. Each year in the United States, there are about 650 to 850 cases of
necrotizing fasciitis caused by group A strep; this is likely an underestimation as some cases
are probably not reported. According to ABCs data, the number of annual infections does not
appear to be rising.




2. IKA RIZKI MUHINDA 152010101078



Demam Dikira Flu Biasa, Ternyata Pria Ini

'Digerogoti' Bakteri Pemakan Daging

Ohio, Semula hanya dikira flu, Jawaun Brown tak menyadari bahwa gejala yang
dialaminya berarti lebih serius dari itu. Kondisi ini pertama kali disadari Brown saat
mengunjungi rumah ibunya pada bulan Juni 2013 lalu. Namun hanya dikira karena cuaca
yang sedang tidak menentu, ia tak terlalu ambil pusing. Padahal tubuhnya demam sampai
gemetaran dan muntah-muntah. Pria yang sempat berprofesi sebagai fotografer dan PNS itu
kemudian memutuskan bermalam di rumah sang ibu. Keesokan paginya, ibu Brown, Yolanda
mengecek keadaan putranya. Ketika dipanggil, Brown tak menyahut dan Yolanda sempat
melihat kaki kanan putranya tampak lebih besar dari kaki kirinya.
Sontak Yolanda langsung menghubungi ambulans, yang membawa pria berumur 37
tahun itu ke sebuah rumah sakit di Wintersville, Ohio. "Di dalam ambulans, saya antara sadar
dan tidak," tutur Brown seperti dikutip The Sun, Rabu (2/3/2016). Sesampainya di rumah
sakit, Brown langsung menjalani operasi yang berlangsung selama enam jam. Kaki pria ini
diiris lebar-lebar, mulai dari lutut hingga pahanya lalu lemak dan kulit di kaki Brown
dipotong sepanjang 9 cm.
Dari hasil tes darah dan kultur jaringan yang dilakukan tim dokter, akhirnya terungkap
bahwa Brown terkena infeksi necrotizing fasciitis, bakteri pemakan daging. Bakteri ini
merangsek masuk ke tubuh Brown lewat ingrown hair atau bulu kaki kanannya yang tumbuh
ke dalam. Brown tentu tak menyadari sama sekali jika ia memiliki ingrown hair ini. Untuk
menghentikan infeksi, tim dokter lantas menyuntikkan sejumlah antibiotik. Namun meski

operasi telah selesai dilakukan, kondisi Brown tak kunjung membaik hingga ia akhirnya
dipindahkan ke West Penn Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania untuk menjalani cangkok kulit.
Di rumah sakit tersebut, infeksi di kaki Brown juga 'disedot' habis. Saat itu kondisi Brown
koma hampir empat bulan lamanya.
Bangun dari koma, Brown sudah tak bisa berjalan, sehingga ia harus menjalani terapi
khusus. Tetapi karena tak henti berlatih, Brown bisa berjalan lagi pada bulan Desember 2013,
walaupun harus bergantung pada alat bantu. Sayangnya, begitu Brown akhirnya bisa lepas
dari alat bantu, salah satu tulang kakinya jatuh. Artinya ia harus belajar berjalan lagi dari
awal. Untungnya, Brown menghadapi cobaan ini dengan pikiran positif. "Saya sungguh
beruntung karena pilihannya hanyalah saya kehilangan kaki atau nyawa," tutupnya. Apalagi
Brown ingat betul, dokter mengabarkan bahwa dirinya sempat kehilangan detak jantung di
tengah operasi dan nyaris dinyatakan meninggal. Kini ia bersyukur masih diberi kesempatan
kedua, sehingga Brown berencana menulis buku tentang pengalamannya dihampiri maut
karena bakteri pemakan daging.




2. IKA RIZKI MUHINDA 152010101078



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