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January 1993

For United States of America

Vol. 36,No. 1

7Start Bible Studies: A Bible

study may be started with a , - G a x a
b r ~ h j r e a, m?eine, or a-bok. If
l s n that a householder
striking fulfillment of Jesus' prophecy
of our publications, tactfully
about the end of this world should e-h
offer to demonstrate how it can be
arrest the attention of many.
Millions of people today are L e - used in a Bible study. The n w w s
pressed, and they long for a time of and the new brochure Does God Realand of true pea% security, ly Care About Us? are excellent t&
and tranquillity. Comfort for the De- to use in determining the extent pf
pressed (Tract No. 20) may be a real the~householder's interest afbd in
starting .-B
source of encouragement to many.
any books published by the Society in
5 Tract No. 21, Enjoy Family Life,
provides practicai counsel on what 1.983 or before may be f e a x e d in the
can be done to improve familv life field service when people s h o w z a l
even now whiie awaiting a wonderful
.future in God's new worla
Tract No. 22 gives a straightforward answer to the question E o
Really Rules the World? It explains ministry.
Genuine security can dome only
why humans have used the most heifrom the Creator, Jehovah God. We
nous methods- to
- t
ter one another d e a t e the de*
of want to help as many as possible
to open their hearts and minds to
most ueoule lor aerlife. There are wicked spirit forces the truth of God's Word and embrace
meavenly places, and Satan's most the hope it holds out to us. May we
clever deception has been to induce make good use of the teaching aids
many to believe that he and his de- we have to preach God's way to peace
and security.-Isa. 2:3, 4.
mons do not really exist.

m c h G H s Way to Peaceand Security

Men have made many proposals
for peace and security, but none of
these fulfill the real needs of people
worldwide. Although religious, racial,
and national hatreds, c m e d w i t h political ambition and g r s d , appear
to be major roadblocks to a secure
and peaceful world, true Christians
know that t e real obstacles are Satan'
the Devi an )man's refusal to submit
to Jehova God.-Ps. 127:l; Jer. 8:9;
1 John 5:19.
Wuring January, we will endeavor to help our neighbors to see that
G w w to peace and security is the
and that Jehovah has the
ultimate solution to all of mankind's
U s e New Tracts: We can share
this upbuilding message by using the
new tracts that were introduced at
our "Light Bearers" District Convention. A simple demonstration showed
how to use T & a D , Will This
World Survive?, to start a conversation and le& into a Bible study. The

to Jehovah warms his heart!-Prov

27:1i1(1,LJ+ h " ; r - , d 3 y
5 ~ f e A oeveryone
has t h e 4
~ r c u m s t that
~ s allow for pioneer
I At last summer's "Light Bearers" just finishing high school are thinkDistrict Convention, a speaker asked: ing seriously about pioneering. That ' service. However, whether married or
'Can you pioneer? Will you pioneer?" is entirely appropriate. What other single, Young or old in years, have you

'&an YOU Serve ~ehoyah

as a Pioneer?


-1 Cor. 7:29a.


and good
our kbor in the m
vain.* (1 -58)
Can the Samsaid of 'other activities that we may
dbse to pursue and that consume
Our time and energy? Love for Jehonblmpels Chrtto be zealous in
hisiwmke, and zeal for Jehovah's ser-

any young servants

children to take up the full-time service? Do your children clearly unders s t h a t you kant them to use their
whole heart, soul, mind, and strength
in this worthwhile work? (Mark 1
30) Many young publishers

as an auxiliary pioneer? Likely many

publishers in your congregation are+

planning to do that during A g l . C a n d
you join them? Although all of Je-


Week Starting January 18

Song 130
near. What do You think?"Household- 10 min: Local announcements and
er: "I don't know. I guess it is possible." Theocratic News. Read accounts rePublisher then refers to tract and ex- port and Society acknowledgments of
plains that the end of the world does donations. Commend congregation for
not mean the end of literal heavens loyal financid support of local congreand earth. Publisher arranges for an- gation as well as Society's worldwide
other visit to consider Bible evidence work.
that end of present system is near.
20 ,in: "Wisely using Vital ~ools."
15 min: Avoiding Blood Transfusion After brief introduction by chairman,
Problems-Time to _Renew Our Ad- there will be two demonstrations
vance Medical ~ i r e c m d e hanr
based on material outlined in para--&---.
dling this
par has n e m d i s - graphs 2 to 5. At the conclusion of
t r i i d to baptized publishers and the first demonstration, householder
carefully considers -October
acceptstwo magazines, asks what they
le%r, which explains e use of these cost, and makes a donation to the
cards. In preparation, thoroughly re- worldwide work. Publisher promises to
view the Society's letter of January 1, return to answer the question, Why
1990. Those who sim as witnesses does God permit suffering?At the conshould
- a
clusion of the second demonstration,a
dncument. Encourage all to c a e t e home Bible study is started with an
new cards b a r e l e a n g Ifingdom appropriatetract. Encourage all to enBaptized publishers shoul6-nTv- gage householders in a Scriptural diser leave home without their Advance cussion when working in field service
Medical Directive/Release card. Un- this weekend.
baptizedrnlnwdaildren witha Witness 15 mi,: why Christians Abstain
parent should alwW
anIdentit~ From Blood. Talk by elder based on
@d. A recent check at one Conmega- definition and first three subheadings
tion meeting showedtha 1out of every under uBiood* in Reasoning book,
pages 70-2.
him, and nc!children had their Identity Song 177 and concluding prayer.
In conclusion, read and apply
Proverbs 22:3.
Week Starting January 2 1
Song 151 and concluding prayer.
Song 128
10 min: Local announcements. Mscuss m a . points from article "A Fine
Privilege of Service." As time permits,
Australia: A new peak of 57,272 pub- interview publisher who has an establishers was reached in August, closing liished magazine route. How did he get
the service Year with 1,541 publishers it started? How has it helped him culabove their Previous Peak. An dl-time tivate interest or clearly discern extent
high of 31,712 Bible studies Was re- of inkrest on part of householder?
15 mln: "Can You Serve Jehovah as
C Y P ~A
U ~u ~ ~ brought
their eighth a pion,?"
Discussion with audience.
publisher peak forthe serviceYear, with Internew a young person who is a reg1,433 reporting. This was a 9-percent
or a publisher who pie
over last year's average.
neered as a young person. Highlight
Domlnlcan Republic: With 15,418 re- how parents and others can encourage
they attained a
20-percent increase in pubmen over youths to reach their goal of pioneerlastservice year. ~
"5 t AppealhW
~ ~
to aYl l to ~
the publishers are in full-time
seriously their possibilities of engaging
full-time service. Plan now to auxilahana :
18-percent increase over last in
average number of pubmers was 1~ pioneer in April.
reachedin ~ugust,
with 37,676reporting 20 min: "Build On Interest by Making
Effective Return Visits." Brief talk folfieldservice.
R~c,,: A new peak of 25,315 pub lowed by demonstration of conversation outlined in paragraph 3. As time
lishers reported in ~ugust.
permits, certain key elements of the
A &percent increase in
en over last year's average was reached presentation, such as the indroduction
or the transition to the scripture text,
in gust. The service year closed
7,100 publishers reporting. There were maJT be repeated.
728 new ones baptized during the year. Song 160 and concludincr Braver.


Week Starting January 4

Song 23
10 min: ~ o c a lannouncements and
appropriate Announcementsfrom Our
Kingdom Ministry.
25 min: "1993 'Divine Teaching District Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses." Question-and-answer consideration of insert by secretary. First,
read December 15, 1992, Convention
assignment letter. After considering
paragraph 3 of article, read opening
and closing paragraphs of Recommended Lodging Locations list from
convention. Read paragraphs 4-6 and
12-14 of insert. Emphasize need for all
to select accommodations from Recommended Lodging Locations list
even if attending a convention outside
the assigned area, as noted in paragraph 12. Stress the Bible principles of
honesty, obedience, loving concern for
others, and so forth, from the article
even if it appears that no one will be
using motel rooms. Commend those
cooperating with the Society's rooming arrangement. Congregations that
have deaf ones in attendance should
highlight paragraph 15 for them.
10 min: Local needs, or talk entitled
"Maintain a Proper View of Entertainment," based on November 8, 1992,
Awake!, pages 3-10.
Song 139 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting January 11
Song 162
10 min: Local announcements. outline any special arrangements for field
service on January 18.
20 min: "Preach God's Way to Peace
and Security." Question-and-answer
Of a*ic1e. Enooursge pub
lishers to use tracts in field service.
After discussing paragraph 3, have
weu-prepared publisher demonstrate
how a Bible study might be started
either on initial call or on return visit,
using the tract Will This World Survive? Publisher: "Good morning. We
are talking to people today about the
quality of life. Are you satisfied with
what you observe taking place in the
lives of people today?" Householder:
"Not really." Publisher: "DOyou think
the situation will improve?" Householder: "I don't know." Publisher offers
tract and says: "Some think that what
is happening is in fulfillment of Bible
prophecy and that the world's end is



1993 44Divine-Teachingy9
District Convention
All 1,419,889 attending the 1992
"Light Bearers" District Conventions
in the United States branch territory
heightened their appreciation for the
privilege of serving as light bearers in
a bedarkened world. (2 Pet. 1:19) How
thrilling it was to have 14,049 dear ones
symbolize their dedication by water baptism a n m e grana Zhrong of light
bearers! To be effective, light bearers
need to imitate both our Grand Instructor and the Great Teacher. We indeed
have a message of "substance," and this
year's ''Dia~e-.=
District Conventions will help us to be more effective
in reaching people's hearts with this vital information. (Ps. 119:160;Matt. 2820)
Missionaries all around the globe are
already making plans to attend these
conventions in their home country. Are
you and your family making similar
plans? Why not encourage your Bible
students to attend this rich spiritual
Be sure to make your convention arrangements carefully and prayerfully so
that you can be there to enjoy all four
days of the delightful spiritual program,
from the opening song to the closing
prayer. Lovingly include in your plans
those who may need assistance, especially newly interested ones, so that they
also can attend every session. (Gal. 6:lO)
The program starts at 1:20 p.m. on

Thursday and ends at approximately

5:00 p.m. On both Friday and Saturday,
the program begins at 9:20 a.m. and
closes with song and prayer at approximately 5:00 p.m. The Sunday morning
session begins at 9:20, and the day's
program concludes at approximately
4:10 p.m. The following information will
assist you with your preliminary preparations.

Instructions for Obtaining Rooms:

After the Service Meeting for the week

of January 4, congregations should post
on the information board the Recommended Lodging Locations list for the
district convention to which the congregation is assigned. This list gives all the
motels presently cooperating with the
~ o c i e t ~rooming
arrangement. Your
cooperation with these arrangements
will assist the convention organization
in its efforts to provide sufiicient rooming accommodations for everyone at reasonable prices.
'4 What You Should Do: After-NOT
before-your congregation posts the
Recommended Lodging Locations list
containing the addresses, phone numbers, and agreed-upon rates of the motels, you are free to phone the motel
of your choice and make reservations.
Identifying yourself as one of aehovah's
Witnesses or as a delegate attending the
Watchtower convention will qualify you


for the rates listed, which in most cases

are greatly reduced.
One night's D E P O S ~IS REQUIRED
to hold the room. Your deposit should be
sent directly to the motel As SOON As
you make reservations. If your deposit is
not received by the motel, your reservations can be canceled at any time. MOTELS ARE NOT OBLIGATED TO HOLD

must cancel your reservation, you

should immediately notify the motel,
making the room available for other delegates.
6 If the motel you call first is filled, call
your next selection from tkie list and so
on. Often, everyone calls the motels closest to the convention facility W i g used;
therefore, you may find it beneficial to
try some motels farther away. These often have quality rooms at lower rates.
The convention Rooming Department
will continue to provide the congregations with revised lists, deleting motels
that have been filled and listing additional motels until everyone has a room.
Thus, if all the motels on the list are
filled, please wait patiently for the next
list, and you will be able to obtain a
Dormitories: A few conventions use
school dormitories in addition to motels
in order to accommodate everyone. Usually, congregations will receive information on these a month or so after receiving the k t motel listing. Those needing
accommodations of this type should follow the instructions on the list that is
sent to the congregations by the conven-

This provision is
only for exemplary publishers, including
their well-behaved children, who are
approved by the Congregation Service,
Committee. Arrangements to care f o d
persons with special needs should be
made by the congregation where they
attend. Elders and others who are aware
of the individual circumstances can lovingly extend help. This often requires
that publishers consider the needs of
those in full-time service, the elderly,
the Mrm, and perhaps others. Publishers may extend help by taking such ones
with them or by caring for their needs in
other ways.-Jas. 215-17; 1John 3:17,18.
Of course, the Rooming Department
will endeavor to provide suitable rooming accommodations for publishers with
special needs if they &innot be assisted
by those in the congregation. These publishers may discuss their situation with
the congregation secretary. The secretary should speak with the Congregation Service Committee to see if it is
possible for the congregation to assist
these individuals to care for their own
rooming accommodations. If the congregation is unable to render the needed
assistance, the secretary may give such
persons a copy of the Special Needs
Room Request form. Only those with
special needs should fill out this form. It
is to be filled out by the person msking
the request and returned to the secretary, who will check it for completeness,
accuracy, and verification of the circumstances that qualify the persgn for such
are to
consideration. The circ-cea
be EXPLAINED IN DETAIL by the secreSpecial Needs:

tary in the space provided on the form. tion. Having adequate seating, literature,
All of this should be done well ahead of food, rooming accommodations, and so
the convention. The-secretary will then forth, is based on the premise that the
forward the form to the Rcbming De- majority of publishers will attend the
partment. The individual making the convention to which their congregation
request will be notified directly about is assigned. However, if for good reason
the accommodations.
you will be attending a convention other
than the one assigned and need accom10 Those with special needs should
NOT go to the convention and request modations, the congregation secretary
a room when they arrive because the can give you the address for that conRooming Department must have the vention headquarters from the list on
verification of the Congregation Service the back of the Special Needs Room
Request form. Then you can request in
writing a copy of the motel listing for
11 Private-home accommodations are
set aside for those who would experience that location, sending along a stamped,
real hardship if such accommodations self-addressed envelope. Upon receipt of
. were not available. They are not intended this list, use it to make your reservation.
l3 Your Cooperation Needed: The
for those who can afford motel rooms but
who want free or inexpensive rooms just success of this rooming arrangement
to save money. Neither is it proper for depends on the cooperation of all of
those making such requests to presume those involved. (Heb. 13:17) Thus, we are
upon the hospitality of brothers by ex- asking everyone to cooperate fully with
pecting to be accommodated extra days the Society's..~oomingarrangement and
before or after the convention. These USE ONLY THE MOTELS ON THE CURrooms are provided for the convention RENT RECOMMENDED LODGtING LOCAperiod ONLY. Those receiving such ac- TIONS LIST so that major difaculties we
commodations should see that they and still experience in negotiating with the
their children act respectfully toward motels can be prevented. Most publishthe home of their host and do not rum- ers are taking to heart the clear direcrnage through or damage the host's p- tion that has been given in previous consessions or enter private areas of the vention inserts, and many good results
home. If householders experience any are being experienced. However, it is
difaculties along this line, these should still necessary to request that everyimmediately be brought to the attention one PLEASE OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING
of the rooming overseer at the conven- GUIDELINES FOR OBTAINING MOTEL
tion and he will be happy to help.
l2 Delwates Attending From Outside
(a) Do not locate and call motels
the Assigned Area: In nearly every
in the convention city @ ask them
case, the location assigned for you to
if they are on the currentlist or have
special rates for the convention. Also,
attend is the one nearest your congrega6

please do not use the same motel

year after year without first checking to see that it is'definitely on the
current list.
(b) Do not accept a higher price
for a motel room than what is quoted
on the list.
(c) Please do not make reservations at a motel you do not intend to
use or at more than one motel with
the idea of checking them, selecting
the best, and canceling the others.
(Matt. 5:37) This is unfair, as it prevents the motels from getting business they could have had and deprives other publishers of the use of
those rooms, which are often vitally
(d) Do not reserve rooms for yourself or others without giving names
and immediately sending the deposits for each room.
(e) Do not put more people in the
room than the law and the management allow, which is normally no
more than four or five persons, including children. Remember,you are
paying a rate based upon the nurnber of persons YOU AGREED would be
in the room.
l4 Violations in these areas make it difficult to negotiate good rates, and they
bring reproach on Jehovah's name and
organization. (Ps. 119:168) Therefore, the
SOCiety will be asking the Rooming Department to check with the motels to
determine if any are ex~erienchgsuch
problems and who is involved. The convention organization is working hard to

save our brothers as much expense as

possible, so it is in the best interests of
all to cooperate fully with the Society's
rooming arrangement so that this provision can continue. The listing gives a
choice of goodquality accommodations
at motels that cooperate. With this arrangement, our aim is to help delegates
to be accommodated as comfortably and
economically as possible so that they
can enjoy the fine spiritual program at
the convention.
l5 Sign-Language Sessions: As you
will note in The Watchtower of February 15, 1993, sign-language interpreting
will be provided AT ONLY 16 specific
convention cities. NO PROVISION for
sign language will be made at any other
conventions. This arrangement provides
good-quality interpreting and larger
groups for enjoyable, upbuilding fellowship. Deaf individuals should immediately make their plans to attend one of
these 16 sign-language sessions. The elders should also check with each deaf
person in their congregation to see if
assistance is needed.
[Note to Body of Elders: Please read the Society's December 15, 1992, convention assignment letter and the first and last paragraphs
of the Recommended Lodging Locations list
for your congregation during the Service
Meeting for the week of January 4- After that
the letter and the list onTHE
bmd. No

this w W a l l congregations will receive the

information the same week. The congregation secretary
handle conventionrelaw material and annOurik&enh
on future Service ~eetings.1

m Literature featured for January:
Any 192-pagebookpubllshedin1983or
earlier.If thecongregationhasno stock
of such books to be offered,the book
?rue Peace and Security-How Can
You Find It? should beused andmaybe
requested from Brooklyn. February:
You Can Live Forever in Paradise on
-lts &and
Earth. March:
Climax At Ha=
and May,
w&subscription. NOTE: Conneed the abovegregauom that
mentioned campaign items should
request them on their next monthly
Literature Request Form (S(d)-14).
Starting in Feb-,
rtnd no later
March the new public e for
circuit ove-rS
will be
YouthsFrom Jehovah's Standpoint."

Problems-Who Will Help Us Solve

Them? (for Hindus). Chinese: Enjoy
Family Life (Tract No. 21);Who Real& RU&Sthe Woru? (Tract No. 22).
Chinese (Simplified): Enjoy Family
Liff?Cl"ractNo. 21);"Look!I Am Making
All Things New (Brochure);The Bible.
French: Who Resay Rules the World?
(Tract NO.22). Oerman: Enjw Family
Life (Tract NO. 21). Italian: COrnfort
forthe Depressed (Tract NO. 20);Enjoy
Family Life (Tract No. 21);Who Really
(Tract No. 22)m s the
anese: Comfort for the Depressed
(Tract No. 20); Enjoy Family Life
(Tract No. 21); Wha Reall Rules the
(Tract No. 22).
fort for the Dewessed (Tract No* 20);
Enjoy Family Life (Tract No. 21). Poiish: Enjoy Family Life (Tract No. 21);
Jehovah's Witnesses and the Question

zi ~

the lgg3 guese: Comfort for the Depressed

(Tract No. 20); Enjoy Family Life
wide on Sunday, March 28. ThesubWt (Tract No. 21); Life-How Did It Get
of thb
be "'Acts O f
Here? By Evolution 07 by Creation?
DoYouViewThem7'An0ut1inewi11be (Small ~ bSinhalese:
Does God
Provided. Those ConfPWO* having m y Care bout us7 swahili: ~ 1 h k . 1
the visit of the circuit overseer;a circuit I A, Making
Netd" (Bre
assembly, or a special assembly day chureX
-Its Grand Climax
that weekend will have the specialtalk At
the following week. No congregation ring pard*; will his world surhave the specialtalk before vive? (Tract No. 19). Swedish: Does
March 28.
God Really Care About Us?;New World
B e m g
Translation of the Holy Scripture
lY edition of The Watchtower will be (bil2X WiR
world ~ u ~ (Trac
w ?
available in the Lithuanian language, NO. 19).Tagalog: ~ o e~s omd y care
thus bringing to 112 the number of ~ b us?;
d will his world survive?
in which
magazine is (Tract No. 19). Tahitian, aOeS God
publishedin Janthe TelW Redly Care About Us? Turkish: Wia
edition of The Watchtowerwill become This World Survive? (Tract No. 19).
a semimonthly publication.
Ukrainian: Does God Really Care
New PublicationsAvailable:
About Us?; Will This World Surutw?
Albanian: TheGreatestMan WhoEver (Tract No. 19); Enjoy Family Life
Lived.Arabie: WillThis WorldSurvive? (Tract No. 21). Vietnamese: Will This
(Tract NO. 19); Comfort for the De- World S u r u i ~ ? ( T r aNO.
~ t 19).
pressed (Tract No. 20); Enjw Family w New A u d i m t t e s Available:
Life (Tract No. 21). Armenian: whd English: Doing God's Will With Z
Do Jehou&h'sWitnessesBelieve? (Tract 1
(single audiocassette). Spa
No. 14); W M Hope for Dead Looed i s h TheFirstof
Ones? (Tract No. 16). Bengali: Our Samuel (set of four audbmmttes).


Number of:

Av. Av. Av.
Hrs. Mags. R.V. Bi.St.

209 125a
78,078 8 2 6 S l A 25.1 2.6
lM l a
7 s e , 7 ~ 10a 5.7 'aa 0 s
Baptized: 8-5
The new peak of 73,073 regular pioneers is
the second consecutive peak in regular pioneersforthenew semce year.


Schedule for congregation studies in the book

The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived.
January 4:

Chapter SS to subheading
'Prayer, and Trust in God'

January 11:

Chapter S8 fmm subheading

'Prayer, and Trust in God' to end of


Januaryla:Chapters s6.88
January 25:

Chapten 39-42

Wisely Using Vital Tools

As you witness from door to door,
your goal should be to engage each
householder in a constructive, Scrip
tural conversation by using the Bible
and other vital tools. (Compare 2 Corinthians 6:l; 2 Timothy 2:15.) What
are people in your territory concerned about these days? Are they
worried about the economic situation
and the decline in the quality of family life? A few introductory remarks
on either of these topics may lead to
a Ene Bible discussion.
T o u could say:
m "In these challenging times, many
people are Ending it hard to make
ends meet. Do you think human governments will solve our financial
problems in a way that will be fair to
everyone? [Listen to reply.] I personally found this thought to be most
encouraging . . . "
3Then you could read Psalm 72:
12-14 and round out the conversation

by selecting an additional text from

those found on pages 154-5 of the
Reasoning book. Or after reading one
scripture, you could refer to a paragraph in the tract Life in a Peaceful
New World. Many publishers-including young ones-are successfully
starting Bible studies in one of the
tracts by reading a paragraph and
then asking the householder for his
opinion on what was read.
* I n some communities you
may prefer to use this a p proach:
"Many people would like to see a
return to traditional family values.
Do you think it is up to each individual to determine what those values should be, or should there be one
standard for everyone? [Allow response.] Many agree that if the Bible's wise advice were followed, there
would be a marked improvement in
the quality of family life."

At this point you may either introduce and discuss the apostle's statement at Colossians 312-14 or endeavor to start a home Bible study on the
initial call by using points under the
subheading "Which Way to Success?"
in the tract Enjoy Family Life.
If the householder manifests interest, show him the value of one of
the Society's 192-page bound books
you are featuring during the month.
If you are not sure of the extent of his
interest, make wise use of other vital
tools by sharing an appropriate point
in a tract, a magazine, or a brochure.
If you are able to start a study on
the Erst call, make definite arrangements to continue the discussion at a
later date. You might lay the groundwork for your next visit by telling
the householder that when you return
you would like to share the answer to
the commonly asked question: "Why
does God permit suffering?" The article below will suggest how the subject may be developed on the return

As you bring the n%a

noi -r
and tell
the householder you will be happy to
share some interesting information
with him when you return. Many people would like to know what happens
ing came up, and I promised to r e t m t o m at death. Why not arrange
with some information for you. Many to discuss that topic at a convenient
peoplefe_l that if-God truly cares time?
about us, he wo-uldput an end to suf61t will be helpful for you to keep
fering. Perhaps you havdexthe same three
basic principles in mind.&JZe&
way. [Allow householder to answer.] iP1,e. The
may not be used
The Bible assures us that God really to settinghouseholder
aside a specific time for BiGod has
does care. mead -8.1
ble discussion. &Zzi&. Do not stay
good reasons for_having allowed&fering to continue until now. One of tanlQng or cover too many points at
Erst. In most cases, there will be a
those reasons is explained -a
[Read.] Other reasons are out- more favorable response to your visits
lined in this brochure." Then turn to if you cover just a few points in a
pages 12-14 of the brQChure Does God short time. Be warm and friend@
Really Care About Us? and discuss a Show the householder that you are
personally interested in him as an inpoint of interest.
Some householders may be inter- dividual.
?Our immediate a 1 is to engage
ested in a more thorough
. . explanation, the householder in a .Scri~turalconand several vessary before they are completely sat- versation. Then we want to start a
i s m with the answer. A number of productive home Bible study in a suitbound bpaks able publication, such as the Live Forthe Society's 1q2-p
that will be f
b ever book. That joy may be yours if
include a chapter that can be m d as you patiently build on the initial ina basis for further discussion of the terest by makingzffective return vissubject.

Build On Interest by Making Effective

Every ell-prepared talk includes
an interest-arousing introduction, an
informative &&, and a mgo_t#&g
The introduction captures the attention of the audience,
but without the body and the conclusion, the talk would be incomplete.
The same principle applies to our
ministry. It is a fine thinp to amuse
t.h-e-mest of the householder on the
initial call, but w
gn that initdd&xest
by m c q g ef..

Why does God permit suffering? What a thought-provoking

question that is!Do you not agree that

this subject is on the minds of many

people today? That is why, in the article above, it was s u g g e a d that you
raise this question% _theend of the
i6ftlal cfiwilh a view to answering it
when you make the return visit.
You rnigkt suy this:
"I-Iello. The last t i m w o k e , the
subject of God's permissiol?_ofsuffer1993 Watc!l iorv.r

Bib's dnd Tracl Society of Pennsylvan!a. All rights reserved. Our Kingdom Ministry (USPS 295-360) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and

Tr,1(:1 Soc~ety(i! Ncw York. Ice.. and lnternatlonnl R~bleStudents Associat~on. 25 Columb~aHei hts. Brooklyn. NY 11201. Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn. N.Y..
a t t i a t aUUltlonJ! ma;llnr! 0:flct's. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower. 25 cokmbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201.
Printed ~nU.S.A.

Conduct Bible Studies in the

Live Forever Book

Referring to the Live orever book,

exclaimed: {Next to the
Bible itself, I have found this book to be
the most accurate, ins-g,
and msiliterature I have ever
m e that this book is
ever published to help
people understand the Bible and especially to motivate them to become active p r a m h o v a h .
2 In 1982, the year the Live Forever
book was released, 613,007 publishers
were conducting 344,493 Bible studies
in theunitedstates. At present, 904,963
publishers conduct 585,441Bible Studies. To date, 62 million copies 0ftbeLzve
Forever book have been PE&Sd in115
lansaai%ii. m a t an impact this book is
having on our worldwide work!
3 S e t Goals: This outstanding

message. (Rom. 10:13-15; 1 Tim. 2:4) We

recognize the egusand
the need for diligence in gGod's Kingdom.
4 While the organization is moving
forward, how are we doing individually? Are we determined to have a full
share in the vital disciple-making
work? TO accomplish this, we should
set personal goals. Can we be more
diligent in following up interest? Why
not set a goal of strtt a new Bible
study dun'nffthe month of F e w ?

who Can Conduct a Bible study?:

Many publishers from a variety of

have had the joy of conducting a Bible study in the Live Forever book. The
of its style
makes conducting easier, enabling
in this important work. In addition,
many of us have studied it personally,
so we are familiar with its contents.One

CooperatingWith Our
Congregation Book Study Conductor
The Congregation Book Study
plays a vital role in the development of
our abilities as ministers of the good
news. The groups are purposely kept
small to encourage a warm, familylike
atmosphere for study of the Bible and
one of the Society's publications. These
smaller units also provide ideal conditions for training us to be more effective in the field ministry. Personal enCOUragement and attention are readily
available to individuals through the
book study arrangement. How can we
cooperate fully with the conductor and
benefit from this fine provision?
2 A Zealous Share i n the Field Ministry: One of the most important re-

sponsibilities of the book study conductor is to help every member of the

group to have a zealous share in the
ministry. In this regard, the Our Ministry book reminds us on page 44 that
"the regularity, zeal and enthusiasm
that he shows for the field activity will
be reflected in the publisher
t times

Vol. 36, No.2

For United States of America

February 1993

the conductor will work in the service

with membersof his own family,but he
will also be happy to accompany others
in various features of the ministry as
his circumstances permit. Can you regularly support meetings for field service? Your doing so will be very much
appreciated by your book study conductor and other publishers.
3 Meetings for field service are arranged at convenient locations so that
all may have a zealous share in the
preaching work. While giving consideration to local conditions, each group
will want to get an early start in the
ministry. Many publishers and pioneers have fine success when they continue in the ministry past the noon
hour on the weekend.
Would you like to have assistance in
some feature of the ministry? Perhaps
your book study conductor can arrange for a capable publisher in the
group to work with you. At the end of
month, be sure to turn in your field

publisher who had conducted no Bible

using the Live Forever
book wrote in appreciation:("l have
three studies and a fourth one ready to
start. I cannot say thank you enough for
making Bible studies easy to
Y\ung on? too. are having an active s are m he Blble study work by
using the Live Forever book. One v o w
brother leaves the book on '
s c s ~ h ihas
s paved the w z o o d
discussions and several Bible studies.
Some youngsters have used the direct
a"pproacn by askinffuarents they meet
in the door-to4oor ministry for permission to have a Bible studv w i t h r
c i ~ w our
. children are never too
young to talk about Jehovah's promise
of eternal life on a paradise earth.
or old, one of the
Whether =g
greatest 'o s anyone can have in the
mlnistry is t at of conducting a home
Bible stud So let each of us pray for
e ovah s help and seize every opportunity to declare our hope publicly. Use
the Live Forever book to help others to
learn how they can have a share in
praising our God, Jehovah.-Ps. 148:
12, 13.



servicereport promptly. Both the book

study conductor and the secretary will
appreciateyour cooperation in this important area as well.-Compare Luke
When the Service Overseer Visits
the Group: The service overseer usual-

ly visits one book study group each

month in order to encourage greater
and more meaningful activity in the
field ministry. Pay close attention to
the 15-minute talk he delivers at the
conclusion of the book study, as it will
provide specific counsel that will help
the group to improve in various features of the preaching work. The service overseer is also eager to work with
different members of the bookstudy on
the weekend. Be sure to takeadvantage
of this specialprovision so that you can
benefit from his experience and ability
in the field.
Our personal example of cooperation and our willingness to assist less
experienced ones
help create a
warm, friendly atmosphere at the Congregation Book Study as we "work
what is good toward all, but especially
toward those related to us in the faith."
-Gal. 6:lO.

and-answer consideration with audience. When discussing paragraphs 4

and 5, give other examples of texts and
publications that fit local circumstances. Have a well-prepared demonstration
showing how a transition can be made
from your introductory discussion to
one of the tracts. Consider one or two
paragraphs of the tract as time permits.
lCucourage all to persevere in trying
- to
start new ~ i b lstudies.
IS mln: wBlood,*Reasoning boo$$
pages 72-4.Use a return visit settllig
where householder asks the questions
that appear in material in boldfaced
type. Publisher's responses should be
based on Reasoning book comments.
Song 181 and concluding prayer.

young person could offer and start

a Btble study using the Live Forever
book. Relate any local experiences of
10 m i n ~Local announcements and young ones who have been able to start
selected Announcements from Our studies.
Kingdom Ministry. Feature magazine 15 min: "Not Peddlersof God's Word."
presentation based on current issues. Talk by presiding overseer or other
20 min: "Cooperating With Our Con- elder based on pages 26-9 of Decemgregation Book Study Conductor." ber 1,1992,Watchtower. Warmly comQuestionsand answers.
mend brothers for their share in sup15 min: "Simple and Effective Presen- porting the Society's worldwide work
tations." Discuss with audience. When as well as the local congregation.Menconsidering paragraph 3, have a dem- tion may also be made of what the
onstration showing how a publisher congregation is doing in support of the
interests a householder in the Lice For- Society Kingdom Hall Fund and any
ever book. Householder should show local building projects that may be
obvious interest. When discussing under way at present.
paragraph 5, demonstrate how pub- Song 53 and concluding prayer.
Week Startlng February 22
lisher uses a tract to continue the
discussion where householder is only
Week Starting February 15
mildly interested.
10 min: Local announcements. TheoSong 215 and concluding prayer.
cratic News.
Song 143
- 10 min: Local announce ents. Ac 20 min: uShowingAppreciationfor the
Week Starting February 8
counts report. Relate Society's expres- Ransom." Talk by elder.
sions of appreciation for donations 15 min: Local needs or positive talk
Song 126
10 min: Local announcements. Dis- sent, and commend congregation for based on the information in October 1,
cuss talking points from the current loyal support of local congregation 1992,Watchtower article %earn Obemagazines. Encourage all to share in needs. Encourage participation in dience by Accepting Discipline." Show
weekend field activity,and outline any how all of Jehovah's servants-both
field service thisweekend.
20 min: "Conduct Bible Studiesin the special field service arrangements for young and old-receive W p l i n e , and
discuss benefltsthat comefrom viewing
Live Forever Book." Question-and- the holiday on February 22.
answer discussion. After consideration 20 min: "Teaching . . . the hings I ' obedience positively.
of paragraph 6, demonstrate how a Have Commanded You." Question- Song 211 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting February 1

Song 171

y -


8 Literature featured for February:

You Can L i k Forever in Paradise on
Earth. March: Revelation-Its Grand
Climax At Hand! April and May:
Watchtower subscription. NOTE: Congregations that will need the abovementioned Campaign items should
request t h e m on their next monthly
Literature Request Form (S(dF14).
w T h e secretary and the service overseer should review the activity o f all
regular pioneers. I f any are having
difl[iculty meeting t h e requirement of
hours, elders should arrange for assistance to be given. For suggestions, review Society's letters (S-201) o f October 1,1992,andOctober 1,1991. Also, see
paragraphs 12-20 o f the August 1986
Our Kingdom Ministry insert.
w O n Saturday, May 8,1993, the Brooklyn Bethel Home and factory, as well qs
Watchtower Farms buildings, will be
closed for spring cleaning, so there will
be n o arrangements for tours or for
congregations to pick u p literature o n
that day.
8 T h e Memorial celebration will be
held Tuesday, April 6, 1993. Although
the talk may start earlier, please remember that the passing o f the Memorial bread and wine should not begin
until after sundown. Check with local
sources t o determine when sundown
occurs i n your area. No meetings other
than for field service are t o be held on
that date. If your congregation normally has meetings o n Tuesday, you may
want to switch those to another time o f
t h e week if the Kingdom Hall is available. I f your Service Meeting is affected,
it may be possible to incorporate into
another Service Meeting any parts
scheduled for that week that are particularly applicable t o your congregation.
Congregations having the visit o f the
circuit overseer should reschedule the

meetings normally held on Tuesday e v e A Peaceful New World-Will It Come?

(Tract No. 17: for Jewsb Korean: W h o
w publishers who wish to serve as auxil- keally Rules the world? (Tract No. 22).
iary pioneers in March and April should Kuna: You Can Live Forever in Paramake their plans now and turn i n their diseon Earth(Largesize).Macedonian:
application early. This will help the el- W h y You Can Trust the Bible (Tract
ders to make necessary field service ar- No. 13); Life in a Peaceful New World
rangements and have sufacient litera- (Tract No. 15); What Hope for Dead
ture on hand.
Loved Ones? (Tract No. 16). Maltese:
All resident aliens i n the United W h y You Can Trust the Bible (Tract
States who were issued green cards prior No. 13); What Do Jehovah's Witnesses
to 1978 must apply for and obtain a new Believe? (Tract No. 14);Life i n a Peacecard. The new card will have the photo- ful New World (Tract No. 15); What
graph, fingerprint, and signature o f the Hope for Dead Loved Ones? (Tract
individual. Filing early is suggested. A p No. 16). Norwegian: Comfort for the
plication forms can be obtained b y call- Depressed (Tract No. 20);E n j w Family
k g 1-800-755-0777 or the local INS (Im- ~if e ( ~ r a c No.
t 21);Who R e a ~ Rules
migration and Naturalization Service) World? (Tract No. 22). Polish: Comfort
o&e. Compliance with this legal re- for the Depressed ('l;ract No. 20).
quirement will prevent certain employ- tuguese: Who Really Rules the World?
ment and travel problems and is in har- (Tract No. 22). Russian: Enjoy Family
mony with Romans chapter 13.
Life (Tract No. 21); Life-How Did It
w New Publications Available:
Get Here? By Evolution or b~ Creation?
Amharic: United in Worship o f the (Small size). Samoan: Does God Really
Care About Us? Swahili: Comfort for
Only True God. Arabic: Revelation-Its
Grand Climax At Hand!; Who ReaUy the Depressed (Tract No. 20); Enjoy
Rules the World? (Tract No. 22). Arme- Family Life (Tract No. 21);W h o Really
nian: W h y You Can Trust the Bible Rules the World? (Tract No. 22). Swed(Tract No. 13); Life in a Peaceful New ish: Comfort for the Depressed (Tract
World (Tract No. 15). Chinese (Simpli- NO. 20); Enjoy Family Life (Tract
fied): My Book of Bible Stories; Who No. 21); W h o Really Rules the World?
Really RUks the World? (Tract No. 22). (Tract No. 22). Thai: Comfort for the
French: Sing Praises to Jehovah Depressed (Tract No. 20); Enjoy Family
-Large Print (Lyrics only). German: Life(Tract No. 21);W h oReaUy Rules the
A Peaceful New World-Will It Come? World? (Tract No. 22). Turkish: The Bi(Tract No. 17; for Jews); Comfort for the ble-&&
Word or Man's?
Depressed (Tract No. 20); Who Really w New Audiocassettes Available:
Rules the World? (Tract NO. 22). Italian: Spanish: The First of Kings (set of
three audiocassettes).
w New Videocassettes Available:
French: Jehovah's Witnesses-The OrTnEOCR1IIC MEWS
aanization Behind the Name. German:
Jehovah's Witnesses-The OrganizaBosnia and Herzegovina: Some relief tion Behind the Name. ~
~ Jeshipments have been received from how;lws Witnesses-The organization
the brothers i n Austria and Croatia. Behind the Name, K
~ Jehovah's
A number o f t h e publishers, however, witnesses- he Organization Behind
have fled this war-torn area.
the Name. Portuguese: Jehouah's WitFiji: Special assembly day Programs nesses-The Organization Behind the
were attended b y 3,890, which is more Name.
t h a n double the 1,404 publishers reporting i n September.
Japan: The new publisher peak for . W V E W ~ ~SERVICE
September was 172,512.
Av, "
Niger: T h e brothers were happy t o
Number of
Hrs Mags R V B~st.
start the new service year with new
191 124.4 58.5 50.5 5 P ,
peaks o f 169 publishers and 3,252 rePlos
77.5 25.3 23.8 2&
t u r n visits.
Rlunion: T h e new peak of 2,113 pubAux Ptos. 27,982 57.4 19.6 15.5 1 4 '
lishers i n September also reported new
9.7 4.9 3.7 o f *
peaks i n return visits and Bible studies.
TOTAL 873,043
i Bapt~zed3,236
Swaziland: A new peak o f 1,543 pubThe new peak of 73,230regular ploneersf~
lishers was reached in September, and
third consecutive peak in regular piecongregation publishers averaged 13.8 the
neers for the new service yegr.
hours i n the fleld service.






will be more appropriateto direct

attention to an article in one of

Simpleand Effective Presentations

magazines, to a brochure, or to a trac

than to the Live F m w book

Jesus proclaimed the Kingdom of plish this? . . . But there is someone For example, after using t
Cfod in a simple and straightforward who knows how to solve these prob- tntroductton 2n paragraph R
manner. He knew that sheeplike ones lems; that is mankind's Creator." Read thgs arttcle, gou mtght say:
would react favorably when they Isaiah 65:21-23. Then you could ask
"This brochure, Does God Really
heard the truth. He also knew that the householder how that sounds to Care About Us?, clearly explains what
people difIer in their thinking, inter- him.
Ood has promised to do to care for
ests, and reasoning ability. Accordingly, he used a variety of uncomplicated introductions, questions, and
illustrations in order to capture the
attention of his listeners and to touch
their hearts. We can imitate his example and make good use of simple and
effective presentations.

The introduction under the head- our daily needs and shows how we can

ing wInjustice/Suffering"on page 12 benefit." Turn to pages 26 and 27 of

l attention to
the brochure, and d
will appeal to many today.
paragraph 21.
You could ask:
Or after using the introduction in
"Have you ever wondered: Does God
really care about the injustice and suf- paragraph 3, the tract WiR This Wmld
fering that humans experience?" Al- Survive? could be highlighted.
low householder to answer and then You mtght say:
"There is so much misery and troua Use the Reasoning Book Effec- read Ecclesiastes 4:l and Psalm 72:
in the world w.This tract
tively: The first introduction under 12-14 If it is appropriate to feature the
shows that war, food shortages, and
the heading "Employment/Housing" Live Fmeuer book, turn to the pic- health
problems were an prophesied
on page 11 of the Reasoning book is tures on pages 150-3 and briefly show in the Bible.
But God has also promtimely and easy to present.
how world conditions today are a ful- ised to bring about a marvelous
fillment of Bible prophecy. Then turn change for mankind!' Read the last
You mtght say:
"We've been talking with your to pages 161-2 to show what God has paragraph on page 5 of the tract.
neighbors about what can be done to further foretold for man's blessing.
Our sincere interest in people,

assure that there will be employment Ask the householder which aspect apand housing for everyone. Do you be- peals to him most.
After a brief discussion with the
lieve that it is reasonable to expect
that human governments will accom- householder, you may decide that it

the Things IHaveCommandedY@

coupled with a simple and efpective

presentation that touches the heart,
will surely appeal to sheeplike ones.
-John 10:16.

that is undergoing merit right

now.' Read Matthew 2443, t4en fde
in the p i c a e and the comments on
p~e-24 of the look^'' brochure. A
similar amroa@ may be used when
e of presenting the tract Win This War@

Making disciples involves teach- holder. You may be able to E

ing. Before an individual can become these to start a home Bible st-.
a disciple of Christ, he must be tawAt the householder shows further interthe t h m ~ Jews
~ " ;om- est in the message, he m a J J a W & ? d
manded. (Matt. 2899, 20) The best to anotherO
nw s to accomplish this is through a a b k r visit.
home Bible study.
P~eparationis the key to success.
2 Bible studies are not always easy
Why not select ahead of time a Scripthat is qu=
in the- tra'ct,
to start. If you are having - s t y
in ture
findine:a Bible study, do not b~ r l k brochure, or w
e you plan to use
couraged. Success in starting Bible On your return visit? In that Way YOU
studies requires d e t e r m i n a t i o e a will be ab&to link comments from
impart the truth to the Publication with Your ionsincere
others.--&& 6:9.
You may even be able to read one
Developing Interest: Your -n
from the
d&!&&m may produce only limited publicationinterest. Depending on the circum- , YOUmtght say t%@:
have been sharing some inforstances, a tract, a brochure, or the [.:we
magazines may be left with the house- b a t i o n about a remarkable prophecy

6 Once genuine interest has been

discerned, it should be followed up

p r o m . Try to return wi& a week
so that the last conversation will still
be fresh in the householder's mind.
Each time you call, consider a few,
from the publication that
you left. Then, at an appropriate time,
you can introduce the Live Forbook, c o n t i K i t h e sa6eprocedure.
there is still much work to
do in the great
foretold by
Jesus (Matt. 9:37, 38) As we continue
to &
t-ea h honesthearted ones, we have
Jesus' strengthening assurance that
he is 'with'q all th&days until the
conclusion of the sysgm of things!

O 1993 Watch Tower Blble and Tract Soclety of Pennsylvania. AII r~ghtsrese~ed.Our Kingdom Mmstry (USPS 295360 1s published monthly by Watchtower Bible and
Tract Soclety of New I(ork. I?c.. and lnternatlonal Bible Students Association. 25 Columb~aHei hts. Brookl n. NY 11201.'Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn. N.Y..
and at addit~onalmalllng offlces POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower, 25 ~osumbla~elg&s.Brooklyn, NY 11201.
Printed ~n U.S.A

March 1993

Vol. 36, No. 3

For United States of America

KeepOn Saying: "Come!"


What a marvelous provision Jehovah has made through Jesus' ransom

sacrifice!In this we find the basis for all
that is needed to make people really
happy. (John 3:16) Sad to say, however,
very few have come to know and believe this truth firmly. Still, in his loving concern for mankind, Jehovah
has arranged to make this good news
known to people everywhere. Through
his Son, Jesus Christ, he has extended
to all the opportunity to flnd happiness
and the hope of everlastinglife.-John
r n.o


For thousands of years, the identity

of the One who would ransom mankind from sin and death was unknown.
~t was a "sacred secret" until christ
Jesus came and ''shed light upon life
and incorruption through the good
news." (Rom. 16:25; 2 Tim. 1:lO) Jesus'
followers took up the proclamation of
this good news in the first century;now
we who are livingin modem times have
the exalted privilege of declaring this

same good news. When we preach the

Kingdom message, we are sharing with
Jehovah God, Jesus Christ, and the
brothers of Christ, who invite people of
all walks of life by saying: "Come! . .
take life's water free."-Rev. 2217.
Of course, not everyone will listen
to this good news. Very few pay close
attention. Some rudely reject God's
servants, who invite them to benefit
from lifegiving waters of truth. Even
so, with strength from Jehovah, we
persevere in this work. We know that
our willingness to speak the truth and
to help any who will hear is pleasing to
Jehovah and brings his blessing.
1x1Our ministry for March, we will
encourage seekers Of truth to read the
Revelation Climax book and rejoice in
the hope it sets forth. They will reap
many blessings from doing so. After
all, the book of Revelation is about the
future-their future and ours. Some
who are now dedicated servants of Je-

hovah first became interested in the

truth after reading explanations of the
book of Revelation in one of the Society's publications. Having recently
made a detailed study of the Revelation
C l i m book ourselves, we can appreciate its importance to those of honest
heart who are hungering for the truth.
As we flnd such ones in our ministry,
we will endeavor to point out one or two
highlights from the Revelation C l i m
book to show them its value. Among
other things, we can point to its clear
explanations of Bible prophecies that
have been failed in this 20th century,
such as the remarkable ride of the symbolic horsemen described in the sixth
chapter of Revelation.
It is most appropriate for us to talk
about Jehovah's loving provisions for
mankind as we prepare to celebrate the
Memorial of Chriit's death on April 6.
Whether people choose to listen or not,
we persevere in our God-given assignment to extend the heartening invitation to anyone that wishes: "Come! . . .
take life's water free."

them? If you have extra room in your

car, why not ask the elders if someone
needs transportation?
Because this is the most important
celebration of the year and a large atAdvance Preparation Necessary: tendance is expected, the elders will
After sundown on April 6,1993, we
will celebrate the death of the Chief Of course, we will ensure that every need to make special advance preparaAgent of life. (Acts 3:15) Indeed, it is member of the fmily will be Present. tions. (1Cor. 14:40) A week or so before
most fitting to commemorate the life We should also prepare mentally by April 6, the elders will arrange for a
and death of Jesus Christ. Our very reading and meditating on the Bible special meeting with the brothers who
hope of living forever rests on JesusUSPassages noted on the 1993 C . Y l l w ~ will assist with the celebration, making
for April 1-6.It would be appropriateto sure that they understand the seating
shed blood.
The Memorial
the sig- includeinformationon the signiecance arrangements and how the emblems
are to be passed. If you are assigned to
nificana of the death of Christ in the $
$ the~celebration
~as an
~ at- ~
outworkingof Jehovah's purpose. That Plan to
anSve early and stay a little tendant or a server,be sureto follow the
purpose includes providing the per- while after the Memorial celebration is elders' directions closely with regard
feet human
needed to ran- concluded so that you will be on hand
som Adam's offspring,making it ~ossi- to welcome new ones who may be at- to these matters. By checking the reminders in the box on page 7, the elders
ble for billions to exercise faith and live tending for the
can make sure that all arrangements
forever on a paradise earth.-John 3:16.
,In the weeks before the Memorial, for the attendants, servers, emblems,
3 All lovers of truth and life look for- invite all the interested persons you
and speaker are cared for well in adward to celebratingthe LoKI's Evening know to this celebration. printed invi- vance.
Meal in obedience to Jesus' command. tatiom have been included in the conOnly a few of Christ's brothers re(Luke 22:19) What can we do individu- gregation's yearly shipment of forms. main on earth todav, and in the notally to show our appreciation for the When using these, remember to inform too-distant future, &e celebration of
provision of Christ's ransom sacriilce? interested persons of the address and theLord9sEveMeal will have come
In recognition of the siWcance of time of the local celebration. Prepare a to its completion:(l Cor. 11:25, 26) As
this celebration, good organization is list of those you wish to invite. Do all long as it is our privilege to do so,may
verv important. What preparations are who wish to attend have transporta- we fittingly keep celebrating the death
ng for this special event?
tion? If not, what can you do to assist that gives hope of everlastinglife.

Celebratingthe Death That Gives

Hope of EverlastingLife

on Sunday morning featured the theme

"Carinsrfor One Another in the Christian
~o&old."The concluding part "By
become unbaptized publishers.It is im- Caring for the Elderly" emphasii the
portant to spend time during the study valuable contributionthat older persons
and afterward to help students develop make to the family and the congregaa desire for dedication and baptism. tion. (Prov. 16:31) In what ways can we
Could show students pictures or news- assist the elderly? The family has the
paper articles about baptisms at our primary responsibility. (1 Tim. 5:3,
conventions. Demonstration: Publisher 4, 8, 16) Patience and compassion are
assists Bible student with informal W needed. Grown children and grandchilnessing. Selects field point from Live dren have the opportunity to show apF o r m book and says: "It would be preciation for the yearsof love,work, and
good to share that point with some of care that parents and grandparents pmyour relatives or neighbors. You might vided in the past. (1087 6/1 13-18) The
mention to them that you learned from congregation can also assist the older
the Bible something that you did not ones. Some may need help in qualifying
know before." Encourage publishers to for government assistance.Show hospiassist Bible students, extending loving tality by inviting them to meals and
care even after baptism.
gatherings. (Rom. 12:13) Assist them in
the field ministry. Provide tmnsportaSong 123 and concluding prayer.
tion to meetings and assemblies. Help
Week Starting March 15
with their shopping and the care of their
homes. (1087 6/1 4-7) Always show reSong 72
10 min: Local announcements, in- spect for older persons. (1 Tim. 5:1, 2)
one or two older persons who
cluding accounts report and donation Interview
are good examples. Highlight how they
acknowledgments. Refer to "A Timely benefited
from kindness shown by their
Message" at bottom of this colann. Enand congregation.
cowage all to take note of the title of the families
15 min: Elder interviews three or four
special talk on March 28 and to invite publishers
who will be auxilhy pioneerinterestedones to attend.
ing in April or who have done so in the
15 min:"HelpingAll Who Have Shown
past. What has motivated them to pioInterest." Talk with some audiencepar- neer?
plans have they made for
tici~ation.Consider the cited scri~tures April?What
How has auxihry pioneering
as iime permits. Demonstrate &sthem personally? Ehcourage all
tion in paragraph 3. Highlight the need helped
to auxiliary pioneer next
to follow up oninterest of those attend- month to obtain
an application and turn
ing for the first time.
it in soon.
20 min: "Can You Do More to Honor
Jehovah?" Question-and-answer dis- Song 172 and concluding prayer.
cussion of paragraphs 11to 22.
Week Starting March 29
Song 32 and concluding prayer.
Song 105
10 min: Local announcements. ReWeek Starting March 22
Song 66
mind all to invite interested persons and
Bible students to the celebration of the
10 min: Local announcements. Ques- Memorial. Make good use of the prine
Encourage to plan for in- ed invitations. Encourage publishers to
p?ticipation in the ministry print neatly on invitationsthetime of the
Memorial &d the address where it will
be celebrated.
by two
At 25 min: "Celebrating the Death That
the'lightBearersnDistrictConvention Gives Hope of Everlasting Life."
a symposium presented Question-and-answer coverage by presiding overseer. Include material in box
"In Preparation for the Memorial."After
A Timely Message
considering ~ a r a e r a ~5 hof the article.
announced in the Januhave ciemckitratilonin which publisher
ary 1993issueof QurKl~tgdomMi%- invites Bible student to the Memorial
Publisher explains arrangement to read
istry, the special public talk for the
Memorlal season this year will be selected Bible texts during period of
April 1-6 and offers to provide tramporpresentedin moet congregationson
March%.ftstimely messageisenti10 min: Featuring The Watchtower
tled "Acts of God'-How Do You
t spegifk talking
Vlew m m ? " Aspecialeffort should during April. e
pointsand subjects that &be featured
be made to invite all interested persons.Those who attend can be en- during month. Be alert ,todirect attencouraged to attend the lv&rnaW tion to points in the magazWs on every
celebration on April 6.
Song 87 and concluding praye


Week Starting March 1

Song 9
15 min: Local announcements and
Announcements from Our Kingdom
Ministry.Callattention to New Publications Available on page 6. Point out any
that may be of particular interest to
local congregation. Highlights from
Theocratic News, stressing how Jehu
vah's blessing has been upon his servants in various parts of the earth.L e
cal congregation experiences may also
be included as appropriate.
15 min: "Keep On Saying: 'Come!"'
Question-and-answer coverage. When
discussing paragraph 4, have wellprepared publisher highlight a few
points from chapter 42 of the Reuelation
Climax book, paragraphs 6-10, dealing
with Revelation 21:4-6.
15 min: "Re Versatile in Your Ministry." Talk,with some audience participation. Include two brief demonstrations when discussing paragraphs 3-5.
When demonstrating the point in paragraphs 4 and 5, show how an older publisher and a younger one can work together in the door-Moor ministry as
outlined in the article. Stress need to
find joy in the ministry regardless of the
Song 114 and concluding prayer.

Week Starting March 8

Song 128
5 min: Local announcements. Mention number of auxilhty Pioneers already approved for April. Encourage
those ogto ~ioneerto turn in
appli&tions e&ly. 20 min: "Can You Do More to Honor
Jehovah?" Question-and-answer discussion of paragraphs 1to 10.
20 min: Assisting Our Bible Students.
Audience discussion stressing need to
render additional assistance-to Bible
students beyond just conducting the
study. (1 Thess. 2:8) Take additional
time to stimulate heartfelt desire to
attend and participate at meetings.
Build appreciationfor organization and
international brotherhood by explaining circuit assemblies. sDecial assembli days, and district G e n t i o n s May
view together the videos Jehovah's Witnesses-The Organization Behind the
Name, Purple Triangles, and The Bible
-Accurate History, Reliable Prophecy,
drawingstudentsouton what they have
learned from these. Promessivelv show
how to share with others infdinally
what they learn. Bible students who
meet the requirements outlined on
pages 98 and 99 of the Our Ministry
book and who desire to participate in
the public ministry should be helped to


Can You Do More to

Honor Jehovah? That is a vital question for all of us to
dnsider. As faithful imitators of our Master, Jesus Christ,
honor OW Ood today
by making publicd6&i,u&g to his name.
'This is a responsiblltty that we must shodder if we are to gain God's favor. (Mark 13:
10; Luke 4:18; Acts 4:20; Heb. 13%) What an
indescribable privil-yes,
honor-to carthis good news to the remaining scab
tered "sheep" who maY
become Part of
Jehovah's universal fold!-John 10:16.
you and your c9l.Udren do
honor Jehovah by increasing your activity
in the millistry? In ever-increasing nUmbers worldwide, Y O U brothers and sisters
are entering the pioneer Service. DUfbg the
month of April 1992, a5-P
the United States were in the special regu. Have YOU
lar, or auxiliary pioneer
&rsonally given serious consideration to
en_CO-Wnllr fhlPursue a career in the full-time
s Why not analyze your personal feelings
toward pioneer service? Whenever the subject is mentioned, do you quickly conclude
that your circumstances simply do not txrp i y o u t o r
is true that pioneering is not possible for
everyone. Scri~turalresponsibilities and
other limitations p r s n t many from sening full-time. (1 Tim. 53) But h a = u ~
given the matter prayerful thought?
Have you discussed the s u m as a family
to see if at least one member can pioneer?
The November 15,1982,issue of The W&A-


whether he can pioneer or not. A -@outhAf*can coul)l who have pioneered for fifteen
years said:b y are we pioneering? could
we everrwy it before Jehovah if we did
not?' Many who are not
fy before Jehovah the
Another Watchtower article on the subject i;lade this pointed comment:cEaeh of
us should be
. -oh
. but the flesh is
~~t is the S=eaaY
us avoid using the weakness of the flesh as
for the un-ess
of the spirit."&zo~-23.

Parents Who Want Their Children to

succeed: Proverbs 15~20assures us:

is &eTnTtha>
makes a
parents unquestionably=
and daug;hters x)mue
joim when their
a x e of dedicated service to Jehovah. However, your children will not automatia
choose the wise course. The allurement of
Parents, your
children's values are largely s h a ~ u
If you always speak positively about
the benefits of full-time service, if you encourage your. young: ones to seek
.- out the
company of devoted Dion , if you are
truly 'that the fullyMe -try
is the m w l e career your children
could ever undertake, this positive attitude
will undouMRdly have a great immct on
your children. Help them to appreciate the
value of making a good name with Jehovah
rather than with men.
roverbs 2 :1 highlights
to make "A pameisto
her than abundant riches; fathan even silver and goldn
state- What kind of name will you d e for your:
Chris- self? Think of the g n a n d k n we read
a b T-=q u m who made a namewith

me so




gations? . . .
[wages1mirrht'be tenned
' a d m t e ' . .. for those who wish to be pi*
neer ministers of the good news? Such ones
generally need part-time work to avoid
putting '& expensive burden' upon their
tender age. Do you think these faithful ser- brothers or their family.-1 Thessalonians
vants ever regnSed thedmies they made? 2:9."
Why would they? All of them led happy,
If surzglementary education is deemed
productive, and exciting lives. And they necessary by the prospective pioneer in orfound lasting favor with Jehovah!-Ps.
der to help him to pursue full-time service,
110:3; 148:12, 13; Prov. 20:29a; 1Tim. 4:8b.
recom7 When children make a success of life,
would do well, if
their parents feel a sense of pride. Their at all possible, to tak-e this while Uhf&
in the training, disciplining, and hme, thus being able to maintain normal
educating of this "inheritance from Jeho-, Christian study habits, meeting
- attendance,
vah" is r e w v times m r . (Ps. 127:3) and preachhg activity?
What could make any parent prouder than
lo From A
fcomes the experience of a
a son or a daughter who does all he or she 22-~ar-oldymth who had to go to trade
can to honor Jehovah? h4kyyoung people scml, though his heart was in the pioneer
in modern times are f o l l o e m t r
service. While at the t m d e x h o d l n . . pioneer. His peers
steps of Luke, each, and Samuekas one rolled -as
1 . r illustrates:t I am 16. I started regular made
be would -sgg@
pioneering . . .nine months after I was bap- fail '
. His
to them
tized, and I have been receiving blessings w
alstrayifsGod's Kingdom
from Jehovah ever since. .. .Pioneering also and his righteousnessnhercising selfhelps you in school. Before, I would get discipline, he would
teased about being a Witness by my class- mamhg and do
mates. Now, since I have to do a lot more classes and then share in the field seryice in
personal study, I am able to 'make a reply the afternoon. -hw
to the one that is taunting me!")
whole school was stunned when this vouth
Education to Equip One in the Minis- placed third in a special examination to setry: At this point we might consider the lect the best three students for a special
question of secular education. This is an sponsorship award The student who came
area where a balanced viewpoint is espe- in
was an interested persop with
cially needed. The November 1,1992 Watch- whom our i
the Bitower featured the & i ~ l w i With
ble at chsoedfirsta ~urpose.")Under the subheading
was a n 9 r zealous W i t n w o u t h in the
equate Education," this point was made: school.
"Christians should be able to s
l1 Elders Do Their Part: Congregation elthemselves, even if they are full-timzo- ders, who are proud of the work the pg
neer ministers. (2 Thessalonians 3:lO-12). . . neers are cloing, pihide great egcourageHow much education does a young Chris- ment for these zealous ministers. E
respect these Bible pleased to do this because they know that
principles and meet his Christian obli- hardworking, producWn pioneers are a
4 {i,1~&$-a/Ldncul
God through dedicated service. There was

Luke, the beloved phy@cian, and Enoch,

wTo walked with the true God.1received the finest education possible, beginning his service at Jehovah's temple at a





blessing to any congregation. After spending a year or so in ~egularpioneer service,

such ones become eligible for extra training
in the Pioneer Service School. The course
has proved to be an invaluable tool in improving the effectiveness of the pioneers.
Although the pioneers are at the forefront
of the work, they too need loving encouragement, and the elders.should be alert to
fill this need.-1 Pet. 5:l-3.
How the &&em
giy&&ulus to t&
pioneer work? A good starting point would
be to -te
periodically who might be
able to reach out for this privilege. Elders
could approach individuals who seem to be
in a favorable position to pioneer, including
many who auxiliary pioneer on a regular
basis, retired persons, housewives, and students. While no one should be made to feel
under obligation to enroll, those who have
the desire but who have hesitated may,
with a little practical encouragement, realize that pioneering is within their reach.
In giving encouragement to those who
wish to apply, elders should bear in mind
that it is not n
for the a e
t to
spend several
work beforeas a regular pioneer.
(km8/86 insert pars. 2426) Of course, thk
elders will want to be reasonabhy sure that
the applicant is in a position to meet the
hour requirement.
After the ap~licationISrenewed by the
Congregation &mice CommSttee and carefully c h m r e t a r y to make sure
all questions are answered, it should be
to the Society.
The secretary should keep the elders
the pioneers may
be experiencing. This is especially important in congregationS where there are many
pioneers In addition to the review of the
pioneers' activity at the end of the service


Analysis Report (S-lo), the secretary $5

should invite the service
- overseer to ms :P',
with him early in March to see who may be
falling behind in meet* the hour requirement k;dbe in need of personal attention.
(See February 1993 Our Kingdom Ministry,
Announcements..) If help is given without
delay, the pioneer may be able to complete



young in years and relatively new in the

truth. Their willing mirit surely makes us
rejoice! But these new ones still need training to develop skill in the house-In-house
work, to make effective return visits, and to
teach on Bible studies. If this training is
not received, the new one may become discouraged after a year or so and eventually
discontinue pioneer service because af not
getting good results in the ministry. f i t
eaers may be able to cEtK% mUIoi problems or a slowing down in activity. If immediate attention is giver? and the
is helped with his problem, he may enjoy
many years of productive service.
17Can You Fish in Distant Waters?

Some of Jesus' disciples were fishermen. At

timeq after a whole night of fishing, their
nets were still empty. (John 21:3) In parts of
this country where the 'fishing for men' has
proceeded for years, some ~ioneersmay
conclude that there are few "fishn remainAing &@heir conmegation "waters." (Matt.
419) In contrast, are we not thrilled to read
reports coming from other lands, where
publishers and pioneers are conducting
many Bible studies?The joy experienced by
pioneers and missionaries in these lands is
clearly evident. (w92 9/1 p. 20 par. 15) Thus,
if some hardworking pioneers could be$
a position to relocate to a
there is a greater need, they &=mider
this with their branch office b e e

InitizQly, some may have hegug pioneeringbecause they knew it was the
u o but wondered if they could make a
success of it. They may have ag@kd W h
some doubts and reservations. At the outset,
their results in the field may have been minimal. In time, however, their,and there was evidence of Jehovah's blessin2 on their work Consequently, their g
and confidence grew. For some, pioneering
has even proved to be a ste~~iqg-stone
ward Bethel service, Gikad training and
missionary work, the v
- y=@y$pJyt
r y &be.
P41t may not *%move
to another land or to take advantage of Gilead training, but there are still opportuni-n-iy
ties to fish in other waters
try if your present territory is not especially
productive. Such a move may r-eauire an adujm
ste,but the spirit&
rewards will be very great indeed.--Matt. 6:
20 Or if your circumstances permit, you
\may be able to assist a nearby congregation
in your own circuit. If you qualify, your c&cuit oversee2 will be happy to offer sugges'8



tions on congregations in the circuit that

would benefit from another pioneer.
Some pioneers and publishers have been able to serve the needs in their own area !
while remaining right at home. They may
know another language. Do you find within
your territory that a sizable segment of the
population speaks another language? Are
there people who need to receive the Kingdom message from someone using sign language? Those knowing another language
can be a great help in reaching all sorts of
men with the Kingdom message. Although
this canbe
, -a
it can also prove
very rewarding.-1 Tim. 2:4; Titus 2:ll. S m
Qyou are presently 4oi.gall you -!%Jz
honor Jehovah, r-ejn
your present privileges of service. If you feel you cando more,
take the matter to Jehovah in prayer. R a '
what changes your circum6 w m
you to make. Talk
.your plans over with an elder who has the
pioneer spirit or with the circuit overseer.
When you have made a ~raverful,practical
decision,follow through p r o m ~ t lconfident
in J e h o - 7
those who
honor him-1 Sam. :30; Heb. 13:5,6.


(Tract No. 22). Estonian: Does Gocl
New Publications Available:
Does God R d y Care About R d y Care ~bot4.tUs? Finnish: ComUs?; Life in a Peaceful New World fort for the Depressed (Tract No. 20);
(Tract No. 15); What Hope for Deud Enjoy Family Life (Tract No. 21);Who
Loved Ones? (Tract No. 16). Cebuano: R e d y RUks the World?(Tract No. 22).
Comfort for the Depressed (Tract Ga: United in Worship of the Only True
No. 20); Enjoy Family Life (Tract God. Georgian: aLook.~I Am Making
No. 21); Who Really Rules the World? All Things New" (Brochure). Greek:
(Tract No. 22). Chinese (Simplified): From Kurukshetra to Armageddon
Spirits of the Dead-Can They Help -And Your Survival (for Hindus); In
You or Harm You? Do They ReaUy Ex- Search of a Father (for W d h i s t s ) ;
ist?; You Can Live Forever in Paradise Sing Praises to J e m h (Small size);
on Earth (Smallsize). Danish: Comfort The Path of Divine Truth Leading to
for the Depressed (Tract No. 20x Enjoy Liberation (for Hindus); The Time for
Family Life (Tract No. 21);Who Resay True Submission to God (forMuslims);
Rules the World?(Tract No. 22). ~ u t c h : Victory Over Death-Is It Possible for
Does God Really Care About Us?; WU You? (for Hindus). Hiligaynon: The
This World Suruive? (Tract No. 19); Greatest Man Who Ever Lived. lloko:
Comfort for the Depressed (Tract Comfort f o ~the Depressed (Tract
No. 20); Enjoy Family Life (Tract No. 20); Enjoy Family Life (Tract
No. 21x Who Really Rules the World? No. 21); Who ReaUy Rules the World?


(Tract No. 22). Italian: Sing Praises

to Jehouah-Large Print (Lyricsonly).
Latvian: Life in a Peaceful New World
(Tract No. 15). Macedonian: What DO
Jehouah's Witnesses Believe? (Tract
No. 14). Papiamento: The Greatest
Man Who Ever Lived. Punjabl: The
Ckmmrnent Thai WU Bring Paradise.
Romanian: Organized to &com@ish
Our Ministry. Sinhalese: Spirits of the
D e a d x a n They Help You or Harm
You? Do They ReaUy Exist? Tagalog:
Comfort for the Depressed (Tract
No. 20); Enjoy Family Life (Tract
No. 21) Who Really Rules the World?
(Tract No. 22). Tamil: Why You Can
Trust the Bible (Tract No. 13);Life in a
Pt?uceful New WorId (Tract NO.15).
New Audiocassettestes
Japanese: Preserving Life in T i m of
Famine (Drama;single audiocassette).
H New Videocassettes A m b l e :
English: The Bible-Accurate History,
Reliable Prophecy. ,

~i&sture featured for March: Reve1ath-Its Grand Climax At Hand!

Aprlil and May: Watchtower and Awake! magazines as well as any brochure
(except,the School brochure). June: The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived. NOTE:'

C o ~ & a t i o n that
will need the above-mentioned campaign items should
reqwest them an their next monthly Literature Fkquest Form (S(d)-14).
The presiding overseer or someone designated by him should audit the
congregation's accounts on March 1 or as Soon as possible thereafter. Make
announcement to the congregation when this has been done.
A letter from the Society dated February 14, 1992, and addressed to all
c o ~ e g a t i o n sannounced a 1993 Cohvention Fund for helping missionaries
visit their home country and attend one of this year's district conventions.
March will be the last month for sending contributions to the Society for this
1993 Convention N d . Your generous suppoxt of the arrangement is very
much appreciated.

French Quiana:.The October report shows the 15thconsecutivepublisher peak,

with 948 reporting. Congregation 3)ubliShers averaged 15.1 hours in the field
Hang Rong: A new peak of 2,704 publishers was reached in October. It is good
to see that they conducted 4,043 Bible studies.
Jamaica: The fist Assembly Hall in Jamaica was dedicated on November 7,
1992, with 4,469 in attendance.
Madagasoar: Five "Light Bearers." District-Conventions were attended by
10,694,with 241 baptized. Attendance was more than double their peak of 4,542

Schedule for congregation studies in the

book The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived.


March 1:

Chapters 55-57

March 8:

Chaprere 56-60

March 15:

Chapters 61-63

March 22:

Chapters 6446

March 29:

Chapters 67-69

Av. Av.
Av. Av.
Hrs. Mags. R.V. B1.St.

Number of:

Sp'l Pios.

198 124.4 59.1 50.8 5.2


77.4 24.9 24.2 2.6

Aux Pios. 3$$20

56.@z18.4 14.4 I d


9.8 : 4.7


TOTAL 875,132

3.7 0.5

Baptized: 2,662

Be Versatile in Your Ministry

1 It has been said that e
e u
the spice of life. Often, a merent appr'oach to a subject can make it more
interesting. This is no less t
of o
If rn are n&,
door-to-door prese
can easily
become stereok$eating
same introductions over ~ n i i i e can
i a i u r ministry. But h a can you accomplish this?
2 Rather than saying something like,
. e are calling on our
negbomrs w i c w news of the

truly concerned about the quality of

life today. Many wonder, Is a genuinely
happy life possible?This brochure provides an encouraging and thoughtprovoking point of view." Open the
brochure to page 25, and read one or
two highlights from paragraphs 15
and 16.
4 some
pub&&ers-y-ger and newer ones especially,but older ones as well-have found that an
interesting approach at the doors can
be made using the tracts.
A youngpublisher might use the

the proper role of the husband, the

wife, and the children in the family
arrangement. Since Ood is the Originator of the family, would you not
agree that he is in the best position to
tellus how the familyshould function?
I would like to hear Your opinion on
the Bible's frank Counsel to family
members." Then read Ephesiaar 5~22~
.If you feature the I&?ud&iu?l CZinun book, why not highlight the positive view of the future set out at Revelation 21:39 *? Then read p m p h ?
On page O3 Of the book A s % e
it is realisticto believe
these promises. A
brief discussion Of

tract "EnjoyFamily Lifenand ~

two, three, or more possible introduc- the young person can then determine shown. Having do
art, we can
tions for most subjects.
whether to add further thoughts or bppwlesve an-wht
in JeJ Z f you are using the brochure comments, depending on the reaction hovah's hands. We have the best of
"Does God Really Care About of the householder.
to share witFiour
bors. By
Us?; this introductcon from the
I f the householder shot08 hprep-,
versection "Life/Happiness" on tersst, the older publf~hsr
same in p - u
the -om


page 13 may be helpful:


HelpingAll Who HaveShown Interest

interested persons who may live near

their home. It will encourage them d
learn that a number of people in their
am neighborhood are interested in?
the truth.Invite them to sit with your
family during the Memorial celebration if that is possible.
6 of course, simply attending the
rial will not assure them ~ a l ation. ~~t for many you invite, it
could be their
step in mw
faith in
shed bloodood
on the way
home from the meeting, ask the Visitor
if he would like to attend the Public
Meeting and Watchtower Study the
following Sunday. Be warm and accommodating. Let him know that you
are willing to help in any way you can.
The sooner he begins to associatewith
us on a regular basts, tth
spiritual progress wiube. what joy and
satisfaction we will have to survive
"the great tribulation" along with
many others we m a y h e been able to
help!-Rev. 7:9,14.

lour faith and our love for others

will move us during March to help and
invite to the Memorial all who have
shown interest in the Kingdom message. Such ones need to be led to Jehovah's provision Of
centers On Christ's ransom sacrifice.
-Heb. 9:28.
It is a good idea to make a list Of
those you want to invite to the Memomclude any who attend
occasionally as well as those who have
previously studied or in other
shown interest. Do not forget unb*
lieving mates and other family members. After maldng your Ut, put forth
a special effort to call on each one. You
may wish to ask the elders to assist you
in making certain calls.
After a warm greeting, you can
say something l k e this:

"In the past, you have shown an in-

terest in spiritual things, and I

thought that you would apprecia.te
this invitation to a special event.
[Hand householder the printed invitation to the Memorial.]The Memorial of
Christ's death is the only event that the
Lord Jesus Christ commanded his followers to commemorate. We look forward to reviewing what CMst amomDlishedby hsi death and how we can
gain everlasting Ilfe by means of it.
Year*Over l1 -On
were in
tendance at this special meeting. It
Would be a Pleasure to have You join
me in attending this Year." Be Sure to
write down the time and Place Your
will celebratethe Meme
riaL Also, offerto provide tmwortation if that is needed.
When newcomers attend the Memorial, they should be made welcome.
Help them get acquainted with local


O 1993 Watch Tower B~bleand Tract Soc~etyof Penns Ivan~a.All r~ghtsreserved Our K~ngdomMtntstry (USPS 295-360) IS published monthly by Watchtower B~bleand
Tract Soclety of Ne? York, Inc.. and lnternat~onalBlb& Students Association. 25 Columb~aHe1 hts, Brooklyn. NY 11201. Second-class postage pa~dat Brooklyn N Y.,
and at add~t~onal
malllng oLces. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower. 25 cofumbia He~ghts,Brooklyn. NY 11201.
Printed ~n'U.S.A.

For United States of America

May 1993

W U n g the Challenge
mf theHousetolHouseMinistry
of going from house to
house, mhkhg calls on strangers, presents a re&who
take up pure worship. But genuine love
h aapersonims
challenge, and even those who are very
shy by nature haye ~rogressedto the
point or mcoming full-time preachers
of the good news.
2It is clear from the Bible that the
early ohh%
shared the good news
of God's Kingdom by going from h N e
t o m e . (Acts 5:42; 20:20,21) As Christians in this 20th century, we tm shaq

dom fruit. (Eccl. 11:6) Indirridual circpstances change. Something may

happen that could cause a householder
to think about-ne
of us said at
the =and
he may be more receptive
the next time.
Our house-bhouse ministry
those whoplean toward truth and righteousness the op~ortuni!g~t-n
,startabout Jehovah
ing them onnhigteliie.
Those who are pursuing worldly pleas u x are thus lovln ly warne
tkigneed to ;ch2an:-

work e ~ ~ h l x we
q hmay meet with brings honor to him, w h e e r the
inclifPerence, an-ce,
or householders listen or not.-Fmk. 3:ll.
Working in the ministry helps us
3 What Meeting the Challenge AcdeVelor, the fruit&of % ' f i e m u c h
complishes: Each time we call, we en- as unselfish love, joy, peace, and longof truth, suffering. (Gal. 5:22) It helps us to be
deavor to sow a few sknowing that eventually the cumula- humbte and s m t i c , since it intive result may be the bearing of King- v s doing good for others. Keeping

Vol. 36,No. 5

in Jehovah's work serves to&-from

theworld.-1 Cor. 15:58.
Help to Meet the Challenge: New
o~ need to learn how to share i n m
most exciting work. They often lack
co3fidence and may therefore b w e
&muraged at the mere thought of
to . -h
We can
going from h~
discuss *@
@em common objections
in response. We
and what we m
can practice using some of the fine suggestions in the Reasoning book on
responding to conversation stoppers.
Why not offer to help them p r w e for
the field ministw? Thev can also reg-er
ceive much help &
the ru&ings for field service and thereafter workinp with more experienced
pub.working w i t k a E p cin
be very strengthening.
As we go from house to house, we
have the privilege of representing our
God, J e h ~ n a greater
could anyone have than actually being
God's fellow worker? (1 Cor. 3:9) If we
rely on him, his spirit will help us meet
tzchallenge of the house-to-house
ministry.-2 Cor. 3:5.

5 Every Christian has the need to improve his teachingability.Youths are no

exception. Do you young ones prepare
Our Father, Jehovah,takesa person- 39) Why not i n E e the time you usu- thorou~hlyfor assignmentsyou fEQ%e
al interest in the spiritual progress of ally spend in the work of preaching and pri$eged to give-eocratic
a inyoung people. By m e l y listening to teachingthegoodnews,evenp&gsas istry School? Do you have a - r e W
his loving commands, youths .n%ZXinly an a '
?You might be sur- s
g and personal study
make his heart n d"@ako
p r k E a s e d '0 and other as-aoitn?
Do you r e a w
d so&. (pmi. 2 ~ 1 1 ; benefits that naturally g w from an make personal application of the mateMatt. 11:28130) They allow Jehovah to increased share in the ministry. This rial you consider? Uo you prepare well
. -=r for then
7so that you will fully
n - .
steps. will also give YOU the opportunity to s-of
-Prov. 16:9.
understand the materialand be ready to
. You ofPer comments? Do you take note of
e in&
'- Jesesus.set4he
by invitr helpful po&st
expressed during meetwho
Of may be able to start~right
u ~ l now
i - r or
i%FIiGsumestions set
b o ~ Q o dand men. (Luke 2:52) Youths mg
out in Our,Kjngdom Ministry?
w% anwith
you this weekend.
todagshould strive to do the same.SkillW not pass up opportunities to
tW direction of a young person,s steps 4 P a m s can give tremendous enmd
be evident in hispursuit of spiri- couragement and assistance to their share in cleaning the Khg&mlWand
children through the use of p r s e to assist older or d r m brothers and
At the agcf g7
sessions in addition to accompanying sisterswithchores or in other practical
srw i n the ministry. Other mature ways. Do not neglect to make your own
Jehovah' (Luke '4646,47) Ysg
ones in the congregation can take the regular contributions to help care for
pmpk today have shown a similar de- ~ m t i vbye
ac- Kingdomsdan- the Socito Wrn their faith to Others
-niety's worldwide work.
=%!XI 7/1 pp. 29-30; w87 12/1 p. 21.
i s 9 and in the return-visit and Bible1 If we
d- '
acc?rding to
What can you young ones do right study work. Close associationwith such Jehovah's word' and allowhim to direct
now and especially during the Com- spiritually strong publishers
our steps, he will lead us to happiness
ing summer months to "honor Jeho- up the young dh e 1 g l ; U t o andincreased privileges of service.-Ps.
mh with your valuable things"? (Prov. "press on to maturity."-Heb. 6:l.


Direct Your Steps





ber 15, 1992, issue Of F h WacMOwep,

pages 21-3.
Song 223 and concludirYg prayer.
Week Starting May 3
ptibltshers found smcient interest to Week Starting May 91
Song 209
warrant offering subscription? (These
l o min: Local announcementsand ~ e -should be lined up in advance with help Song 207
lected Announcements from Our King- of brother who handles subscriptionsin 10 mini Local announcements. Suggest talking points from Greatest Man
dom Ministry,
20 minr "Sharlng Successfully in Our 16 minr "Meeting the Challenge of the book that could be used in June. EnLifesaving Ministry!' Talk and demon- House-teHouse Ministry." Questions courage publtshers to review fleld service suggestions on back page of
strations. After brief introduction, in- and
answers. Read and apply cited June 1993OurKingdom Ministry.
troduce three demonstrations based on scriptures.
paragraphs 2-5. After each demonstra- PO mln: "Beneflt Fully From the 1993 15 mint "Sktowing Appreciation for the
tion, ask audience how presentation MMne Teaching' District Conventionn Literature? Question-and-answer discould be adapted to various circum- -Part 1. Audience discussion of para- cussion of material.Ineludedemonstration of publfsher in magazine work.
s b c e s in local territory.Conclude with
encouragement to share fully in minis- graphs 1-16. Publishers should discuss Householder shoym interest in Bible
appropriatepoints with their Bible stu- presentation and description of magatry this weekend.
15 min: The Importance of Family dentswho will be attending theconven- zines,saying he willreatlthem. Publisher then says: "I believe you will beneflt
Spirituality.Talk by elder. Discuss need tion.
from them as many others have, These
for familv consideration of dailv text, Song 134 and concluding prayer.
magazines are di&ribuCed worldwide,
outlininghow this might be done unL
with The Watchtower available in 112
der varying circumstances and fami- Week Starting May 17
languages. This work ix supported by
ly schedules. Also emphasize need for Song 16
voluntary contributions. We accept
family prayer at least once a day. This
might be done at bedtime. Same prin&- 10 min: Local aanouncements, in- small donationsfromt h m who want to
ples would apply in divided households, cluding accounts report and donation support this work."
single-parent families, and families acknowledgments Commend c o n e 10 min: Will You ~-ne~
with no children. Family preparation gation for fl-mcial support of local &I- - S m m e r ? Interview some who
also plays a part in getting tbe most gregation as well as Society's worldwide have auiliary pioneered-during summer in past years. Encourage Youths
from congregationmeetings each week work.
and being able to strengthen faith of 20 d n : "Joyfully Return to Help In- and others whose circumsWces may
terested ones." ~udiencediscussion allow to consider using vacation periods
others as well.-Heb. 10:23-25.
and demonstrations.Emphasize need to to best advantage. Some may be able to
Song 104 and concluding prayer.
keep good records of i&erest found. help cover seldom-worked or isdated
From material in paragraphs 3-6, ar- territory during summer months. EnWeek Starting May 10
range for two demonstrations. These courage those who will be finishing
Song 27
reflect local circumstances and school to regular pioneer or to work
10 min: Local announcemehts. Expetoward that goal.-2 Cor. 9:6b.
as needed.
riences recently enjoyed working with I S min: "Benefit
Fully From the 1993 10 min: Does God Forgive Our Sins?
elders prepare for a shepherding
mivine Teaching' District Conventionn Two
call. They discuss how to help a brother
-Part 2. Discuss with audience para- who
is stilltroubled about past sins and
graphs 17-19 and carefully review "Dis- wonders
if God has forgivenhim.Elders
trict Conveqtion Reminders" Include review material
in Reasoning book,
appropriate reminders based on infol- pages 81-4, and also Insight book, Volmation in The Watchtower of June 15, ume 1,pages 861-2. They consider their
1989, pages 10-20, or encourage family need to deal kindly with this brother
groups to review points in the& articles and to highlight Jehovah's mercy and
beforeattending convention.
willingness to forgive. They also plan to
Song 54 and concluding prayer.
emphasize need for ~ersonaleffort on
p& of brother; confkion alone is not
sufficient. Elders will offer to check with
Week Starting May 24
brother from time to time, following
Song 141
through with spiritual assistance.
10 min: Local announcements. Theo- Song 214 and concluding prayer.
craticNews.Outline specialfleld service
20 min: "Youths-Skillfully Direct
Your Step." Question-and-answer coverage'of material. After paragraph 3, Rwanda: Of the 182 baptized at the
have brief demonstration with voumer "Light Bearers* District Convention
publisher asking an older one io work held during January in Kigali, 149 enwith hirnin flelciservice.Older publisher rolled toserve as aadllary pioneers.The
gladly acceptsand suggests they review peak attemlance was 5498.
their presentations prior to working- to- aabonr A new peak d 1,255publishers
was reached in ~ o v h b e r Cangn?ga.
I 6 min: Local needs. Or talk by elder tion publishers averaged 17hours in the
on "WhyIs It So Easy to Lie?"in Decem- field ministry.

'BenefitFully-Fromthe 1993 "Divine

Taching9'District Convention
"Instruct me. 0 Jehovah." (Fs. 86:ll) This

whole tithe
. - him to the tesg and b-ring the
d pour out a blessing until there was no more want.
and n m mgo
5 For some, putting Jehovah to the test will
we learn.At times we need to be readjusted,-and mean approach in^ their employgfr as soon as
asdid the ps=t,
we need to beg God to unify possible to ask for vacation or letmdme for
our heart so that it will not be divided. The attending the convention. At times brothers
programat the "Diviine Teaching" District Con- have hesitated to do this, assmikg tnat BElr
yention will provide the practical instruction e m p l k r would never grant them permission
-andreadjustment that we rieea rn GPBm"t"msermr to attend a convention. Yet, in matters not inJehovah faithfully amid the pressures of this volving spiritual things, they may have little
system of things.
or no difEculty in letting their employer know
A Four-Day Convention: The program what they want to do.
will be presented at 156 convenient locations
V e ought to ask ourselves: If a dpar friend
throughout the United States.The February 15, was getting married in another area, would we
1993,W&htower provides a complete listing of not a
h our e m y e r and ask f o r m
these locations. In addition to being in English, to a z h e wedding? Andde-i
the entire program will be presented in Chinese, he,would we not respectfully explain how
French, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Por- much it would mean to us to be able to go?
tuguese, Spanish:,Tagalog, and Vietnamese. At Surely it is more important' %obe ,taught by
16 locations there will be sign-language inter- Jethan to attend a Wedding! If we are
should be the earnest entreaty of every dedicated servant of God. We are determined never to


note that no one dll be permitted to enter

before 7:30 a.m. unless he is assigned 'to work
prior to that time.
3 What is in store for us? An abundance of
'=lid spiritual food presented in a variety of
ways: taps, demonstrations, interviews, and
two dramas. Do no
W O his mial in.&rucaon! h additLnye look idrward to rem S h g old acquaintances and making many
:new ones. hI&&wks serving in foreign as'sfgnments may be attending your convention.
Take advantage of the opportunity .to pet t o
Qgm these faithfulbrothers and sisters. If you
are a parent, include your children in the con%%sation. The joyful and self-sacrificing 'spirit
of these missionaries may lay the foundation
ftr your young anes to consider a career in
full-time service.

In -thetithe
consof material s u p
of Jehovah's place of worship. In


nances that are W directly inxovah's

in support of the Kingdom work. The
tj4he includes the time we spend at meetings,
assemblies,ana con
i -d
c l e a n z b z e
"Divine Teaching" District Convention will
give us manyopportunities to bring the whole
tithe into Jehovah's spiritual storehouse. What
are some of these?
- - b
We can bring in the tithe
to the convention program, by sharing
enthusiastiay in the sinainq of each Kingdom song, and by listenin carefully to each
so that we can add our hear felt amen.
Our progress in the truth- demdent to a
considerable extent on how we l&en.,k a large
auditorium or s t a m , it is wv t o h dk&gted by what others are doing around us, and for


Will You Bring tbe Whole Tithe Into the

Wwehouse? At Malachi 3:10, Jehovah promW the ~ s r a e l i t e s v w e r willing



that reason we must keep our thoughts on by check (made out to "Jehovah's Witnesses").
track. Be sure to -gaae to the convention fully Do you ever let.&-p r m with your ~ i b l e . - w - d
t_nri@Qninthe box?
notepaper, and the issue of The Watchtower to
l3 Adorn the Teaching of Our Savior, God:
be studied that week. It is helpful to make notes By our gpd manners and our f@amdm&we
of points and scriptures used by each speaker. can d
a"of our Savior, God,in
Keep the n w f ; taking too many notes all things." (Titus 2:lO) In other words, right at
may hinder concentration. Young oQes too the convention,we can show that divine teachshould be
Chil- ing is being applied in our lives.
dren can bihg in the tithe along with their
'*What of our n g g s ? Considegtio,n for
parents by following the program as closely as others is rare today in the world. But Jehovah's
S p e , who are guided by Scripturalprinciples,
10 S
o for a auiet timp at think, not of their own advantage, but of the
borne each day when their young ones are
advanttheirfellowman. (Phil.2:4) We are
o n s c i n l l s w e do not push
. . This good training cor shove
when lining up for food or publicaof&hee- ,
considerate of the elderly and of
makes it much e m for the children tn sit tiom-are
and conventions. Par- small children who may be w a i t i n f i ge with
ents who have raised exemplary children say their parents and who could easily be shoved by
that they n e w wrrnit their young ones to adultswho may not notice them. In restaurants
bring toys or coloring books tb meetings. Even we are polite and courteous to the stan, not
very young children ~ a n . that
n the reason rude or demanding if the service d-meafor attending meetings is to worship Jehovah. sure up to our expectations. And we are happy
Parents who teach $heir young ones what it to comply with thegustom qf leaving a reasonfor services rendered.
means for them to bring the whole-tithe into able tip of 15tthe storehouse are truly to be commended!
150Ur g a y conduct has a real impact on
" We canalso bring in the tithe by volunteer- those around us. In one convention city last
n with the force
ing our time and enagy to assist the conven- year, a mliceman who had
tion organization. At most locations a pre- for 21 years had this to s w "I am impressed
ple. [ T l r l i j
convention cleanup is scheduled a day or two with the discipline of your
before the convention will begin. If you live outstanding; they pick up trash without anynearby, why not arrange for the entire family to
Some brothers have brought their
progressive Bible students along so that even your people see
before their baptism these new ones can learn sign. We look for that. That's a signof friendliwhat is involved in supporting Jehovah's wor- ness and nothing to hide. And we also notice
to ensure that the h<w the chiliEenare with their parents and are
ship. There is-p
well disciplined. Believe me, I
convention will operate smoothly. Why nt&mL
enjoyable being assigned here."
unteer as a famQ&
l2 Our fimm su~.pmtof
the convention is
Is Some officials made a
another way of bringing in the tithe. In outlin- toextendmimUQ'on to hold a convention in
ing how material gifts were to be made to sup their city. The So@Qv acce~tedthe kind inviport pure worshi Jehovah commanded the tation,and the city fathers wer'e not
w said:
nation of Israel: 'None should appear before ed. The d
Jehovah empty-handed. The gift of each one's excited about having as
of yours convene in our city. We made a major
hand shoda in proliortion to the bl
Jehovah your God that he has given y
16:16,17)Whether the people were able give
@the excellent
much or little, their offering, prepared in advance, was pleasing to Jehovah. Similarly, witness that was given there.
many brothers give prayerful thought to the
l7 Will you personally adorn"t i e teaching of
c o n t r i b u t ~ o ~ 6wnetner
~ ~ ~ ine cash
, or our Savior, God,by your exemplary conduct?


Here are a number of ways that this can be others. It would not be loving to block the view
of fellow conventi6ners while liming the pro..-. - dsicy-l
from your
Dress and grooming: During the time we are gram. If you can record
attending a convention, we should not mnsider eat, there will be np ~ b b b i o nto @'firdoing so.
ourselves to be on vacation. Rather, we are pre- Please remember, however, that no cameras or
senting ourselves to Jehovah to be taught by recording devices are to be ~ ~ n m c t etod the
him. Since that is the case, should we not dress electrical or sound systems at the convention,
n tpkl~edin aisles Or in
as we would when attending meetings at the nor Should e q ~ i ~ m ebe
KiqgQPm,f-faU?(1Tim. 2:9,10) In addition, we trafac areaskeep in mind that SEATS
should give careful thought to what we will
wear after the sGsions are over. Upon returning
to our accommodations,would it be consistent YFy a IN YOUR CAR special
for us, whatever our age, to exchange our mod- - m - G - m
est, dignilied convention a w o r clothing
Ones will be
that would give us the apw-ce
of slovenly available at COnventions. PlWX? be considerate of the e ? . In times past, Some older
dressed and unkempt wbrldline? -this
brothers have had to look for seats in inconnot give the impression that our
& nothng more t&an a costume rath- venient
the pldpZ.1~We are
er than a refle
m m - seats in the-s
ber, we are bearing the name of Jehovah, and
each of us must see to it that legtimate accu- date requests for separate areas or rooms for
sation is not brought against the way of the those with problems such as allergies.
Personal items: It is suggested that you keep
u bring to
be reminded the
flt under
that it is '
n such a sacred-occa- your s e e it may be bet
home or
sion to wear T-shirts with worldly slogans, in the trEk of the
n logos, or commercial advertising. The elders Permitted, the a,es for S$e~YCr~as~ns,
and if
bhould ensure that the baptism questions
,.hey are put on the seatnextto yo4 som*ne
reviewed well in advanqe and that each candi- may
be deprived of a eat.
in good time whether he is
literature and food service:
All of .&want
for baptism or not. (When going over the ques- to show appreciation for God's good
gifts, see'@% + may be m ap-aet
the t6'ffer
ing to it that n~is w a d , (John @12) &
Suggestions renardinp wtux$,modest attire for i,the past, we suggest that one family member
baptism.) It will n&be necessary for baptismal ob .
or the fd
To ensure that
candidates who have been approved by the elyou n w why not m e
ders t o m at the convention.
a list of what each one requires, and then stick
Hotels and motels: Display the fruitage of to the list when ordering? Keep in mind that
the spirit when checking in at your hotel or fqod is notto hp
npersonnel may not be equipped to
deo t
handle a large group in a short time. Be patient speak to their c x e n about not wasting food.
have empathy, and tip appropriately. .
~ concern %r others whet
Children can do their part by showingr-t
literature is distributed.
for hotel prom*Y and by ObeY'ingegovernl8 In loving consideration for others, p 1 . n
ins the use of the swimming PO01 and other earlprrival e a c w , especially on Thursday
facilities. It would be helpful for parents to when lt will likslv
1 o m r than usual to w d
spend some time prior to the convention re- parking and seating.
V i e S H t h their children the kind of beha5r
privileged we are to be taught by J*
that will be xePC
eof them,.remin&g
use of our time, eoergy*and mate. . . to conform to
of their ~ersonal
rial resources to support the "Divine Teaching"
~ ~ i s t m u c t .
District Convention this summer W result in
Recording devices: While video cameras are lasting spiritual benefits both to ourselves and
permitted, we know you will be considerate of to our families.





Dirtrict Conmntiun Reminders

Proper Decorum: It is important that all attend- is an intimate and personal matter between the
ing the convention observe proper decorum, rever- individual and Jehovah, there is no provision for
entially viewing the place of assembly as "the house so-called partner baptisms in which two or more
of God." (Ps. 55:14) During the talks, dramas, songs, baptismal candidates e m - U a l b h a n d s
and particularly the prayers, please avoid doing being baptized.
anything that would divert the ~btm&m_of-&hers Volunteer Service: Volunteer help is needed for
listening to the program. Moving about unneces- the smooth operation of a district convention. Even
sarily, carrying on ~onVerSatiOnS,Or using flash if you may be able to work for only a part of the
cameras or video recorders in a way that distracts convention, your services will be appreciated. If you
those trying to concentrate on what is being said can assist, please report to the Volunteer Service
would not be showing respect. Our thoughtfulness Department at the c6nvention. Children under 16
and fme conduct will demonstrate that we sincerely years of age can also contributeto the success of the
appreciate divine teaching and have come to the convention, but they are required to work with a
parent or other responsible adult.
convention to be instructed by Jehovah.
Rooming: Your cooperation in US@g9nJythe listBadge Cards: Please w&ar, the specially d e s m d
i n ~ o ac-c~mmodatiQns
pr.xid& by the convention badge card at the convention and while traveling to
is very much appreciated. If you are planning to and from the conventian site. This often makes it
stay overnight in the convention city and have not possible for us to give afineJKitness while traveling.
already confirmed a reservation, please do so imme- Being identified as a convention delegate by a cleardiately. If you find it necessary to cancel your reser- ly inscribed badge card will facilitate the operation
vation, you should write or phone the motel directly, of the simplified food service arrangement. Badge
doing so as far in advance as possible so that the cards should be obtained through your congregaroom can be available for someone else.
tion, as they will p
Personal Identification: In addition to the "DiCongregation secretaries should be sure that g~
cia1 Needs Room Reauest forwkO-rvine TeachingnConvention lapel card, each one is
to. the appropriate convention address. If encouraged to h a y s his person his Advance WSL
you must cancel an accommodation made through i+-Qir-e.
Bethel family members and pioneers
the special needs arrangement, you should immedi- should also have their identification cards with
ately notify both the landlord or motel and the them.
convention Rooming Department so that the room
Words of Caution: Regardless of where you park,
can be reassigned.
you should loc&your vehicle at ag t k e s and nBaby Strollers: In many locations bafy sEotns leave an@_hh@&le inside. K6ep your belongings
~ a ~ - i n
places of public assembly. F'ire lokked inside the trunk if possible. Also, guard
regulations prohibit parking them in corridors and against thieves and pickpockets, who are attracted
aisles or between rows of seats. Since large crowds by large gatherings. This includes not leaving anymay cause congested conditions, baby strollers are thing of value unattended on seats at the convens -pp
not only to the baby but also tion. There have even been a few rewrts gf unscruto any who may stumble over them. So please do not pulous individuals attempting to lure children away
bring them to the convention site. However, i n s from the convention area. Please
or car seats are DermltSiUe, since these can be seIt has been reported that some m&ds- provide
cured in seats next to the parents. Your cooperation easy access to television movies with immoral conin this matter is appreciated.
tent or even of a pornographic nature. This highBaptism: Baptismal candidates should be in their l i g i s the need to prevent unsupervised TV watchseats i ~ - t &designated section before the pragram ing by children at these places of lodging.
begins on Saturday morning. A m z s t bathing suit
Some brothers and interested persons have called
a n i c t E e l should be brought by each one who the management of the convention facility seemg
plans to be baptized. After the baptism talk and information about starting times for the sessions
prayer by the speaker, the session chairman will and other matters. Please do not do this. If the
give brief instructions to the baptismal candidates information you need cannot be found in The
and then call for a song. After the last verse, the Watchtower or Our Kingdom Ministry, you should
attendants will direct the baptismal candidates to write to the convention address four$ on the back
t w s i o n site or to vehicles that will take them
Needs Room Reqvest forms on file
there. Since baptism in symbol of onls dedication with each congregation secretary.

Ltteratureto be featured in May: The

W a t c h t a m and Awake! as well as any
brochure (except the Schod brochure).
June: The Greatest Man Who Ever
Ldued. July: Any of the following b m
chures may be W.Does God Really
Care About Us?, Enjoy Life on Earth
Form!,"Look! I Am Making AUThings
New,"Should You Believe in theTrinity?,
Th8 mvineName That Will Endure Form,orTheGo2]e~nment
That WillBring
Paradise. August and September: You
Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth.
NOTE: Congregations that will need

the above-mentioned campaign items

should request them on their next
monthly Literature Request Form
It is important that groups of 30 or
more persons planningto visit the Society's facilities ibst correspond by mail
with the Central Tour Desk at 124 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201.
This includes those groups that will be
visiting Brooklyn Bethel, Watchtower
Farms, the Watchtower Educational
Center project site at Patterson, or the
Jersey City Assembly Hall. Please p m
vide informationon the number coming
and the date and time for each location.
The Societywillpmvidea descriptionof
the tours that are available as well as a

map giving directions to each location. a compact disk with read-only memory.
ANY PUBLIsHEa NEEDINGC ACCOMMG It will allow one to view on a computDATIONS MAY OBTAIN LOWING IN- er screen any reference from the New
CONGRE- World Tramlath, the Insight volumes,
The Watchtam from 1950to 1993,and
t3Al'IONmrn The Society is now producing En- many Other Of O W copyllghtedpubllcaglishboundvolumesof The Watchtam tions. The CD-ROM will include a
for the years 1986to 1991as permanent versatile, Society4esigned prognun to
stockitems.AnyinterestedinobtainIng search those publications.An appmprithem bound volumes should request ate device for reading CD-ROMswill be
them through the congregation.Future needed. This CDROM should be availyears of the English WQtchtowerbound able early next year. Please do not write
volumes,as well asthose for 1992,will be or telephone the Society for informapermanent stock items and may be re- tion. When technical information is flquestedatany time. Please bear inmind nalized, we will send a letter to all
that bound volumesare special-request congregations, giving details about
equipment needed to use this new CDitems.
rn Another release on computer dis- ROM.
kettes is available: New World Tram- 4 DISTRICl?CONVENTION CHANGE It
lation of the H d y Scriptures-With has been necessary to cancel the tentaReferences/In&ght on the Scriptures. tiVeEnglishandSpanfshNewYork, NY,
This release contains the New WoItd conventdons. The& have been reTransMm and both volumes of In- by seven conventionsat ~ a s s a ub~
sight.This is availableonlyin mlish on um, 1255 Hempstead Tpk,Uniondale,
5 l/kinch 1.2-megabyte or 3 l/%inch NY, as follows:
English~June 3-6, June 10-13 (Sign
1.44-megabyte diskettes. A computer
with a hard disk kving a minimum of language also) July 8-11; July 15-18;
18megabytes of freespaceis required. A July 29-August 1.
Spanlsh: August 5-8; August 12-15.
letter sent to all cong~gationsprovides
additional information about this new 4 New Braille PublicationsAvailable:
item and how to request it. Diskettes Grade-two English: Examining the
containing only the Bible will continue Scriptures Daily-1993 (four volumes);
to be available.
Organized to AmnnpUsh Our Minist7y
The Society is now working on a (five volumes; 1b89 updated edition)
CD-ROM to use with computers. This is Theocratic Ministrgr School Schedule
for 1993(one volume) A Peaceful New
World-Will It Come? (Tract No. 17;one
volume); Jehouah's Witnesses-Wat
Do They Belke? (Tract No. 18; one
volume); Will This World SUrvive?
(TractNo. 19;one volume) Comfort for
the Depressed (Tract No. 20; one volume); Enjoy Family Life (Tract No. 21;
one volume); Who Really Rules the
-World? (Tract No. 22; one volume).

Grade-one French: Does God Reaay

Care About Us? (one volume); The
Weatest Man Who Ever Lived (flve volumes) Wia This World Survive? (Tract
No. 19; one volume) C o m f d for the

Depressed (Tract No. 20; one volume)

Enjoy Famay Life (Tract No. 21; one

volume) Who Really Rules the World?
(Tract No. 22; one volume). Qradcone
Spanish: DOeS God Reaay Care About
Us?(onevolume);A Peaceful New World
-WU It Come? (Tract No. 17; one volume); Jehouah's Witnesses-What Do
They Believe? (Tract No. 18; one volume); WUZ This World Survive? (Tract
No. 19; one volume); Comfort for the
Depressed (Tract No. 20; one volume)
Enjoy Family Life ((Tract No. 21; one
volume) Who Really RuEes the World?
(TractNo. 22;one volume&
Mark orders for Braille publications
name and address of the person who
will use the Braille material.

in Our LifesavingMinistry
The apostle Paul adapted his presentation of the good news that he
"might by all means save some." (1 Cor.
9:19-23) Likewise, we will be more suc&ululin our ministry if we are alert to
discern the householder's inkmsh and
are prepared to adapt our discussion to
his needs. This should not be difficult
when offering The Watchtotoer and
Awake! or one of our brochures
a After introductng yourself,
you might be& by saylng in
your own words something like
'Many people despair at the apparent
inability of world governments to provide workable solutions to the problems
of our times. Some even blame the governments for their problems. Do you
think there could be a government able
to care adequately for all our needs?
[Allow for response.] Do you know we
have a reliable promise of a government
that will definitely do away with all the
problems we face?" Ltsten carefully to
the householder's answer. Depending

on what he says,be ready to branch off

into one of several different p e ~ & a tiom.
If there is an indicationin the householder's comments that he professes to
be Christian, we could then ask if he
Father,"orlord's Prayer.
If he answers in the m t i v e , we
could recite the model prayer to the
point where it says,"Let your kingdom
come- Let your will take place, as in
heaven, also upon earth." (Matt. 69.10)
Thisproves that somedayJehovah's will
is mine:to be done here on earth. Referen&&then bemadetoanappropriate
article in The Watchtower or Amke! or
to a brochure that follows through on
this thought, such as page 3 of The
Government That Will Bring Paradise.
If the householder evidences no
fatthin (306, you could refer to Hebrews
3:4 and then turn to page 4 of the brochure Does God Really Care About Us?
Read paragraphs 1 and 2 and ask the
question listed at the bottom of the
page;& you could tie in appropriate
materialfrom a current magazine.

Joyfully Returnto Help InterestedOnes

Everyone who shares in the houseto-house work
to help people
who are interest&. By givingsuch help,
Psalm 126:5,6.) Thisrep&s
that we be pre~ared.
Preparation s t a s with keeping
i on our house-toh o ~ m o t the
e subject discussed on the initkalcall and the householder's reaction. You may even want to
make a note of how you want to begin
the conversationwhen you return.
For example, i f you referred
to the Lord's Prayer bnitiaUy
and then placed the "Government" broc?hure,you could briefIu state something ZQe thO:
;"on my previous ;sit, we discussed
how God's will is going to be done on
earth and that peace will be realized in
all areas of life. In the brochure I left,
please notice what it says on g a g d B
about the other blessings God's Kingdom will bring to mankindn
I f the person was inclined to-

say someward dtebelief in

"When I called earlier, we were discussing the point Paul made at
brews 3:4, giving logical reg&gs for
concludingthat there
all things" R e e t h e
scripture again and refer to pages 4
thro h 9 of the brcchure DoesRe&are
About Us?, p i c e up
w h m your Initial presentation left off.
Ask the question and then read the
paragraph,allowingthe householder to
answer the question. If practical,invite
him to get his brochure and consitler
the material t 5 g e f i z

I f the householder appeavs

saNsW d t h his lot in life, you
could ratee the quesNon:
'Why should we seriously consider
what the Bible says about the future of
government?" Then we could use the
information found in the Reolsoning
book on pages 154and 155, mentioning
briefly one or more of the eight ream- mtlaerein.If the householder demonstrates interest,use the tract
Will This World Survive?, beginning
further the conversation.
ByourhitM call will not be entirely
successful if you do not whet the appe
tfte of thehousehokM for another visit.
Therefore, be certainto ask an inten?&
ing question and pro*
to answer it
when you return.
From the material above, select
what you feel combrbble in saying.
Aaust these suggesti0118to fit your territory. Become familiar with the brochures, tracts, and naegxlane articles
you are going 00 use so that you can
quickly adapt your dkugsion to the
needs of the householder. May we all
prepare our presentations dil@ntlyufor
the sake of the good news" and thus
share successfully in this Hesaving
mjnistry.-FCor. 9:23.


or Auxthz!

Refer to the artic~-zinitial visit and then mention another

point of interest in the same article or
one in another issue you have with you
If possible, mad a scripture together
and ask for the householder's comments.
When sufacient inter&& shown, a
subscgQ&g may be offered. Usually
this would be done onlv after the

our goal of starting

aB w ! ! % i
it takes several S J B ~ d e v e l o pthe interest to that
extent. Sho
rn for
the houesho-n*
m e .
gThe good news that we proclaim
read wEt is
on age .Ask the
~~adesik%61ive on a causes great joy. (Luke 210) When inbeautiful paradiseearth. To help in further deterhnhg his interest,yournight
ask for his comments on an encouraging picture or statement in a H
e turning to help the i@erested ones we
you are tising.
Wdinthefield , ,

O 1993 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All r~ghtsresewed. Our Kingdom Ministry (USPS 295-360) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and
Tract Society of New York. Inc.. and International Bible Students Association. 25 Columb~aHeights,,Brookl n. NY 11201. Secondclass postage paid at Brooklyn. N.Y.,
Printed ~nU.S.A.
and at addit~onalmailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower. 25 Columb~atieigits. Brooklyn. NY 11201.

June 1993

For United States of America

Help Others LearnAbout the Greatest Man

Many who have read the book The
Greatest Man Who Ever Lived have expressed sincere appreciation for the effect that it has had on their lives. One
wrote: "When I got to the end of the
book, I felt as if I had been invited by
Jesus to associate with him, to live by
his side,to share hi sufferings,his emotions, every aspect of his ministry. . . .
Reading the book is like watching a
film about Jesus' life."
The Greatest Man book helps us to
get better acquainted not only with Jesus but also with Jehovah. (John 14:9)
One 12-year4d said concerning the
book: "It comforted me so much that I
prayed to Jehovah with tears of joy as
soon as I read it. Deer, down inside. I
was reassured to know that Jehovah
and Jesus are watchii over us." Jesus
said, as recorded at ~ o h n17:3, that it
means everlasting life for us to know
Jehovah and his Son. Studying this
book about Jesus' life gives us special
insight into Jehovah's personality because Jesus is "the exact representation
of his very being."--Heb. 1:3.

Over 19 million copies of the Greatest Man book have been printed in over
70 languages. This shows how well the
book is being received. Many read the
entire book as soon as they receive it.
One interested man read it through
within two weeks of obtaining it. A
clergynan who accepted the book stated: "I cannot put the book down. My
wife and I read some of it every night
before we go to bed."
* Informal Witnessing: One brother
showed the Greatest Man book to people at his place of employment. Word
got around that he had this book, and
reports circulated about what it contained. His coworkers got up a list of
those who wanted a cow. He daced 461
boo&! Five of those who received it are
studying.A sister, whie travelingon an
airplane,placed the s re ate st
with a priest who was going to attend
the ordination of a new cardinal. The
priest had been in the Vatican for 40
years. All of us should take full advantage of opportunities to recommend
the book to others.

a an

Why Tracts Are So Valuable in

Our Ministry Today
In the January 1, 1991, issue of The
Watchtower,page 30,there was an experienceentitled"HeFound aTract on the
Track." It told of a railroad maintenance supervisor who found one of our
tracts wedged under a rail. He read the
tractimmediatelyand then told his sonininlaw:"Today I have found the truth!*
~ ~ment ordered
more literature and
it. Now over a hundred of their
descendants arL active in the truth. This
shows what can result from reading just
one tract.

Some publishers who were witnessing onastreet that led toacemetery saw
people whitewashing graves. The publishers used the opportunity to offer
them tracts. The next day was a holiday
On which many people visit the cemetery, so the publishers decided to stand
at the entranceof thecemeteryandoffer
tracts. Over five hundred tracts were
placed, with only three persons refusing them. The next year, publishers returned and distributed more than a
thousand tracts, with only six refusals.

The appreciation.Oneman read the tract as
brothers everywhere are making use of he was leaving,and shortly he returned
Making Use Of Opportunities:

opportunities to place tracts. One Witness youth noted that her schoolteacher
was feeling sad because of the death
of her mother-in-law. The young sister
wrote her teacher a comforting letter
and enclosed the tract What Hope for
Dead Loved Ones? The teacher wrote a
thank-younoteand thenspokewithour
young sister. Now this teacher regularly
accepts the magazines from her.

to speak with the sister who had given it

to him. He said: "There is someone I
would like to have read this message.
May I have another one?"
Tracts are a handy size and easy to
carry with us wherever we go. When
having informal conversations with
others, whether strangers or acquaintances, we should strive to make a brief
statement that could lead into discuss-

Vol. 36,No. 6
5Youths Appreciate It: Youngsters
are showing much interest in the book.
One nine-year-old wrote: "My favorite
publication is The Greatest Man Who
Ever Lived because I learn a lot from
it." When we meet young people in the
field service, we should take the time,
if their parents are agreeable, to show
these young ones the book and review
some of its highlights and artwork.
We may be able to place books with
these youngsters. When given the o p
portunity to know about Jesus, young
people today can relate to him. Jesus
was an approachable person.-Matt.
19:14, 15.
Reading the Greatest Man book can
change people's lives. Try to acquaint
as many as you can with its contents.
Use the material on the last page of the
introduction to the book, under the
subheading "Benefit by Learning
About Him." This material will help
people focus on what they can gain
from reading the book. Many in your
territory may exclaim as one person did
after reading the book: "It is the best
book I have ever read! It changed my

ing one of the eight tracts that we now

have available. This could be done whiie
talking with neighbors, while shopping
or waiting for an atmointment. while
visiting reiatives, or Kmany other situations.
Why Effective: The tracts are a p
pealingly colorful. They are brief.
Householders and those we meet in informalsituationsare not overwhelmed,
feeling obligated to do extensive reading. Yet, the message is absorbing and
informative. The reader gets a solid
Scripturalview of the issue addressedin
the tract. After receiving the tract Life
in a Peaceful New World and having it
reviewed with him, one young man exclaimed: "Never have I heard such encouraging information about the
e want to use these tracts on every
appropriate occasion. Many publishers
have found them helpful in getting conversations sbrted in house-to-house
work. Numerous studiesnow being conducted were started with a tract. On
page 4 of this issue of Ou? Kingdom
Ministry, there are some practical suggestions on how to use tracts effectively.
Yes, tracts are small but valuable tools
for our ministry.

Week Starting June 21

Song 31
NOTE. OUT Kingdom Ministry will ment. Remind publishers to offer cur- 10 mini Local announcements. Menschedule a Service Meeting for each mt maga!&es when interest man- tion highlights of March Service Reweek during the summer. Congrega- ifested by householder does not war- port. Also mention the part the local
tions may make -st
as need- rant offering the book or when he does congregation had in the field service
report for that month. Include aced to allow for attending the "Divine not accept the book
counts report and read any donation
Teaching" District Convention and Song 205 and concluding prayer.

then for a 30-minute review of the program highlights at the Service Meeting
the followingweek. The day-by-day review of the district convention program
should be assigned in advance to two
brothers who
able to focus on outstanding points.
This well-prepared review will help the
congregation remember key points for
in the
personal m a t i o n a& for
field. Commentsfrom the audienceand
should be brief and
to the point.
Week Starting June 7
Song 162
1 0 min : Local announcements. Call
attention to and brieQ review
mer Reminders!' Demonstrate value of
on hand to
informal witnessing.
15 min: "HelpOthers Learn About the
Greatest Man." Question-and-answer
discussion. As time permits, entertain
comments from audience on how they
consideringpublication at

acknowledgments. Express appreciation for financial support of local congregationas well asSociety's worldwide
wtwk.-10 min: Local announcements and se- 15
"Starting Bible Studies in the
lected ~nnouncementsfrom OUT ~ing-(,.Be
Man Book." Questton-anddam Minidry. Suggest appropriate &er
discussion. ~fter-~aragraph
for demonstrate how to start a Bible study
talkingwin&in C m n t
use in field service thisweek.
in book Publisher begins by r e a e
15 min: Question Box Talk by elder. first three psvagraphs in chapter 111of
P a t Out Our T PO^^@ to con- book and then proceeds with suggested
duct ourselves properly when attend- presentation in paragraph 2 of article.
ing baptisms. Incorporate related
points from December 1991 Ow Kingdom Ministry Question Box
20 min: 'Why Tracts Are So Valuable
Today."Qmuon-andanswer ~ ~ S C U S S ~ After
last paragraph have brlef demonstration showing how easy it is to use a tract in
Song 130
informal witnessing.
Song 126 and concluding PWer.
10 min: Local ann0~11cements.Theocratic News. Gall attention to a few
talking points in current magazhs
that could be used in house-&house
ministry or when witnessing inforWeek Starting June 14
Song 196

20 min: %e Regular in Field Service."
Talk by service overseer or other quali-

fied brother. Review information in Or-

tation in paragraph 2. After introducing tract, publisher discerns little interest on part of householder and so
decides to offer two magazines instead
of book. The second demonstration
should use the same presentation in
paragraph 2, but this t h e householder
shows interest. Publisher proceeds to
present book after brief discussion of
information in tract, and he also makes
brief explanation of donation arrange-

ganizd to Accomplish Our Ministry,

pages 106-10,as time allows. Stress the
need for all to participate regularly in
ministry and to turn in &ld service
reports promptly at end of month.
15 mint Local needs. Could review
points on needs of congregation as
pointed out during last circuit overseer's visit, or use item from Our Kingdom Ministry thatwasorwillbemissed
while attending convention.
Song 71 and concluding prayer.



Number of:
Sp'l Pios.

Ggs. R.V. Bi.St.

~ ~ ~ i e d uforl e congt~~.~onstuulua
book The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived.

205 126.7 83.1 53.1 5.4-


70,001 81.5 27.2 25.9 2.7







59.1 20A 16.4 1.6



3.7 0 5

Baptized: 2,456

June 7:

Chaptm OCOd

June 14:

Chapters 97-96

June 21:


June 28:

Chaptem 101.102

Literature offer for June: The Greatest Ma-n Who Ever Lived. July: Any of the
following brochures may be used: Does God Really Care Abmt Us?, Enjoy Life
on Earth Forever!, 'Lo&! 1 Am Making AU Things New,"Should You Belieue in
the Trinity?, The M n e Name That Will Endure F o r m , or The Government
That wia Bring Paradise. August and September: You Can Live F o r m i n
Parad&? on Eadh. NOTE Congregations that will need the above-mentioned
campaign items should reguest them on their next monthly Literature Request
Form (S(dk14).
The presiding overseer or someone designated by him should audit the
congegationls accounts on June 1 or as soon as possible thereafter. Make
announcement to the congregation when this has been done.
m New -PublicationsAvailable:
m ~ b o d t a n :Spirits of the Dead-Can They Help You or Harm You? Do They
ReaRg E&t? Croatian: Comfort for the Depressed (Tract No. 20). Czech:
C o m j M for the Depressed (Tract No. 20); Enjoy Family Life (Tract No. 21).
French: Jehovah's Witnesses-What Do They Belieue? (Tract No. 18; for Jews).
Hiltgaynon: Should You B e l W in the Trinity? Hungarian: Comfort for the
Deprwed (Tract No. 20). Malayalam: True Peace and Security-How Can You
Find It? Nepali: You Can Live F o r m r in Paradise on Earth (Small size).
Portuguese: Sing Praises to Jehomh-Large Print (Wcsonly). Russian: Who
Reaay . W s the World? (Tract No. 223. Samoan: Comfort for the Depressed
(Trmt No. 20); Enjoy Family Life (Tract No. 21); Who &ally Rues the World?
(Tract No. 22). Sindhi: ''Look! I
Things N W (Brochure); Our
Problems-Who WiU Help Us Sdve Them? (for Hindus). Swahili: The Time for
True SubmissZolz to God (for Muslims). Telugu: You Can Live Forever in Paradise
on Earth (Small size). Ukrainian: Spirits of the- Dead-Can They Help You or
Harm You? Do They R e m y Ex&?
m New Audiocassettes Available:

Albania: mom December 1991 to De-

cember 1992,the number of publishers

.- increased from 24 to 107. The number

of Bible studies went up from 4 to 221

during the same perlod.
Central African Republic: On January 20,1993, the government published
a decree permitting the sumpt ti on of
full activities by Jehovah's Witnesses.
The brothers there rejoice in now being able to use their Kingdom Halls
and in being--able .ta.,Qoldthe "Light
Bearers" District Fnvehtion openly. A
total of 4,739 were tnjattendgnce at
the slx conventions held, and 121were

Use Tracts to
Introducethe OmatestManBook
During the month of June, many [Hand householder the tract WB This
publishers will be using tracts to arouse World Survive? as you hold an identical
interest in the book The Greatest Man tract in your hand] Notice how Jesus
Who Ever Lived. This approach helps prophesied that.. ." Read from a parathem to determinethe degreeof interest graph on page 4 or 5 that coincideswith
and to decide whether it would be ap- the current event mentioned in your

propriateto offerthe book to a particular householder on the initial visit.

a Will This WorIdSurwi~e?
of great assistancein starting conversations. They help to capture the attention
of householders because the tracts deal
with meaningful subjects that affect
them persona5y.
FOT example, you may say somethino
- Zke this:
"In talking with people, we have notic& that many mention their concern
over . . . [choose a current event in the
news]. It seems that world conditions
are going from bad to worse. Some even
wonder if this world can survive.How do
you feel about that? [Allow householder
to respond. Most people are optiitic.]
I read something encouraging I would
like to share with you. It is in this tract.

introduction. If the individual shows

genuine interest, YOU mag decide to
showthe rea ate st ifan book If it seems
appropriate,turn toadditionalinformation on Jesus' prophecy h@@hted in
chapter 111. Before leaving, you may
be able to explain briefly the overall
nature of our worldwide work and describe how it is supported.Also, be sure
to raise a question on a subject for
discussion when you
Life ina PeacefulNew World: What
does Uving in a peaceful new world
' mean to you? Generally, people think
of lovely scenes of majestic rivers and
peaceful valleys,with beautiful animals
living at peace with one another. Those
who are distressed by present world
conditions may Bnd the prospect of a
peaceful new world most refreshing.

Are you prepared to offer something

refreshing and pleasant to your neighbors, your workmates, and those you
meet from house to house?
Using the tract %tfe tn a Peaceful New WorZd,' you could say
something Zike this:
"Doyou think it will ever be posdble

for people to live in peace as shown on

the cover of this tract? [Allow householder to respond] Please look at the
last sentence in the first paragraph on
page 2. It asks: 'But is it just a dream, or
fantasy, to believe the& conditions will
ever exist on earth? [Thenread the next
paragraph in the tract.] That quotation
about new heavens and a new earth is
from the Bible, at 2 Peter 313. If it's
convenient for you to get your Bible,
we can read Psalm 1M5 to learn more
about the earth's future." Or you could
just read the verse from your Bible. If
the individual shows Interest,direct the
discussion to the Greatest Man book,
chapter 133.
6 Further return visits will need to be
made to 'water' the seed that has been
planted. (1Cor. 3:6,7) The article below
suggests how a study might be started
in the Greatest Man book, either on the
initialcall or on your return visit.

Ask the householder the fbst question

at the end of the ChZiDkX "What will be
the happy privilege of ~rmageddonsurvivors and their children? [Allow for a
response. The other questions mag be
holder appears inkrested and has time discussed similarly.] would you like to
beamutof thenewearththatJesuswill
available,continue your discussion.
When it appears ,that another time ruleover as King? I would like to have
may be more suitablefor the household- the opportunity each week to help you
er, you might a& Vould you like to' seefromtheBiblehowthiscanbeyour
know more about when the end of the experience."
Some individualsmay also be intersystem of thingswill be?" You may then
arrange to return to answer the ques- estedin a furtherdiscussionabout Jesus

Starting BibleStudies in the

Greatest Man Book
Havinga home Biblestudywould be
most enjoyable and rewarding for both
you and the householder. There is nothhg to compare with the joy of sharing
Bible knowledge with others.-Prov.
*Sign of the Last Days: If you used
the suggestion in the above article and
initiated your discussion with the tract
WiR This World Survive?, how can you
now start a study using chapter 111of
the rea ate st i an book?opin the book
to chanter 111. and read the Erst three
paragraphs. YOUmay then ask the first
question at the end of the chapter:
"What prompts the apostles' question,
but apparently what else do they have
on their minds?" Help the householder
reason on the answer, and use the illustration to teach. After reading the
fourth paragraph through the sixth, ask
the second auestion: "What art of Jesus' prophe& is fulfilled in ?O CE., but
what doesnot occur then?" If the house-

*Is a Peaceful World Possible? If

Youmight say:

you used the tract Life in a Peaceful w "Aneffort has been made in thtsbook
New World to lead &i
the ~ r e d e s t .to present Jesus' earthly life as set forth
Man book,how can chapter 133be help in the four Gospels. Would you like to
ful in starting a ~ i b lstudy?
learn more about Jesus' life on earth?"If
After reading R Peter 3:13, you the householder is agreeable, you may
may read or summarfzethe sec- wish to discuss the first of Jesus' miraond paragraph on page 3 o f the cles,in chapter 15.
d say:
tract a ~ then
There are still many honesthearted
" J e w Christ, the Son of God,will be people who have a love for righteousthe King of Jehovah's Kingdom. Notice ness and who are looking for solutions
how the book The Greatest Man Who to the problems they face. Truly, ofEver Lived describes Jesus and informs fering to share the teachings of Jesus
us about what he will accomplish in the Christ by meansof a q l e study is a
future." Then read the entire chapter. most rewarding endeavor.

@ 1993 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Soc~etyof Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. Our Kingdom Ministry (USPS 295-360) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and
Tract Society of New York. Inc.. and International B~bleStudents Assoc~ation,25 Columbia Hei hts, Brookl n. NY 11201. Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn. N.Y..
and at addit~onaltnalllng offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower. 25 ~oyumbialieigI!ts. Brooklyn. NY 11201.
Printed ~n U.S.A.

FO; United States of America

July 1993

Vol. 36,No. 7

For example,if gy&hg to someone

who is confused about Christendom's
or who may think that


- a masterstroke of the Witnesses and

truths and
overturn reasonings and teachings contrary to the knowledge of God.-2 Cor.

2After reading the brochure Jehovah's Witnesses-Unitmoing

God's WUZ Worldwide, a
to writ&^ have never = u T o a
..It is marvelousto find people
who take God's will so seriously in
witch doctor instudied the bro- '
chure Enjoy Life on Earth Forever!
What effect did it have on him?He
up J
practice and-dismissed the women he lived with except
his senior wife. Then he l e g p ~ ~
3 The brochure ShouM. Yoet Belieoe in
the T n j a well-documented, reasonable, and eEective instrument of
truth.Cornmentingonit,a ~ $ @
er for

now no Trinitarian--or binatarian-is

safe. The booklet piles quotation upon
quotation from historical and theological sources to show that the Trinity
doctrinewas not derived from the Bible.
.. .It is most difficult for this religion
writer to see how the average-or even
above average church member-can
answer the compelling and commanding arguments marshaled by the WIG
nesses against the view that Jesus is
God." 3
Use Them Well: To be effective,
these attracti-e and authoritative instruments mu&k-=&
who will readthem. since we have virious brochures. each dealine:with a different
r d theme,' we should Gndeavor to
ofperthe one #& we judge most approfor the
-n i
nessingto. Knowing our brochures and
having a variety of them at hand will
it easier for us to use them well,
whether in field service, at home, or

MakingGood Useof
me WatchtowerandAwake!
The Watchtower and Awake! are the
most valuable and the most beneficial
magaztnes that people can read today.
Why? Because the spiritual truths they
contain can have an everlasting effect
for good on people's lives. However,
many are not fully conscious of their
spiritual need, or they do not know
where to look to satisfy it. It is our
privilege to imitate the apostle Paul by
helping people to open their eyes spiritually.-Matt. 5:3; Acts 26:18.
Positive and Prepare Well1

Likely there are sheeplikepeople in your

territory who will respond to the truth.
Somemay simplyneed kind encouragement to read the magazines. Therefore,
be positive and persuasive as you offer
The Watchikmm and Awake! Keep a
supply of maffdzines at hand and take
advantage of every opportunity to distalbutethem, even when featuringother

would permit so much suffering,

whifibmclwe would meet the need?If
a person expresses concern about the
need for a o v e m t that benefits
people, whai might be the right brochure for him?
In addition to knowing which brochure to use,endeeor to whet the a p
tite~efthe Derson about its contents. If
c&-dmpermit,po~utaF.pmment or illustratipp that
ht &mukte his interest in reading the material.
Or you could read a paragraph orwith him, look up citea texts, and discuss the material. Many m e Bible studies have been started this way.
Our brochures provide Scriptural
answers and instluin those who
sigh and groKover the detestable
things being done in the world. (Compare
94.)People who are sheep. Ezekiel


literature contains.It is our privilege to

makegooduseof thebrochuresinall
interested ones.
Make Good Use of Older Issues:

Remember, The Watchtower and

Amlee! do not lose their value, even if
they have not all been placed within a
month or two of their issue date. The
informaUon they contain does not becomeless important with the passage of
time. and we should not hesitate to offer
older copies if they are in good condition Allowing older magazines to a m mulate and never using them shows a
lack of appreciation for these valuable
instruments. Each magazine contains
trUthsthathave the potentialto awaken
and satisfy spiritual appetites. Instead
of setting aside older issues and forgetting about them, would it not be better
to make a special effortto place them
in the hands of interested people or at
leaSt to leave them in ah i n C O n s p i ~ ~
place when peoplearenot at home?
e h8.s helped
y y who i n i w were not s p y m y

What may make us more effective

in distributing magazines? To begin
with, we must really a~ureciatetheir
value ourselves. we-shokd be familiar with the articles in the magazines
that we are offering, and this will enhance our confidence and our eagerness to present them. Keep this
thought in mind as you initially read
them. Be alert to select points to
higheht in the ministry. ~ s yourk
seE 'To whom would this article particularly appeal?Would a housewife, a
young persqn, or perhaps a businessman appreciate it? would
be into a student, to a married person, to someone concerned
about the environment?' To be truly
effective, we should be able to rec- 111cmw==tobec6mecons~ousof
the magazines based on our their spiritualneed. The w&htOUEY is a
in the spiritualfeeding
personal knowledge and enjoyment of
their timely articles.
(Continued on page 2, col. 3)

the truth. Such experiences should be

selected ahead of time and should show
effectivenessof the ministry.
knowledgments. Remind congregation Song 191 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting July 5
Song 133
discuss various talking points from Week Starting July 19
10 min: Local announcements and
Song 136
pertinent Announcements from Our magazines.
to Stimulate InKinadom Ministru. Have two or three 20 min: :Returning
15 min: Local announcements. TheoBible."
intropubiishers prepakd to comment on
cratic News. Also, discuss with audionstrate
how they make good use of older issues someone who showed interest but did ence "New Circuit Assembly Program."
of magazines.
15 min: "Can You Do It?"Mscuss with
15 min: "Featuring Brochures to not accept literature.Also, demonstrate audience. Interview one or two regular
Search Out Interested Ones." Questionpioneers or one or two publishers wh9
and-answer coverage. Brochures re- busy to talk but who accepted tract serve as auxiliary pioneers from time to
ferred to in paragraph 5 are: Should You
ow how publisher initiates con- time. Have them relate how they made
Believe in the Trinity?, Does God Really
decision to do more and how they orgaCare About Us?, and The Government versation and stimulates inkrest.
nize their activities.
That Will Bring Paradise. Inform con15 min: Talk by elder on personal
gregation about stock of brochures or three publishers on how they learned cleanliness, based on The Watchtower
available, and ask for comments on
of June 1,1989,pages 15-20.Talk should
which brochures would es~eciallvbe
be presented in a kind manner and with
appropriatefor local territory. ~nt6usigood judgment.
asticallvencourambrothers to have full
Song 165 and concluding prayer.
share hi offering Grochures during July. Argentina: A new all-time publisher
Also point out that many times people
Week Startin'g July 26
who accept a brochure would like to During that same month, 507new disciSong
have mamzines
20 min: "Effectively Using Brochures Benin: A new peak of 2,967 publishers 10 min: Local announcements. Elder
in July." Discuss points with congrega- reported in February. When compared considers congregation's June fleld sertion, and demonstrate presentations in with the activity one year ago, publish- vice report, giving commendation and
~ a r a m o h 3.5,
s and 7. Encourage
ers have risen by 13.8 percent, hours by encouragement. Also, discuss two or
- good
6.1 percent, magazine placements by three appropriate talking points from
40.6 percent, and Bible studies by magazines for use'in field service this
Song 30 and concluding prayer.
25.1 percent.
Week Starting July 12
Ecuador: The 23,176 publishers report- 15 min: "Cross," Reasoning book,
ing field activity during February con- pages 89-93. To be handled as return
Song 25
b c a l announcements. ~~~d ducted 42,219 home Bible studies. This visit on householder who accepted the
accounts report and any donation ac- was an increase of 2,180 publishers and "Look!" brochure. Householder points
3,183Bible studiesover February of last to page 17 of brochure and asks why it
depicts Jesus on a stake instead of on a
Ireland: The 59th consecutive publish- cross. Brother uses Reasoning book to
er oeak was reached in Februarv with help householder acquire Bible view4,093 reporting. Future growth- looks point.
promising with a new peak of 2,682 21) min: "Making Good Use of The
Watchtower and Awake!" Questione
home ~ i b lstudies
Peru: The 43,366 publishers in Peru and-answer consideration. Help all to
reported 369,437return visits and 68,090 appreciate the many opportunities we
home Bible studies in February.A new- may have daily to place magazines, curly built Assembly Hal! in Lima was rent as well as older issues.
Song 192 and concluding prayer.
dedicatedwith 21,-240in attendance.
Tahiti: A 13-percent increase was.
reachedin February with 1,604publish- Making Qood Use
ers reporting. This was Tahiti's 64th program of Jehovah's people. These
consecutive peak of publishers.
magazines complement each other
Zaire: Despite economic and political nicely, and they play a vital role in getdisturbancesin this country, the broth- ting the good news preached.
ers reported a new peak of 71,098
As we take advantage of every oppublishers (for February. That was a portunity to place magazines, we can
9-percent increase over last year's aver- have full confidence in their effectiveage. Congregation publishers are aver- ness in meeting the spiritual needs of
aging 16.8 hours in field service. Zaire sheeplike ones. We want to maintain a
now has over 6,000 regular pioneers.
positive attitude,'prepare yell, and be
Aruba, Guadeloupe, Martinique, regular in the ministry. As publishers of
St. Kitts,and the U.S. Virgin Islands. all the good news, may all-of regularly
in the Caribbean area, reported new make good use of the Watchtower and
peaks of publishers in February,
AWalce! magazines.


8 Literature to be featured in July: Any of the following brochures may be used:

Does God Redly Care About Us?, Enjoy Life on Earth Form!, #Look! I Am
Making All ThingsNew," Should You Belieue in the Trinity?,The Divine Name That
WiR Endure F o r m , or The Couemment That WiR Bring Paradise. August and
September: YOU Can Lice F o r m in Paradise on Earth. October: Mankind's
Search for God or copies of Awake! and The W a t m . Subscriptions may be
offeredon return Wts.NOTE.Congregations that will need the above-mentioned
campaign items should request them on their next monthly Literature Request
Form (S(dk14).Please request needed extra magazines for October distribution.
The Society is now producing EhgUsh bound volumes of The W&for
the years 1980 1985as permanent stock items.Any inkrested in 0these
bound volumes should request them through the congregation. Please bear in mind that bound volumes are special-request items.
As of April 8,1993,the Gujarahlanguagehas been added to the listof monthly
editions of the Aunlce! magazine available b y maiL
r New Publications Available:
Albanian: You Can Live F o r m in Paradise on Earth (Small size). Arabic:
Jehowlh's Witnesses-A Christian Community (forMuslims). Cambodian: J e w
mh's Witnesses in the Twentieth Century. Chinese (Simplified):True Peace and '
Security-Howcan You Find It?Croatian:Enjoy FamUy Life(Tract No. 21),Who
Really Rules the World?(Tract No. 22). Czech: Who Redy Rules the World?(Tract
No. 22). Dakota I Enjog Llfe on Earth Forever1 Frenoh: WlllThere Ever Be a World
Without War' (forJews). Greek! Sing Praises to Jehowrh-Large Print (Lyrics '
only) Japanese: New World Translationof the Holy Scriptures-Large Print (set
of four volumes). Russian: Jehmh's Witnesses-What Do T h q Believe? (Tract
No. 18; for Jews).Thai: HOW tO Find the Road to Paradise (forMuslims).
New Au&ocassettes Available
Danish: Leviticus (set of two au&ocassettes);Numbers (set of three audiocassettes);L k u t m m y (set of two audiocassettes).French: Preserving Life tn Time
of Famine (Drama; slngle audiocassette).German: Ddng God's WzR With Zed
(Drama; single audiocassette).Japanese: Doing God's Wia With Zed (Drama;
singleaudiocassette).Spanish: The First of Chronicles(setof two audiocassettes).
Turkish: Doing God's Will With Zeal (Ihmw single audiocassette);Preserving
Life in Time of Famine (Drama;sngle audiocassette).

'To speed up the disciple-makhg
work, the organization has generously
supplied many difPerent publications.
Among these are brochures that deal
with speciflc themes, such as God's
purpose for the earth, the
G o d d the n-,t
- doG
How can we use brochures effectively
to help people in our territory? - a The brochure Dpes God Really Care
About Us? explains logically that a new
efrom suffering is near. How
might we introduce it? Suggestionwan
be found in the Reasmiunder
the main heading
on page 393, or you may prefer the
introducti6ii-on page 12 under the
heading ~ t i c e / ~ g g n


You mZght say:

Wave you ever wondered: 'Dces Gpd

really care that humans experience injustice and suffering?'" Allow for response.Read Psalm 7212-14. Then turn
to page 22 of the brochure Does God

ment will unite people globally. If the

householder does not accept the I--chure, you may offer the &ct wia
World Survive? t----there is fear of crime in your
neighborhood, th6Touowmg mfroduction may be appealing.

Reaay Care About Us? and discuss the

bold headings in part 10,as well as the
meaning of the illustration on page 23.
If the,-p
why not offer
a tract, such as Comfort for the DeYOUcould say:
pressed or Life in a Peaceful New
"Many people wonder, 'I$ I ; p p m
Good government is a topic of con- why does he -7
you wondered about this too?" AUow
for comment, then say: "Notice that
-. .
Proverb l&~cautions
against blaming
tion is found under "Government"
ginning on page 152 of the Reasoning God for the bad things people do." After reading the text, direct attention to
page 15 of the brochure. I Am
could ask:
"Is it p o m f o r h
tqesbb- Malcing AU Things New" and read para,lisaaga-t
that will r@uyhhg graph 27. This could lead into a discuslas$i~~&~happhes?"
Allow for reply, sion of the succeeding paragraphs.
Using brochures to teach sheeplike
then ask: "What does the record of human history show?" Turn to Jeremiah people about the good news is some1% or turn to page 152of the Reason- thing that hat of us can do. We can help
l of life to associate
and read-a&p_rggsiate texts people from $
with God's ormnhatlon. It is our priviand comments. Thereafter, t m &
the Gow-wm lege to share k~the preaching activity
brochure and consider illustrationsand as we effectively use our timely broscriptures. Explain how God's govern- chures.

Returningto stimulateinterest

hard to &pt that Satan rules this

world? [Allow for resm-nse.1Notice the

first p b p h on
6- Read the
paragraph,then a&: "w& would Sam
j l "
want to dec i us?" lifter the houseSometimes we m s p a l e in fleld
When calling back on a per- h d c o n s i d e r together the
service who show some interest in the son who was busu.
uou miaht
-, fourth paragraph on page 3. You may
good newsbut are too busy to talk with say:
conunue with a thorough consideration
us at the moment we callDo weI'm glad to see you once again. The of the tract, or you may want to Qat another tirn
e the last time I was here, we couldn't talk trpduce the
m message with
r- because you didn't have time. I can see 1y Care AhimLUZ and consider parahaps we have an interestim conve=
that you are a busy person, and I'll be grajh 8 on pam
tion with a householder, but he does brief. Wely you are c o n c e w abbut
reason to be positive
good health for yourself and for those
you love. Well, did you know that Gdo and to follow up on the interest we flnd
. . work even if it is e&has promised to put an end to all sick- in our preaching
It isimportant
ness? Wouldn't that be wonderful? [Al- . low for response.] Notice the point in to care about others, to be motivated to
~h 4 Of this brochure entitled la& them bun the truth.' ~eh0~ahtern we may find. Do we make return P.
organization provides literature and
' l % % M a k i n g AU Things N?!"
mggeski presentatlow that can aid
overlooking some interested m
then consider one Of the scriptures us in p k i n g others c o w of their
we c e m would not -t
to iudfe at the bottom of page 4 that depicts spiritual need.-Matt. 5:3.
someone as being unGOrthyof further Conditions in the new world. If the
If you have had a pleasant converis receptive, you may be s m awith someone who may be even
spiritual encouragement
start a home Bible study.
he did pot accept
- - interested, do not neglect callRomans 14:4.) Perhaps after our visit, a
en rev6sitdng someone ing MCR to c&te
the Gte~t.~t
a tract, you could
householder may think
in starting a home u e
said or may come to appreciate the ef- say somethzng l a ~ W
e s:
and putting someone on the way
fort we m e to visit him. He may be
"The last time I saw you, you accept- to life. We encourage all to continue
more favorably disposed when we re- ed a copy of this tract entitled Who sharing conscientio~lyin this lifesavturn.
Reaay Rules the World? Do you f l n m ing work.-1 Tim.4:16.
@ 1993 Watch Tower Blble and Tract Soclety of Pennsylvania All rlghts reserved Our Klngrlorn Mlnlstry (USPS 295-360) IS publ~shedmonthly by Watchtower Blble ant
Tract Society of New York. Inc., and lnternatlonal Bible Students Assoc~at~on,25 Columbia He1 hts. Brooklyn. NY 11201. Second-class postage p a ~ dat Brooklyn, N.Y.
and at addlt~onaimailing offlces. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower, 25 ~ofumblaHe~ghts,Brooklyn. NY 11201.
Printed ~nU.S.A


August 1993

For United States of America

Requirementsfor Both the New

-nd the Seasoned Minister
The psalmist David asked: "0Jeho- to upp port the habit. Through a Bible
nth, who will be a guest in your tent? study, he broke off m a o n
e your o mountain?" -vious
companions, found new

Vol. 36, No. 8

In these t i e s hard to deal with,
mounting pressures can influence a
Christian to break God's laws. If personal study, family study, congregasn
m-eetings, or hteY
ris neglected,
even a once-strong Christianmay drift
a : from
~ the faith, perhaps falling
into won co c t Tha 6 w y ul
to yourad,
"Give constant thought to what I am
saying."-1 mm. 4:16; 2 Tim. 2:7.
newly eiated

",ords, David friens among Je ov 's WiEiGE%S
answered..f~ewho is walking faultr 3 eventually dAca% his life to
lessly and practicingrighteousness and God.
speaking the truth."'p&lti:l,2) Those
3 Likewise, we must be determined to
requirements have not changed. AU to- please God in all our conduct, "in true
day who come to worship in the Chris- righteousness and loyalty." (Eph. $24)
tian congregation m x t abandon im; We have the oblimtion to=
off the
moral practices and drunkenness. old personality with its practices" and
balanced in the minThere is n m e among Jehovah's peo- to "clothe [ourselves] with the new
our hope stso
ple for those who are quarrelsome,have, -ep
which through accurate @%and
or are double-tongud. knowledge is being made new" if we are Our life is to be
rvance of God's
Whether new ministerZ% seasoned to reiq Md's m o u n t d e orgais amlutely
ones, we m p t be faithful in main- nization.-Col. 39, 10.
w g thes-hi
outlined in
QodrsWord, a Powerful Influence:
'Make it yourm to
God's Word.-Gal. 5:19-21.
Jehovah's personality as revealed to us
affect fieldsenrice during this last month of
Many new ones are associating with thrbu h the m a n ~pothe 1993
YBe d&@Ehed to
Jehovah's organization. Young and old our t&
and our actio- in a
(Rom. 122) is word has the he-p
to gFow in faith and to inalike have transformed their thinking vit-.
so as to conform their way of life to power to transform m i n & i search crease productivity in the field minisGod's requirements. A boy in South though hearts. (Heb. 4:12) The in- try.@om. 1:12)
America grew u without arental spired Scri tures teach us that Je- ' htnhtters b y r m t y i n personal
guidance a n d d o p e d sever:pers~ovah's *hta
we lead a Z d y , family study, and meeting attend&~.
B$%-I~time he was ~ 8 , % d e have
, a full share&dance. (Phil. 423) Your effortsto please
ot a e c t God by living up to his requirements
he was addicted to dru and had tiJ7 the putlic miniptry,
ady spent time in DrisTn for steg
Christian meetings.
will not go unnoticed.-Col. 3:23,24.



people. We need to show genuine inter.est in the concerns of those we meet in

the field or in informal settings. It takes
interest to people in your territory. good preparation to stimulate their inPoint to the Bible's clear answers tO terest progressively. It takes patience to
these questions. Show how the litera- keep calling back until you get them
t ~ r ewe distribute Can help them to into a regular pattern of spiritual feedlimn what the Bible has to Say about ing. It takes lovinginterest in the people
these and other vital issues that affect themselves. We must sincerely want to
help them to be saved from impend&Of us.
*It is important to draw the house ing destruction. Our Bible study work
holder into the conversation. Be alert should be made a matter of regular and
to discern what concerns him.Develop earnestprayer.-1 The= 5:17.
It is most encouraging to see that
your conversation around his interests
or anxieties. Call attention to informa- nearly a million people have become
tion in a book, brochure, magazine, or baptized disciples in the past three
tract that explains the Bible's solution y-.
28:19,20) we are now conto mankind's problems. Before leaving, ductmg about four and a half million
raise a question or two that you believe Bible studies each month, and this
will build his anticipationfor your next showsourconcernfor the lives of others.
call.When you return, be sure to remind What about you? Have yO+been putting
him of these questions,and then use the forth earnest effort to w e in the home
literature in helping him to find the Bible study work? Remember, our lives
Bible's answers.
and those of others depend upon our
Our starting studies and regularly faithfulness in this regard.-Ezek. 3:
conductingthem can changethe livesof 17-19.

Earnestly Search for Bible Studies

There is increasing evidence that
time is running out for this old world.
(2 Tim.31-5) What does this mean? It
means that the lives of people are at
stage. However, it is within our power to
h&p some get saved. (Prov. 3:27) TOthis
end we should earnestly endeavor to
start and conduct Bible studies
gOOd has been accomplished
by the distribution of our Bible-based
But what people need most is
personal mtance through a regularly
we help them see that?
We can raise questions that concern
many people. Such questions could f*
cus on why morals have drastically dedined, why family life is so unstable,
why violence and crime are 6uch a
threat, why a loving Ood permits present conditions, and so forth.Be alert to
issues and events that are of particular


Week Starting August 2

Week Starting August 9

Song 63

Song 70

10 min: Local announcements and 10 min: Local announcements, inselected Announcements from Our cluding accounts report and donation
Kingdom Ministry. M
w talking acknowledgments Commend copoints from the ~ ~ r r e n t m g a z h eEns . gation for llmncial support of local
c o m t i o n aswell asSociety's worldcourage all to share in fleld senrice
wide work
20 mlns =Strive to Qet a Listening 15 min: "Telephone Witnessing-A
Ear." Discuss with audience. Highlight Way to Reach Many." Questionadimportance of treating each hoanSwer Coverage of paragraphs 14-20.
as time perholder as an individual with objective Read selected -phs
of having a discussion with him. Have mits Ask audience to comment on
brief pre-ktions
on sugg*
Reasoning book reference mentioned
tiom in p-phs
2 and 3. Emphasize in paragraph 16. Highlight additional
regular use of magazines in field ser- points from July 1990 Our K i n g h
Ministry, page 4.
15 mine uTelephone Witnessing-A
20 mln: "Return to Help People
Way to Reach Many." QuestionadHow They Can me Forever-"
answer coverage of first 13 paragraphs Question-and-amer coverage. Have
of returnvisitbased
of hlSel't. Read Sele~kdparagraphs as Onedemonstration
time permits. Remind congregation td On presentation Outlined in paraprepare for coverage of remaining sev- graphs 6 and 6.
Song 71 and concluding prayer.
en paragraphs next week.
Song 193 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting August 16,


On February 8, 1993, an
document was received that
to establish an
for our work and opens the way for
misdOnarieS to enter the countrg'
~iberia:~uringMarch the brothers
were able to hold their Light Ekarers"
Djstrict Convention on the Society's
tract of land adjacent to the branch
of8ce. The pealr attendance was 2,711,
and 78 were baptized.

Av. Av. fii Av.
Hts. Mags. 83. Bi.St.

Number of:


tOB 143# 64a r

e S4


8&,70?( 8@&mi $%Cali@-7




m.i M J ~ias ra

T66,6W 109 4# ,Sf


874Iptk& S M
A Plne Memqrhi
tJ b %asg
The Memo* attandance on
1,975,255, a fine vncrease of 36@arerlest
year's attendance ~ n d
more fd@nk&# the
number of pubfishersin t k Unfted Stafes.fhis
indicates excellent potential fDr increastrin-ottr
generaily well-hcked'tenitwy. The m
r of
partakersat the Memorialwas 3,602


16 min: ~OCal-o~nCementS. T h e
cratic News. Mscussion of article "New
special m b b Day hograa" EnCOU1'8ge all to make advance Plans for
attending Special assembly day P m
gram during 1994 sewice Year. AnllOU11Ce date and PlZiCe if kIWAlso
encourage participation in weekend
fleld activity.
10 min: Highlight value of Live Form
er book Figures can be cited to indicate incduring the years when
this P u b ~ ~ t i owas
n used. Many have
learned the truth by
book. I n m w one or
who studied this book when coming


appreciated learning from it and how it

can be used in the fleld. Encourage
brothers to offer it enthusiastically
where interest is noted.
20 mln: "Requirements for Both the
New and the Seasoned Minister."
Question-and-answer coverage by elder. Conclude with warm but brief
summary of points applying to local
congregation needs.
Song 6 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting August 23

Song 148
10 min: Local announcements.
20 min: "Ehmtly Search for Bible
Studiee." Questionad-answer cover-

age of article by service overseer. ~ e a d

and apply all cited scriptures. Review
pragresr of Bible study work in congre
gation over past flve years, and develop
concluding comments according to 1c+
cal needs.
15 min: The Importance of Dates in
Our Study of the ~ible.After brief
talk on maWM mder "DefMtion" on
Page 93 of -zng
book, conduct
audience discussion of rest of information under "Dates" Consider "Why do
Jehovah's Witnesses sey that Clod's
Kingdom was established in 19141"
how this information helps
new ones to be prepared to defend the
Song 43 and concludingprayer.
Week Starting August 30

Song 156

5 mi,: Local announcements, including special field service afiangemerits for September 6.
15 mln: "Be Whole-Souled in Your
Service." Talk by elder. When discussing paragraph 2, make appropriate
comments on Watchtower reference.
Read and apply Malachi 3:lO in conclusion.
10 min: "T&phone Witnessing-A
way to each Many? (2 mia) Brief
review of high points of article. Scene I
(3 min.) Demonstrateprepamtion steps
outlined in P ~ U W Y ~ P12~ Sand 13.
Scene II (3 min.) Usingone of thesample p-kaons
in paragraph16, deman actual Mephone Mtn(2 mia) Give e n t h m conclusion
for using this method of ~ t n m .
needs can discuss en1s
coumgernent given by circuit overseer
during last visit. Remind brothers to
check that all reports for 1993 service
ym have been turned in.
Song 31 and concludingprayer.

responsible ministerial servant may be selected by the

body of elders to work closely with the service overseer in
organizing the work.
Publishers who have overcome their initial reluctance
and have gained experience in telephone witnessing have
found it to be a productive field. At the outset, perham
m a few pUblirhers and pioneers
these ~ a U
After they become familiar and comfortable with this
Of witnm*
their enthusiasm and encouraging
experiencesmay move others to learn how to sharein this
inmtOf the preaching work
Where to Begin: It may be possible to get names of
residents from the d i ~ & ~inrthe
~ lobby of an apartment
building. Then the telephone numbers may be looked UP
in the telephone directory. A city directory in the local
may list the names of occupants of every home
and apartment in the community. In some communities
a special book that lists telephone numbers by street
locations is available. P h O ~ p i e sof Pages from the
latest edition could serve as territories. The size of these
territories should be kept relatively
lo In till fOlTn3 Of witnessing activity,it is most beneficial
to keep i3ccurate records. This is also true for telephone witnessing. Carefully note helpful information on
a house-to-house record, such as the subject discussed,
the interests of the householder, and the subject that will
be discussed On the next call. Indicate whether another
telephone call should be made at a later date or a peK3CJnal
has been
'I Personal Schedule Needed: A regular routine will
help build Your mfidence and ward off apprehension.It
is best to call when people are more likely to be home,
such as in the evening and on the weekends. Schedule a
regular time each week to make these calk. Some have
found the hour beforethe aWW@on Book Study to be
a productive time. Find out what works best in your area.
l2 How to Prewrer Talk with others who eqjoy this
~ r M k z of
e service and get ideas A~waysbe positive. look
to Jehovah as your source of power and strength, and
seek his direction through prayer. (Ps. 27:14; PhiL 413)
Plan to put your whole heart into this activity, just as in
other forms of Witnessing.--Compare Mark 1233.
13 Experience has proved that sitting at a desk or a table
can be helpfuL Sitting in an upright chair promoteis clear
thinking and concentration. Lay out all the witnessing
materials that you may use-tracts, the litemtm currently being featured, the latest magazines or some interesting older copies, the Bible, the Reasoning book, an
invitation to the meetings with specitic meeting times
and Kingdom Hall address listed, a pen or a pencil, and
house-@house records. Have your literature readily
available,perhaps even open to a particular article. Thoroughly rehearse your presentation. Keep in mind that the
purpose of your call is to give a witness and to arrange a
visit with the individual as soon as possible.
l4 Making the ~ c t u Call:
a ~ ela ax. Be yourself. A warm,
pleasing voice is needed for effective telephone witnessing. The smile on your face will be reflected in your tone
of voice. Speak slowly and clearly, using _sufacient volume. Be courteous, patient, and friendly: Do not fear
rejection. Accept the fact that people may not be interested in your message. View it the same as you would in
your regular door-Moor ministrJr.

Telephone Witnessing

- f0 each P-u-


Evidence abounds that we are now living in "the 1 s t

(2 Tim. 3:l) Without a doubt the time left for
W d O m p r e a m and disciple making is reduced.
Each of us, therefore, should act with urgency to help
others become approved worshipem of Jehovah God.
2 The apostle Paul felthis m & b i l i t y to m
e public
&&ration of his faitk (Rom. 10:lO) He knew that God's
is that all so* of men should be saved and come to
an accurate knowledge of man(1Tim. 24) aa~edon his
knowledge of truth, Paul considered ~mselfto be a
debtor to all. This increased his sense of urgency in
dmthe good news. He said: "There is eagerness on
my part to declare the good news . . . For I am not
asharned of the good news; it is, in fact, God's power for
salvation to everyone having faith."-Mm. 1:14-17.
indebtedness and
3.m we personfeel
manifest a similar eagerness to reach everyone in our
territory? While we. prefer sharing the good news with
othersface-to-face, as in door-to-door and street witnessing, why limit our activity to this? It is possible that many
individuals in our congregation territory have never spaken with one of Jehovah's Witnesses. How c& this be?
Territory: msyour territory have highrise apartments guarded by doormen? Perhaps-there are
apartment complexes that are off-limits to
door-to-door visitation. Has the congregation been denled entry to preach the good news in a military base or
a private subdivision locat,.& in the krfitory? very likely
some individuals living in such places have never heard
about the blessings of God's Kingdom. Are there people
who are never found at home?
5 We need not despair of reaching these people because
they are difficult to contact. How does Jehovah view the
situation?The apostlePeter writes: "Jehovah.. .does not
desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to
nqentance. ...Furthermore,consider the patience of our
Lord as salvation." (2 Pet. 3:9,15) Lives are involved, and
Jehovah is interested in each one. (Matt. 18:14) How can
we s
w the kind of compassion and mercy that Jehovah
display5 for these individuals?By seeing that everyone in
our territory receives a witness.-Acts 20:20,21; Rev. 14:


6, 7.
60rganized for Thorough Activity: In the past the
Society has encouraged those who are conilned to their
homes, either temporarily or permanently because of
illness or physical disability, to make good use of the
telephone. Those who find themselves in such a situation
should continue this fine work. Also, reports have been
received that a number of brothers and sisters, including
regular and auxiliary pioneers, have used telephone witnesdng as an adjunct to their usual door-to-door minisQ'Y.
? Some congregations have made a concerted effort to
arrange for telephone witnessing. When elders take the
lead in organizing the territories and providing support
either personally or through other publishers, greater
s u m is reported. The service overseer is responsible for
supervising this activity. However, any qualified elder or


16 In your introduction, state your f

ull name. It is best nate the call. Let Gtod's spirit direct your efforts and help
not to say that you are phoning all the people in a you search for those whose hearts are right toward him.
particular building or complex, as this may result in
It is better foryou to bring the conversation t
raising barriers.
than to leave it to the householder to do so. You can
introductions from the Reasonbag book may be conclude simply by inviting the person to the public talk
read word for word in a conversational manner. For at the Kingdom Hall, giving the address and meeting
example, you might introduce yourself this way:"Hello, times. You may also ask if a visit may be made to his
mynameisIamcallingyoubecauseIamunableto home to speak with him further on the subject discussed.
come and see you personally." Then, without pausing, It may even be possible to present literature ef9ectively
over the telephone. Magazines may be offered with the
"Ia m interested in getting your view on whether the
quality of life will ever improve. Most of us are glad to be goal of starting a magazine route.
alive, but many wonder, 'Is a genuinely happy life possil9 Share in the Joy of Telephone Witnessing: W
ill all
ble? How do you feel about that?[Allowtime for answer.] the calls become Bible studies? No, but some will. For
What would you say is one of the biggest obstacles to example, one sister made over 300 calls in one month.
happiness todag?"Or after introducing yourself as above, After introducing herself, she explained why she was
you could say: 'I am involved in an international volun- telephoning rather than visiting each householder. She
teer work, and I would like your thoughts on the meaning then gave a short presentation. This resulted in 12 good
of life. As we get up in years, we realize that life is very calk She is still contacting three interested persons by
short. Is thisall that life is meant to be? How do you feel telephone, and four others agreed that she could visit
about it?" (See Reasoning book, page 13, subheading them at their homes One individual accepted the Live
"Life/Happiness.") A review of the suggestions in OUT FOTW book and is now being visited regularly.
Kingdom Ministry of July 1990, page 4, with regard to
Jesus Christ commanded his disciples to push the
using introductionsand avoiding objectionsfaced in tele- witnessing work to "the most distant part of the earth."
phone witnessing will provide further helpful infollna- (Acts 1:8) In some areas, carrying out this command
means witnessing by telephone. After reviewing the
17 Use the Bible early in the discussion. At some point
above material, ask yourself: 'Can I do more in my conin the conversation, when it seems appropriate to do so, gregation territory to preach the good news to "all sorts
mention that you are one of JehovaEs Witnesses. AUow of men," including those who are living in areas never
the householder to share in the conversation. Do not be before reached? Brothers who have followed these sugafraid to listen if the person wants to share what he gestions have been greatly encouraged by the results.
thinks. Thank him for his expressions and observations. They have found telephone witnessing to be an excep
Be ready to commend. However, if the individual begins tional way to 'glorify their ministry: (Rom. 11:13)May you
to dominate the conversation or argue, tactfully tenni- experience this same joy through telephone witnessing.

Be ~ h o l e - ~ o d in'your


Giving our best means that wed0

1 A s ~ e s u s ' ~ w e h a v e b e e'ToveforJehowh.Ape~whOiswhblen
as mMaa
&signed to preach the good n m 8 0 M feels impelled to seroe Jehovah ip service.
aboutQod'sIllngdomandtomage a s t u l l g a ~ ~ t o t l l e -w
e x t e n
dfscipleg of Jeeus Chrl&(Matt.
%1% health and allow.
28:19,20) There is no other work m
a Paul spoke highly of Christkb mtll m*
m- mat infor-


part. (Mal. 3:lO) Rather &an deslg- boow page 104, stabs: Taw flefy!ser- 4Pecause we*m e -&!en hole(2
nating a speeMc amount+ehe tenth
tibe should stab when yc~uBegin
devote to Jehovah's serviceas & ex-' -finish your lastt qaU indwltzwshg the survivorsd the fmat Mb;,
pressionofwrloveforhl&and~. ~ , ~ n s l e t a l f e n t w ~ e n t st oh rW $ h d W M ~ w e b a y
recognitionofoUrdediGationtoPlinL ~ d \ l r l n g a ~ o f f l t ? l d ~
a s~s fh ss t e C t i Z ' o b e f R a % ~ ~
( a 2 12/1 P, 15) Our activity should mtto he counted*Cioob.@&mbg
and rewrrplls those
d < are needed t
m the 80-


Closed-book review on material covered in Theocratic Ministry School assignments for the
Use a separate sheet of paper to write down answers to
weeks of May 3 to ~ u g u s23,1993.
as many of the questions as you ciin in the time allotted.
[Note: During the written review, only the Bible may be used to answer any question.
References that follow the questions are for your personal research. Page and paragraph
numbers may not appear on all references to The Watchtower.]

Amwer each of the following statements

T m or False:

tion of the northern kingdom of Israel. [Weekly Bible reading; see gm

- - 47-8.1-

1. The prophecy, made more than 300

years in advance, that Josi&
apart Jeroboam's altar at Bethel had a
remarkable fulfillment. [si p. 68 par. 25
(1983 ed., p. 68 par. 25)]
2. Second Kings covers the period from
Solomon's rule in 1037 B.C.E. to
c. 580 B.C.E. [si p. 69 par. 2 (p. 69
Par. 211
3. After reading a Scripture text, to make
application it is generally enough just
to discuss the text. [sg p. 129 par. 201
4. While repetition is an esse,ntial teaching technique, needless repetition can
make a talk wordy and uninteresting.
[sg p. 131par. 111
5. When you master speaking from an
outline, you will have taken a great
stride forward as a public speaker. [sg
p. 140 par. lo]
6. It is not possible to make the oral reading of paragraphs sound like extemporaneous speech. [sg p. 146 par. 211
7. Placement of stress involves the recognizing of those words that convey the
thought and then making them stand
out in relation to the words surrounding
them. [sg p. 159 par. 31
8. Eye cosmetics were unknown in Bible
times. [Weekly Bible reading; see g77
9/22 p. 20.1
9. Archaeological evidence strongly s u p
ports the Bible account at 2 Kings 17:
6-18 regarding the Assyrian destruc8-97



10. David's words at 1ChI'Oni~leS1 6 ~ 3il1

lustrate that although Jehovah's rulership dates from the beginning of meation, he has at times made specillc
emressions of his rulershir, that allow
for his being spoken of 6 becoming
King' at a particular time. [Weekly Bible reading; see w85 12/15 p. 11.1
Answer the f o W n g quest-:
11. When a householder reads a text, how
can you stress its key points? [sg p. 128
par. 131

12. If a speaker has a problem with mannerisms in gesturing, what should he do?
[sg p. 133 par. 201
13. What can you do to correct a lack of
fluency in reading? [sg p. 143 par. 71
14. Why was Chronicles written? [si p. 75
par*2 (P. 75 par. 211
15. What is a basic way to develop a logical argument, or line of reasoning? [sg
p. 151pkr. 111
16. What was "the Testimony" at 2 Kings
11:12? [Weekly Bible reading; see w91
2/1 p. 31.1
17. In harmony with 2 Kings 19:32, 33,
how was the king of Assyria stopped
from coming into Jerusalem? [Weekly
Bible reading; see w88 2/15$. 28.1
18. What can we learn from oavid's experience with Hanun at 1Chronicles 19:

2-4? [Weekly Bible reading; see w73

p. 478.1

tures; illustrations; main points) that

you plan to use. [sg p. 135 par. 91

19. How do the 24 priestly divisions help us

to understand the identity of the "elders" referred to at Revelation 4:4?
(IChron. 24:4) [Weekly Bible reading;
see w73 p. 62.1

28. To maintain common gr0wn.d in a talk,

you must (speak very clearly; keep in
mind the viewpoint of the audience; be
enthusiastic). [sg p. 156 par. 171

20. How do we understand 1 Chronicles

29:5 to have application among Jehovahs people today? [Weekly Bible
reading; see w90 7/1 p. 31.1

29. "The twentieth year of Jotham'' means

the 20th year of (his life; his actual
reign; the period that had passed since
he became king). (2 Ki. 15:30) [Weekly
Bible reading; see w80 9/15 p. 8.1
30. Those who came "to David to help him"
were (sel-hly motivated; wholeheartedly choosing to support David's kingship; following the course of least resistance). (1Chron. 12:22) [Weekly Bible
reading; see w83 3/1 p. 18.1

Prmi& the word or phrase needed to com

plete each of the following stai3ments:
in order to
21. Every talk needs
give it direction and to tie its parts together in a pleasing way. [sg p. 133
Par. 11
22. A speaker who is skilled does not lose
with the audience by looking
at his notes either for too long a time or
at the wrong time. [sg p. 138 par. I]
23. To show that he tolerates no disrespect for his official servants, Jehovah
brought swift recompense upon the delinquents who mocked
as the
prophet of Jehovah. [& p. 74 par. 34
(p. 74 par. 34)]
24. As the speaker, you always have the
obligation of being able to answer the
.[sg p. 155 par. 71
25. Matthew and Luke drew on the genealogies of
in clearly establishing that Jesus was the Messiah. [& p. 78
par. 23 (p. 78 par. 23)]
26. In most talks, coherence requires
from one point to another. [sg
p. 149 par. 21

Natch the follololngsniptolreS to the state

1Ki. 22:19-22; 2 Ki. 'l:2, 7, 8; 5:l-5; 25:
27-30; 1Chron. 9:26, 27

31. The way we dress can link us with a

certain group or class. [Weekly Bible
reading; see w72 p. 666.1

32. Levite gatekeepers had an office of

unique trust. [Weekly Bible reading;
see w88 12/1 p. 21.1
33. Although elders may feel that they
know how to handle situations, they
should learn from Jehovah's example
and liden to what others say and take it
to heart. [Weekly Bible reading; see
w74 p. 436.1

Select the correct answer C each of the following statements:

34. Archaeology supports the fact that a

Judean king captive in Babylon was
eventually released from prison and
given an allowance of food. [Weekly
Bible reading; see gm p. 4e.I

27. After determining the theme of your

talk, the next step is to select the (scrip-

35. Children can move adblk to action.

[Weekly Bible reading; see w74 p. 402.1

to be used durjng August and September:
You Can Live Forezn?~in Paradise cm Earth. October:
Mankind's Search for God or wpies of Azoake! and The
WaWnbum.Subscriptionsmaybeofferedo n m A m v b h
November: N m World Translationof the Hdy Scriptures
with the book The BBk-God's Word or Man's? NOTE:
Congregations that have not yet requested the abovementioned campafgn items should do so on their next
monthly Literature Request Form (S(d)-14). Please re
quest needed extra magazinesfor October distribution.
H Congregationsshouldbeginrequesting the 1994Calendar of Jehouah's WrtPlesseswith their September literature request The cahxbm will be available in Chinese,
C r o a W CIRC11,DBllfSh,Dutch, Endtsh.Finnish,French,
Oerman, Greek, HUngarlan, Itallan, Japanese, Korean
Norwegian, Polish,Portuguee, Romanian,RussIan, Serbian, Spanish,Swedish,and UBrainian.
From August 87 through September 1,thesodetywill
be takingan inventory of all literature on hand in Brooklyn Bethel Because of this inventory, no congregation
literature requesb will be processed for shipment or for
pickup durlhgthocse d m
Each congregation will receive three Literature Inventory forms (8(d)-18). The congregation secretary should
meet withthe literature servant early in August and set a
date for talking inventory of the wngregation's stock of
litmahmat theendofthemonth.Anactualgunt must be
entehxlon the LiteratureInventory form. The totalnumber d magazhs on hand can be obtained from the
servant Please mailthe original to the Society
no lafer than September 6. Keep a carbon wpy for your
The Wrd copy may be used as a work sheet The
inventoryshould be supervised by the secretary, and the
completed form should be checked and signed by the

~~servant who may be help-

to WmPile the
report. 'I'hb will msure an ~
t Of ethe
information needed from the Co-tion's
R~cordcards (5-21). 'I'he WngrWtfOn halysfs Report
form (%lo)should be fNedout
and neatly and
be CWW
checked by the servicecommittee.
New Publibli&tions
Afrikaans: The Greatest Man Who E m Liverl. Chinese

m An adequate supply of forms for use during the 1994
service year is being sent to each congregation These
f e s h m l d not be wasted. They should be used only for


their intended purpose.

m n e m t e d with a w-tion
should send
all new and mwwalsulxxrl~tions
for The Watchtotmrand
AtcdW, incltheir pe-knal subscriptions, through

(Simplified): The G~eatestMan Who Ever Lived. Cmatian: #All ScriWre Is Impired of God and Bene$&Ln
Dutch: Will There Ever Be a World Without War? (for
Jews). Ewe: The Greatest Man Who Evet L W . ~ & n :
&&ty doesnot fill requestsfor literature that are
m a d e b s i n d i v i d u a l ~ ~ e r s T h a s e d ~ a g i v e n iThe
~ Greatest Man who E m Liverl. German: Wia There
W ~ k t u r e m t , who ~ t , m m P t l y Ever Be a-World Without War? (for Jews). Qreek: WiXl
Include it in t&e-tion
monthly request for litera- There Ever Be U World Wfthout War?(for Jews). Hungariture. ' h e presklhg overseer should arrange for an an- an#EnjwFamay Life(TractNo.21X WhoReallyRulesthe
nouncem&t each month before the congregation month- World?(Tract No. 22). Punjabl: Our problems-who Will!
lv reauest for literature is sent to the Societv # that all Help US Solve Then? (for Hindus). Romanbn~Enkw

-<- -

~ a m i l Life
y (Tract No, 21); Who Redly Rules the w&ldj
(Tract No. 22). Serbian: My Book of Bible Stories (Small
size). Smhill: How Can Blood Save YourLife?; Jehovah's
Witnesm-ZJnttedly Doing God's Will Wo~ldwide.mi:
The Greatest Man Who Ever L W . xhose: The Greatest
Man WhoEver Lived.
H New A u d i m t t e s A V e :
Croatians Listening to the Great ,"&her
(set of *n
audiocassettes and a book in an album). Spanish:

&tereSted in obtaining personal literature"items may

advise thebrother handling literature.
H Publhhers who plan to begin regular pioneer service
September 1,1993, should apply without delay. Applications should be mailed to the Sodety before the end of
August. Please reOiew m h s 21 to 26 of
AUgust 1986Our Kingdom MMstrg inserL '
H The wngregation secretary will compile the service
reports for entry on the Congregation Analysh Report
form (S-10). He will also carefully instruct any elder or

Secondof Chroni&s(set of three audi-).

Strive to Get a Listening Ear

Many people we meet in our house&house ministry do not have spiritual
matters on their minds. They may be
preoccupied with family members,
economic difficulties,or personal problems. To start a conversation,it is often
best to talk about matters of interest
common to many in the neighborhood.
Questions can be used to stimulate
interest, since this involves the householder in the conversation. Viewpoint
questions that do not embarrass people are most effective.
You might get a l i s t d n g ear
b y using an approach something like this:
"Goodmorning. My name is -I live
in the neighborhood. Many I've talked
to this morning are concerned about
[mention a recent neighborhood news
event or matter of local concern1 Do

you think God intended the world to

Allow for a response. At
be like m?"
this point the tract Life in a Peaceful
New World may be featured. Briefly
consider the illustration on page 1 and
the information in paragraphs 1-3 as
time ~ e r m i tIfs interest is established,
the Live Forever book may be introduced. You could draw attention to
Psalm 37:9, 10 as quoted on page 157
and read it from the book. Using artwork on pages 156-7, explain the righteous conditions that will exkt earth
wide when wickedness is gone.
3Always be prepared to offer The
Watchtower and Awake! People everywhere are alarmed at the breakdown
in morals. As you read the August 8
Awake!, pick out a few points you feel
would arouse interest among people
in your territory. Without dwelling at

Return to Help People Learn How

They Can Live Forever

1 Since the Live F o r m book was a stepping-stoneto another return visreleased, more than 65 million copies it, when we can continue the study of
have been produced in 115 languages. the LiUe FOT~LWbook.
4 Of course, if the householder has
Many who are now servants of Jehovah
learned the basic truths of the Bible by questions, it is best to take those into
means of this h e instrument. This consideration first,. ~ o s likely
month and next, we may have oppor- questions are answered in the book. By

tunity to place this Bible study aid, or our being familiar with the contents of
we may meet people in the territory the book, we may be able to turn to the
appropriate paragraphs and use that
who already have it.
a Calling Back on Those Who Have x'naterial to answer the questions
the Book: Some publishers have had
good results from Calling attention to
Calling Back on Those With
the table of contents and asking the Whom We Left a Tract: Perhaps we
interested person which subject he left with the householder a copy of the
Bnds of particular interest. When the Peaceful New World tract.When callhouseholder has selected a subject, ing back, we can discuss the opening
suggest that he read over the chapter pangraphs of the tract.
I f the householder shows real
in the book before the next visit.
a When at all possible, we should interest, when we come to the
make a deflnite appointment to call end o f the Rrst paragraph on
back. Before returning we want to pre- Page 3, where Psalm 37:29 8
pare to discuss a few paragraphs of the quoted, we mgght say:
chapter the householder selected.If he
"Those words highlight what is disdid not have a preference,we can start cussed in this publication, You Can
discussingchapter 1.After considering Live Forever in Paradise on Earth. NCP
a few paragraphs, we should .raise a ti= the thought here in pamgraph 3 of
question that will be covered in the chapter 1 under the heading Why We
next few pamgmphs That will serve as Can Believe!" We can then read para-

length on current bad conditions, call

the householdefs attention to the article 'The Perfect Moral Guide," and
speak positively about the benefits of
adhering to the counsel of God's Word
Later in the month, when introducing
the August 22 Azwlke!, call attenton to
the arttcle "When All Races Live Together in Peace."Highlight the Bible's
counsel for attaining peaceful race re
lations. Current as well as older issues
and Awake! may be
of The Watcfeatured at any time in addition to
special days set aside for offering maga!dnes.
4 Remember that our objective is to
arouse interest in We Kingdom me+
sage. In order to get a lbbming ear, we
must f h t get the hm&ddefs
attenhis Muking. ThiS
tion and stjmulat~?

"hear what the true Gtod Jehovah will
speak" regarding his purpme for man-

kind.-Ps. 85:8.
graph 3, ask the printed question on it,
and continue with pamgmphs 4 and 5
in the same manner. Then we could
Why a ~conditions
so out of harmony with God's purposes now? The
next few w P h S -lain m k and
I would like to return next week at this
same time and answer that question
for YOU" If the householder has Shown
real intern, we mfght want to offer
the book at this point. Or we may decide to do so at the end of Our next
90offer the "Live Forever"
book, we could say:
rn T m sure you'd enjoy having your
own copy of this publication Then
you'd be able to read ahead and thus
get more out of our next cliscussionn
If the householder agrees to take the
book, we may want to say: "This work
is supported by voluntary donations. If
you would like to contribute to the
worldwide work of Jehovah's WitnessAs, you may do so."
7 Returning to help people learn how
they can live forever is a very important work. Jesus instructed his followers to teach others what they had been
taught. We pray for Jehovah to send
out more workers. So then, let us do
our part in Bnding inkrest4 ones and
teaching them to be WOW
workers in
the harvest.-Matt. 9 : T 28:19,20.

@ 1993 Watch Tower B~bleand Tract Society of Pennsylvan~a.Al! r~ghtsreserved. Our K~ngdomM1nrsti-y (USPS 295-3601 is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and
Tract Soc~etyof New York Inc. and Internatconal Bible Students Assoc~at~on
25 Columb~aHe~ghts Brooklyn NY 11201. Second-class postage p a ~ dat Brooklyn. N.Y..
Printed ~nU.S.A
and at add~t~onal
malling dn~cei.POSTMASTER:Send address changes to watchtower, 25 co~umd~a
~ e l ~ h tBrooklyn,
NY 11201.


For United States of America

What Will We Accomplish During

This Service Year?
1 W!im the beginning of the 1994 service year on September 1, it is now an
approprhte time for all of us as Jehovah's &ple to establish clearly in our
minds what we wish to accomplish as
individualsand as an o w t i o n during this new service year.
8 Keep Growing Spiritually: If we
are newly associated with the truth, we
should desire to become strong in the
faith. (Heb. 6:l-3) If we are alreadyspiritually strong, not only should we help
new ones and others but we must also
pay attention to our own spirituality,
never feeling that we have all the necessary Bible knowledge and experience
in -tian
living. Do we consider the
daily text,keep up with the Bibleset out in the
&ding P
c e S c h o o 1 m e , and
prepare for the ~ n _ g ? : p - g
Study and the watch to^^ S

We must keep growing spiritually if we

are to survive the destruction of this
wicked system of things and be preserved into God's new world.--Cornpare Philippians 3:12-16.
3 Remain Spiritually Clean?In order
to be fully acceptable before Jehovah,
we must be d w of "everg d a e ment of flesh and spiritn (2 Cor. TI)
Once-we are clean,w&would we want
to"roll in the mire' of this wicked old
worlzl again?(Compare2 Peter 222.) We
must be determined to remain spiritually strong and clean. Then we will not
be kP0mt of Satan's evil d a m and
be overreached, falling into sin and
away from Jehovah"sfavor.-2 COr. 211.
4 Heed Wise Counsel: Proverbs 15:22
points ont: " ~ the
n multi6&6
selors tbael acmmpmnmenttwRt
though, that the man who

Vol. 36, No. 9

follow other gods' because he failed to

heed W s counsel about not takjng
foreign wives. (1Ki. 1l:l-4) So un-l
personally heed wise counsel. B o w
we expect to be effective in Jehovah's
servIEe or set an examp6 worthy of
being imitated?(1Tim. 415) The Bible's
counsel will help us to safeguard our
heart. (Prov.423) Loving what Jehovah
loves, hatim whst constantly
sE6Eng his guidance and the doing of
what pleases him are a sure protection.
-Prov. 8:13; John 8329; Heb. 19.
Ourworshipof Jehovahisnot somethiwqeS&i.i~,
not a fonfi o
dev_o@n like that of proftians in the world, but$Diri
and ,vein accord withm
f o u r i i s Word.-John 4:23,24.
Our determination to do God's will
may be challenged daily. We should be
fortilledby the knowledgethat "the entire association" of our brothers races
andthat it is -J
- us -g.
(1Pet.5310) Thus
we willbe able fully to accomplish ow
ministry during the 1994 d c e year.
-2 Tim.4:5.

teresting Scriptural discussions based

on -of
the Live ForeUer book
or the Reasoning book but then using
study is conducted. Although many only themeWnenvisiting the intermay refuse this offer, think of your joy ested person. Such discussions ma~&t
in finding someone who accepts it!
15 or 20 minutes, or longer, depending
a AnoOther
to start a Bible study on the c i r c m c e s . If done rermlarm
fs by . one our tracts. Although ly and with a progressive 10
they m n t a messge teaChine Bible truths. vou have daftRd
a Bible &dY, and it 6
thbe rewrted
and m n ~ m g How
can a
simsuch. When the time is right, introdu&
ply by giving the householder a tract ttlgLive Forever book, and conduct a
formal study in it
thst you beUwe
take the initiative,and in-the
In addition to llnding opportunities
You. ~ a o k z - t hB
discuss how they apply to the material. bors, associates, or family members?
it some time ago? Have you tr@j
On the first call, you might consider Was
again recently? If one method didn't
w m ~ you
e considered trying anonly

Starting Home Bible Studies

1 One of the m
vgand satr
isfying experiences for true Christians
is to teach someone the truth by means
of a home mble study. Yet, some may
not be enjoying this enriching feature
are unable to start and c o n d u c d
ble study. Many outstanding pBrn and pioneers once felt that w.
and 4.
from Our Kingdom Mtnrstry, they learned how to Start
and conduct Bible studies, and they
increased thek joy in the ewtxyYou
can have the same goal.

ZUsing the Direct Method and

to start
some people need is a warm invitation


the time YOU spend in your disc-lls.

in the field service, and
e: Sometimes a
Jehovah for his bbessing. Never
the underestimate the powefof the truth
study and increase your knowledge of person is agreeable to disc-

Bible but seems reluctant to accept a

formal study or make use of one of our
would be ~ ~ J , DtoY damn- -UP
You can still start and
s t i e way in which a home Bible con uct a Bible study by preparing in-

and the help that Jehovirh gives. lMaJi

you increase your joy in the mink@
by stmthg and conductinghome Biblf

Week Starting September 6
Song 164
10 min: Local announcementsand selected Announcements from Our Kingd m Ministry.
2 0 min: Fortify Your Children for
School. Talk with interviews and demonstration Christian youths today face
issues that many in congregation cannot even imagine. Parents especially
must be well-informed about these
challenges in order to fortify their children to cope with tests of integrity.
young persons of variare some specific pressures school that they must deaiwith
d a & & h a t helm them maintain their
good relationship Mth Jehovah? Ar-

may be featured this week in field s e r - a

20 min:

"Assist Sheeplike People

will be appreciated and used entirely Build on a Solid Foundation." Discuss

for the advancement of the Kingdom with audience. Highlight need to pregood news." When considering para- Dare for each return visit. Arrane:
g.raph 4, have
of publisher offering Live Foreverbook to a for qualified publisher to demonsG
Song 108 and concluding Prayer.
previously took Live Forever book,''
using information from either paragraph 3 or 5.
Week Starting September 13
15 mint "Starting Home
Song 112

Local announcements. Include accounts report and donation

acknowledgments. Commend congregation for generous support of local
needs as well as Society's worldwide
10 min: "Benefit Others by Using
Magazines." Talk with demonstrations.
Highlight value of making full use of
both current and older issues of the
3 on page 11 of S c M brochure. Chil- magazines. Have two demonstrations,
dren reveal that they are ridiculed and one featuring a c m . t magazine and
feel ostracized for upholding Bible's one showing how to use an older issue
high standards of morality. Family to meet specific need of householder.
head encourages children by express- 15 min: "What Will We Accomplish
ing his happiness with their example I>uringThis Service Year?" Talk with
and reminding them that Jehovah is audience discussion. To be handled by
well pleased with their conduct (Prov. presiding overseer. Review congrega-27:ll) Brother handling part concludes tion's pxst year of service and encourage all to make plans for increased acin
by c o m m e n d i n ~ u n ~congregation for their good works and exhort- tivity during 1994 service year.
l o min: "Study Live F o r m and Uniting them to ~ o ~ % E i E E t e
parents so that they may be strength- ed in Worship Books." After review-spiritually
throughout this school ing article with audience, have wellprepared publisher demonstrate how
' 715 mln:
. 4 ; ;1
bl' -&&%AHelpmg 6thers to Recog- to change over from studying Greatest
Man book to Live Forever book.
I nize a Great Treasure." Question-andanswer coverage. ~emind-congregation Song 17 and concluding prayer.
that interested people should be given
opportunity to contkbute to worldwide Week Starting September 20
work. A publisher may simply state: Song 100
"Although our literature is offered 10 min: LOcal announcements. Highwithout charge, we are pleased to ac- light articles in current magazines that
cept modest donations for our worldwide work!' Or you could say: "If you
wish to make a modest donation to the ~HEOCRATIC
advancement of this Bible educational
work, you may do so.Your contribution Chile: Of the 42,778 publishers reporb
ing in April, 8,680 were pioneers A.
new peak of 2,820 regular pioneers was
reached. Total hours reported for April
was 1,009,001.
Lesotho: Publishers reporting in April
totaled 1,895, which was a 19-percent
i n c m over last year's average.
Portugal: A new peak of 41,472 publishers was reached in April. There
were new peaks also in total hours,
return visits, and home Bible studies.
Venezuela: The hard work of 62,074
publishers during April resulted in
new peaks in hours, return visits, and
home Bible studies.

10 min:

ies." Questions and an

paragraph 4, introduce
stration of a return visit in
the Bible is used, but based
of the Live Forever or Reasmi
as suggested.
Song 84 and concluding prayer.

Week Startlng September

Song 109
10 min: Local announcements. Thcratic News.
20 min: Where Are Our Loved Ones
Who Have Died? Family discussion. Using selected material from pages 98-100
of R e m i n g book, family head considers the loss in death of a close family friend. He focuses on helping his
children to uzyiefstand the Bible's
viewpoint. He asks questions to make
sure that they comprehend what death
means and are able to express themselves clearly according to their age.
Also,he shows them how they can use
the Reasoning book to comfort others.
15 min: Offer Magazines During October. Arrange for three demonstrations,
one featuring the current Watchtower,
one featuring the current Awake!, and
one wherein the householder is quite
busy and accepts a tract After each
demonstration analyze with audience
why presentation was effective. When
appropriate interest is demonstrated,
subscriptions to the magazines or Mankind's Search for God may be offered.
Song 21 and concluding prayer.

ing and the date and time for each

location.The Society will provide a description of the tours that are available
a Literature to be used d k n g Sep- as well as a map giving directions to
tember: You Can Live Forever in Par- - each location. ANY PUBLTSHER N E E D

adise on Earth. October: Mankind's ING ACCOMMODATIONS MAY OBTAIN

Search for God or copiesof Aumlce! and LODGING INFORMATION THROUGH
The Watchtower. Subscriptionsmay be THE C0NGRM;ATION ELDERS.

offered on return visits November: a Publishersplanningto auxihy p i e

New World Translation of the Holy neer in October should turn in their

Scriptures with the book The Bible application early. This will allow the
--God's Word or Man's? December: elders to make necessary arrangeThe Greatest Man Who Ever Liwd. ments for literatureand territory.
NOTE: Congregations that will need
the above-mentioned campaign items a The elders are reminded to follow

should request them on their next

monthly Literature Request Form
(S(d)-14). Please request needed extra
magazines for October distribution.
a The presiding overseer or someone
designated by him should audit the
congregation's accounts on September 1or as soon as possible thereafter.
Make an announcement to the conmegation when this has been done.
a Beginning November 8, 1993, .and
runn&g through May 2,1994,the book
Making Your Family Life Happy will
be considered at the Congregation


Rnnk St.11dv

a It is imGrtant that groups of 30 or

more personsplanning tovisit the Sociews facilities &t com-nd
~ T mail
at lh &IZth the a n - Tour
lumbia Hekhts. Brookl~.N Y 11201.
This includ& t h e gro&s that will be
visiting Brooklyn Bethel, Watchtower
Farms, the Watchtower Educational
Center ~ r ~ i esite
c t in Patkrson, or the
Jersey 6 ~ A s s e m b l yHall Please provide information on the number com-

God's Kingdom (Book); What Is the

Purpose of Life-How Can You Find
It? (Brochure). English for the Deaf:
Why You Can Trust the Bdbk (Tract
No. 13); Comfort for the Depressed
(Tract No. 20); Enjoy Family Lije
(Tract No. 21); Who Reaay Rules the
World? (Tract No. 22). French1 JehO
uah's Witnesses-Proclaiws of God's
Kingdom (Book); What Is the Purpose
of Life-How Can You Find It? (Brochure). Portuguese: What IS the Purpose of Lije-How Can You Find It?
(Brochure).Russian: YouCan Live Forever in Paradise on Earth (Small size).
Spanish: Jehovah's Witnesses-Pre
c l a i m s of God's Kingclom (Book);
What Is the Purpose of Life-How Can
You Find It? (Brochure).

through on instructions given on

pages 21-3 of the April 15.1991, Watchtower regarding any disfellowsNpped
or disassociated persons who may be
inclined toward becoming reinstated.
New AudiAvailable:
a A new Watchtower Publiccdions List aEnglish:
Is Right in J e w
has been prepared and four copies are vah's Eyes (Drama;single
being sent to each congregation. They
New VideocasettesAvailable:
should be distributed to the secretary Arabic:
Jehovah's Witnesses-The Orand the brothers caring for literature, ganization
Behind the Name.
magazines, and accounts.
a The Society is now producing Ehgllsh bound volumes of The Watch'
tower for the years 1970to 1979 as permanent stock items. Any interested in
by 2S~Ingmagadn~lb0b-g
these bound volumes should
recluest them through the congrega1&qYbappy w e w t o - i
tion. Please bear in mind that bound
the la&& issues Q T k Watdk
volumes are Special-request items.
tower and Am&! We cherkib the
a New Publications Available:
t&re@dmeb as soon
Albanian: WiU This WorId Surviw?
as possible so W we may beneit
(Tract No. 19); Comfort f m the Defromthe~0lfna~~isp
pressed (Tract No. 20); Enjoy Family
sented. Ifi ~tSanantolooktng
Life (Tract No. 21X Who Reaay Rules
~~tmayhefpuspersont~ World? (Tract No. 22). English:
Jehovah's Witnesses-Proclaims of


~ W c ? s l x W W

that would
t4me *
in o* cangregaws krritew or
Our copy to IX&ZI~COUE&I&
could l3e p
rmmw 1-
qOtu 3 0 t ~ & bbave end+

bewhes M m When an.oWer

i$is allnight to

t h e m i -

we may start our conoersatton

Helpin9 Others to
Recognizea ~ r - e aTreasure

tht8 way:
"We're talking to people who are interested in how we 9better cope with
the problems of family life. We all try to


do the best we can-bumthe there is some

thing that can help us to have greatez
success, we're interested,aren't we?[Allow for response.] The Bible gives dtr&&m-in this matter as found at
CoL3:1%14. [Read]So, what is
necessary to enjoy a successful f
life?Note what is stated in this publicationthe chapter entitled a-'
Success of Familv me.'" Read para6%
3 on page 238 of the Live F0rel.m
book.If the householder is busy or does
not readily respond, try presenting a
recent magazbe that discusses family
matters or the tract Enjoy Family Life.
We never want to lose sight of our
purpose in gMng a thorough witness
about the Kingdom (Matt 2414) By
-&t% 17:2.
making good use of the Bible and the
wondew provisio~mof theocratic lit3 now can
troductions can open the way -% to paragraphs l2 and 13. If Interest is erature available to us, we can conflhouseholders to show whether tney are Ilmited,then the peacefuE New
dently look to Jehovah for his blessing
in accomplishing his will during t h a
truly interested i% the ~ ~and fits itract could be offered.
* I fa parent comes to the door, momentous times.-Gal. 69.

to others about the You could say:

"we* calling to discuss the meaning
ahns should be
of what's happening around us in the
world today.Among many people there
Opd'~Wo-$. (Phil.28) Our Bibleand
been w m interest in
an importan!?? in in his standards for living as set out in
the -1ZTK6essage. For the Bible. This has greatly dthe Live Form
book has the attitude of
le toward one anthousands
o t h e r d k i this? [mow for
~ l toe serve Jehovah as a result of the comment You maJr refer to specac inBible truths they have learned1

When we pr&

good news of the Kingdom, one of



Assist Sheeplike People to Build

on a Solid Foundation

householder's attention to specMc

points from page 5 of the tract.
51fthe sub$ect o f familu Zafe

ter the
, -h

cussed the subject of family life. We

agreed that in order to have a happy
family life, the guidelines found in the

was hQhZCghted when p l a o m

the #L$veForever* book on the
Buildii a house requires careful
3 If a =L$veFmecl-er" book was inittal call, you might say:
"The last time that I called, we dtsplanning and concentrated effort.Af- placsd, you mtght say:

the building
"I'm so glad to lbd you at home. You
and a solidfog- may recall that when we had our last
discussion, we considered the declining
p m i v e ] s until it is m8llfGZiiiim interest in God locally.The Bible cleared.L i a k , we must assist sheeplike lyoutlinesthat~isinterest&in
people to learn the truth p w k l y . mankind and that righteous ones9will
We endeavor to stimulate interest on be=
through his Kingdom @cad
the initial caU Thereafter, we make Matthew 6~9B,10.]By means of this
layingmoundation by Kinmom, righteousness and justice
teaching basic truths about God and will prevail." Read Isaiah 113-5, and
his purpose for mankind-Luke 6:48. then draw the liouseholder's a h t i o n
Before the focan be laid, tothesrsttwopamgmphsof chapter 1
though, we need to wreware the build- of the Live F o r m book Demonstrate
site, as it were, taking into con- how the material can be studied.
the circumstances of the
If the Peace ul New W a tract
how&mlder. What subject was pre- was Ptiarcall, the main
v i o m ? WEEf, scriptEes points previously considered, about the
were used? what was the +?
needfor better co-11s
and the BiWhat publication was left? When re ble's promisesJ could be reviewed. Emthat in order to live in the new
turning, have d
c mints in mind, pand progressively build the foun- world, we must take in accurateknowldation. With each call the household- edge.Re~@.&bU:3. Ekplain that after
er's knowledge grows and his faith in taking in such knowledge, we must do
God's will. Read 1John 2:17. Draw the
God increases.

formation outlined on pages W
the Live Forever book. Ask' for the
householder's comments on the illustrationsand consider selected points as
appropriate. Stress the practical value
of Bible principles.
'If the E ~ & j w r & U & @t was
left. review e .vBible~rinciwles
inkrest is
lined on w
stimulated,offer the L&S&RXW book.
Point out cha ter 29 "Making a Success of m*d
show how this
could be considered with the householder and his family.
'Allof usshouldhavearegularshare
in making return visits. Follow up on
all interest shown k& making effective
return visits dy@g&ptember.

8 1993 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All r~ghtsresewed. Our Kinqdom Ministry (USPS 295-360) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and
Tract Society of New York. Inc.. and International Blble Students Association. 25 Columb~aHei hts. Brook1 n. NY 11201. Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn. N.Y
NY 11201.
Printed ~nU.S.1
and at addit~onalmalllng onces. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower. 25 ~ofumbla~ e i g i t s Brooklyn.

October 1993

Fof United States of America

Vol. 36,No. 10

phiiow~hy,which makes people faultfinders and skekecs, encourages &

d6?%ination, and leads to moral
breakdown. We delight to be a
tJehovah, ahd thus we avoid the sorrow
How @y&@dwe are to receive &-I teaching helps tomold our CslmCienv. and he che exDerienced by m y .
the Divine One, our C w Everyone is born with a conscience,but Jehovah?&s and reminders are like 'a
(Ps.503; Isa.30:20b) in order for it to guide us in the way word b&hd US,' saying: "rhis is the
Out of all nations today,multitudes are of righteousness and in service that is way. Walk in it, you people."-Isa. 30:21.
&eaming to his mountain of pure wor- pleasing to Jehovah, it must
.Our Meetings and Ministryz We
ship to be taught by him. (Mic. 42) (Ps.199, 8; mm. 2: ) People of the view~
~ 10.23-25
b as~ a command
of others e n m U n & d s that world have not molded their thinking f
~t the c o m o n meetexalt human thinkingand worldly wis- according t o m o r d , and for that ings,==taught by J&OW
. But the ~ $ & p
Je- reason they are
to be p-t
at meetbosahandhka~mwordisfoolishin astowhatisritzlitandwhat~wr~ng.~ o r d o = e w m
the slght of M, and Ouse who are led Conmversiea rage over moral and eth- as a low priorits? Rese"p"r
by it become senseless.-h. 143; 1Cor. ical issues is each one insists on togetherispart ofourworshtp.1t should
tis right in Own W.The not be regarded as optional. We -&
2~ b i s
past summer at our district majority want total freedom to decide afford to mias anv aart,of
convention,we experienced in a unique their own life COUrse. They refuse to f
that Jehovah has pre-

t r w b PowerfulInfluenco

O W divineteach-

%Divineteaching helps us r e a t w
~ to the, lo of our
(Eph4:14) We Grand ,
Effect on Christian Living4 Divine are not enamored with the
teaching will help us todo that




.Conductinga Home Bible Study

1 How is an esective home Bible they apply. If scriptures are cited but
study conducted? What basic example n 6 @ 5 % it is good to look 6%
do we have? How can scriptureftin the in the Bible, provided they are n
study material be considered? Who l s Then allow the student to read
should read the paraljraphs? In addi- them and to
on now they
tion to the basic m
for C O ~ ~ Usupport
C ~
or d a r i f y what is ~tatedin the
a study, what more is n
. ing
help the student A his. Help the Student Make the Truth
hat P i t f a must be avoided?
His Own: Enco
students otm o w to Condust a Study, General- pare well for =a.
ly speaking,a home Bible study follows
is vital to learning. The more
the p~ttemof.ysFuCly mterial the student reads and
Flrst, the paragraph tobe considered meditates on, the better. Same conducts reaa. Then the one conducting the tors have_the student do all the
study @ g & t e w n
on that
P u during the Bible
paragraph and allows tht to
with the StUanswer. If the student he,the dent in reading the pamgaphs.
conductor should be prepwed to ask fi93lmt should be used, keeping in
ns that will causethe mind the sptrltualadvancement of the
n toreasononthesubjectmatter student
and arrive at a proper conclusion.
acade '
t o t h e m p i n t h e p a r a g ~ @ s tale in lrnowle&, but does he belieye


affects him personally. How,'

about what he is learn@g?k
heuse what he
m a
h the
6 void pltfalb: There are p i t f a to
avoid when
a mble study.
UD that
related mem a w being consid-



at the
of the
other & n. ulo,it i
own words rather than read them from
will help you as the conductor to determine whether the student is understanding the material.
Why not
e it our m t o conduct at least% FHbi
It is not
a mdt
and follow the basic procedure of the
W&s w . he
m v to -the
truth % others and
rnalredisciplesisb condwtingahome


crpdroa the joy that comes from
having a full share in fuEWng Jesus'

cnnmand at Matthew 28:19,20.




8 ,

'. L

t\,>.'J rnAI&.iA

directed to audience. Demonstrate how

publishers have developed interest in
local territory, or have publisher relate
recent experience that shows value of
calling back on those who have accepted individual copies of Awake! and The
10 min: Local needs or a stirring talk
on "The Early Christians and the
World," based on first article in the
July 1, 1993, issue of The Watchtower.
Highlight need for us today to imitate
exampleof the early Christians.
Song 60 and concluding prayer.

stances, publisher may offer book or

to offer two magazines. (3) PubSong 225
lisher uses a tract toinitiate aninformal
Localannouncements and se- conversation and then offers current
lected Announcementsfrom Our Kingto the interested person.
dam Minfitry. Suggest ways current (4) Publisher making magazineroute
magazines may be used in local terri- calldecidesto offer asubscription.Such
tory. Emphasize importance of calling versatility should encourage all pubback on all magazine placements lishers to intensifytheir ho-to-house
with the Purpose of starting magazine ministry during October. No doubt
routes. When householders prove to be some in coneegation will be s e m g as
genuinely interested, subscriptionsmay auxiliary pioneers this month. ~t mav
be offered.
not be &late for others to enroll who Week Starting October 25
15 min: "Do You Respect Your Place are in a position to do so.
Song 75
of Worship?" Talk by elder based on Song 42 and concluding prayer.
10 min: Local announcements. Inarticle in June 15, 1993, Watchtower.
clude field service arrangements for
Apply information to local circum- Week Startlng October 11
week, and call attention to points in
stances. If there is a particular problem song 4
current magazines that publishers can
to be addressedltactfully giveappropri- 10 min: Local announcements. Ac- use in field service in days ahead. If time
ate counsel.
counts report. Read contribution permits, brie~demonstrateoneortwo
20 min : Intensify
HOuse-to-acknowledgments, and commend con- presentations that wouldbeappropriate
House Ministry During October. Ser- gregation for generous support of for local territory. Give reminders of the
vice overseer or another qualified worldwide work as well as caring for need to call back on all who have manibrother discusses with audience the material fieeds of local congregation. festedinterest.
im~ortanmofhouseto-houseministry. Briefly review field service arrange- I 5 mln: Be Prepared to Comfort
Versatile literature offer for October al- merits for the week, and express MourningOnes(basedonpages102-4of
lows for great variety of presentations. appreciationfor zealous support of pub- Reasoning book). (3 min.) Brother hanDemonstrate: (1) Publisher initiates &hers.
dling this part points out that Jehovah's
conversation that will lead into an arti- 15 mi,: "using our Magazines From Witnesses do not reject allcustoms that
cle in current Awake! or Watchtower. House to House." Mscussion with audi- are associatedwith death.(5min.1 DemDepending on interest manifested by ence.We have good reason to be enthusi- onstrate how a Witnesswould explain to
householder, publisher may offer lab astic in presenting the mawines to a coworker why Jehovah's Witnesses
est magazines or give person a tract. people we meet in fieldserviceand those avoid certain traditional customs of
(2) Publisher initiates conversationwith we witness to informally. ~lthoughthe mourning for the dead, basing discusthought of leadinginto book Mankind's magazines are dated and the latest &- sion On Reasoning book, pages 102-3.
Search for God. According to circum- sues should be featured on Magazine (7 min.) Discuss with audience portion
Day, we need not hesitate to offer older under "If Someone Says-" on Pagm&azines when the occasion warrants. es 103-4.
just be sure that the mamines you 20 min: "Conducting a Home Bible
offerare clean and not damaged. Hive Study." Question-and-answer Coverage
qualified publisher demonstrate pre- Of article. PI'eSent well-rehearsed demonstration of publisher helping student
sentationoutlined in paragraph 4.
understand how cited scripture sup20 min: "Di
ports information in paragrsgh beerful T - u =
w a d paragrapw ing considered. In same demonstration
and cited scriptures as time permits. publisher uses auxiliary questions to
mowfor brief comments that express help student make the truth his own.
personal appreciation for benefits re- Use selected portion of United in Worceived from attending convention and ship or Live Forever book.
using convention releases.
Song 78 and concluding prayer.
f?Edo~r Song 44 and concluding-prayer.
. .
Week Starting October 4


Av. Av.
Av. Av.
Hrs. Mags. R.V 01.St

Number of.

Week Starting October 18

Song 65
Sp'l Pios

150 118.0 57.7 49.8 5.3


67,670 68.5 22.7 21.5 2.5







59.6 17.8 12.5 1.1



3.7 0.5

Baptized' 9,512

Local announcements. Theocratic News.

15 min: "Demonstrating Impartiality
in Our Ministry." Questions and answers. Highlight aspects of this subject
that are of particular concern in local
15 mini "Give Attention to Interest
Found." A talk with some questions
5 min:

Argentina: In May, Argentina aecame

the 13th country to pass the 100,000
mark in publishers. Their 29th consecutive peak was 100,024.
Colombia: With 58,589 reporting in
May, Colombia reached their fifth consecutive peak in publishers.
Madagascar: The 5,000 mark was
passed in May with 5,013 publishers


During 1994 the following will be the arrankments when
When assigned to a sister, the material should be presented
conducting the Theocratic Ministry School.
as outlined for Talk No. 3.
TEXTBOOKS: The New World Translation of the Holy
COUNSEL AND n K S : After each student talk,the
Scriptures [bi12],United in Worship of the Only True God [uw], school overseer will give speciEc counsel, not necessarily fol'W Scripture Is Inspired of God and Beneficial" (1990 Fdi- lowing the program of progressive counsel outlined on the
tion) [si],The Greatest Man Who E m Lived [gt],and 'Bible Speech Counsel slip. Rather, he should concentrate on those
Topics for Discussionnas found in the New World Translation areas where the student needs to improve. If the student
["td]will be the basis for assignments.
speaker merits solely a "Gn and there is no other speech
The school will begin with song, prayer, and remarks of quality marked "I"or "W," then the counselor should circle the
welcome, and then proceed as follows:
box, where the "G," "I," or "W" would normally appear, of the
ASSIGNMENT NO. 1: 15 minutes. This talk should be han- speech quality that the student should work on next. He will
dled by an elder or by a quaMled ministerial servant, and it advise the student of this that evening as well as show this
will be based on United in Worshiv of the Onlv True God or speech quality on the student's next Theocratic Ministry
Scripture Is Inspired of God a& beneficid? This assign- School Assignment slip (589). Those giving talks should sit
ment should be delivered as a 10- to 12-minute instruction talk toward the front of the hall. This will save time and enable the
with a 3- to 5-minute oral review following, using the printed school overseer to give his counsel directly to each student. As
questions in the publication. The objective should be not just time allows after the giving of necessary oral counsel, comto cover the material but to focus attention on the practical ments may be given by the counselor on informative and
ua2ue of the information being discussed, highlighting what practical points not covered by the students. The school overwill be most helpful to the congregation. The theme shown seer should be careful to use no more than a total of two
should be used. AU are encouraged to make thorough advance minutes for counsel and any other brief remarks after each
preparation so as to benefit fully from this material.
student talk. If the Bible highlights presentation left someThe brothers assigned this talk should be careful to keep thing to be desired, private counsel may be given.
within the time limit. Private counsel may be given if necessary
PREPARING TALKS: Before preparing an assigned talk,
or if requested in advance by the speaker.
HIGHLIGHTS FROM BIBLE READING: 6 minutes. This the student should read carefully the School Guidebook mate
should be handled by the school overseer or by another elder rial dealing with the speech quality to be worked on. Students
or ministerial servant who will effectively apply the material assigned the second talk should choose a theme appropriate
to local needs. This should not be just a summary of the to the portion of the Bible that is to be read. Other talks will
assigned reading. Limit the initial overall review of the as- be developed in line with the theme shown on the printed
signed chapters to 30 to 60 seconds. The principal objective is schedule.
TIMING: No talk should go overtime,nor should the counsel
to help the audience to appreciate why and huw the information is of value to us. The students will then be d i d to and remarks of the counselor. Talks No. 2 through 4 should
tactfully be stopped when the time is up. The one assigned to
their various classrooms by the school overseer.
TALK NO. 2: 5 minutes. This is a Bible reading of the give the stop signal should do so promptly. When brothers
assigned material to be given by a brother. This will apply in handling Assignment No. 1 and Bible highlights go overtime,
the main school as well as in the auxilhry groups. The reading they should be given private counsel. AU should watch their
assignments are usually short enough to pennit the student timing carefully. Total program: 45 minutes, excluding song
to present brief explanatory information in the opening and and prayer.
concludingremarks. Historicalbackground,prophetic or docWFUlTEN REVIEW: PeriodicaJly, a written review will be
trinal significance, and application of principles may be in- given. In preparation, review the assigned material and comcluded. W the assigned verses should actually be read without plete the scheduled Bible reading. Only the Bible may be used
a break. Of course, where the verses to be read are not consec- during this 25-minute review. The balance of the time will be
utive, the student may cite the verse where the reading con- devoted to a discussion of the questions and answers. Each
student will check his own paper. The school overseer will
TALK NO. 3: 5 minutes. This talk will be assigned to sisters. consider with the audience the answers to the review quesThe subjects for this talk will be based on the book The tions and concentrate on the more difacult ones, helping all to
Greatest Man Who Ever Lived. The student assigned should understand the answers clearly. If, for some reason, local
be able to read. When delivering the talk,the student may be circumstances make it necessary, the written review may be
either seated or standing. One assistant will be scheduled by given a week later than what is shown on the schedule.
the school overseer, but additional assistants may be used. It
LARGE CONGREGATIONS: Congregations with a school
is preferred that settings involve field service or informal
witnessing. The one giving the talk may either initiate the enrollment of 50 or more students may wish to arrange for
conversation to establish the setting or have her assistant@) additional groups of students to deliver the scheduled talks
do so. Not the setting but the material should be given prime before other counselors. Of course, unbaptized persons whose
lives conform to Christian principles may also enroll in the
consideration. The student should use the theme shown.
TALK NO. 4: 5 minutes. Assigned to a brother or a sister. It school and receive assignments.
ABSJ3NTEES:AU in the congregationcan show appreciation
will be based on "Bible Topics for Discussionnas found in the
New World Translation. When assigned to a brother, this for this school by endeavoring to be present at every weekly
should be a talk to the entire audience. It will usually be best session, by preparing their assignments well, and by particifor the brother to prepare his talk with the Kingdom Hall pating in question sessions. It is hoped that aR students will
audience in mind so that it will be truly informative and view their assignments colzscientioz~sly.I f mtudent is not
beneficial to those who actually hear it. However, if the mate present when scheduled, a volunteer may take the assignrial lends itself better to another practical and suitable ment, making whatever application he feels q&ed to make
audiencetype setting, the brother may choose to develop his on such short notice. Or the school overseer may cover the
talk accordingly. The student should use the theme shown.
material with appropriate audience participation.
S38a 10/93


- "Bible Topies for Inmwsion" as fomd in the New World Transtatton

Jan. 3 Bible reading. ~ e ~ e m i 9a to
h 11
Feb. 28 Bible reading: Job 13 to 15

N0.k HowTrueChrtstianUnityis~ved(uwgp5-7
No. 2: Nehemiah 9:4,26-33,No. 3: Doing ThingsThat HaveReal Merit With God (gt
chap. 83)
No. 4: "td 12AGod's Purpose for the Earth

SongNo. 97
No. l: Know and Appreciate Jehovah(uw pp. 12-13 para 1-4)
No. 2: Job 121-13

No.3: AMIslPionofMercyIntoJudea(gtchap.89)
No. 4: CM 16AThere Is No UteralFlre in Hell
Mar. 7 Biblereading: Job l6to 18
Song No. 185
No. l: ImitateJehovah's Example of Love (uw pp. 14-15

Jan. 10 Bible reading: Nehemiah 12 and 13

SongNo. 129

pars. 5-7)

No. 1: Nehemiah-WhyBeneflcial(~pp. 90-1pars. 16-19)

No. 2: Nehemiah 13:15-18,23-31
No. 3: The Reqmnsibility of Discipleship (gt chap. 84)
No. 4: CM 12BTheEarth WiLl Always Be Inhabited
Jan.17 Biblereading: Fbtherlto5

No. 2: Job 16:l-11,22

No. 3: Jesus Speaksof the RemrrectionHope (gt chap. 90)
No. 4: "M 16BFireIs a Symbolof -tion
Mar. 14 Bible
Job l9and 20
SongNo. 85
N0.l: H e l p P e o p l e ~ t h e ~ A b o v t Q o d ( u w p p . 1 8 1
para 8 to 11[2D
No. 2: Job l&l429
No.3: J e s u s ~ t s I m a r u s ( g t C a a p . 9 1 )
NO.4: CM l6C Rich Man and
Proof of



No. 1: Introduction to Esther (sipp. 91-2para 1-6)

No.2 Estlter4:6-17
No. 3: Bewareof SeU-Righand Appreciate
H e t y (gt chap. 85)
No. 4: CM 13AHow to IdentifyF'alse Prophets
Jan. 24 Bible reading: Esther 6 tb 10


. Mar. 21

SongNO. 95
No. 1: There Is Only One Jehovah (UW pp. 17-18pars. 11[bl
to 12)
No. 2: Job 21:19-34
No. 3: Show Gratitudefor God's Goodness(stchap.92)
No. 4: "M 17AEarly ChristiansMdNot O i m m Birthdays

SongNo. 133
No,l: Esther-Why Beneficial(si p. 94 pars. 16-18)
No. 2: Esther 6:1-13
No. 3: The Lost Son and His Loving Father (gt chap. 86
pars. 1-9)
NO.4: CM 14Awhy spiritual~ e a ~ i Is
n gVim

Jan. 31 Bible rea-

Bible reading: Job 21 and 22

Mar. 28 Bible r e a m . Job 23 to l

Job 1 to 3

SongNo. 62
No. 1: Introduction to Job(sf pp. 95-6pars. 1-6)
NO.2: Job 23-13
No. 3: The Lost Son's R e t m Mects Others (@ chap. 86
pars. 10-20)
No. 4: *td 14BGod's KingdomWill Bring Permanent m
Feb. 7 Bible reading: Job 4 to 6
SongNo. 158
No. l: Fwmtial Factorsfor ChrWanUnity (uw p. 8pa
8 [3D
No. 2: Job &I-11,29.30

SongNo. 138
No. l: What It Means to Walk In God's Name (uw pp. 18-19
No. 2 Job W1,2,14-25
No.3: WhentheSonofManIsReva(gtchap93)
No. 4: "td l8AThe Use of Images In Worship Mshonors God
Apr. 4 Bible reading: Job 27 to 29
SongNo. 180
No. 1: Help OthersAccept the Bible as W's Word (uw
pp.%2 pars. 1-6)
No. 2: Job 29.2-18
No. 3: The Need for Prayerand for Humility(gt chap.94) *
No. 4: "M 18BImageWorshipContributed to Israel's

No.3: ProvidefortheFutureWithPracUcal



NO.4: "td 1442MOdeRl Faith Healing LacksEvidenceof M*

Apr. 11 Bible
SongNo. 46


Feb. 14 Bible reading: Job 7 to 9

J O 30
~ and 31

N0.l: ReadtheBibleDatly(uwpp.234para7-11)
No. 2: Job 31:%3-37
No. 3: Lessonson Mvom and on Love for Children (gt

SongNo. 213
No. l: Factors That Contributeto ChrMlfmUnity (uw P 9
No. 2: Job 93-15
No. 3: The Rich Man and Lamm (gt &Pa 88P w . 1-10)
No. 4: "td 14DSpeakingin Tongues Only a Temporary

chap. 95)

No. 4: W18C "RelativewWorship Is Not Authorized by God

Apr. 18 Bible reading: Job 32 and l


SongNo. 59
No. l: Studyto Learn About Jehovah (uw pp. W par. 12to
Feb. 21 Bible reading Job 10 to l2
SongNo. 191
No. 2: Job 321-6,23-33
Ruler (st chap
pp. 10-11 No-3: Jesus and a =Young
NO.1: True ChrbUamAvoid Pidsve Intluence~
pars 10-12)
No. 4: "M 19ATrue Unity DoesNot
No. 2: Job 121-16
No. 3: What theIllustrationof theRich Man and Imams
Apr. 25 Written Iteview. CompleteNehemiah 9 to
Job 33
mean^ (Ot ChaD. 88 WUS. 11-211
No. 4: CM 1 5 ~ 144,600
&I to ~eaven
SongNo. 42


May 2 Bible reading: Job 34 to 36

SongNo. 47
No. 1: ConsidertheBible's Theme and theContextof
Scriptures(uw p. 26 par. I2[2]and 12 [33)
No.2: Job 341-15
No. 3: Jesus' mustration of the Vineyard (gt chap. 97)
No. 4: *td 19B "Goodin AllReligions"Is Not m e
May 9 Biblereading: Job37and38
Song No.162
No. l: Make PersonalApplication and ShareWhat You
LearnWith Others (uw pp. 26-8 pars. 12 [4]to 13)
NO.2: Job 3T5-14,23,24
No. 3: Jesus Prepares HfsDisciples for What Lies Ahead (gt

July 4 Bible reading: Psalms 25 to 29

SongNo. 160
No. 1: Obedienceto QodBrings Truemeedom(uw pp. 38-40

No. 4: "td 2OA ChristiansShould Use God's PersonalName

May 16 Bible reading: Job 99 and 40
SongNo. 105
No. 1: Wbat the ProphetsSay About Jesus (uw pp. 29-31

NO.4: "td 23B Kingdom Rule Begins While ChristsEnemies

Are StillActive
J d y l S Bible reading: Palms34 to 36
Song No. 167
No. 1: Worldly Freedom Is Actually Slavery(uw pp. 42-3

pars. 1-51

No.2: Psalm28:l-12
No. 3: How the ReligiousLeaders Are EXpowd (gt chap. 106)
No. 4: 'td 23AWhat God's Kingdom Will Do for Mankind
July11 Bible reading: F%alms30to33
No. 1: Where TrueFreedomCan Be Found 'Ibday (UW
pp.40-2 pars. 6-9)

No. 2: Psalm 32:l-11

No. 3: What the Illustration of the Marriage Feast

chap. 98)

Represents(gt chap. 107)

pars. 1-6)

No. 2: Job 40:l-14

No. 3: Jesus Restoresa Lost Son of Abraham (gt chap. 99)
No. 4. %i 20B Truths About God's E&hknce
May 23 Bible reading: Job 4l and 42
SongNo. 106
No. 1: Job-Why Beneficial(sip. 100 pars. 39-43)
No. 2: Job 42:l-10,1217
No. 3: The Illustration of the Minas (gt chap. 100)
No. 4: 'td 20C Identifying Qod"s Attributes
May30 Biblereading: Psalmslto6
Song No. 168
No. 1: Introduction to Psalms-Part 1 (sip. 101 pars. 1-5)
No. 2: Psalm 2:l-12
No. 3: Jesus Defends Mary for Her Fine Deed (gt chap. 101)
No. 4: 'td 20D Not All Are Servingthe Same @d
June6 Biblereading: Psalms ?to 10
SongNo. 138
No. 1: Introduction to Psalms-Part 2 (sip. 10Zpars.6-11)
No. 2: Psalm 8:l-9:5
No. 3: Christ's TriumphalEntry IntoJerusalem (gt

pars. 10-12)

No. 2: Psalm 36:l-12

No. 3: They Fail to EhtrapJesus (gt chap. 108)
No. 4: %i 23C Kingdom of God Does Not ComeThrough
Man's Efforts
July25 Bible reading: Psalms37t039
SongNo. 109
No. 1: How to Identify Bad Asmciations(uwpp. 44-5
pars. 13,14)
No.2: Psalm3t23-38
No. 3: Jesus DenouncesHis Opposm(st chap.109)

No.4: %i24AWhat"theEndoftheWorldnMeans

Aug. 1 Bible reading: Psalms 40 to 44



No. l: The Great m e Everyone Must F'ace (uw pp. 46-7

pars. 1-3)

NO. 2: Psalm 41~1-13

No. 3: Jesus' mini st^at the Temple Is Completed(gt
chap. 110)

No. 4: 'td 24B Keep Awake to EMdence of the Last Days

Aug. 8 Bible reading Psalms 45 to 49

chap. 102)

song No. 190

No. 4: "td 2lA The Orlginof Jehovah's Witnesses

June 13 Bible reading: Psalms 11 to 17
No. 1: PaJr Attention to Prophetic Patterns (uw pp. 32-3
pars. 7 to 8 [2B
No. 2: Psalm 141-15:5
No. 3: Jesus CondemnsThose Who Defile W s Temple(gt

No. l: Imitatethe Faith of Loyal Ones(uwp p 4752

pars. 4711
No. 2: Psalm 45:l-7.10-17
No. 3: Jesus Givesthe Sign of the Last Days (gt chap. 111
pars. 1-11)

No. 4: "td 25A God Promises Everlasting Ufe for Obedient


chap. 103)
No.& ^td22AJesusIsQod'sSonandAppointedKing

Aug.l5 BlbIereading: Psalm$!iOto52

Song No. 170
No. l: The TruthHonorsJehovah (UW
pp. 5 2 4 pars. 12-15)
No. 2: Psalm 51:l-17
NO.3: ~esus
TeU More About the Last Days (gt chap. 111

June20 Biblereading: PsalmslSt020

Song No. 79
NO.l: our High PrlestForeshadowed (uw p. 33 par. 8 [31and
8 141)

pars. 12-19)

NO.% Psalm 195-14

No. 3: M s Voice Heard a Third Tlme (gt chap.104) ,
No. 4: "td22B Belief In Jesus Christ Is Wential to Salvation
June27 Bible reading: Psalms21 to24
Song No. 144
No. 1: why Repentanceand Faith Ak ~ssential
(uw pp. 33-7

No. 4: "td25B Only Those in Chrlst's Body a0to Heaven

reading: Psalms 53 to "
Song No. 103
No. l: What Ciod's PemMion of Evil TeachesUs (uw
pp. 55-7 park.1-7)


NO. 2:



No.3: T h e ~ i s e a n d t h e ~ ~ ( g t ~ ~ . l
NO. 4: "td 2 5 m
m ~ i fpromised

pars. 9-14)
No. 2: Psalm 2S1-24.10

No-3: what the Cursed M g

(gt chap.105)
No.4: %i22CMoreThanBeliefinJesusIsRequhd

Number of %ther sheep"


Aug. 29 Written Review. Complete Job 34 to Psalm 57

Song No. 34
Sept. 5 Bible reading: Psalms 58 to 62
Song No. 50
No. 1: Never Is There InjusticeWith God (uzopp. 58-61
pars. 8-16)
No. 2: Psalm 62:l-12
No. 3: The Illustrationof the Talents (gtchap. 111
pars. 29-37)
No. 4: *td 26A The Marriage Union Must Be Honorable
Sept. 12 Bible reading: Psalms 63 to 67
Song No. 45
No. 1: Rely on Jehovah-Resist Wicked Spirit Forces (UW
pp. 62-4 pars. 1-5)
No. 2: Psalm 65:l-13
No. 3: When Christ Arrives in Kingdom Power (@ chap. 111
pars. 38-46)
No. 4: "td 26B Headship Principle Must Be Respected by
Sept. 19 Bible reading: Psalms 68 and 69
Song No. 82
No. 1: Be Alert to the Devil's Sly Devices (UWpp. 64-7
pars. 6-12)
No. 2: Psalm 68:l-ll,32-35
No. 3: Jesus' Final Passover Is At Hand (gt chap. 112)
No. 4: "td 26C Christian Parents' Responsibility to Children
Sept. 26 Bible reading: Psalms 70 to 73
Song No. 73
No. 1: Put On the CompleteSuit of Armor From God (uw
pp. 67-9 pars. 13-15)
No. 2: Psalm 721-20
No. 3: Jesus Gives a Lesson in Humility (gtchap. 113)
No. 4: "td 26D Christians Should Many Only Christians
Oct. 3 Bible reading: Psalms 74 to 77
Song No. 113
No. 1: Knowledge,Faith, and the Resurrection (uwpp. 70-3
pars. 1-7)
No. 2: Psalm 76:l-12
No. 3: Jesus Institutes the Memorial (gtchap. 114)
No. 4: Vd 26E True ChristiansAre Not Polygamous
Oct. 10 Bible reading: Psalms 78 and 79
Song No. 18
No. 1: Jesus Has the Keys of Death and of Hades (uw
pp. 73-7 pars. 8-15)
No. 2: Psalm 79:l-13
No. 3: Jesus Patiently Teaches His DisciplesLove and
Humility (gtchap. 115)
No. 4: "td 27A Mary Was the Mother of Jesus, Not the
"Mother of G o d
Oct. 17 Bible reading: Psalms 80 to 85
Song No. 93
No. 1: Appreciate God's Enduring Kingdom (uwpp. 78-81
pars. 1-9)
NO.2: P ~ a l m
No. 3: Jesus Prepares the Apostles for His Departure(gt
chap. 116pars. 1-14)
No. 4: "td 27B Bible ShowsThat Mary Was Not "hrer Virgin"
Oct. 24 Bible reading: Psalms 86 to 89
Song No. 57
No. 1: The Kingdom Will Accomplish God's Original
Purpose (uwpp. 81-2 pars. 10-12)
No.2: Psalm 86:l-17
No. 3: Who Jesus' Real FriendsAre (gtchap. 116pars. 15-25)
No. 4: *td 28AWhat the ScripturesSay About the Memorial

Oct. 31 Bible reading: Psalms 90 to 94

Song No. 190
No. 1: What the Kingdom Has Already Accomplished (uw
pp. 83-6 pars. 13-15)
No. 2: Psalm 90:l-17
No. 3: Jesus Forearms and Ehcourages His Disciples (gt
chap. 116pars. 26-37)
No. 4: *td 28B The Celebration of the Mass Is Unscriptural
Nov. 7 Bible reading: Psalms 95 to 101
Song No. 172
No. 1: How We Seek First the Kingdom (uwpp. 87-9
pars. 1-6)
No. 2: Psalm 100:l-101:8
No. 3: Jesus' Concluding Prayer in the Upper Room (gt
chap. 116pars. 38-51)
No. 4: Yd 29AAll Christians Must Be Ministers
Nov. 14 Bible reading: Psalms 102 to 104
SongNo. 1
No. 1: Follow the Pattern of theEarly Disciples (uwpp. 90-1
pars. 7-9)
No.2: Psalm 103:l-14,21,22
No. 3: Agony in the Garden (gtchap. 117)
No. 4: "td 29B Qualifications for the Ministry
Nov. 21 Bible reading: Psalms 105 and 106
Song No. 201
No. 1: Personally Keep the ~ i n ~ d o m ' F i r(uw
s t pp. 91-4
pars. 10-15)
N0.2: Psalm 106:l-12,47,48
No. 3: The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus (gtchap. 118)
No. 4: "td 30A Why True Christians Are Hated
Nov. 28 Bible reading: Psalms 107 to 109
SongNo. 202
No. 1: What the ScripturesSay About Baptism by John (UW
95-6 pars. 1-5)
No. 2: Psalm 108:l-13
No. 3: Jesus Is Treated Abusively and Tried Illegally (gt
chap. 119)
No. 4: *td 30B A Wife ShouldNot Allow Her Husband to
SeparateHer From God
Dec. 5 Bible reading: Psalms 110 to 115
Song No. 17
No. 1: Baptism Into Death (uwpp. 97-8 pars. 6-8)
No. 2: Psalm 1lO:l-7; 114:l-8
No. 3: Fear of Man Moves Peter to Deny Christ (gtchap. 120)
No. 4: Yd 30C A Husband Should Not AUow His Wife to
Prevent His Serving God
Dec. 12 Bible reading: Psalms 116 to 11932
Song No. 195
No. 1: Baptism "in the Name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit" (uwp. 98 par. 9)
No. 2: Psalm 116:l-19
No. 3: Jesus Courageously Speaks theTruth Before the
Sanhedrin and Pilate (gtchap. 121)
No. 4: *td 31A Prayers That God Hears
Dec. 19 Bible reading: Psalm 11933-112
SongNo. 59
No. 1: Baptism and Christian Responsibilities (Uwpp. 99-102
pars. 10-14)
NO. 2: Psalm 119:97-112
No. 3: Neither Pilate nor Herod Can Find B ~ lint Jesus (gt
chap. 122)
No. 4: *td 31B Why Certain Prayers Are Not Valid
Dec.26 Written Review. Complete Psalms 58 to 119112
SongNo. 155

Literature to be used during ootoGod or cop

ies of Awuke! and The Watchtower.
Subscriptionsmay be offered on return
visits. November: New World Translaticm of the H d y Scriptures with the
book The WMe-God's Word or Man's?
ber :ManIclnd's Search for

December: The Greatest Man Who

January: Any 192-page

Ever Lived.

Congregationsshould begin requesb log: Sing Praises to J M - L a r g e

ing Examining the Scriptures Daily Print (Lyrics only). Turkish: comfori
-1994 with their October literature re for the Depressed (Tract No. 20); En&
quest. The booklets will be available in Family Life (Tract No. 211 Who Really
Arabic, Chinese, Chinese (Simplified), Rules the World? (Tract No. 22).
Croatian, Danish, Dutch, English, m New Audioc~~~ettes
Finnish,French,German,Greek, Hun- Japanese: Isaiah (set of four augarlan, Iloko, Italian, Japanese, Ko- diaamettm). Spanish: Ezra, Nehemirean, Norwegian, Polish, Porhmae, ah, Esther (set of threeaudi-).
Romanian, R
Samoan, spanish,
New Vi-tes
- - Turkish. Ukralnlan. American Sign Language (ASL):
and Vietnamese. Until these booklets "Look! I Am Making All Things Nao."

book printed on paper that yellows or

dtscolorsor any published prior to 1980. are available and shipments are made,

Congregationsthat do not have a sup

ply of such books may offer Mankind's
Search for God. NOTE Congregations
that will need the above-mentioned
campaign items should request them
on their next monthly Literature Request Form (S(d)-14). Older publications referred to above are not available
in Brooklyn, but congregations should
use those they already have in stock
H The insert in thts h u e of Our K i w dom Ministry is the Theocratic Ministry School Schedule for 1994" and
should be kept for reference throughout 1994.

they will appear as "Penon congregation packing lists.Examining the

Scriptures booklets are special-request
H New Publications Available:
Armenian: Sing to Jehovah (38 songs).
Cambodian: DOeS God m
y Care
About Us? Qreek: W l l There Ever Be a
Wwld WiUMut War? (for Jews). Qujarati: Does God Really Care About Us?

New Braille Publications Available:

Qrade-two English: Emmining the

Scriptures Dailv-1994 (four volth~es);

Theocratic MinSciwd Schedule
for 1994(onevolu&). Qrade-two Qerman: Does God ReaUy Care About Us?
(one volume); Wia This World Survive?
(TractNo. 19,one volume1 Comfortfor
the Depressed (Tract No. 20, one volumex Enjoy Family Life (Tract No. 21,
one volumex Who Really Rules the
Persian: How to Find the Road to Par- World? (Tract No. 22, one volume).
adise (for Muslims). Swedish: New Mark requests for Braille publications,
World Translation of the Holy Scrip- A'ITEWMON: BRAILLE DESK. Include
tures (Deluxe; DLM12; available with name and address of the person who
black or maroon leather cover). Taga- will use the Braille material

as described above. By putting forth

In some ter).ttoTCesw&erepeople seem intere8ted in spedlk

religions, rather than feature
the maaazines,rou miaht saw:

UsingOur Magazines From

Houseto House

The p
w of Au;ake! is ted 8 "This Azoalce! article goes into more
clearly onupage 4 of each i
'&=on the s u b j a Then read a pvc
magazhe biZRBTonlldencein the Cre- viously selected sentence-0,
ator's promise of a peaceful and secure continue: "Since you seem to be interested in this subject,would you like to
read this article as well as the other
time& articles in this issue of Amzke!?

tice variousrelinions Suite &our own. Mankind's search

for Qod has taken many Werent directions. Read Acts 17:26. 27.1 Do mu

thai people genera&


r@@on of their parents, rather

t+mh for Ood themselves?o
ra distribution as
our If SO,-Iwould be ~ D D to
mmment.1 That is the mint made in
house-to-house mlnistrg!
n- i
plaffdane. The Watch- the ftrstst of tbis book, Mana Awake! is an excellent avenue for tower,with you.')If b e householder ac- kind's Search for God. [HighUght inarousing the intepeople who cepts the
formation in
09 m!ze 8-1
r about other reworn
may not be iritually inclined When pdate to=
rea- eachL,
1mK for appropriate work is done worldwide and is support isbothpoto share with 5tiIEFs. Some pub- ed by voluntary donations. If you wish This book explaim the origin, pracn&s in their personal
t i . and
ori3copy, and before going in field a c e
gio- of ht%dn
AS tim"b"a that particular issue, they review
the notations in order to have specilic an interest in spiritualthingi,We might
points in mind to share with house- r m e a scri ture, such asZ,=y
$1-5 about&C"ays.
After that, in
AS we go from house to house,let us
We may choose to be& our presen- otarouse hi interest in our mag- remembeg that we have two of the htation by making at est Instruments in the world for helpon a y b ect discussed i n g o f
ing people make spiritual progres9, The
Awake we are using.
watch to we^ and Awake! May we work
at stimulating the interest of houseIf the householders in these mgazbs and placing
eat, we can introduce the -aiTw, pwhap%8arrg:



turn to &es 227-33 in ths Remo@&&l

book,andlWUht wkat the Kingdom
will do for mankind
'When we distribute our magmima ing the converdtion, you might take
W the return dslt, you may
and other theocratic public8tions, we
discern that the householder Cs
are spreading abroad the message that
reZuctant to disou8s his reZ@h,
.Jesus Christ proclaimed. We should
feeling that ft is a oery persontherefore mgke a special eflort to call formationonA& 206of thetdal matter. Y~orscouZd say someb A aon e6ryone who shows - t-iii%C
thing SZmUar to this:
a If you hQhlighted a specilic article
8 "With so many religions in a world
in Ax&?! t E a m the householder, develop additional points from usCng R Timothy 3 : I b and hCgh- thatgetssmallerandsmallerbyvirtue
of ever faster travel and communic8the article when you return,
ZighMng fnfmmuthnon page R tion, the impact of wrious faiths&m
your conversation around one ke o f the magazine, when return- worldwideTaer we like it or not.
and perhaps one m two a2 Zng you may say something like heref fore,. un-n-one
auothgra hs If there is c o n m i t m :
poin out that Awake! benefits El?@e en- 8 "Inour previous conversation,we dis- er'saggin@g may lead t~ more meantire family. Each issue deals with a va- cussed the meaning of what's happen- 'GigPul communication between people
riety of subjects, such as the environ- ing around us in the world tod8y.w y of different faiths. It mav dissbate
ment, self-improvement, coping with p
p some of the hatred that'?%son
today's problems, and questions that Manil in his standards for living as relkious beliefs.
After allowing for comment, direct the
concern young people. When genuhe set forth in the Bible. This
interest is shown, let the householder influenced the attitude of
le to- householder's attention ta t0e-e.f
know thatm-ke!
as ciescriE?in the con$ the book Mankind's Search
sc_rlmand that h e F W T E scripture at 2 Tlmothy 3:l-5. Do you for God.
over a period of sfx montha
Let us put forth every effort to call
think that there is sound reason toepbackonallwhoshowinterestinthe
3 What if the householder is n
riest&inanyofthearticlesinthe~- After allowing for comment, you may truth and help &em on #E path that
a f s s u e of Awake!? Rather than end- direct attention to 2 Peter 213. Then leadsto eternal liPe.-JoM 42'424.

Give Attention to intomst ~oulfd


%, 1993 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights resewed. Our Kingdom Ministry (USPS 295-360) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and
Tract Society of New York. Inc.. and International Bible Students Association. 25 Columbta Hei hts Brookl n. NY 11201. Second-class postage paid at Brookl n N Y
NY 11201.
Printed U.S.A
and at addit~onalmailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower, 25 ~ofumdia~ e i g i t s Brooklyn.

November 1993

Fbr United States of America

BoYou Reason From the Scriptures?

A seasoned soldier mim to war will
be fully armed and p6&cted. A skilled
craftmun preparing to work on a major building project will carry the tools
he needs to complete the task. A servant of Jehovah engaging in the field
ministhy will have his "sword" in hand
and will wield -i
whenever he
has t&e opportunity. (Epk 6:17) Is this

motivate the householder. We must be

prepared to do this -r
of the
~If the person.
is busy and there is insufficient time to
open the Bible and read a verse or two,
canyou auote or saraDhrase a scripture before offering literature? That
alone w
p and
Usten.-Heb. 4:12.
trueoiyouperso~whenyoushare *For example, if you are featuring
in the service,do YOU let CimBXm$ the December 8,1993, Amctkd with the
speak so that holy spirit can touch the articbb%Wji:Ki~$out m,"
ESZs of your listeners?-F'rov. 8:1,6. pointii to the illustration on the covS P m a c h i n g is not always an easy er, rsise the question, "Do you believe
task. In some territoriespeople arqel- there will ever be an end to disease,a
dom at home, and those who do answer 'time when everyone flenjoy VlDrant
gften busy, offering little health?" Whatever the response, you
ble to read directly from your
opportunityfor extensive Bible discussions. Since the Bible is our principal gjB9p.Faase a s c r ~ p t u
textbook, how can we us&& morg in as Imib 33:y or Revelation 21:4. In
the service and allow its inspired mes- this way y o & l e U S i a t h e
sage to influence our hearers?
w g .
On Return Visits: We should pre'At Every Opportunity: At every
&or, we would like to use the Bible to pare before making return visits. Fre-

Help Bible Students Prepare

for Their Study

'Bible students who prepare for

their study each week demonstrate a
genuine interest in the study and usu& make more mpdd&ritual progress than those who do not prepare.
&%etimesa student may not prepare
because he does not know how. It may
be necessary to teach him how to prepare. How can this be done?
%Fromthe very beginning, take a
little time to make sure the student
that preparation involves personal study. Many peopTe,
altliougn able to read, have not been
taught how to study. Pages 33-43 in
the Theocratic Ministry Ed Guidebook provide many helpful suggestions that you may be able to pass
along to the student as needed.
Show the Student the Value of
Study: You might show the student

your study book in which you have

marked or underlined key words and
phrases. Let him see how glancing at
the marked portions can &min&&hi
m t s that he will

Vol. 36, No. 11

quently,however, s u b ~that
s we have
n_otprepared to discuss will arise.This
is when Reasoning From the Scriptures
can prove to be a valuable tool 6ur
quoting or reading the supporting'
scriptures from the Reasoning book
will help people see that we are minist e r s u d and not peddlers of the
Word.-2 Cor. 237.
=Whencalling back where no specific subject had been d i g g @ T o u
inight simply o p s the Reasonzng
book to an appropriate s u ~ tsuch
as "Jesus Christ," "Last Days,"or T&sunstion," and use o z o f the subh
w to initiate tne cusc Ion.
Householders may be i n i -ot
some of the scriptures from their=
Bible. In that way the Bible will come
a E t o them, and Jehovah'sholy spirit
will flow if they are righteously dismposed.
7 0 ~ resgonsibili
y to p s h the
w~ the wicked is a
good news
se3ous one. C is Jehovah's message,
n&XeEthis~ord.the sword or*
spirit, help you

by portions that do not directly relate

to the present study.
As the student progresses,encourage him to r3a_d-a
from begin@g_mdEmphasize that the entire
Bible is the inspired Word of God and
that true Christians must be spiritually nourished by it.-Matt. 4:4; 2 T i . 3:

express in his own words. Thus he

will not be tempted to read whole portions?rom t m 6 C i k t d answerine:
questions. Proper training at this
stage will help him to make meaningIntroduce Other Theocratic Refful commentslater
erences: When the student has admeetings. His comments will reflect vanced sufliciently,he can begin to use
a x i a t i o n for the material being other theocratic references. With disconsidered and indicate the depth of cernment, encourage him to look up
his understanding.
additions-ln in t h e T u E 'Teach Him to Use the Bible: The' tfons of the Societythat he will become
student needs to learn how to locate acquainted with as he attends congretexts refe-3Te
the sc=re
gation meetings. Teach him%-to
study material. When he is able to do use special fw_~f_=e_2o_-~ofld
this efficiently, he will appreciatemore TranslatQg, such as "Bible Words Infully that he is indeed a student of the dexed." As he starts building his own
Bible. Although he may at first need to theocratic library, showhim how to use
e Reamake
of the listing of ~ i b i ~ b 6 o k the
s C
in the front of the Bible, the student soning From the Scriptures, the I=,
should be encouraged to become fa- and the I-siqht volumes.
miliar with the sequence of the 66 BiIf we teach-~iblestudents how to
ble books When he looks up and reads prepare for their Bible &udy, we will
a scripture text,he1 him to i d e z y equip them to c o n m e progressing in
the portion that s u ~ ~ ~thG=t
the truth as capable Bible students
being made in the paragraph under even aJJr their personal home Bible
considerationand not to be distracted study has ended.

graph 4, service overseer gives suggested presentation to publisher. Encourage congregation & help interest10 min: Local announcements and
ones and Bible students amreciate
selected Announcements from Our ed
of New WorM ~rans&.
Kinadom Mtnistru. Commend ~ u b - Song 52
and concluding prayer.
lishers for part they are having in the
Kingdom-preaching work.
Week Starting November 8
10 min: "Dreams," Reasoning book,
pages 104-6. To be handled as discus- Song 7
sion with Bible student. Student asks 10 min: Local announcements.Demabout wisdom of being guided by our onstrate presentation of current magdreams. Discuss danger of this, how it azines, featuring article that can be
could cause us to fall prey to worldly used in fleld service this weekend.
reasonings and demons. Show impor- Call attention to "A Special Month for
tance of being guided by principles of Field Service,"and invite all to consider seriously the possibility of increasGod's Word.
10 min: Local needs or "Commu- ing their fleld service in December as
nication-More Than Just Talk." Talk auxiliary pioneers or by working with
based on articles in The Watchtower of pioneers.
15 minr "The Book That Provides
August 1,1993,pages 3-8.
15 min: "The Value of the Bible in True Guidance." Question-andToday's World." Discussion between answer consideration of article.
service overseer and publisher who Demonstrate return visit outlined in
wishes to improve his ability in house- paragraph 3. Encourage all to be ento-house work. After considering thusiastic about ~racticalvalue of the
paragraph 3, service overseer asks Bible when t a l k with people in
publisher to try suggested presenta- hous_eto-house work and making retion with service overseer serving as turn visits.
householder. After considering para- 20 min: "Youths-Make Jehovah's
Heart Rejoice." Elder discusses with
two or three young b a p t i i publishers paragraphs 1-18. Emphasize beneSchedule for congregation studies in the
fits youths reap by their good exambook The Greatest Man Who Ever LM
ple and the value of "Young People
November 1: Chaptw 133 and raview of
Ask . . ."articles. Consider scriptures
as time permits.
Schedule for congregation studies in the
Song 80 and concluding prayer.

Week Starting November I

Song 5

book Making Your Family Life Happy.

November 8:
November 15
November 22
November 29:


Week Starting November 29

Song 83
10 mint Local announcements. Encourage those who can to awriliary
pioneer during December.
15 min: "The Bible-A
Guide for Modem Man." Talk by family head based on article in May 1,
1993, Watchtower. Highlight that a p
plying Bible principles can promote
peaceful, loving family atmosphere.
Eatertain one or two prepared comments from audience showing how
counsel from W s Word has helped a
family or an individual.
20 min: Using the Greatest Man
Book to Help Sheeplike Ones in December. Audience discussion. Ask
such questions as: What one account
about Jesus' ministry or his dealings
with others impressed you most? Why
did this account impress you? Of what
value has this publication been to
you? What have you learned about Jehovah by studying it? What point&)
have you featured when Dresentlne: it?
~ a v eexperienced
pub&her demonstrate presentation 6f book. Encourage all to share iqfleM service on Sun-

P-68 23'-30'
h g m 30'-87'

10 min: Local announcements, including accounts report and donation

acknowledgments. Commend congregation for financial support of local
congregation as well as Society Kingdom all Fund and society'; worldwide work. Outline fleld service .arrangements for world's upcoming
holiday season.
15 mln: "Caring for the Spiritual
Needs of the Deaf." Questions and answers.If there are no deaf members of
the congregation, focus on not overlooking deaf people found in territory. Be prepared with newly released
tracts for the deaf.
20 mint "Youths-Make Jehovah's
Heart Fkjoice." Question-and-answer
consideration of paragraphs 19-33 of
insert. Interview one or two young day.
publishers. Get comments on how Song 94 and concluding prayer.

Song 73

Av. Av.
Hrs Mags. R.V Bi.Sf
130 121.8 80d -8


Pios 28,140


10 min: Local announcements and

Theocratic News. Ehcourage use of
current magazines in witnessing this
1 5 min: "Help Bible Students Prepare for Their Study." Questions and
answers. Read paragraphs as time
20 min: "Do You Reason From the
Scriptures?" Question-and-answer
consideration by brother who is effective in house-*house and returnvisit work. After considering paragraph 4, demonstrate Plow a publisher
may paraphrase or quote scripture
from memory when householder is
busy. After demonstration, emphasize
value of following this suggestion as
we endeavor to "preach the wordn in
territory where so many people are
always busy or preoccupied with daily
affairs. (2 Tim. 4:2) After considering
paragraph 6, call on publisher who is
effective with Reasoning book to relate how he uses it in witnessing.
Song 108 and concluding prayer.

Week Starting November I S

Number of.


Week Starting November 22

Song 74

Pager C l t
P a w l3'*28*

'To or from suhheedng.


congregation has been helpful in their

spiritual development.
Song 90 and co%uding prayer.


TOTAL 928.914
total publishers for
914 total publisher
increase of 21 951


80.4 21.0 le.5 M

99.0 20.0




3.6 0.4

, $.harrrhgrHeart Rejd-

By Choice of Entertainment and Recre-

When one uses strength and vigor of youth in

the right way, life can be truly delightful Whe
King Solomonwrote "Rejoice,young man, in your
youth, and let your heart do you good in the days
of your young manhood." (
people are accountable to
How you live your life makes a difYerence not

world. Really, as we learned at our recent district

convention, we must mmgnize that those things
thato@zhate with the world are influencedby the
+mom!-1 Tim.4:l.

very much. Being spiritually minded, the parents

provided guidance that carried o r into family
recreation The brother observed6 admire their
doinp thinm togeilw. Not only do the paregts
h s the children prepare for servicle,but whenX's2
time for recreation, they have f u n ' g o i n g ~ ~ O ,&
visiting museums, or just staying home and playing or working on projects. Their love for one another and for others makes you feel confident that
theyin the truth in the future, come
what m
when it is not-i7 Of course,there are timesengage
in recreation
today? This may be accomplished in a number of ble for the entire f-5
i need to be
By Proper Example: You young people expe- aware of thts and the seriousness of choosing how
rience the "critical times hard to deal with" fore- you will s m some of your leisure timiitantold in God's Word. (2 Tim. 3:l) You may also be d m e d to mislead as many as possible. The
subjected to presfrom unbelieving school- youngand inexperiencedare especially vulnerable
to his crafty acts and deceptive krsuasion. (2 Car.
11:3; Eph. 6:ll) So today Satan uses a variety of
means to induce u to get sidetra
the Bible as myth. However, a young publisher in a life of s e d - a w h t e o u s 72c;;r
that class loyally defended the Bible. As a result, a ness.
~elevisionis a master seducer that
number of Bible studies were darted.Some intera ,
es&d ones began attendingmeetings. The faith of r n a t e Z c C a n d immoral life-style. Movies and
you young brothers and sisters condemns tGyp- videos regularly feature violence and explicit sex.
w o r p a a t s honesthearted ones to Popular music has become increasingly debased
and obmene. Satan's enticements may appear
the truth.
mpare Hebrews 11:7. y\Bd
innocent, yet they have ensnared thousands of
Can gou encourageyour peers in the congre
&t so thst they do not yield= what is b a s CMstian youths into wrong thinking and congetting agood exam~lein school, at home, and in duct To resist such prassures, you must vigorousthe congregation, you can strengthen the faith of ly pursue righteousness. (2 Tim. 222) If
or conduct jr
other young publishers. (Rom. 1:12) Make Jeho- ments are needd in your
vah's heart rejoice by setting an example for oth- 6 r e g a r d to entertainment and reereation,Tow
can these be made?The psalmist gives the answer:
By Dress and Qroomingr One young sister Cwith my whole heart I have searched for you Do
was teased and ridiculed 'because of her modest not ca me to go astray from your commande
dress and was labeled an "untouchable." This did m
a! The i-sm
and entertainment

standardof the Witnesses is what she kept Do you

have such fortitude?Or do you allow Satan's world
this tendency by avoiding pornogto mold VQII into its way of thinkingand conduct? raphy and corruptingmusic. RegaXbg'fnusic,the
What a pleasure to observe many of you young April 1 5 L B i s s u eof The W a t c w obsennxt
ones heeding Jehovah's teaching and rejtxting \ "&&c is a didine gift. For many, though,it bethe sloppy
- idols,
-- and teachings of the comes an unhealthy preoccupation. . . . Make i t l
- styles, fads,


your aim to keep mysic in its place and let the

acJi_vity of .Jekouah be p u r m a * concern. Be selective and careful about the music you choose.
Thus you will be able to use-not abuse-this
divine gift." lo Cultivate a complete abJogence of whaais
b ~ d(Ps.
. 97:lO) When tempted t
6 do bad, thinnof
how Jehovah views the-matter, and consider the
consequences:-unwanted pregnancies, sexually
transmitted diseases, emotional devastation, loss
of self-respect,and loss of privileges in the congregation. Avoid exposing yourself to TV shows, movies, videos>ongs, or conversations fiat e n c o m e
wickedness. Avoid associating with those whom
the Bible classifies as "stupid ones." (Prov. 13:19)
Be selective; choose for elk-iation those in
the congregation who love Jehovah and his righteous standards.
l1 Yes, youths who truly want to make Jehovah's
heart rejoice will heed the good counsel found at
Ephesians 5:15,.16: "Keep strict watch that how
you walk isnot as unwise but q wise persons,
buying out the opportune tirpe for yourselves,because the days are wicked."; What will help you
keep "strict watch" on your progress in these last
l2 Caring for Spiritual Needs: At Matthew 5:3,
Jesus commented::' appy are those cotedns~ous
their spiritual need." ,You too can be happy by
being conscious of your spiritual need. E g that
nqci includes a zealous share in preaching the
good news, since this builds our faith h i G t h i n g s
we are learning.-mm. 10:17.
l 3 From personal experience you know that it is
n o t a J m ~ a s yto share reg@-arly in the ministry.
hIuch of this may be due to a lack of c o n i c e .
Thus, firm determination on your part is necessary. By s h a h g in the&istry on a regular basis,
you will enhance your witnessing skills and build
confidence in your ability to preach.
l4 Make arrangements to work with the more
experienced publishers in the congregation, such
as the regular pioneers and the elders. Listen intently to their presentations and how they handle
objections at the door. Make good use of the Reasoning book and the suggestions presented in Our
Kingdom Ministry. Before long you will derive
even greater joy from the ministry because you are
giving your all to Jehovah.-Acts 20:35.
15some have been able to take advantage of
opportunities to witness at school and have been
quite successful in making disciples. (Matt. 28:
19,20)One Christianyouth says:PDuring free class
periods, I had many opportunities to witness, especially around holiday time. When I left Bible
___ --onmy d s k where others could see
them, many interested students approached me."

Eventually, a number of the students and even the

teacher began attending Christian meetings. In
fact, the teacher has progiessea to tne pomt of
becoming a deaicated Witness. Jehovah rejoices
greatly when youngWoSh-prs like you bring
praise to his name.
l6 Another way to satisfy your spiritual need is
through personal study. To make Jehovah's heart
rejoice, we-mG-take -in knowledge of him, his
purposes, and his requirements for us. Do you set
aside time foype@onxilstudy_?Do you study regularly, G i a s you take time to eat regularly? (John
173) Do you have a personal schedule for reading
the Bible in addition to trying to keep up with the
Bible reading schedulefor the TheocraticMinistry
School? Do you Dregve wellfor all the meetings?
Do you read the Watchtower and Awake! magazines regularly?In particular,do you take the time
to read each article in the "Young People As& . . ."
series,carefullylooking up each scripture? And do
not forget the book that the Society has designed especially for your spiritual needs, Questions Young People Ask-Answers That Work.
Christian youths and their parents the world over
have written to say how this book has helped them
to draw closer to Jehovah.
'7 When you read t h e m and theocratic Bible
study aids, they
about Jehovah, his m
ing, and his purpoi-s.EnSmOwthis information would be helpful to you. Relate what you are
reading to what you-%ve read previously. This
involves meditation. Meditaticm allows the information to reach the heart and motivate you.-Ps.
e rejoice to see young ones who are conscious
of their spiritual need attending the congregation meetings. You Christian youths can encourage others by regularly offering meaningful comments during the meetings. Make it a goal to give
at least one comment at every meeting.mtivate
warm relationships with people of all age groups
in the congregation by sharing in upbuilding association before and after the meetings. (Heb. 10:
24, 25) One young brother commented that his
parents encouraged him to hold a conversation
with at least one older brother or sister-5tTvery
meeting. Today he values %lieexpGn5nce he has
gd%edby associating with the older members of
the congregation.
l9 Pursue Spiritual Goals: It is sad that the lives
of many youths lack purpose and direction. However, is it not good to experience the feeling that
comes from setting theocratic goals and then successfully achieving them? These gqaLF, pursued
with the enlightenment of divine education, will
be personally satisfying now and will ultimately
lead to eternal salvation.-Eccl. 12:1,13.

20 When setting goals, make it a matter of prayer.

Speak with your parents and the elders. ESramine
yourself and your abilities, and set practical goals
according to what you are able to accomplish and
not in comparison with someone else. Everyone is
different in makeup-physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Therefore, do not expect
to accomplish everything someone else does.
What are some goals that you can reach for?If
you are not yet a publisher or are not yet baptized,
why not make these your goals. If you are a publisher, you could make a goal of putting a certain
amount of time in the ministry each week Work
at becoming a capable teacher on return visits,
and make it your goal to conduct a Bible study. If
you are a baptized youth in school, why not make
it your goal to auxiliary pioneer during the summer months? There is "plenty to do in the work of
the Lord."-1 Cor. 15:58.
From Parents Vital8 Youths in
the congregation should never feel that they are
alone in their endeavors to gain. life. Jehovah,
through his organization,has provided counsel to
assist these young ones with making everyday decisionsand overcomingobstacles in life. Dedicated
parents, of course,have the primary responsibility
to help their children to make proper decisions. At
1 Corinthians 11:3, the Bible designates the husband as the head of the household. Therefore,in a
Cmtian household, with the wife working closely
with him, the father takesthe lead inlteaching the
cM&en God's commandments. ( a h . 6:4) This is
done through conscientious training that begins
in itsfancy. Since a child's brain triples in size
during the first year of life, parents should never underestimate their infant's ability to learn.
(2 Tim. 3:15) As children grow, parents need progressively to teach them to love Jehovah and to
cultivate a good relationship with him.
23 At the "Divine Teaching" District Convention,
there was a talk given entitled Work Hard for the
Salvation of Your Household."Various points were
shared helping parents see the practical ways they
can assist their children. A good parental example
is the best place to start. This will do more in
helping your children spiritually than speaking
volumes to them about what they should or should
not do. Settingthe proper parental example would
include exhibitingthe fruitage of the spirit within
the home, toward your spouse and toward your
children. (Gal. 5:22,23) Many have seen from experience that God's spirit is a powerful influence
for good. It can help you to mold the minds and
hearts of your children.
24Alsomentioned at the convention was the
need for p e n t s to set a good example in personal study habits, meeting attendance,and regular

participation in the field ministry. If you enthusiastically talk about the truth at home, take a
zealous lead in the ministry, and are positive about
personal study, your children will be encouraged
to take a sincere interest in spiritual matters.
25 When thoughtfully prepared, a regular, meaningful family Bible study can be interesting and
enjoyable, a time of reassuring family togetherness. Take the time to reach the heart of your
children.(Prov.23: 15)While many families use this
occasion to prepare for the weekly WCdchto~ver
Study,from time to time it may be encouraging to
consider a particular need of the family. Asking
viewpoint questions and listening to the comments of each family member will be enlightening
as well as refreshing. Conducting a study that
benefits each member of the family is a real challenge for the family head. But how rewarding
when all grow spiritually! When everyone is kept
involved, a happy spirit prevails.
Your loving, specialized training now is vital
for saving the lives of your offspring. (Prov. 226)
With this in mind,it is easy to understand that this
may be the most important teaching you will ever
do. Never think that you are all alone in
and important task.Learn to rely heavily on Jehovah for guidance in caring for your family responsibilities. That is not all. There are others who can
be of much assistance as well.
27What Others Can Do to Help: Elders can
include young people, along with their parents,in
cleaning the Kingdom Hall. Encourage the children at congregation meetings. Elders and ministerial servants assigned Service Meeting parts
should watch for little hands that are raisedwhen
there are parts for audience participation. Look
for opportunitiesto use exemplary young ones in
demonstrations'with their parents. Some may be
interviewed and make brief comments.
as Do not take their efforts for granted. Young
people have proved to be a real asset to the congregation. By their Ene conduct, many have 'adorned
the teaching of our Savior, God.' (Titus 2:6-10) Be
conscious of .the need to commend young ones
who participate in even a small way.This encourages them to prepare and have the desire to do it
again in the future. Such interest cannot be appraised; it is priceless. How often have you as an
elder or a ministerial sewant approached younger
members of the congregation to commend them
for a talk or a presentation on the meeting?
29 Pioneers, what can you do to help? Why not
review your schedule to see how to invQlve schoolchildren in your arrangements for aftehoons and
weekends?Do you talkpositively aboutp u r choice
of full-time service?Areyou showingby your countenance that xmnir Finr. '-7in your ministmBDo you


- ?

to heed the teachings of God.Men of old did so with

much success. Consider the courage of Noah. He
condemned an entire world through his faith and
by keeping separate from the wrongdoers of his
time. (Heb. 11:7) FQt up a hard fight because it is,
worth the efi'ort. Do not imitatethe weak,spineless,
fearful ones who follow Satan's crowd. On the
contrary,seek out the association of those who are
finding favor in Jehovah's eyes. (Phil. 317) Surround yourself with associateswho will march side
by side with you into God's promised new world.
(Phil. 1:27)Keep in mind that there is only one way
that leads ta everlasting life.-Matt. 7:13,14.
33 If we find joy in seeing youths bring praise and
honor to our God, how this must bring joy to him!
There is no doubt that Jehovah finds pleasure in
seeing young people have a full share in proclaim31 Young People Can Help Themselves:
Youths, we encourage each of you to keep heeding ing his grand purposes. They are "aninheritance"
Jehovah's teachings and reject what is offered by from him, and he wants only the best for them. (Ps.
the world. Continually test yourself by examining 127:3-5; 128:3-6) Reflecting his Father's interest,
your conduct and inner feelings. What is your atti- Christ Jesus found much joy in associating with
tude toward Jehovah and what he expects of you in young children, and he took time to encourage
everyday living? Are you putting up a hard fight them in their worship of Jehovah. He displayed
against the influence of Satan's ideas?(1Tim. 6:12) tender affection for them. (Mark9:36,37; 10:13-16)
Since humans, and youths in particular, naturally Do we view our youths in the same way that Jehodesire the approval of their peers, do you find vah and Christ Jesus do? Are the young people in
yourself enticed to follow the crowd in-doingwhat our congregations aware of how Jehovah and the
is bad? (Etx,23:2) The apostle Paul understood that angels view their loyalty and good example? They
there is great pressure to conform to the world's should be commended and encouraged to make
ways.-Rom. 7:21-23.
Jehovah happy by reaching out for spiritual goals.
Youths, pursue goals that will result in blessings
32 It takes courage to resist the world's influence,
to take a course different from worldly peers, and for you now and in the future.

readily recommend it to others,especially younger

ones? When working from door to door, is your
speech upbuilding and positive? If so, then as a
pioneer you too are sharing in this all-important
training activity.
3O A
llin the congregation should be keenly aware
of this important work of training young ones. Can
you make definite arrangements to work in the
field ministry with them? Can you practice a presentationwith them in preparation for the door-todoor work? Are you cognizant of opportunities to
encourage future spiritual activities when working in the ministry together? Each publisher
should be aware that even a small comment can
generate positive thoughts toward lifelong spiritual goals, to the young person's everlastingbenefit.


w New Publications Available:
Am hatic: Jehovah's Witnesses-Unitedly Doing God's Will Worldwide.
Chinese: What Is the Purpose of Life
-How Can You Find It? Croatian:
Does God Really Care About Us?; What
Is the Purpose of Life-How Can You
Find It? Czech: The Greatest Man
Who Ever Lived. Danish: Jehovah's
Witnesses- Proclaimers of God's
Kingdom; New World Translation
of the Holy Scriptures-With References; What Is the Purpose of Life
-How Can You Find It? Dutch: Jehovah's Witnesses-Proclaimers of God's
Kingdom; What Is the Purpose of Life
-How Can You Find It? English: Why
Should We Worship God in Love and
Truth? (for Hindus). English, for the
Deaf: The Holy Bible: Easy-to-Read
Version (Same text as The Holy Bible
-English Versionfor the Deaf). Georgian: Enjoy Life on Earth Forever!
German : Jehovah's Witnesses-Pro-

claimers of God's Kingdom; What Is

the Purpose of Life-How Can You
Find It?Qreek: What Is the Purposeof
Life-How Can You Find It? Hindi:
Does God Really Care About Us? italian: What Is the Purpose of Life
-How Can You Find It? Korean:
What Is the Purpose of Life-How Can
You Find It? Kurdish: Enjoy Life on
Earth Forever! Latvian: "Look! I Am
Making All Things New." Norwegian:
Jehovah's Witnesses-Proclaimers of
God's Kingdom; What Is the Purpose
of Life-HowCanYou FindIt? Polish:
What Is the Purpose of Life-How Can
You Find It? Romanian: Sing Praises
to Jehovah (Small she);Jehovah's Witnesses-What Do They Believe? (Tract
No. 18;for Jews). Russian: My Boolc Of
Bible Stories (Small size);Sing Praises
to Jehouah-Lyrics Only (100 songs);
Theocratic Ministry School Guidebook; What Is the Purpose of Life
-How Can You Find It? Serbian:

Does God ReaUy Care About Us? Sesotho: You Can Live Forever in Paradiseon Earth (Smallsize).Slovak: The
Greatest ~ a n ' w h o~ v e i ~ i v eSloved.
nian: Does God ReaUy Care About
Us?Spanish: Sing Praises to Jehovah
-Large Print (Lyrics only). Swahili:
Will There Ever Be a World Without
War? (forJews). Swedish: What Is the
Purpose of Life-How Can You Find
It?; WillThere Ever Be a World Without
War?(forJews). Tamil: L&?s God Really Care About us?Turkish: Does God
Really Care About Us? Ukrainian: Jehovah's Witnesses-What Do They Believe? (Tract No. 18; for Jews). Vietnamese: Enjoy Family Life (Tract
No. 21); Who Really Rules the World?
(Tract No. 22).
w New Audiocassettes Available:
Norwegian: Doing God's Will With
Zeal (Drama;single audiocassette); Jehovah Delivers Those Calling UponHis
Name (Drama; sing@ audiocassette)',
Jehovah's Name to Be Declared in All
the Earth (Drama;* single audiocassette). Spanish: Job (set of two audiocassettes),


Literature to be featured in Noember: New World Translation of

the Holy Scriptures with the book

The BW-God's Word or Man's? December I TheGteateSt Man Who Ever
Lived. January: Any 192-page book
printed on paper that yellows or dis-

colors or any published prior to 1980.

Congregations that do not have a supply of such books may offer Mankind's Searih for God. February:
Yotl Can Live F o r m in Paradise on
Earth. NOTG Congregationsthat will
need the abov4mentioned campaign
items should request them on their
next monthly Literature Request
Form (S(d)-14). Older publications referred to above are not available in
Brooklyn,but congregations should
use those they already have in stock
Congregations should begin re-.
questing the 1994 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses with their November
literature request. (See the Watchtower PuMications List, paragraph 10.)
The Yearbook will be available in
Czech, Danish Dutch,English,Finnish,French,German,Greek, Hungarian, Itallan, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak,
Spanish, and Swedish Until the Yearbook is available and shipments are
made, it will appear as 'Pending" on
congregationpacking lists. Yearbooks
are special-request items.-See the
Watchtower Publications List, paragraphs 24 and 25.

A for Field Service

A Special Mo

. .,

:c :,
A new peak of

18,810 publishers was reached in June, and there

were 84 baptized during the month.
Cdte dlvoire: Publishers reporting in
Junetotaled 4,330, their sixth publisher
peak thisserviceyear.
Italy1 Another peak in publishers wm
reported in June with 198,179 out in
field service. Twenty-two new congregationswere fonned during the month.
Sho Tom6 and Principe: On June 30
an a,wciation was legally established,
opening the door for greater activity.
The 100 publishers reQorting for
month represent a 43-@rcent i n ~ ]
over last year's average.'
Urumuay:A new
of 9,093~ublish.J erswaskached & ~une.


s Word or Man's?to illus
p r a c i T ~ i b 1 e .
YOUmay find it helpful to use some
of the introductionsouWned on
of the Reasoning bo-ok under the subheading "Bible/aod." Additional information is p-ted
on pages 58-68 that

The Value of the Bible in TodayasWorld

Many today view the Bible as out- cover, then read the first and second
househoG@t& and d
c . While it is the eht-g
most widely-uted
and the most er demonstrates interest, you may read
translated book in all history,relatively and discuss the scriptures cited in the
few read it, and fewer still follow its second paragraph.Make anangements m a 9 b e h e l ~ f u l i n ~ e r i n g h ~ 0 1
to return to consider the tract further em' q ~ s m n O
sr in 0vel'COming their
2 In contrast,pvalue the Bible as the
-Perhaps using one of the subhead- Objections.
Ibe fach &or that it is ings, in the form of a question, in order
~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ L S M 2 ; &


h i s ~ t h f u l Moreover,
its a to stimulate

markable harmony, its p r o m its

wisdom, and itshaving beena power for
good in people's lives all mete
that the Bible is "inspired of God."
3:16) Our wm* experience
shouldm v e us to
its true value.

One approach W g h t be:

8 "In view of

the serious problemsfacing mankind, q y s @ p l e find it difficult to believe in God,p a e y m n

H'sability to solve the problems we
f a ~ e ~ w lyou
d o feel about that?[Allow
for response.] Notice the title of this
tract, Wh You Can
m a t ~ k n t theo2L-e



Ontheinitialcallor on areturnvlsit,the
N m World TramMcm may be introdu& Yournightask if the householder
has a caps of the Sb
lehe m a it
pen' ontheanswer,
p r o b l q ? [mow for m n 8 e . l tht? zatenFonDeto
somy of the helpful
c p e o le o f b looked to the Bi le -f
of the ~m world Tram-.
but -hve
You could highl@t one or two points
Do ou think that the BiM is of p
276-80 of the
Another approach m@ht be
something sinadtar to this:
"Do you not agree that ma&bd

[mow for response.]

Notie wl%Wstated at
- 2
[Read.] God's written w0 not only
helps us to make W@ decisionsbU&i&i!
provides a reliable h
i future."
if the householder responds favorably,point out one ortwo
speciilc points that you have previous'T@ @ble_
ly selected from the


gc &rt to oppdunities to encow-

~ g people
to read the Bible. Help inter-

ested p ns to build res~ectand love

f mil. By a<pF
ing its principles in their personal lives
andcomingtoaknowledgeof the truth,
they will gain many beneflts both now
and in the future-Pa l19:105.

The Book That ProvidesTrue Guidance

Theworld haschanged dramatically
durirgthepast century. Although there
have beenadvancesin thefieldsof communication, medicine, and transporktion,thequalityof familylifehassteadilydecmed uonsallow themselves to
be guided by the constantly changing
philosophy of men.
a ln this rapidly changing world
peoplehave benefited
greatly by adhemg to his
Bible has remained unchanged The
of years,and its counsel Is
the most pmtical O' r
problems we face today. How can we
help interested people come to apprecitrue guidate that the Bible
ance for our modern day?

If you left the tract "WhyYou

Can Trust The Bible" on the
Hal call, you may return and
"SincetheBibleclearly says that it is a
message from Qod himselfand that he
offersus eternal life if we believe and

live by what it says, do you feelit would

be worthwhile to find out more about
thesestatements?[AUowfor comment.]

Have you ever wondered how and when


would liketo discuss thisquestion furNotice what theBibleforetellsconcern- ther at a time convenient for househ g the present world system of things. holder.
@cad 2 Tlmothy 3:l-5 directly from
6Zf you
the YINt?wWorld
page 5 of the tract] Do you think this Transtatcon," you nury return
description fits the world today? [Allow and say:
"In reading the Bible I left with you,
for comment] Is tl?em sound reason to
e x ~ e cbetter
con&tionsm the future?" you may have noticed that it uses God's
You can then lay the groundwo~kfor personal name througaout Thls is an
by dlsrmssing l&
importantim~rovementovermawothpawimPb of the tract Or by using er Bible translations. Although some
page 161 of the book The BiMe-God'~ people may hesitate to use the name
Word or Man's?, highlighting the won- Jehovah, we must keep in a d that he
derpul hope that the Bible holds out for revealed his name long ago and encourmankind
aged his servants to use it to identify
4Zf the householder zoaa tnter- him as the true and living Giod. Notice
ested in the p r a d c a t value o f what the psalmist wrote at Psalm 83:18."
the Bible and you podnted out Readthe~~ripture,andallowthehouse
8pectficprlnCapZesin chapter 12 holder to comment. According to the
o f the book "The Bible-God's
interest manifested, you may use adWord or Man'sP, ya you may say:
ditional information found under the
"We are interested in m m that are heading "Jehovah," beginning on
pmctical for us w,
aren*t would page 191of the Reasoning book.
you agree that putting an end to war
providesthe guidance
would be practical? [Allow for a m - that man needs. (Jer. 10:23) Studying
ment.] If people learned to live together Cfod's Word is the only way to learn
in peace with thoseof other nations,this about His purposes and gain His favor.
would be a good start, would it not? Therefore, let us earnestly invite others
[Allowfor respo~l~e.]The
Bible has fore to benefit from its f&e counsel and
told exactly that. [Read Isaiah 22,3.1 practicaladvice.

O 1993 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pannsylvania.All rights rese~ed.Our Kingdom Ministry (USPS 295-360) is published monthly by Watchtower Bible and
Tract Socie of New York. Inc.. and International Bible Students Association. 25 Columb~aHeights,.Brookl n. NY 11201. Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn. N.Y..
and at addivonal mailing offices. POSTLUSTER: Send address changes to Watchtower. 25 Columb~a~e~gl!ts. Brooklyn. NY 11201.
Printed ~n U.S.A.

December 1993

Wr United States of America

Set Aside Time for MagazineActivity

Jehovah has determined that there

Be familiar with the articles in the

those following his ways. (Jer. 29:ll)

Information about this prospect is presented in a timely way in The Watchtower and Awalce! These magazines
can benefit all sorts of people under
every circumstance. (1 Tim. 2:4) Do
you and your family regularly set aside
time for magazine distribution?
a If your magazine placements have
been decreasing, how might this trend
be remedied? One essential is to keep
alive your appreciation for the contents
of our magazines. One man wrote:
"Reading your magazines is a genuinely joyful experience. They are not
cheap, lowquality 'comforters' but
contain guidance and direction on how
to make life meaningful." The Watchtower and Awah! are products of
careful research and are provisions of
"the faithful and discreet slave." (Matt.
24:45) They are effective tools for
reaching the hearts of people.

points that deal with current problems

in your community. It is good to prepare for speaking with men, women,
and youths that you may meet at the
doors or on the street. Be prepared to
show how the magazinesrelate to individuals and to families as a whole.
Be Magazine Conatiousl Magazine witnessing should occupy an important part of your field service
schedule. What are the best times for
you to offer the magazines? Have you
tried working from dcor to door for an
'hour or so in the late afternoon or
evening before your Congregation
Book Study? Evening witnessing has
been very productive in some areas.
Saturday is a good day for distributing
magazines in various ways, but other
days may also be used for this activity.
The house-to-house and store-to-store
work should be a regular part of Magazine Day.

will be 'peace, a future, and a hope' for magazines you are offering. Look for

Reach the Heart of Your Bible Student


1 Do you want your Bible studznt to

act upon what he is learning?He must
do so Y
f he is to benefit from the knowledge he is gaining. In order to motivate
your Bible student to action, you mu%
reach hisheart. On the day of Pen*
cost 33 C.E., the apostle P e E s stimulating discourse "stabbed to the heartn
about 3,000 persons; wF~-~-d
his word heartUy" and were baptized
that day. (Acts 2:37, 41) sow can you
reach the heart of your Bible student?
Prepare Thoroughly: Do not try to
cover so much material that little time
is available to rezmn_@th the stuggnt
on the information. Determine in advance the points that you will hghlight, and be certain that you understand and can apply the scriptures
efPectively. conside? befdi.eEni%e
in the student's mind because of his background. If you are well acquainted with
your student, this knowledge will help
you to be prepared with information
that will particularly fit him.

Imitate Jesus9 Method of Teaching: Jesus used i$strations to simpli-

fy difacult points and to help his

students get the sense and feel the
emotion of a situation. (Luke 10:29-37)
Similarly, you can impress h e teachings on the heart of your Bible student
by keeping your illustrations simple,
taking them from ths common things
of life, and applying t h e ' m v i
to the student's circumstances.
are especially helpful in
hearts of Bible students,
as Jesus often =tmted.
(Luke 10:
36) But do not be satisfll if the student simply reads the m r from the
book. U m n & q m s b m to direct
his mind to a conclusion that he may
not have considered before. This process also helps the student to develop
thinking ability. Ask vieupint auestic09 to find out what he personally
believes on a matter. You may then
discern areas where help is needed,
and you can follow through with more
speciklc assistance.

Vol. 36,No. 12

Each one should have a standing

order for a set number of distributors'
copies of each issue of the magazines.
When on occasion you have older issues on hand, these may be used to
show householders the variety of subjects covered in the magazines. From
time to time, a set of older copies may
be left at retirement homes, nursing
homes, and hospitals where allowed.
All such magazines can be counted
as placements and are to be reported
each month on your Field Service Report a p .
By applying the above suggestions,
no doubt you will see an increase in the
number of magazines you are able to
distribute. Honesthearted people who
are burdened down with life in the
present wicked system appreciate refreshing information such as is found
in The Watchtower and Awalce! These
magazines truly provide the spiritual
food needed by those seeking to gain
Jehovah's approval.Therefore, be magazine conscious, and seek out ways to
increase the distribution of these valuable publications in your territory.
5 2 a Bible student is not
p m s s , you need to draw him out as
to the reasons. This mav involve making a visit at a time ither than the
remar s t u a period. Why is he hesitant to act? Is there some Scx&&al
point he does not understand? Is he
reluctant to make certain awtments
in G a y of life? If a Bible s t u m i s
trying to 'limp upon two Werent opinions,' assist him to recognize the danger in doing so.-1 Ki.18:21.
BThe apostle Paul realized that
teaching Bible truths to interested persons is a lifesaving work, and so he
counseled na
to 'W-c_O&stant attention to their teaching!
(1 Tim. 4:16); T f f ~ 3 t h w h ~ Y o u
conduct Bible studies must take in
facts about the Bible
and world events. Thev must gain accurate kqwledBaboit ~ehoiahand
Jesus and be helped % develop a warm
p'esnal relationshi with them.=
1 j j % % l 6 i i @ @moved to demonstrate their faith by %orb. (Jas. 2:
17,21,22)When the, studenus heart is
reached, he will be motivated to ITEFKthe coursevha-t
safeguard his own life.-Prov. 220-22.

Week Starting meember 8-

Song 205
10 min : Local announcements and
selected Announcements from Our
Kingdom MinisEry.
20 mint "Help Others Learn About
God's Son, Jesus Christ." Questionand-answer coverage. Demonstrate
presentations in ~ m g r a 2~(by
h aPerienced publisher)and hp4 (by
Younger pubBher)to
feature Greatest Man book both from
h ~ s to
e house and in infmnal witnessing when people manifestinterest.
15 mint "Set Aside Time for Magazine
Activity." Talk, with audience discussion. When considering paragraph 3,
illustrate how various articles in Current mag*es
may be presented to
Of people who maY be
encountered in local territory.
Song 169 and concluding prayer.



Song 146
10 min: Local announcements, accounts report, and donation aCknwledgments. Commend congregation for
generous support of local needs, Sooiety Kingdom Hall Fund, and Society's
worldwide work. Suggest one or two
talking points that can be used in introductory comments in fleld service
this weekend.
20 mln: "Starting Bible Studies Dur-

ing December." Discussion with audience. When considering paragraph 4,

demonstratehow to start a Bible study
on a ,,tun visit, E~~~~ everyone
to conduct a home Bible study each
month, if possible.
1s ,in: $me
Yearbook-A T~~~~
of Encouragement." Enthusiastic talk
h i g , h wapplication of
t&range for well-repubrelate with feelingthe
rience in article and experiencesfound
on page 32 of January 1, 1990, J ~ U ary 1,1987, and January 1,1986, issues
of The Watchtower.
Song 165 and concludingprayer.

Week Starting December 20

Song 189
5 mint Local announcements. Mention 1arrangements for special
witnessing on December 25.
1s min: "Reach the Heart of Your Bible Student." Questions and answers
with demonstrztion. Emphasize point
that all in congregationshould work to
develop the art of teaching. After consideration of paragraph 3, publisher
demonstrateshow to reason with Bible
student by using questions and scrip
tures from paragraphs 13 and 14 in
chapter 1of Live Forever book.
10 mint 'Sow Bountifully but With
Discernment." Question-and-answer
~ u s s i o nHighlight
expressions that
would be particularly appropriate in

The Yearbouk
-A Treasury of Encouragement
Reoorts and experiences' concernjng Jehovah's wonderful works
have always been refreshing to
God's servants. (Job 38:4, 7; Prov.
25:25; Luke T22; Acts 15:31) That is
why the YearbooIc of J e W s Wttm&is a treasury of encourage
2 Each Yearbook presents upbuild
ing reports From around the world
on the a&lvitM and accompiishrnents of Jehovah's Witnesses,
Faith-strengthening experiences
highlight Jehovah's guidance, pratection, and M w g of his people.
The Yearbook tells af stalwart hhen
and women who lePt family, friepds,
and homeland to bring Bible tmths
to peoples on all continents and
most of the islands of the sea.

$The Yearbook has moved many

readers ti0 inctheir senice to
Qocl. Onereader wrote Y can't read
it Elst 'enough-What I've read so far
has h e n very encouraging. It makes
me feel that I could do more in
preachingthe good news when I see.
what others are doing under pm-

W m k Starting December 27

Song 37
10 min: Local announcements.Theocratic News. Announce special wit-,
nessing ammgements for January 1.
Demonstrate how to use literature that
will be featured locally in January.
15 min: What's Wrong With Trying
Drugs?Two teenage publishers disc=
with an elder the widespread use of
drugs in schooL They mention that
some young people can see nothing
wrong with occasional use of drugs.
Elder acknowledges that things have
deteriorated since he went to school.
He points out that substances are not
specifically mentioned in Bible, but
h e guidelines on use of drugs can be
found in Reasoning book, pages 106-12.
Youths read scriptures, and elder reasons with them-on material as it is
covered. Youths offer their own suggestions as to various ways that they
may individually resist peer pressure.
20 min: "Continued Expansion Increases Need for Kingdom Hallsn
-Part 2. Enthusiastic talk by elder:on
paragraphs 11-17 of insert. Emphasize
need for more volunteers, and have
the Kingdom Hall Volunteer Worker
Questionnaire forms available at the
meeting. As time permits, include appropriate experiences related to past
Kingdom Hall construction projectsin
your area.
Song 120 and concluding prayer.


4 Every year since 1927, the Yew
book of Jelrovah's Witnesses has
been a real treasury of inspiring reprts and experiences.Are you benefiting f&y from this unique source
of ~ n o o q m e n t Tado
80, be s u e
to &ad the YearbrJOKwhen you %rat
get it. Then tihmwhout the year, review
portions of it for the
encouragement you and your fa~xed.

your territory. These suggestions

should be reviewed at meefield service this weekend.
15 mint 'Continued Expansion Increases Need for Kingdom Hallsn
-Part 1. Question-and-answer coverage of paragraphs 1-10 of insert. Eknphasize reasons why elders need to
contact Regional Building Committee
at the outset when contemplating a
Kingdom Hall construction project.
Song 61 and concluding prayer.

Spl Pim.


Av. ' Av. Av. Av.

Hrs. Mags. R.V. Bi.St.

IOO ,TOP.$ 9 M V.O I R

M#26 ae.0 28.8 M8 P.4

Aux.Pios. mf48 50.6 9la 1 M 1.Y

pubs. ~ 0 , 1 0 8 .a s
am OA
TOTAL 8?0,1@7
hptl3ed: -7

The Unlted 8tates rcr orb $ now peek $

regular pianem fw s",pts*fpr lW3. The
74 626 rqula
a ~ r r ~ - r represent
n g
attintreassof?t& ar I.@ Soverths
last peak ~ovsmt;sr1g%raports were
trom lOA17 ~ p n C e a S t wSWp a w l m i h e l o ~ r n a r fortheflr$tthnttt7

, , ,

Continued Expansion
Increases Need for
Kingdom Halls
Long ago Jehovah's prophet foretold that "the
uesirable things df all the nations must come inn
(Hag. 29) Surely we are seeing the evidence of how
,divine teachin is enablingmultitudes to learn the
Jehovah's worshipers.How thrilling it is to note that 41,581 were baptized during the
to keep assisting all
our hearts upon
supportingGod's work

supp6rtinvGod's work continues to be our helping

6provide suitablehouses of worshi for throngs of
new praisers of Jehov
2 The Society Kingdom Hall F'und has been in
t&ration fortenow and has made it possible
64bi 1,863congre@tionsto obtain new Ktnndom H
f a c w s . During the 1993service year, g 7 congry
gationsin 38states receTved loans for Kingdom Hall
constructio~ratifying,indeed, has been the re-sponse of the publishers in giving financial Support
s t h i s revolving fund. Moneyslent to congregations
are being returned to the fund along with accrued
"interest so that all funds donated continue to be
used,year after year, to build new Kingdom Halls.
Assistance by Regional Building Committees: The 72Regional Building Committees in the

United Statesa&d the eldersinvolvedin construction

&activityin connection a h new ~ingdom
Halls and
renovation projects. They help
the need for a
new Kingdom Hall or remodeling an existgg hall
and provide outside assistance as needed from the
time before property is purchhsed until the Kingdom Hall is completed. Ekch congregation is assignedto one of these committees.
Tensof thousandsof willing workershavevolunred to share in the work of renovating Kingdom
Halls and building new ones. These volunteers, ineluding many professionals and tradesmen, give
freely of their time and effort in such matters as
purchasing property, filing legal papers, planning
the building, and developing lists of materials to be
purchased. They also help with purchasing quality
materials at favorable prices, completing the initial
site work, and overseeing the actual construction.
Suchgenerousgivingof their dedicatedresources in
behalf of Kingdom inkrests is most commendable

first begins considering renovation of an existing

Kingdom Hall or construction of a new one.

The regional committees have

help congregations in their initial considerations.
Selecting a site involves man?factorsin addition to 6
the purchase price of the property. Other things
could greatly increase the actual cost of the property, such as extensive site work, removal of hazardous or toxic substances,or legal entanglements. If a
congregation needs financial assistance from the
Society, the regional committees have copies of the
Kingdom Hall Loan Survey form and can help congregation elderscomplete these.
6The Society has provided Regional Building
Committees with su
for mg&
dom Halls. Before ecting a design, congregation
elders should contact the regional committee and
discussthe overall layout of the b u i l r the
Society-provided plans as a guide. Not only will this
reduce development costs but it will also help the
congregation to choose a building that will be modest yet functional and that will be suited for the
quicklybuilt method of construction.
Accurate and detailed financial records must be j
kept. Knowledgeable brothers have volunteered to
work with the regional committees to aid congregations in setting up the needed accounting.system
and maintaining it. Other brothers working with
the Regional Building Commithelp congregations complete loan surveys and a
m This
assists&eatly,since localeldersdo not usually work
with such Kingdom Hall financial records on a
continuing basis as do these experienced and welltrained brothers. When the work is Enished, the
regional committee should receive a copy of the
completeaccounting records for the project.
Onlookers Impressed: The evident operation
of Jehovah's holy spirit upon the brothers working
on Kingdom Hallshasserved asa witness to others.
The materials for one hall were purchased 8:
l u m b e r c ~ m andlatathe--oterG
ever bemg more impresseuwima groupof
people than I was with the Jehovah's Witnesses
during the project. It was both fun and exciting for
me to witness such an event, and I was glad to be
able tb-pate
in a small way. You and your

construction site. He ed:("My life has been enriched by being with you this weekend. My impression of Jehovah's Witnesses has changed! You do
much more than knock on doors It was a privilege
tohavehadapart. n'tbesupprisedtqseemeat
pour public meetings
lo When one project was comple
%he rMnte on hew of the city, stat31t
was an

Committee for their area when their congregation



ers traveled from distant places, spent long h o k ,

donated b e use of their equipment and tools,and
about the even donated materials, all to help us in the conKingdom structionof our new Illngdom Hall. The generosity
Hall is a w
t to our community, an we are of these brothers is a grand demonstration
do 'have love for the whole association of brothers;
proud to welcome it and your congregation3
and what an encouragement that has been for us!
More Volunteers Needed: The regional committees seek to use skills that are available within -1 Pet.217."
14 The willing spirit and zeal of the brothers is
the congregations that will meet in the new or
renovated Kingdom Halls. They also work with evident,asonegroupwrote 'What a tremendousjoy
other local brothers,especiallyelders and ministeri- it was to see the Korean-, Spanish-, and Ehglishal servants,to train them in performing the tasksat speakingcongregationsall working so well together
hand. Having developed needed skills that will be in united worship of Jehovah!" True, indeed, are the
useful in Kingdom Hall co-ction,
these spiri- words of Psalm 133:1,3: "Imk! How good and how
tually mature brothers can thereafter assist with pleasant it is for brothers to dwelltogetherin unity!"
building other Kingdom Halls within the region: One elder working with a regional committeewrote
Thus,those associated with the congregations in- saying what a privilege it was to serve other brothvolved in a Kingdom Hallconstruction project need ers. He commented that the "congregations are so
to display a willing and cooperative spirit, not ex- encouraged by brothers traveling hundreds of miles
pecting that the regional committee and those to assist them in canying out their dedication to
working with it will care for all the work on their Jehovah.. ..Truly,we form a loving brotherhood!"
Kingdom Hall. (Neh 4:6b) After receitraining,
In appreciation of the work done on one conbrothers should be motivated by love to help con- gregation's Kingdom Hall, the presiding overseer
struct Kingdom Halls far other congtegations that wrote: "Because there are so many elderly brothers
alsohave a pressing need for new or improved facili- in this congregation, this project could not have
been accomplished by just our effort alone. Soa big
ties.-Neh. 5:19; PN1.2:3,4.
thanks goes to you and brothers likeyou who feel
12 Baptized publishers who have appropriateskills
and who are in good standing in the congregation Jehovah's love and who want, not just to feel it, but
are encouraged to volunteer to assistwith this vast t o s h o w i t . ~ w e s a y t o o u r b ~ e ~ ~ : ~ p u
work assignment. Both construction and noncon- good work! Your efforts are being felt by so many of
struction skills are needed. Volunteers can obtain our brothers and without doubt bring joy to our
the needed forms from the presiding overseer or Father, Jehovah." Another building committee
secretary in their congregation and Mdicate their wrote: 'We personally know the hard work that
experienceas tradesmen or in someother field,such many contributed. (PN1em. 21) Non-Witnesses in
as food service,safety, materials handling,account- the area have exclajmed that 'Jehovah is with you
ing,and the processing of legal papers. (When more people!'"
volunteer forms are n$eded by the congregation,
'6 Financial Contributions Continue to Help:
they may now be requested when the monthly liter- Generous contributions to the Society Kingdom
ature request is sent to the Society.) Responding in Hall Fund have aided congregationsin the past and
this way is an evidence of our love for our closest will surely continue to do so in the future.Does not
neighbors-our Christian brothers.-Matt. 7:12; 22: - Jehovah God himself take the lead in unse39;John 1335.
giving?(Jas. 1:17) While it is true that our abilities
and opportunitiesto give do vary,we may find that
Volunteer Assistance Appreclatedr Until becoming involved in a Kingdom Hall construction by adjusting our personal spending, we can have a
project, few realize what a huge undertaking it is. full share in supporting the building work. Such
After one Kingdom Hall project was finished, the liberality certainly brings joy to Jehovah's heart, as
elders wrote: "The patient direction received from well as great enmuagement to our brothers.
the brothers on the Regional Building Committee
Increasingly, "a great crowd" is responding to
was a tremendous blessing:to us. When we think of the message of the Kingdom today."The desirable
the supportthey gave us t&oughboth directionand things" are streaming into Jehovah's spiritual tem~
coordination of skilled workers. we cannot h e l but
ple, and he is 'IUhfghis house with glory! (Rev.29;
call to mind 1 Peter 5:2,3, where we read of h e P
Hag.2:7) LikefaithfulJewsof Haggai's time,may we
herding 'not under compulsion, but willingly; nei- set our hearts on Gtod's work, fully supporting the
ther for love of dishonest gain,but eagerly; neither pressing need for additional Kingdom Halls.Even
as lording it over those who a? God's inheritance, though many thousands of fine Kingdom Halls
but becomingexamplesto the flock! These brothers have been built in recent years;@owth cxmtinues at
are trulv fine exam~les
of dedicatedservice to Jeho- an accelerated pace. Our continued sup@rt of the
vah. T&olighout the duration of the project, there Society Kingdom Hall Fund is rui excellent means
were omasiom. toonumerous to count, when broth- of sharinginGod's work.

ins iration to see the hundreds of volunteers work

build the hall so uuickly. It is indeed a



Closed-book review on material covered in Theocratic Ministry School assignments for the
weeks of September 6 to December 20, 1993. Use a separate sheet of paper to write down
answers to as many of the questions as you can in the time allotted.
[Note: During the written review, only the Bible may be used to answer any question.
References that follow the questions are for your personal research. Page and paragraph
numbers may not appear on all references to The Watchtower.]Answer each of the foZZowing state-zents True or False:

ah the son of Jehoiada. (2 Chron.

24:20, 21) [Weekly Bible reading;
see w80 3/1 p. 31.1
1. The book of Ezra covers the record
: i , p
:If any of Jehovah's Witnesses
-..- A,.,; of Jehovah's dealings with the Jews,
'* . should miss the Memorial, they
+:twdown to the time of the assembling
should celebrate it 30 days later.
of the Hebrew catalog. [si p. 85
(2 Chron. 30:2) [Weekly Bible readii~'!. par. 7 (1983 ed., p. 86 par. 7)]
ing; see w85 2/15 g. 31.1 /;?+ .,+&@
2. Originally the books of Ezra and
Nehemiah were one book, called f10. The Jewish exiles were resettled
in their homeland by "the sevEzra. [si p. 88 par. 3 (p. 88 par. 3)]
month," or about October 1,
- 3. When delivering a talk, it is best
537 B.C.E. (Ezra 3:l) [Weekly Binot to carry your enthusiasm on too
ble reading; see si p, 283 par. 29
high a plane throughout the entire
(p. 282 par. 30).]
talk. [sg p. 164 par. 61
4. The closing verses of 2 Chronicles Answer the following questions:
prove that a full 70 years must be
counted from the complete desola- 11. Proper timing of a talk is fundarnentally a matter of what? [sg p. 179
tion of Judah to the restoration of
par. 251 /
qpure worship in 537 B.C.E. [si p. 84
par. 35 (p. 84 par. 35)]
12. What temple exceeds earthly temples in glory? [si p. 87 par. 16 (p. 87
5. Commenting regularly at meetings
par. 16)]
will help you to become accustomed
to speaking before a group. [sg 13. What is modulation? [sg p. 160
p. 183 par. 141
par. 111 J&
6. The "woman of the sons of Dan" was 14. Why must the application of an ilalso married to a man of the tribe of
Dan. (2 Chron. 2:14) [Weekly Bible
reading; see w79 4/15 p. 31.1
15. If a speaker goes overtime, what ef7. Second Chronicles 16:14 indicates
fect may this have on his conclut h a t King Asa was cremated.
sion? [sg p. 177 par. 161 #M
reading; see ~7~
imprFPer to make
p. 416.1
tape recordings of public payers?
r 8 . At Luke 11:51, Jesus was evidently
(2 Chron. 33:18) [Weekly Bible
referring to the stoning of Zecharireading; see w78 11p. 32.1










/ '

Select the correct answer in each of f:hs

following statements:

17. What name does secular history pror f l e J vide for Asenappar? (Ezra 4:lO)
see w88
2/15 p. 28.1
18. Why were the children of the foreign wives dismissed along with
their mothers? (Ezra 10:3, 44)

28. Ezra completed Chronicles (c. 515;

c!+iK$k c. 537) B.C.E. [sip. 79 par. 1
(Pa 79 Par. 111
29. Nehemiah served during the reign
of Persian king (Cyrus; Xerxes;
tl.lxerxes). [si p. 88 par. 1 (p.
Par. 111
30. The festivd,,
the Festival


19. What year was "the twentieth year

-58cfOf ~rtixerxes"?(Neb. 2:l) [Weekly

BibIe reading; see w92 10/1 p. 11.1
20. How was 'meaning put into' the
Law? (Neh. 8:8) [Weekly Bible
reading; see w86 2/15 p. 26.1*G
21. What should be true of any illusQ@s,n used in a talk? [sgp: l'fi
Par. 201 $2 h

ble reading; see pm p. 53.1

Match the following scriptures to the
statements listed below:
2 Chron. 9:9; 2 Chron. 19:7; 2 Chron.
28:16, 20, 21; 2 Chron. 36:20, 21; Neh.

Provide the word or phrase needed to

complete each of the following statements:

J & f& ArftU,l! -31. Unnecessary entang me s m t h

the world can prove disastrous.
[Weekly Bible reading; see w85 9/1
p. 30.1
32. Regarding the proper view of bribery, Jehovah himself sets the standard. {Weekly Bible reading; see
~ 8 l O6 / l p. 30.1 &.
33. This was in direct violation of Jehovah's law at Leviticus 25:36 and
Deuterqnomy 23: 19. [Weekly Bible
reading; see w86 2/15 p. 25.1 Y-O!5; 7
34. This tells-of a gift worth in excess of21
$50,000,000. [Weekly Bible read-?
ing; see 987 11/22 p. 4.1
35. One of the reasons for Israel's
70-year captivity in Babylon was
the violation of ~ o d ' Sabbth
[Weekly Bible reading; 'see 979
9/22 p. 9.1
- 3 6 : r3, LI . i * G

22. After the Babylonian captivity, a

faithful remnant of Jews set up an
altar and offer sacrifices in the
Year n
. @,par. 3 (p. 85
par. 311
23. If a speaker has a warm feeling toward his audience, it should show in
his %. [sg p. 166 par. 131
24. If we use theocratic terms in our
ministry, it is important that we
qthem. [gp. 173 par. 51
25. T h m p u r p o s e of a conclusion is
~ [ s p.
g 175 par. 41
26. A speaker should not
the speaker's stand. [sg
- par. 261
27. In harmony with 1 Timothy 3:1,
brothers can make themselves
available by
[sg p. 190

~ a rlo]




Literature offer for Decembei: The

Greatest Man Who Ever Liued. January: Any 192-page book printed on pa-

per that yellows or dbxlors or any publishedprior to 1980. Congregations that

do not have a supply of such books may
offer Manldnd's Searchfor God. February: You Can Live Forever in Para-

dise on Earth. March: Revelation-Its

Grand Climax At Hand! N m Congregations that will need the abovementioned campaign items should
requat them on their next monthly
L i t k a t u r e u t~ o r m
(s(d)-14). 0lder ~ublicationsreferred to above are not
in ~nx,klyn,but congregations should use any they may already
The presiding overseer or m e o n e
designatedby him should audit thecongregation's amounts on December 1 or
as soon as possible thereafter. Make
announcement to the congregation.
when thishas been done.
The Memorial for 1995will be Friday,
ADN 14. atter sundown. This advance
n6tice of the date for the 1995Memorial
celebration is given so that brothers
may make necessary xwmmtions or
contracts for availablehallswhen there
are too many cowgegations using the

KingdomHall and they must find other

Congregationsshould begin requesting bound volumes of The Watchtower
and Am.&! for 1993on theirDecember
literaturerequest. (Seethe Wclm&wm
lWh7&mS List, paragraphs 6-8, 10.)
The bound volumes will be available
in Dutch, English, French, Oerman,
Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese,Russian,and Spanish.
Until the bound volumes are available
and shipments are made, these will
appear as "Pending" on congregation
packing lists. Bound volumes are
special-request items. (See the Watchtower Publidions List, paragraphs 24
and 25.)

New PublicationsAvailable:

Amharic: Making Your Family Life

Happy. Arabic: what Is the Purpose of
Life-How Can You Find It? Qnek:

New World Tramlation of the Christfan Greek Scriptures (bi7). Hungarian: What Is the Purpose of Life-How
Can You Find It? Macedonian: United
In Worship of the Only True God. Poli s h ~Rewlutwn-Its Grand C l i w At
Hand! Romanian: Questions Young
Peipk Ask-Answe7~ That Wwk;What
Is the Purpose of Life-How Can You
Ffnd It? Siovenlan: What IS the Purpose of Life-How Can You Find It?
Ukrainian: What Isthe P u r p o f Life
-How CanYouFind It?

New Audiotmwttes Available:

Jehovah's J u d w Against
LawDefgtlng People (Drama;singleaud1


Bahamas1 The 1,294 publishers were

happy to have 3,149 in attendance at
their "Divine Teaching" Conventions
and to see 38 baptized.
Brazil: In July the fourth publisher
peak for the 1993 service year was
reached with 348,634 reporting.
Qabon: With 1,332publishers reporting


publishem averaged 17.8 hours, made

22,658 return visits, and conducted
4,280 home Bible studies.
~ Q R E ~ ~ ~k W cOarmy

Schedule for congregation studies in the

boak Makin@ kur Family Lifi Happy,

Deuember 6:
December 13:
Decembar 2 7 :

Pngw Bt*-4P
Pag& r l F a
\pages W48

"To or from subhdirtg.


ward this worldwide work, I WUM

be pleased to f@madit fop you?

Help Others Learn

About God's Son, Jesus Christ
what ispromised? [Allowfor response.]
How can we gain everlasting life?"
Read John 1?:3,and highlight the need
to take in knowledge of God and of his
Son, Jesus CWht If the householder
manifests some interest, show him the
Greatest Man book, using the s u b
headings in the introduction in order
to arouse his interest further.
3 If the householder has demonstratr
ed limited initial interest. offer the current issues of The Watchtower and
A m b l or the tract WUZ This World
Survive? Call attention to one or two
After greetthe household- spe~mcP o w in the ~ubliationPreer, you may say something Ztke sented. offer to return at a convenient
time to continuediscussingthe subject
Today we're asking our neighborn with him.
*If the householder appears to be
what they think when they read in
to shorten the
their Bible about living forever. [Allow . busy, it may be
- for response.] ~ t ' sof special interest above presentation. Newer publishers
the foupresent+
because the Bible speaks about that may also
possibility some 40 times. what might tion easy to use.
such life mean for us? Note what Rev- After introdtdng ourselees, we
elation 21:4 says.[Read.]
Md you notice couM say:
'December is the month when
most professed Christians give more
thought to Jesus than at any other
t i e of the year. Thus, it is a We
month to feature the book The Greatest Man Who EW ti&. Since thisis a
valuable publication, we should determine if the householder is genuinely
interested in learning more about
God's Son before we Offer the book.
How can we do that?
=Try to get directly into a Biblebased conversation that focuses attention on Jesus.

"Todsgr we're asking our neighbors

what they think when they read in
their Bible about gaining everlastinglife. For emmple, note what Jesus 8
at John 17:3. m
To help pec
learn more about Jesus Christ and
what he taught, this book has been
published!' Open the Greatest Man
book to some of the beautiful illustrations. Turn to the introduction, and
read the second paragraph under
the subheading "Beneflt by Leanring
About Him." If the householder is interested, offer him the publication
you place the book, lay the
groundwork for a Bible study by offering to discuss the flrst chapter, "Messages From Heaven," at that time or on
a return visit a few days later. Rather
than mentioning to the householder a
flxed period of time that should be
spent on the next visit, simply say that
in just a few minutes, he can learn
m& interesting in~ormationabout ~ e sus Christ from God's Word, the Bible.
6 May all of us use this worldly holiday season to focus attention on the
truthabout God's Son, Jesus Christ, in
order to help others onto the road to
everlasting He.--Matt. 7:14.

m that' this
p book ~
the infomtion in the fQurGapel accounts about Jesus and puts this material in the order the events occurred.
1 Jesus commanded his disciples to el tures as time permits. H
how a r * . m o ~ h e c ~ i s b m n ~Point out speciftc chapter titles, illustrations, and the map at the beginning
of the book. If the person is genuinely
interested,offer the publicaUon.


can enjoy a greater share in teaching

Perhaps we gave the householder a
t a a n d prodto
to discuss
its contents.
When calling b m k on a house-

Or you could say something

like thh:
"Thelast time that we talked, I left
you the tract entitled WUZ This World
Surviw? At that time we talked about
Of Jesus
at John 173. [Read.] Since it's
that we learn about Giod and Jesus if

holder with whom we Zeft the

tract Ywill This world Socroi,et," we might say:
we want everlasting We, it's worth our
"WhenI was here a few days
we while to do what we can to take in such

wussed the
of our times and
that Jesus accurately described the
~onditionsthat exkt in Our dayday
I'd m e
to spend a fewminutes.and brienY consider some information from the tract
that I left with you N% what's stated
under the subheadisg'The S q "
to p
e of the tract, and discuss the
first two or @wee-P
that subheading, reading the cited

knowledge. When Jesus was on earth,

he reflected the m y wonderfUl qualities of God.Isn't it reasonable to believe
that the more we come to know about
Jesus and his ministrg, t& more we
come to know about his Father?[AUow
for response.] Notice what this book,
The Greatest Man Who E m Lived,
says." Read the flrst and second paragraphs on the tenth page of chapter 116.

4After greettng a hotmeholder who accepted the '%reateat

Man" bookywe mQht say:
w "AsI mentioned on my previous visit,

the Greatest Man book is designed for

Bible study. I'd like to demonstrate
briefly how it can be most effectively used." Open the book to chapter 1,
'Messages From Heavenn Draw the
householder's attention to the printed
questions. Read the llrst question, then
consider the opening paragraphs. Tie
in the illustration on the second page.
Take up the remaining questions, and
highlight the answers as time allows.
Before concluding the call, arrange to
returnand continue the conversation.
By maintaIrhg a positive attitude,
preparing well,and taking advantage
of every opportunity, we will be well
equipped to start a Bible study during


@ 1993 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All r~ghtsreserved. Our Krn dom Mrnistry (USPS 295-360) is published monthly'by Watchtower Bible and
Tract Society of New York. i?c.. and international Bible Students Association. 25 columbfa Hei hts, Brook1 n, NY 11201. Second-class postage paid at Brooklyn. N.Y.,
and at additional rnalllng offlces. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower, 25 cofumbla ~ e i g l t s Brooklyn.
NY 11201.

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