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PERSONAS MAYORES DE 20 AOS. Convocatoria 2014

Apellidos: ........................................................................................ Nombre:..........................................................
D.N.I./ N.I.E.: ........................................


Lee atentamente las preguntas antes de contestar y responde en los folios que se te
La puntuacin mxima de cada pregunta est indicada en su enunciado.
Revisa detenidamente la prueba antes de entregarla.
Al finalizar, se entregarn las pruebas y todas las hojas utilizadas para las respuestas.

Almost half of Britons consider themselves stressed.
A mass study of more than 10,000 people found that 44 per cent of people asked said they were currently
suffering from stress. The research found that, of those, 27 per cent said they regularly "feel close to breaking point".
The study found stress levels were highest among those aged between 45 and 54, with women more
likely than men to describe themselves as suffering from such pressure. It found that the main cause of anxiety
identified by respondents was worries about money, followed by work and family life.
Dr Martin Baggaley, said: This research shows stress is extremely common in this country. While lowlevel of stress can be beneficial and manageable, its alarming to see that so many people are experiencing sustained
stress. Stress can cause much more serious, long-term mental and physical illnesses such as anxiety and depression,
and be a contributing factor in health problems such as heart disease and even obesity.
The research reveals men were more likely than women to drink because of stress, while women were
more likely to have tried breathing and relaxation exercises. Two thirds of those polled said they would only seek help
when they were unable to cope with daily life.
Dr Baggaley said: There is a growing problem of long-term stress in this country, which needs to be
addressed. Its important that people realise that stress is not just something that you have to put up with. If you
recognise that you are under unusual pressure, try self-help techniques - for example deep breathing, taking exercise
and avoiding unhealthy behaviour - these can all make a real difference and help you feel back in control. If self-help
isnt having an effect, or if youre worried about your stress levels or feeling very anxious, you should always talk to a
healthcare professional.
A separate poll of 2,000 people found that one in 10 found changing jobs the most stressful activity followed by
moving house, getting married or having a baby.
Texto adaptado de The Telegraph

A. Comprensin lectora. (30 puntos)

1. Di si las siguientes oraciones son verdaderas [ V ] o falsas [ F ] . Justifica tu respuesta copiando la frase del
texto donde se demuestra. (10 puntos, 5 cada respuesta, 2 por verdadero/falso, 3 por justificacin).
[ F ] In general, men are more stressed than women.
with women more likely than men to describe themselves as suffering from such pressure.

Primera lengua extranjera: Ingls 1 de 4

[ V ] Unhealthy behaviour can contribute to stressful daily life.

If you recognise that you are under unusual pressure, try self-help techniques - for example deep breathing,
taking exercise and avoiding unhealthy behavior
2. Elige la respuesta correcta. (8 puntos, 2 por apartado)
A. Having low levels of stress can be:
harmful for your health in the long term.
convenient in your daily life.
indifferent to your health in the short run but harmful in the long run.
B. You can fight stress:
by breathing deeply and exercising.
by just avoiding unhealthy behaviour.
just by exercising.
C. Sustained stress means :
you have high levels of stress for a short period of time every day.
you have low levels of stress for a long time every day.
you have high levels of stress all day long every day.
D. The problem of stress in Britain:
is increasing but doesnt need a solution.
is something people in Britain have to put up with.
is an increasing problem and needs to be studied by professionals.
3. Responde las siguientes preguntas con tus propias palabras. (12 puntos, 4 por apartado).
A. Is stress a problem for people under 45? Why/Why not?
Yes, it is, although the most stressed range of age is that between 45 and 54.
B. What are the main causes of anxiety among population?
The main causes of anxiety among population are money, work and family problems.
C. How can stress affect your health in the long run?
In the long run you can suffer from heart disease, anxiety, depression or obesity.

B. Conocimiento de la Lengua. (40 puntos)

4. Encuentra un sinnimo en el texto para las siguientes palabras. (6 puntos, 2 por apartado)
A. Near, nearby (adjective):


B. At present, now (adverb):


C. Look for, search for (verb):


5. Encuentra un antnimo en el texto para las siguientes palabras. (6 puntos, 2 por apartado)
A. In good health, well (adjective):


B. Uncontrollable, wild (adjective):


C. Capable of, have the ability to (verb):


Primera lengua extranjera: Ingls 2 de 4

6. Une cada palabra con su definicin: (10 puntos, 2 por apartado)

To cope with / level / long term / obese / growing / respondent
The amount or number of something


a person who answers a request for information


increasing in size or quantity


to deal successfully with a difficult situation

to cope with

extremely fat


continuing for a long time into the future

long term

7. Transforma las siguientes oraciones segn las instrucciones: (10 puntos, 2 por apartado):
A. Complete with a conditional sentence / Completa con una oracin condicional:
FREE ANSWER. Example: Stress could affect your health in the long run if it is sustained.
B. Change into direct speech / Transforma en estilo directo:
People said that they had been very stressed when they had to change jobs.
We were very stressed when we had to change jobs
C. Turn into the passive voice / Convierte en voz pasiva:
When self-help techniques are useless, you should visit a healthcare professional.
When self.techniques are useless, a healthcare professional should be visited.
D. Join these sentences using a relative clause / Une estas dos oraciones con un pronombre relativo:
Stress can cause physical and mental problems. Stress is a growing problem in Britain.
Stress, which is a growing problem in Britain, can cause physical and mental problems
E. Rewrite the sentence so that it has the same meaning/ Reescribe la oracin manteniendo el mismo
Sustained stress levels are not beneficial and they can lead to more serious problems.
Since sustained stress levels are not beneficial, they can lead to more serious problems.
8. Formula preguntas cuya respuesta sea la parte subrayada de la oracin. (6 puntos, 2 por apartado)
A. People aged 45 54 are more likely to suffer from stress.
Who are more likely to suffer from stress?
B. Britons found changing jobs very stressful.
How did Britons find changing jobs?
C. Authorities havent tried to address the problem of stress yet.
What havent authorities tried to do yet?
9. Une las frases con conectores. (2 puntos, 1 por apartado)
A. Many women in England try self- help techniques before going to a doctor.

Although British feel very stressed, not many people seek professional help.

Primera lengua extranjera: Ingls 3 de 4

C. Composicin escrita guiada. (30 puntos)

10. Elige uno de los dos temas que se te ofrecen y escribe una composicin que contenga aproximadamente entre
120 y 140 palabras.

Life nowadays is more stressful than life in the past

Advantages and disadvantages of slow-life.

Recuerda incluir una introduccin, un cuerpo de la composicin y una conclusin. Revisa la concordancia de los
singulares-plurales y de los sujetos-verbos. Utiliza expresiones sencillas, frases cortas y los tiempos verbales
correspondientes a lo que ests contando. Utiliza conectores y sinnimos para enriquecer tu composicin. No te
desves del tema que se te propone.
Respuesta libre.

Primera lengua extranjera: Ingls 4 de 4

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