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What is Professional Ethics?

Professional Ethics concern ones conduct of behavior and

practice when carrying out professional work.
Professional Ethics also concerns matters such as professional

There are lots of issues that Code of Ethics concerned with, and these are the
Data Piracy
Software Piracy
Obedience to confidentiality agreements
Handling of Human Subjects
Impartiality in data analysis and professional consulting
Professional accountability
Resolution of Conflict of Interest
Things to Do
1. Do return value to your customer (internal and external) in all business decisions
2. Do return value to your community locally and globally
3. Do deliver quality in a timely fashion
4. Do be honest in your work by telling the client, customer, or boss that the task or project
you are working on will not meet the target date.
5. Do ask for help in order to meet the project or task deadline. A professional will not feel
slighted if he or she acknowledges that he or she needs help.
6. When you accept an assignment, Do start using words like we, us and ours. A
professional never works at cross-purpose with the employer.
7. If the employer wants respect from employees, he/she should treat all employees as
professionals in their own right. Remember, if you treat someone as a professional, they
will (hopefully) treat you like one too.
8. Promote your profession i.e. Information Technology
9. Do things for the good of yourself, the customer and the profession. You are not a true
professional if you don't deliver outcomes that satisfy all three of these areas.
10. Do provide respect to others. This means truly thinking of their beliefs and desires, and
the contribution they make to the organization, however small.
Things to Not Do

1. Do not tell the client, customer, or boss that you can do something when you cannot.
2. When you accept an assignment, Do not use words like me, mine, you and yours.
3. Do not steal from your employer.
4. Do not underestimate your capabilities

Software engineers shall commit themselves to making the analysis,
specification, design, development, testing and maintenance of
software a beneficial and respected profession. In accordance with
their commitment to the health, safety and welfare of the public,
software engineers shall adhere to the following Eight Principles:
1. PUBLIC - Software engineers shall act consistently with the public
2. CLIENT AND EMPLOYER - Software engineers shall act in a manner that
is in the best interests of their client and employer, consistent with the public
3. PRODUCT - Software engineers shall ensure that their products and
related modifications meet the highest professional standards possible.
4. JUDGMENT - Software engineers shall
independence in their professional judgment.




5. MANAGEMENT - Software engineering managers and leaders shall

subscribe to and promote an ethical approach to the management of
software development and maintenance.
6. PROFESSION - Software engineers shall advance the integrity and
reputation of the profession consistent with the public interest.
7. COLLEAGUES - Software engineers shall be fair to and supportive of their
8. SELF - Software engineers shall participate in lifelong learning regarding
the practice of their profession and shall promote an ethical approach to the
practice of the profession.
Code of Ethics for the Filipino Information Technology Professional

Preamble: I will use my special knowledge and skills for the benefit of the
public. I will serve employees and clients with integrity, subject to an
overriding responsibility to the public interest, and I will strive to enhance the
competence and prestige of the professional. By these, I mean:

I will promote public knowledge, understanding and appreciation of

information technology.

I will consider the general welfare and public good in the performance
of my work.

I will advertise goods or professional services in a clear and truthful

manner; I will comply and strictly abide by the intellectual property
laws, patent laws and other related laws in respect of information

I will accept full responsibility for the work undertaken and will utilize
my skills with competence and professionalism.

I will make truthful statements on my areas of competence as well as

the capabilities and qualities of my products and services.

I will disclose or use any confidential information obtained in the

course of professional duties without the consent of the parties
concerned, except when required by law;

I will try to attain the highest quality in both the products and services
I offer;

I will not knowingly participate in the development of I.T.S that will

promote the commission of fraud and other unlawful acts;

I will uphold and improve the I.T professional standards through

continuing professional development in order to enhance the I.T

Code of Ethics for Programmers

Computers may have ushered in a social and economic revolution, but
they dont necessarily signify an advance in the worlds ethical life.
Stealing other peoples work is almost a hobby on the Net, where
copying isnt a crime, but as an inalienable right. Geeks and nerds routinely

brag their software snatches, purloined gaming and music libraries and free
Programmers frequently come up with products that are buggy,
excessive, unworkable, unsupportable or overpriced. The industrys
consumers are exploited and abused.
Online, cruelty and hostility are points of pride, civility and respect rare
Fifteen(15) Commandments of Good programming
1) You shall not start coding without having a generic database access class or function
properly tested and found to be good.
You simply cannot write more than two or three code units without having a database access
class or function. If you dont have a database access class or function and are writing an
application, it is like reinventing the wheel in every code unit!
2) You shall not start coding without having a system that logs all important tasks
performed. In particular, you shall not start coding without having a class for logging to a
file all the database queries that are executed, whether or not they fail or even whether or
not you feel today that they are important.
If your application does anything significant with a database, it most likely that the actions
performed from the User interface will correspond nearly one-to-one with the database queries
your application runs. For example, if your user interface is getting the wrong values, the select
queries will tell you what your program is looking for instead of what it should be looking for.
3) You shall not start coding without a source code control system or a source code
versioning system.
The importance of this component cannot be stressed enough. If you have about 10 User
interface screens and about 5 code units, each with about 500 1000 lines of code, you can
hardly expect to remember, even over a period of a few days. what changes you made to which
unit to bring about so-and-so minor change in the functionality of the program. Say, you want to
undo a particular change. Say you want to copy a particular change from one unit to another. In
all these scenarios, if you do not have a source code versioning system, you are more or less lost
- in your own application. You will have saved yourself endless frustration and confusion if you
use a source code versioning system.
4) You shall backup your work daily to a place other than your backup directory on your
machine, preferably, to an Internet file store or a Compact Disc or you email account.

This is to prevent your work from getting lost due to accidental deletions, computer crashes and
5) You shall write technical documentation of the code as you code.
If the construction cycle (coding) takes up a month or two and you have decided to write
technical documentation after that period, you will regularly find your self wondering why you
wrote a particular piece of code the way you did. The thinking that goes behind the code is
obvious at coding time, but is forgotten, and so, is less obvious after two months.
6) You shall not visit the customer with a running copy of your program which you have
not tested thoroughly.
When the customer enters a few arbitrary values, or if he is smart, a few tricky characters, and
your program hangs, or does something silly, it hardly looks good. Any special functional
conditions that have been discussed out during the requirements phase, must necessarily make it
into the demonstration to the customer. The customer often does not have a full understanding of
all the possibilities that arise out of a particular features he has suggested. When you have all
your functional parts working properly, he then starts to think about the undiscussed, but fairly
relevant, possibilities that arise out of the feature he has requested. So, it is important that you
show him all the functionality that has been discussed till that time. If not, it will mean more
meetings, nothing else. The exception to this rule is when you simply meet the customer to show
him how many lines of code you have written, to assure him that work is really going on in full
swing on his application. Then, you are not bound to show him all the functionality. Also, when
you want to clear out basic things about user interface or functionality, you can show incomplete
work, preferably a prototype, to get more inputs.
7) You shall not visit the customer before you have resolved all minor or trivial bugs that
you know of.
It gives a poor impression to the customer if you claim that so-and-so feature works and a bug
pops up in the elementary functionality of your program. It is plain embarrassing.
8 ) You shall not visit the customer without a set of complete and coherent data.
The customer often has no clear or complete idea about what he wants. When you have taken the
pains to make a running, tested program why not show him all the functionality that you have put
into your program. You must at least have all the data that enables you to show him all the
functional checks that you have put into the program. Also, you need to give the customer some
additional data with which he can play around with your program and get used to it. The more he
uses your program, the more he understands his requirements, and the clearer he is in asking for
more functionality.

9) You shall not go live without a generic, well-tested database export and import utility. If
you choose to use an external utility you shall not go live till you have tested that utility
thoroughly with your specific data.
If something goes wrong and you need to backup the entire database to simulate the error on
your development machine, you need some method to duplicate the state of the application. The
obvious way is to have a database export utility. Maybe you need to add a few tables for a newly
requested part. You need to pick up data from existing tables, modify it and add it to these new
tables. And there are about 500 records in each of the source tables. Naturally, you need a
database import / export tool.
If you are using a generic tool supplied by your database vendor or a third party, it is naturally
not designed to handle your particular needs. So it needs to be tested thoroughly to ensure that all
parts of your database can be imported /exported with ease. A custom tool is always preferable.
Situations where a generic utility is useful are when the data is too huge or complex for you to
develop a component for.
10) You shall keep in mind that the screen resolution of your customers computer can be
The UI of your application must either be generic (for example, standards-compliant HTML
which shows up more or less the same on all browsers, or say cross-platform look-and-feel like
Java uses) or at the very least, must look good on your customers machine. Its not good to
choose the second option because sooner or later, the customer will change his computer screen,
his operating system, his screen resolution etc. So, UI that is flexible is good.
11) You shall test your GUI application with both keyboard (shortcuts, navigation) and
mouse, and deliver to the customer only when you have tested both ways and found the
behavior satisfactory.
Some people prefer using the mouse, while others, the keyboard. Using the Tab key is a widely
used practice/standard for keyboard users. So do not code for only one of them, both ways
should work fine.
12) You shall not show the program to the customer without having a proper error
handling mechanism in place. Any unexpected error shall not come up in its native
programming language format, but shall show up only as a discreet message like An
Internal error occurred. Please report it to your program vendor
Depending your programming language and platform and the error, an unexpected error might
cause a cryptic error message or even cause the machine to crash or hang. Error handling in
every code unit sees to it that only well-behaved errors (that your customer can understand) are
13) You shall code specific error messages in preference to general ones.
Instead of error messages like No records updated and Unable to insert record, you shall
code error messages like Could not update bill totals for product XYZ or Failed to update the

value of Bill Amount. When a bug comes up in your application six months after it has been
deployed, it is much easier to see what went wrong if you have the exact business logic error
reported by the error message. If the code unit updates 5-10 tables, a lucid and explanatory error
will immediately tell you which table was the source of the problem. Of course you do not put
table names in error messages, but distinct error messages and error codes make for quick
14) You shall, wherever possible, keep redundant mechanisms to repair operations that
For example, in an inventory application, if the stock does not get automatically updated on
generating a bill, a separate screen should be present which makes it possible to manually update
the stock as well. Although this example is not the best, what is meant is that if there are two
ways of doing the same thing, it is that much easier. However, this should not be the way you
design the application that is, allowing for some part of your program to not function. If your
application does not naturally lend itself to such repeating functionality, do not do it. Another
thing that you can do is have a data integrity checker module which when run as a maintenance
utility, makes a report of any inconsistent data and mails you the report. This is for the case
where accidental deletion of records ( or maybe a bug) cause data from related tables to be
inconsistent. Again, such situations should not arise if the program is written correctly.
15) You shall first think out and design the application and then start coding .
In a book by Schneider, Weingart and Perlman, it is recommended that, if the entire task of
programming is made up of 10 stages, then actually coding the program begins at step 6. This
however does not refer to the time allocation for each stage. Most likely you will finish the first
five steps in 10% of the entire time required. The earlier steps include concept (idea) of the
program, design, etc. What they mean is that unless you have the architecture of the program
designed out, do not start coding. It will only mean a lot of rework. If you are okay with rework,
go right ahead and code. Designed applications are much easier to maintain than applications
written in think-as-you-code fashion.

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