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Environment is a vital component of society. Nature is capable of

providing man everything that he needs, not only for self-sustenance but also
for making his life more comfortable. Nature has five elements: air, land, water,
flora and fauna which are interconnected and interrelated. If there is
deterioration in any of the elements, it affects the other elements and natural
environment as a whole. Nature allows man to access freely to his valuable
resources. However, as people desire for joy and comfortable life, they tend to
exploit natural resources to the extent of reducing its natural capacities for

With the global acceleration of industrialization, use of technology and

deforestation, environmental problems and resources storage is reaching at a
critical point. The damage caused to our natural resources has grim
consequences. We have exploited the natural environment as per our will,
which resulted to several environmental crises. Pollution is making the earth
unsuitable for life forms to thrive. The natural resources we have are being
depleted. The drastic increase in carbon dioxide emission has been identified as
the major reason for the global climate change and intense global warming
(Giddings, 2009).
Moreover, people at present are not living with environmentally friendly
lifestyles due to lack of knowledge and awareness on the ill-effects of various
environmental problems.
Hansen (2010) noted that the lack of continuous and comprehensive
environmental education in learning institution has caused youth to overlook
the importance of environmental protection in their daily life. This is because,
they do not have continuous exposure on environmental issues and awareness
by means of exposure through formal or informal education.
In recent years, all efforts of the government were directed towards
sustainable development of institutions, industries and the society. Our

attitude towards the use of environmental resources must be changed. We

must re-educate the people to treat the environment with caution and control.
So, there is a need to give prime importance to environmental awareness
especially the students as future leaders of our society.
The existing problem in our present society about the crucial role of
people to its environment are observed and assumed ideas and it is for this
opportunity that this study will be conducted regarding the environmental
awareness of pupils of Jose Rizal Memorial School towards various factors.
Hence, this study.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the level of environmental awareness of
students of Pascual Osuyos Memorial High School for school year 2015-2016.
Specifically, it would like to find answer on the following questions:
1. What is the level of environmental awareness of students of Pascual Osuyos
Memorial High School when they are taken as an entire group and when they
are classified as to sex, parents occupation and religion?

2. Is there a significant difference in the level of environmental awareness of

Pascual Osuyos Memorial High School when they are classified as to sex,
parents occupation and religion?

Hypothesis of the Study

In view of the preceding problem, this study will advance the following
1. There is no significant difference in the level of environmental awareness
of students as to sex, parents occupation and religion.

Theoretical Framework of the Study

This study is anchored on the theory of Ajzen and Fishbein (1980) called
the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) which asserts that what an individual
does is determined by attitude, social support and perceived behavioral control.
These factors are grounded by the persons perception of social, personal and

situational consequences of the specified action. TPB allows for a better

evaluation of human behavior when participation decisions are voluntary and
under an individual control. The theory of Planned Behavior has been widely
used in environmental behavior research to predict a persons intent to
participate in a specified behavior (Grodzinska-Jurczak and Agata, 2008). TPB
has been used successfully, empirically and conceptually by many researchers
in environmental behavior toe explore attitudes that trace the correlations of
beliefs to behavior.
On the other hand, the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) as the extension
of the Theory of Planned Behavior served also as a framework for researchers
in raising both the levels of knowledge and in improving attitudes toward
environmental management. The theory is based on the assumption that
individual behavioral intentions are directly related to their attitudes. The TRA
views a persons intention to perform (or not to perform) as the immediate
determinant of the action. This behavioral intention, in turn, has two
determinants. One is the attitude towards the behavior-a person who believes
that performing a given behavior will lead to mostly positive outcomes will hold
a favorable attitude toward performing the behavior. The other is the subjective
norm-a person who believes that most referants with whom s/he is motivated
to comply to think s/he should perform the behavior will perceive the social

pressure to do so. The beliefs that underlie the subjective norm are termed
normative beliefs (Azjen & Fishbein, 1980).
Another theory explaining peoples want or need to be involved with
nature and its upkeep is the biophilia hypothesis. Kellert (2000) in his theory,
believed that the existence of a biologically based, inherent human need to
affiliate with life and lifelike processes (Wilson, 2000). This proposition suggests
that human identity and personal fulfillment somehow depend on our
relationship to nature. Kellert believes that people are naturally inclined. They
need to have affiliation with nature in order to succeed and obtain the
optimum level of self-value. John Barry (2001) in his Environmental Social
Theory supports the biophilia hypothesis asserting that we have a relationship
to the natural environment due to our genetic and evolutionary history.
Biophilia is a sociological attempt to explain why we seek to have a relationship
with nature and why we drive to conserve it.
Contemporary environmentalism began in the 1960s and 1970s as
public awareness of environmental problems was broadened by environmental
events. Environmental problems were increasingly viewed as being more
complex in origin, often stemming from new technologies; having consequences
for human health and well-being as well as for natural systems as Charles
Harper claims in his book Environment and Society. People were finally

realizing that these problems not affected the natural environment but also
could potentially negative effects to humanity thus causing a burst of support
for environmentalism.
Furthermore, environmental education aims to equip the individuals
with knowledge, attitudes and skills in order to raise concern for the
environment and to work towards solutions of environmental problems and the
prevention of new ones(UNESCO, 1977). So far, environmental education
programmers have mainly focused in increasing environmental knowledge to
change environmental behavior (Barazza & Walford, 2010).
Currently, environmental problems is rampant in our country and less
are given priority to control and lessen its effects to the public. It is then
important to identify first the level of environmental awareness of students to
ascertain if they are concern or not to their environment.
Based on the theoretical framework and empirical evidence, the present
study asserts to find out the level pf environmental awareness of the students
Pascual Osuyos Memorial High School as a whole and when classified as to
sex, religion and parents occupation.

Conceptual Framework of the Study

Environmental awareness is a key factor to consider in determining
actions to be done to gradually lessen the adverse effects of environmental
problems. The determination of the students level of environmental awareness
is crucial in the identification of solutions to be implemented in the mitigation
of the ill effects of environmental problems. However, it is also important to
consider to recognize what possible factors could influence the environmental
awareness of students.
The ways that students exhibit towards their environment is not solely
affected by the extent in which they value their environment and give priority
in the protection and conservation of their environment. But, a lot of factors
should be considered to fully understand how students think and value their
The environmental awareness of students can be possibly affected by
certain variables such as sex, religion and parents occupation. When these
variables are taken together may contribute in the way students behave and act
towards their environment. Furthermore, these factors which are not within

the control of the students can influence their patterned behavior with respect
to environmental awareness.

The paradigm of the study is shown in Figure1 which will provide visual
presentation of the relationship of the variables that will be used in the study.

Independent Variables

Dependent Variable


Awareness of the
students Pascual
Osuyos Memorial
High School

Parents Occupation


Figure 1. The Environmental Awareness of students of Pascual Osuyos

Memorial High School and Other Related Variables

Significance of the Study

This study will be useful to the following persons or authorities:
School Administrators. The results of this study will help them to obtain
information on the level of awareness of the students. With that, they will be
informed about how pupils value the environment. It will give them information
in assisting teachers as they provide access to students in involving into
environment protection and conservation activities and programs.
Consequently, the students will become pro-active members of programs on
environmental conservation. They too will become more exposed to the real
scenario to the present condition of our environment hence, environmental
awareness will be strengthened.
Teachers. The findings of this study will help teachers in choosing and
utilizing appropriate learning activities that will promote environmental

awareness among students. They will be informed also that teaching issues
and problems about the environment is crucial in building commitment among
pupils to the environment in which they live. With that, pupils will have a
greater picture of what their roles are in the society they belong with.
Parents. The result of the study will help enlighten the parents on why
children are taught about topics related to their environment and on how they
are being prepared to meet the demands of the changing time. Through the
findings of the study, they will realize their respective role also in raising
awareness among their children about the dilemma brought by the various
environmental problems prevalent today not only in our country but all over
the world. With that, environmental awareness in their family will be raised
and they will now be informed individuals ready and prepared to involve in
restoring balance in our nature.
Pupils. The result of this study will be very helpful for pupils to realize
about the big role they will carry out as future leaders in protecting and
conserving the environment. As educated citizens, they will allow now be
agents of change in which these students will become volunteers in their
respective communities in keeping their environment pollution-free, clean and
green with healthy lifestyle. The findings of the study will give them the idea

that young as they are could be of great factor in lessening the drastic effects
caused by different forms of environmental problems.
Religious Leaders. The findings of this study will help our religious
leaders to integrate in their preaching the importance of care and commitment
towards environmental protection. This will give them the opportunity to
strengthen the beliefs of their group as devotees in doing what is good and
proper for this world especially our environment. They will also be guided to
emphasize in their teachings the role we play for saving our environment from
deterioration and collapse.
Other Researchers. The findings of this study will serve as a guide for
future researchers to further investigate on the level of environmental
awareness of people or students in their village or community. They too will be
informed that research on environmental awareness among people is important
so that they will be given the chance also to assess the care of their people to
their environment. Also, they can suggest lone-term solutions to the problems
eminent in our environment at present.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study aims to determine the level of environmental awareness of

students of Pascual Osuyos Memorial High School.

This study will be

conducted on January 2016. The respondents of the study will be the 200
students of Pascual Osuyos Memorial High School officially enrolled for the
school year 2015-2016. Respondents will be categorized as to sex, religion and
parents occupation.
Data will be gathered with the sue of researcher-made questionnairechecklist composed of 30 questions subject for validation by seven (7) validators
and will be conducted to 10 pupils to determine its reliability index. An
accompanying information sheet will be used to gather data on students profile
or background information.
The mean, percentage, frequency will be employed as descriptive
statistics. T-test and One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) set at .05 alpha be
processed through the Special Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software
version 17.0.
Definition of Terms

For clarity and understanding of this study, the following terms will be

Environmental awareness refers to the extent or level of knowledge of

the Grade VI pupils about environmental issues and problems categorized as
very high, high, moderate, low, very low.
Parents Occupation refers to the work of the mother and father of the
Grade VI pupils categorized as professional and non-professional.
Religion refers to the religious affiliation of the Grade VI pupils
indicated in their baptismal certificate categorized as Catholic, Iglesia ni Cristo,
Aglipayans, Protestants and others.
Sex refers to the male and female Grade VI pupils of Jose Rizal
Memorial School during the school year 2015-2016.


Review of Related Literature

Chapter II will present the review of related literature and studies which
are related to the present investigation.

Environmental Education
In 1977, delegates to the United Nations Intergovernmental Conference
on Environmental in Tbilisi, Georgia, in the former USSR, developed a series of
fundamental concepts which environmental education (EE) organizations and
institutions have accepted as their definition of EE. A single goal statement
written in Belgrade, Yugoslavia in 1975 has been adopted as a widely accepted
goal statement for EE according to the North American Association for
Environmental Education (NAAEE, 1996).
Environmental education is a process of developing a world population
that is aware of concerned about the total environment and its associated
problems, and which has the knowledge , skills, attitudes, motivations and
commitment to work individually and collectively toward solutions of current
problems and the prevention of new ones (UNESCO-UNEP, 1976 in Athman
and Monroe, 2000 p. 38).

According to Gough (1997), the work done by the Gary Harvey (1976)
synthesizing a definition from many professional papers, defined the term EE
as the process of developing environmentally literate, competent, and dedicated
citizenry which actively strives to resolve values conflicts in the manenvironment relationship, in a manner which is ecologically and humanistically
sound, in order to reach the superordinate goal of a homeostasis between
quality of life and quality of environment (Gough, 1997, p.14). This definition
ultimately formed the basis for the declaration at Tbilisi and was the ultimate
goal for curriculum development in EE proposed by Hungerford, Peyton and
Wilke (1980) in the landmark publication goals for curriculum development in
environmental education.
In more simplistic terms, environmental education (EE) has been
characterized as a process that prepares citizens to prevent and solve
environmental problems (Day & Monroe, 2000). The Tbilisi Declaration stated
that EE should involve the individual in an active problem-solving process
within the context of specific realities, and it should encourage initiative, a
sense of responsibility and commitment to build a better tomorrow (Hungerford
& Peyton, 1994). Therefore by its very nature, EE can make a powerful
contribution to the renovation of the educational process (Courtenay-Hall
&Rogers, 2002).

The goals and objectives of EE recommended at the UNESCO-UNEP

Tbilisi intergovernmental conference on EE were the following: (1) the goals of
environmental education are : a. to foster clear awareness of, and concern
about economic, social, political and ecological interdependence in urban and
rural areas; b. to provide every person with opportunities to acquire knowledge,
values, attitudes, commitment and skills needed to protect and improve the
environment; c. to create new patterns of behavior of individuals, groups, and
society as whole towards the environment. (2) The categories of environmental
education objectives are : awareness; to help social groups and individuals
acquire an awareness of and sensitivity to the total environment and its applied
problems. Knowledge: to help social groups and individuals gain a variety of
experience in and acquire a basic understanding of the environment and its
associate problems. Attitude: to help social groups and individuals acquire a
set of values and feelings of concern for the environment, and the motivation
for actively participating in environmental improvement and protection. Skills:
to help social groups and individuals acquire the skills for identifying and
solving environmental problems. Participation: to provide social groups and
individuals with an opportunity to be actively involved at all levels in working
toward resolution of environmental problems (UNESCO, 1978 pp. 26-27).

According to Gough (1997), many authors continue to argue about the

relationship between science education and EE, and or , the similarities and
differences between them. Consensus has been reached by the North American
Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE), the National Council for
Science and the Environment (NCSE), and the National Environmental
Education Advisory Council (NEEAC), to focus on the main educational
objectives and goals agreed at the Tbilisi Declaration (Athman &Monroe, 2000)
and most recently towards sustainability in higher education (Calder &
Clungston, 2003).

Sex and Environmental Awareness

In Raudsepps (2010) study , he examined the relationship between the
sex and environmental consciousness. The respondents of his study were 200
randomly selected secondary school students in Ogun State, Nigeria. Survey on
environmental awareness of the students were utilized to collect data among
the respondents.t-test and ANOVA were sued to treat the collected data. Te
findings of the study revealed that women were significantly more likely than
men to be concerned with the environmental problems. Females have been

consistently shown to have higher environmentally conscious attitudes than

Cabuk and Karacaoglu (2010) in their about environmental knowledge
and awareness levels of elementary and secondary students in Turkey revealed
that females students had more positive attitudes towards the environment in
terms of environmental awareness and sensitivity, however they lacked of
environmentally responsible behavior in their daily life. The respondents of the
study were 200 university students in Ankara, Turkey.
Furthermore, Dietz, Stern and Guagnano (2010) study focused on the
relationship between sex and environmental concern of 120 secondary
students in Canada selected randomly. The findings of the study showed that
women are more concerned about environment than men because women are
more environmentalist than men due to bispheric orientation.
However in the study of McEvoy (2007), he examined the environmental
concern of secondary students in India. Respondents were selected randomly
who were 75 secondary students. The result of the study showed that men are
more concerned about the environment than women due to their higher level of
education and involvement with the communities and political issues.

Paramjit (2008) conducted a study on Environmental Awareness among

the student of different socio-economic status. The finding revealed that
environmental awareness was more among boys of better socio-economic
status whereas among girls, it was observed that the girls of lower socioeconomic status had more environmental awareness as compared with boys.
On the other hand, Kellert (2009) found no gender difference in the
ecological attitudes for US children in the 2nd grade. His study focused on the
ecological attitude of 100 children in Alaska chosen randomly.
In the study of Bharambe (2010), he examined on the extent of
environmental awareness among ninth standard students and to compare the
environmental awareness among them and the sample comprised 304 students
which were selected using multistage sampling method , four randomly selected
high schools in Jalgaon District. The data was collected through the
environmental test prepared by the investigator. T-test was used for analyzing
the collected data. The results revealed that there is no significant sex
difference in their environmental awareness.

Parents Occupation and Environmental Awareness

Schmidt (2009) study focused on the role of environmental awareness on

college students. The respondents were 115 college students of Oklahoma
University selected randomly. Surveys were used to verify the impact of an
introductory environmental course on respondents environmental awareness.
Two independent groups were divided by the characteristics of enrollment in
the course. The result revealed that there is no significant difference on their
parents occupation and their level of awareness.
Also, in the study of Kavas (2009), he examined the environmental
awareness of university students in Ankara, Turkey. The study aimed to present
environmental sensitivity and awareness of university students. The first and
fourth year students of landscape architecture, town and regional planning and
environmental engineering undergraduate programs at universities throughout
Ankara, Turkey were selected as participants since these programs curricula
focus on environment. A questionnaire survey was applied to 212 students face
to face. Research findings showed that the occupation off their parents do not
necessarily affect the level of environmental awareness of students.
The mother and fathers occupation according to Blocker and Eckgberg
(2009) affect the level of awareness of students. Mothers are more concerned
about local environmental problems than fathers. The reasons based on role in
the society: mothers prioritize welfare and health of family (which closely

associates with the local environment quality such as water, air and solid
waste), while fathers prioritize economic and material well-being of the family.
On the other hand, Bharambe (2010) studies examined on the extent of
environmental awareness among ninth standard students and to compare the
environmental awareness among them and the sample comprised of 304
students which were selected using multistage sampling method for randomly
selected high schools in Jalgaon District. The data was collected through the
environmental awareness test prepared by the investigator. t-test was used for
analyzing the collected data. The results revealed that there is a significant
difference in the environmental awareness of the students and the occupation
of their parents.

Religion and Environmental Awareness

Ibrahim and Asmawi (2009) study examined the level of awareness
towards environmental issues and concern among students in tertiary level.
The study selected randomly the 451 respondents from various universities in
Malaysia namely International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), University of
Putra Malaysia (UPM), University Malaya (UM), University Kebangsaan Malaysia
(UKM) and University Institute Technology Mara (UiTM). The students have

been assessed through a series of questionnaire which have been distributed in

order to capture their levels of exposure on environmental issues and the
sources of these exposures. The result revealed that the level of awareness
towards environmental issues and protection among students in tertiary level
is at moderate level and when grouped as to their religion, the findings showed
no significant difference in the religion of the respondents.
Moreover, the study of Prislin and Ouelette (2007) about intentions and
actions and the role of environmental awareness on college students showed
no significant difference in the religion of the respondents. The respondents
consisted of 115 undergraduate university students. Each student completed a
modified version of the New Environmental Paradigm (NEP) survey, designed to
measure the degree to which people view humans as part of nature. Data were
compared and processed using the SPSS software. Chi-square test of
independence, ANOVA, percentage , frequencies and means were used as
statistical tools.
In the study of Balogun and Yusuf (2010), they also examined the
students-teachers attitude towards environmental awareness in Nigerian
University. Respondents were 3822 students-teachers categorized as to their
sex, religious affiliation and educational qualification of the parents.
Respondents were from the Faculty of Education, University of Ilorin, Nigeria.

The data were collected through a questionnaire and analyzed using

percentages, means, and chi-square statistics. Findings of the study revealed
that majority of the student-teachers have positive attitude towards
environmental protection. However, no significant difference was established
between male and female student-teachers and on their religious affiliation.


This chapter presents the research design and research method used in
the present study.

Research Design
This study will employ the descriptive method of research. Specifically,
the simple survey type of descriptive research will be used to determine the
level of environmental awareness of the respondents when they will be
categorized as to sex parents occupation and religion.

The Respondents

The respondents of the study will be the 200 officially enrolled Pascual
Osuyos Memorial High School who will be selected randomly. They will be
classified according to sex, parents occupation, and religion. The Slovins
formula will be used to determine the sample size and samples will be drawn
using simple random sampling employing fishbowl technique.
The respondents of the study will include _____ male and ____ female;
_____ professional mother and _____ non-professional mother; _____
professional father and _____ non-professional father; _____ Catholic,
_____Aglipayan, _____Iglesia ni Cristo, _____ Protestant and _____others.

Data Gathering Instrument

The instrument that will be used in this study will be a questionnairechecklist to collect information about sex, parents occupation, and religion of
the respondents.
The instrument will consist of two parts; part one (1) will compose of
questions that ask for the background of information of the respondents
specifically about their sex, parents occupation, and religion as variables in
the study and part two (2) will compose of 30 questions relevant to
environmental problems, issues and concern. The questionnaire developed in

thus study will use a five point Likert-type response scale, with 1 as very low
and 5 as very high to determine the level of environmental awareness of the
The research instrument will be validated by seven juries who are expert
in research and environmental management/education. A pilot will be
conducted with a selected small group of participants. This representative
group of the target population was used to conduct a trial to observe
consistencies and to refine the survey.

Data Gathering Procedure

Survey method will be used for data collection. The study will be
conducted on January 2016 during the school year 2015-2016. Questionnairechecklist will be distributed after the school head of Pascual Osuyos Memorial
High School will permit the conduct of the research instrument. The study will
be conducted by recruiting the randomly selected respondents from the
participant population in a room assigned by the school administrator. Once
seated properly, necessary instructions will be given to be followed to guide the
respondents in answering the questionnaire checklist that will be administered
to them. They will be given 10 minutes to accomplish the instrument and once

they are through with their work, they will personally submit their answer
sheet to the researcher for compilation, checking and treatment of the data.

Data Analysis Procedure

The statistical tools that will be used in this study will consist of
descriptive statistics of frequency count, percentage, mean and standard
deviation. Other statistical tools that will be employed will include t-test, and
One-way ANOVA to determine the significant difference between some students
background variables and their environmental awareness. Responses to the
questionnaire will be pooled and scored. Nominal values will be assigned to the
items according to scales. The questions on environmental awareness will have
an assigned score of 1 to 5 for very low, low, moderate, high and very
high. All data will be keyed in to Special Program for Special Sciences version
17.0 software for analytical process. The mean score obtained by the
respondent will be interpreted using the scale below to indicate their level of
awareness as a whole and when they will be categorized as to sex, parents
occupation and religion.

Descriptive Interpretation

0.01 to 1.00

Very Low

1.01 to 2.00


2.01 to 3.00


3.01 to 4.00


4.01 to 5.00

Very High

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Pascual Osuyos Memorial High School
SY 2015-2016

Name (Optional): _____________________________________ Date:__________________

Grade and Section: ___________________________________

PART I. Students Descriptive Questionnaire

INSTRUCTIONS: The Students Descriptive Questionnaire is not a test. It
consists of several items on some information you are to give about yourself.
Choose only one from the given choices in each item by putting a check (/) on
the space provided.

A Sex: _____ Male _____Female

B. Parents Occupation
1. Mothers Occupation: _____ Professional ______ Non-Professional
2. Fathers Occupation: _____ Professional _____ Non-Professional

C. Religion:
_____ Aglipayan
_____ Iglesia ni Cristo
_____Others (please specify) __________________

Part II. Read each statement carefully. Indicate your awareness level on the
different environmental problems, issues and concern by encircling the
appropriate number in each item which matches your reaction to the

Answer all the 30 statements. In the answer sheet encircle the number as
specified below:

1 Very Low
2 Low
3 Moderate
4 High
5 Very High

Begin here:
1. Humans should live in harmony with the rest of the



3 4
3 4


2. Technology can overcome any environmental

3 4

3. There are limits to industrial growth.
4. Ecological balance has been disturbed.
5. Water pollution has direct negative impacts on plant



3 4
3 4
3 4


and animal communities.

6. Misuse of agricultural products leads to

3 4

deterioration of biological balance.

7. Industrial waste should be treated before releasing

3 4

into bodies of water.

8. Waste management of industrial plants in the

3 4

9. Loss of soil as a result of erosion is a serious

3 4

Air, water, and land are unlimited resurces.
Constructing industrial plants near



3 4
3 4


country is well-monitored by the authorities and

those who do not obey the policies are being

settlements is inappropriate.


Green spaces have positive impact on human

3 4

Air pollution causes environmental awareness
Using natural gas for heating reduces air



3 4
3 4


Landfills near human settlements have

3 4

negative impact on human health.

Water consumption should be conserved for

3 4

Noise pollution has negative impact on human

3 4

Low visual quality of urban environment is

3 4

dangerous to the public.

Waste segregation should be observed every

3 4


Burning of plastics and fresh leaves should

3 4

not be encouraged.
Participation to Earth-day activities is very

3 4

useful and enjoyable.

Endemic species of plants and animals should

3 4

be protected.
Seminars/ Symposia should be conducted to

3 4

3 4

Planting trees will help lessen the ill-effects of

3 4

global warming.
Waste should not be thrown into bodies of

3 4

Always turn off the appliances when not in

3 4

Conversion of agricultural lands into

3 4

industrial sites should be prohibited.

Campaign on clean and green program should

3 4

students to campaign for environmental protection

and cleanliness.
Local Government Unit (LGU) should
implement policies directed towards sanitation and

be done monthly and intensively.

Organic fertilizers should be used in farming.

Signature of Pupil


3 4

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