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From: Curly Haugland <curly@recsupply.

Date: March 19, 2016 at 11:20:26 AM PDT
To: DELETED (118 recipients)
Thank you all for taking the time to share your concerns with
me. It was very thoughtful of you to do so.
Here are a couple of links that may be of interest to you as
we continue this nomination process for the Republican
candidate for President of the United States.
Curly Haugland


You are an asshole. It took
10 minutes to find you on google, my name cones up faster than
that. Your opinion and tumbleweed state do not rule the country. I
hope this is your last term. Go Trump!!
You sir are as UN-AMERICAN as they come.
We the people will decide what happens and hopefully you have
an election coming up very soon.

A ashamed republican

You have just sealed the fate of your worthless party you dumb
fuck. Hope you can do something, like wash dishes, cuz you gonna
need a job that doesnt involve thinking.
Go die in a re asshole.

Mr Haugland,

I was very upset aRer watching your interview with CNBC. Your
comments are the reason the Republican Party is falling apart and
doing so poorly. People are @red of the GOP and their arrogance. As a
registered republican I am ashamed of people like you. Who do you
think put you people in the posi@ons that your in, it's working class
people like myself and by God you be"er remember that. The
con@nued arrogance will get Hillary elected and I don't think any of us
want that. Pay a"en@on to what is going on, the reason that Mr
Trump is doing so well is people are @red of poli@cs as usual. I am and
everybody suppor@ng him is, you cannot deny that and if you do you
need to wake up or get out. We do not put representa@ves in place to
make our decisions for us but to do just that represent us and our
ideals. I hope you actually take the @me to read this and reconsider
your approach.
Ken Mahorney


Your view of the primary process is draconian, old, outdated and

disrespectful of the primary process. What's the point of having
taxpayers bear this tremendous expense, of wasting time watching
the debates and the entire political dialogue for the past six months
or a year?

As for your rule change, anyone who has a single delegate should
be eligible? Wow, talk about setting the performance bar low. It's
precisely your kind of thinking that has lead to government we
have and the low esteem with which we view those who pretend to
lead our nation, but in effect, are operating in their own interest of
power, money and prestige at our expense.
Gary Doyens
JM Media Group, LLC
Mr. Haugland,

I am wri@ng to express my u"er disgust at your recent statement
indica@ng that voters, in fact, do not choose the nominee. While I
understand your overall point that, technically, such power rests in
delegates such as yourself, I don't believe this is a @me to
disenfranchise the will of the people vo@ng. As you know, people are
par@cipa@ng in record numbers this elec@on cycle largely due to the
fact that they believe their voice has been lost over the last eight
years. Blatantly telling such people that their voice doesn't ma"er is
both ignorant and dangerous.

If you've actually read to this point in my email, I think it's important
for folks like you to listen to folks like me. I'm a 30-year-old a"orney
residing in Northern Virginia, a place where young conserva@ves are
scarce. I've been a reliable GOP voter since I turned 18 in 2004, and
I'm proud to say I helped reelect George Bush. I intend to contribute
to the GOP as long as I live on this planet; however, when I hear
people like you essen@ally say that people like me don't ma"er, I start
to ques@on my loyalty. For a party that's lost the last two presiden@al
elec@ons, it's probably a good idea for the RNC folks to cherish what
they have rather than push them away.

With that said, I would appreciate a response from you clarifying
whether you, indeed, intend to ignore voters at this year's
conven@on. If that's the case, maybe it's @me I reconsider my
registra@on as a republican.

Best Regards,

You are the poster child for the rise of Donald Trump. Your
ego@s@cal, eli@st, establishment actude says it all and it is people
like you who are killing the GOP. I've voted republican my en@re
life and will likely con@nue to do so un@l a be"er alterna@ve
comes along, or the GOP goes the way of the Whigs, which may
be very soon at its current pace and direc@on. I however will not
support a party apparatus on either a state or na@onal level that
stands for this kind of treatment of it's grass roots members. I live
in Colorado and changed from republican to unaliated aRer the
new Colorado GOP chair, Steve House, did away with any
meaning to caucusing for president. His predecessor Ryan Call,
along with the republican governors group, let our sicng liberal
progressive governor John Hickenlooper slide easily into a second
term in 2012, when his seat was ripe for the picking, because the
good old boy establishment republican cadre refused to support
rebrand Tom Tancredo. I thought the Colorado GOP was bad but
you make me glad I live here and not in North Dakota. People like
you are why people like me are fed up with the poli@cal status
quo. You all need to wake up and listen to 'We the People.
If it wasn't so "scary important" all of this would pretty entertaining, maybe even
funny. Appreciate your dedication and hard work. Let me know when the book is

In watching Lou Dobbs tonight, your note sta@ng that delegates to

the conven@on were not necessarily bound was brought up and
talked about. It was nice to see your comments discussed.

I and we have heard what you

said about WE THE PEOPLEs
votes meaning nothing and the

party selects nominees NOT the

voters. Pal, you had be"er hope
you get this right because if you
and your gutless party screw
around with this nomina@on and
STEAL it from the front runner
Hell may freeze over soon, however I find myself agreeing with you on a political
discussion!!! Great job. AND you're right!!! Give em hell!!
Your quote:
"The media has created the perception that the voters choose the
nomination. That's the conflict here,"
Really ? Are you that stupid that you can not see the train coming down
the tracks? Please continue to stand on the tracks sir. We will take great

pleasure in running over you and the rest of the crap republican
Donald Trump is not just our candidate, he is our murder weapon. And the
Republican establishment is our victim. Any further questions ?
With Contempt,

I take any interview with a grain of salt. The interviewer always tries to
skew what was actually said.

I do think there is a general misunderstanding of the nomina@ng
process. Should it be changed? Maybe. But that is for the members of
the par@es to determine and vote on.

A lot of the primaries and caucuses to date have been open to any
voter. That denitely can alter the results as you may get republican
spoilers vo@ng in a democrat primary and vice versa.

It would take a lot of guts to go on, what I would consider an
unfriendly network to the republicans, and be interviewed.

Kudos to Curly.


in no way will speak for the

American people and will only listen to
our voices. Anything else and your
career in the GOP will be over before
you can say sorry.
Mr. Haugland, You are a disgrace to your party, the people who have
supported your party, and your country. As a veteran in the USMC, I am
digusted by your comments on MSNBC. I realize that you are probably
"above" me and my family to respond to this email, or accept responsibility
for your comments about the "will of the people", but you owe it to the men

and women who have died for that "will" to matter to apologize publicly and
resign your position immediately.
I am embarrassed for you, your family, and your name.

Trump will be the nominee!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is Curly Haugland the President of your company?


I was reading my yahoo news and you two yahoos popped up clearing
up for every one that the Republican Party is not a Democra@c
Good job.
You sure wouldn't want all the people who voted to think it did any
I am surprised that the RNC hasn't jumped out in front of Trump to
pretend they are leading the parade.
Keep up the good work.

I appreciated your interview and explaining to the public how

a the Party chooses the nominee...
I have been a republican my entire life and had no idea
about the rules.
Unfortunately you are not a Trump supporter regardless of
the rules - If the majority of the "voters" choose him
then I hope you will respect the majority's wishes. think of
the implications if Trump doesn't get the nomination.

This guy is an unbound delegate who says

our nominee isn't up to us & plans to change
conv rules

"The rules haven't kept up," Haugland said. "The rules are still
designed to have a political party choose its nominee at a
convention. That's just the way it is. I can't help it. Don't hate me
because I love the rules."
WE THE PEOPLE. Do you know this referance because you seem
to not just take us for granted but dismiss us? You do so at your
own political peril.
You hold and have no power that wasn't GRANTED to you by us.
Do not think for one second we won't take it back.
Let me make this perfectly clear to you and your kind. If Cruz or
Trump is not the nominee the RNC will be finished. We The
People will abandon the RNC and the only 'Republicans' will be a
future lesson chapter in political science about how arrogance lead
to fall of an entire political party.
Clearly you've forgotten that you serve us and frankly, you're job
performance is sub-par.
We The People are paying very close attention Curly. Don't think
we won't destroy you because America is more important than
your precious bullshit rules or your job.
Resign, today, now. You are unfit to be in your position. Resign
before We The People fire you.
We The People hold all the power, not you.

Mr. Haugland:
I have been a loyal Republican all of my life. While Mr. Trump
and Senator Cruz may not be my first choice as the GOP candidate
for President, I am extremely uncomfortable with the idea that one
or both of them should be denied the nomination that they have
I understand that there may be technicalities to the rules of
nomination by which delegates might subvert the results of the
primaries, but absent some evidence of wrongdoing or criminal
activity, I feel very very strongly that the nominee should be a very
accutae (if not perfect) reflection of the votes cast in the primaries.
Fair is fair, and you shouldn't play games with the rules simply
because you don't like what the voters come up with! I watched as
Mr. Trump was repeatedly asked if he would support the nominee,
and he finally said that yes he would. How can a voter like me
accept that the RNC feels no obligation to do the same?
There are still plenty of primary votes to be cast, so I don't know if
it will be Trump or Cruz, but I do know this and I want you to hear
me very clearly:
If the RNC even attempts to subvert the results of their own
primary process, I will NEVER donate another nickel to the
Republican party, nor will I ever vote for a Republican candidate. I
will consider it a clear indication that my vote no longer matters to
the GOP unless it supports some centrally planned and
predetermined outcome.
I suppose you can engineer a dismissal the primaries and nominate
whoever you want.....but that doesn't mean I have to show up this
November. I would think very, very carefully about the message
sent by such a dismissal of the democratic process. You would ruin
the party, not just for this election, but for all elections in the

Sometimes you have to accept that with which you may not agree.
Trump and Cruz were not my choice, I supported Scott Walker,
but by God they followed the damn rules and put in the work. They
also promised to support the nominee which I believe should be
who the VOTERS chose, NOT who a few party delegates choose.
To rob either them of something they have earned would be the
last straw of betrayal and the death of the GOP.
"The media has created the perception that the voters choose the
nomination. That's the conflict here,"
Really ? Are you that stupid that you can not see the train coming down
the tracks? Please continue to stand on the tracks sir. We will take great
pleasure in running over you and the rest of the crap republican
Donald Trump is not just our candidate, he is our murder weapon. And the
Republican establishment is our victim. Any further questions ?
With Contempt,

Haugland, you Republicans better pray Trump picks up the

nomination. Getting him to sign that stupid "contract" by
Priebus won't mean anything if you try to put Romney or
anyone on the ticket but the true winner of this contest. You'll
have conservatives leave in droves after the last 7 years
your party has brown-nosed and bent over for this
communist in the whitehouse.
You jerk.

The GOP is the reason for the rise of Trump, the feeling is
the GOP has not represented it's base for decades. We the
People are fed up with both sides in Washington. Each party
has stacked the deck and by doing so you have awakened a
sleeping giant. Any attempt to skirt what voters feel is the

system and their voices are not heard will create a

movement you will not be able to control. Do what you may
but consider the consequences. The candidate with the most
votes should be the nominee, I trust you won't cause a stir
and nominate the one who has the most votes in the end.
A Conservative Voter
Hey Mr. Delegate, Curly Haugland,
We the people vote for who we want to run the country. It's not
your job as a committeeman to decide for us.It's very apparent you
think you hold some sort of power because of your title. Wake up
you dumba$$!
After what you've stated and the national attention you've brought
on, I'm pretty sure the RNC is pretty pissed off at you and you're
getting scolded accordingly. You aren't very bright are you?
Randy, American Citizen
Congratulations for being willing to tell the TRUTH...which is
all too rare in politics on both sides of the isle.
The very reasons the Founding Fathers put HUGE
roadblocks in the path of "the masses" being able to directly
elect Presidents are playing out today as Neo-Fascism
raises its UGLY head in this country.
Thank GOD for the Electoral College that makes BOTH the
popular vote and the partisan conventions irrelevant.
Hey Curly,
Drop dead!

Hey asshole curly, If you fuck wit Trump, "We the People"
will vote him in as an independent! Or we will just write his
name in if he doesn't run as independent!! You must really
want Hillary to win. You bunch of asshats in the republican

party have turned us true conservatives against you.

Russell Shoats
What's with you running your mouth that the voters do not get to
decide who the GOP nominee is? You are obviously not very
intelligent, so let me me help you out. People are voting for
Trump on account that they literally hate people like you (i.e. they
are really, really pissed off at people like you already). This is why
they are voting for an outsider.
Do you really want to push them over the edge and endanger your
well being, as well as the well being of those that you love?
Be careful.
Oh you stupid, stupid little boy. You and your elitist friends have
no idea what you've done. Let me put it to you bluntly, Curly; you
just keep thinking that you have the last say. We the People are
just one stupid elitist comment away from breaking out the
One of many pissed off voters
Mr. Haugland,
I heard your comments today and I understand that you
probably do not care, but many of us who used to vote democrat,
will only vote for Donald Trump. The republicans are the laughing
stock of the country today because of your comments, and
understand that I want nothing more than to unseat the dems. I
voted for Obama twice and feel betrayed by the democratic party.
you are looking to make me feel that same way before I vote once.
Dear Sir,
With all the courtesy my parents taught me, I encourage the RNC
to allow the voices of the AMERICAN PEOPLE to be heard.

Many of us sincerely believe that our votes matter. They matter

when the constituents we vote for are, in fact, also acknowledged
and supported by our committee.
Upon reading the words "Voters don't pick nominee, we do," I
nearly choked.
I feel the need to inform you, this will not go over well with
whomever the majority of Republican voters select . I am certain
you are an intelligent man who is very aware of this fact and I do
not intend to insult you. However, making changes or any type of
"deal" directly inhibiting the clear chosen presidential nominee is a
dangerous move, possibly catastrophic. The silent majority is
speaking. Please allow their voices to be heard.
Thank you for taking the time to read my request. God Bless you

We choose the nominee, not

the voters: Senior GOP
Really, Curley?
Just try this little scam and see if the Republican party survives in its
current model.
Every try conservative republican will abandon you guys like a bad case of

Don't think you are going to get away with not allowing the voters to
pick the candidates. See Reagan's speech on who tells the people
what to do.

Hey curly good job undressing who you are, I will do my

absolute best to see you are unemployed asap.

Thank you and God bless

I read your outrageous comments about the voters not picking
the nominee. The GOP Na@onal Commi"ee bombards me with
requests for money. Not one cent un@l you are dismissed from
your party posi@on. You are no American, creep.
Do not try to steal the nomina@on that "We the People" want and
have picked. You are making a joke out of the Republican Party
and I hope the party implodes. We will have Trump one way or

Mr. Haugland,

It looks like the establishment con@nues to bury the Republican Party
one "Idio@c" ideology at a @me.

You would think the message the voters have been sending during this
Presiden@al Republican primary season would be coming through loud
and clear? Obviously it's falling on tone deaf ears.

You and the establishment may want to start to listen to "We The
People" in a very short manner or you will soon nd your mee@ngs
and money coers empty.

If you and the establishment's voice is louder than the people, then it's
@me to give the party a serious faceliR in order to save it or start a
new one all together.

You Mr. Haugland are just one voice, "We The People" are the millions
of voices that are going to quell the backroom deals in Washington
D.C., hopefully with the leadership of the GOP?

The non-establishment train has leR the sta@on. As George W. Bush
once said, " Either your with us or against us, you make the choice?"

Well Curly congrats on making the GOP look like a bunch walking

retards. You go on live tv and tell the news we have a problem

with the media because the people don't elect the president, we the
delegates do. One number problem with America today is fools
like you. We the people should have the say, not some walking
buffoon like yourself. I have a GOP member for over 30 years and
I can you this, if Trumps runs independent I will back him,not the
GOP candidate. Its time people like you and rest of the corrupt
leaders to leave, we are younger nation of GOP members and we
want you out!. You are and the rest of the delegates are a shame,
you wanted Rubio or Cruz who you can boss around and line your
pockets. Trump won't stand for your nonsense so you don't want
him. I have a meeting this week in which many of the Florida GOP
members will be there, I guess I will have speak my mind against
you and the rest of the corrupt.
Congrats again on looking like a buffoon.

Your comments made to the news media are very disrespectful and
this kind of attitude being displayed by the party towards voters is
exactly why we are so mad at the party. The dinosaur Republican
elite is not above the voters. This country is government for the
people by the people and the stupidity that has been displayed over
the last few years is the reason why the voters are enraged. We
voted a Republican Majority to the House and Senate to put a stop
to Barack Obama's sick vision for America and the party has done
absolutely nothing to stop him. It is executive action over and over
that is just lawless. Obama has done more than enough to have
been impeached already but that is a pipe dream because the party
can't even stand up to him on little things let alone something big.
So it is time for the party to stop the childish stupidity and stop
being an embarressment to the Patriots who founded this
Hey Curly! F You!
You and all your republican establishment buddies can go straight to
hell you SOB's!
I'm 63 years old, and been a registered republican since I was able to

vote. That might be coming to an end real soon!

You guys try and steal this nomina@on from Donald Trump, and we the
voters will guarantee the republican party will NEVER win another

Oh really?
I do believe its of the people, for the people, and by the people.
And if the REPUBLICAN PARTY does not reflect those
AMERICAN values then they are not my party.
But please, keep talking, on liberal airwaves like CNBC. The more
you entrenched bullies in the party establishment run your mouths,
the more people wake up.
See you in November.

My Liege,

Please forgive the imper@nence of addressing you directly. It was kind
of you to @me the @me to address the masses, and as a result I have
seen the light.

I have just changed my party alia@on from Republican to

Best of luck with the royal reign,

Mary SwiR
(a mere serf and not a Trump fan)


How could you put the final nail into coffin of our beloved GOP

I have been defending our establishment relentlessly these past
couple months to a bunch of friends and colleagues behind Trump.

Unfortunately, now that you said what you said, I can no longer
defend the GOP establishment. Also, when I can no longer defend
my views, I believe it may be time to change them.

Not sure if you are overly upset at what is happening, or if you just
felt like staying on your high-horse today, but believe me when I say
that your words will be very effective fuel to the fire of these folks.

I hope I am wrong. My only suggestion would be to recant and

apologize ASAP to try to mitigate the damage.

Hello Mr. Curly.


This only conrms that the Poli@cal Establishments in this country no
longer serve the interest of the people, but their own interest and this
is the reason Donald Trump has the support he has.

ARer hearing you talk on CNBC about you wan@ng to screw the people
of their votes through a contested conven@on I wanted to puke! Why
are you so scared of Donald trump? Is there something that in your
closet that you don't want people to know? Are you worried that the
money train for all you crooked poli@cians may come to a halt if
Trump is president? I have been a registered Republican all my life and
I have never been more disgusted with this party as I am now! You
guys have failed the American people for decades and we are sick of
it! I've given you guys my vote every @me but you have failed to do the
things you said you would do. So OPEN up your ears there will be a
poli@cal revolu@on if you screw me and millions of others of their

votes! I will never vote for signal Republican again! I will vote for a
third party and your rich greedy establishment will be nished! And
BTW don't think for one minute that if the major news media tries to
hide your words under the rug that this won't get around. This is
spreading on Social Media like crazy! So start packing your bags the
money train is over for you!

Dear Elitist:
One way or another the Republican Party will be changed forevermost likely burned to the ground after this election. I have never
voted for a Democrat and you need to know I will never vote
Republican again if you negate the will of the people

You, sir, and other clueless Jebbers, are EXACTLY the

reason that Donald Trump is running away with the

I did not vote for Donald in the primary, but be warned, you
will destroy the republican party if you dare try to deny the
will of the voters. You should do the party and yourself a
YUUUuuuge favor now, and resign immediately...along with
all the other Jeb, Romney and McCain supporters, because
you are extremely TONE DEAF! Go have your hearing and
sanity checked on your way out the door, lest you end up
with NO party to lord over. Warning~the Tea Party will
emerge stronger than ever and roll right over you dimwits.

Wise up, Man!

I will never ever donate money to the Republican party or vote

Republican again PERIOD! Thanks for the information that voters
don't matter. Enjoy your party.
Go to hell!

Hay Curly,

We got rid of our kings long ago and you sure are not one.

Usurp the people and see what kind of response the GOP gets. If you
want to destroy the Republican Party you are doing a fantas@c job.

Dear Sir;
Perhaps you could let me know just when the GOP became a
commi"ee dictatorship and the primary voters choice irrelevant?
It would appear if thats really the case, then the GOP has just
announced its own irrelevancy.
You have two choices;
Get behind Mr. Trump or Mr. Cruz or,
Suer the demise of the GOP in favor of The New
Conserva@ve Party.
Let me know what your peers have to say, I would be very

Mr. Haugland,
I suppose you're receiving many emails today after your remarks.
And I get it, there are rules and that's all you were saying. I do not
support Trump. But I am a Republican.
If Trump has a majority of the delegates but not the required
number, thereby necessitating a brokered convention, and if the
GOP uses the convention to nominate someone other than Trump,
the Republican Party will lose me as a member for life.
The idea that voters' will can be thwarted is undemocratic and
while I may not support the outcome, the voters should dictate the
results. The idea that someone else who has not campaigned can
possibly get the nomination is outrageous.
While you were stating what you believe to be clear facts, you are

responsible for considering the consequences of your rhetoric.

Going forward you should carefully consider your words as you
have effectively given Trump ammo to continue winning.
Shame that someone who didn't care to predict the implications of
of their actions has risen so high in the GOP party. In my
respectful opinion, you are what's wrong with the establishment. If
you instead highlighted that voters should decide the outcome, but
for the current rules, it would've been received much better than it

Hey asshole
You smug POS..If you steal the elec@on from the front runner, I hope
you die from cancer..You worthless POS..I hope your wifes vaginal falls
o and your kids die

Your statement that the voters don't pick the nominee and you cant
understand why they even have primaries or caucuses show how
stupid the republican party and, you yourself are.
Primaries are for the purpose of finding the voters choice. If you
arrogant republican rule writers thwart the will of the people by
manipulating their choice, you will stir up a hornets nest that you
will not escape being stung by.
This country has HAD IT with the Democrats and Republicans.
The founding documents our country is based on was enunciated
by Lincoln. "O the people, By the people and for the people." NOT
"of the elite politicians, shoving in down the Sheeples throats".
Don't you DARE "broker" this thing thing to force your will on us.
We will not stand still for it.

Hey Curley,

Thanks for saying what we already knew you losers think
about us . We Don't Count in your deluded mind.

Big surprise coming your way this year....try telling that

to the millions of voters who want to get rid of the GOP
elites, the lying media, the PACs, lobbyists and all the
slime infecting our country's political processes like you.

There will certainly be huge riots if the GOP tries to play

us this year. Cleveland will need martial law to try to stop
us from stopping you. It will happen. And, we will stop you.
Mr. Curly,

The American people are speaking through their support of Mr. Trump
and are sending a loud and clear message that we are fed up with the
establish government on both sides. We are no longer pucng up with
back room deals between poli@cians and special interest groups. We
are @red of weak leadership, like Paul Ryan demonstrated with his
quietly-passed trillion dollar bi-par@san budget deal.

If Trump has the plurality of votes and does not get the nomina@on, I
will follow him if he runs independent. I will also reregister as an
independent. Obviously I will give no more money to the NRCC or
GOP. And most importantly will work to support whatever new party
emerges from the fallout of the collapse of the Republican Party.

You are a piece of shit asshole. You think you can just blow off the
will of the people, then laugh about it. It isn't hard to find your
dumbass. You and all your establishment fucks need to get your
heads out of your asses and listen to the people.
Lets hear you get on the news and tell us how our votes don't

matter. Sorry but it is your old fat ass that doesn't matter. Who the
fuck names their kid curly anyway. I suggest you keeping your
mouth shut in the future..
*** TRUMP, 2016! ***
"The media has created the perception that the voters choose
the nomination. That's the conflict here," Curly Haugland, an
unbound GOP delegate from North Dakota, told CNBC's
"Squawk Box" on Wednesday. He even questioned why
primaries and caucuses are held.
How absolutely clueless and out of touch CAN you be? I see
pitchforks for you, barbours, rove and the rest of the worthless
GOPe in the very near future.

Your hubris is sicking. If neither Trump or Cruz are not

chosen, then i will stay home and not vote for the first time
since Nixon !!

We don't pick the candidate ?

Well, there will be an insurrec@on if you meddle with the people's
will !!!!!


I just read with great interest the story on about the
nomination process. I would like to take the time to thank you for
unmasking the scam. You just save me a lot of money. From here
on out I will not donate anything to the RNC or any Republican

candidate ever again. I can also save the gas and time in voting in
November. It was just a wasted hour any way. Thanks for saving
me so much time, money, and effort.
It's scum like you going over the will of the people, that has turned this
country into a trash bin. I hope when the @me comes for your
reelec@on that the people of North Dakota realize you for what you
are. A "yes man" for pigs like George Soros! You're nothing but an
arrogant snob who, like other poli@cians, think they are God.

Mr Haugland,

As a life long Republican, I need to ask...are you off your

meds? How dare you marginalize the voters of the
Republican party.
Trump may not be the right guy, and Cruz or Katich would
be a better choice, but that is a decision for the primary
voters not a cabal of backroom bozos.
You should consider stepping down from whatever
"leadership" position you hold in the party, and you should
apologize on your way out the door.
Frankly if this is how the party is going to be led, I will be
stepping away from the party. I don't need to be affiliated
with a group that is worried more about their own feathered
bed and perceived power than the well being of our Nation.
I am beginning to believe the party no longer knows what
conservative means...

Dear Mr. Haugland,

Your appearance on Sqawkbox was absolutely chilling.
With such overwhelming support for a candidate who is bringing
new voters into the Republican tent, how is it possible that you all

would sabotage this.

You will lose the faith of the voters in the party forever if you
broker the Convention, and hand the election to the Democrats at
the same time because we will all stay home.
It truly looks like you don't care.
I am a lifelong Republican and thoroughly, deeply disgusted.

Hey asshole, vote for whomever you want on the ballot. I'm all for it.
There are a whole bunch of us who won't vote for him at all. I don't
know the true number, but you'll see it on elec@on day. Romney was
the last GOPe I'll ever vote for. Jerks like you have ruined the
Republican party and you ride is just about over.

As a member of the RNC, you represented that committee

very poorly today. By saying the voters had no part of
determining the nominee and "It was a good question" why
we even have primaries was ludicrous, damaging to the
GOP Party and induced anger all over the political boards.

I have been a devout supporter of the GOP for 30 years as

an educated woman and this indignation is simply too much
to continuewith that support. You are an extreme detriment
to the party and I hope you and the GOP go down in flames.

If others on that committee feel the same way you do, look
for the demise that Grand Old Party. And it will be on the
members of the RNC that brought demise.

If the rules are rigged against Donald Trump, you don't have
to worry about 2016 or 2020. It will be the Has Been Party
that brokered back room deals.

After reading you comments on this morning, I

am now DONE with the Republican Party. Since my first
vote, I have backed and supported the GOP. I have worked
for the party. For more than 25 years I have been loyal.
You, however, have totally walked away from the voice of
the people and will of the people. Perhaps you should go
back an read the Constitution. It is "We the people" that
elect the President....not some smug, arrogant political
You sir, should be proud! You have just committed
political suicide.
Let me explain something to you "Curly". You may pick the
nominee, but us pee-on voters have the last say in
November. I am a life-long Republican, but if the Republican
party does not give the nomination to the person with the
highest number of voter delegates, I will write-in that
person's name in November and vote against every
Republican down the ticket. And most of my Republican
friends feel the same way.

If you try to install anybody but Trump or Cruz we will stay

home and not vote other than to put as many of you rinos
out of office as we can. You better do what the people want.
I am talking about the little people like me who pay to run
this country. You have lost your mind. I will not resort to
using the words that are flooding my mind right now because
it is unprofessional but if you circumvent the will of the
people you will kill the Grand Old Party and the blood will be
on your hands. Then we the people will be out for blood.

Your blood and that of the idiots who think like you do. I cant
believe you said something so stupid. Stand up for once in
you life and the right thing for the folks.
So, our votes do not count? Just try and screw with the nomination
you ivory tower fascist and watch what happens. You are a
scumbag of the worst kind, subverting our Republic. Time for you
to get the hell out of the way and shut up.
How dare you say that we the people have no say in the candidates
we elect to public office? You should be ashamed of yourself.
Our great country has no place for you if this is truly what you
believe. Our founding fathers would be extremely disappointed in
you to say the least.
Someone has quoted you saying something totally insane about voters
don't choose the republican nominee, the establishment
does. I know you would never say something that stupid, but you may get
a lot of negative e-mail . Good luck on what is coming.

Go for it Curly. If you try to put up anyone that the people

did not vote for President you can kiss the Republican Party
goodbye. You will go the way of the Whigs. I will not vote
for any Republican from this state including Sen. Kelly A.

Glad to finally hear the truth.

Republican for 25 years. Given to the RNC and RGA for years.
Never again.
Not a Trump supporter, but do not like a few fat backroom
smokers determining my politics either.

You are the problem as much as Obama and Hillary.

Simply awful.

Dear Mr. Haugland,

I'm confused. Please help me out here.
If the Republican Party chooses the Presiden@al
Nominee without regard to the Primary Elec@on
results, why does the Republican Party waste all
the @me, money, and resources to hold Primary
Elec@ons? Also, how can the Republican Party
claim to represent the interests of the people they
stand for if they turn a deaf ear to the voice of the
Is this the way for a poli@cal party to demonstrate
the government of a country that claims to be "Of
the People, By the People, and For the People"? Is
this the way to insure public support for the
Republican Party? Do you really think the ci@zens
of The USA are so dense that they don't see that
by dismissing their voice in elec@ng governing
ocials, you are desecra@ng everything that this
country is supposed to stand for?

By the way, if you screw Donald J. Trump out of

his nomina@on, Trump supporters will vote for
him under any other party name, or write in his
name in the November General Elec@on. This in
itself will have a devasta@ng eect on the
outcome of this elec@on, not to men@on a
devasta@ng eect on the Republican Party since
many of us who have previously voted Republican
are fast becoming disenchanted and disappointed
with the GOP.
To change the rules of the game in the middle of
the contest sends a message to the people that
says you don't care what we want and that you
will bully us into doing what you want. It is the
childish tac@c a spoiled brat.

You arrogant ass. I read you statement concerning the

republican nominee. I hate to think what will happen to you
and others who think like you if the will of the people is not
obliged.Your power will be removed and you will be left
holding the bag.

You seem to be part of the "gang who can't shoot straight" GOP. As I've
said for years, the best thing we real Republicans can do is get rid of ALL

Washington pols, They're all out for themselves, not for the average
Americans like me.
I'm 76, retired, and sick of the games being played in Washington. If I
needed somebody to "do what is best for me" I would have voted democrat
or progressive. I choose who the nominee will be, not some out-of-the-loop
person in a small state with little real power.

I am outraged by your arrogant statements on CNBC today.

You wonder why republicans are nominating Mr. Trump its
because the GOP aristocrats think we people are their
The GOP better follow the will of the people or the GOP will
be no more.
Really ?? Its people like you who are destroying the republican
party by pushing these RINOs down our throats for the past 3
decades. This is why I will never give another dime of my money
to the corrupt party establishment !! People are sick & tired of the
republican party being turned into the "democrat light" party. Thats
why Trump is so popular & the establishment can't stand the fact
that they can't control him with money. Try and screw him out of
the nomination and you will see MILLIONS of hard working
Americans march on Washington with pitchforks & torches !!
Hardworking Americans are mad as hell and sick & tired of being
told what to think, do, ect.
Its time we started running this country like a business and not a
charity !!
The party lost before with Ryan and Romney. Why even think
that will work now. Santorum and Huckabee have not made it in

the past several elections. You are the reason people are voting
for Trump. By not electing the person with the most delegates
will tell the voters that their votes do not count. People are sick of
Washington not listening to them. Those elected make promises
that they never intend to keep. You are the reason I have
refused to send money to any of the establishment candidates.
The people have voted for the party and given them control of
the House and Senate and what do we have? BO continuing to
do as he pleases and same old, same old. Open your eyes and
most of all, open you ears! Listen to what the people are saying.
Enough of the same old crap!
I have not decided who to vote for yet and I live in Pennsylvania.
We get the leftovers on our ballot. Your garbage makes me
want to vote for Trump.
Wake up and look at what is happening.
I hope you were misunderstood in your comment about the people not
picking the Republican nominee by votes. Your statement will be the end
of the Republican Party as you know it, as we will never vote Republican
again, and you guys can make all the rules you want because they will be
I have never heard such arrogance! You are truly a dick! Guys like you
have blown up the party, and given rise to The Donald. Instead of taking
responsibility for not listening to your constituency in the first place and
wound up with Trump in the first place; you double down and tell your
constituency they absolutely don't matter. Again, what a dick! You only
confirm that the establishment must be completely wiped out. You only
confirm that the "we the people" were right about you f**ckers. But instead
of taking your licks and learning from it, your collective ego's won't stand
for it. Another problem with people who have held power for way too long.
Again, what a dick! I'll bet their are a bunch of your establishment buddies
who wish you had kept your dumbass mouth shut. Not because what you
said wasn't true about all of you establishment f**K heads, to air that
opinion so publically, major faux pas. I think you are finding out right now,
with the backlash you must be getting from not only guys like me, but your
establishment buddies must think you're an idiot too. I mean do you
realize how you sounded? I'm mean we are talking double digit IQ, no way

you break a 100. You guys would rather have Hillary win, and the dems,
as a result, would be in charge for at least 20 years, maybe forever with
their immigration policies. Oh, but at least you'd teach us all a good lesson,
that you guys are really in charge. Even though it will totally destroy your
party, at least your fragile ego's will remain intact. Again, what a dick!

Mr.. Haugland,

Thank you for expressing your true feelings for

conservative Republican voters.
For thirty five years I have voted party line even when
I had to hold my nose to do so.
This year, I did not want one of your "chosen" to take
me down the same old road versus Hillary.
But --NO-- instead of sucking it up one time for the
team, you and those like you have decided to destroy
the party I loved.
Please change your mind and let this one go by as
the "little guys" Trumper Tantrum.
If you don't, you will be rebuilding the party with
30-40% less little people.

A loyal voter

I served my country to defend THE PEOPLES' freedoms, not the power
hungry assholes on the RNC. YOU FUCKING COMMIE.

Subject: You know what they say happens to dumbasses with

big mouths?
Can you really be this stupid Curly boy? Better get a retraction in
the news asap.

heard your thoughts during cnbc interview



Mr. Haugland:
I have voted republican since 1976 and have often held my
nose while doing so. My republican votes have come in
every single election from local to national during that time. I
have never wavered. I put signs in my yard and attend
rallies although I have never held any position nor am I
inclined to do so.
Cruz received my vote in the Alabama primary a couple of
weeks ago. That said, if Trump goes into the convention
with his delegate count close to the magic number with no
other candidate close and the committee chooses another
candidate, I will not vote in November.
I doubt I will be alone. Hand this election to Hillary in that
Mr. Haugland,

I sincerely hope you and the other delegates follow the will of
the people, of the voters, in choosing this years GOP
nominee. This "stop Trump" movement within the GOP is
really a "stop the will of the people" movement. The people

are choosing TRUMP, regardless if you or the GOP elite like

it or not.

Failure of the delegates to follow the will of the people will

result in me leaving the GOP and NEVER voting for another
Republican candidate as long as I shall live.
Please relay this message to fellow delegates and the GOP
elites. I've heard about the meeting they are having
tomorrow with Eric Erickson and others who think they are
smarter than the people of this nation.
Hey Curley;

We are all wai@ng out here for your next stupid comment that would
infer that we are all your slaves and you will dictate who our leader is.

Trump 2016,

Shove it up your ass!

I'll be voting for Trump as Republican, 3rd party. or write in. But
no other Republican will get my vote this year. Better to destroy
the party than allow a handful of super rich kingmakers decide for


You are a traitor to our country.

I am a registered Republican and my vote does matter.

We the people choose our representatives, not you.

If you deny us our nominee that the majority votes for, then
there will be Hell to pay!!!!

We are legion.

We will not get on board and we will not understa\\Hopefully

the voters of North Dakota will remove you from office and
you never work in politics again

I promise to vote for whom ever the Dems run if you and the other
clowns put in anyone else but Cruz or Trump!!
I will get my family and friends to do like wise, you my friend will
insure the libs control of the supreme court for years to come!!
Now you may choose.................
Dear Mr./Ms. Curly,
I find your comments regarding YOU select the GOP
candidate rather than the people disgusting. You will not
select our nominee. The AMERICAN PEOPLE decide, not
you. And if you blowhards attempt to go against the will of
the majority of Republican voters, we will not support your
candidate. We can have four more years of a democrat in
the White House. That can't be any worse than what the last
eight years have been. I have not voted in 20 years
because of the bad candidates people like you have put up
there for us to select from. This country is in a mess, and it's
people like you who have made it so. Get off your high
horse and crawl back under the rock you came from. Let the
process unfold and the people decide. Any attempt of the
GOP establishment elitists to alter this election away from
the people's voice, and you might as well just go ahead and

give Hillary the key to the big house. We will not vote.
There's six in my one little old house alone that will stay

As if you think WE THE PEOPLE don't already know your

NWO plan. WE do. That's why the founders gave us the
2nd Amendment.

Don't hide behind the "rules" sir. You are a disgrace to the
voting process...Not that you care.

A patriot in arms -

Eat shit and die pathetic POS.

Dear Mr. Haugland,

I read with some dismay, in an ar@cle from CNBC, about your
statement that the voters do not choose the nominee of the party but
that you and the delegates do. You went even further and most
provoca@vely stated that you didn't even know why the primaries
were held in the rst place. May I suggest to you this is not only a silly
thing to say, but it is an@-democra@c, an@-Republican, and quite
simply very dangerous.

Sir and may I be blunt; you cannot possibly believe that 60 million
voters will sit idly by and have their voices and their votes cast aside
by a few hundred party insiders without violence occurring. Now to be
clear, I strongly favor the rule of law and the ballot box and strongly
oppose any violence. However, Sir, you must realize that the reason
we do not allow poli@cal violence in the United States of America is
because we have our voices heard through the ballot box.

I suggest to you that you think long and hard about what you are
sugges@ng publicly. You are quite simply sugges@ng that we no longer
need to allow ci@zens access to choosing our leaders through the
ballot box. Sir if you got your way I would suggest to you that if 60

million people are told they are no longer allowed to use the ballot
box many of them, fortunate or unfortunate as it may be, will decide
that if the only way they can get their voices heard is through violence
they would then choose that route. I suggest that you do not realize
that the very man you hate Donald Trump, and probably accuse of
causing violence through his rhetoric, is a piker compared to your
sugges@on of causing violence by stripping democracy itself from the
people. In fact I am willing to bet that you get hundreds if not
thousands of death threats today and tomorrow aRer what you said.

You cannot possibly believe that poli@cal par@es are more important
to the Republic then the people. The Declara@on of Independence, our
most sacred and founding document begins "We the People," it does
not begin we the poli@cal par@es. You sir are the irresponsible one to
publicly suggest that America should no longer be a democracy and
the Republican Party should no longer be democra@c, that instead an
oligarchy should choose our leadership for us and the rest of us shall
be their servants and slaves. Do you even know who the founding
fathers are or what they stood for?

You sir are a horses ass and a fool and I strongly suggest you keep your
mouth shut for the rest of the elec@on cycle because if you do not you
will cause even more damage then Donald Trump's rhetoric has.

Hey, Culry you have made a total ass of yourself and need to
resign your posi@on !


Your comment that implied that the party picks the candidate, not the
voters, is something that Gruber would say. You think you are smart,
but that may have been the dumbest thing i've heard an RNC/GOP
person say this year...this year, where enthusiasm is on our side.

Your comment is one more reason why i am starting to hate my party.

So you say you guys pick the nominee and all the primaries and
caucuses are irrelevant. Read my lips, you guys mess with our will at

the conven@on and I assure you that this republican will not just fall in
line and vote in November for whomever you decide we should have.
Your thinking is what has caused the uproar and revolu@on that is
taking place. Keep it up and there will be NO republican party and the
old hag will be voted in. I, frankly, don't know who I despise more, the
socialist/fascists on the leR or those of you supposedly on the right
that want to steal our nominee away from us. Seems to me you are
one and the same.

Ive read your statement on the CNBC site. I understand you fully
believe in the sovereignty of the GOP party with respects to
choosing its nominee. However, Id like to point out, you thwart
the will of the people at your own peril. If the GOP ignores the
peoples wishes it will be the GOP that has left us, not us that
leave the GOP. At best the party will be lost for a generation.
Take time to let that sink in.
You Sir are a idiot. If you guys steal the nomina@on, the GOP will go down
as losers. Another party will replace you and your establishment buddies.
The people want you guys out. Be"er listen to the people. GOD Bless!!!

I am shocked and dismayed at your arrogant statements you

recently made regarding your belief that We The People do not
count. Last time I checked this was a Representative Republic and
you were not elected along with other republican elite to be
a monarchy.
The republican party has been going against the will of the people
for far too long and we will not stand idly by while you attempt to
steal this election and nullify our votes. If Mr. Trump has the
delegates to proceed, the rnc had better listen to the people's voices
and not attempt to take this away from him. We The People will
NOT allow you to steal this election.
Sir just want to remind u that u work for the american people not
the other way around!! If u people in the establishment steal this

election from Trump the judgement of God will fall so hard on u

and your family that u won't know what hit u!!!!!!! Was in prayer
today about your statement on t.v. and God gave me Psalms 75
about the establishment ,don't ever think that u people r above
God. The bible says in Revelation 21-8 All liers will have their
place in the lake of fire sir. U people had better think long and hard
about what u r about to do. U r not above God and will live to
regret your choice to cheat. I suggest u people do the honest and
right thing by giving the american people our voice! I pray Gods
mercy on you.
Ladies and Gentlemen I know I speak for millions of people take it for what it is worth.

Been a Republican my whole life. Voted for Reagan twice.

By the way I am a Ted Cruz supporter.

However if you attempt to steal the election from Trump the

Republican party is done. I will never vote again period.
Republicans will never win another major national election in
this country mark my words.

You and your perks will be gone for good. And maybe it is
best anyway since you have done absolutely nothing to stop
the current administration.

You have bankrupted the country, social security and

Medicare. You have sent our industry overseas. You have
hurt millions and millions of people in this country to appease
the donors and special interests.

We are not stupid. We know how the system works. We

understand you have made promises to pension funds and
obligations that you cannot sustain. We understand that

you are bankrupt of ideas on how to fund the promises you

made in order to get elected. We understand your families
get cushy jobs, that government jobs now pay more than the
private sector, that your healthcare is only for the governing
class. I could go on.

You have no idea how mad people out here are because I
am sure no one tells you to your face. People want you

Do you really want Hillary to win ? Really ? Because it

would be the end of your free speech. It would be the end of
your second amendment rights as well. It will be the end of
the country as you know it. The country that you have
prospered so much in.

You put anybody in other than Trump providing he has

enough or is close enough in delegates and you mise as well
say goodbye to your careers and the Republican party.

Amazing how self destructive you are.

You have a much much bigger problem than Trump. Your

problem is party survival now.

Dear Mr. Hougland,

I understand you don't want Mr. Trump to be President. Why on earth
would you go against the will of the People ?
There are many like me who changed Party's in order to vote for Trump.
He is the ONLY hope Republicans have of winning, but I don't think you
want to win. McCain lost, Romney lost.
We all suspect it was Jeb Bush's turn to lose to Hillary. We hate Jeb and
The gnashing of teeth by the GOP establishment tells US all We need to
know. The country is run by special interest and pocket lining.
Washington was never meant to be a permanent address and a lot of
politicians need to go home. We are tired of lies and false promises.

BTW I have been voting longer than some of the politicians have been
alive and quite capable of deciding for myself.

+ It's scum like you going over the will of the people, that has turned this

country into a trash bin. I hope when the @me comes for your reelec@on
that the people of North Dakota realize you for what you are. A "yes man"
for pigs like George Soros! You're nothing but an arrogant snob who, like
other poli@cians, think they are God.

Curly Haugland:

Thank you for at least being honest about the RNCs inten@ons of
removing the voters from the nomina@on process. Your arrogance
simply validates what those of us (who have historically associated
ourselves with Republican party) felt was really going on within the
Republican party.

Removing voters from the process makes you and your other
perceived party power brokers irrelevant. I am now ocially an
independent. We need a third party

Mae, Im in your district so just copying you. Hoping youre as
embarrassed and shocked as I am.


In a message dated 3/16/2016 6:26:48 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time, writes:

You are the poster child for the rise of Donald Trump. Your
ego@s@cal, eli@st, establishment actude says it all and it is people
like you who are killing the GOP. I've voted republican my en@re
life and will likely con@nue to do so un@l a be"er alterna@ve
comes along, or the GOP goes the way of the Whigs, which may
be very soon at its current pace and direc@on. I however will not
support a party apparatus on either a state or na@onal level that

stands for this kind of treatment of it's grass roots members. I live
in Colorado and changed from republican to unaliated aRer the
new Colorado GOP chair, Steve House, did away with any
meaning to caucusing for president. His predecessor Ryan Call,
along with the republican governors group, let our sicng liberal
progressive governor John Hickenlooper slide easily into a second
term in 2012, when his seat was ripe for the picking, because the
good old boy establishment republican cadre refused to support
rebrand Tom Tancredo. I thought the Colorado GOP was bad but
you make me glad I live here and not in North Dakota. People like
you are why people like me are fed up with the poli@cal status
quo. You all need to wake up and listen to 'We the People.
One shouldn't have to tell you just how ignorant you are being.
If the GOP cared anything about the country instead of how to
keep lining their pockets, they would know that if you think the
primary/caucus participants are going to stand by if the GOP
denies Trump or Cruz the nomination based the people's votes then
you're in for a real treat.
We will not support anyone other than either Trump or Cruz. You
can have Hillary as president.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Go ahead... steal the votes from Trump and see where the GOP is in
two years.

Good luck you arrogant piece of garbage

You would do well to nominate the candidate your fellow
American's have chosen! Subversion will not be tolerated and
disenfranchising so many voters could prove to be critical mistake
for all parties involved. You don't want to test those "angry"
Trump supporter's this cycle.
This was as tactful as I could be and it took much restraint!

Disgusts me!!!!!

I'm registered as independent and if you broker the conven@on to
anyone other than trump or Cruz I will vote in Hillary!!!!

May god have mercy on your corrupt have lost your way.

You and your fellow elite's are what is wrong with this
country.Don't listen to the voters because only you know what is
good for all of us peons.This country needs a cleasing.
Your STUPID remarks are on par with idiot Kevin

McCarthy's remarks.
You will be knee deep in a shit storm that you can't even fathom....

Go ahead and try to screw TRUMP out of his victory and you
can write the Republican party off the map. IT'S OVER!!!
Please tell me CNBC misquoted you. I'm fairly certain the will of the
people "Trump" poli@cal hacks running the RNC. If what you said is
true, then you can count on myself and millions of others staying
home in November. If this nomina@on is stolen from the people, I will
never again vote for another Republican!!!

That's an actude that will allow you to look at Clinton for the
next four years. We are over the RNC and your actudes. You
don't agree with the voters, we don't vote. Period.
Subject: Curly just tuned me into a Democrat

I am not some radical on either side. I voted for Rubio in the

primary too. I run my own Company and always have voted
Republican. Since Curly believes that voting doesn't matter and
we are not a try democracy, I will change my party affiliation to
Democrat and will never vote for a Publican again. Curly, if you

don't belief the democracy that our founders setup then you should
move to China where votes really do not matter. I hope more feel
the way I do and leave your un Democratic Party. While I do not
believe in most the Democrats believe my belief in one per one
vote overshadows any other beliefs.
Voters don't pick the gop nominee.... Thank you for helping the
American public understand why so many Republicans are
disenchanted with the traditional establishment GOP. Thank you
so much
Mr. Haugland:
I suggest you read the comments to this many of
them as it takes for you to get it through your thick head
what is going on here.
Thank you all for taking the time to share your concerns with
me. It was very thoughtful of you to do so.
Here are a couple of links that may be of interest to you as
we continue this nomination process for the Republican
candidate for President of the United States.
Curly Haugland
It is nannies like you who have ruined conservatism in this
country. You're no better than a communist dictator if you
truly think that you, and you alone, hold all the power.
Get out of the way and let the voice of the people be heard,
no matter who that voice supports!!

Hey Curly, you sir ARE the problem with the corrupt system that
is currently in place. In case you haven't noticed We have had it
with your bullshit. Every part of the Rnc is not and has not done
the will of the people. All of you deserve to be thrown out on your
ear. I think it's pretty obvious we are rising up and you Will do
what we ask or for the sake of God and Country you need to step
down and go home.
And please...keep refreshing the comments on that
article...they are getting better as they come in.
In case you ignored my first email, here's the link to the
article again!!
You want to play hardball with the voters? Go ahead. We'll burn
the GOP down.
Pompous idiot.

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