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LGBTs Marriage Equality: An Immoral Right

LGBTs: Equality is having of the same rights, availing of the same benefits,
living of the same prevalent life without discrimination, fear and guilt no more, no
less, NO MORE. With the US Supreme Court sanctioning same-sex marriage,
Philippines LGBT community pushes the same advocacy for gay couples to
legitimatize their matrimony notwithstanding the disapproval of the entire Catholic
Church and fellow Filipino Christians. With the toleration of their actuality, is
justness really what they are fighting for or is it their way to turn a moral wrong into
a civil right?
Going back April 1, 2001 when the first legal gay marriage ceremony took
place in Amsterdam, the world was already sick, crooked and immoral with people
over-exercising their freedom to express and breaking the limits of human morality
consequentially ignoring the opinions of people, conscience of oneself and the
authority of the Bible. As the concept of traditional marriage change through time
and marriage is internationally recognized as human right for all people, it is then
devalued by the existence of a counterfeit. Adultery is no big deal. No fault divorce
is tolerated. Absentee fathers and mothers devalue marriage. Unmarried
pregnancies are common. Fornication is normal. By acknowledging those
problems, certainly, legalizing homosexual marriage will compound the problems,
not solve or lessen them.
While 2014 study showed that gay couples tend to be more motivated and
committed than straight parents on average, since they chose to be parents and at
the same time more prepared compared to the estimated 50% unplanned
pregnancies among heterosexuals (wherein 3 out of 10 will opt for an abortion); and
with the increasing rate of kids in the foster care because of straight parents who
cant raise their child by themselves, gay adoptions are likely to provide homes for
difficult-to-place children in the foster system, therefore they may live a better lives.
It is not the same in all countries since the Catholic oppose adoptions from samesex and unwed couples though that may be the only way to give most, if not all the
kids a family and for them to know what it is to have a parent, even though they are
Morality, after all is doing what is right regardless of what the world tells us.
Morality is never determined by majority but is seen on our conscience and respect
on what the highest Authority has to say. Marriage, still and all is sacred. It is the
bond that ties the humans for procreation and not for circumventing nature by
artificial means or employing surrogates. In the end, theres no such thing as
marriage equality; homosexual union is never a marriage no matter how the society

is overwhelmingly in favor of same-sex to become wed couples, no matter how the

world is greatly changed through it and no matter how the government is legislating
a new definition of what marriage really is.
The gay movement, whether we acknowledge it or not, is not a civil rights
movement, not even a sexual liberation movement, but a moral revolution aimed at
changing peoples view of homosexuality.

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