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Hello, dear candidates.

As some of you may know, I am Vianney and I am 16

years of age. I am a junior at Saint Joseph High School in Lakewood. I lived My
Encounter #21 and served #22 and #23 and currently serving this one, My
Encounter #26. Even if I have been in so many encounters, each time my
relationship with Jesus improves and gets a little crazy at points. I see him almost
everywhere I go. Do you? I see him when I watch a sunset, watch the waves form
and then smooth out when reaching the sand at a beach, or simply in my pets and
any happy baby I see. I have no siblings, but I do have younger cousins who can be
a pain sometimes, but I still see Jesus in their smile and innocence. These are some
examples of where I see Jesus, where do you see Jesus?
Jesus is human, born from Mary; however, his father is the Holy Spirit, which
is why he is not only human, but also God. Take a Siren for example. The Sirens of
Greek mythology, or as we know today as mermaids, began specifically as a group
of creatures who looked like beautiful women, but were really man-eating beasts.
They sat on the shore and sang with voices so seductive that anyone who heard
their song became absolutely mesmerized with them. So mesmerized, in fact, that
they became obsessed with reaching the shore to get closer to the sound. Jesus
came and was shown as a beautiful human, just like we are, yet he was a Divine
Being by nature. He would go out and preach to thousands upon thousands who
came to hear his word. They felt a single presence of peace when hearing the Word
and so they came and listened more and more. Jesus has a devoted crowd that
would do anything to get a piece of him.
Still dont believe he was fully human and fully God? There are found
evidence of his passion, his death, and we are to believe in the resurrection as faith
requires us to believe what we do not see. However, sometimes believing can be
feeling. We are to feel and believe that Jesus is, in fact, both God and man. Since
the crucifixion did occur and he did truly die, there is no other explanation except
that he was human. The way he was able to put up with the pain, suffering,
humiliation, and still be able to forgive the soldiers and high-priests who condemned
him guilty when he was full on innocent shows us he has more will-power than a
human does, bringing us to the conclusion that he has God-like forces.
We all have our unique relation and beliefs about Jesus, if any at all. I, too,
have a story of my own. Before the retreat, I have to be honest and say that I did
have a great relationship with Jesus. We were the best of buddies and every night I
would talk to him. After living my retreat though, things changed. For me, my
religious life swapped backwards. I began to get lured stronger into temptation, had
huge doubts about Jesus, about God, about religion. I used to blame him. Serving
Encounter 22 and 23 made it worse. I was in deep desolation. Desolation is the
state in which a person has let go of the Lords hand and decides to take his or her
own path without guidance. It feels like depression but it is more spiritual than
mental or physical. For me, it felt as if though I was in a desert and the sun would
be bothering and dehydrating me. I had no water, no shade, nothing to give me
hope in surviving. There were a few days from time to time where I finally saw an
oasis, but that oasis was just a silly little illusion, or so the Devil made me think. I
stayed that way until lately. I figured out what has been going on in my life that
drifted me away from my love for Jesus and, with the help of my mom, I quit most

everything that lured me away. I am still struggling with a few but I am getting
better. Watch yourselves unless your heart is weighed down with dissipation and
drunkenness and cares of this life, and that day come upon you suddenly like a
trap. (Luke 21: 34) Do not be fooled by the treasures on earth for they will not
pass when you finally reach Heaven.
Now being in consolation, the opposite of desolation, I see and feel Jesus
again. I feel him more in nature than before. I understand what he is trying to tell
me again. My mission now, is to help you stay away from something that can ruin
your relationship with Jesus. You need to be aware of what is hurting you. I was once
in an addiction to being online. I separated myself from everyone and that was one
of the things that brought me to steer away from Jesus. It is important for you to
know that Jesus is your friend, your helper, your boyfriend or your girlfriend. He is
like God the Father, but you are able to relate more to him since he too was a child.
He was a teenager. He felt what we did. Jesus ran to his mother when he got hurt
just like we do when we feel sad, scared, or lonely. Being his friend can most likely
help you through any struggle, as well. All you must do is accept him. Accept the
fact he is begging you to hold his hand. He wants to be your friend and he wants for
you to know he is there. Jesus has told us: So do not fear, for I am with you; do not
be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you
with my righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10) He is there when you ask for him.
Jesus is a best friend that you can count on and know that he will remain loyal at
your side, as long as you give him the permission to be at your side.
Whenever you begin to doubt Jesus for any reason, stop what you are
thinking and feeling, and if needed, stop what you are doing. Take a second and
pray. Prayer may seem stupid at times, but the more prayers you recite, the more
blessings you may receive. Do not, in any case, abuse the power of prayer. An
example of abusing your privilege of prayer is praying to get a six-pack and look
muscular or thinner over night without even trying. Prayer, especially to Jesus, is
stronger than a prayer to God the Father. When you pray to Jesus, you are praying
to God the Son. He goes and tells his father of your prayers. Most fathers do not
deny their son, which gives that prayer more power.
When you leave this room, keep in mind that I was in that same spot you
were. I had a wonderful relationship with Jesus when I entered and upon leaving,
everything tore apart. Do not let that happen. Do not focus on what is of earth and
focus on what Jesus asks of you as a friend. He will respond but you must allow
yourself to see the response, even if it means having to do something reluctantly
like giving up video games. I want you to leave this room knowing he is there for
you whether you believe he is there or not. Reach out your hand and he will have
his hand right there already waiting. His doors are always open, what about yours?
Are you ready to go and accept Jesus challenge to you or will you coward out and
ignore him completely?

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