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Pgina 1 de 18

Bitmap chart properties

Property Detail
AlphaFactor (Byte, read-write)
Chart background opacity.
Chart background opacity (0-255)

AnimationProperties (IAnimationPropertiesDef, objectref.)

Chart animation properties.
Chart animation definition object

ArrowMode (Byte, read-write)

Mode for lines and arrows between scatter points in two-dimensional scatter charts.
Mode for lines and arrows between scatter points in two-dimensional scatter
0 = solid arrow centered
1 = open arrow centered
2 = solid arrow at end
3 = open arrow at end

ArrowSize (Integer, read-write)

Size of arrows when used between scatter points in two-dimensional scatter charts.
Size of arrows. An integer between 1 and 8.

BackgroundColor (IColorAreaDef, objectref.)

Background color for graphs as RGB.
Color definition




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BarChartMode (short, read-write)

Type of bar chart (look).
0 =
1 =
2 =
3 =

chart look
2D without shadow
2D with shadow
3D blocks
3D cylinders

BarModeStacked (Boolean, read-write)

True for bar charts in stacked mode.

BarSpacingFactor (Double, read-write)

Spacing between bars in bar chart.
Spacing between bars in bar chart (-6 - 8)

BkgAlpha (Byte, read-write)

Chart background opacity.
Background opacity (0-255)

BkgMode (short, read-write)

Chart background mode.
Chart background mode
1 = opaque fixed color (default)
2 = bitmap image

BlockBorderColors (Variant (Array of Long (Color)), read-write)

Block chart border colors.
Array of colors as ARGB

BlockBorderWidths (Variant (Array of Integer), read-write)

Block chart border widths.




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Array of border widths

BlockCaptionColor (Long (Color), read-write)

Block caption base color.
Block caption base color as ARGB

BlockCaptionFont (IBaseFont, objectref.)

Block caption font.
Font definition object

BlockCaptionFontColor (Long (Color), read-write)

Block caption text color.
Block caption text color as ARGB

BlockChartMode (short, read-write)

Block chart mode.
Block chart mode
0 = Original
1 = Caption

BlockLevels (Integer, read-write)

Number of visible block levels in block chart.

BlockShowIntermediateLevelCaptions (Boolean, read-write)

True if intermediate level captions to be shown (caption mode block charts only).

BorderColor (IColorAreaDef, objectref.)

Color of border around plot area.
Color definition




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BorderWidth (Integer, read-write)

Width of border around plot area.

BottomAxisPosition (IRect, objectref.)

Position rectangle for bottom axis.

BottomAxisUserSized (Boolean, read-write)

True if bottom axis affected by user sizing.

Bubblesize (Integer, read-write)

Maximum size of bubble in bubble scatter charts.
True if bottom axis affected by user sizing

ColorMap (IArrayOfColorAreaDef, objectref.)

Array of 18 color area definitions.
Array of 18 colors as ARGB

ComboChartMode (short, read-write)

Type of combo chart (look).
Look of combo chart
0 = Normal
1 = Bar shadows
2 = Line shadows
3 = Bar and line shadows

CompressedXAxis (Boolean, read-write)

True if compressed x-axis mode is used.
Maximum size of bubble in bubble scatter charts in pixels




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CycleExpressionDockedPos (short, read-write)

Docking status for Cycle expression icon.
Docking status for Cycle expression icon
4 = free floating (undocked)
6 = top/left corner
7 = top/right corner
8 = bottom/left corner
9 = bottom/right corner

CycleExpressionRects (IArrayOfRect, objectref.)

Position rectangles for cycle expression icons.
Array of rectangles describing position of cycle expression icons within

ErrorBarColor (IColorAreaDef, objectref.)

Error bar color.
Color definition

ErrorBarThickness (short, read-write)

Err or bar thickness.
Error bar thickness
0 = Thin
1 = Medium
2 = Thick

ErrorBarWidth (short, read-write)

Error bar width.
Error bar width
0 = Narrow
1 = Medium
2 = Wide

FastChangeDockedPos (short, read-write)

Docking status for Fast type change icon.




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Docking status for Fast type change icon

4 = free floating (undocked)
6 = top/left corner
7 = top/right corner
8 = bottom/left corner
9 = bottom/right corner

FastChangeInChart (Boolean, read-write)

True if preferred position of fast change icon is inside chart. False for preferred position in

FastChangeRect (IRect, objectref.)

Rectangle describing position of fast type change icon in chart.
Rectangle describing position of fast type change icon within chart

FullBkgBmp (Boolean, read-write)

True if image background to cover entire chart area.

FunnelChartMode (short, read-write)

Drawing mode for funnel chart.
Property not used in v 8.0

FunnelTipWidth (IValueExpr, objectref.)

Relative width of funnel chart tip.

FunnelValueMode (short, read-write)

Funel chart mode.
Funnel chart mode
0 = No proportionality
1 = Segment height proportionality
2 = Segment area proportionality




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GaugeChartMode (short, read-write)

Type of gauge chart (look).
Look for gauge chart
0 = Circular
1 = Linear
2 = Traffic light
3 = Segment LED
4 = Speedometer
5 = Test tube

GaugeSettings (IGaugeSettingsDef, objectref.)

Gauge setting definitions.

GridAutoBubbleSize (Integer, read-write)

True when automatic maximum bubble size should be used in grid chart.

GridChartMode (short, read-write)

Type of grid chart (look).
Look of grid chart
0 = Unisize CIRCLE
1 = Unisize BALL
2 = Unisize PLUS
3 = Unisize CROSS
4 = Unisize PIE
5 = Variable size CIRCLE
6 = Variable size BALL
7 = Variable size 3D BALL
8 = Variable size PIE

GridColor (IColorAreaDef, objectref.)

Grid color.
Color definition

GridSecondaryAxis (IAxisDef, objectref.)

Y-axis for grid chart.
Axis definition for grid chart y-axis




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GridStyle (Byte, read-write)

Grid style.
Major grid line style
0 = Line
1 = Dashed line
2 = Bricks
3 = Tiles

GridThickness (Integer, read-write)

Grid thickness.
Major grid line thickness in docunits

GroupSpacingFactor (Double, read-write)

Spacing between clusters in clustered bar chart.
Spacing between clusters in clustered bar chart (-6 - 8)

HatchedBrushesOnPrinter (Boolean, read-write)

True if hatched brushes are to be used instead of colors when printing chart.

HatchedBrushesOnScreen (Boolean, read-write)

True if hatched brushes are to be used instead of colors when drawing chart on screen.

Horizontal (Boolean, read-write)

True if chart to be plotted horizontally.

LeftAxisPosition (IRect, objectref.)

Rectangle describing left axis position within chart.

LeftAxisUserSized (Boolean, read-write)




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True if left axis has been sized interactively by user.

Legend (IChartLegendDef, objectref.)

Chart legend.
Chart legend object

LineChartMode (short, read-write)

Type of line chart (look).
Look of line chart
0 = 2D
1 = 3D
2 = 2D Area
3 = 3D Area

LineWidth (Integer, read-write)

Line width in line charts.
Line width in line charts (1-10)

MajorDimensionTextMode (short, read-write)

Text orientation for major dimension x-axis labels.
Text orientation for major dimension x-axis labels
0 = horizontal
1 = vertical
2 = tilted

MaxLabelsInScatter (Integer, read-write)

Maximum number of data point labels to display in scatter chart.

MaxNumbersShownInChart (Integer, read-write)

Max number of data points for which to show numbers above (numbers on bars etc.).




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MaxPieNumber (Integer, read-write)

Maximum number of slices in pie chart.

MekkoChartMode (short, read-write)

Mekko chart mode.

MinorDimensionTextMode (short, read-write)

Text orientation for major dimension x-axis labels.
Text orientation for minor dimension x-axis labels
0 = horizontal
1 = vertical
2 = tilted

MinorGridColor (IColorAreaDef, objectref.)

Color for minor grid lines.
Color definition

MinorGridStyle (Byte, read-write)

Style for minor grid lines.
Minor grid line style
0 = Line
1 = Dashed line
2 = Dots

MinorGridThickness (Integer, read-write)

Minor grid lines thickness.
Minor grid line thickness in docunits

MultiColoredX (Boolean, read-write)




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True if different colors are to be used in single-expression one-dimensional bar/line/combo


NumbersOnBarsTextMode (short, read-write)

Text orientation for numbers on bars.
Text orientation for numbers on bars
0 = horizontal
1 = vertical

NumbersOnDataPointsLocation (Integer, read-write)

Location / plot of data points in chart.
0 = Plot numbers on top 1 = Plot numbers inside segments

NumericX (Boolean, read-write)

True if numeric (continous) x-axis is used.

NumericX2 (Boolean, read-write)

True if numeric (continous) y-axis is used in grid charts.

PersistentColors (Boolean, read-write)

True if colors do not change with selections.

PieChartMode (short, read-write)

Type of pie chart (look).
0 =
1 =
2 =
3 =
4 =

chart look
Thin donut
Normal donut
Thick donut

PieLowerLimit (Double, read-write)




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Minimum size of pie slice to show in pie chart.

PlotAreaColor (IColorAreaDef, objectref.)

Plot area color for graphs.
Color definition

PlotAreaMode (short, read-write)

Plot area mode.
Plot area mode
0 = Frame
1 = Shadow

PrimaryShare (Integer, read-write)

Share in percent of primary part of axis when using split axis.

RadarChartMode (short, read-write)

Type of radar chart (look).
Look of radar chart
0 = Normal
1 = Area

ReferenceBkgMode (short, read-write)

Reference background mode.
Reference background mode
0 = dimmed
1 = Light gray
2 = Grayscale

RefLines (IArrayOfReferenceLineDef, objectref.)

Reference lines.
Array of reference lines




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RepeatLastColor (Boolean, read-write)

True if 16th color is repeated for additional colors.

ReverseOrientation (Boolean, read-write)

True for funnel charts with reveresed drawing orientation.

ReverseStagger (Boolean, read-write)

True if x-axis legend stagger to be reversed.

RightAxisPosition (IRect, objectref.)

Rectangle describing right axis position within chart.

RightAxisUserSized (Boolean, read-write)

True if right axis has been sized interactively by user.

ScatterAdvancedMode (Boolean, read-write)

True if advanced expression dialog should be used for scatter chart.

ScatterBubbles (Boolean, read-write)

True if scatter chart should be in bubble mode (requires third expression).

ScatterChartMode (short, read-write)

Type of scatter chart (look).
Look of scatter chart
0 = Multiple symbols
1 = Single symbol PLUS
2 = Single symbol CROSS
3 = Single symbol CIRCLE
4 = Single symbol BALL
5 = Bubble CIRCLE




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6 = Bubble BALL
7 = Bubble 3D BALL

ScatterFilledBubbles (Boolean, read-write)

True if scatter bubbles are to be filled.

ScatterLabelPosHorizontal (short, read-write)

Horizontal position of scatter data point label in relation to data point.
Horizontal position of scatter data point label in relation to data point
0 = not applicable
1 = not applicable
2 = left
3 = right
4 = not applicable
5 = center

ScatterLabelPosVertical (short, read-write)

Vertical position of scatter data point label in relation to data point.
Vertical position of scatter data point label in relation to data point
0 = above
1 = below
2 = not applicable
3 = not applicable
4 = not applicable
5 = center

ScatterLabelsInChart (Boolean, read-write)

True if data point labels are to be shown in scatter chart.

ScatterPlusAsSymbol (Boolean, read-write)

True if plus sign is to be used as symbol for all scatter points.

ScatterShowDirection (Boolean, read-write)

True if direction arrows are to be shown between scatter points in multidimensional scatter




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ScatterShowXLabel (Boolean, read-write)

True if label should be shown on x-axis in scatter chart.

ScatterShowYLabel (Boolean, read-write)

True if label should be shown on y-axis in scatter chart.

ShadedBars (Boolean, read-write)

True if shading effect should be used on bars.

ShowBarTotal (Boolean, read-write)

True if total bar should be shown in bar chart.

ShowDimValueInPopup (Variant (Array of Boolean), read-write)

Array indicating if dimensions should appear in pop-up.

ShowHighlights (Boolean, read-write)

True if hover highlight is to be used in applicable chart types.

ShowOtherBars (Boolean, read-write)

True if others bar should be shown in bar chart.

ShowPopupLabels (Boolean, read-write)

True if pop-up labels should be enabled in chart.

ShowValueInPopup (Variant (Array of Boolean), read-write)

Array indicating if values should appear in pop-up.




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SideAngle (Double, read-write)

Side angle for 3D look in degrees.
Vertical angle of 3D charts (0-45 degrees)

SideAngle_3dPie (Double, read-write)

Angle in degrees.
Side angle for 3D perspective pie chart mode

SplitAxis (Boolean, read-write)

True for split y-axis mode.

StaggerXLegend (Boolean, read-write)

True if x-axis labels should be staggered when spece gets to crowded.

SymbolSize (Integer, read-write)

Symbol size in line/combo/scatter charts.
Symbol size in line/combo/scatter charts (1-10)

SyncYAxes (Boolean, read-write)

True if y-axes to have synchronized zero level.

TextColor (IColorAreaDef, objectref.)

Fixed default text color for chart.
Color definition object

Texts (IArrayOfChartTextDef, objectref.)




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Free texts in chart.

Array containing free texts in chart

ThinBars (Boolean, read-write)

True if bars thinner than four pixels are allowed.

Title (IChartTitleDef, objectref.)

Chart title.
Chart title descriptor object

TopAngle (Double, read-write)

Top angle for 3D look in degrees.
Vertical angle of 3D charts (0-45 degrees)

TopAngle_3dPie (Double, read-write)

Angle in degrees.
Top angle for 3D perspective pie chart mode

TopAxisPosition (IRect, objectref.)

Rectangle describing top axis position within chart.
Rectangle object describing top axis position within chart. Only the
rectangle height has a meaning and only when axis is user sized.

TopAxisUserSized (Boolean, read-write)

True if top axis has been sized interactively by user.

TrellisProperties (ITrellisPropertiesDef, objectref.)

Trellis settings of a chart object.




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TrendLineWidth (Integer, read-write)

Width of trend lines.

XAxis (IAxisDef, objectref.)

Definition of the x-axis.
Axis definition object for the x-axis

XAxisScroll (Boolean, read-write)

True if x-axis scroll bar to be shown with limited number of datap points.

XScrollInitRight (Boolean, read-write)

True if x-axis scrollbar to be initiated in the far right position.
True if x-axis scroll bar initial position is to the right



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