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We observe the natural world and marvel at its intricacy, at its near-infinite degree of order.
Nature is intelligence, it is one great consciousness beholding itself through one hundred
thousand individual eyes.
Everything living replicates, produces others of its kind equally imbued with the precious and
mysterious life-force. From where did this life force originate?
We observe that we are built to replicate, our very bodies equipt with organs designed solely for
this purpose. All living beings have this means to replicate in one fashion or another.
So can we posit that everything created has a creator in some sense? Certainly we are able to
create machines which can in turn create, but still there exists a chain of creation that
eventually links back to us. Can we then assume that a similar chain links back from us,
through the process of evolution, to a sole or prime creator?
Light evaporates the darkness in an instant.
One single, small candle will illuminate an entire room. From the source, in every direction, is
spread luminescence, defining objects whilst expelling the terrible possibilities of darkness.
In the shadows our minds may manufacture monsters. Things that dont exist in reality, though
things that still exist as psychic facts or images. Such things may well affect our emotional
state; we may find a friend or a personified fear amongst the countless contents of darkness.
Light, externally, may therefore reduce such psychic factors internally. We can clearly see that
no monster is standing in the corner of our room. Suddenly, upon the lighting of a candle, all
possibilities, all potentials are reduced to a single illuminated possibility.
Reality can thus be described as one possibility illuminated.
As we get older our past largely slips from memory. Single facts become fuzzy maybes. Only
the present is illuminated. For example, we can recall what we had for breakfast this morning,
but a thousand mornings ago? We have no idea! Only possibilities exist to us, and many of
The present, therefore, can be thought of as a single burning candle within the darkness of

To study the past is to study the present. the study of history is actually the study of the present
Familiar patterns of an eternal nature are physically expressed in the temporal world that
surrounds us.
The inner eternal manifests, in different guises, as the outer temporal.
Various energies, be they social, societal, personal, etc. are in essence archetypal and so obey
eternal patterns. We swirl the cream into our coffee while a billion miles away some spiral
galaxy swirls its celestial fare amongst the purple darkness of space. Both are linked by
something eternal, by something purely mathematical.
History traces such patterns in the human sphere. When we study history we study how these
patterns have manifested. (Anthropology presents to us a similar analysis of the facts, but
strictly relating to the human sphere.) And as we obtain knowledge of such patterns, we begin
to recognise similar patterns manifesting in our present historical state of affairs.
The witch trials still continue, with the definition of witch expanded to that of a mere outsider.
Some community vilifies and exacts revenge upon a scapegoat for some random, negative,
communal emination. An outsider is a threat. An outsider makes the herd uncomfortable. An
outsider must be punished.
Do you see what we have done here? Expansion is the key. Any individual, historical event will
be a tight manifestation of something much more loose, and eternally valid. We must sense the
pattern in the event, as we sense the melody in the music. Something essential there lives, and
it is this essential element that we can be trained to recognise, as we read the newspapers or
watch the news channel. A sex scandal from the 17th century is a sex scandal in the 21st. A fall
from grace is a fall from grace. A tax rise is a tax rise. Always ask, what is the constant here?
What is the melody within this grand, romantic symphony?
War. History speaks to us of war rather clearly on this matter. Wars are always fought between
the same side, that is the side of youth. What do I mean by this? Well, the young German
pointed his rifle at the young Englishman. Both young. Both impressionable. Both mostly
innocent. Both headed for death without really knowing why?
(The occult, here discussed, may be thought of as anything hidden, any mystery or mysterious
doctrine which draws one towards it through our naturally inclined curiosity.)

Firstly the occult fascinates. It draws a person towards it like a filing to a magnet. The mystery
is a gaping void perfectly able to consume as much of ones life energies as one chooses to
release therewithin.
Secondly, the occult will give back, for all the personal life-force it has consumed, just enough
to keep one interested. A silver lure before a rainbow trout. A dangling carrot before an eager
donkey. Just enough to wet the appetite, but never enough to quell it. And it seeks to take one
deeper and deeper within, till ones very self is endangered.
The mystery is ravenous. It feeds off us and gives so little in return, for its very nature is
mystery. Any actual solution is as a fly released from the spiders web. For the mystery to
remain, one must be bound to it. One must dedicate part of ones life to it.
Be wary, be warned. The mystery is parasitical. Asbestos gloves are required.
It is a spiritual lust; and like the lust of the body it has the fatal power of making everything
else in the world seem uninteresting while it lasts. It is probably this passion, more even than
the desire for power, which makes magicians. C. S. Lewis

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