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15 February 2016

David Cosgrove
Divisional Development Manager, New Zealand
AMP Capital
PwC Tower, 188 Quay Street,
Auckland 1010
Dear David,
Manukau Supa Centa Rezoning- 1/55 Lambie Drive, Manukau.
Augusta Funds Management acts as property managers for Lambie Drive Nominees Ltd, who own the
property 1/55 Lambie Drive, in Manukau . This site is legally described as Unit PU A AU 1-14 DP 193176 ON
Lot 1 DP 193175.
Augusta Funds Management confirm that they fully support the submission made by AMP Capital Limited
that see ks to rezone all of that land within the Manukau Supa Centa, including 1/55 Lambie Drive, from
General Business Zone to Metropolitan Centre zone.
Augusta Funds Management requests that AMP Capital tables this letter to the Independent Hearing Panel
as part of the Topic 081 Rezoning hearing.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need to clarify anything in this letter.
Yours faithfully,

( .r ~
Lohsing Cheng


PO Box 3 7953 Pam ell

Ph one: 64 9 300 6161
Fax: 64 9 300 6162
335 Devon Street East
New Plymouth 4340
Phone: 64 6 759 1520
Fax: 64 6 759 1521



9 h March 2016

David Cosgrove
Divisional Deve lopment Manager, New Zea land
AMP Capita l Investors Limited
PwC Tower, 188 Quay Street
Auckland 1010

Dear David
Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan - Rezoning of the Manukau Supa Centa and adjacent sites from
General Business to Metropolitan Centre
Murdoch Newel l Management Limited (Murdoch Newell) is the owner of the site at 51 Lambie Drive.
The site is nearly 10,000m in area and was developed in the 1980's with a single level office building of
1630m . The office bu ilding is currently leased to the New Zealand Red Cross, Auckland Chamber of
Commerce and IHC.
Murdoch Newell supports the rezoning of the Manukau Supa Centa and adjacent sites (including 51
Lambie Drive) from General Business to Metropolitan Centre.

understand that the General Business zone provides for office development greater than 500m GFA
per site as a Discretionary activity. The existing development at 51 Lambie Drive already far exceeds this
limit, and any minor redevelopment of the existing building to add additional office space will require
resource consent.

The existing development also under utilises the site area, and there is significant opportunity for
redevelopment to occur. The General Business zone, which I understand is a large format retail zone,
does not reflect the existing activity on the site and does not provide for the wide range of activities that
are appropriate and desirable in this location.
I consider that the Metropolitan Centre zone reflects the existing connection between this site and the
Manukau City Centre, and will enable the establishment of activities that are appropriate having regard
to the existing private and public investment, and strategic location of the site.
I request that this letter be tabled at the Unitary Plan hearing for Topic 081 for the consideration of the
Independent Hearings Panel.

Murdoch Newell Management Ltd

PO Box 11488
Ellerslie, Auckland 1542

Level One
459 Great South Road
Penrose, Auckland 1061

Fa x

09 526 7999
09 526 7998


Mitre 10 (New Zealand) Limited

46 View Road, Gl enfi eld
Auckland 0627
Private Bag 102925, NSMC 0745
T: 09 443 9900
F: 09 443 9946

7 March 2016

David Cosgrove
Divisional Development Manager
AMP Capital
PwC Tower, 188 Quay Street
Auckland 1010

Dear David


Mitre 10 Holdings (NZ) Limited are the owners of 61 Lambie Drive, Manukau Central, legally described as Lot 2 DPS
193175 contained in NA122C/918 ('the Site') . The Site presently contains a Mitre 10 Mega store, and is the subject
of a resource consent enabling additional smaller retail tenancies alongside the existing store. We note that the
submission of AMP Capital Property Portfolio Limited, in association with Mitre 10 and three other neighbouring
land owners, on the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan (ref. 5883) seeks that the Site be zoned 'Metropolitan Centre'
rather than 'General Business' .
Mitre 10 Holdings (NZ) Limited wish to confirm that they fully support the AMP Capita l Property Portfolio Limited
with regard to the rezoning of the wide r Manukau Supa Centa (including the Site), from General Business Zone to
Metropolitan Centre zone.
Mitre 10 Holdings (NZ) Limited requests that AMP Capital tables this letter to the Independent Hearing Panel as
part of the Topic 081 Rezoning hearing .
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need to clarify anything in this letter.

Yours sincerely

Harv~ Nonnan
Harvey Norman Stores (NZ) Pry Limited
Supa Ce ntra, Ronwood Ave
Pri vate Bag 94035 S.A. M.C
Manu ka u City
Auckl and
Phon e 0064 9 2627050
0064 9 2624030
0064 2 1 901874
EmaiI: Jerome. O' Sulli van@nz.harveynorman .com

24 March 201 6

Dav id Cosgrove
Di visional Development Manager, Ne w Zeal and
AMP Capital In vestors Limited
PwC Tower, 188 Quay Street
Auckl and 1010

Dear Dav id ,
Proposed Auck land Unitary Plan- Rezoning of the Manukau Supa Centa and adjacent sites from General
Business to Metropolitan Centre

Harvey Norman Properti es (NZ) Lim ited (Harvey Norman) is the own er of the Harvey Norman site within the
Manukau Supa Centa at 51 Lambi e Drive.


Harvey Norman supports th e rezoning of the Manukau Supa Centa and adjacent sites from General Business to
Metropo li tan Centre.


I understand that Bunnings Limited (Bunnings), the tenant on the site owned by Lambi e Dri ve Nominees Ltd
( 1/55 Lambi e Drive) seeks that 1/55 Lambie Drive remain as General Business but does not obj ect to the balance

of the site bein g rezon ed to Metropolitan Centre.


The reasons given by Bunnings to oppose the Metropolitan Centre zone on their site include:

the potenti al costs of th e hi gher amenity obj ectives of the Metropolitan Centre zone on thee tabl ished large
form at retail activities and trade supplier acti vities; and


potential incompatibility of sensiti ve activities with the estab lished large format retail and trade supp li er
acti viti es.


I do not agree with these con cerns. Harvey Norm an has stores within centres (including proposed Metropolitan
Centre zones) and in large form at retail deve lopments (zoned General Business in the Unitary Plan). I do not
consider that there are hi gher amenity costs of a centre location compared to a large form at retail centre. Harvey
No rm an deve lops and maintains all its sites, whether in centre or in a large form at retail development, to have
hi gh customer ameni ty.


Harvey Norman' s operational requirements, and in particular deli veri es of furni ture and other goods, are the
same whether the store is located in a centre or a large format retail centre. Some of our stores, within Auckl and
or in other parts of the country, are located adjacent to or in proximity to res idential areas. As an exampl e, the
Mount Roskill store has a res identi al zone along its rear boundary adj acent to the loading dock. This res idential
zone interface does not undul y impact on the operation of the store.


I support the Metropolitan Centre zoning and th e greater range and intensification of acti vities th at it would
enabl e to occur within the Manu ka u Supa Ce nta and the balance of the site. The Manukau Supa Ce nta is a
signifi ca nt pat1 of the retail offer at Manukau City . It is a very successful centre with hi gh foot traffic. I

HARVLY 1\0R'viAN STOReS (N.Z.l PTY. LTD. ACN: 072951 547

Head Office: Supa Centa. Level One. Ronwood Ave. Manukau Cit:.. Auckland. Ne11 Zealand.
Private Bag 9-tO.\S. Manukau 2:241. Aud.Jand. New Zealand. Telephone: 64-9-262 7050. Fac,imilc. 6-t-9-:262 4030.

consider it appropri ate to enable other ac tivities to co-l oca te and support the ex isting centre development.
consider the ac ti vities provided fo r unde r the Metro politan Centre zo ne are compatible with and will enhance the
existing centre.

I request that thi s letter be tabled at the Unitary Plan hearing for Topic 08 1 for the consideration of the
Independent Hearings Panel.

Yours faithfull y

Jerome O ' Sulli v


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