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Anemia is defined by a decrease in the number of red blood cells as measured by RBC count,
hemoglobin level, or hematocrit.1
Normal Hb levels are 12 to 18 g/dL of blood. There is a slight variation between genders for Hb levels with adult men
typically being in the range of 13 to 17 g/dL, whereas adult women have a slightly lower range of 12 to 16
g/dL.2 Classification of the severity of anemia is provided by the US Department of Health and Human Services and
is shown in the Common Terminolgy Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) table below.

Anemia is the most common blood condition in the United States, affecting approximately 3.5 million
Americans.3 There are multiple types of anemia with multiple causes, and with the exception of those developing as a
result of acute or chronic hemorrhage, anemias can be categorized as hypoproliferative or hyperproliferative.4
Categories of anemia:
In hypoproliferative anemias, there is an inability to produce an adequate number of erythrocytes
in response to the appropriate stimulus.4
In hyperproliferative anemias, the bone marrow is consistently producing RBCs, but they are
destroyed in the periphery at a rate that is beyond the capacity of the bone marrow to replace.5
Loss of blood causes a consequent reduction in the oxygen carrying ability of the blood.4

Nugroho BS. dr. SpPD. FINASIM


Anemia may affect multiple biological systems.1,2
Note that some of these symptoms have only been reported in anemia due to specific causes
Headaches, dizziness, vertigo
Difficulty Sleeping
Sleep disturbances
Tachycardia, palpitations
Increased pulse pressure, systolic ejection murmur
Orthostatic hypotension
Cold intolerance
Immune system
Impaired T-cell and macrophage function
GI system
Vascular system
Low skin temperature
Pallor of skin, mucous membranes, and conjunctiva
Genital tract
Loss of libido
Menstrual problems

Nugroho BS. dr. SpPD. FINASIM

Many individuals with mild anemia will have no complaints and be unaware that they are anemic. Others may
complain of symptoms such as shortness of breath or fatigue, especially with exercise. Patients with severe anemia
are often symptomatic at rest. When signs and symptoms of anemia occur, the most commonly observed include
pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, soft systolic murmurs, palpitations of the heart, dyspnea (shortness of
breath), lethargy, and fatigability.3,4

How anemia can lead to symptoms1,5

Decrease in RBC, Hb, or Hct level

Diminished O2-carrying capacity
Hypoxia and hypoxia-induced
effects on organ function
Signs and symptoms of anemia

RBC = red blood cell

Hb = hemoglobin
Hct = hematocrit
O2 = oxygen

Classifications of anemia:

In hypoproliferative anemias, there is an inability to produce an adequate number of erythrocytes in

response to the appropriate stimulus.1
In hyperproliferative anemias, the bone marrow is consistently producing RBCs, but they are destroyed in
the periphery at a rate that is beyond the capacity of the bone marrow to replace.2
Loss of blood causes a consequent reduction in the oxygen carrying ability of the blood.1

Nugroho BS. dr. SpPD. FINASIM

Nugroho BS. dr. SpPD. FINASIM

Nugroho BS. dr. SpPD. FINASIM

Nugroho BS. dr. SpPD. FINASIM

Nugroho BS. dr. SpPD. FINASIM

Nugroho BS. dr. SpPD. FINASIM

Nugroho BS. dr. SpPD. FINASIM

Nugroho BS. dr. SpPD. FINASIM










menegakkan diagnosis pada tingkat awal.

Anemia pascaperdarahan diatasi dengan transfusi darah sebanyak 10
20ml/kgBB, atau plasma expander. Bila tak ada keduanya, cairan intravena lainnya

juga dapat digunakan.

Dampak lambat dapat diatasi dengan transfusi packed red cell.
Anemia defisiensi besi diatasi dengan makanan yang memadai, sulfas ferosus 10

mg/kgBB 3 x sehari atau Besi elementer 1mg/kgBB/hari.

Anemia megaloblastik diobati spesifik, oleh karena itu harus dibedakan

penyebabnya, defisiensi vitamin B12 atau defisiensi asam folat.

Dosis vitamin B12 100 mcg/hari im, selama 5 10 hari sebagai terapi awal diikuti

dengan terapi rumat 100-200 mcg/bulan sampai dicapai remisi.

Dosis asam folat 0,5 1mg/hari secara oral selama 10 hari, dilanjutkan dengan

0,1 0,5 mg/hari.

Penggunaan vitamin B12 oral tidak ada gunanya pada anemia pernisiosa. Selain

itu sediaan oral lebih mahal.

Hemolisis autoimun diatasi dengan prednison 2 5 mg/kgBB/hari peroral dan

testosteron 1 2 mg/kgBB / hari i.v, untuk jangka panjang.

Transfusi darah hanya diberikan bila diperlukan saja.

Nugroho BS. dr. SpPD. FINASIM


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