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April 2016

Eight ways to be involved at Red Oak Grove this April:

1. Come giggle Sunday morning away! We want your laugh and sense of humor in the pew on
April 3rd! Have a joke you want to share? Tell Pastor Lindsay. (The one rule: It has to be a
joke you could tell to a first grader. )
2. Quilting begins again. Free on Monday morning? Come to the basement to pin and tie and
3. Worship. Gathering together on Sunday mornings is important.
4. Pray. Pray for the leaders of our congregation, the members, the guests, the future.
5. Visit. Is there someone in our congregation that you havent seen or talked to in a long while?
Call them up! Knock on their door! Send a note! Take them the latest bulletin! It might mean
more than you could ever imagine.
6. GIFT. EVERYONE is invited to grow in faith together on Wednesday, April 6th. Well eat
together, play together, and pray together beginning at 5:45.
7. Find a council member. Tell them your joys and your concerns at ROG. Theyll bring it back
to the group. We like to hear from you!
8. Volunteer. Are you willing to read in worship? Provide special music? Usher? Do an odd job
or two around the church?
Together, we are Red Oak Grove. Its not the building. We the people are the church. The
church is the people who live in the world, using our hands and feet to do Gods work. You are Red
Oak Grove and we need you. You are important. How will you live out our mission as Red Oak
Grovers this month? How will you gather in grace, grow in faith, and go forth to serve?
Pastor Lindsay

Red Oak Grove Lutheran Church

Council Minutes March 1, 2016
Meeting was called to order by Vice Chair, Jacob Ulland. Highs and lows were shared. Devotions
were led by Pastor Lindsay on the Gospel from Luke 15.
Pastors Report: Reviewed the schedule for the month. Easter Breakfast will be made to order
eggs. All Confirmation Youth are going to camp at Good Earth Village. Vi Christianson has resigned
her position as Financial Secretary, so the Council is looking to fill that position as soon as possible.
Two pre-marriage sessions were held. 10 visits, four with communion and 2 at Prairie Manor. There
are two groups meeting each week during Lent for a Book Study.
The Secretarys Report was accepted as presented.
The Treasurers Report was accepted as presented with the following notes: beginning balance,
$28,249.00. Income was $8,892.75 and expenses were $10,446.12. Ending balance is $26,696.00.
Youth Fund is $2,254.14 and Improvement Fund is $7,023.36.
WELCA had no report.
Deacons reported that GIFT is going well. That program will need to be evaluated to insure it is
meeting the Faith Formation for our young people.
Trustees reported that several lights will be inspected as some are not working properly and will
continue with the water report and the outlets in the kitchen.
Old Business: Flooring for the parish hall and the hall in the education wing were discussed. We will
get a bid on several different options and proceed from there. Once again a benefit for Amy
Christianson was brought up. We will ask for a specific proposal and go forward with that.
New Business: The wedding of Orline Petersons granddaughter was approved. New locks for the
church doors were discussed, Laura will contact Sellers Lock to make the changes. We will need to
check on the condition of the old fuel barrel outside of the church, there may be some State Grant
Funds available to take care of that as a possible water hazard.
Meeting adjourned and closed with the Lords Prayer.
Attending: Gary Ulland, Jacob Ulland, Jenny Ingvalson, Marilyn Helleck, Tammy Harber, Holly Ille,
Anne Rudlong, Pete Kleinschmidt, Jamie Hanson, Dean Peterson, Pastor Lindsay and Laura
Next meeting is Tuesday, April 5th, March Eucharist Assistant is Pete Kleinschmidt.
Respectfully submitted,
Laura Tjomsland, Council Secretary

WELCA Minutes
March WELCA met on Sunday, March 6, 2016 at 10:15 a.m. in the Fellowship Room.
There were 17 present.
Marlys Peterson opened the meeting in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Devotions were given by Joyce on an article written by Rev. Karen Hanson, Spiritual
Health Services, Mayo Clinic on Unlocking based on Romans 12:2.
Correspondence was read. Thank you notes were received from Marie Sandvik
Center and Women of ELCA. Also thank you card from Jeff Peterson for a sheet set.
Committee Reports: Quilting Pat Hanson has a quilt ready to get quilted for the
Quilt Raffle. Judy Wambeam reported 79 items were donated to the Mitten Trees and
distributed to Austin and Blooming Prairie Schools. Two rolls of thicker batting are
being purchased. Quilting starts March 28th.
Prairie Manor: Ardell reported 3 attended Auxiliary from Red Oak Grove. There is
need of March and April servers. They would like to start a Foundation. Trinity Church
is back to helping.
Visitation: Verna had visited several and Marlys had sent cards.
Ardell reported the basement bathroom has been painted. A lady in Austin is in need
of bias tape and ric-rac for a pillowcase dress project. WIT meets Tuesday at
1:30 p.m. at church.
New Business: The upcoming Spring Conference is April 21st at Faith Lutheran in
Dodge Center. Registration is due April 11th.
Offering meditation was given by Lavonne entitled He is There.
Next WELCA meeting will be April 3rd at 10:15 a.m. in the Fellowship Room.
Marlys Peterson read an Irish Blessing.
We closed with the Birthday song for March birthdays and the Lords Prayer.
Secretary pro tem,
Joyce Peterson

How would you like to receive future issues of the LOG?

Times have changed. You dont need us to tell you that! One of the things that has changed is how
many of us communicate. In an effort to be good stewards of both the churchs money and the
earths resources, we will be shifting how our monthly newsletter is shared. Please consider what
would work best for you, while please being mindful of our reasons behind this shift. To make this
shift, we need you to communicate with us how you want to receive future issues of the LOG. Please
consider the options below:
1. Email it to me.

2. Continue to mail it to me.

3. I will pick my issue up at church.

Changes will take place with our May issue. Please let the office know your decision by calling,
507-437-3000 or 507-583-2038 or email the office at by April 18th. Forms will
also be available in worship to fill out with your decision. Thank you for your cooperation in making
this needed shift.

Lent Noisy Coin Collection
THANK YOU to all who have emptied their pockets and wallets of change in the season of Lent.
THANK YOU to all who took a canister home, filled it with change, and brought it back to put in the
bucket. As of Palm Sunday, we have collected over $300! That money will go to Real Hope for the
Hungry in Austin that will buy more than 1000 meals that we will help to pack. These meals will feed
our hungry neighbors, both locally and internationally. Stay tuned for the pack date when you can
join us in Austin to put the rice, dehydrated veggies, and other ingredients together!

Prepare for your funny bone to be tickled!

Worship with us on April 3rd, the Sunday after Easter, as we laugh with God in the face of death.
Death can not hold Jesus. The devil will not prevail. Let us laugh, giggle, and worship with joy at this
Easter wonder! Come for knock-knock jokes and Easter hymns sung to Christmas tunes!

GIFT: Growing in Faith Together

We will host a GIFT night of eating, playing, and praying on Wednesday, April 6th. Our meal begins at
5:45 for people of ALL ages! Please come and join us!

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