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Ways to save the kids of Africa and to be the difference

the World needs.

Be the difference

Did you know that less than 150 million people on Africa arent well feed? That
less than 35 million children finish primary school? And that children on Africa
have a mortality rate over 60%?1 Kids, I must tell you something you already
know. African people is suffering due to the lack of respect to their human
rights. Kids like you and me are suffering from hunger and are being slavered in
mines, without having the opportunity to enjoy their childhood.
Children of the world, I must tell you, yes we are just kids and yes, it is very
difficult for us to make a change in their lives, but, you have to ask yourself.
Have you ever try to make a change? Shouldnt we try to help them to enjoy
their childhood? But again I understand the difficulty of trying. So I come to you
to show you that you can. That you can make the change. To show you one of
the hundred ways to make a change.
I am sure that you know that we have several rights as kids and human beings.
Also as you know, they are written in several documents such as the Bill of
Rights, the United Nations Charter, Declaration of the Rights of the Child and
many other international treaties were you may find the rights that we children
There is a type of rights, very rare to us that are called Collective Rights and
that have been around us since ancient times. 2 These rights are characterized 3

1 Data from World Banks website during the year 2013. URL not available,
research date march 23, 2016.
2 The first record of the existence of collective rights dates from roman times
the defense of public spaces was in head of every citizen.
3 You most know that around the world these rights have many other
definitions and that the definition I am giving you is based on the Constitution
of Colombia and the law 472 of 1998 of the same country. But also, these
characteristics are almost the same as the ones used in the African Chapter of
Human Rights since these rights come from a common base as Roman Law.





Double Ownership, what means that they

belong to every person and to we the people
as a group. For example, you might say that
every kid has the right for a proper education
as well as the people as a group have the right
to ask for a proper education for their children.
Anticipative Labor of Protection, these
means that you can ask for their protection
whenever you might think someone might
disrespect them. A preventive action of defense before the damage is
Solidarity, as their ownership is double, when you act in defense of
these rights, of your rights, you defend as well the rights of the
people as a group. It is an action of solidarity the defense of someone
else rights.
Bridge of Interests, although it is recognized the solidarity inside
these rights, it is well known that most of the time when an individual
ask for their protection is doing it for their private interests but at the
same time that private interest might as well protect the public
interest of the people as a group.

Some of these rights are:4


Access to all public services as education, health and water supply 5


Security, all kids have the right to be safe and play save with no fear
of slavery or for their own lives.

Now that you know what a collective right is I believe you might start to
understand what you might do to defend African childrens rights. So, now I am
going to show you the procedure you most follow inside what it is called the
African System of Protection of the Human Rights, where the collective rights
are recognized, to defend African childrens rights.
Kids, of course you wont have to travel all the way to Africa to defend these
peoples rights. I know that is impossible for us kids to perform alone. What you
can do by yourself is to write a formal letter where youll write to the African
Court with the following content:

4 These Collective Right is based as well in the law 472 of 1998 of Colombia.
But, inside comparative law many countries of Latin America and Europe
include public service as a collective right as well as security and protection of
public space.
5 Also, the theory of public services is more less the same in all continental law
countries which also include the majority of African countries.

1. Identify yourself, your nationality, ID and personal data.

2. Present the concrete situation where Collective Rights are being
disrespected, along all facts you know from the case.
3. Tell the Court how these is a disrespect to your collective right based on
what I have told you here.
4. Ask the Court that since you are a kid and you are not able to travel all
along to Africa and according to article 10 of the Protocol of the Court
you demand the right of representation. With these, an advocate will
represent your interests and African children interests in Court.
5. Finally tell the Court you may act inside Court according to article 5 of
the protocol of Court and that they should listen to your case.

That is it!!! Address the letter to

You take in mind that this is a controversial thesis. Many people do not believe
that Collective rights belong to all mankind. Never the less try kids. And if
doesnt work the first time keep trying, keep trying to save mankind. Not
necessarily in the way I show here. But research and your parents how can you
help to conserve their human rights.

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