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Lab: Cells of Plants and Animals

1. ____________ are the “building blocks” of all living things.

2. Why do cells have many different shapes and sizes?

3. Green plant cells ________ their own food.

4. The number that appears after the name of each slide refers to the _______________. This shows
how large a cell has been multiplied to view it.

5. _____________________ means that the object was colored with certain chemicals so that cell parts
could be seen more clearly.

6. Slide 1, shows cell from _______________________________.

7. The large dark spot near the center of the cell in slide 1 is called the _______________.

8. Around the nucleus is the _________________.

9. Surrounding the cytoplasm is the ________ ______________ which covers the entire cell.

10. Slide 2 shows a plant cell. These are from layers of an _______________.

11. In slide 2, the letter N marks the nucleus. Find the nucleus in the other cells in this slide.

12. Look at slide 1 and slide 2 again. How are the two cells alike? How are they different?

13. _______ _________ is the strong protective area surrounding the plant cell membrane.

14. Slide 3 shows a single-celled organism called ____________________. It has been magnified
________ times.

15. Spirogyra live in ______________ ______________.

16. Spirogyra gets its name from ___________________________________________.

17. The spirogyra ribbon is made of ___________________ . Chlorophyll together with ____________,

_______________, and ______________ help green plants to make their own food.

18. In slide 3 try to locate the nucleus. Describe, draw and label what you see.
19. Slide 4 shows an example of animal-like protist called _______________________.

20. Where are amoeba found?

21. How does an amoeba get its food?

22. Describe the nucleus in slide 4.

23. Slide 5 is a cross section of _______________ _________________ cells.

24. The S in slide 5 is pointing to __________________. These are the openings in the underside of
leaves where they breathe.

25. The V in slide 5 shows the ____________ through which water flows.

26. Locate the chlorophyll in Slide 5. Describe the appearance of the chlorophyll..

27. Slide 6 shows a cross section of a __________________.

28. What cell part do you see on this slide?

29. The A marked in slide 7 show ___________ cells.

30. Notice the thin lines extending from the cells in slide 7. What do scientist believe these are ?

31. The B marked in slide 7 shows _______________________________________________________.

32. _____________________ are the long extensions which branch out from the main body of the cell in
slide 8.

33. In order to make fibers clearly visible in this slide a __________________ was used.

34. Compare the cells in slide 1 with the cells in this slide. Think of the job each cell must do. Why are
they so different?

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